Exeter Times, 1899-11-2, Page 1ey
H URON & 1,111)DL IBEX.* G -A. E T
Dry Goods
Rots & Shoes
Hosiery r}. Underwear
If your dollars were rubber
they could not, stretch
further than the val-
ues we offer in
These Goods.
Dril Goods
r U -
Boots & 511oGs
H en;3ai I.
Saiteerlend, Nattiry Public, Convey
armor, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent
and Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Leal deed
ments carefully drawn at reosonaDle rates
MVfoney to loan on real estate at low rates of in
terest. Office at the l'oat office. Hensall.
(Late with Lna 1tziristarSolio, NotaryPubc e, On.
.r A. •Sellery, L, D S., D, D. 8,. Ironer Gracia
ate of Toronto Cuivozsity, Dentists.. Teeth
without jp in or bacl effects. Oftlee
in Petty's Block, Hensall: At Zurich every
Monday, commencing: May 30th,
BRIET,s. T. Stoneman, Miss Stone-
man, and Miss Boulton, of Mitchell,
spent Sunday and Mondani visiting
friends in town. -G. J. Sutherland an:
Miss Hattie Sutherland were in Olin-
• ton on Monday, visiting friends..—Miss
ap�(l�q,p Berry after a pleasant visit with her
11 U 1 lD brother and other friends in town re -
Men's Underwear
'Men's plain or fatncy striped shirts
sand drawers, this week 25, 35 and 40. •
Men's all wool shirts and drawers,
;ribbed skirt and cuff, double breasted,
•s eoia 1 value lue at 50c.
pWe handle the best fleeced lined un-
derwear in the trade. See the values
we are showing at 35, 50c each.
Men's .fine lambs wool shirts and
drawers, regulali1.00 value for 75c.
Boy's Underwear
A full range of Artie fleece lined
goods tor the boys, all sizes from 22 to
32, price from 25 to 45c.
;Mens Socks
25 doz extra heavy all wool socks,
ribbed tops, special 2 pr for 25c.
We have an extra heavy all wool
sock worth 25e that we sell 3 pr for 50.
Men's fine black cashmere socks, the
.hest on earth at the price 25e.
!Mantles Mantles
Special at 3,50, 4.25, 4,75, 5.00, 5,98,
Misses Mantles hireens and browns,
clearingat 3.50. •
Childens coats, nicely trimmed,
i 3.00.
Furs Furs
Ladies' ruffs, black or brown 50, 75,
1.00, 1.25 to 2.25,
Childrens white boas 15 and 25c.
Ladies' Fur Capes 12.00 and 13.50.
If you want a good coat see our blk
Astrachan for ladies, we guarantee
our $25 and. $25 coats.
Lathes' muffs, black only 1,00 to 2.75.
Men's fur coats, special at 14.00.
Men's fur caps at 3.00.
Ladies Underwear
Special in Ladies' vests 15, 20 and 25.
We have ladies' fleece lined shirts
and drawers, all sizes at 500 each.
Ladies extra heavy ribbed vests with
just enough cotton to prevent (shrink-
age, special at 45 and 50.
Ladies all wool vests, special at 50c.
Ladies' drawers all sizes 25, 50, 65c•
Ladies' all wool hose, regular 25c
quality selling this week 3 pr for 50c.
Ladies'plain or ribbed cashmere hose
best value in the trade at 25c.
Ask to see
t ho fine ;ribbed .cashmere
hose we are selling at 3 pr for 1.50.
Ask to see our- mother delights we
are showing for the boys,a good heavy
ribbed hose, all wool special at 25, 35
and 50c.
Children's stockings, all prices 15, 20
25 to 50e.
See those Bootees for infants we are
Specials in 'Tartan Hose
!fiats & Caps
Boys caps 10 to 25c.
Men's caps 25 to 50.
Men's and Boy's astrachan caps,
special at 500.
Men's slide hand extra value at • 50c.
We have the best values in ready-
made clothing. Come, see for your-
Special in men's rain coats, just ar-
rived at 5.00.
Hardware Deparbtrnent
Yes? this hls weather is delightful, ghtfill, but unfortunately not permanent.. Beforeloli the
.,J;nerinometor must take a drop, your will then wonder whether that stove ofours will last
Now let us tell fou
the winter. You were not satisfied with it last ear;y
year. why you should
:change it.
ist We will exchange yonr old stove for ,a new one. We have a large g demand for old
:.stoves which enables us to give you a good price for yours.
znd We are in a position to sell you stoves at a very low price.
3rd •We can give you a larger assortment than ever to choose from.
„Coal Heater with the Latest features in base burners, double heaters, etc,
Wood Heaters Double and single, a large assortment to choose from.
COAL 19®®C We have secured a range this year which is the same price p aSacook
stove and still has all the improvements and features of the la t -
RANGES est range.
In this we claim to have a stock that cannot help
The best stoves made byMcClar Gurney, but 'please You.
y, Moore, etc., at prices
that will sell them. We will be pleased to show them to you.
7�J'll" AW Maple leaf and other good makes.
,ow CHAINS All kinds see the new chain for this fall,
j x B8 A. stock that will satisfy you at better prices than last year.
See our 16 oz grain bag. We
are selling at $2.40 per doz.
BRIEFs,—Nearly ail theboys who
.,.went west from here on the harvest
excursions have returned,—Mrs. Boyle
.returned home from Lanark .Co. on
Fridayjoflast week accompanied by her
.niece, Miss Katie Stewart.—Mrs. Jas,
Park, srd,has been confined to bed for
.a fewd butisr co
a s a vertu lj, a-
H r
burn of the 12t con.,is laid
, h off work
%th a felon on his hand.—Your Your i nfor-
rmation with regard to the death of P.
...Oliver in last week's issue, is very. far
astray. Deceased bad been living in
• Staffa for a number of years with his
two sisters, he and they being unmar-
pried.—Mr. Hugh McLachlan is now
working with Jno. McCulloch, black-
. smith here.
A large gang of men have been
making improvements about the G. T.
IL, station and yards at Listowel dur-
ing the past two or three weeks.
Apple pickers are now quite plenti
,ful in the County. This occupation
has givenemplcyment to a large num-
: ber. of men and boys.
Win. Graham, proprietor, of the
Royal hotel, 81, ltfary's, was charged
by the license inspector with selling
liquor on Sunday, but at the trial was
. acquitted,
There is no one.aarticle in the line of
medicines, thet,gives se largo a return
for the'Matey AS a good porous
strengthenting plaster, such as Carter's
Streirt Weed end Belladentra, Backache
B1iIrrs.--Chas. Greb left on Monday
for Muskoka. No doubt the deer will
have to suffer:—Mrs. D, Steinbach was
visiting her son, Dr. Steinbach, in
Richville, Mich., last week—Mr, Grey,
of Sebringville, wee visiting at 0, Eil-
ber's on Sunday ]art.—Mr, Brown, of
n wasin '
the he villag
e on
visiting J PrPeter,—•• Division Court
will be held to-irorrow (Thursday.)
Council meeting will ,also be held on
Monday next. Rev. J. P. Rauch
preached his farewell sermon in the
Evan elical church here
on Sunday
Mr. ' auch intends to leave for Japan
in the near future.—E.Zeller is putting
in a hot water heating system in his
residence. It will be up-to-date in
every respect,
Miss Stapleton, of "Vi ellburn, bas
accepted a position as nurse in the hot
air hospital, Stratford,
Mr. Jacp ues, who learned the p lo-
tography tiusii.ess in Mitchell, has pur-
chased it Business in Lucan,
Detective Percy Davis, of Mitchell,
left on Tuesday.forWinnipeg to ho in
time for the Maisons Bank •robbery
The Downie Mutual Fire Insurance
Co., have just completed a most satis-
factory year. Their losses amounted
to only $32.
Worms cannot rentalnswhen Dr, Low's Pleasant
worth syrup is used. itis death to these par-
asities'rand by its . a,thattie action promptly
Dienelstliein ; will not harm most ost delicate
child. Prifd96 dente,
BRnni'S.—Mrs, William Murdy, of
McGillivray, has just returned, after
spending a couple of weeks visiting
friends in Kincardine.—The Ooursey
Bros,, of Biddulph, disposed of six fine
heavy draught horses last week at
good prices.
St, Marys
BnIErs.—M, O'Brien, one of our
very popular stove dealers, had the
misfortune on Saturday last to slip
and break a bone in one of his legs.
The fracture was reduced by Dr.
Irving, and the patient is doing nicely
but it will be some days before Mat's
familiar and genial face will be seen
upon our streets again.—The .Rev. Dr.
Dickson, of Galt, preached two very
expressive serinons in the First Pres-
byterian church,Sunday'.—The remov-
al of Mr. and Mrs. Wood and. family
from the neighborhood of Glen Gowan
after a period of seventeen years, to
their future home in `Fest Nissouri,has
trade the occasion of presenting them,
on Wednesday evening last, a well
worded address and two easy chairs
for Mr. and Mrs, Wood, and a low
rocker for Miss Barbara Wood.
'PAIN APT1110,1I1'.1.TING.
Mrs, P. Watters, of Dirletou, Ontario., Made
this statement,. After suiforing for 6 years
With paitr and distress after eaat'ng 1 started ,to
I180 Laxa Livor I ills.. nits bottles madea
complete ore,
turned home on Blonday.—The Misses
Murdock pleasantly entertained a
number of younc friends on Saturday
evening, --Mr. Coleman McIntosh, who
taught school section No. 17,Township
of Hay, giving very goon satisfaction,
is now teaching near the City • of
Brantford, and isgiving the same sat-
isfaction, which is evidenced by the
fact that he has been re-engaged for
next year at a salaryof .earl $500,—
Mrs. 3' Y
W Fultonis visitingher r si3-
ters at Brnssels. —Some of our citizens
saw the Guy minstrels a,t Clinton on
Monday evening last.—Mr. John J.
Elgie, formerly of this village, has
purchased Mr, Harry Stoneman's farm
near Ohiselhurst, while Mr. Stoneman
in turn has purchased Mr, Glenn's.
There is considerable activity and
changes in land this fall, and our con-
veyancers are kept busy.—Mr. J. Mac-
arthur was in London and Ailsa Craig
this week.—Mrs. Junior of Clinton is
in. the village this week renewing
acquaintances.—Grain is coning into
market in large quantities, and, ship-
ping is brisk at the railway station.
day an old resident of Tuckersmith, in
the person of Mrs. John McOIoy, died
at the residence of her son, W. J.
McOIoy, of this village, with whom she
has been residing for months. Mrs.
McCloy was born in County Antrim,
Ireland, in the year 1814, was married
to her deceased husband in 1838, and
in the year 1847 they came to Canada
and settled. in Tuckersmith as pioneers.
Being industrious and frugal they
soon possessed comfortable surround-
ings, and succeeded in accumulating
a goodly portion of this world's goods.
They remained on the :farm until 'six
years ago, when her husband died,
since which time, with' the exception
of short periods, she :has made her
home with her son William; Deceas-
ed had enjoyed comparatively good
health up to about a week before her
death, when she was stricken with
paralysis from which she did not re-
cover. She wee a Presbyterian in re-
ligion, a kind old mother
and good neighbor, and leaves to
mourn her demise three sons and
three daughters, viz ; John and
David, in Tuckersmitb, William in
Hensall ; Mrs. Rie ly, .Tuckersmith,
IMrs, McKibbon, Michigan,' and Mrs.
Holmes of Manitoba. Her remains
were interred in the Egmondville
cemetery on Tuesday.
BRIEFS.—Wm. Howard and wife, of
Toronto and Mr. Robert Howard, of
Smith's Falls, are visiting friends here
at present.—Geo. McKenzie returned
from Kincardine on Tuesday, where
he has spent' a month visiting his par-
ents,—Kenny Moorehouso left on Tues-
day morning for London to take a sit-
uation there.—The Rev, Mr. Jansen, of
Hamilton, preached in St. 'Andrews
church on Sunday last, morning and
evening. He also gave a lecture on
Wednesday evening -in the same church
on "Holland and the Hollanders," his
native country.—Mr. Rens is rushing
the work on the Harbor this. week.—
Miss Maggie Vanstone who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas King,
returned to her home in Benmiller on
Sunday last. -The Rev. Chas. Gardin-
er and Rev. Mr. Scrimeger are visiting
at the former's mother's here,—Renben
Graham,. Jack Snider and Thomas Del-
gatty,called here on a shooting expedi-
tion on Tuesday last.- A pleasant even-
ing was spent by some of. the young
folks at the home of Miss Dirty Wal win
on Tuesday evening last—John Pollock,
returned hone on Saturday frown lake
Winnipeg, where he spent tbesunnier
fishing,—.Messrs, Harry Falconer, San-
dy Brown and Ed. Reid returned last
week from Owen Sound having spent
the summer on theGovernmentSurvey
str Bayfield.
New liard
are Store
meveeentiinng g 1 its
,4blditl:,4, annual tea. •
cvherurcwhewtsansigwheftdorard gsebnadum, the
from Exeter and a few from Helical]
being present. The speai,,hng was very
good and the music furnished: by the
Main St. choir of Exeter was ,exteta
good and was very much enjoyed by
alt who had the good fortune to be
present, Qn the following evening a
social was held.ail e.atlthough it was
also a,, wetseiele `t:;iere was a good
turnout. Assort programme was
rendered by home talent. Several
speeches were given, together with
music by the home choir and others.
Al] expressed themselves as being well
pleased with the proceedings. The
proceeds amounted to about thirty-
seven dollars which is a good increase
over several years previous,
NoTEs.-Messrs W. Jacobi and. W.
Jackson are engaged with C..Aldworth
and are working on a ditch contract
with him Several of our young men
took in the tea meeting at Chiselhurst
on the 23rd: Mr. Geo. Geddes was
called to London, last week, to attend
the funeral of his brother, who had
been ailing for some time.
BRIEFS. -The double chimney on
the school house has been torn down
and a new one with a tile' centre put
in its place, as the old one smoked and
had a poor draft.—What might have
been a serious accident happened at
William Smith's a few days ago. Geo
Lingard was up on a scaffold at the
end of the carriers. The structure
gave" -way under its load and Geo. was
precipitated to the ground and cover-
ed up in the straw. By the stren-
uous efforts of the rest of the hands he
was soon rescued from his perilous
position before he was suffocated. He
miraculously escaped with, no bones
broken but received a severe shaking
up.—Mrs. William Taylor has been.
away for several weeks visiting her
sister Mrs. Stoner of Lobo. Will
must have been lonesome, for he start-
ed off in a hurry on Saturday through
the rain for Lobo. This week he is as
happy as a lark.—Fred Hern has pur-
chased a thoroughbred Durham cow
from Donald McInnes for $73. Fred
don't believe in being behind his
neighbors.—Several of the Zionites at-
tended the services at Freew,ill on Sun-
day last to hear their former pastor,
the. Rev. • Penhale. Many more took
in the oyster supper on Monday even-
ing with their sweethearts.
BRIErs.—Shiply brothers have their
new barn completed and intend to go
extensively into the wood and lumber
business. -E. Wallace intends making
extensive improvements on. his barns
the comidg summer.—Scot Whaley
has his barn nearly completed and also
the Gunning brothers. -The new
church has been completed and fitting,-
ly opened for divine worship on Sun-
day 22nd by the Revs. Ford and Smith
of Lucan. Three very interesting and
instructive sermons were delivered by
these eloquent gentlemen. Owing to
the inclemency of the weather the
congregation was not as large as there
would have been. On the following
Tuesday evening a grand hot fowl sup
per was served to a large crowd. The
tables fairly groaned under the tempt-
ing loads that they carried as nearly
everything the culinary art could de-
vise was to be found in perfection.
After repairing to the church a pleas-
ing program was rendered. " The St.
Marys orchestra enlivened the proceed-
ing by several selections while some of
its members added very much to the
evening's enjoyment by giving several
songs. Miss White gave,a, recitation,
also a song which was much appreciat-
ed, The Rev. Mr. Uenclerson of St.
Marys gave his celebrated lecture en-
titled "Nursery Rhymes". kle held
the crowd spell bound for a long time.
His lecture was both eloquent and in-
structive, full of many lessons for
each and all if we could only take
them. The Rev. l,1r Harrison , now
conducted a subscription list which
resulted in nearly wiping out the debt
which was $900. On the following
Thursday evening a social was held
but on account of the night being,
dark and rainy the crowd was compara-
tively small but those present did
ample justice to the delicacies and en-
joyed the program and all went home
well pleased. The total proceeds of
the entertainments and Sunday ser-
vices amounted to about $126.00, •We
wish to thank,all those who came to
our assistance.—Mr, Robert Edwards
had, the contract and finished the
raiding in first class style and which
peaks well for his workmaaaship.
rhe boys of the 100 and the townline
re preparing for a big sparrow match
lid o oyster supper to
e be held in the
nearfuture. It will be arand chalice
or the boys to show where their affec-
ions are centred as each one is expect-
d to bring his best girl to help make
he occasion more pleasing.
The past month's business has e
been surprisingly large, We did t
not expect it,
Our stock is now complete
We sell everything carried by
first class Hardware Stores,
� .
Ea 3
dmiuisE VATS. A
Mr. A. F. McLaren, M. P., for North
Perth, is going on a visit to Mexico.
Seventy-five Perth blacksmiths have
ntercd the hew blacksmith's associat-
A. M. Brown, of the Stratford
branch of the Bank of Commerce, has
been transferred to the head offece in
Toronto. Mr, Dewar,.. of the Paris
branch, will take Mr. Browns place in
At the solicitation of Lt, 001, White,
e members
of the
St, Marys council
contributed a hiardsome purse of
Honey to the .St. Marys members of
ae Canadian contingent for South
Miss Elizabeth C. Dunsmore, of
Stratford, died at her home on Setur-
aay evening last. She wads the only
aughter of the late Ephraim Duns•
note, and leaves behind her an aged
wether and three brothers, Joseph
ixd Wiltiten of Detroit, and Soles
Stratford. She was $3 years of age.
Call and see ottr stock and geto'tr d
*We Will not be undersold.
COLLINS & STANBORY.—Barristers; Con.
vevanoers, Notaries, etc;, Exeter Ont. Ii„ H
Collins and J. O. btanbury 13; A. (late with
McCarthy, Osier & Co. Barristers, Toronto.)
Baxnrs,— H. Eilber, M. P. P„ has
gone away on his annual hunting 'ex-
pedition to Muskoka. Geo, Mantle'
and Wm. Yearley accompanied him
as far as Bracebridge, where they will
visit friends, — A. S. Macgregor of
London, representing the Sun Life
Assur, Ca., did business in the village
On Tuesday d y last, R; E. Walker, our
enterprisingbutcher, has erected a
telephone wire connecting his shop.
and house. It will doubtless be a
groat convenience, especially if one of
the firm is always at the shop end.—
The flax mill which has been idle for
some weeks past, commenced opera-
tions again on Wednesday last, with a
full force on for the winter.—Mrs.
Jno Dyer is visiting this week with her
daughter, Mrs. S. Hawkins, of Shipka.
—Rev. Hussar preached an able and
practical sermon to young people last
Sunday evening, which cannot fail to
have a lasting effect for good. Quar-
terly meeting services will be held at
Eden appointment nextSunday morn -
ew Plaids
ing, hence there will beno service in
_miss Annie Damen, o€,Farqultat~, is
M. E. church here until evening: --Mrs i the guest.) of her sister, ,Mrr. Mantle,
Frank Rivers
f o
o Sombre xa hs spending m
P g
Credito East — '
n . M s Kate Zsvictc r
the eek
e is
w the guest of her father, laid up this week with 'sciatica, �Ier
Win, Lewis, sr.—Abram Walker re- i sister Hannalt,is waiting on her.
turned from Edmonton on Saturday r _
last. Ab. is well pleased with 'Wes- A. meetingof the Perth RuralDean
tern Oanada.—Frak Adairand familyery was helat; Atwood o
Y z� Tuesday
have moved in with H. Finkbeiner for last; the attendance was small. The
the time as the house they occupied is principal business transacted was the
wanted by the owner, (a whisper, lis- re -arrangement of the assessment of
ten for the wedding bells soon,)—J.. G. the different parishes.
Young has spent the week at the bed- Miss Janette McDonald, a daughter
side of, his father in Exeter. Mr. of Mr. A. afcDona]d, Stratford, and a
Young, sr., has been dangerously i11, graduate of Harper hospital, Detroit,.
but we hope to see him around again. has gone' to the Philippine islands
—Owing to the advance in price of where she has been assigned to duty
iron and steelour blacksmiths have de- as nurse inU
a U. S. army hospital.
cided to raise the price of general . The Whyte Packing Co.'s factory at
work And especially of horse shoeing' Stratford will be an immense building.
after Nov. 1st. This has become a The tender for timbers 000
necessity. They must be allowed a amounts to nearly $,12000, and. the
chance to
make a living.— Walter contract iis to supply some „627,000 feat.
Clark and family have moved into The mains -building will beof brick,
their new palatial residence, and Mr. 100 feet square and four . storeys high.
McFalls, the new landlord has taken Walter Boyce, who has been carry
possession of Clark's hotel. We even ing on the business of gents' furnisher
come Mr. McFalls and family to our and ready made clothier, in St. Marys,.
midst.—Tuesday evening was Hallow- recently assigned hie complete stock
een and the usual harmless pranks over to b,is creditors, who have now
were performed by our youngsters, full possession of the stock. Mr. Boyce
while a number of the young people aucl family will in future reside in
met at the home of Dr. Rivers and Toronto.
spent the evening in a happy social jj Lightning played a peculiar trick at
manner. -we understand that Francis l the house owned : by Mr. J. Robinson
Clark, who has been in the harness' and occupied by Wm. Wm. Woods on
business here with his brother for the River Road, near St. Marys. Dar -
some years past, has opened a harness ing a heavy downpour of rain about
shop in Granton,,'. and will inove . bis 7.30 o'clock Monday morning, a bolt
'family there as soon as a suitable resi- struck the COMA' of the kitchen and
dence can be had. We are sorry to did considerable damage to Elie inter-
lose then from Crediton. The people ior. Mrs. Woods wasthrown across
of Granton and vicinity will find the room and received some slight in
Francis a good reliable business man juries. Stoves, furniture, and kitchen
as well as a quiet respectable citizen. utensels were thrown about in confus-
We wish him success in his uew ven- ion and the floor round about where
Lure. 1Tom Wind has finisbed his 3 Mr. Woods was sitting with a child In
year term of apprenticeship with J. 11. his arms, was torn up. The escape oe
HoItznaan and is now a full fledged the occupants was nothing short of
tailor. He leaves shortly for Detroit. miraculous.
ew a.r e: ware
This is the season when people's minds turn to the
r p need of
stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. We are now mak
ing <t special effort in this lisle and having a
good assortment we aro bounc.
to sell as our prices are
ee' 'Our line of Basebnrners, Ranges, Wood and coal Cooks,
Heaters, Box stoves, ete,, is complete.
We. call your attention to
"t i`,f
Has led the market, for eighteen years
and is to -day
further in n the lead every earl, than ever, It has c� cr desirable feature
known, and as most of these are patented,
1 1? cl, coli be foundo i no other range.
Over Thoughts
� ] 100 000 ���.
Happy are now "
Economy is wealth
Bucks' Stoves and Ranges are Unrivalled for beaut.
baking and economy, for itol, i
sale only by
W •
1st door north of R. Pickard Co's