Exeter Times, 1899-11-16, Page 5MONEY TO LOAN.. 4a t from 4j to X. A ply to, LT.,1 E 07. pLAD 1vXAN, xri tors , So rpitrs' Sao„ Lin St, Exeter, M0INL � U LOAN. N. We have unlimitedrivate fund for in v est- Yment'irpon hula or village property at lowest rates of Interest.. • • DICKSON fa C Al ?L ING, 1 xetor. RICNSl1lAN, DI,' A. R. ItINSMAN, Ii, D, S. D, D, S., Houor G'reduato of Toronto University, Dentist, Teeth extrra44__etect wi getup pain or bad after; effects, Ofice in Fan - son's block, West side of Main treet, Exeter' pR A D,ERr ON. (D• D. S. L' D 5) DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the : Toronto University, and Royal College of Dental .Surgeons of Ontario,Al r' e work, •'Ib ,d g i , Crowpa wt d Plato work dgne in the go a t st possible manner. A harmless anaesthetic for painless extraction, yho strictest attention given to the. preseivat• ron of the natural teeth. • Office opposite'Cen tarsi Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. A. HOOPER, Licensed e tioneor for the Country gf,Jiuron. Sales ''con- i dnctodin,all parts. and for p nvendence can be , rpp '""•''-'^�il*a aged:for at this oftleo,. Satisfaction guaratr- • teed, Charges moderato. Exeter P. 0, T X J' 1 .41 E Huron C4►urlty NQtes 1 tai her nose els posing' apparently th t I FO1t GVISIt > 11+ry xl�Alcs MAR R I< T +, The e � xx w Z�uoak I icsby tet•in,n char ming 1� ig that he had got the wrong bot '� � y atl.i cibi,Lvc: will be dedicated lWtlh and 20t inst. d scaled oil t Qt r On Friday evening AO Ass • ni bl w given in Cardno's i11L11, SenfortIn the young men, Prof. al. }dawlrins l . lately x ,, � o ganist it w, h)' r that hands ands rip to protect her face, and, real. a 1rrSlaw s Soatlung SYi'ul> has been used Pox is (Moroi' but she put bei AN •ox,n axz WF:r,r,-Tarsen Iteivrl;nx.--Mrs, I over flit earsb nrillio (S zur mothers for their tie, and scattered the contents over Iteootheeth char sof uh e � t, s khexrzs. allaysaki chaldron while teetblee. with erfect success.. s 1 elk c i Fain, hands a xs a ore a e rsd u s wind o• as .face • • � n colic, i, r .i;;,lt fuss carbolic 1 end is the best r i by acid she was horribly burned,' As he still threatened to kill. bee, and think- ing he might easily do so in her help- less less ec9nciition, she said "You: may des- troy m 'k Y Y beery, but you "cant kill my soul, as I belong to Christ," Land this remark is apparently what saved bei' a_ life, for his manner changed instant- cl. ly and he fled out of the room, mak- e ing his exit by way of the front door and in the darkness he made his es- cape, t More cases of sick headache, bilious- ness, constipation, eau be cured in"less - t:inie with less medicine, "and for less: money, by using Carter's Little Liver. - Pills, than by any other''rneans. r The Downie Plowmen's Association held their annual plowing match last week on the farm of Gerge S, Litt, r• lot 18, con, 2 Downie. All the teachers in the St. Marys. Public schools have been re-engaged as follows ;-W. D. Spence, principal, $750 ; Miss M. P. Barbour, $325 ; Miss L. P, Ingersoll, $300 ; .Mies C. B. Del- mage, 81300 ; Miss A. Wilson, $300 ; Miss B. Donald, $300 ; Miss E, Gr. Mit- chell, $300 ; Miss L. M. Thompson, 5275 ; miss G. 0, Box, $250. You hardly realize that it is medi- cine, when taking Carter's Little Liver; Pills: they are very small ; no bad ef- fects ; all. trouble from torpid livevand '•� ee he stomach from bile. ..�..,sley,. the well-knownproprie- tor of the station hotel, Wingat, is very ill with an attack of dropsy.. Mr Dinsley's le s s y many i'riends will wish him. a speedy recovery. r y Holines of Walkerton" has; Pim- chased the practice of Dr. Ralbfleisch of Brussels. Dr. Holmes is a son of Mr. Thos, Holmes of Wing.ham. The Whitely" farm, ,on the Huron Road, Tnekersmith, between Seafortli and Clinton, was sold by public ane, tion to Mr. Forester, of;Holmesvi]le for $4,700. The farm contains 100 acres and has on it a stone house and fair outbuildings. Dina:61 Droatioi lovImIlor, oe u e it St. 'Thomas ohurc]h, Sea,?orth, bas bee selected e t d e e to fill Ll k like 1 position in th ,Presbyterian church, Brussels. Tire directors of ° the Huron Cents:: Fair, held at Clinton, .finding thea selves behind in finances,' have decide to pay only 70 per cent, of the priz money. Geo, e a, O.hGobatd, brother-in-law o Walter Coats, and formerly- of Olin ton. has been re-engaged as Principe of Einbro Public School. Miss Morton, the evangelist, is eon ducting revival services inithe lIetho dist church at Seafortb. The meet ings will continue for three or fou e w s ek . H,1 1. Strang, B. A., principal of (rod eriel Collegiate Institute, is the autho of< new w text boolk on grammar which is just snaking its appearance. Ta s, Wilson has announced definite ly his intention of offering himself as a andiclate for the mayor's chair at the approaching municipal` elections in TRAYEv •Strayed froin the pasture field, two miles west of Exeter on November 7 throe 2 year old sed steers. Information leading to their recov- ery will be xeasortably rewarded. Moses ii'ARDxsuxi • r hxeter On t. ESTRAY Came into the premises of the undersigned lot 13, con 21, Stephen, on or about Aug lst,. a red heifer, two years old. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. JAs nis.ORONYN, Grand Bend. FARMS FOR SALE. 160 acres well improved farm for sale. 48 acres of fall wheat, 15 acres fall plowed, bal- ance newly -seeded, fair buildings, good fences, good well of water, young bearing orchard. This farm *ill be sold at a bargain on small a p yment down and long time on balance on easy terms.: We also have two choice 80 acre farms which wenaustsoll atone. These farms are all situated in a choice farming district and will be sold right. P1oxnefeBANPa, North Branch,Mch. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned Executors of the estate of the late Francis Eohlbein,, offer for sale, lot No 21, concession 16, of the township of Ste- phen. This farm contains 75 aures, all in good :cultivation:• There is. ou the promises a two- storey frame house, a bank barn, with wind- mill which forces water into barn,2 ever living' -wells is all tile iinderdrained, and well fenced good bearing orchard,, 11 miles from school, 81 miles from the flourishing village of Dash- wood. Address Edwin Deitriob, St. Clemens, Wellington Co., or Frank Bohlbein, Dashwood i'. O. 1t . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order of Robert K. Cowan, 'Esquire, Master of the Su- - ^ re e�e,Court at London in the case o torley:V. Tapp. ` "•• Creditors- of Thomas Nairu,lato of the Town- ",- ship of Biddnlpir, in the county of Middlesex, gentleman, who died: on or about tho 18th Feb- ruary, ruary, 1893, intestate, and all parties having lions. or inoumbraneesgeneral or specific uppn the whole or any undivided shares of his eetato or upon the interests of any person or -persons entitled to share' 'n therein such estate lots, 1, "2 15,16 andt ' g'22 , 17;in Boulton s plan, and lots 220 2L1 an222 in Caddy's plan, .all in Centralia,y p the village of in the county of Hiu on) are on or'be'- fo ethe 2 r 1st d a of November, 1899 to Y ye send by post prepaid to Messrs. Bayly & Bayly of the amity of London, Solicitors for the; plaintiffs, the Christian and surnames addresses and description, the full artioulans of their olainia >lens or incumbrances; together with satisfac- tory ,evidence of the amounts due thereon. Also a statement of their securities, and tho arature of.the securities (if any) held by them and in default thereof. they. will be peremp- torily excluded from :the benefit of the order made herein. Ever creditor, lien -holder or other inumbranc ry o i o h ld ngany security, is to produce the same before me at my Charebers at the county buildings, London. on the 21tlr.• day of November, 1899, at 11 o'clock in the fore noon, being the time appointed for adjudica- tion on the claims, Detect this 26th day of October, 1899.0 11. K. COWAN Master. 3-t OUSE AND LOT FOR. A first class two-storey brick house, line large stable, together with 1.5 of an acre of land, on Albert street, Exeter. Will sell or exchange t for farm property near a,town. Any person desiring such a property, will find this a good investment, and the offer remains open for two weeks. Apply to laugh Oke, Exeter, or J. G. Martin Contance, Huron Co. P. S.-idr, Martinis desirous of purchasing oc routing a good faun. • 2-t Gederich. - The Ribbert farm of Mr. William Roberts has beeh sold to Mr. Peter IEvans, son of Mr. William Evans 'Mc - ICillop,for tree sum of $4,300. It con- tains 75 acres of good land. Thos. Macdonald, a former residen t of Goderich, and the son of a fautol . Scotch shipbuilder of. the early part ot the Century, died at Toronto on Wed- nesday evening in his 78th year. John Agnew, of East Wawanosh, 4 W anosh who recently sold his farm, : has pur- chased the old Arch Fisher prop- erty, near the iron : bridge in Lower Wingham. Mr. Agnew will move to his new home in the near future. James Vint, of East Wawanosb, fell down stairs at his home. on" Monday morning last, breaking his right arm and- dislocating the salve arm at the elbow. His face was also badly cut and bruised. Mr. Vint is 74 years of age. John Feyg' i txscn of the Howick, g 12th, con: t� ick,. had two head- of fine cattle killed With lightning two weeks ' ago. They were lying at the end of the barn. The barn 'Was struck and damaged considerably. The Railway Committee of the Privy Council has- passed au order for the construction' of the railway siding to Doherty Organ Works : at Clinton and the only ;matter now .re- maining to be disposed of is as to the right of way through the private prop Simon Forsyth, 0th line, Morris, was so much taken with the appearance of things in the West *that he has taken up and bought 1,000 acres in the Rid- ing Mountain section, Assinaboia and will: move, there next spring. John Mc0atcheon, of the Oth,has also invest- ed in farms intlhe'same locality and will try farming there next spring. Charley. Young, of Porter's. Hill, had quite a misfortune one day last week. lie carne ona dog unawares ; it seized him below the eye and took apiece of flesh out, and.having,got the taste of blood it madeit wiirj, and :hart.,. it not been that the boy's mother was there to beat him off, Charley might have been killed. The sixth annual Commencement of the Clinton Collegiate Institute was held in the Town Hall Friday even- ing, •when the Clinton certificates were. presented to the students who were successful at the Midsummer Depart mental' anti Matriculation Examina- tions. The prizes won at the annual' games were presentedduring the even- ing. The : musical part of the program was exceptionally good. Charles Cook a careful f armee resid- ing on the Bayfield Road, had ' no less thanleurteen barrels of select, packed apples from one Baldwin tree. The tree was a pretty large one, 3 feet 8 inehes.by 50 feet,' and. when the culls and fallen frnit'' are considered, the yield would be:" hard to beat. Mr. Cook had, three acres of rnangold,s which -yield. seventy-three 30 -bushels loads. Another effort is being made to bring about a union of the two Meth- odist churches in Clinton. Both of- ficial boards have pronoucecl in favor T SALE . of it, and at a Joins meeting held Tuesday evening a committee of six. vas appointed to consider the sues.. FOR SALE Debentures Exeter. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 7 o'clock p. in., of the "mac-ci Day- of : Nov„ 91 9So, for the purchase of Local Improvement De= bentures `, OF THE MTJNICIPA.LIIY OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Amounting to $1800.19 (ono thousand eight hundred and nage dollars and 10 conks) payable in ten equal annual instalimenta. First Debenture payable on the first day of Docieniber: A. D. 1900 Gaao, H, tssarr Muni ' ci allark Dated at Exeter. this 3rd day of Nov.,1802 c " C SALE. AUCTION OF N in Centralia. 1lORLEY ET AL. V,TAPP: To be sol .' t a t o, d m n'7l d, rrsiia at t tog o t byp blas .auction (4ubjectcto a ,osorvod bid) at the Royal Hotel air Centralia b ,la. , Stanley,Au to v s ct neer, on 'Wednesday 22nd November 1050 at p. im Lo rturnbors 220,221 and '2 Lotsz 22 , inCaddy's d plan: and lets 1,2, 1516 and 17 in Boultnt'ss Plan all In the Village of Conti. (lilt; save and except that part of said lot 2, heretofore sold to '.Chos. Ie. Er nd ord, a f For terms i'paymentc n o, and conditions of sale, seo bill posters, or apply to .jas, fitai)ey, Atia- tieneer, Lueao; Messrs. Crodyn 86 B3otts, So- liehnea, London, or to nAyLlt'tic BAY%tI/ D. IL COWAN Vendors' Solicitors, • Master at London. London, Ont. ion of site and report •a week hence. The scheme has gone even further than thio before, so that even now there is no surety of union. The prospects are getter for the Wipgham Flax Co. this year than they were last year. They had 141 acres of land leased and sown in flex. One hundred and sixty-five tons of flax have been brought to the mill, and about 1200 bushels threshed, with some amore to thresh, which will snake, it is supposed,a total of 2000 bushels of fax seed,; .this has been sold at $1.50 ri bushel. There was also ninety tons uf'green :bow, which 'was sold at $17 per ton, On Tuesday evening of last week about half -past 0 o'clock, Mr, Charles Carline Of Clinton left his house -30 seconds' walkfrotn the wain se --and started for the evening mail,e.xpecting only to he away for a .few minutes. Mrs. Oarline has been in delicate health foe a lone. time, but her disabil- ity isLbility is intensified by a broken thigh, which confines her to becl. Soon. after- Mr. fter 1VIr. Carline had gone out Mrs. Carline heard o.t ar sine one rater by the rear door. In moment or two she was startled by seeing a man enter. her bedroom who said, ''Missus,where does the boss keep his money?" She replied she p had been i11 so long.she did not know, 1` hntt]ron bt he had his money in his g Y pants pocket "But you will find my pocket -book in that drawer," she con- tits tied, pointing to a' bureau drawer. He pulled ant the dertwee finding therein a .picket book, in which were < ' three Loc. shinplasters. n tk r Another ler p arse. was in the same drawer, but he over- looked it and was so an 1 at finding g y 'so small an amount that he threw th pocket-book on the floor. threatened to suffocate her• or knock her c l brains out for deceiving bite. Mrs. Carline sorest eel at t e ' M u h to of bee voice ' and taking a stick, which she had lying en the bed stanch h y g c her assailant a sharp rap over the head, Ho wrenched the stick from her haLnds, and. struck her unmercifully over the head, face, arms and legs Taking a bottle from his pocket he applied it. rein or Diarrhoea. ft is p1ea8ant to the taste, ,Bald by druggists in every part of the world, v25 cents it bottle. Its vahro is •inealeul ,ble. 130 sure and list Por Mrs Wi slew s Soothing Syrup 'ai i Yl rt irk p t oarooh ter .kind lllr. Reelci , who was employed in the Windsor branch of the Bank of Core 113erce has Com men ced his duties in the Stretford branch. ;1'O'.l`.a n DEA -A rails lady • cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr, Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums bas sent £1,000 to his institute, so that deaf people linable to procure the Ear Drums rel m $z a. have Y ahem free. Ap- ply to Dept. A. S. V. the Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, New York,U, S. A. ale OId Age. / Sad to see people advaneed'in years su13'eringfroznBaek- ache, Larne Back Urinary Troubles ' and Kidney Weak- ness. A hale old age, free fompains and aches, can only beattained bykeep- ing the kidneys right and the, blood pure, DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS befriend .the aged by freeing them from pain and correcting all g a 1 Disorders of the Kidneys and Urinary System. Mr. Thomas an old resident of Renfrew,, Ont., spoke as follows: "1 ant 72 yearsof age, and have been troubled for a number of years with • ains aeross my baeks' When. I would stoop over it gave agonizing pain to straighten up. I was so bad that I could searcely walk. I, have' taken many kinds of medi- cines, but got nothing to help me. Being recommended 'to'try Doan's Kidney Pills I: got a box. After taking three doses T noticed areat gfor the change better, and •I can- now get around as smart as a cricket., T can split nay own, wood and am, in fact, just like a new instil." EDIN Meat The nnclereigued has opened up a new meat market one door TH lSA ®S ARE South of cal 11r � Store e where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. A CALL 1fOLICI'J ED. .01i N T I1ANNING CALL AT . TIE F.AMLY FFRNI Paine's Ce1et y Compound Gives Prompt Relief : and Cures Permanently. --- Thousands dsof s people die p die iia -Novem- ber of rheumatism. In the vast ma- jority of cases carelessness, ignorance and alack of medical skill send .the sufferers to the grave. It can be honestly and farlesslyas- serted that in ninety-nine cases ut of every hundred it would have banished the disease and saved life. No other medicine can ds such mar- vellous work for those afflicted with' rheumatism and sciatica. Fame's Celery Compoundistruly your friend and life -renewer ; it is the medicine re conznaended by theablestphysicians for the banishnen1t:atid cure of a disease that has'such fatal results in the .yari- able aufumn:men ths. The original cause ofrh rheumatism, tzsm, as of so many other diseases, is ,a lack of nerve force. . With this weakness of nervous system there is a derangement of the digestive organs ; the food stays too long ]u the stomach, it turns sour, and the resulting acid entersthe blood. The victim then takes cold, : and the acid cannot he expelled from the - sys- tem by ordinary means. Soon the Joints swell, li and then there is ' intlam-. rnatiou and great suffering. Paine's Celery Compound used promptly and regularly quickly expels all the deadly acid from the body ; the pains are banished, muscles and joints that have become contracted . and stiffened soon become limber and re- gain their power,and t patient walks with comfort and ease. • A PERIVIANENT CURE Of such serious diseases as Scrofula,01d5ores; Eczema, Ring Worm, Ulcers, and all malignant' diseases having their origin in bad' blood can only be obtained through the use of Burdock ood 13itters, i have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil for Berns, Scalds, Frost Bits Sprains,, bruises, Sore throat and painsin the Stomach, I always say 11 is r1 rogularinediuine cheat, it can be used) -in 80. many die crentwoym. 4ft 1Si °TROt7SANDS OF _ YOUNG MEN are ra troubled bled wit hinervous n e`ss des on y dedcy, exhaustiou, loss o menrora pm les,ulcers, bore airs,- T e results iY)achingaelts and kidneys, painful urine, bashfulaess, sediment in urine, losses (3 at algid, impotency, headaches, varcocele, i 156 of earl habits in youth or later excesses. Onc Vitalized Treatment cures the worst, cases.•;. �,} Emitssions Varicocele S sap the'vi "vigor Eor and vitality. and �r'oduoe ( @weak meg. Otss DollarTi'ca2 meant, ) tot will Cure Yoe*. Stricture and Gloat,: No matterliow Chronic,'yield to our Vital- iecl Treatment. No operation, rte: pain,'' 16 to tletewti oil from bu to s ess. All "drains tWtns lease. Dur Dollar Treatment olio �will Garp Yon. Blood 81, Sexual Diseases cured forever. No return of the disease. No Mercury. No poi5o : Our 'go i r Treatment xn t wily Cure 'You. We Guarantee Cures. eases of men We treat and cure all dis- C and women for r �4 OP DE AR Iiraaninaion final Oonetiltgtlori iMree. Wriie for Qneiiron Mei for 8'ose Ttmitritbnt. 471Miahr a n Ave nue D !l Ol.l�� DOCTORS net . reit Mich. setsee a le osaoeeie " 4 f. For first class CORNED. BEEF, DDE,,. PRESSED TONGUE, , BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS A fine selection of, BEEF, LAMB, FRESH PORLc, and all kinds of Y eesl-a anal matt cert Tell eases on band. Note the address, die. s, nee door north of The R. Pickard Co's store. LOL St Bdial, MRQP. Yon require e aILAn often at this time a suit very of the'year. We are prepared tofit111 you out in the finest style. Best quality Coo d close9t pl3cos. Wedding Suits E eia fa. A J SNELL This dangerous Blood Disease always euredd: by Burdock Blood Bitters, e i r. Most people are aware how serious a disease Erysipelas si'`elas is. r Cara t rout it out of the system with ordinary dlrlarY r elaaecl es. Like other dangerous blood diseases, though, B. B. 13. can cure it everytime. ne. Read what RaclaeI Patton, Cape Chin, Bruce Co,,. Olt. 9 says: - "1 wish to state that I used Bur.. dock Blood Bitter i s for Erysipelas il] my face and general' run down State of illy health. I tried ed lu rly rem- edies but all failed to cure. I t"len tried 13,13,13. T*0 bottles n, cured tale and four bottles cotiipletele cuted nae." gainer, November 15th, 18 9 Wheat per bushel .. ,5t to 65 0(48. . 25. to 24; Ba r P005 3,r to .�54 to go Butter. r E .15 .to 16 Turkeys , 16 0 16 Z� urkpve Geese- 8 to 6 Chlekons per It 5 to 6 5 Deeks of to' Veel..,.13 to 15 Drled Apple 5 to Pork dressd„ - , ,. +$5.00 to 5, 5° 0 London, Novembers, l5tb, 1801„ Wheat oL plrbushel,.. 66 to 7 oats, 28 co G0 Peas ,.,,.,51 to 60 Barley.:.... , ••, ....37 to 40 Buckwheat ..,,46 to 45 Rye . ..t 0 to 6(1 Comes ,. ••42 to 41 Butter 6.a to 70 ••••14 10'14. Eggs . •„ I5 to 16 Ducks ., .. , , 60 . 0„70 Turkeys of h R 1.. c ]1) to b Geese per lb.. l" Chickens....0 to 5 50 to 75 Che•ese, � � E to 10 Potatoes per bag...... .....80 tot 00 - Hayper ton ,,,,,, .4 6.00 to $ 7.50 Pork per cwt..- .. 84,50 to 85.00 Robert Guest, of St; Marys. has re- moved to Minneapolis, : where he will reside in future, Rave no equal as aromp t and posi- tive cure for sick headache,. biliousess, constipation, pain in the side. and all liver troubles, Carter's Little Liver Pills, Try then, M. P. O'Connor, a formerresident;of St. Marys, but, now station agent on the L. E. & D. R. R., at Harrow, Essex county, was recently the victim of an assault by Dr. W. H, Campeau, of Harrow. O'Connor nn or laid d an nformL-tion against his assailant, and the case carne up before Magistrate Bartlat at Windsor on Tuesday. Dr. Campeau was committed for trial, but was re- leased on $100 bail, furnished by him- self. GIVE A YOUTH resolution and a course in Business and Short hand at the • REST and who shall place lirnits.to his career. Catalogues free. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal, Clott: ging ODE TION t3 a. � y e Order ut M de to L.. Fit. SIIORI3IT'S Rigby Proofed Frieze Ulsters In seven. shades. 52 inches lot�Deep Storni Collar. . 5 pockets -deep flaps.�.' Made e ��-•� of Frieze -not Etoffe. 'guar:, „ . anteed to please or your money back. Sold - all- b Y U p _ ate Clothing Dealers for moa` v-o-o•u-o,�� The St Security. p On every Slater Shoe ", put there by makers as a guarantee of wear value- aP rotec- tion against extortionate profits. Many men would readily pay more for a " Slater Shoe " were not •the price stamped on the sole this stamp gives theactual market value of the_shoe determined by the manufac- turers. Made in twelve foot -model shapes, all sizes, widths, leathers, colors and styles. Every pair Good- year welted. I3.5o and $5.rao. I, eseasselsetteese E. J. SPACkMAN, SOLE LOCAL AGENT. Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to. avail yourself of our offer. We i are sll showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians and clays(bought ,. ( �ht before the heavyadvance 'i in price and selling at the old prices.) Nice suits for, $14 in fallc worsted suiting. We show 3 - a big range at. moderate prices in Sc Canadian and tweeds we cary a large and well as- sortedb stock.Prices to suit all. A large stock of the la; • t est goods voa oercfor stn t from $10 up. GIVE US A CALL and see what we can do for you. J . Grieve® MERCHANT TAILOR Thethree great vital factors. of this body of ours are the heart, the nerves andthe blood.: It is because of the triple` power�possessed by Milburn's Heart andNervePiiisofmaking weak, irregular beating hearts strong and steady, toning up run down, •shattered, nervous systems and supplying those elements necessary to make thin, watery blood rich and red, that so many :wonderful cares havo been accredited to this remedy: Here is the case of Mrs. R. 1. Arnold, - Woodstoek, N.B., who :says: "I was troubled for some time with nervous prostration and general weakness, feeling, he -Rubio, debilitated and sleep- less now 1y all the time. My entire system became run down. As soon as T began taking lktilbure's Heart and Nerve , Pills. .I realized that they had a calming, soothing iniluenee upon the nerves.: Every dosaseemed .to help the cure. They costo ed a,e sae my strengthened' nay nerves and gave tone to my en tire system. . I think them wonderful," 1 Any man who wears wy i the D. King Co.'s ce rob Proof Rubbers makes money -money that will jingle in trisocket, p _r' Ser,rch file wor d 1 over and t;v� <. 11 .find 17 YGu c~p c, -r.J Rubbers, because _? , nGtlli.ncr" better. t . Any progressive dealer can tell you, all about Stub e' X .�.<,•��e �aB avtDt' if not, write to. the D.King ' J. Co.,. and they will-tellY ou. Yocan' t afford to be without them, because they are the best. See that' Stub Proof is STAMPED OI'1 the bottom of each shoe. The . D. KING CO. Limited, d, Toronto. Montreal, Winnipeg. For Sale in 'Exeter by H. Bishop & Son. A FULL LINE OF NEW BOOKS FOR School nening AND ALL THE CHILD - RENS NEEDS AT Brownings. Where the Scholars are ' used well. ii The handsome parlor suites end fancy tables we sell create admiration and surprise: Admiration for, „the quality of the goods theand' style and finish, And Surprise at the to wP rice at ' which we sell theta, When you want furniture go to R eROWI'S UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. c D ems• SON R. N HOWE FURNITURE AND tNDERTA Iti.L"I3:S A Man isiays 1n The If be wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting Suits lie is a sure fitter. His prices are away down. His goods are the : best. Call and examine his' buying 'goods before 'y g your FALL SUIT W. JOHNS, "ce T l S'7w r. By the Best and-owas,-- ignore the Rest In the end7' l you 111 find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant n- a ca � l tlooua with elle, of our Bed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs„ GET SOMETHING CE We have, ItJcarr,` want it, 4 Take look at our full line FURNITURE and you will find what you are loOking foi' Opera House Block: