HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-10-19, Page 5T E. ill .;TER T..1 1 E MONEY TO LOAN. At front 41 to 5%. ALL)ply to EL12O'r & GLADMAN. Barristers, Solicitors, &o., Main St., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. We have unlimited private feuds for invest- ment -anon farm or village property at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING, Exeter.. T-TKINSMAN, L. D. S. AND DR• A. R. KINSMAN. L. D. S. D. D, S., Honor Graduate 'lot Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Office m Fee - son's block. IVost side of Main trent. Exotor. DR A` D SDR1' fli• 13. S•Il S.1 DENTIST. Honor `Graduate of tho Toronto University, and Royal o a1 Colle o of Dental Surgeonseons of Ontario. All bridge work, Crowns, at d Plato. work done in the neatest possible manner. A harmless antssthotic for painless extraction. T The striotest attention given to the preservat- ion of the natural tenth. Office opposite ]Oen tral Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. • HOOPER, Licensed A.uc o tionoor for the County of Huron. Salus con• ductodlin all parts. and for convenience can be arranged for at this office, Satisfaction guaran- teed, Charges moderato. Exeter P. 0, pUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby -given that application has been made for the transfer ot the hotel lisonco held W. Zinger, of tho village of Exeter to Henry Ca telen, All parties 'interested aro requested to govern themselves accordingly. W. LINGER FARM FOR S ALE. The undersigned Executors of the estate of the lata Francis Hohlbein, offer for sale, lot No 21, concession 16, of the township of Sto- phon, This farm contains 75 acres, all in good cultivation. There is ou the premises a two- storey frame house, is bank barn, with wind- mill which forces water into barn,2 ever living wells, is all tile underdrained, ane well fenced, good bearing orchard 1I miles s.from school, oot 31 Iniles from the flourishing viiluc•o of Dash- wood. wood. Address Edwin Deitriell, St. Clemons, Wellington Co., or Frank 13ohibein, Dashwood P.O. 4t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Ir. the matter of the Estate of James Wood ofthe Township of Usborne in 7.0 n p the County of Huron Farmer, deceas- ed. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897 chapter 129 that all persons having claims against the estate of the said James Wood 'who died on or about tho 31st of March 1899,aro to send or deliver to the undersigned solicitqr /or Mary Wood ancl William J. Clark Execu- tors of the last will and testainont of the said deceased on or before the firstday of November .A. D., 1899, full particulars of their claims and the securities (if any) held by thom,aud that af- ter thesaid date the said Lxecutors will pro- eeed to distribute the Estate of tho said deceas- ed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to such claims of which notice shall bo given as required, and they will not be liable to any person or persons of whose claim =claims they shall not then havereceived notice. F. W. GLADMAN Solicitor for the said Executors Dated at Exeter, Ont, this end;day of October, A. D.,1899. 3-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Susanne Reed,late of the pillage Of Y g of Exeter, in ,the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased. Pursuant to Chapter 129 of the Revised Stat Utes of Ontario 1897, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others haying claims agaiust the estate of the above named deceased who died on or about the 4th day of September A. D. 1899, aro, on or before the 15th day of Octo- ber A. D. 1899, to send by post pre -paid, to .James Parkinson,Esq.,Exetor,theadninistrator of tho said deceased their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their clalar;, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them,and that after the day last aforesaid the said James Parkinson will pro- ceed to distribute the assets ofthesaid deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re - rd only to such claims of which notice shall stave been given as above required, and the ad- ministrator of the said deceased will notbe liable for tho said assets or nay .part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claimsnoticosball not have boon received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Exeter this 20th day of September" A. D. 1899. • DIci sos & CAMINO Solicitors for administrator, Wm. Jeffery, of Downie, was awak enled one night last week by dogs barking violently, and upon investiga- tion found that seven of his lambs had been worried by the brutes. The dogs :made ilei as soon as discovered. A. G. Seyfert, the genial and talent- ed U. S. Consul at ,Stratford,has devel- oped.n large correspondence as a result of his consular report on the peat sup- ply in this province with especial refer- ence to this county, it, having been ex- tensively quoted and c(ulnlnented upon all over the United States. &Ir. Sey- fert's daily mail hardly ever frtiis to bring enquiries, often from remote quarters, on this interesting subject. Eagyard's yellow oil cures Spralirls bruises, sor'es,woends, 'cuts, frostbites chilblains, stings from insects, burns scalds, contusions, etc. Price 25 cents aratOUSANDS OP YOUNG MIN are E' it troubled with nervousness, despou dency, exhaustion, loss of memory, achiagbacks and kidneyspainful urine - EW tiottl bashfulness, sediment in urine, losses at night, h otendY, headaches, varco exp,�7q �y — results e4s dint les ulcers bone stns Thor a , of epic habits iii youth or later excesses. GH Our Vitalized Treatment cares the v, ore t„ cases. Emissions monis & Valric000lo 4 asap the vigor and vitality and pretties§d, i) weak taco. Our $chair 'Treatment to to well Cure Von. €tx Stricture and West, Qd, c'hr pie • cid to our Vital -i1 utter how o 1 Nom ,y l No operation, In °d Treatment. 0 eta of aC1 pale, 3 "ed Tres �d t bNno detention from business. All'drab;)fa t 55 o uta Tircettttait.aa seri. .� c0 e. Oaia' ID 1 t' as Ca: You. F' lrrtli .� � If11odl� ��i cured forever. No return of the disease. t 7 No Mercury, No Poison, Our Eloliar trj) 1`reatuaeat will Euro Von. 'Weti3 Guide/milted Cures). treat a cure ati 31s- 1 We ea and ^^rr11'' iirrggy� b e for 1�6 011.1111, .opts. rases of nemesia w �} Jaxamiaiation rind tniSidtation Frod. Writs for 4aeshon i Mitt for Horn areatmnt. t DEAR�0 M�yy +�d+ryry 47 Mllttlhigafl !hoarier IDQWIVIO Detroit, Rich. tee e f i' r e -a c HEAVY FEGUTING NORTU OF MNfENIhC. Boers Repulsed With Losses. After Several Enoag-ernants. Maxim Gans Were used h' the British on Armored ''Trains With Deadly Effect—The Easutos Mas'.: Risen Against the Orange lnree State—Boers Lost Blore Nen at Kimberley Than at Siajuba bill. Loudon, Oct. 17.--A special despatch from kiCapng:e Tern says that 300 Boers and 1S British have been killed in a battle at Male - Col, Baden-Powell trade a sortie from Mafel in•° la fore tutthe c ( t attacked r �, t d Boers, who were tuvesting the town. After fierce lighting the. British carried see day. Doers Were Repulsed. Lorenzo Marquez, Oct 17.—Two refugees who have just arriveit here from the '.l'rans- vaal report that the Boers have been re- pulsed at Mafeldn4 sustaining heavy losses. !lief etc ittg intact, Cape Town, Oct. 17.—A special despatci) front Maack/est soya that all was intact there up to Suturu'ty night. At that time the Boers artillery was being brought up, but It had not been placed in position. Ac• cording to these Intakes, the British have Metre up the Hupelowu Railway bridge over the Orange laver, . with e view Al checking the Boer advance southwaral' From Colesburg come persistent sellers does of the report tlutt the Boers have a't.tt:.-1 Mafeking, being thrice repttlsed, watt :teen, losses. 1''rum other towns ea the border similar reports are received. To Ile Shot on Sight. Pretoria, Oct. 1.0.—(Delayed in transmis- sion.)—As it has beth discovered thea •tt- tcmpt's are being matte to tamper with the railways, the ltnnldrosts have been author. iced to shoot on sight alt persons found near railways with dynamite. Railway Line Undermined, Colesburg, Cape Colony, Oct. 10. Passer. gess arriving \t leave the train nortllnofhNo wli'surg are f lout and to make 0 detour through the veldt, under escort, joining the train farther set thThis is understood to be due to the fact that the Boers have undermined Lite line. Ilea Right a 'y ,. i iVortlt of 5fa£el,;iatg. London, special despatchPretoria ded Oct. 14,way of says: tA cyclist despatch was recoil -- ed stere from Ottoshoep, near Malmani, tit O'clock this evening, asserting that heavy fighting had 5000 is progress all day long north of Mafeking, The British troops on board an armored traIn acted as a covering force to military engtneors engaged h1 re• ai ri m P n,, the track. A Maxim On the train kept up a continuous fire. Conspicuous. bravery was displayed on both sides, but it soon became apparent that the rifles of the burghers were ineffective against an ar- mored train. The latter, however, was. once force(' to retreat before a particularly strong assault, byttt but British mounted contingent and the fighting was retewe ¢ fiercely,. /Righting still [catkins), thb Boers holding their positions well. A dozen Boers were killed or wounded, and the British ens0nl- ties cannot be ascertained. Heavy fir- ing can be heard south of Mafelciug, where Gen. Cronje's commando is operating. Dynamiting Operations. A •Corps of experienced continental en- gineers, formerofficers, has left Pretoria for the southwestern borders, accompanied by a commando of picked Boer shots. It is probably intended for targe dynamiting operations. right Expected hear Lu(r3'snxith the vlclg nitya02 engagement expected esfooces of mountain Commandant ing Dundee, from walla point point they will be able to observe the move- ments of the British troops. maxims Used. SVitlt Effect. The skirmish .near Spytfontein, says a special despatch from Cape Town,was quite lively. The armored train ith it detachment of the Lancasilires approached unmolested, until within range, when the Boers opened fire. The Maxims were hi• stnntly set to {cork and [lid great execution among the bur hers; The latter also used artillery, but Ineffectively. The arnloed train returned to Kimberley unharmed. The crew of that armored train say the Boers fired thirteen shells, but their aim was wretched Hud not a single shot struck the train, which then made bold to npproneh nearer and open fire With the Maxims. The burghers replied with heavy rifles again shootiatg wildly. Only three or four bul- lets struck: the train. Subsequently the crew learned that five Boers and two Boer horses were killed, while several Boers and horses were wounded. Not a member of the British force was so touch as torch- ed. Smallpox at Johauueslinrg. Cape Town, Oct. 17.—Smallpox has brok- en out here among the natives from Johan- nesburg. Eight eases have Scoot discover- ed. Afraid of Armored ',train, London, Oct. 17.—The Standard's Dundee correspondent, telegraphing Monday night, says: The Boers have brought artillery from Newcastle and ore dertiou lug the railway at Ingagane in order to prevent the approach of our armored train. Basutos Have Risen. London. Oct. 18.—The Morning Post's Ladysmith corespondent telegraphs that the IState. 3nsutos have slew (widest the Free Kimberiey's Water Supply, Cape Town, Oct. 17.—It is expected that the Boors have cut on: Kimberley's water supply, but the Delleer's dim contains enough for a eonsidernble period. - Boer Shooting is Da(7, Cape Town, Oct. 17.—(NOon.)r-(craniad- cation with Behnont Station, 60 mile., smell of Kimberley, is :still open. The fight with the armored train at Kimberley, to which the Boers lost more mien then they dill at Maiuba Hill, Is held to prove the their shooting is not so good ns It is reported to be. It is the general belief here from items of intelligence received teat the Boers actually attacked Mafcking nut wet'e repulsed. The reports of continued fighting there are regarded 118 proving that the Boers failed to score a 50000088. Doers Were Repulsed. Colesburg, OCL 17.—(0 n.nia-It Is per sist eptly reported l from widely different Sources thnt tt large force of Leers resolute- ly veralchours' lighting, awe Friday pulsed with henry loss. Where the Enemy is, Ladysmith, Oct 17.-45 p.m.)—The. fore- most clrtnrlament or the enema's northern column has not advanced beyond Ingagane t n t(1 no definite movement has been axracie from the Drralc(nsberg Passes. lteeea -cit All There. London, Oct 1.7.---To-dry was the last tiny for the reserves to rejoin 0 i11 L•hcr r. Olrirs, n nd the latest reports from the principal ren - lays show that virtually all the reserves have presented themselves. Prinee Insttectt( tbo Scots Guards. London, Oct, 17, --The Prince of Wales, accompanied by the Grnnil fluke Michael of 011881d, matte rt specie! inspection this morning of the. :lentil t;1uu'cls, prier 1'o tilde deperiurc for Mouth Alalcn alert. 5ntur(ny. ITE cordially congratulated the eonluultiding officer, (01, Arthur Paget,et r Of having g se fine a ba ttnllou al briefly addressed the men. Afterwards he conversed ut length with Col. Paget. Pure rise IttVeattitsn. London, Ot'I, 17.—Dr. Loyale, the l0uro- peon representative of the Transom) I, re- plying to -any faun) Versailles to all Inquiry by the Associated Press as to whether there was any truth- In the repos( that. b0108 Issued by him 01' by the Transvaal Government for war material had been dlshoucred, telegraphed as follows: "'Ibe statements tivat dr,afts for war material have been dishonored Is a pure invcntiol" Boer Position in Natal.. T,ondon, Cart, 17.-vTiel:tted fiestas Mime from the, wenn of action In Sontlt Africa tliroty little fresh light upon the situation; The Mere appear to be strehgthenhlg their —"*.ten to 1 atai and ' biding their owh tine for attack. Tho Orange Pre° State l i n y seri en ng o n. anlcAliwiill Noril),zybotllL of wllici ere�oat ter mere their mercy, f they i tic possess 9 s , o sea rill! • 1 artillery, i So 1 Y far as is known, elle only lirtish force sta. tloned at Allwal North is a detacll.uzent of the Royal Berkshire Regiment, .Anhui North Isolated, Cape Town, Oct. 17.—Allwal North, Cape Colony, is now isolated. Aliwal North Is a town on the Orange River, which forms the boundary between tiro Free State mind Cape Colony. 'The river here is spanned by idle Freie brldg•:,. 800 feet iu•lengtf, whish forms an inmpor•t• ant means of coinrnuulcation between the two countries and British Basutoland. WANTS TO GET IRI]) OF TARTE. burghers are ttii as a tl th t t t I FACTS WORTH 'Ultimatum to Sir Wilfrid Laurier From Prominent Littorals, Montreal, Oct. 17.—(Special.)—An ulti- matum to Sir Wilfrid Laurier from lead- ing Liberals, comprising members 6f the House of dominoes, asking the (oriole Minister to get rid Of Mr. Tarte at all hazards, Is the latest piece of news dis- cussed s ecu the ou street here e e to• 1 • d„. If y La • R. lilies holds e dS On 0 fist then, .l e h t e t the t Govern- ment is doomed is chat every. EnglishLb- eral of note is saying here to -clay, and. as Sir Wilfrid will not get rid of his chief adviser, the Ministry will have to go. There wilt be no election this year;, that seems settled lu the public mind, for the Ministers would never be foolish enough to dissolve under present cirenmstttnces. It is said that a good ]many Of those who Imre sighed the famous ultimatum would like to see Mayor I'refoutalue take Mr. :rarte's place, but It is very doubtful ills: Prefontaino 0011111 accept a portfollo lu so dlscredited a ministry. ITALIAN CAISIWErT S.TIA.I{Y. Afraid to Challenge a Vote of Con- fidence in tlte• Chamber, dna, Oct. 17.—The Government, which had decided to ask Parliament for a vote al confidence immediately open the reassem• blIng of the Chambers, has couclnded that that 0001se is too risky. It will endeavor to secure the ratification of the estimates at the outset. Tbis will Come to the stupe thing—the fall of the Cabinet—it the efforts of Sig. Ztanerdelli n.nd Sig. Clolitti have their designed. effect. Zanardeili at Brescia yesterday made a speech of a character: most damaging to the Ministry, and Gio- iitti will follow It up, Sunday week with mother in the saute vein, Murder in Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Oct, 17.—A young man named. Jack Gordon,C x a t 1' ial l.et tl' ale er •a n was found murdered on Portage -avenue, g 1' a avenue 1 n the west- ern. { e8t- ern suburbs of the city, this evening. It is supposed the motile was robbery, as the pockets were turned inside out. Deceased was aged about 23 years. Crusade Against Expansion. Chicago, Oct. 17.—The opposition of the anti -expansionists to the subjugation of the Filipinos took tangible form to -day in the meeting -0 f about ut 100 delegates from Miler. . ent parts of country to launch a crusad( agaiust the policy of the administration ix the Philippines. THE MARKETS. Wheat Lower in Chieago—Liver- oo pool 'Market TVxty Also Lower— The Latest Quotations, Chicago, Oct. 18. — Wheat closed yesterday at 70%c for December and 741/4c for May. Liverpool, Oct. 18. — December whm yesterday closed unchanged o nday, March 1/sd lower, and May 1-tha lower. 11l DLNG OV}I TEAT M.&BIiETS. Following were the closing prices at important wheat centres yester- day: Cash. Oct, Dec. May. Chicago . ... 0 0914 0 701)4 .0 7414 New York 0 73,8 0 737,4 0 79 Milwaukee 0 70 . St. Louis 0 Oita .... 0 7014 0.751,1 Toledo . 0 701A. ... 0 702;'[6 0 77 Detroit, red 0,70;_ .... 0 78 0 771/; white . .... 0 GO .... Duluth N0. 1 Northern . 0 0.71/0 .... 0 6734 0 71% Duluth No. 1 Bard .. . 0 11 Minneapolis ., 0 671/ . O 67ld 0 70% Liverpool—Close—Wheat, 'California, Os 3d; Walla, Gs 111: red winter, Gs; northern spring, Os 2t/cl: futures (lull, Dec., Gs 1(1; March, 6s 16; May, (1s 11/.](1; spot corn quiet, 3s 10d; futures quiet, Nov., 3s Od; Dee., 3s 8/sd; flout, 20s. TanoN'11) sT. i..0ICI:IENCI: MARKET., Grain— Wheat, white, bush $0 70 to $d' 71 red, bush 0 70 0 71 " fife, bush. 0 68 " goose, bush .. 0 74 .... Barley.,lush ..... 0 4(1 tl 481 Peas, bush. 0 02 Oats. bush .. o of i'3ia/, Rye bush.... .... 0 53 .... 73uckwheat, bush 0 G0 Beans, per bushel.. 1 15 1 20 Seeds— Red clover, per busk $4 23 to $3 00 Alsike, choice to fancy6 50 7 10. Alsike, good No. 25 50 G 00 Hay and Straov— Hay, per ion ... -..$1100 to $12 50 Straw, sheaf, per ton 9 00 Straw, loose, per ton 4 00 5 00 Dairy Produce— • Rutter, lb. rolls .. (1 18 0 20 Eggs, new -laid 0 20 0 23, Poultry— Chickens, oul try— Chickens, per pair0 40 0 80 Turkeys, 1 er lb 0 10 0 13 Ducks, per pair... 0 50 0 80 'Geese, per lb.. . 0 00• 0 07 Fruit and Vegetables-= Apples, per bbl $1 00 to $2 00 Potatoes, per hag 0 40 0 50 "'.)ILO'. to LMC HTO, i{. Toronto, Oct. 18.—Receipts of live stock at the cattle market were large yesterday, 81. carloads, composed of 1,278 tattle, 1,'707 hogs, 1,169 sheep and lambs and a. few calves. The qua- lity of fat cattle outside of those from that Northwest ivas generally poor, Trade dull all round, with the exception of mflrh cows, which sold at good its iCes,– but in every other [hiss sr ieeS Were loti'er,• Export cattle choice '$4 (15 to $4 80 Exp(ct catl lc light 4 121a 4 40 Butcher 10111 le.nickea lots 4 12y, 4 85 " inea um, mixed3 35 8 40 " , good ,. 3 00 3 80 common , 2 75 ;1 00 inferior .. . 3 60 3 80 Mitch eows, each .. .. 28 00 51 00 Bulls, hoary, export,good qnniiiY . 4 121 / 4 49 Bull'(, uredlaua, expert'... 3 40 3 G5 Lands grood butchers a7.1(1exporters, )nixed ,. ... 4 00 4 12% (k(t, . sLn s 2 GG :3 () 0 Feeders, heal 3 40 '3 9 0 reediest, light 3 211 ti 40 Calves, tach .. 4 00 10 00 Sheep, per clot 13 211 3 40 Sheen 5015). per cwt. ..,z 50 2 75 Lambs, bucks, per cwt 3 50 l 75 Doge, 100 to 200 lbs. each4 371/ .... ligllt7 tits . 4 (8) , ... " henl-y fats .., 4 00. 111 " . 00foil 4 00 4 �1`" " sows i 00 l�t. ". stags 00 , :.. , , '. ..1 .1',111 f%A a° ea 1 1 t.',:.: •. Inst Buffalo,Oet, 17.—Cottle--There wore halfdozen n d' z 1t r esti) over, aril there Were C t (. c)1 few sales in single 1leiuls and h(umime nt •I prr rs that did not n0ett the bugle r , (f yes. 1erdny's close. Strictly ehoire batches) are still lietcl steady, and 'oh the e0Illinen kclnuls the feeling Is (lull. There was no change in the posli:lOn of the reit market, there being no quotable lots. on sale. Sheen and Lambs—The nfferings were PIS loads. The 'rat y tattle { 1 11 t ' C u a (ti nl d very few bunches sold. Prices were abort tiie wane as the e1oSe vester(hly. Choice to ertr9 UMIAK :t5 to $0,215; easel to elusive. $4.76 t0 $5. Sheep,. ehetet) to extra, $4 to $4.23: Maims* leant:kola. Tngereoii, Ont., Oct, 11.--Offorings; 167) boxes, September make; no sales; 11)4o all Sellers still bottling for higher 1)11001.a ate life It( Market, CONSIDERING Paine' s � Celer Com Q' .0 p Is Your Only Hope if You Would Banish Sickness 0 and Disease At this time we simply give ,a few facts in connection with the use of Paine's Celery Compound that should prove interesting to all who are Wolf- ing ing for new health and vigorous strength, Paine's Celery Compound encourages and strengthens the kidneys, and en- ables themto cleanse the blood of waste and poisonous: matters that are the direct cause of drowsiness, melan- cholia, depression of spirits, wasting sickness, blood diseases, headaches and that general "ran down" condition that opens the door to organic diseases of the heart, kidneys and stomach. Plane's Celery Compound makes the blood a bright red color, increases its volumeintbe arteries, and quickens its circulation, enabling is nerye-tired person to sleep eight or nine hours at a stretch. Paine's Celery Compound is pre- eminently capable of doing all that it promises, and does a work that no other medicine Can accomplish. II' you, dear reader, have failed in the past with other medicines, take immediate advantage of the virtues of Paine's Celery Compound that has proved such a blessing to tens of thou- sands in the past. One Lasa -Liver Pill every night for thirty days makes a complete cure of biliousness and constipation. That is ust .. 9 5 cents to be cured. n surveyor, Jahn. D. McNab,land s iv eyor who was arrested the Id at Gorrie three weeks ago on the charge of the abduc- tion ot the wife of George Parkins,. carpenter, was discharged by the Pollee Magistrate itt Owen Sound, no evidence for the prosecution being of- fered. Parkins brought his wife from near Geortotestify-against the prisone, but she was noput in the witness box. The case created con- siderable interest, but its conclusion was not unexpected. . FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED RaerEnr.—Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. 11 soothes the child,softens tho gums. allays,ali pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Itis pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of tbo world. 25 cents a bottle. Its. value is incalculable.' Be sure and ask for 'Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. Children Ory for Ie NEW Meat MarMarket The undersinened has opened up a• new meat market one door Solani at Garlincg's Store where be will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN T I1ANNING CALL AT THE FAMILY For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, MEAT LARD and SMOKED MEATS A fine selection of BEEF, LAMB; FRESH PORK, and all kinds of Fresihi and Sialtecl Meats on hand. Note the address, one door north of The R. Pickard Co's store. LOWS D Y, PROP eg A SoiIt Sore® , When it comes to healing up old running sores of long standing there is no remedy equal to Burdock Blood Bitters. Bathe the sore with the B.B.B.— that relieves the local irritation. Take the B.B.B. internally—that clears the blood of all impurities on which sores thrive. D. Melissa Burke,rind= Miss MG Magdalen Islands P. Q stone, g , says t "It is with pleasure r Speak k favor of 83.3.whic cared me c arunnin sore on my leg. I consulted 'theee doctors and they gave late salve to put on, but it did 110 good. I+inalIy my leg becatne a solid rtlnlurig sore. fact folnearly a month I mould not put my foot to the floor. t. "I wars advis&d t0 use 13.13.B.... . ' so. Tilt•ee bottles heated up my reg c,ts tirely so that 1 have never Beentroubled with it silica.., y . MARKETS. Exetev',October 18ti118 0 New Wheat per bus, ,. . to 7.0 •65 to 00 25 Go 2b 3a,to 40 Wheat per bushel Harley, .... Peas........, ...55 to 69 Butter,.... 6 to 111 Eggs ..,... 14 to 14 Turkeys 8 to 8 Geese 'xis" ..... 6 to 6 Chickens per 16 5 to e Ducks .....0 to e S1Voot. , ,. 13 to• 15. Drier Apples.. ... .. 6 to ,5 Pork dressed,-., .. .. $5.50 to .6. 60 i;0udon,Ooteber,18th (89',, Wbe1L( per bushel... ..09 to 07 Oats. . ,23 to 24 Peas ... ..60 to (144 Barley . 48 to 50 Buckwheat ...45 to 48 Bye. ..,... 39 t 5I to ee 60 65 t0 70 14 to 14 15 to 10 ... 00 to 70{II 10 to 12 9 to 11 ]0 50 to 75 E to 0! Beans .., Butler .... Dunks , S Tark(, per lb Geese p er ib Chickens 050080 - Potatoes per bag...,., ... ..80 to100 Hay per ton . .... ..4 6.00 to $ 7.50 k por cwt... .. $4.50 to $5.00 GIVE A YOUTH resolution and a course in Business and Short- hand at the Destiny Changed. The "Slater Shoe" is closely watched dur- ing the process of manufacture, Every shoe' undergoes a careful examination after leav- ing the hands of tach operator. The, slightest flaw in the leather or work- manshlp-a stitch missed -a slip of the knife, only discernible to an expert condemns the / ' shoe that started toward the ``Slater„ goal to the ordinary, ualileless, unwarranted army of footwear sold to 'whoever will buy them. The "Slater Shoe" is made in twelve shapes, all leathers, colors, widths, sizes and styles, ];very pair Goodyear Welt- ed, name and price stamped on the soles. $3.50 AND $5.00. E. J. SPACKMAN, SOLE ,.(CAL AGENT. and who shall place limits,tohis carper. Catalogues few. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. Re -open Sept. 5. $395 3I your to e.,, gni. ouitt ahndHome oreturn) , w yo uaur nearest express cake there for you t will xamine It iisAan opearsee, gold-plated;dust proof case, handsomely engraved, fitted with American model T,lewelled atemwlndandsot movement. lady's or gent's size. Itis a good timepiece, equal inap- and is just tl a thing four trailing purposes.1 fen carotid. oxalanon au aro convinced this watch!.wohfaro han ask. ayeexpressagetIt'isanxprechargnd es years, . Terry Watch Co., kcal T Toronto, Cane DR WooDs WAY PINE SYRUP, CURES COUGHS AND COLDS. Mrs. Alonzo H. Thurher, Freeport, N.S., says: "1 had a severe attack of Grippe and a bad cough, with great difficulty in breathing. After taking two bottles of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup I was corn• pletely cured." nte Qat this out mid:a (Mil it tom with the mune of ?qui coonoarost express coomid wewWa ship you, (8510v01(4 81(5Qatat.byeooron, �ubject to ®xan4nafaotu aEiF:- aminoitaty0urcxprossofnco, and if you dnd..i2 exactly6s we represent it �ad entIroly satisfactory, pay t1la 60)00)5, ent our^ spoetal. 5$55, 6lA05514 .., . regular as 5 rges. 781sivari niiaelyf lntshod}.. regga�lar 55.00 Stradivarius model violin, Moldycolored,highly a and seet 10 tondo ycomplete O5t5 11e with ane box,fromextra can otstVe t and rosin. a g0nuinq ..argaln at the price: Buy direct us and soya the dealer'sproat. ohnston & MMoFaF'/ane, • liox ' E T Toronto, only nrumnstriart.nru-tnrInrukrutruutruixinnartn=rtruistrutn.nriste- 5 Cay a Procured care from t most 0 Rei Reliable Dealersonly. y. e THE BEST VALUE IN THE TRADE. LLINE OF . Heavy 'black worsted cheviot ULR ST S IIIU4 0PRICE WELL LiNED, WELL MADE AND EXCEEDINGLY STYLISH YL H $8e75 This Garment 'a Made to order"' by a Tailor' . though perhaps "not to fit" would be $17.00. SHOREY'S CLOTHING is not made to order, but [ made to fit, and every thread isguaranteed. L uvtrwulnrtftlartnilla Work whit eou sleepwithout wIthau t a grip or gripe, curing Sick Headache, Dyspepsia and Constipation, and make you feel better in the morning. FREE! Fioltah•eSa1:1 tefla1l Ring, in e: gnisito Pinsk tined Case. for soiling ono dozen dainty packets of Beliotrope. Rose. and Violet Perfume. Sell at 10 cents each. Return Its SIM and receive ring FRES) by return :roan. Unsold. goods returnable 7103835 SUPPLY CO. Box 111 Toronto, Ont„ SVia, a -s 'a ' The l oI llo-nlar lutllnt' stilt([ cod fancy ,1 ;a,: ;>. The he \t)stall (.Il rte au]rliration e. r ,r . ae Flit 1 �itl' 11•i.�("'- c Aclulira i n for i to the quality of the goods mei the style rind finish. A u(1 Surprise at the Iasi price at which o 0 sell them. A FULL LINE OF NEW who, y»11 \\outfurnttllr'e go to acring Yon rn,itrire 1t BLACsuit very often at this tune of the year. We are prepared to fit You out in the finest style. Best quality C 11odSi closest prices. 1 . e. p c BOOKS FORR. i ' n _ WE'S -- School Opening AND ALL THE CHILD - RENS NEEDS AT .Brown Ings. Where the Scholars are used well. We are in the van with all that is desirable in the line. Letushow u rstook S 0 our of 1' Fan[ Wort in l � do �' 0 >," edS all the newest colorings. Remembere pat ) t lx ' tho bestuit for $10.00 s tihat can a � be bough in thin county. GIVE US A. CALL. J.111M thieve' l'3ND?rk0T'i Ai?laltyfl' A SPECIAL f . R. Ns RO E 1 1. The three great vital factors of this body of ours are the heart, the nerves andthe blood. It is because of the triple power possessed by Milbui'nrs Heart andNervePills of making weak, irregular beating hearts strong and steady, toning up run down, shattered, nervous systems and supplying those elements necessary to make thin, watery blood rich and red, that so many wonderful mires have been 'accredited to this remedy. Stere is the ease of Mrs. R. J. Arnold, Woodstock, N.B., who says: "I was troubled for some time with nervous prostration and general weakness, feeling 0,' :ritablo,debilitated and sleep- less nearly all the time. - My entire system became run down. As soon as I began taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I realized that they had a calming, soothing influence upon the nerves. Every dose, seemed to help the elute. They restored my sleep, strengthened my nerves and gave tone toiny entire system. I think thein wonderful." t4 g YttiL 1.11?IsPs Iicart �tnd Nervi Pills st Wedding Suits a Specialty A J SNELL A Men is always i in The SWIM If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting Sults He is a sure fitter. - His prices are away[down. His goods are the best.. Call and examine his goods before - buying your SUIT SUIT W. JOHNS, Y`l�e 'Tailor By the Best and t- Ignore the find the end you will Y 1 id it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room ,Setts, Tables a ! Ci�al rs, Etc, GET SOMETHING.....i • We r--, llave it, you wr11]i, it. I Take a look at our �MDlinte , 01 FURNITURE and you will find what you aro looking ookin�rr foil COOLEY SON TUB NI UBI+I AND VNDiL.R.,,12.A.1KIII lS 1 Opera Itoustx' Illocic.