HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-11-30, Page 7MERRY OLD EITGLA1\11). THE DOINGS OF THE /ENGLISH PEO- PLE REPORTED BY MAIL. ▪ ra Eyelets Teeing niece in the dont er the inee-interesttne, occur' ences. In the heariog of the applieation of the 1,Soistmenee Pederatien for ale early trale, on the North :London, line, the cenapatie timed that inlet wae the only intern). they had to repair the way, and tire 'matter was adjourned. The Laecet reports the death of a p•atien in the London Hospital who W ee suffering from lockjaw, and was beieephloroformed, in rd.er that anti- texic Serttra might be injected into the brain. The LiverPool Chaieber of Com- merce has heard from the Postmaster- Generel that negotiations were pro- ceeding with the French administra- tion, and thae no difficulty; was appre- heeded in, establishing a telephone ,conaingnimtion between Liverpool and -"s"--c-The lerge oil mills of Messrs. Leak ,& &VIE at King's Lynn were eetirely destroyed, by fire. • The oil tanks . burst with a loud explosion, and the "flamea illumined the country• for miles arotnad. At an evening entertainment in a well-known beach singers' ring at Yarmouth, Pat Cashau, a favourite •Irieli comedian, and leading member of Chappell's Coacert Company, 'ex- pired ;suddenly' on reachiing the dress- ing room, after finishing lais turn. A eland died in Birmingham under remarkable circumstances. About three weelta age> she was picking, her 'ear with a pin, when the instrument "became fixed, and she was unable to ,witn6raw it. Her father pulled the pin o'aQ, but aued .ee. anabseesseformed, and this ild,sdeth. Wider the will of IYIr. J. T. Bunce, loienerly editor of the Birmingham Daily Poet, the gross value of the estate' is returned at £43,508; £100 is left to the true/tees of the Mason Col- lege for the foundation of a prize in ,the English department. The other Provisinns of the will are purely of raanily character. The Mayor of H'ull has received a letter from the Queen, enclosing a cheque for £30 for the relief of those berenven: through ...the disaster ' on board the torpedo boat destroyer Bull- finch,' Zr. J. T. Fairbanlr, M, P. for' East Hull, has conlributed 5*1 guineas, and already about £250 has been re- eeived. An extraordinary affair occurred in a train conveying- volunteers to Yea. - mouth for a weeks camp. Two bands- men were playing, when one of them, john Mosison, of Beccles, was stab- bed in :thescabdemen by a corporal With a bay het. The. weapon- pene- the kidneys, inflietin,g a ter - e wound. He is unable to supply any motive for the corporal's, act. With characteristic kindness,. Mr. Crofton Maynard, coroner for the Eas- ington Ward of Durham_ County, has ae example that might well be followed. He ha e been instrumental en providing an outing for a large etch of poor children. Since, last May he hap induced the jurymen at all niquests over which he has pre- sided,. to return one penny out of the 'shillings they receive. The money has anou.n,ted up, until, with a donation from laime.elf- added, the coroner- has just been- able to forward to Pear - eon's "Fresh Air Fund," a cheque for six geineas. The Tramways Committee the Londoo County Council recently ap- pointed an expert to examine all ex- isting. methods of meehanical trac- tion, and to report. He has now pre- Seuted a report in which he con, chides strongly in favor of the con- " d'uat plan, at least for the central area ol the ouetropolus, He declares that }the whole queption is one of first boat and that even in that matter the new conduit methods need not be o much more costly' than 'Cho Oyer- 4ead system. He concludes that for London. overhead wires would be im- praeticable as well as objectionable. The governor of Walton jail, Liver- neol, received an intiraaVon from the flame Office, notifying that a reprieve nad been granted to Martin Tighe, pit sinker, of Wigan, senteneed to death' for the murder of his wife, and :to Catherine Levens, who was also ,Sentenced to death for causing the 'death of John and Mary Tracey, hus- band and. wife, at Liverpool, bythrow- Ing a lighted lamp at them and set - !ling them' on fire. The condemned gereons received the reprieve with ananifestations of great relief and satisfaction. The Aispatria Agricultural Show, feene most important of the 'Cumberland fietures, was held on teetotal principles, the' conamittee hav- ing accepted an extra, £110 from Sir Wilfrid Lawson, a patron, on condi- tion that no intoxicating lignor vves eold on the ground. In order to be tonsia tent, only temperance bever- Anna were stepPlied in the committee teL for refreshment in place of the ne,ine and epirite usually provided. The Innovation did not, meet with the apa Proval at ineny agriculturists and ethers, who sought refreshment in Ute town.' A SUPERSTWOUS CREATURE. Ilc-You aektiOwledge that you-er •-like me, set refuse. She, belle of the season -Yee, I must Thrteen is on unlueley number. 'Yoe ate the thirteenth man who has proposed to me'and if we ehould be- come engaged I'M afraid something Oreadfel would happeo. Yoe are fooliahly superstitious ,Whet could happen ? e might marry you,. lie -Yee, she mode a fool of nie, She eal wonder now it 1,81'a linen never re - Levers from a elittig of that kind? BRITISH ARE 1EED,I1O. THE PLAN OP TRANSPORT sERviCE ARRANGED POR NATAL. Three Illitudred Toms or Supplies a Dar Needed for an Army Corps-ItalliwaY Her elite Supplemented ley Wagons. When one consider's that an arm woe ie tee nem requires 900 tons of stores and supplies every day, it is easy to realize the vital importance of the transport and suPply services, and the working of lines of communi. cation in seen a campaign as that winch hap commenced in South Afri- ca. The Duke of Wellington, as a Cape Town correslYondent writing on this eubject, reminds us, prided himself lees on his tactical skill, than on hi a sue - cess ia feeding the aerny under his conamand. During the Peninsular War more order's were issued on the subject, of feeding the troops and on the work- ing of linen of communication than on any- other question. It remains to be seen whether Sir Redvers Buller will be able to make a similar boast to that of the Iron Duke. But whatever short- comings, may be revealed in -South Af- rica within the next feav weeks, and el - ready, there are grum.blings to be heard, the criminal folly' of 1854 can- not be repeated. When the Brinell troops landedlia the Crimea the, trans- port for the whole army consisted of seventy-five mulesi and a few carts, while the oupply service was equally paraimoeious. Thus the army before Sebastopol, though encamped six or seven miles from the harbor or Bala- clava -filled with ships andstores-was losing men abally for want of food and fire. As a contrast one may 'men to the Soudan campaign of 1898, when a British army, was operating in the heart of Africa ,with a single line of communication extending over , 1,000 MILES FROM ITS BASE. , But conditious in South Africa are very different and the lines of com- munication especially will be a far more difficult problem. According to the scale for mobilization in the pres- entinstance each battalion of 1,000 of- ficens and men has 16 vehicles, 58 draught horses, three pack animals and thirty-two drivers. As the plan of campaign, is not yet fully revealed, it is, of couree, impossible to lay down at will be the exact plans, routes, t for the supply, transport and co unica,tion: The general character of the schem.e ha's however been de- termined .Assioning that there willbe a, single line of communication through Natal to the TransVaal frontier, Dur- ban will be the base, and Ladysmith the a,dvailee depot The correspondent proceeds.: " Sir :Edward Chiohester is 'respon- sible for this disembarkation of troops, and stores. The work will be diffi- cult for no large shipn cart safely en- ter the harbor at Durban, on account of the, bar atid the heavy seas that tend to diminish the depth of wa,ter• Herres have to be landed in lighters, -a, costly and tedious operation, which is entrusted, under military and naval supervision, to a. civil contractor. As soon ap the stores are received they will be sorted and sent to the front by rail and road. "The single line on railway from Durban winds northward through hilly country, there being a steady ascent along its entire route. Ladysmith, 189 miles, from the coast, is 3,284 feet above the sea. ' The carrying capacity of this line is accoedingly Boated,and must fall far short of the requirements of 300 .tOds a. day, not to speak of men, sick and wounded, and ammunition. This deficiency hap to be made up by wa- gon. transport along roads evhieh, in many districts, are little better than tracks, and are likely to become quag- mires in the rainy season, which, in 'Natal, is already union us. Wagon trans- ports will be by • ' MULE AND TREK -OX. Owing to the rinderpest, these ani- mals are rather scarce in South Afri- ca, and large pnrChase% of mules have been made in Spain, the south of .France, Chicago, and elsewhere. Fif- teen thousand mules have been requisi- tioned, and will be Used for drawing wagons of American pattern. These vehielea are etronglyr built, and weigh from sixteen to twenty-two hundred weight, their track being five feet two inchea. Twelve mules can carry a load of four thousand pounds, and the trans- port will be worked in seetions of tviren- ty wagons. Mules 'do well on crushed raealies or maise, but should have from three to four hours' grazing, if they are to be kept in condition. The ration 18 eight pounds a day, se that each sec- tion will need half a wagon -load of mealies for every eight hours' jour- " Trek -oxen, though not suitable for regimental transport, will be need on the line of communication. They have only two recommencla.tions: They can find their feed on the veldt, and when to longer able to walk or to carry anything ,you may eat them, as our men did when shut up ie Lucknow and the Alumbagh, The disadvantage of this method of transport is its extreme eleverment and the liability of the ani- mals to en:knees. Great care has to be taken in feeding the oxen, and in re- gulating their houre of work, Fifteen inilea is a good day's mareli, and in the rainyseason it is doubiful whether Lan miles can be exceeded. Trek -oxen are never inspeened for more than eight hours a day, or for more than Lour hours at a time. They innet vest for two oe three hout8 between marthes e nd should wryer work during hour before IsUriSet. These drawbacks are net without comptheationa, Sjx- team oe eighteen erten will terry a load of from 6,000 pounds to 9,000 pounds in a tented wagot weighing about 2,900 pounde. Erich teani has a leader, or vocirlouper, who wo Iles in front n nd guides, while the driver encouragee THE EXETER TIMES the cattle to pall together by creek - ins a, rawhide laeli 12 rent or 1.8 feet long tatteened to a banthoo stick, "In order that the strain may be multh as possible, and the mot economical ulse may be made of the traeeport, the line of communi- cation will be divided into aections. The distance between these sections must depend on local cireumetanees, though,as a general rule, where OP i attack s apprehended and an escort is unnecessary, the intervals should be short, six miles loaded and six miles return being considered GOOD JOURNEY. The advantage pr this system over the ordihaxy convoy is obvioue. Transport rider's become intimately acquainted with the road, and travel without the lethal linaredimetita of camp equipment. It is at once economical and efficient, and should enable the Array Service Corps to maintain continuous and un- broken communication between the loam and the army in the field. 'Between Pietermertizburg and Ladaannith Will be established a cen- tral depot, where each 0011)pltelyi, GT battery, or troop, will find its horses, mulles and equipment ready. There will, coneequently, be little delay in moving the force to the front, A rest camp and a re/nom:it depot have aleo been prepared at Durban. Two hospit- al ships will lie in the Ma dstead, one of them being stationery, while, the other will steam backward, and for - wand to „the Cape, -which is healthier and cooler than ,Natar The medical, transport, from the brigade field hos - vitals, to the field hospitals at the ad- vance depot, and thence along the line of communisation to the base, is car- ried oun by the Army Service Corps, Rapid transport of the sick and wound- ed is of the utmost importance, not only for themselves, but in order that any aceutaulation of invalids at the advance depot may be avoided. The see fteiornathliestaetbi joenset..,?ught to be invaluable Such then, is the general scheme so far as it can at present be outlined Tot what extent it will be suecessfulle and smoothly carried out remains to be proved. Upon the working of the lines of comraunioation depends the success of a campaign. The duty of a director of transport and supply is, therefore, of the highest importa,lace• His sphere of dirty extends from the base to the troops at the front. It is indispensable that the should be amen of infinite incluistry and resource as well as of varied experience. These qualities may certainly be ascribed to Col. Ward, Assistant Adjutant -Gener- al to Sir George White, and to Col. Richardson., who will act in a similar capacity to Sir Red.vers Buller, Both have served in African campaigns, and have proved themselves masters in the difficult art of organization. Both are assisted by a nuraber of young officers in the Ary Serviee Corps who have done, transport work in many parts of Alnico,. I FROM CiANAN001. corresp'W ondent rites That Dodd's Kidney Pills Have Cured Him of Kidney Disease. Swale/ Boucher Exporerneuted With eines for Eighteen Years - }litany SAMOAN GIRLS. Party gowna for Stonoan girla grow on the tropioal trees and almost readY for wear. When a oative beauty of Samoa deeides to go to a speeial outer. tainro.eet she enters the forest to look for ber gala attire. The native kiki, is the only addition to her ordinary costume that the Samoan girl provides rn.s„nne lo wry Dodd N uldney for epecial parties. The material for ntlia-leave Boxes caneet Wm. the kiki grOWS on the ti teee. It con- Gananoque, Nov, 20. -Mn Deniel sists of a ribbing of barka few iothes Bogther, of this town, suffered. with wide tnat is stripped from the tree d Kidneefor Disease for eighteen Ysal's` easily. While darap the bark, whieh A.ntne best part of that eighteen • Years he has been striving to gee cur- is v",'thitt is crinkled so as to form ed. Experimenting with medicines and wavy oultinee and the ribbons are doctors all the time, he had/ never ex- colored all sorts of bright hues. The perieneed the slightest relief. And now after eighteen years of it he Saraoan girl then plaits it walatband is , cured by five boxes of Dodd's Kidney the same kind of bark and hangs from pins. , of the seine material are often added The question arises 11,5150, When the kiki is eonapleted the try Dodds Kidney Pille before? The , why did he not dusky belle putts it on over her scanty , weapon has laid ready to his hand. for levalavaor waist -cloth. and goes to girla thus make their owia party dress - the last ten years, why didt lag not use es, and. some of tkem skew great taste it? Surely he must long have known 1 . g that Docldand skill fashioning the odd a 's Kidney Pills have cured I r - hundreds of others 'right in his ewn merits' town. ' It is hard to understand, Natural per M.A.K1NG WORK FOR THE DOCTORS. versity is often the only, exelanation Mrs. Walker --I don't see why the g• been deceived by the pretensions of If it makes people healthier it is a imitators of Dodd's'Inidney-Pills, He loss to the doctors. natty have been prejudiced by some Mr. Walker -I know; but they cal - other means, but however it was Mrciliate that one sound,. healthy rider Boucher came round to Docld's,Kidney will disable at least five pedestrains Pills at last and is a healthy inan in per week. consequence, 'He writes: "For eighteen years I have been troubled with Kidney Dis- To Cure Catarrh and Stay Cured ease. I have used al/ sort of medicin- You must use the most up-to-date es but could get no reliet I wets per- 'and most approved method of treat- suaded to try Dodd's Kidney Inll 1 ment, nis can only be had in Cat - have finiahed five boxes and -am cone- arrhozone which cures by inhalation - pletely cured. I highly' recommend aod is sure to reach tha right, spot. them to all suffering as I thd 1 used Treatments requiring the use of to have to stop work for two or three sprays, douches, snuffs, ointments, are days in the week on account of back- a thing' of the past, and. the medicat- . ache, but now I can do a day's work ed air treatment supersedes them all with anybody." WHY WEAR HATS? in such cases. Mr. Boucher may have doctors all recommend bicycle ridin W0pDS TOMMY WILL REAR. Queer conequiansme Everybody Uses the Transvaal. Althongh born 'of English 'phirents, the juvenile colonial or igansvaaler mixes much, ,and of necessity, with Duteli children and Dutch -speaking native servants. Hence, as he girtilies up, a certain number of quasi -Dutch ploases become a part and parcel of his vocabulary, and require some study} On the part of the newly arrived Bri- ton in order to understand their true signiticence. ' For instance, there is a word, which is always on the lips of every one who owns a dog, and in South Africa One owns a dog and a horse as naturally as one owns a Christian name and soane worthless mining shares. • This word is "voetsak," pronounced "foot - sack," and it means 'get k out" or "go away." a There is a story that a very new arrival at Cape Town expressed his surprise. that' all the .dogs seemed to !Vane one name, "voetsak," and when you called therm by, it they always ran away.. 'Another fagnilliar phrase is "Wacht een beitje," which means "Wait a bit:" It is applied even to a particular kind of veldt buth with long spiky throns, vvhich, catch on your olothingl as you p.ass through -unless you happen to be wearing- khaki -and forcibly detain you while you disentangle yourself. PPils 0P-1" naeans "Look out I" and is heard on all occasions and on the very smallest provocation, or none at all. At the Johannesburg Agricultural Snow, which took place in, a big yard over Hospital Hill, Englishmen who were not fluent in the "taal," or lan- guage, were puzzled to read big pia - cards pasted in prOlMirieUt places, to tlhis effect, "Pas op voor zakkenroll- ers." ;Saab one asked his neighbor what that protentous thing a "zak- kenroller" might be. 1 It suggested somehow a "jabberwook," •or some- thing equally gruesome. However, on enquiry, the dread IlneSS11,g8 turued out to be uothilfig more alarming than "Look oat for pnkpockets." In South Africa, when a aeon is incapable of doing this, that or the other job, say, reiing, for instance, it is said of Mine "He mint rids for sour apples 1" If you want' to limply that you are it particularly smart fel- low, and net easily 'taken tin -and this is a favoeite aseumation of the un- traveled colonial -you must say, often and with thapbasis, "I'll watch it I" iff a /men is absolutely averse to doing any, and if be has been swindled, he alleges that So-and-so has been "doing a shot" on him. CABLE CONDUIT MOTOR. An electrical engineer has invented a device for) getting the hauling line for cabIe and wires through the conduit pipes. 11 consists of three rubber - tired wheels and a special clockwork arrangement that will send the wheels 100 feet at one vvieding. This new form of tnotor ear (begs string through the pipe, and' the reel; is eafiy. HEAD GE THE 110113Fe MoSwattere-Where is your mother.' iti-law now? McSwitters-We aro hiving with her. MeSweeters-What thought you owned a. boast)? IVICSwitters,--i did 1111 she, canoe • We (ling to a Custom Neither Becoming Nor Itealtlx-Biving. There is no danger or risk in•esing Catarrhezone. It is both pleasant and, effective to employ inany case of Irrit- able Throat, Fetid Breath, Bronchitis, Oatarrh and Asthma. For sale atoll druggists, or by mail, price 31.00. For beautfit Ifle ists t sennampto N. Why do both men and women per- C. POLISON & CO., Box 518, Kingston. sist in wearing hats I Asked Pearson's Ont. Magazine. There are three reasons why we should wea,r clothes. we Getting Matters Adjusted -You are ' half an hour late at our appointments may wear them for the sake of de- Mr. Tompkins. Yes; I stopped to get oency ; for tthe sake of warmth; or for my luncheon. Well, be kind enough the sake of display. None of these to sit down and wait while I go out and get mine. reasons applies to the wearing of hats. Of course, •there are head -coverings that are yvtunia such as the Icelander's CALLA LILY CREAM sealskin hood or the fisherman's to ensures a youthful complexion. Send 25 cents for trial bottle, or post card for oiroulerocInusekel:sant,dwo.o. %%Prig. on.n. but, as a rule, there is no.real warmth Addresa J;tilultrEART1 459 in the hat of either sex. When a wo- man pins a /night structure of straw' Sharp Little Thingl-Papa, said the and artificial flowers on the top of her . raissi"arY worker's little daughter, I hair, she never for an instant imagines that the thing will keep her from tak- ing cold. The ea,a.souline top hat is certainly, waren, on athet day, but it is very far from warm in cold weather. ageither are hats worn for the pur- pose of displa,y. Doubtless tilere are am playing that my- dolls are heathen. That is nice, dear. And -and -papa, I wane ten cents tel pay my salary. La Toscana leo1,BLIAlleB °IGAR . 3 h'ACTORY,Montreal. Pushing Along the Good Work --My wife got up a charity eerie party last weak. Ind the have any sureess with tunes when women mane the hat the ? I should say she did I Took in al - occasion of displaying their fondness most enough to pay for the prizes. , for. dead birds, muslin flowers, and other beautiful objects, but this is"Pharaoh 10_0 If Payne, of Granby, Que. only when fashion has decreed that -• Cigar Manufacturer. big hats shall be worn. , At other times the female hat is so microscopi- cally small that it could not be sue- eessfully used for displaying anything As for men's hats they never display anything except the atrocious taste, whith makes them fashionable. Why then, in the naene oft. all that is sensi- ble, do men and women wear hats? As a rule, every man and every wo- Mrs. Tellington-Poor Mr. Moon - about is very absenterainded, isn't he? Mr. Tellington-yes; his latest freak was to lose his pocketbook and then look for it among the p's in the dic- tionary. TO CURE A. COED IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets all druggista refund the money if it falls to cure. man looks better without a hat than gm. W, Grove's with one. This is why we all take off signature 18 00 each box. our hats at the opera( or at an even- ing party. And yet we cling to a custom that has not a word to be said in its behalf. We ,persish in wearing the ugly, useless and injurious hat. Why do we do it?.I should like to find a good Irish echo that would ans- wer the question at length, and in a satisfactory way. REWARDED BY ROYALTY. A. brave little fellow ia Karl Froh- mueller, whom ,the Queen of Wurtem- burg has lately honored with a gift , of moeey. Karr s sister fell into a barrel of boiling malt and was so se- verely scalded that the doctors said that skin -grafting was the only- rem - Mrs. Newrioh-Oh, dear, no! My, husband don't have to be in business no more. He's jost a gentleinan now. Mrs. Bluegore-That tuust be a please ant cha.nge for him. , O'KEEFE'S Lig.iro'r MALT Ipvisorates and Streagthens. LLOYD WOOD, Toronto, GENERAL AGENT. My incolme is small, said a rather dilatory lover, and perhaps it is cruel Of me to take you! from your father's neof. But I don't' live on the roof, was the prlempt reply. POR OVER PIPTY TEARS MRS. WINSLOW% SOOTRINGI SYRUP has been need by mother', for thele children teething. It eoothe 0 nallsisioc,hainldd,iestottlebnessereemindinis, Clays pain, onres win edy. Hearing this, Karl came to th e y for diarrheas'. 25o. ti bot" tn-els Sold b all druggists throughout th rescue vv-ith the offer of part of hisBs "4 461 for "Mrs. Winslow's' SbothhignS7russpB.I. tegument. A large piece of tb lit- Anti:ion-Now I want your honest opinion. Tell me what faults you see in my book? Friend -Well, for One thing I think the covers are too far apart. tle lad's skin was successfully trans- ferred to his sister, who has complete- ly recovered, and Karl is not only happy itt having saved his beloved playfellow's life, but also very proud in having obtained the favorable no- tice of the queen. DOING WITHOUT THE DOTS. The somll letter " i " was fermerly written avithout the dot. The dob was introduced in the fourteenth century to distinguish i " from '5 " in hasty and indistinct writing. The letter "i " vitae originally used whexi the letter " j" is now employed. The distinetion between " 1" and " j" was introdeced by the Dutcla printers at a corapara- tively recent date, and the "j" was dot- ted because the " L" from which it was derived, was written with a dot. THE BA.OHELOR DEFINEI). A Dallas mother with five grown daughters defines a bachelor as a miserable coward WhO lias lost the op- pottunity of a lifetime. $100 Reward, $100. Tlie readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that Science has been able to cure in all its nage/ and that is Catarrh. Hairs Catarrh Curse, the only positive cute now knoven to the medical fraternity. oaearrh being a cons. titutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hail's Catarrh Cure 18 taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des- troying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the nonstitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tho proprietors 'have so mach faith in its^ curative powers, that they offer One Hun- dred Dollars for any ease that it, fails to cure. Send for list of testimoniale. Address. F. J. CHENIDY de DO., 7.'eledo, O. Sold by druggists, 750. Pamtly Pills are the best ree-en TWO D1LLION 14I0YOLES, It is estimated' that about 2,000,000,- 060 bieyeles lave been made in Earope ttd AldteTICEL. an— CEYLON TEA Lead peokageer- °Palle:fee/at e0°Plebalan.MQ ell ea:„...............toiSitcleirniebillsain211:140r0F60 t'laInteht: ORTANT TO LADIES! To make sere that when you wielt te color asy artiste. w. Dresses, Salta Peather,s Poen rtotta ore? equally es good results, without the necessity of a preparation bath to make them take tbo Op, na BOMEI DYE thing that requires clyolor, that you get the best dye ill thO 311411Ceb, Crewe, !MIMBign I WI onoun) Piss the letest and positively the best teat eau be produced, at they will dyo we, Silk, Wool or Mae:10mq. vd Do not be put off with something just as go id, becano use you kw what haute you have had lutlio,pest,tbereee are known as the ONE D1P DYES, end e trial oeckaZii will imuvince you that they will do_ad ws della forth 84)1 ask for HOME DYES end on getting. there, To be had et your druegisk or render' direst tree of votes 10opsekage, or 3 for 35'yents. Rove yolt triea U'eln? If not, get a Package And be convinced, TORONTO HOME DYE CO., 'TORONTO. The Farmer' Wife 'with all her cares and labors soon be- comes nervous and weary, and unless she has something to aid her will have that constant tired feeling, headaches, flys- pepsia, and all their disagreeable conse. quences, chronic constipation, etc. 1 DI WARD'S * Wed & Nerve 1113 are the proper assistant to health, and the rtmedy for these disorders, because they contain the necessary quantity of iroo in soluble form, in combination with efie latest discoveries in medical science, so that their use enables one to SLEEP SOUNDLYa EAT HEARTILY AND INCEST THE FOOD PROPERLY, The Man will also find himself greatly benefited by the use of these AIDS TO HEALTH AND VIDOR. We have at our office thousands of testimonle of the House als' and will send a book of informatiott cetae taining some of these free on application, ' so Cents per box, five boxes for $2.00. All Druggists, or SAM. WILLIAMS & CO, Toronto, Ont,, Unkindest Out of 9.11-I met working Oheapost and Best Covering Inthe World. for posterity, said the artist. What grudge have you against it asked his Mica PIPE AHD Cov rincr friend ‘;', SORER •k;) MIDITHIML HOTEL DIRECTORY. The " Balmoral," Free BOO a0P,,13: Hotel Carslake, it:P;IT4.1,1°,;„.SPo„raps, G.T.R. Station, Moe treat. Geo. Carslake & Co., Prop's. ___2.1Oloillly1-17:IttslgeratAeavesnlase0. AVENUE HOUSE per day. ST. JAMES' ROTEL--gnit211,1Dctplit: Railway. Plret.elass Commercial Fouse. Modern him prey/unease-Retell moderate, • How Many fellows have called on your sister this week? Five.- That doesn't include me, does it ? 0, no, Sister saes you, don't count. W. Ir. C. 999 CALVERT'S carbolic Disinfectants. Soaps, Oint- ment, Tooth Powders, etc have been awarded me medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent infeeti. ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed. free on application. F. C. CALVERT & CO., amANt0HEsTER, - ENGLAND, Musk Teachers Wanted To send for our complete SHEET MUSIC CATALOGUE and SPECIAL RATE OF DISCOUNT. We are equipped to supply every Music TEACHER In Canada Whaley, 153 Tong° St., TORONTO, ONT. Solid Gold....$2.85 Best Gold Fill 1.50 5 yrsGoldFill 1.00 Best 0 -lasses.., 100 We guarantee perfect satisfaction. GLOBE OPTICAL CO.„ 93 Vonge Street, Toronto. WANTED -Men to travel, salary or commission: expert. once unneeessary. WriteLUKE BROS. 00., Montreal. WANTED--Salesznen; "Atioorine” protects fruit trees fsein till Peste; 030.01 week, ARBQRXNE CO., Mentreal. Carter's COLD CURE 10e. Cures in a fifty. P. Me. Cm monk & Co., Agents, Montreal. HARRIS m3-37." "'""' LEAD, COPPER. BRASS. Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephone1720. WILLIAM ST., TORONTO. flOMMON SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed U Bugs, Rats and Mice. Sold by all Draggiste, Or SSI Queen W. Toronto. iMille, fifilliat A Meelote. Barristers,ete., removed to Wesley_lildga., Rich- mond St. W., Toronto. THE IDES MOINES INOOSAYOR-Nost and oheapest o. Rolland, sole agent tor the Dominion. Send 300, stain? for catalogue. 373 St. Paul Street, Montreal. Sausag: gs_ KARK 10 WELL & 00., Toronto. New importation!' finest glish Sheep and Ain. enema Bog Casings --reliable goodns at right prices, Wanted — IN Alit, VILLAGES AND TOWNS -- AGENTS to seil Sunlight Acetylene Gas Machines on conuniasion. For information write Room 97, Fres, old Building, 60 Victoria Street, Toronto, permanently cures Catarrh of nose, se threat stomach end 11, 51- 50e & 51 a box. Write tor partioulare, The Eni atarrh Cure Co, 146 St Ternesak, Montreel. POULTRY, BUTTER, EGOS, APPLES, and other PRODUCE, to ensure best results conaVen to The DawsorCCorniniesion Co, Limited' Oor. West -Market & Colborne St., Toronto, 00 nil PER Dent STJItE - RELIABLE ueee••••••• person, gentleman or iady, to torment re- liable firm; position permanent; 0800 per year and expenses ; experience urtirtoerhann, Dist, Manager. Moifireal, *Zilch yang Cioa ing For the very boat sand your work to the " BRITISH AMERICAN intiSitigi GO." Leek dor wait. YOur town, or send dierict. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. eareel Ones RIS1 t Dr nk,,Ttirc,Wholesotne, Nourish, log. Ifielb..0,211n, foe e5e. Itotd0 irerp1S1 10 40c coffee, rerifor Salo by ail Meese, er eeed 10o tor inokagi to the 110300 MOT; CO., 164 Queen E., Toronto. Asieeticweliteci in Merit tenet', , Steam and Hot and Cold Water Pipes, Cold Storage Pipes. Kitchen Hollers, eto. Pm particulars apply to MICA, BOILER COVERING CO,, Limited, Toronto, Montreal, and London, Eng. roil SA LE—°E TO LET - PROVINOE or - Ontario, Wellington County, away • City of Guelph, Ontario eartenteral Colleee, Mod- el Farm, eta, west half lot 2, aoncesision 4, rown line, Erin Toweehip. 100 acres, 65 under cultivotiozi, halanoa wooded. Urge stone homes, cellar full sire, wooden addition bank barn 46x60 with stables wide' neat root house and sheds; apple orohard, some plums n pears, bearing; well, cietern, and never -falling strend rich land; good neighborhood, tiaree miles from rellway station and 'markets, 100100100' Iron:post {ace, ohtxr013. and store; best of eehools. Sale on etisy terms. Apply THOMAS Mt. DOCICRAY, 34- Victoria Bk, Toronto, Agents= MEN OR WOMEN .511 )5010 of Canada make 3 to 5 dollar daily. Latest improved. Cooker, glael water guage, all compartments' inter' ohengeable. Decided advantages °vet any other cooker mentifeetured AUTOMATIC STILani COOKER CO. 295 College Street, Temente. BALDNESS CURED. ROSE'S " Hair Grower" positively and per- manently cureS Baldness, Hair Failing Out, Dandruff, etc., and rendere the hair soh. glossy and beautiful. Testimonials from leading Torp. to gentlemen. Price $1.00 per bottle ROSE & CO., 226 Ronoesvallee A.ve., Toronto. EVERY CATHOLIC YOUNG MAN hould poeeese a copy of "Th, Catholic Student's Man - nal of Instruction and Prayers,' for all !seasons of the Ecoleelasticel Year. Compited by a religiptui, under the immediate supervision of the Reetirend H. Renard, P.a. real, Canada. It contains Liturgicel Prayers, /ndul S. Professor of bIoral Theology, Greed Berelnery 'meek Devotione, and Pious' Exereiree for ovary cco sion. and for all seasons of the Eceleelestical Year. 718 pages, 4full page illustrations, dexible eloth, round corners. Preen°. Published by 0. & & CIO., 1669 Notre Dame St„ Montreal, 11111ohlgan Land for Salo. f/ 000A0050 0000 IvARMINQ LAND8-AREATA.0 log Iota°, Ogemaw and Crawford Counties. Title pe:ti fect. On Michigan Central, Detroit & Mackinac an Loon Lake Railroads, at prices sauteing from 52 to per acre, These Lends aro Close to Enterprising Nevi Towne, Oleurchee, Scheele, eto., and will ba ;widen moat reasonable terms. Apply to R. M. PIERCE, Agent, West Bay City, Mob. Or J.W. CURTIS, Whittemore, Mich. Dominion Line MAIL - STEAMSHIPS Portland, Me., to Liverpool, coiling at Haliion Wes tb o und Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Cambroman. Rates of passage (labia, $50 upsvards Seem/ Cabin, fsla ; Steerage, 522.50 and $23.50. For further information apply to local agents, or D.AVID TORRANCE a CO., General Agent, 17 St. Sacrament St. Montreal, TEM WINDING WATCH, (L.dy's 0 ner,r,), SOLID GOLD RING, an ATITOHARP, ACCORDE- ON, a VIOLIN' or GUITAR, for selling 9 boxes of Dr, Price's Sar- saparilla Blood Pills at 30o. PM boor. DON'T BEND MONEY' simply send your name and ed. dress and we will send you the Pills, postpaid, with our Cataloote. Sell them and remit ua the payment we wtll set d you the peens. um yeti select. Theet Pills our, impure bloed, rheunuitism liver and kidney aiseeses, mid all stornsak troubles. Fills returnable if not told. Writs us at once and mention this paper. PRICE MFR, 00., 88 Bay Street, Taranto, Onto THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. BREAKFAST—SUPPER. 4A11. O. ARNETT, Manager. tIONN J. MAIN, Swpt, And Treas. The namadia Nein Safety 0 OILER. Esplanade, Opp, 6herbelitne at., Toronto legneft11,1016111.ft High Class , Water Tube Steen) Boilore,' for All PreSsures,' ilUtieS 'and Fuel, semi) pea ossosiPtive cATALootio, eigfek0S{I'llytI114111'6. ' -1 .. ,... , . 0 Whitgli it ii. rigT,. . . trclifo I:. it,cairsildi: , 1 itill etiorsuio,Sharee'llott MP ARO 111 sessile