Exeter Times, 1899-11-16, Page 2DICKSON & CARLINet Barristers, eolieitors, Notaries, 0o veesncere Conxurissionese I?to, Money to Loan at 4l per Omit, and 0 per cent. O1'FI471C:.—P'&NSON'S BLOCK, EXETER.' I. R 0A22LI89, B• A. L.1I, 1;608 6(11% member of tee firin will bo atlleusall on j Thursday of easel week, 'T�► R. COLLINS, Barrister, Solicitor, Ccnviyauce>"; Btc. eseR1'ER, -LINT. tQFVlUE ; QvQ r O'Nei1's Batik. . LLIOT rii GLADMAN, Barristers, Tors, Solicitors, Not�lles Pnble ,. Conveyancers &o, &o. t'bfoney to Loan, OFFICE. MAIN - BT :MDT, EXETER. lx, v.. ELLIOT. F. W. GLADl1IAN, 111FiD1CAL R. S. IT. 12SVER,S, ,Ni, B. TORONTO 1;3NI v1u1S1'.rY, M, TI. C. M. Trinity Univer city. Cffiee—Crediton,_Ont.. RS.ROLLINS& AMOS. Separate Offices. Rosideuco sane as former. ly, Andrew st: Offices: Spaolcuian's building. Mein st; Dr Rollins' same as formerly, north dtor. Di'. Amos" same building, south door, 3.A. ROLLINS, M. D.. T. A, OS, Ont W.BROWNING OWNING 1Vi. D., M. O., CI •P. S,Graduate Victoria. University office and residence. Dominion Labors• tory, Exeter. 1 x,13;. HYNDMAN; coroner for the LL County of Enroll. Office, apposite Carling .BEa 6. et Ore, Esetet. AUCTIONEERS. T BOSSE14BERRY, General Li- • eonsed Auctioneer Sales oeuduoted it allparts, Satisfactionguaranteed. Charges moderate. BensaIIP O, Out: HENRY EILBER Licensed Aa . JI tioueer for tine Counties of auron and Middlesex- Sales conducted atmod. ex•ate rates. Middlesex-, at Post-ollioe Urea - ton Ont. - re. ere.........emaseeee.=aseneeeseteet V Li'TERINARY. Tennent S Tennent. EX Iirr ui t. ONT. Graduate of the. Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. Office—One door south of Town Hall. ?TIHE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE: leISURA1 (;ECO. Betablisbed in. 1.863. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT phis Company hes been over'Nventy-sigh ,ears in successful operation in Westera Olitnrio, end cell duties to iusnroagniest loss or damage by lire.' Buildings, Merchandise IIlsa,rloetori es':Led el] other descriptions of ir.stnable nroperty. Intending iusnrers have the option of hasurincon the Premium Nuttier Cash System. During the past ten years this corupauy has. issued 57,096 Policies, covering property to the amt nit of $40,872,0:38: and paid in losses alone $70,u,T52.OU. Assets, $176,000.60, consisting of Cash in 3 Link Govertlnteut 1)epositand the,unasses- fed Premium Notes ou hand and In force. J.11.1i'.une ,M.D.,President ; It M.'TaYLen secretary; i. 33. hurtles, Inal,ector . CHAS. BELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity. e f aftNO.' small, and he; ,had already been twice li trithe second floor, so, unless on •the se cin 1 .S George �' r must find e oof, . he mu I s t, g CHAPTER .II: Continued the top rooms of all, " U m," said IVIr. Skewton, stroking 1 doors, of two servants' room that stood his chin, " and a friend?" open, knocked gently at the third one, " So I thought him till hest night, weeds was shut, Listen. He loved my wife, though she No answer. did not know it, and before God I swear He knocked again and with the I never suspected hila of the treaoh- salmis result, ery in his heart. ¥y wife went Lobed, Then he said quietly, with his lips in that recess you, saw, about eleven.: to the keyhole;'"Your husband is un- I salt: up reading for an hour, then went der arrest for the murder of Mr. in to eels that she was all safe, and. Rees.,, went back. I had tarried out the gas, A sound of voices, a rush as of a and was about to cross the outer room whirlwind, and Lha door ; was flung to go up stairs, when the door corn- apenl to bring the ' cieteotfve face to municating with the . staircase open- face with a woman whom he'after- ed, and some cue came in quickly, and ward described as the sweetest little went through the folding -doors. He morsel he ever; saw in his life." went straight to the reoess—in the dim, "You must be mad," said Elizabeth light I saw him and—in a second—an on the Instant, "my husband came up one lightning moment of fury—Ishot to this room last night, and never lett him as he turned to face me, and he it till he, was called from his bad this fell down dead across the foot of the bed." morning by that horriblenews. tIf he " And your wife slept through all authoritatively to Rose. "you must es, He went baldly, up and; passing the THE EXETER TIMES Is published every Thursday morning ab Times Steam Printing House Ma n street, nearly opposite Fitton's jewelry store, Exeter, Ont., by JOHN WHITE &SONS, Proprietors. BATRS ON ADVEBiISING: Fine insertion, per line10 cents Each subsequent insertion, per line3 cents To insure insertion, advertisements should be sent in not later than Wednesday morning. Our JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT is one of the largest and best equippedin the County of Huron. All work en.rusted to us will re- ceive our prompt attenton. Decisions Regarding Newspapers, 1—Any person who takes a paper regularly from the post office, whether directed in his name or another's,or whether he has subscrib. ed or not, is responsible for payment. 2—If a person orders his paper discontinued k o must pay all arrears or the publisher may ontinue to send it until the payment is made, and then collect the wlio:aamount, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. 3-1n suits for subscriptions, the suit ,may be instituted in the place where the paper is pub- lished, although the subscriber may reside bun ireds of miles away. 4—The courts have decided that refusing to a ke newspapers or periodicals from the posb ,pflims, or removing and leaving them uncalled kr, le prima facie evidence of intentional Ira nd. [CATE 1 ragR PILLS. BF* Dto a bilious state of the system, such as izziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating Pain in the Side, &c. Whilo their most remarkable success has been shown In curing; S C Headache yet CAit8xn'a Lietfa LIVER Pats are equally valuable to Censtipatlon,Miring and preventing this annoyingcomplaint, wihile they also oorreet all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bewelt. Event If they, only aired Ache they would be alnioeb prioelotta tm hose who softer front tee distressing complaint' but fottunately their goodness does not end n trythent wilt find here, and tixose who once' Mese little pills valuable In so man ways that 1107ut will not be Willing to do witioptl ttwmr. 411 .. .._ lsthe tato ofeonati '1[veathpttieretowhee, ee mxike our great boast, Ot11i pills care ifs while others do trot. Ceelen a Ltu'rti Lfvitit :Plat at'etrerrynmall Old very env to talte. Oris Or two villa make A dome. They are strltty' vegetable and de tot gripe or peep, but by their gentle actleh a, ho u them,' at 25 cents 'geeseit Who usefu viad Iva fee Si, Sold ever'yw]here, er cantly mail, h qa1 T11 Anita10X1913 OO,r lloty Ttt ?1i a Dori S'iilall Floe► had gone down again," she turned this?'" said Mr. Skewton, incredulous- have heard him, must you not?" ly-The detective 'turned to look at the " Don't you know?" said Jack in girl addrbssed, looked her 'through and surprise. She is deaf."' through, yet was conscious all the "A tragedy, indeed," said Mr, Skew- while athe narrow, low-pitched room, ton, dryly; ' but one would think even the unsuitable entourage of this wo- e deaf person would be wakened by a man, who looked as if born to rule in pistol shot within a yard of her." a palace. l• Ie observed, too, a smell But she did not stir," said Jack, of burning paper lingering in the air, calmly, his always resolute jaw and and suspected mischief. mouth more resolute than ever. Rose looked at her mistress steadily, And after?"' said Mr. Skewton. pityingly,even, but returned no re- " I went up stairs,"said Jack. ply. " And then ?" Mrs. St. George made a gesture of For a moment Jack looked like one suddenly checked at fault. " What does the way in which I spent the later part of the night matter to you?" said Jack, sharply, "I went to bed." To beds Leaving that body as a pleasant surprise to your wife when she woke! H'm—and you shot an un- armed man. Rad you a grudge against her ?" he asked, suddenly. Jack made no reply. "Where is she ?" said Mr. Skew - ton. "Upstaiz'rg," " You had had a conversation to- gether since this—occurrence 1" "Not one syllable." • "H'm," said Mr. Skewton, "then she does not know who did it ?" " Yes,—sbe knows." " She knew," said Mr. Skeleton, keen- ly, " that you might have had a mo- tive for killing this young man?" "Yes." He said it defiantly, and as .if he had put shame for her miles away from himself. Mr. Skewton went out softly, called a subordinate whom he left outside the drawing-roomi door, and ascended to the suite of rooms above. He had already visited them, but now after a glance at the quiet figure, on the bed,he stepped up to the toilet - table." H`'m,"'. he said, "evidently inter- •rupted ley something or somebody in the act of undressing. Cravat thrown. off, but collar still, round his throat, his watch and money lying about. What's this? An envelope and no post- mark—a woman's writing of course, a woman who is probably in the house." He went down to the drawing -room with the letter in his hand. " This is your wife's hand -writ- ing ?" he said, "Mr. Ross evidently+ received this after he came in last. night." The young husband turned. He seem- ed to have shrunk in his clothes and Mr. Skewton was answered instantly by the pale look on his face—a look aghast terrible, and which illumined and con- firmed the theory that the detective had set up, perhaps, disappointing him not a little, as at firet sight there had seemed to be stranger circumstances in the case. " After all," he thought, contempt- uously, " it was a very simply mur- der, simple in its motive and clumsy in its accomplishment, and the course of justice will be swift and easy, so that no possible kudos can be attach- ed to any detective concerned in it." How could he tell through what furnaces of agony Jack was passing as he stood with back turned to him mo- tionless as a stone? That bitter cry out of Scripturewas ringing in his ears, that cry out of the far ages, that will ring on for ever, " And itwas even thou—mine own familiar friend. " "A splendid fellow," thought the de- tective, mentally measuring his inches, "but who would have thought him cow- ard enough to shoot an unarmed man?" indignant anger, then turned fiercely on the man who stood there in the narrow way, forcing himself upon her to her own chamber. A sudden sense of the publicity in which she must henceforth live, smote on her chillily, and she felt that the sanctity of her home was gone, and privacy for her no longer existed. "If any one is to be arrested," she said curtly,, "arrest me. If anyone in this house is guilty, I am that person." "How did you do it?" he said, smoothly and raising his voice a little; "do you always carry firearms?" She had set her face as a flint, but she could not keep the look out of her eyes that told him what he want- ed to know. He 'caught also an ex- pression in Rose's face that he stor- ed up for future unravelling. "Mrs. St. George did not do it," he said to himself, "but her maid knows something about it. Then there is the skylight." Aloud he said, and pro- duct/1g an envelope from his pocket: "Mr. Ross received a letter trona you last night ?' "He did." "It was delivered by one of your servants? "By my maid." "Mr. Ross was not in, ma'am," said Rose, "anti I placed the letter on his dressing -table." • "NNhere he found it at midnight ar later," said the detective ,to him- self. Mr.. Russ was a friend of yours?" he said. "Ile was," she said, coldly ; "but is this quite the place in which to cate- chize me?" "If you .wUl come down," he said calmly, "I will ask my questions un- der mare favorable circumstances." But she shrank back, and shook her head determinedly. "When' you come to take me away to prison I will go down," she said, "but not till than." And she made as through she would shut the door in his face. "Softly,"- he sa'd, not rudely. or of- tetnsively, and indeed his manner had not been wanting; in respect from the first, "if you will not come downs thee. I must speak to you here. You corresponded with Mr. Barry ?" "I did." "Unknown to your hu' band?" "Unknown to my husband." "I may venture to inquire your subject ? "You may not." Suddenly he stepped back, and through the folding -doors, looking around with a glance that embraced everything, especially the window that Jack had left open overnight, and which was open still. Beneath it was part of the roof of. the dining -room, and beyond it, and a eine lx rth: a large expanse of leads, bounded by the windowless backs. of the houses in a by -street that ran at right angles with the leads. Windowless? Ay, but in the .b:rick- tiled sloping roof of one of these houses the quick eye of Mr. Skewton detected a single skylight, shut, it is true, but more. than wide enough to admits the body of a man, while the drop to the leads below was not mora than twenty feet. '" The window open, and a skylight in another house by which any one could get in here, and go all over the house," said Mr. Skew- ton to himself, "" if. it were not; for the pistol, and this man's damning evidence against himself—though he is too eager by half -:c should say this might be a ve.rly interesting ease in- deed, ' ed. i eyes remained de ed; Anyway," his n y y, y riveted to the skylight, "it won't. be dumb plain sailing as I supposed." He had the more reason: to believe himself correct in this supposition, when in the course of his travels round the room, he discovered and prompt- ly annexed something that, however b;unlble in itself, was destined to play an important part in the drama that had, yet to he played out. And now for Mrs. St. `George," he said., CHAETI+1R " ilonvesi wetet makes Insist Thee she The. deadest pool .,the deepest He did. not trouble any one to show tile way. the house was fashionably "Your letter was not at enol a glimpse of it --fit. glimpse that told liiin o bar at r,night bring him to your much, r;h ' "Matchless," said the detective, "mid. Elizabeth's eyes blazed-Rosa'swere you keep them rolled up in 0, twist east. down, of tissue paper ?" as she carelessly put "What has this to do with your in- the baok'in her shallow pocket. And query?" she said, for a moment he mused over the reek - "Everything. If Mr, Ross obeyed lessness of women, sump a sulo,ps ns from you, and your Rose Dupont had moved away, and wasfoldin • u and putting straight ththings lying abot, "" Why do you not' keep your sap- phires la a safe?" he said to kirs. St. sGeorgeav, S`eher; then looleedsaaited him, ditidainiug to °n - "What time did he cone 'up?" "Have you arrested lay husband, said the detective. and On what evidenee?" Elizabeth. faltered, trembled. : " Strictly speaking, he is not under "You 'were asleep," said the: deter- arrest, but he is watched, and could tive in his dangerously soft sugges- not escape if he tried, The evidence," tive ,voice. "He may have sat up he touched hies breast pocket, "Is• reading !ale?" here." "No," she said boldly,""he mayhave Elizabeth turned to that livid whites thought me asleep, buI was nt. It nese which betrayed mortal agony and struck midnight just after he went fear. She tried to speak, but uttered upstairs," only a hoarse sound that died in her "Did you' hear your master come. up throat ; then, before he guessed her stairs?" he said suddenly . to Rose, : intention, with the delioaoy of touch Rsoe made no reply. and lightning swiftness of a practio- "He came ups at twelve, did he not, ed thief, she had dived for and snatch- Rose 9'cried Elizabeth, eagerly.' ed the 'pistol' out of his breast pocket, But Rose's' back Answerethe'ques and put it behind her back. tion, It had been a moment's thought, an "Your .maid looka as if she had not instant's work, - not even knowing beenin bed all night!" said Mr. Skew- what she would find in the pocket be ton. ,"At what hour did Mr. Ross hacl so significantly touched; but the usually came in?" unexpected touch of the cold steel At all hours, The latch was always chilled her blood, and she trembled vis - left up foe. him."ibly as she stepped back, "Yon saw him every day?" To Be Continued. fiery seldom:" ('But he and, your husband were. on GIANT POLICEMEN. perfectly friendly terms?' "Perfectly."" "Until fast night.` ,'saris` brothers naimisd. Kavanagh, "And you also?" from the county of W eaford, who have She looked him, full in the face and just been admitted as recruits to the paused del.be.ralel, before she said: "Stop," Danks of t!he Dublin Metropolitan Po- i The detective put. up his hand. lice, have created a mild sensation, as he said, , 1< am bound 10 tell each of the brothers. stands exactly you not to say anything that will in- six feet six inches in Height and is criminate yourself." When you been trying for the lasbuilt in proportion. They are sons h of a farmer, and are men of splendid minutes to extract every damning physique, in addition to their unusual circumstance you can against me 1" ;height• Two other brothers remain. she said, with a Curious faint smile. at home, who are presumably the "Listen 1 dwarfs of, the family, 'beingi each only Rose came forward and caught at six feet •three inches in height—but her mistress's arm. ; perhaps they have'not'yet attained ".Mam," she said, imploringly, their fuel elevation - don't ! If isn't true -don't say it I o Somebody may have come after the sapphires.ad" What sapphires 9" said the deter ties, quickly, "They have nothing to do with it," said. Elizabeth, "no one knows where I keep them, often :I don't know my- self. I hide them, here, there, and ev- erywlsare." " Then you always feared being robbed?" said the detective, his pulses. quickened by this new element in the cape, Mrs. St. George looked indifferent. " What, was their value?", he said. " About five thousand pounds." " And you kept such valuable things lyingwhere 9a, there and `every ".There were 'only two stones," she said, indifferently. " Two 1 They must have been very large to be of that value." They 'were," she said, carelessly, "' ea large thai!" very few people thought they were real." The detective glanced at the ill -pro- portioned room, a servant's room, how- ever, beautifully furnished, andkept, husband found him there--' the, de- teotive paused significantly, Elizabeth's face blanched, and she seemed hardly to breathe. `"My husband never set' foot to that room after ite wished me good -night." she said. Children Cry for ASTOR 11, THE RIGHT WORD. Mrs. Wickwire -Our washerwoman always talks ,- about wrenching the clothes, instead of rinsing' them. Mr. Wickwire-1VIeybe she says what she •means. She has wrenched all the button -holes out of half my' shirts. AN ARTIST. My wife hail julst completed a hand- some piano cover, said Hickby. Does your wife do- any•fancy work ? Does she do fancy work 1 roared. H. Peck. You ought to see her when I' go home late from . the lodge, COULDN'T .AFFORD IT. He said 'he couldn't raise the money to send me to the mountains. How? k t How did you r manage to escape hay and his ayes expressed the astonish- fever thisyear, Clara? meat he felt. With such jewels as I didn't. Papa managed it. those, how came she to give up the. best _. rooms in the house for a paltry hun- dred or two a year? Where were they last night ?" he said. ' Here," said Elizabeth, . thrusting her hand into the pocket of her dress- ing -gown, As she did so, Rose turned htheer backroom,. busying herself with tidying An ejaculation of amazement from the detective made her turn. She drew nearer, and a frightful change came over her face as she saw lying on her mistress' palm, two glorious sapphires of enormous size and in color, the intensest, darkest, vividest The women in our neighborhood are blue. talking of organizing an Anti -Gossip A low moan escaped her lips, instant- Club. ly stifled, but as she turned aside to Well, no doubt it will end in talk. hide her fags, Mr. Skewton caught a too, if the aunties run it. ChHHdren Cry for C T ^ R 1 WHERE A PULL COUNTED. Those two dentists have had a con- test to see which one extracted the most teeth in . a, month. How did it come out? Oh, it was a draw. MANY ELIGIBLE MEMBERS. EilliffilMINISIMMINEONEMMOMMEMMNIMMAIMOM !$s What is y ti.,r r t,..�„8}t�7 by n.7, a:• Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's- prescription for Infants • ncontains either lulls J 1orphine nor end Children. . It c � ()plum, ' , Narcotic ar e substance. It IS a harmless substittito e 1�' c tx. for Paregoric, Props, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms anal, allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour C1nrd, euros Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural, sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend, Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent' medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told ,ne of its good effect upon their children.” De. G. C. OSGooa, Lowell, Mass. Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that 5 recommend it as superior to any pre- scription known to me." H, A. ARCHER, NI. D. Brooklyn, N Y. THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE CENTAURS COMPANY. TT HURRAY STREET, NEWYORK CITY. ,;