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Exeter Times, 1899-11-30, Page 1
TWE T' i '-SEVB ''.C -z YEAR NO 10 . HIGHEST PRICE TA A BISHOP 11�®� ��ODU1�L'e SW66:01/1g R0(111611011S MANTLES HURON & IVIIDDLL-CSEX GAZETTE. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING NOVEMBE kIIGHEsT PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE After a brisk season's: selling i11 Mantles, We have a number: of broken lines. That means. odd Sat that we shall clear out at Dost price. Thesegoods are all new this season, and a the � k Z t prices eve offer` them they ought to change . ang e H e nsal 1. G. .r. Sutherland, etetary Punta, Convey t commissioner, 1ill© znaurnto; and'sorer ofMarriage LiGeitsPs, .Leg al docw mentssavanna drawn at reesonaee rates Mouoy to loan on real estate at low Tates of in torose. Office at the Post office, Benson, H 3. D, COOXE, (Late with Darrow & Proudfoot)13arrister SoIieltar Notary Public, Benson, Ont. Teener C�cr oda D.S• S D, Seller I,. A_ „ � v, • a. Te oth X n St r e ti tyre o PGroitto Unive a ty X7 mill. soon extraoted watbout.Lsin orad effects 0llice tl in Patt�S Block, eneall. dt Zurich Deeny be rear/sy for opersatel1 - Isp xX An. 112oudeay, coxnnleneins May 34th. W - u. Mvxzczaili.L,-here are x _,,,urs of It T. Roadhouse log 1899. Kirkten Baneen. --.fir. Joseph Brook is seri- ously indisposed at present with strong 'le symptoms of typhoid fever, 1~ i Kirkton Milling Company have placed their order for their ,en- gine and. boiler with the Hardill Compound Engine Co., of Mitchell, which is to be placed in position in the when, l , weeks e courseofdays ort ten r c in ah e t s r m theother ace sa Y with xx �' coming on at once, the ini will ((tenons of Al Seism ith t';OL'iiINS tic S•TANBCT1£Y.--]3ex'risters, Con• 1 veyancers, Notaries, etc„, Exeter Ont. R. 11 Collies and J U, stanburY B. A. eine with 1 0 or it0.} <4',xrisu ifi T 4 or co.is . tth osier o 1vlcCa Y. Li sea e on Th r Ie°fur, S.—Sha 4y 4'.i'xr , N f night, by Major School, was fairly well attended and was enjoyed by all. Master Robert O'Brien had his leg badly twisted while playing at school n a bet will soo be days a u few: a3 ar to �Se•m' a e s • •Li z�s rth a Dune a xl, pp � g be (central) for several Exeter boys, thee§ ijj,nece,._dames 5 nd: William. Clar- r-- A SELECT A.SSOH,TMEN'1 OF C itA A 1' 1i ' n, e a of various kinds, suitable rd rson, is visiting atMT_', rick have x°.ecovered the property and Wedding k-,Mrs.J. DV- which was stolen from theist a shor s t111a1'vee entertained a o and a young maxi of . , Victoria House, u? time g keen contest for inn tripes honors.tor, of the Vi For the reeveship .essrs, q few bee r H.Cook. F.Arnold W.R Hodgins Large "brick bees" are almgst daily, trial as a. result. 'There eves a large while or councillors township ,ae • able candidates is large. ,e names Besides of rent bu}ldin next summer. aay epettlgl of lst�` i Exeter afar Ur iiliart or, o +rids Inst•-- b fen s an P ' y North is in Goderrch, awaiting tits , tl h'i of h f d 00 ": Pettyre freelymentioned. J ss'x throe h our villa o into the attendance at prayer -meeting which and G. S. tty passing g gg g ' on Weclrb?. h' f it rs the list of prob- ` of 13tansliard. IndtGations vas held Wirt. 1�.xi4eli; s- „. of�J. S Obse A. Murdock, G. Brown 11 and J. Beek are mentioned. At all on est far zio Shipka JUST RECEIVED. { Als i, rho ce lot of i .ew *111t. I the ;IQ itay season. .Highest pril3es pent ace: butter, egg +. �'stat's �l�'ita�� Al? 1.140° Fresh. e., ' events there will be Il keen c t Il�ll;rs, �Mr, MacFl�erson ha,d a b rlt. 1 t unicipal donors, narrow escape of being; haunt out one d d th t k ti n last week.; Mee, MacPherson I lane 5. -Our village has been much improve wring e pas wee as the church property as beensurrounded by a neva fence --Mr. A. McGinnis is CALL .A.ND GET .. _ Binges, --The library Of the Me -evening h 1 p p ty h b chanies' Institute, already quite' accidentally up -set the tat p and the considerably added oil tang i fl . 'ng aldne lead is being g i t re She tier to with new books. -At' the the presence of mind acid seized amat Manse, on .Thursday last, Mr. Ales- and tbrowing it on the flames succeed ander Swan and Miss Jane Martin, ed in smothering them : Mr. Sohn both of'Tuckersnvith, were united. in Peart and S. Skinner .:aro visiting '1 + See them. the bonds of matrimony by Rev. J S friends at Wiarton at Mr. Skinner s owners quid. y , Ladies' As(,raehan capes, in good bright curl, good length and full sweep, special at $12 and $13 p i black only:at. -93e,. Ladies'muffs, $1.15 to -- $2.75 black and Ladles Neck ruffs in .fila is none toogood for you. They Factor • cotton at 4, 5, 6, and 7c. best u want thein. ed cotton at 5, 6, 7 and 10. are here when you �Bleache l ottonildes 12?r, 15, 1S and 20c. CLOTHING Ui X OTH .e. x` y DE 8i� Shirtings at 5, 8; I0 and 12� READ q MA Towelliugs .at 4, . 5, 7 and 10c, Fancy Skirtings at 12ec. hams 36 in wide at Apron ging 9, 10 and 12ec• -25 2.25 _brown$ at .18c, 98, 1.�a to '����� GENT'S ,Caperines speciiLl at 4.50, 5.00, to $1a ' ars 10c each. 1Ten s fur. coats in Russian Otter, Men's linen toll cuffs 12? to 25c pr. -with blackastrachancoliar,special „' linen. c - $14 braces from 15 to 50e. „atDRESS GOODS ,, all wool socks 2 pr for ..� wool socks 3 r for 25c. all p •xr „ north pole socks 25 F c. New dress ser es, in Teens, N w g g „ neck mufflers, throwns and.navys at : 25c. as ume at c r. special at 25. 40 and 50c. 1 the never Men's ties, all prices. C t cloth in al shades at from 20c to - iSe lined loves at 50, Special in black dress goods at �� fleeced g P to: 1.50 r5 and 1.0U. love we 2oc; 700; 75c see the -driving g bsk to ,---' show at 50c pr. --SILKS �SATW We are showing a full range of ,.blouse silks at 50, 75 and $1 We show all the leading shades in satins for trimming at 50 and 75e in wide at 5, 7, 8 Flannelettes 3G an lee0c, all fast colors. w g's boots �� shoes; These yblues, inks the J. D. Kixig 1d re flannelettes ,8, nin bl , F the best goods in the :trade, the `�""�id reds at 5, 8, and .^ IOc � are BOOTS Cc SHOES Ladies' felts 15c. House slippers at 25, 50 and 15c. pp Men's ggood heavy boots, special at 98 and 1.25. We 'have all'kinds of boots for all d the .rice,` fits the feet.: an p. kinds of the agency c for' lave sole y Weg : 1 p0 cket goods heavy all•wool ulsters,. Men's extra high tweed lined, stash pockets, story. collar a dandy et the price $5. e 's all woolulsters made same as Men goods in „the trade, looks like the best ordered work and bas been a winner at this` price 5.98. e blue serge suits, well utas Men's serge and. trimmed,. special at 4.25. • . till wool suits, made with Men's fine ell gotten u P. the wide contiuous facing', to ecjual ordered work at 5.50, 6,50,7.50 to 10.00. heavyworking pants at. Men's4fsgood 98. 1.25, and 1.50. ' `dress pants,made with Mens. fine side pockets, narrow or medium width legs at 1.75, 2.00 to 3.00. Soy's Ulsters at 3.50. Youth's -Meters at4.25.Q Bo 's 2 piece suits at 1.75, to 3.0 Bo 's 3 piece suits, - short pants,. specialgat80to5.00. o' 5 50 65 to 750. Boy's odd knickers at 2 , , orCROCERIES + +; ll of bright ht Our Grocery stock is full bestg sieve goods and yon. Can find the groceries at the lowest prices here. Tr our 25c tea, Y Hardware e Henderson We extend congratula- brother,on'a hunting expedition. -Mr,.. tions. -Thos. Welsh has purchased James Gorvett has moved on his arm f Robt..Bell's residence. -Henry Welsh, near Woodham as has also Mr. Mills: through'his agent, G. J. Sutherland, -Mr. Nelson Gunning" and his sister has disposed of bis residence, on Rich- Meda pate Zion a flying visit on Sun sF mond street, to Wm. Chapman, of day on their ...silent steeds. -9. large, Ha who intends moving to 'town number of the Zionx"'tes attended J. Hay, r Mr. GPe s willk' 1 lest week ; the crowd was Cook or HeatingStove, we will be pleased to have them see .Anyone illneed of a : u -to-date makes W e Remember we can supply you with the latest and p „D111 stock. ;.do. not confine ourselves to one line. eCo d ati Stoves. have a very fine large stock of both heaters and cooks from $1.00 up. A FEW TONS OF BEST BARB : WIRE AT THE.. QLD PRICES. Cheaper than last year. S CHEAP AS EVER. 6x58 p y Maple `Leaf, Lance and others. X•�iU'� Saws p , grain bac". G .oz r. our �.b See o � . about.lst of January. B o s sale as Cher residence for himself in. large, and report good prices for stock. erect ono. rs s ri .-•Donald Burns has been Hogs not: so brisk. The: forme say thepp ng the Deer- no money- in hogs at present' prices appointed ana agent mrl, ere for e y of raisin ing farm machinery, Wm. Elder, the and intend going outhog raising. - former former a ent, having decided to go; to Miss Mary Horn is confined to h Barrie for the same firm. ---At the room through illness;we hope she may of the Endeavor meeting, in Car- soon recover.-WaiterHern who some close mel Church on Monday evening, light months ago went to Toronto to attend nts were served. This should Business College has secured a -situa pro whine g feature. -Mr. Scott, tion in that city, and intends remain prove a drawing fe r of the Hotel,S. has discarded the ing sometime. -The Revs. Waddell gas and substituted electric and Ball, of Kirkton, exchanged pet - lighthexefor. He claims that the; gas pits on Sunday: -Vee are sorry to ism t more expensive, and of great trouble- hear of Franklin, Delbridge who is r p ansa. Messrs. Hugh and has been attending Business Colle�,e and annoy HenryChesney, of Tuckersmith, visit- , at London,being fetched home sick. ed their brother, James Chesney, on . •• Thursday last. -Miss Nellie Shirra vis- Farquhar ited friends in- Toronto during the past -The: Misses Murdock visited BRIEFS.—Miss Simpson, McKillop,is weak relatives in Lucan last week. -W. B. visiting friends in` thee: community.-- McLean, ommunity:-- e n who has been iu Manitoba' Sim wears a 2x4 smile. Sts a', baby McL a , months returned'home -Mon- girl.-Mr:•Alworth.oiirnew merchant, .. for some �Robt. Bell,duringthe hails from Essex Co. -0: Harris left day morning' last week for Michigan, where he has past week,- sold engines to J. A. Wil- g h • '.'Mustard, Brucefield secured a situation. Ile will be great- andluams; Zurich , A O best the `Exeter Electric Light Co. - The first of a series of` lectures to be deliverda in Carmel Church, during the. winter months, will be given on Tue,sday,';Dec. 5th, by Rev. Thomas Wilson, . of King -street Church, Lon- don.-Mrs.,Oromber, of Dakota,.was in the village this week, visiting Mrs. -W. J. Carlisle, who Ma can. W. B. L has been in the West for some time, returned home Saturday. -Rev. Mr. Sawyer, the newly inducted ininister of - Brucefield Presbyterian Church, will conduct service in Carmel Church on . Sunday morning, and Rev. Mr. f -auld, the Formosa missionary, in the evening. Rev. Mr. Henderson:. will occupy the Brucefield pulpit morning and evening. -Cook Bros. haver pur- ehased a new dynamo for their electric light plant. -The rate of taxation this year is 15i< mills. on the, deollar.-T. r. Berry moves into his new residence this week. on in at 2.40 per doz. is of) .are selling $ E. S. --Scrap iron has advanced in price, bring yours in. erecting a new house which when eon's=--�-~-'s plete will add greatly :to the appear - awe of our village. --Mr. Samuel Schro- der and family have moved: into our village `and we hear that Mr, Schroder intends entering the butcher business with Mr. Willert and as Sam is a hus- tler we trust that the business will be increased under the new management. -Miss May Clarke of Detroit is the guest of Mr, S. Ford -Mr, Daniel Me l,'hee of Cleveland spent a few days of last week with friends in the village. - Several of the boys from Grand Bend spent Sunday evening in the ,tillage ; wonder why. -Miss Kate McDonald of Mt. Cannel was the guest of Mrs. 3. Hannan on 'Sunday last, -Mr. C. fine last uest . of Squires visited friends on this Zwickau of Crediton was the g q H. Wingon Sunday. -Mrs. T. Brenner week—Marshall Brock, of Stratford, e t Sundayat his bone.--11'Iary Me - of Grand Bend spent Tuesday after- sp n Mrr. :Hannan. y Laughlin has returned l oi>se ,,`ro noon with J g , Detroit. -Patrick McGee is still yery poorly. -William Morley has engaged to work for Me. Racraft, of Granton. -James Brooks and family have mov- ed to Ilderton, where este Brooks win. act as foreman on the stock farm of patrick Bros. Mitchell Bnn ars.-Dr. Smith and wife have returned from. New York, where they have' been visiting for a few weeks. Miss. Flo McLean, who has been visit- ing here, leaves shortly for Florida, where she has an engagement as teacher of elocution in a college. - Rev. Father Downey was` in Stratford on Thursday last. On December 17th, from a rm x i ion < the fine new church in Logan will be `- bold was in Landon on Monday on opened. -The license con-irnissioners Zurich, inet this week and trantferi�.d io e 11- businessue iso note ass,, theek and House to its pies- is visiting. friends in the village. -Rev :cease. of ace has Been. confxn- A W Sauer is' in Crediton this week cense owner. -Mr. R assisting Rev Litt, who is holding re- . ed to the house most of the week with vival services, Sarnia, Shettler left last neuralgia of'the stomach. It stops week for having secured ti the sating business altogether, and is to, be troubled position as fireman on the GST R from not a pleasant thing Sarnia to Buffalo. -Jiro Winkenweder with. -Frank Campbell has purchased and ' W ni Nadinger have. returned the. blacksmith shop property from from the nest. -Sol Martin of the John Tilley, and will use it for a store-. Babylon Line paid his usual visit to room fog his bard ware, rassed by the besiegers' fire.i The • Dublin. I end report a pleasant trip. -Mrs. Van- , supply -wee failing, and dysen- - iirebu. sena a at al queue sells i apPea k an -inmate of the women's laager hexed :hexed stone and doug1iter, Magg'ie .were'visit- vas occurring as long ago: as No 1 ,� BRTEI'S,-B. O'Cunuel was visiting ing friends tiara last week, andreturn:- Orr ti friends in Stratford ontlnesday.-Rev: • Boers direct the fire of their big ed. to' their home, in BenmilIer, on eFather, Fogarty went to Loudon on Monday last. -The young folks spent at the"hospital and women's til Tuesday ,last. -Miss Bella Pierce has aL pleasant eyening in the paviIlion on gone to Chicago to visit her sister, Thrsday evening last dancing. They 111rs, Dominick Bruxer,-Miss Kate intend having another ou Friday night Caley.has gone to Fullerton to spend a of this week. few days. -Mrs. John Delaney return- ed home on Fridaylast, alterpro- ��1.-, longed visit to Mends in the Ur ited, -11 �i-rivitt e States: -Joe Williams and M. MCDer- mott drove up from Stratford Sabine day night"to spend Sunday with their friends at borne. at the monastery. one: shell Clearing Sale n „ f 11f •CyU t ��ff ppjj''QQ P 0 a 01101 , PLOWS, FROM NOW TJP TO It.Sr 0 per cent discnunt on all cash sales, a5 they t e must be cleared out by that time. sc,n-Miss• ei organ Red her mother. on Sued+Ly last. -Miss Zurich Laura•Andrew, of Constance, has re- turned 'to her, house after spending a, ' `- _ couple of weeks with relatives stud DE TuesdayTax -On the Bayfield. B.a7Lis. •tvlr. Fred Bambali, lumber: dealer, of. London, ie teaming; a large quantity of oak lumber from here: to lirucefield station this week. 11e pur- Bidduph. Balers. -Milton and George Atkin- son, of :Biddnlpb, who left here a few weeks ago, to work in the lumber woods of Muskoka, returned last week, Milton raving met with an accident. George Atkinson and John Carroll have returnec,to the, Muskoka camp again. -Ben Revington and Will Mor - kin, who have been harvesting in Mani- toba, returned home again, well pleas- ed with the Prairie Province. -•Tommy John .Atkinson has returned from the shores of Killarney, and Ben Abbott! from Bottineau, North Dakota, all Grand Bend t Ravin ton • -- house, and he art Revington hearty . --Wilbert for tan of endollars. rite oftF on a- ee 'in wlas tr pBliSEFs -The annual Xmas -tree house,' from the Farmers'Advocate London. Dashwood on Sunday night. Sol, Sol, wbat meaneth these' frequent viszts, .But it is reported that they will soon cease. Whalen Bs Inns, -Mrs, David Long, of Mel- rose, spent several days last week vis- iting her mother, brother and friends. -Aaron Davis and wife, of Saints - berry, spent >Sundaywith friends here. -Samul Gunning has completed the ents on liis barn. -Wesley improvements and .Sohn Hutchen have~left this' vicinity for the lumber woods. - Miss lvleada Gunnin and i.Lss Ettie Dashwood BRIEFS. — Rev. Mr. Heinmiller, of. Cleveland, editor of the "Boischafter," preached in: the Evangelical cli.nrch on. Tuesday evening. A number from here went to Zurich on Monday night to hear: Mr Ileinmiller lecture on "The young man and his Bible.?' - Miss Agusta Baumgarten, who . has been working for Geo Kellerman left for her home near Shipka on Tuesday. Before` her departure she was given a surprise party by her friends in the village. - Hofrnan Bros. furniture manufacturers have. received an order for one thousand student's easy chair ly missed in the con niunity.:Our frames and three hundred couch frames i .-Mrs. Jno Tliamp s o witl himi o o A Ware. vvrslie g fi T t J son Lias presented her liusbancl with a I fine baby girl.'Mr. and 14Irs.: Campa. M• A gof Z h d a number of friends bell entertained last Thursday evening. It being the occasion of their wedding anniversary all spent an enjoyable time. D1W231; —It . is our sad. duty- this week to chronicle the death of Miss - Ida, Stewart, eldest daughter of Wil- liam Stewart, north boundary, Us- borne. Miss Stewart had been ailing for some time and after consulting her physician, it wasnecessary for her to. undergo an operation. The operation was performed with all the . skill that man could devise, but it proved too much for her constitution, and as a result her sufferings ended in death on Wednesday last. Miss Stewart eves of a very cheerful disposition, and he - loved by ail who knew her. The funeral procession on Friday was ex- ceptionally large, testifying to the respect of the family and deceased. Her death though expected was some- what . sudden and has cast a moan over the entire neighborhood. A precious one from us is gone, A roico we loved is still. A place is vacant in our home, Which neyer can be filled. Affliction 'sore a time she bore, Physicians were in vain, But Gad give ease when He did please, Lod freed her frog: her pain. She is*one, our dear sister, Tourer happy home above, - Where all is peace and love, And trials never some. connection with the Methodist Sunday School vvill be held in the Methodist church on Dec. the 19th, a first-class GromaYty p rog :, rani is beg inprepared.-Miss L. rafter u returned Saturday hall here. .o ng 1t Thursday bell in theher terra as milliner in Cretli- last 'Thursday evening ..was 'a grand serving:h success. -Mr. and Mrs. Boyle spent tong-IVIr. D. Mollr"il visited at the Saturday and Sunday visiting friends . home of . Mx. J, Heyes near Crediton in Stratford. -Hugh McLachlan of St. on Sunday "where the teacher boards." Paul, Ont., spent Sunday at his home BOIm S -Rev. Waddell and Rev. here. -Robert Norris is learning black - Bell, of Kirktore exchanged pulpits on smithing with Jno. McCulloch here.-- Sunday ere.-Sunday last, Rev. Waddell preaching Hoggarth Bros. have purchased a fine educationalsermons for Rev. Ball.- driver, -The trnstees of school section Mrs, Pickard and two daughters, of No, 6, have decided to change teachers Montreal, are the guests of her father, and have engaged a . Mr. Jewitt of Mr. Thos. •Veal. -Mr. Bert. Beaver, of Brussels, vyho . is, teaching at preant on Sun- near Berlin.- Mr.; McItellax s house is daCrediton, t,- visitedrFr hisbrotheri,in er slowl, owing to the dlup. last, -Mr. Fred. Miner has gone to progressing g y y y sob at pp ul f ettixg the necessary he havingsecured a, dffic Stratford, 7 chased the lumber from James Donald- the carpenter work there. ---Mr. and inaterie Bert M left on Tues. Mrs James Hodgson, of Granton, vis- seem to be veep busy. --Mr. Wm Patterson, sr, is recovering from a severe attack ofinflanmation.- Mr, ;Jesse Graville is at present on the sick list. Hope soon to'hear of his recovery: The: annual Xmas -tree in connection with , the 'Presbyterian church will be held an Dec. 21st in the' Presbyterian church, this.will be the event of the season, program will con- sist of magic lantern) scenery. -Mr. Peter Germont and Miss L. Glanville ° g • were united in the bonds of nxatri- from the Exeter mills, which act.- The captain many on Monday 1 of the loot -nail team wrote to thepcap- tain of the Dashwood team saying they accepted the one hundred dollar challenge. The captain of the Dash- Woed team in reply said they would h hid '� may cause < rathernot play a"a it i y C feelings, and he also said not to take any _notice to the challenge in the paper as it was simply ,the correspon- dent that petits the challenges and that the teatn had nothing whatever to do with 1t, Now this is the last time we'll u ed weare ba ro u li I C one i 0 i t 'el asy rg reply that theycorrespondent 18 doing tlioef. cliailengingwithout the authority the team, it's not likely: he'll reply either as he is surely nware of the fact that every person knows hes alone in the fray and he surely must feel rnyb" bered. Thanking you for space in your ;valuable paper. Thees Eve of St.n.ndretvs Day (Nov', 3011x) or some evg. during„ the week following is appointed t.hrotighout the Angliean church es 0 day of Inter- , v Cession for Hoot's bleissfrig, upolx the t door 1Ti11'tli of R”. '1C 11 at't1 (,o s work, of Vetoer') nes ntee, 3 1s ,Exeter, Noy..20, -'99: dm, Muria day morning for Detroit. where she intends to live with her brother, --Mr, Hugh Gilmore and sister spent Sundayin town with friends. --Weare r' tailor, sorry to Bear- that our papula , „ Mr.arne so . Henry°Drehmann, who was visit, r is itt bed sick fug friends in Teestvate , to see him We be re. h fever theta. p svith again, hearty and well. -air. J, C. Miller, of the Clarendon Hotel, Clinton, spent SundayRiver Hotel. at t lr b BOTH DOUBLE AND SINGLE Mr. Tionnas Stinson is building a new horse si:able'this week. -The members of St. Andrew's Church are enlarging their shed this week, making more room for horsey ---Mr. vin. Clark, ba- ker, of Seafoeth, was visiting friends. in town on Monday and Tuesday last. -.Mr, Chas: Stewart, of the Bayfield Your Own Price. ALL KINDS DS HO RSE ;l3LANtil'l`S AND ROBES AWAY Line, Goderich township, is moving to b ■ Clinton thisweek, baying tented. his fern).' to 1 r.Cui inss for a ter of in eiIcEM five years,-Mr.Alex, Porterfield and C LL AND $EFOR YOURSELVES :sister, Mary, of Belrave,were visiting e their sister, lktrs. Jets. I'etguson, tae h ell � fowl i7otn m•ide ' last week. --A few of the sports wheel- tri. " ""` "' e f stolen anti the thieves liixlst be reaping our boys sv4JUid eta goo set vitt !�A*1 N �" '� bd clown to. St, :i'asc.ph and rnround by ,war a ainst the i3aers. ,t E.NT1f3ALiA. ,Zurichhome otte afternoon last week, e, rich harvest, 3 17e1- death of Mrs, Reinhardt Cook Ocean. - friends. -Chas. Johns and Fred. bridge. are expected home this week from Manitoba , -A number of the young men bad an oyster, supper on Saturday evening, in honor of ono of the boys, Robert Tenny, who is about, Tdtincer ' s in a few leave Samuel •o l 't t days. Some of the oysters Were so overgrown that the Hon, Mr. Riley had to chew thein, ere he amid get them down. -•-Mr A. .Andrew spent last Week visiting bis'parents at Cons stance. -The' Sunday evening services at the Elimvilbe Church have been elan ed from 7:00 pan, to 6;$0 pan. -�- Mr. M. Efford. Sr,, has returned froin a two months' trip With friends in Michigan, Cobourg and other places,- 11fr. Ilerary Coultic:o hes moved into his et hawse which is without a doubt ed. She' was in her eighty-ninth year and was an early settler• its this part, The funeral takes place this afternoon, (Thursday ) Nbxns.-Large` crowds greeted the ar .r- I+}vi�ngel}cal chnireli anniyer..ary sc rites. Rev. Semillei, of Cleveland,preached editor of the elation) paper, p Sunday afternoon iuid evening and also gave e lecture on Monday even, ing, Heb was listened to with- mut attention --Miss ,Athdrews and brother of Brucefield, were the guests of E. Sunday. ---Au . );tiland Ninily Zeller Sufi y g„ .. pard friends and relations it, visit Sun- day last.- A shooting match took y orfs place '4'Vednesday between the sp of our village. Sides were choseii,the • losing, side peyif for :Ln oyster supper new , `ie i.g' . g ere the most ftp to•date on the ;Gine sc5utli. in the everting., , : once :sod shots Were of of and :there is no .doubt sortie, - 1Te still Bear reportsg Y . e th MAN New Hardware ware When buying hardware why: buy old shop w•ozGoods you whencan buynew:at better prices. . Our stock'is all new and purchased for cash. We .seeur-' ed bargains in every line, and our customers are getting the benefit. tIHRDWHR�-iOP t116 f1LL TRHDE S1 C1 aSAXES, COW TIES, X - CUT SAWS,LANT- ERNS, SPARES, SHOVELS, ETC. .We are selling these our are right goods in lar quantities, why, becausePrices 1 �, e � it. and the people know We carry a full laze {able and ocket Cutlery Razors, She ssors, Carving Setts, Butchers C' Sup- plies, 'Etc, Before bug any above goods, lies, pp y of the abo see oournewand up-to-date assortment. Rmember all Goods Solid at the are NoArO�os. New 1� ghest rove paid for Wood: zrtd Iron. b 'i t