HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-11-30, Page 8StOlkart'SGash Storo
Giuoistmas Is Just Around Pic GOMM'.
• Only three full weeks till Christmas is here, Don't leave ur
shopping to the last few days, when everything is hustle and lat le.
But shop early while our stock in every department is complete
you can depend on the best service. Never has there been arraye
under one roof in Exeter such a grand display of merchandise as is
here for your Christmas shopping. The tendency is to buy the
useful in Christmas gifts, Here you will find many useful' and ser-
vicable presents.
Dress Goods tor Presents. °°u"ti.
DresslengthS Six yds double ud„ Presents in China Goods.
heavy Amazon Cloths, all shades, a Fancy cups and saucers, hundreds
very euitable present $1.50 each. to choose from at 5e to 50e each.
• DrPSS Lengths in Black, plain and Fancy pin trays,rancy comb trays,
fatica, sonic very pretty designs $1.50 Boa Bon dishes, toilet tars. A very
each, large assortment of fine Venetian
Dress Lengthe in fancy effects, goods at 15e and. 20c each.
()venom, Whip Cords and Serges, just We have just received three crates
the thing for practical presents. • of dinnerware comprisbaa the finest
Furs for Presentsdinner setts we have ever shown.
You are specially invited to call and
Children's fur setts, muff and col-Isee our new tea and diuner setts.
h%r$1,25. Semi -porcelain dinner setts 97
Children's Grey Lamb Capsseleet- pieces in blue only, special $4.90.
ed skins,. fine even curl, $2.50 and Sernaporcelain dinner setts 07
pieces, gold striped at stippled in blue,
Ladies' Fur neck ruffs, Black and green and Brown $7.90,
Grey, six tails, 75c, 85c,90c, $L00, $L25 Semi -porcelain dinner setts 97
and $1.75. piece, gold decorated, handsome de -
Ladies' Victoria Collarettes, -fine signs in brown,, green, blue and grey
Black Coney, two heads. anct six tails I $7.50 •
$2.50. , Semi -porcelain dinner setts 97
Ladies' Oaperines, choice astra- pieces in fawn, blue, green and brown
chou Boeharan curl $4.50. Best qual- $10.00.
ity Electric Seal $9,50. Best quality Extra, fine semi -porcelain dinner
Electric Seal, two beads and six tails setts, perfect finish new designs,
$12.00 • handsome colorings in fawn blue, bine
• Our fourth sbipment of Fur Caps grey, royal blue and green, gold
Just arrived. Fine Bocharan curl decorated and. stippled: These setts
astrachan $15.00, $16.00, $17.00, $18.00, are extra special value and will make
al.9.0e. We carry the fur stock of the handsome presents $12.50s
Few things are more highly appreciated than dainty China, and hand-
some dinuerware. There is a beauty and goodness about our China depart-
ment not seen in other stores, and for value we have r•ever shown the equal,
Come andsee our Christmas display. .All are welcome whether you buy or not.
?Arm, of Toronto; also for the PIECENIX FERE
NSURANCE COMPANY, of London, - England;
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
Wetches, Clock,
Jewelry, •
Specte.ces, Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialtv.
• 0 Iirlany POCKET BOoK LOST. -On Friday,
• the 17th November, between the
New•aces a RobertarctateesKodhn,stie G7atirdrrerorFectirtcruirr,
A‘re seen in our store these
days hunting for bargains in
STATIONERY that we feel
like congratulating ourselves
on the wonderful success of
our sale. People come,
many Ca.ses, because advise
todi:, so by friends. They
• all buy
at the
pocketbook containing a sum of find mo-
ueas '2 he finder '11 be suita,b1Yre-
warded on returning same to Times
office or to RoBEET GARDINER,
• 2 •Farquhar P. 0.
Wanted -Dried apples, Butte
ggs and all kinds of farm pro
uce for which will be paid thej
p • market price at Stewart'
Cash Store.
Russell Manning and wife, of Olin -
ten returned frem their wedding tour
last week.
• Mr. Cornish, south of Elitaville. had
some la turkeys stulen from his farm
the other night.
Mrs. D. Tait, left yesterday for Lon-
don a.nd,Detroit, where she will vislit
for a few days, prior to leaving for her
home in St. Paul, Minn.
Each one of the glorious and baltny
days of the past few weeks makes us
feel that it may be the last befoie
J. GRIGG, winter folds its cold arms about us.
Mama STRO,ET. EXETER. The Clintou New Ere, says: -We
• know of one dealer in the county- who
ba,d. 28 cars of apples on the track last
W. J. Heaman spent the forepart of
this week. in London.
The weather is so mild that pansies
are out in bloom.
Mr. Hendee spent Sundays with.
frierids in St. Thomas.
The Ontario Lithograph. Conipany,
of London, has assigned.
weeksaIl of which were refused.
George Zwicker, of Creditonhas
secured a situation with Messrs. A.
Morphy & Co., London. Mr. Zwicker
will prove a valuable acquisition to the
musical talent of the city.
The old bays of Huron living in
Toronto -there are about four -hundred
of them -purpose forming an associa-
tion and will hold a meeting some
time this month for that purpose.
Invitations have been received by a
number of young people in town to at-
tend the eighteenth annual ball and
SOttoon TatiaTIVS.--The members
of the Public Sehool Board who retire
this year aro Messrs. H. Hueston, P.
Frayne and W. 3.. Carling,
Ar•ElOoiu To Tin AmicTED.-11
coming again, T. P. Smith, Bye Spe,c
ialist etc. will be at the Commerce
Hotel Dec. lath and 16th, Friday an
Saturday. Two days only . Full s toe
of .Aa tificial Eyes is added to oui
The fax business is on the boom, supper to be given by the members of
arid Prides are looking U. !the Seaforth Fire Brigade on Deeem-
• Will Ha,wkshaw, of St. Marys, spentlber 1st. -
Sunday visiting friends in town. We may nova expect cold weather.
The young people, of Exeter, This is a most remarkable fall. Last
will hold an assembly •on or about Dec. year we had several sleigh rides be -
15th. • • j fore this, and on the 26th winter set in
D. French, manager of the House of for good, and it staged w' us with well n w i -
to April.
FOOT -BALL MATon. - On Saturday
afternoon last an interesting game of
foot -ball was played ,between the
school and town teaans. The school
teani succeeded in defeating the town
team by St store of 3 to 2 goals. Good
playieg a -as done on both sides,
ComarTED FOXI Tau -L. -Last week
David Smith and Wesley Perry, junk
dealers, were arrested in Exeter North
by Constable Westcott, on a charge of
stealing watches and money from the
reSideece of Mr. Carrick, of Sexsmitla
Perry, who was wanted in London, to
answer to a charge of stealing several
articles from, a W es t in i n ster farmer,
was taken to that city, tried and com-
mitted for trial. Smith was ta,ken be-
fore Squires Snell and Gregory, on
Thursday, and also committed- for
He was taken to, Goderich.
Wn..r., CAusn Al..,P5asunerns.-A for-
eign surgeon has put forth tbe sugges-
tion tbat appeudicitis is caused by the
habit of crossing the legs, which res-
tricts the action .,of the digestive ap-
paratus. The appendix is only loosely
attached to the caecum, and there is
alwa,ys some half-digested food in, ,the
caecal bag. By crossing the legs there
is liability that the undigested fqod
may pass into the vermiform appendix
and set up an inflammation, in a few
hours pathological processes set le,
and an attack of appendicitis is devel-
oped. ••
GRAIN. rots Paws ExErmiTioN.-The
Dominion and the Ontario Depart-
ments of Agriculture are desirous of
having a good representation of On-
tario grains threshed, and in, the
straw, and the Provincial Department
is now in communication with a num-
ber of representative fa,rtners and
grain growers. The exhibits of grain
will shortly be sent from Ottawa along
with the fruit and other agricultural
exhibits, and any farmers having grain
suitable to exhibit will please com-
municate at once with the department
at Toronto. •
Wililain for many years a
resident of Exeter, where his widow
still resides, died at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. G. E. 2hinn, Elginfield
on Tuesday of last week, at the ad-
vanced age of '79 years. Deceased
had been in failing health for some
months, caused by the infirmities of
old age. He was a native of Ireland
and before moving to Exeter conduct-
ed a large farm in London township.
Mr. McComb was respected. by a large
circle of friends and leaves to survive
him a family of several sons and
daughters all well-to-do. His rernaine
were interred in the Birr cenietery
on Thursday last.
PEoPEBTY CaiassterE.-J. P. Clarke
has disposed of his store and residence
to Samuel Martin, after 23 years in
business in Exeter. He intends retiring
and will clear out his stock as soon as
possible. Mr. Martin will take posses-
sion early in 1900 and carry on the or-
gan, bicycle and sewing machine bus-
iness. Mr. Clatke has not decided up-
on his 'future plans, but it, is almost
certain he will leave town, having
been offered several hierativepositions.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarke ancl family will regret to learn
of their leaving Exeter, as they are
too valuable citizens to lose. Howev-
er, we wish them success, wherever
they go.
Refuge at Clinton, was in town on
Friday on business,
Miss Morlock, milliner, of Mitchell,
spent Sunday the guest of her sister,
Mrs. H. Buckingham,
Thos. Welsh, Jr., returnecl last week.
from Manitoba, where he has been
farming clurtng the summer.
There are some indications that we
in Ontario will have to face a gravel
famine before many years,
Will Ross, of Clinton, spent Sunday
with his parents, and assisted st.
IVIethodist choir during the sex -vices.
Mr, limes, of Chatham, wa„s in town
this week on business connected with
the Sullerlandlinnes ()of's works here.
Miss Lida Johns who has been in
Winnipeg the past surunier expects to
eat her Christmas turkey at home in
Cycling hap net been more favor-
able at any time during the season, as
at present -Nov, 2.8th.- The roads are
dry ana ahnost as smooth as pave -
The family of John Delbrulg,e. of
Ushorne, who haae. With one or two
exceptions, been ilt with the fever of
late, we are pleased to state ate now
rapidly recoVering.
Mr, and Mrs, P. L. Bishop on Tues-
day evening gave a driving party to a
number or friends. They drove to
Lucan, where several holies were
leateantfy spent at the home of a
Township Clerks from Windsor to
Montreal have been requested by
Clerk Wrigley of North Dumfries to
meet in Fraser's Hall, Galt, on Decem-
ber 12. ' The object is to secure effec-
tive cattle guards on railways.
One of the horses •that ran away in
St. Thomas the other day resulting in
the death of Miss Moore, a teacher at,
Alma Ladies' College, is the animal
that ran away with Rev. G. F. Salton
fewyears ago, the well known preach-
er being nearly killed as a result.
Rev, Brown, on Sunday evening,
preaehed a 'very forcible and eloquent
temperance sermon in james street-
Clhurch, while Miss Gertrude Hicks
sang with telling effect the well-known
temperate° selection : "Oh, where is
my wandering boy to -night ?"
Business men arid merchants are al-
ready commencing to purchase and ar-
range their stock for the Christmas
holidays, and no doubt ere two Weeks
have passed the many windows and
stores .of the tOWD will begin to as-
sume a very handsonee appearatce.
A Palmerston correspondent writes:
-Mr. J. FlOdgeon and family rettirned
home frOin 1@x.eter on Wednesday
last, after spending a. few weeks- with
friends.• Mr. Ilodgson's health has
been railing of late. The few weeks
holidays ditt ttt imprOve his cerulition
Mac% but we hope to 886 hitrisoonan
restie his duties at the G. To R.
freight Shades,
RP.111..4.1.u.xsitmmamcon.i .1
-The regular meeting of Exeter Conn-
ell of the R. T. of T. was held in the
hall On Monday evening, with M. Vin-
cent, S.la., in the chair. An interest-
ing item in the order of business was
the election of officersfor the next
quarter as follows :-S.C., M. Vincent;
P.C., J. P. Clarks, V.C., Miss Gillespie;
Chaplain, 8. 3. A. Boyd; Rec. Secs,
Miss A. Vincent; Fin. Sec., Miss M.
Gill; Treas., P. Frayries Herald, W.
Delve; Guard, Jas. Creech; Sentinel,AL
Stanlake; Organist, Miss Morelock;
Dep. Rd., Miss Oudniore. Program
Committee-- Misses Vincent and More -
lock, and Messrs. Clark aad Vincent.
A. motion to bold next meeting on
Friday evening, Dec. 8th, to avoid
conflicting with church anniversaries,
was carried. A full attend:trice at this
meeting is desirable to "round up" the
business of the current year. -S. 3. .4.
Born, Press Reporter.
Cazatts WANTED. --A • gentleman
and two lady clerks wanted, at once,
at rP. Clarke's. -
Eurt. Ramoummixa-The undersigned
vishes to state that she is prepared to
remodel and repair all kinds of Ladies'
ar coats, capes, caps, etc. Old fashion-
ed furs made into caperines, or other
desired styles. Gents' fur coats and
ape also repaired. Prices reasonable.
esidence 3 doors north of the rectory.
M. atucvvrr.L.
Miss Levitt, is ex•pected home this
Dr. H. K. Ilyndman was in London
on Tuesday.
•John Farmer spent the foropart of
this week, visiting in Detroit and
Mr, and Airs. Thos. Holloway, who
have been visiting at R. N. B,owe's
return home to -day.
Messrs R. N. and ,Tohn Rowe, have
returned from a visit arneng friends in
Brown City and Applegate, Mich.
Dr. W. E. Browning intends leaving
in a few day for Minnesota State,
where he will pra,ctice medicine.
1)r. 1.1, It flynclman hag been ap-
pointed physician and surgeon for this
division of the 6.1,and Trunk Railway
.Taines Russell has opened his black-
smith shop, north of R. Pickard Co's
store, and is ready for work, A tall
is solicited,•
S. P. Clarke will commence his
clearing Sale oa Monday, having dis-
posesl of his saare atid residence to S.
Martin. Bargains in every depart -
•At 116
ff•-.4. Ilt:771"1161
r 1111
Big selling is the order of the day at this store, and no
wonder with suchprides as these,,and such a stock to choose
Read these prices.
lbs A6clpath's extra Standard Granulated Sugar
Rising Sun Stove Polish, large size . . . . • II •
• Eddy's ,best matches per box ....
Choice Red Salmon per tin .... • . • • • • , • . • ..
• 3 lb Tin best Cream .Sodas . .
• 6 bars white Castile Soap for ....
6 bar g white Oatmeal Soap ....
4 Packages Corn Starch for .. • ..
8 Bars best Yellow Soap for ..... .-.............25
13 .lbs best Green Coffee for ... - • • • • .. • . r.00
Best Cloths Pins per cloz • • • • • • OI
11 lbs Tilson's ,Rolled Oats for .. • • • • • • • • • 2 5
• • a. • • • • • •
. • • • • 25
. , . . . 25
• • • • • • • • • • • • 25
• Beautiful Kid Gloves embroidered backs for ....................39
• Heavy Cashmere Hose for....................................25.
J. D. King's $2.543 and $3,5,0 LadieS' Boots for. .... , 1.49
Ladies' $7.50, $ro.00 and $r 2.00 Mantles for .... • . 2.50
Largest size spools San Silk. • ... • .. .o5
8 'skeins Filo Floss Twisted Embroidery, etc. etc. usually
sold at 5c per skein, ... ..... • .. . ..... 2 5
Men's fleece Lined Underwear regular price 75c for ... 50
Dress Goods regular 35, 40 and 5oc, your choice for .......25
Good quality Union Carpets. 25
25 yds, 38 in. Grey Cotton ...... ..... • ...... I .00
We want a quantity of Butter,. Eggs, Dried Apples,
Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chicken, and are paying t
market prices.
Direct Importer
Expect snow. Richard. Bisse tt,of London is visitiug
Only a. few days more wheeling. •friends in town.
Fred. 1E1111, of Loudon, is visiting his
Wheat and pork canimand very low
prices at present. •parents in town,
Miss ,itchell,of Marlette, Mich., was TheMethoadtisotnindteebnodyee.recting anew
visiting at John Mitchell's. parsonage
The new Victoria Hospital at Lon- ' R. B. McLean, of Xippen, 'was in
don, cost in the vicinity:of $90,000. town on Tuesday on business.
• Miss Kate Bonthron, who has been
ill for soine time, is able to leave her
George Hodgins has disposed of one
of his residences on Carling st., to
Daniel Davis for $750.
Chas. Briinacombeanovecl his fat/illy'
to London this week, he having secur-
ed employnient there.
Jean Kestle, of Bryanston, has been
Reeve Urquhart, of Hensall, was in
town on Saturday, on business.
Mr. Baskerville, of London town-
ship spent the forepart of this week
visiting his brother, 0. Baskerville.
Richard Blackwell of the 2nd con.
Biddulph has had his house all rebuilt
and. renovated. He now has a fine
Mr. Fred Shettler, of Dashwood, has
This week we draw your attention to a few
Mens Underclothing
Artie fleeced shirts ana drawers 50e,
'Union shirts and drawers 40e.
Heavy Union shirts and drawers 50.
Wool fleeced shirts and; drawers 85c.
Also extra large sizes in
fleeced and wool goods,
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies heavy vests 25c, suits 500.
Ladies' fleeced vests, 60e, suits IA0.
Also' a large assortment of
• Union and wool underoloth-
ing in medium or extra large
Ladies' heavy wool hose in phtin or'
ribbed 25c.
A better line in plain or ribbed 35e.
Ladies' fine ribbed wool hose 45c.
We also have a complete
line of Children's hose. The
above lines are made by A.
Burritt & Co., of IVIitchell,
which will speak for the qual-
ity as this U. -lake is well known.
to the public,
PAO:tits 'Leather Coats
We haVe a line of Men's Coa tsjust the thing for a team-
ster or any person who has out door work to do. The Y are
made of leather on one side and Corduroy on the other and.
are reversable, price $6.00 to $7.00.
Ask to see our English flannelettes at 10, 12* 14, 1
allilidgh2e0set.pric,es paid for Poultry, Butter Eggs, dried Apples,,,
We have in stock dressed and matched
Siding, Flooring & Ceiling
also dressed pine 1, 1i, 14
and. 2 inches.
Shingles, lath and cedar posts always
on. hand. A large stock of
barn lumber just arrived.
The R. Pickard Co.. ,have
big order for produce, butter,
eggs, and dried apples, they are
paying "special prices for sain
during this month.
To prevent lading of the hair, to
preserve thematural clot, and a dress-
ing bst. the hair Turkish Scalp Food
has no equal. fer sale by C. LUTZ,
On Friday evening the young 1)&0131
the Trivitt Memorial Church held a
social in the school hall. An interest-
ing program was carried out, and a
pleasant time spent.
The anniversary .-services of Tames
street Church, will he held on Sunday
and Monday, December 10th and 1111.
Rev. G. W, Henderson, of St. Marys,
will preach on Sunday, and on Monday
the usual tea -meeting will be held.
The farmers of this section are reap-
ing quite a harvest with turkeys, geese
and ducks. • Over 3,500 fotvls were
bought and killed for shipment to the
old country in twa clays. Seven cents
per pound, live weight, was paid for
the turkeys, and from 25 to 50 cents
each for the ducks and geese. J. G.
• Jones is operating at Winchelsea and
Parsons' Produce Co. at Centralia.
appointed foreman of the Sutherland- accepted a situation on the Grand Dr. S. P. May, Superintendent of
Innes works at this place. Trunk as fireman,• a,ncl has gone to Public Libraries, has issued a circular
John Dearing,of Marlette, Mich.,wa,s Port Huron.
to public libraries: The Minister of
here on business in connection with Dashwood is to be made a police Education has directed that some
his deceased father-in-law's estate. village by the County Council, at its changes be made in the management
of all public libraries. The business
Barton Hooper has been engaged by December session. Next thing will be
the trustees of S. S. No. 3, Stephen, electric light. I year in public libraries will, in future,
for the inconNing year, at a good sal- Jame • olumr close on the 3Im
st December, instead of
s Willis, f the Exe.ter be
yarclha,s this wthe eek filled his yard with in the 80th ot April, as fl
Ormerly. Annua
The Exeter Electric Light .Company meetings will hene.eforth be held on
lumber. See t -
will sbortly add another engine to
a •
itIvertisina column-
the second Monday in .Tanuary of each
their plant, owing to increasing busi- year. Owing to the fact that newspa-
• Mrs. Baldwin, of London, gave a .pers are read but seldotn iu many
We regret to report that Mr. James practical address to the ladies of the reading -rooms, it 'is proposed th
Scott, sr., of Harpurhey, at
who has Trivitt Memorial church on 'Tuesdaar magazines, to be circulated the same
been very ill for sone time past, is afternoon. Mrs. Baldwin is of pleas- its books, shall be purchased instead of
still in a critical condition. ant address and an earnest speaker. newspapers.
Mr. Oliver, who has been running a Mr. George Pollock,cif the A.
Hanter and OrMsley claim 675 con-
verts as the result of their Stratford
D. M. .Tertnyis was chosen Conserva-
tive candidate in North Bruce last
week for the Provincial Legisla-
1 tufe. Mr., Jertnyu spoke at the Orange
' celebration here last lady.
I Mr. W. A. Gray, the well-known
President of the -Western Ontario
1 Commercial Travellers' AsSociation, is
talked of in manyquartersas-a May-
oralty possibility in London.
. .01
Those who are aillietea with Itheuroalisim
Sciatica, Immix o. Neuralgia or Gout, whd
have never trioMilburn's Rheumatic Palst
can have a fullregular sized hoN free of charge
by enclosing 4c. m stamps for packing and.
postage. T. Milburn & Co., Toronto, Out.
My little girl, 7 years old, used to grind
her teeth at night and had pain in her stomach.,
I gave her Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm SYrup,
and -it acted promptly and with good Went.
Mrs. Joe Doty, Port thibert,N. S.
groeery stbre at Centralia, has dispos- Line, Stephen, moved out, to the North
ed of his stocis, aid intends returning West on Wednesday, where the 'most
to Whitechurch. of his farnily had precedecl. him, They
It is said that a "Bible trust" is one, are settled in the Qu'Appelle Valley.
of the probabilities of the immediate m fe
'When you use those gentle attipg Laxa-
Liver They cure Constipation, Dilion-
ness, Sick 'Elcadache and. Dyspepsia and pro-
duce no weakening or sickening erects.
Rev, W.Martin, M. A., o aven -
future. The competition in selling church, has commenced a series of
Bibles has been so keen that a combin- sermons, for Sunday evenings on
talon appears to she necessary so that
"The women of the ible" The sub -
prices will not be cut down beyond i?ct
of last Sunday's •discoure was
a point of reasonable profit. 1 Esaa
day, Dec. lst, consisting of an address year alwa,ys begin with the . same
on the South African War by Brag. tlaY. So tio APril and Juba also Sep-
• ent Grardiner. choruses, solos and.; tember and. December, February,
uartettes. After which refreshments March a,nd November also begin with
ill be served. • Every person wel- the same day'
cane. • Don't forget the anniversary of
Military men are of the opinion that, Main st. Methodist church, ma Sunday
t second contingent will in the near and Monday. Rev.' Locke, of Chat-
uture be sent from Canada, and in barn, will ,preach special serinons oll
order that there will be no delay when Sunday. On Monday a fowl supper
•the order comes, preparations are be- will be served. A good time is prom-
ing i•nade to have the men who are ised.
willieg to go ready at the moment. The Luca,n electric light :system is
A plesant event took place at the Well under way. It will be run by a
residence of Mr. Ezra Heist, near cornpany and will be in operation by
Crecliton, Tuesday afternoon, 'when Dec. 15th. The COuncil have 6ontract-
Mr. Chas. Roeszler, one of the most ed for 18 32 candle power incandescent
popular citizens, was wedded to Miss lights for the streets, at a cost each of
Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ek, $15 per yr. The company also have
hart 'Wilhelm, of that village. The cOntracts or supplying 250 private
Rev. Litt tied the knot in the presence lights including several of the
of the intimate friends of the contract- ehurches. •
ing parties. The many. friends of Mr. The death orkleorge Pen hale, son of
and Mrs. Roeszler join in wishing the nil the late John Penbale, Which occurred
a long and happy married life. • in Stephen last Week, was somewhat
The Geand Teat* are fitting till sudden. The deceased had been ailing
their locomotives with a new ' since. last March with lung trouble,
style of snow -plough. These ploughs hut he was always hope ill until about
are left on the engine§ in fine weather four weeks ago, when le was taken
this time of year \becaus6 of the diffi- with an attack of typhoid fever and
catty of rernovin4Nhem and also to later inflammation of the lungs, which
rovide against a sadden eliatige. soon ebbed hie life away. The deems.,
hey are said to work magnificently, ed was highly Tespected in the com,
going through a drift with the aid of triunity, and his many friends will
one locomotive as readily ab an old learn vvith regret of his death. Ile was
style plough backed by two engines. to have been niarriecl at Christmas to
They have the additional advantage of Mies Creeeh, daughter Of laS. Creech.
being workable from the engine cab. Ile was 20 years of age.
The'Presbyterian Endeavor Society
will give a patriotic concert on Fri- Salsa:try and October of the same
Having disposed of my
premises, and decided to re-
tire from business, Twill com-
mence a clearing out sale of t
the entire stock of general;
Dry Goods, Groceries, Crock- '
erY.' Et°.
All Goods will be sold
at and below cost.
Sale commences on
and al' goods will be marked
down to cost prides.
This will be it rare oppor-
tunity to procure first class
goods at bargain pridcs,as this.
is a, 130NA VIDE Sale,
Wholesale (St Retail
.1411, •
Barley, Peas, Oats, Corn
• Big Stock on Hand
Prices Right.
THE ft1111
Why every one that has got
a dollar to spend will come
because they know where to
get bargains and something to
suit them, and the right stock
to choose from, They don t,
-hesitate, they don't stop at the
door, they come right in and.
buy, there is no risk here, you.
get the worth of your money
everytirae. Business is hum-
ming with us, new goods com-
ing in everyday.
Levitt s Fair
Fresh, New and Cheap
At our House.
We shall hereafter offer a
special bargain every Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday„
Changed every week
This week we are offering
bargains in •tea ---don't forget
to secure some.
--NUTT S -
- • W1 Trevethick