HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-11-2, Page 5oNEY TO LQ.A, 4 t front l to G/,• A1to Ethmyos,' & GLADIVeseN. Parrister's, Solicitors, &o.; Mein St., ltlxoter.. MONEY TO ,LOAN, 'Wplro;vounlimited private funds for invest, r P 11 anent ul?oi arm o r yr ago property' at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON SON & CABLING, Exeter, KINSMAN, L. D. S. ANDDR, A. 11. KINSMAN, L. D. S. P. D. S,, Honor Graduate `of Toronto University, Dentist: Teeth le h ex scatted without pain or bad after effects. Oflloe in Fan- sOn's block. West side of Main £reet, Exeter' DR. A ® 3H. . DENTIST. Honor t;Graduato of the Toronto U niversity tandRoyal College ofDental Surgeons or Ontario. Allbridge work Crowns,as dl Plate domain the neatest possible manner. A • harmless anmsthetie for painless extraction. The strictest attention given to the preservat- ion of the natural teeth, Office opposite !Oen tral Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. (Won County Notes ' l Winghanl laid dais year 4314 feet of l .: Wild geese have been seers flying south over Goderich. The God x� c .l. ea x Star lst s' sa I. would t wo d Y need00 2 ears to eleax• the elevators,' Goderich Knitting Works employees aro working overtime four nights a week. The h steamer Roseville from R. Wil- 1iam unloaded 80,000 bushels of wheat at the Goderich elevator lust woek, A, A. Knox, B. A., M. ,8,, of Toronto University, a former St. Marys boy in- tends spending the winter in Olinto.n, Joseph Lawson, of Huliett, and Ralph Handford, a ci ' rd n fo 0 f Centralia, 1 have been 'appointed county con stables. Mrs. A. McDonald. of Goderich broke a email bone one in her• leftar byfalling �# I g down the front steps of her resi- dence; All the railway stet ions in ' the county are shipping lots of live stock and produce generally mn 1 to the. 1 cit g Y markets. Y Capt. McLean, of Ottawa, who is one of the Transvaal contingent i5 a nephew of M. Y. McLean, of the Sea - forth Expositor. - John Gillespie shot a very large e Thank i sgiv ng Day. - It was a fierce A HOOPER, Licensed Auc• wildcat in the woods of Culross on tioneor•'for'the County of Huron. Sales con- 1 lookin animal. ductodlin all parts.: and for convenience can be Rev g11. E. Kollin t'on who has been g , arranged for at this oflieo, Satisfaction guaran- teed, Charges moderate. Exeter P. O, • NOTICE. Notion is hereby given that a court for the Ro- yision of the assessment in connection with the granolithic ppavement, will be held in the town hall on the 10th day of November, 1899, at 7.30 o'clock,m. for hearing appeals p.6 >: pPea s a ainst said assessment. All parties concerned will govern themselves accordingly. GEO. H. BzssO'rr, Clerk. Exeter, Oct. 25, '83. FARMS FOR SALE. 100 acres well improved :farm for sale. 48 pores of fall wheat, 15 acres fall plowed, bal- ance newly seeded, fair buildings, good fences, good well of woter, young bearing orchard. This farm will be sold at a bargain on small payment down and long time on balance on »y terms. We also have two choice 80 acre farms which we mustsell-at once. These farms are all situated in a choice farming district and will be sold right. PIONEER BANIN, North Branch, Mich. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned Executors of the estate of the late Francis Hoblbein, offer for sale. lot No 21, concession 16, of the township of Ste- phen. This farm contains 75 acres, all in Food cultivation. There is on the premises a two- storey frame house, a bank baro, with 'wind- mill which forces water into barn,2 ever living wells, is all tile underdrained, and well fenced, m sbfrghflourishinge from ofheomthe vae school, Address ess Edwin Dert •i r ch, St. Clemons, Wellington Co., or Frank Hoh]behi, Dashwood 4g NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order of Robert K. Cowan, Esquire, Master of the Su- preme Court at London in the case of Morley V. Tapp. Creditors of Thomas Nairn,late of the Town- ship of Biddu]ph in the county of Middlesex, gentleman, who 'died on or about the 13th Feb- ruary, 1895, intestate, and all parties having liens or incumbrances general or specific upon the whole or any undivided shares of his estate or upon the interests of any person or Persons entitled to share therein (such estate being lots, 1, 2, 15, 16 and 17 in Bou]ton's plan, and lots 220 221 and 222 in Caddy's plan, all in the village of Centralia, in the county of Huron) are on or be- fore the 21st day of November, 1899, to send by post prepaid to Messrs- Bayly & Bayly of the city of London, Solicitors for the plaintiffs, the Christian and surnames, addresses and description, theifu11 particulars of their claim;, liens or incumbrances, together with satisfac- tory evidence of the amounts due thereon. .Also a statement of their securities, and the nature of the securitiesif any) held by them and in default thereof, they will bo peremp- torily excluded from the benefit of the order made herein. Every creditor, lien -holder or other incumbrancer holding any security, is to produce the sane before Inc at my Chambers at the county buildings, London, on the 24th day of November, 1899, at 11. o'clock in the fore croon, being the time appointed for adjudica- tion on the claims. Dated this 26th day of October•, 1899.0 R. E:. COWAN Master. 3-t Wlddis Jackson and Gonler Green, two former Elena boys, have disposed of their 1,10() acres of land, north of Winnipeg, purchased last spring, at about double the price they gave for it ; in other words, Mr. Jackson clears $3,000, and Mr. Green about $2,200 on .. the deal.' supplying at the Nile circuit, has gone to Victoria University, Tsoronto, to complete his arts course. W. Cudniore, the well known hay exporter, of Clinton is daily expect ed home from the old' country, wits cis la has been for a couple of months. The Goderich dog poisoner is at work ,again. This time the dogs of Ro • g bt. 11.1cLean, A. ` M. ' Polley, Dr. Holmes and Jas McIntosh have been poison- ed. Last Sunday a number of boys smashed the windows in the depot. stock scale office, entered the building and turned things upside down gene- rally. Mr. Tyndal, an apple packer, ofAsh- field, had his leg broken on Saturday week by beingthrown out of his con- veyance while his horse was frac- tious. 1200 barrels of apples were sent from Goderich in one day last week and yet it -made but a small hole in the number of barrels awaiting ship- ment. Whena ' p ssingthroughtheirtown the other day, Olintonians presented an address to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. He responded gracefully, as he always does. The -Huron complement of the Can- adian contingent are Morgan L. Jones ofDengannon, A. R. Wilson, Seaforth, A. B. Webb, Clinton Austin Chihobn Seaforth. x tli. Mrs. David Orr, of Goderich town- ship, died of paralysis on Saturday last aged 40. years. Her sister Mrs. Hugh Crawford, aged 57 years, died of dropsy and heart disease in Goderich the same day. A valuable colt belonging to W. Yoe 2nd concession Tnrnberry was killed byightning during the severe storm of Sunday week. The colt was in a box stable, the current passed through a window, shattering it. Joseph Clendenning, son of a Wing- ham woman died recently in St Marys hospital, Duluth, of paralysis. Only a few weeks ago the deceased bad spent a few weeks with his mother and friends in Clinton. He was 37 years old. The name of John Wiseman has been submitted to the Minister of Cus- toms as successor to the late. W. T. Whitley collector at Clinton. Among the applicants for the position were a number well qualified to perform the duties. Police Magistrate Seager of Goder- ich on Wednesday of last week sen- tenced a man named John Wilson to six months in the county jail for vag- rancy. Wilson bad a bad habit of prowling near houses and the female were getting nervous. While listening to the speaker at the Laurier demohstration in Wing - ham, W. Tiplady, sr., and James Cornish had their pockets picked, the former losing $5, and Mr. Cornish $3. Moral—it is not safe to attend Liberal demonstrations unless you watch as well as listen. A very painful accident occurred in Seaforth, Broadfoot & Box furniture factory en Saturday morning last, by which Mr. Melville had the end of his hurnb,and three fingers smashed so lyadly that they had to be amputated, and the little finger of his right hand broken, while operating at the fan- ner. Mrs. S. Crich, of Huron st., Clinton, met with a painful accident on Wed- nesday morning. ed-nesdaymorning. She was going clown cellar, and when on the third step from the botton she slipped and fell, breaking the large bone near the ankle. She lay there' an hour when she managed to attract attention, when the bone was set. This will pre- vent her going to California as intend- ed. Huron Medical Association was bold in Clinton, on Wednesday, the 25111 of October, when the following members were present Dr. Sbanbury, Bay- field ; Dr. Snyder, Brussels ; Dr. Arm strong, Brumfield ; Dr. Hunter, Gode- rich ; Dr. Knox, Seaforth, Drs. Shaw, Gunn, Graham and Thompson, Clin- ton. In the absence of the president, Dr. Graham, y' ce- lesi ent, occupiedied the chair, An interesting paper on Diseases of Children, was read by Dr. Sndyer, and cases in practice were. presented and illustrated by Dr. Shaw and Dr. Gunn. Oneday last w ek as Mr. ThosDick son, of Seaforth; was assisting in tying down a binding pole'on a load of hay, the chain broke, the pole flew up throw- ing IY Mr, Dickson #r the load. He from t fell on his hands, breaking his lett arm beiWeen the wrist and elbow and spraining' his tight wrist.—On Friday hest a daughter and little SO0 of, Mr•. Noble Cl nil were l avan nea1 L d ville with a horse and buggy, and When opposite the church, the horse got frightened at the glass blowers tent and shying into the ditch upset the buggy, throwing Miss Clufl' out, the wheels o f the buggyp a„sin S over but not seriously injuring her. The horse was captured before any further seriot s damage was done.—While 1 m e g grossing the road from his residence in Harpurbey, one day last weep, Mr. 3. P. Brine was run into by atbicyclist. i le was knocked down anchhed a couple' of ribs broken, besidee being bx'uisecl 'end badly shaken up, To TEE Dau. --A rich lady cured of t hex' Deafness and Noises in the . Head by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums bas sent 21,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Ap- ply to Dept. A. S. V. the Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, New York.U. S. A. The handsome parlor sititesand fancy tables we sell cicate admiration and surprise: Admiration for the quality of the goods and the style and finish. And ,Surprise at the low price at which we 'sell them, When you want furniture go to R. ROWI3'S N• UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. R. Hs ROWS M E W Meat Market The undersiggned has opened up A. Mew meat market one door Smith 1 Carlin's Store keep where be will �" r the choicest of !meats constantly on hand. A CAI,I., SOLICITED, JOHN-� .. T �ANNrN granoliehle walk at aa. cost of $2,000. John Parker, who worked near 'GVinghanlin Sumner but who suffers from a rheumatism, has been serif to Goderich jail for five months -as a veg- rant.$sane resIolert. spent last winter in the Charles Sutton and Stapleton, of. Wiaxgllarn, fell over Jogs in the woods while hunting on Thanksgiv- ing Day. Sutton bad three ribs broken by striking a knot, which also entered the, lining of bis bowels. Stapleton had two ribs broken, While Jas, T'eageson, of Atwood, was engagedoe sh rnakiother n the da a steel tak he was driving fleinto Iris right eye penetrating the sight. He has not been able to see out of it since and the doctors fear the sight may never return. A serious accident befell Mr, Idiratn Smith, of Turnberry, on Monday last, He was engaged drawing straw at Arch, Gordon's and in driving into the barn was caught between the top of the load and the top ofthe doorway. He was doubled backward and thrown of the load, receiving severe injur- ies. M. H. Mclnctoo,' one of Wingham's business men, has purchased from Benj. Wilson, his desirable property on Josephine street, at present occu- pied by Conductor Quirk. This is one of the best properties in Wingham and will make a very desirable home for Mr. Mclndoo. The price paid was slightly over $3,000. To McKillop township, John Berry c„i,j hie farm, lots 34 and 35, con. 12, ec,:,,,turing 127 acres to John Shannon for $5,900, Mr. Shannon sold his farm southart lot p 32, con. 14, con- taining 80 acres to Richard Ryan for $3,000. John M. Govenlock has pur- chased twenty five acres lot 26, con. 8, from W. G. McSpadden and is mov- ing his tile plant there to make tile next season. ' ' David J.. Carter Goder- ich, has rented part of lot 32, con. 0, from James. A. Smith to make tile and brick. On Monday of last week, Mr: W. F. Schwalm, of Zurich, met with a pain- ful accident. He was in the bush with his son cutting a log. There was a sappling under the log, and when the log was cut in two, the sappling flew up and •struck Mr. Schwalm on the jaw. The jaw -bone was broken and it will be a long time before he will be all right. In the meantime he will have to be fed with fluid nourish- ment. It was a narrow escape, and serious as it was, be has good reason to feel thankful that it did not result fatally. Dr. Graham Medical. Health Officer, of Clinton, has' just completed the examination of the water of 38 differ- ent wells in that town, in order to dig - cover the probable amount of pollution from surface drainage. Out of the 38• twenty-one are under the suspicious mark,:eleven of "these are very good. The rest are all over the suspicious point, and a few of those are positively dangerous. The good wells, with a very few exceptions, are found in the outlying parts, and the suspicious ones in and near the central portion of the town. The total taxes of Hullett this year amount to $12,155.60, and are imposed in the following manner : For county rates, $1,421.85 ; for all school rates, including debenture rates and special rates, $4,407.44 ; for general municipal purposes to be paid by all ratepayers, $4,045.60 : taxes imposed on dogs, $352.00; for unperformed statute labor, $7 ; for local improyement drainage debentures, $922.50. The number of days of statute labor is 2,883. The rate on the dollar on the total assessed value will average a little over 61-10 mills, and on the whole the taxes are less by $240 than last year, owing to a lesser local expenditure. Another of the pioneers of Stanley township, has passed away, in the per- son of John Reid, sr., aged 76 years. The deceased was a native of the north of Ireland, and came to this country in the year 1840. He settled on the Bay- field road, on the farm where his fam- ily still reside. The surrounding coun- try was at that time an almost path- less forest, but by untiring industry and courage he soon acquired a pros- perous and happy home. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mc- Andrews, of Varna, the remains be- ing followed to the place of inter- ment in the Bayfield cemetery by 'a very large procession of sorrowing friends. - THE, 600D HILTH PROMISED BY Paine '$ Ciller' Compound ound � NOTHING VflGUFS.Oft INDEF- INITE, f BOUT RESULTS. There is nothing indefinite about the wind of "good health" that, is pro- mised by Paine's Celery Compound and that iS so strongly vouched el for by Y letters that came from our. best eo le. Paine's Celery Compound among other blessings gives firmer and Arms - ger nerves, perfect circulation, coin piste digestion, clear complexion, sweeter breatir and more regular bodily g iThese e n fnnct nns. i lisst „s are always secured by Paine's Celery Compound when other remedies fail. It is foolish and criminal to neglect daily aches, pains and unmistakable symptoms of dangerous diseases, when well known that a fe i. 1 bottles ' it � wb es of a Paine's Celery Compound will com- pletely banish every trouble and give a condition of health that guarantees a long and happy life. Every man 01 Woman whose nervous strength is overtaxed, or whose life is a busy one and frill of mental worries', will soon feel the invigorating and vittilizim „ et - feet$ of one or two bottles of nature's health -giver, and see his or her health improve after the first dose of this greatest of all remedies, Children Cry for h -•1n?+ a MARKETS. GIVE A YOC'"iH Qter,Ookobor 0511118: 9nisei:Anion acid a ccureo las Pile sShort os arid. 1 hand at rho Wbeat per liusbei ,0i to 65 Oats , 35 to 30 Nacoy � 36to 40 Poas ,.55 to. De te^ Butter "•16 to 15 1iggs..,.,, 15 to 15 Turkoys•„ . R to . 8 eteese.. 6 to 0 Chickens .eT in •5 to i ) Duch$ , . Wool.: 13tto 15 ., Dried Apples 5 to 5 Pork dressed„ , . x'05.50 to 6, 50 London,October, 25th 1899 Wheat per bushel,.; ,,, ,,..06 to 07 Oats ..GR Peas . to 29 Iiarle 51 to 60 Buckwheat . 46. 7 to '48 Rye. .,10 to 65 ora .4e2 to , 4 r Beans :0to 701 Butter,;, 14 to 14 Egg's .,16 tc 16 Ducks ...00 to 70 Turkeys per lb.. . - 6010 to 12 Geese lb et s P .9 t 10 0 r Chicken Cheese. s.... to 7a , 8. to 10. Potatoes a at erston bag ...80 tol 00 Pork per. cwt-.. ” ..$$¢,60 to 165,00 FOR OVI1)R FIFTY YEARS AN OLD ,AND WELL -TRIED RisMEDY: MrS, Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty year's by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the guns, allays all pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Itis pleasant to the taste. Sold. by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. J. Hyslop, who some months ago was committed to jell at Goderich as an insane person was removed last week to the London asylum. Y um. CALL AT THE FAMILY Meat Market For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS A fine selection of BEEF, LAMB, FRESH PORK, and all kinds of 1Fresle and Salted Meats on hand. Note the address, one door north of The R. Pickard Co's store. 'n LOWS DAY PROP Tailrin� You require a BLACK suit very often at this time of the, year. We are prepared to fit you out�gin the finest style. Best quality Coodb closest prices. Wedding Suits a Speialty A J SNELL 13. B ani�r s h.. `alis Ble e There is no other remedy equal to B.B.B. for making the blood pure, rich and red, and the skin clear and smooth. Here's proof from Bertha J. Tozer, North Esk, N.B. "1 I have had pimples on my face for three years, and about two years ago I took an attack of nervousness. I got so bad I could not sleep and lost my appetite and was very weak and miserable. I was taking -different kiticls of medicines but seemed to be getting worse. A friend advised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, I did so, taking in all four bottles. . As a result I sleep well, have a good appetite, my face is free from pimples, my skin clear and my health is in every way perfect." 81090399419991 3► 1Vi 0/A44 IDOtTOWS THOUSANDS OF YOUNG 'MEN are cl troubled with 'nervousness, despon-i, 1 dency, exhaustion, loss of memory, Sol !aching backs and k idneys,painful urina- tion, bashfulness, sediment in mine, losses at eight, i potenc , haad bhes va r1 o emt imvles ulcers,bone oanis —lobe results If evil, habits iyouth r later excesses. Our Vitalized Treatment' cares the worst cases. b Irre9ss�aorn>s & 't�arle®elle� sap the vigor and vitality and produce i0 weak nieu. Our Dollar s ns000t O ar T o % wiD. Coro "4'•oai.yv Stricture and fleet, matter liochronic, yield d to our Vital- ' No nt r w 1 o i ,y ized lresttnent. I‘To operation, n0. pain,O lkno detention 'front business.All •drain lent' fOcease. Our Dollar Trcatrsaoai* w519 0)' 3Core Yore. S Bleed & Sexual Disease • nnULLppp U T pS 47 7 , hi.. ic hig tidvonus e, lamed forever, No return of the disease. NTOro14uetrcmureyn tN,vo iOni50Cux. 'Q uYroDaaolFVlsar Guarantee Cures. We treat and cure all dis- eases of etland wonlen for ORE 11011,A11. N zentuation andtiQnnPoanrltstlo Trrstmouat,.ite fur r• .'., '. ,; UUIIW; '. Detroit, MJhoh. W .aoteeee oeetteeeeelleeee ' Mewed 00,010, 0, or41', nd who shall place limits.te his career,. Catalogues free. 3, W. WI)STERV)OLT, Principal.: Itc•opon Sept. 5, The Winghanr Journal was recently carried to the bopeyard. Why don't you try Carter's Little Pills Liver e P s ? They are a positive cure pforill sick headache, and all the ills pro- duced by disordered liver. Only one a dose, Mrs. Lucy Gordon and Miss Gordon ofderic " G o h, left t on Tuesday morning for Manitoba,where they will reside henceforth, Mrs. Gordon is an old resident of Goderich, and her depar ture is regretted by her friends, C. M. Walker, of the firm of Walker and Clegg, who has spent the past three months in Manitoba and the West, in the interests of the Wing hham furniture f'tctories has returned ome. A,.couple of Olintonians have special interest in the T.'ransvaal at the time, owing to the fact that they .have rela- tives right at the scene of hostilities, Mr. Rowland, of Davis & Rowland,. has a brother residing near Mafeking, while Mr. Bean has a brother at Johannesburg. We a are very sorry rY to learn of the death of Miss Margery McClirichey at the age of 24 years, daughter of Wm. McOlinchey, Stanley, formerly of the Goshen line ; some time ago she and her father went to Michigan to visit friends, n s and while she was taken ill with typhoid fever, which resulted in her death. The remains were r. brought hone for interment in Bay- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • 00000-00-0•094*cenc nesora•cNa cot ngeoseeets proceceo i;e Not lade to Order 1 ut Made to Fit. SIIOREY'S Rigby Proofed Frieze Ulsters In seven shades. 52 inches "2 -- long. Deep. Storm Collar. i 5 pockets—deep flaps. Made — of Frieze—not to �e ilk I r � . Guar- anteed to please or your money back. Sold by all Up -to -Date $750 Clothing Dealers for® Goo-D ogOG4@4i}o 4-0.0-oO-oO field cernetery,—New Era. The Crow of Croup. It strikes terror to a mother's heart to have her child wake up at night with a croupy cough. Child can scarcely speak, can hardly breathe—seems to be choking. There is no time for delay—apply hot poultices to the throat and upper part of the chest and give Dr. Wood's NorwayPine Syrup—nothing like it for giving prompt relief—will save a child. when .I nothing else will. Mrs. Wm. Young, Frome, Ont., says: "One year ago our little boy had a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs and croup, which left a bad wheeze in his chest.. "We were advised to use Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which we did, and it cured him completely. "Now we always keep this remedy in the house, as it excels all others for the severestkindsofcoughs or colds." aanso®114p®esucce960amo®044.aloss.ammi14Baaazna44-eumsosae� As some are To=da 0 Y 1 Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes. ; snake you nervones, irritable ; spoil your temper ; lose your concentration. You can't expect to go the even tenor of your way in a shoe that cripples. "Slater Shoes" are made to fit feet -to cover every tender joint comfortably—make you forget you have a painy foot. They fit the first time they're worn, and ever after, because the stretch and shrink has been for I ever taken out of them while six days on the lasts. Twelve shapes, all sizes, six widths; all colors, styles leathers. lea ers . Goodyear welted, stamped on the soles with name and price, $3.5o and $5.00. anzzo140-nzenno�1M® E. J. SPACKMAN, SOLE LOCAL AGENT. MONEY'S MONEY. Lasa -Liver Pills are the most per- fect remedy known for the curb of Con- stipation, Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Siok Headache. Do not gripe or sicken. A FULL LINE OF NEW BOOKS FOR School Opening AND ALL THE CHILD - RENS NEEDS AT Brownings. Where the Scholars are used Wtll. THE Clot te 'Se „cap 1 Any man who wears the J. D. King Co.'s' tai s Stimales �?�th b `ImV o:lRberS i cy-moneyul tlint will jingle in his pocket, Search the' world over and you � , will find ` nothin wetter than 5ftb 1, m. i ctiitbb�l because 4 -,there is nothing better. Auy progressive dealer can tell you all about Stub Awl,if not, write to the J. D. King Co., and they will tell you. You can't afford to be without them, because they are the best. See that Stub Proof is STAMPED on the bottom of each shoe. The J. D. KING CO., Limited, Toronto. Montreal. Winnipeg. For Sale in Exeter by H. Bishop & Son. An old resident of Biytb, Mr. Forsyth died on Monday of last week, quite suddenly shortly after taking a hearty dinner, WEAK, FAINT FEELINGS. Serious Conditions that Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills can Readily Cure. One of the indications of serious heart trouble is the sensation of weakness ox faintness that comes on at times. Sometimes it is simply a dizzy feeling that passes off, or it may be a state of un- consciousness with hands and feet, cold and countenance ghastly pale. These symp - toms indicate a weakened heart. They are unmis- takable evidences ofen he ice of t g life breaking down. Now they er s only one reliable remedy for restoring strength and vitality to weakened hearts and relieving all the distressing syrnptouls, It is Milburn'$ Ileacs and Nervo Pills. The case of Ma's. A. Stratton, Frederic- ton amply proves this Here is , N.B., v , Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, n ti�h ,l) T though -when you are able to �' • avail yourself of our offer. WeI are showing a line range of, Black Worsted in twills, veno- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price; andselling at the old prices.); h l )1 i Nice suits for $1.4 in fancy! t We show worsted suiting. ct bigrange atmoderate prices: in Sco6ch and Canadian tweeds we cary a large and well as sorted stock. Prices to suit all. A large stock of the lat- est - est gOOCs forovercoatings from $10 up. Ji� 1• GIVE S (..rALG see what we ean do for you. J. Ha orieves M,GROfA'lrl'T TAILOR. .her statement. "I suffered very much from an im- poverished condition of the blood, leaf eon with extreme nervousness. A dizzy sen- sation on arising quickly or eoming down stairs, often troubled me, and my breath was so short that I could not walk up stairs. The leastexortion caused my. heart to flitter and palpitate violently, and I sometimes felt a smothering sen- sation on going to sleep. 1 doctored back and forth for my weak- ness, but I got no relief from any Medicine until I tried,Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and Tn say a that theyhelped wonderfully, Sometimes m' faoend arms would swell ansi puff, but all these troubles speedily yielded to the restoring influences of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and t ain now strong and wolf. f did not use them longuntil Iregained the S ��" blessin of healthful r�efre lrin leo Amid g s gg sleep Y it will always be apleaguri to AO te, F IJI3NI�'UR +' ANDtNDER'I'ATki, reeornnlond them to others,rs Opera, Rouse Mock. A Eau is always hi The. SWIM If he Wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting Stilts Re is a sure fitter. His prime are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine his goods bet buyingxyour — FALL SNIT W. .J®HNS, The Tail By the Best and Rest Ignore the In the end you will ;find It Furnish cheapest, I'tll nlsll that . v cant room with one of our BedRoom Setts,Ta't lew # � Chairs. Etc. Chairs., ETH.. GET SOIM LNC NICE .� 1 want .t, We have it,you w' tl x , / Takelook at our fall l'llta o au z FURNITURE tridr ou Wt find what you are e lookin g 8