Exeter Times, 1899-10-12, Page 7BLOODY WARS
Treat nave Gad Their littse Front the Moat
Trilling. Causes.
' Great were, pregnant with blood-
ehed and all the horrors [warning
'thereto, have very often been the out,
oome of trifling incidents, Whiehmight
had they been treated preperly, have
been ene.00thed over and the slaughter
More often was this the cape in ear -
ilex times than it is now. Everyone
knows that William' the Conquermelost
his life in France through his horse
treading on a red-hot cinder wink he
was superinteiading the burning of
Mantes but few people know the feet
which gave rise to the campaign and
eost William his life. During the tee-
ter 'met a hie reign he became ab-
normally stout and consequently the
laugilaing stock, not only a his sub-
jeots, but his eeighbors aceoss the
water, One day his contemporary,
Philip of France, copaparecl him to a
fillet of veal on eestors, and suggest-
ed that he should be eshibited st
prize mouaron, show. This so enraged
William that "he straightway made
war on his ridiculer, end the lees of
thousands of lives WAS the result.
The greatest of modern wars -the
Franco -German -was the 'outeorae of e.
very insignificant aefair. A Peewee of
tne German House of Hohenzollern was
extremely anxious to wed a, young
Princess, belonging to the Spanish
royal family but Fra.nce, thinking the
marriage would make Germany eveu
more powerful than she was alreadee
raised an objection. With al) deferenqi
to the wisdom of the French natime
'Germany withdrew the Maim, and the
Prince was told thee he would have
to look elsewhere.for a make. France,
-- however, was not prepared to let the
matter rest there, but stetted that
nothing ,short of
from Germany that the claim should
never again be raised would suffice.
Naturally enough, the Germans refus-
ed to account for their future doings
to France, so wart' was declared, and
over $1.00,000,0000 of money wasted, to
say noting of teal -1y 150,000 lives and
broken up homes in proportion.
Every one knows oe the Koh -i -Noor,
said to be the largest and most :value
able diamond in the world, but few
are aware that over a quarter of a mil-
lion lives have been given for the sake
of the Atone. The history of this.jew-
el reads like a romance, and the blood-
shed it .oaused is appalling to contem-
plate. At one period in its career it
fell ioto the hands of an Indian Prince,
who had anything but a pea.ceful
neighbor in the head of an adjoining
state. This pugnacious monarch at
ence made war upon /the owner of Cue'
dieMeende and for five years an inces-
sant cartipaign was kept up. Unfor-
'Innately, the aggressor at length got'
is own way, for the stone eves wrest-
ecl away from the Prince and the war
„ceased. The victor, however, did not
eine) long to enjoy his ill-gotten wealth,
eedr soon afterwards, he was foully mur-
dered, and the /Koh -i -Noor eventually
fell intrethe hands of the SingleVam-
ily, who subsequently presented it to
the Queen of Englaiad.
Likewise a golden mouse once set
two kingdoms at strife. This strange
article could: be purchased for 8600, but
the Greeks evidently set a greater
value upon it, for when the Turk:s laid
a claim to it as having at some for-
mer period belonged. to the Ottoman
Empire, the holderrefused to give it
up, preferring rather to go to war,
which they did. Although many thou-
Sands- of lives were spent by either
side in trying to acquire its possession,
neither nation can lay claim to having
come out victon for the talisman sud-
denly disappeaxed, nor was it eV er
heard of again -whether itwasstol-
en, or lost remains a mystery to this
, •
Henson"; Why They Should. be Allowed
More Freedom.
Chaining dogs and keeping them
Jonfined is extremely cruel at any see-
, son of tie year. Dogs need platy of
e •
exercise, and those who Gamic> allow,
their. dogs , comparative freedom should',
dispose of them. }Keeping a dog chain,
ed n‘akes him cross, stiffens the joints
, and muscles, and causes stomach and
livers disorders. When. it, is neCessary
to chain a doe, a wire on which a ring
has been placed sbould be tiglatly
stretched between and fastened to two
posts or 'trees and ttee dog" chain fas-
tened' thereto; the dog will then be
eble to run ,the length oe the wire, the
ring freely sliding its whole length.
The wire May be pieced along the fence
--siMply fastening the two ends, which
wilt allow the ring to,slide, freely along
the wire, Evert when chained in this
mariner the dog Macitild be allowed a
good run least ones a clay for an
hour or o . Animals shoilltt alWays
have free Water every day, and t heir
dish SltoL be washed daily, Dogs
should be supplied with clean straw
twice or three time a week to keep
them in, good condition ancl prevent an-
noy/woe from fleas.,Just itnagine your -
eel/ in the poor dog's position, and he
will endoubtedly reeeive better treat -
The first; theatre to be heated: by
electricity 19 the Odeon' in Buenos
Ayres. • The proprietors asked a local
cem,pauy if it would heat their etern-
ises by electricity, and although the
management had many misgivings, so
sanguine wee the electrical engineer
Of tele eorecern, that he could devize
practical eystene of eleetirie heating,
that he Was given carte blanche ancl.
peoeeeded to Work out his echeme,
,vhicJi he has done successfully.
Anna -She's awfully „afraid, of COWS.
Aline -No wonder I Slie"s got the hay
A few Months ego there was a 73ew
fanelly moved into ourr neighboricoed,
and, the men folks were soon changing
weak with the neighbors as the others
did, writes Mary L. Kimmerly. Every
man who had. eaten et Mr. B's -table
was loud n th'e praise of Mrs. B's
000king, eying everythiug was the
best they ever ate. This very natur-
ally made eVerY lady in the neighbor-
hood who had the least pride in online
ary matters look to her laurels. One
lady ventueed so,far as to ask Mrs.
for her recipe for making a certain
cake which had been the talk of the
community. To tiles requeet she re-
plied: "I cannot possibly tell you,,
for T never meaeare a thing. I just
letif-the ingredients together and the
result is generally all right." This
the lady believed to be only a way
she bad of refusing to give others her
One day I met Mrs. B. at the ihome
of another neighbor, where we had,
both gone to assist about the work as
there was sickness in the fa.mily.
When 0,r:S. B. asked what she could
do for ,Lhem, the mother said she
would lika sonae baking done for a
lunch for those who would sit up at
night. This Mrs. B. said she would do,
and I went to prepare the vegetables
for dinner, and in the meantime I had
my eyes open. The first thing- Mrs.
B. did was to go' at the stove. She
cleandel it thoroughly of asbes from
bop toCs'bottora, then built a good fire
and closed the oven doors. Wben
of the materials for the, baking were
brought to the table She began as fol-
leWs: She scooped some sugar into a
laege bowl, then broke in the whites
of three eggs, cu ta good slice of !but-
ter fthra a roll, poured in some milk
out, of a pitcher, dipped some baking
powder out a the can with a knife,
poured in some vanilla, sifted in
flour. Then she began neating or
stirring all tbese together briskly un-
til it was a smooth mass' - then butter-
ed a tin and put in the batter, She
tried. the heat of •the oven by holding
leer hana in. it a short time, then add-
ed another stick of wood to the fire
then put her cake in the oven. In 20
rainutes she opened the oven, tried the
cake with a broom straw, removed it
from the oven, turned it out of the
tin and put it to cool on the bottom
of the tin in which it was baked.
Then he mane deughnuts in the
sanae offhend way. The only thing she
seemed -at all particular about was the
fire, and the heat of the lard in 'which
the cakes were to be fried. Then ,she
made pie -crust. She sifted some flour
into a pan, scoope&.some lard into it
poured in a little water, added a pinch
of salt and in less time than 1 pan
write about it, it was ready for the
tins. !Alter three pies ;were made
there was a littre crust left, so she
scooped a little sugar into a bowl,
sifted in a little flour, added the yolks
of the eggs she had used for the cake,
poured in some milk, beat it a mo-
ment, and added a little nutmeg, and
a custard pie was made. There was
not as much flour left on tne board
as would dust over one hand, nothing
but the egg shells left to show the
amount of baking which had been
done, and whren I came to eat of ,those
goodies, I said with the rest, they are
as perfect as ca.n be made -no matter
how much weighing and measuring
any cook may do, the result cannot be
any better. I had paid close attention
to all her work, but with all if had
tried I could not tell how much she
had used of anything except the eggs.
Now I have come to the . conclusion
that the mosi importan.t things about
cake making is the Lire and' to get
the ea.k,e made and in the oven in the
least time possible.
Put a wash -boiler three-quarters full
of clear well -water or a brisk fire
to heat. Take three quarts of wood
ashes and put there in an iron kettle,
and after covering thexia with water -
hot ie best -stir. Remove a griddle on
the back of the save and set the ket-
tle in and let it boil for not eess. than
ten minutes. Then remove to a block
on the floor, or eorcie convenient place,
to cool, as otherwise the lye will not
seitle. Fill with cold water, as full as
paesible. In about five minutes skim
with a skimmer. When the water in
the boiler becomes as warm as you can
bear your hand to be in, and the dye
in the kettle has settled cLear, take
a bawl and dip lye into the -boiler,
stirring with a clean stick. Do this
until small substances that look like
pieces ot wool rise in the water. Let
the boiler remain on the stoVe ten
minutes longer, or until a- thicle scum
has risen on the water and been re-
moved with a saucer twO or three
tunes. Then dip into earthen jars or
granite pails, if you, have them, al-
though others will do. if done right-
ly, the water will be so clear that a
fine, white sediment can be seen at.
the bottom.
Where the water requariug to be
softened is heated as directed ebeve,
so little lye is required as to he hard-
ly perceptible, and, if perfectly skim-
med and given eufficient Lime to set-
tle efter being removed from the fire,
may be eeed foe; every purpoee for
which soft water is desired except the
waehing of flannele or bright call -
As this recipe glees directions for the
softening of but one boiler of water,
the process may be repeated until as
mach ae is required is obtaieed.
Whole coal is mode and Wood ashes
are not obtainable, a little "colleen-
tra,ted lye," that owe be boUght in
email boxes may be air:Solved and made
to answer instead.
When tieing this water for washing
the best way IS to give the clothes an
extra rinsing in hare watt'', shaking
them Well after Wrieging, So that they
will not dry in streaks. When poor
wood has been used, e larger quantity
of lye is sometimes needful before et -
proper result is obtained.
New England umpkin Pie -Three
eggs, three-fourths cup of sugar, four
Largo tableepoottfals of pumpkin, or
squash, that has been put through
Mee% and a pint of rich milk, seasoned
with salt and one teeepoonful of gin-
ger and einnamon. The pumpkin or
squash will be better if it is baked
instead of boiled.
Mince Pie -The mince pie is often
fearfully and wonderfully made, and
the ",store mince pie" we long to for -
gen -bat pies made from the follow-
ing receipt. are ,sure to be good: Take
six pounds of beet hearts or a cheep
neek piece, or use half beef and half
poaer; boil gently in water to cover
until very tender, skimming frori time
to time,: and adding a little more
when necessary, also turning it over
occasioually. The next day when cold
chop it very fine, then chop three
pounds of beef suet, removing all the
skins and strings, very fine, also chop
as finely as possible about ten pounds
of good sone cooking apples, peeled
and ored of course before they are
ohopped. Pour boiling water on four
pounds of raisins and then seed them
and add to the other materials. After
they have been all chopped separately
and then all chopped together, add
f.ouir pounds oil Well washed, currants
and one of citron if you choose, two
.ounese of cinnamon, pulverized cassia
buds if you can get them, (me of cloves,
one of ginger, four grated nutmegs,
the grated yellow rind and the juice
elf two lemons a teaspoonful of salt
end two pounde of sugar. Now place
in a laige poreelain kettle, or better
still, a granite iron dish pan, one quart
of boiled, cider, or cider vinegar if you
haven't the boiled cider, one quart of
canned cuerants, or grape or cherry
juice or any other kind of fruit juice
that you May happen to ba.ve, one
quart of molasses, and all the water
that the naeat was boiled in. Boil
gently nutl the epples are cooked,
adding more sugar if necessary, and
a little more seasoning if you 0,1100Se•
This rafiy be packed in crocks and cov-
ered when cold With molasses; cover
well. and keep frozen if possible. It
will keep all winter and you can make
your pies at Unsure, with two crusts
of course. The pies ,will keep for
weeks after baking if kept frozen and
should be warmed slightly .in the oven
before serving. Of course the fruit
juices may be dispensed with, or you
may uee the syrup of sweet pickes in-
Cuetard Pie -This is an excellent re-
cipe for custom:1 pie, and if one has
plenty of eggs and milk, this delicious
dish may be often indulged in: Heat
quart of rich milk in your rice [boil-
er, beat six or seven eggs well, add
five large tablespoonfuls of sugar,
flavor with nutmeg or a small tea-
speonful oe vanilla,, and while het pour
into your crust and bake slowly. Do
not forget to add mlittle salt.
, Pie Crust -One and one-half eups of
flour and a generous one-third cup of
lard will make the crust for one pie.
Add salt and eme-half teaspoonful of
baking powder to make the crust light.
If a strictly hygienic crust is desir-
ed, discard lard and water and use
sweet cream instead.
Emperor of Gerniany Buillaing the Finest
Stable In :he World.
It is evident that the Emperor of
Germany does not expect the "horse -
less age" to arrive very soon. He has
under' construction, in the outskirts of
Berlin, what is to be, probably, the
most splendid stable in the world. Out-
wardly it looks like a palace, and in-
wardly it has man,yr of the appoint -
remits and characteristics of one. Cer-
tainly horses were never more palati-
ally lodged than they will be here.
The stable is being erected by the
imperial architect, Herr Ihne. It oc-
cupies a supeeficial area of more than
two acres. There will be roomy and
comfortable box -stalls for two hun-
dred and seventy horses, and carriage -
house space for more than three hun-
• dred carriages.
In the centre of the whole will be a
two-storey- building where the imported
coachmen, grooms, stable -boys, and
so forth, with their families, will be
lodged. Eighty families will have
quarters in the building the &rivers
or coachmen will, be at feast fifty in
The stable will be provided with
horse elevators, telephones and elec-
tric lights, and the walls of the car-
riage -houses and other portions of the
building will be beantifully decorated
with paint mid gilding by the beet de-
corative artists in Berlin.
The cost of the stable is estimated
at seven millions of marks, or more
than a million dollars. Three years
will be employed in its construction.
Mr. ScriMps-I asked your daughter
a very important entestioo last night,
an.d she referred me en you.
Old Gentleman-Uuraph What did
you ask her I
I asked her if she'd marry me.
Welt, she won't,
En? Has she said so?
No, but from what I know of the
girl, I don't believe she would have
bothered herself about me if she had
really wanted you.
Cupid's always cutting capers,
Mending: hearts that others break;
But when it, comes to Making matches
Little Cupid takes the cake.
Near Geobogana, Jaye, there is a
lake of boiling mud, about two miles
in circumference. Inatense colunias
Of eteeelning mud are constantly 41'13 -
lug and deeteriding.
nn0,5 thle out and rilkoin
tc. no, Iviot steed et
your nearest express Wilco
and tvc Willows tele wstals
Pere for yes to oacrniae. it hi all
melte% keel -Piece oust proof
oasis, b indieduslY en/pared, atter!
With American nicalemo"tied
totem wind ace oat riloveinunt,
lady's or ones sue is a
good time piece, equal ln ap,
poartinea te i OSA Watch,
and la just the tines tor
trading purposea, If, on
Careltilextitotnation you aro
coin/lin/0 this watch is
worth far More than wa MR,
085 the exPrals agent ea%
and Ferree ghargos and it is
'Years. Ol'enielr 11'45o5
flex Z Toroutn,.aatis.
Tale of a Wandering Jear--Strlelten WW1
Selermderma and as 'peke a Statue
for Micro Ttput TwO reale.
Among the patients now in the To-
ronto General Beepritel, is one whose
Peculiar diseese leas, in the past, given
hini a somewhat wide newspaper cele-
brity, and who, contrary to all expec-
tations, is gradually regaining his for-
mer state of health.
Between two and three years ago the
lerevv York newspapers and medioae
journals devoted colunans of space to
the descriptien of a strange disease,
with which a Polish Jew, named Wra.
Davis, was affected,. At the time Dav-
is was an inmate of the rheumatism
ward of a New York hospital, but in
December last 'he came to the Toronto
General hospital, where he now is. He
has been examined, by many of the
medical experts of the Dominion all of
whom, prononuee dais case the most pe-
culiar they have ever seen.
Davis, who is a peddler, was wonb to
endure ail kinds of hardships in the
way of exposure to the weather while
in the pursuit of his calling and. about
seven years ago he bit a tightness
across his chest when he breathed. The
tips of bis fingers were also constant-
ly cold His fingers then became stiff
and the skin fitted them so closely that
they looked as though carved from
raarble. In time 'is entire body, with
the excePtioxa of the abdomen, his aims
legs, heed and neck, were in the same
state as his fingers and his skin be-
came blacker ith.an that of the darkest ,
negro In this condition he went lute
one of the New York hospitals, and'
was moved from one to the other, until
it was disocivered that he was a victim i
of what is known as scleroderraa, in the '
diffuse form.
The disease is really the result of the
skin of the victim shrinking and, hard-
ening, until it becomes too sma.11 for
his frame, a,nd fits so closely that it
cannot be picked. up. The fingers be-
come prolonged and the wrists twist
out of shene. The hands assume the
shape of the claws of an ape, and this
led, to the newspapers christening Da,
vis " the human monkey." .
wildly, --I want to see the
owner of that burned building in which
forty peeple Perished, yesterday,
Servant -He ie., not in.
Where is ?
He's gone to inquire Hie price of fire
The office boy - Only tneee more
days before my vacation! The fiX-
ture-You ought not to wish away
your time. The office ' boy -I ain't,
I'm only wishing away' the bossk time
so that my time cau begin,
One of a -Thousand Suet Come to
Light in the Queen City.
lar. John Allow, GI Priss cess Si., TitYstitoi
Cured of Lumbago stud Diabetes —An
tereS1D11141)gdaT:se IK1011;1^-nleilyilt;1LI:111Se
Toronto, Oct. 2.-Tlais city is one of
the finest in Canada, and among the
healthiest ou the continent of Amer-
ioa, but like everywhere else it bas
its victime of kidney disease. Never-
theless, it) is safe to say', however, that
these cases are seventyefive per cent,
less comm.ou now than ten years age,
and but few of those that do exist are
anything like eo severe as forrneriY,
This is due wholly and solely to the
popnlar use of Dodd's Kicleey' Pills.
Dodd's Kidney! Pills have been found
to be the only medicine that will cure
Bright's Disease, the only cure for
Diabetes, the only radical cure for
Rheunaatisra, Lumbago, Sciatica, ete„
and equally efficacious for Heart Dis-
ease, Dropsy', Paralysis, Bladder and
rnaary Troubles, Women's Weakness,
Blood Disorders and any other form' of
Kidney Disease.
Concerning their virtue for Lum-
bago and Diabetes, 3Ir. John Blow, 67
Princess street, Toronto, says l - "T
have been EL great sufferer with Dia-
betes and Lumbage for years. Every
remedy 1 could hear ot was given a
feir trial in hopes it wouldt help me.
But until I began to use Dodd's Kid -
neer Pills my' hopes were all in vain,
and my torture night and. day unbear-
able. No one coald imagine the sixf-
feringe I endured; night and day my
pains kept me in misery. It seemed
as if there Was neither relief nor
cure. ,
When I began using Dodd's Kid-
aey PiIL I had lost faith in all medi-
cines. But from the first one of these
Heaven-sent Dodds Kidney Pills, I
experienced relief. Every succeeding
dose hastened my complete cure.
"T have used in all five boxes and
am thoroughly cured -a strong, heal-
thy, hearty, vigorous man, wherea.s be -
tons 1atarted to use your Dodd's
ney Pills I was a constant and miser-
able sufferer. I cannot find words to
, express my entire confidence in Dodd's
Kidney Pills
I Cynthia - What position do you
hold in the engine works Mr. Tricity?
Alex Tricity-I just do, odd jobs -sew-
ing on electric buttons and water the
steam plant.
According to 'medical authorities but
508 cases ot this disease were known up
to 1895, and of these only 32 were from
North America. Of the total number,
only 60 affected the whole body as in
the ease of Davis
ing in some instances
thorities say that recovery may occur it gro
The disease is said to be chronic, last-
fee' Y°ars. Au- L U Hair. It 'nukes w
Gives new lite to tho
or the ,disease ma' be arrested, but it! Sold by all druggists. soca bottle.
and restores Lao color.
is not usually regaeded as a curable
disease. It is therefore soraewhat of al r • -----;
surprise that Davis, owing to the treat -1 Mrs. Chippendale - But, James, you
ment which he is undergoing at the have already been out two nights this
Toronto General hospital, is rapidly im- week! Mr. Chippendale cc Yes, I know;
proving. Only his hands, forehead and but I'm going to see if 1 °ante win
feet are now effected, and his skin is seine of it back to-nighti
no longer dark. It is believed that,
with continuation of the treatment!
Win., in the course. of a few mouths,. POR OVER FIFTY YEARS
become entirely free from the disease.. MRS. wneseows SOOTHING SYRITP has been
Should this prove true his cure will need by mother, for their obildren teething. It soothes
be no less remarkable than his diseaseteeeel:heileeteeeeeeLelileeinotalleTrgeete, 02itrcea.tong
is peculiar tle ti4ild by all druggists throughout, the ns
lure and atk for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.
insures a youtlifid complexion. Send 29 cents for trial
bottle, or post card for circular on skin runt oomplestion.
A.ddress W. T. Ulna [IMP% 489 Queen. St. W.. Toronto.
By the collapse of a new Luilding at
Cologne, ten lives were lost. '
When Adam was a Boy.
Tbie was years ago for Adam has
been dead quite a while, thought to be
sure he has left a progeny that keeps
up pretty well the family characteris-
tics. There are wise men to day who
delve into the XaiSty past and tell us
all sorts of thoeags, but they are silent
on those events that would make
Adam interesting to the modern man.
What did Adam do whee he ran a sli-
ver under his finger nail? ;Had he to
fake =easels and whooping cough? If
he had corns did he cut them, with a
razor or did he stretch forth a hand
in the future and get a bottle of rut-
nam's Painless Corn Extractor? Put -
liana's is the best, is sure, safe, pain-
less, and acts be twenty-four hours, ,
giant. mowing machine is in use
in Redlands, Cal. It outs a strip oe
wheat fifty feet in width,
Take Lamitive Brom° Quinine TabletS. All
druggists refund the money if it faiiii to eure,
oe 5. W• Grovee sigoature is on each box.
,Bachelors in the Grand Duchy of
Hesse are compelled to pay 25 per
cent.more taxes than married Men.
"Phark1,01110t) X'ayne, of Granby, tide
1 Cigar Manufacturer.
McSwat -- Me euini Tim, h'es five
hundred menwinkle under hum
McTush-Phat's he dein'? Puttin' a roof
on a tinement house?
'And is Rockford so much of an ora-
tor? Dfan, he could describe a board-
ing-house dried beef supper in such
language that your mouth would WL
ter with' desire.
La Toscana, leo. Itifelfieeleo3 CIGAR
A fORY,Itiontreal.
Mae -Both Gmerge and Harry are
very attentive to Bess. I wonder
which of the two she will accept? Ethel
-If I knew which would propose first
I could tell you.
Ens. OF
LLOYD 14.113.ggatratalita,
Mrs. Flynn -,Is Alderman Clancy
a frieed of your family? Mrs, Grogan
-Ho io not. Befoor election he pro-
mised to git me boy Patsy a govere-
ment job, and after election he direct-
ed me boy to a recruiting office.
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than an other diseases Tilt together,
and until the last few years was supposed to be
incurable, roe a,great many years doctors pro.
houueed it s loam disecse, and prescribod local
remedies, and by cop scantly fa ilmg 10 mire witb
1060,1 treatment, pronouncecl it incurable. Sol.
Onto bas prcven catarrh to be a constitntio.ei
fliSease, and therefore requires const(tutiona)
treatment, Ball's Catarrh •Citte, manufactured
by J Cheney 33 ay., Toledo, Ohio, the tuly
cur- bitaional mire on the market, It Is been
Internally in doses front 10 drops to a teaspoon-
ful. It aCts directly on the bloo 1 and mueoue
surfaces of the system. They offer ono hund-
red do lars for :MY case it fi tis to ouri3. Send
for circulars and testimoniale, -
Address, F. S. °RENE; Yee 00., Toledo, 0.
Sold be Druggist*, 75e,
IIall's Family Pills are the beet:
Stubb --Say What you please about
gasoline stoves but the one in our
kitchen has plenty of nerve. Penn -In
what way'? Stubb-Why, it's the only
thing in our house that dares ' to blow
up the °leek, ,
're mots THE INGE
Lead packages.
Cot tido oat and, s tea it toes loth tie name ot your ,
noarest express shire and Ire 'will iadP Y" 111 "'LIP
with petit by oapreao, subject to
amine it at your eXPreas osee. Rea ir eye en it earnitiaa
rePreceotit cod eatiseh• attttifecterrik,VA
0090028 05011 our seselak Price, 4 1,a and ,
exPrsias charges Tilly lo atistylnilshed,
resnier 42.112 Straclivarlus meet twee
riOrdY colored, highlyAntlisited, poworral
and 0(0401 in tone, compiete eittineio
bow, extra set prattlers and rosin. ,
bargain at the price. Puy direct front 01 011 save tee dealer's 000111,
Johnston & ifloFaplano, Ogg Z' Toronto ant
It will always do to change fox the
better. -Thomson.
ThO ealitioral.p" Free Bus
Hotel Carslake European. Plan. Rooms
G.T.11. Station, Mon:rook Get.rai?sitik: 4116
AvEtiug Houng_MOG11-Collego Avenue.
""'" Family Hotel rates N,50
per day..
ST. JAMES' NOTEL.°7t1Z?iri.,,,309
Railway. Firstolass commerolaileeno'• a Modern he,
provemeats—Rates moderate.
They that kuow no evil will suspect
none, Ben Jonson.
TV* P. V992
Carbolic Disinfootanta. soaps, Cant.
ment, Tooth Powders, etc,, have beers
awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior
excellence. Their regular use -prevent =fedi,
one diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a
supply. Lists mailed free on application.
Instruments, Drums, UnifOrms, etc.
Every town can have a band.
Lowest prices ever quoted. Fine catalogue, 500 illus-
trations, mailed free. Write 06 1105 anything in
Maio 05110210281 Instruments.
WHALEY ROYCE & CO., Toronto, Can,
Carter's COLD CURE 10c. Cures in a jiffy. P. Mc-
Coinutek di Co., Agents, Montreal.
Garrnerot who wish to ittproe and have u
toalate mebhoda, write as. 9-
OdittierS I, C. W. BuilT &00.,Toronto
Indian Catarrh Cure.
old by all reliable Druggists,
Sausage Casings—irm9grbl`
erican flog Casings—reliable goods at right prices,
YA.111C, BLACKWELL & CO., Toronto.
0:Itolland, sole agent for the Doiniolon. Saud 3 et,
stamp tor catalogue. 37385. Paul Street, MontreaL
10 Bugs, Rats and Mice. Sold by all
,Druggists, or en. Queen W. Toronto.
"Q. -e• "BEAVER BRAND" meow/nose
nerer hardens It is guaranteed Water-
proof, Ask for it,take no other. Bea-
ver Rubber Clothing Co., Montreal,
toba wedelns..
where, writs to
Dr. Arnott, Berlin who will convInceyou Imam cure you
Bia,vaapiag Phosphate, excellent cleanser fro liven,
kidney and at °watch, takes the p1100 09 0001 tar inspalle,
time In o0, of boat:Moho, ltsetleot La lrase Witte, Seld
all druggiots, la 10e, 25e. 56C arid 9109 paeltagoo.
Quests City Greg tio„ 27f Wollingtort-'at, TOrente,
'Dyeing II Cleaning
For the very best send your .work to the '
i$EniTisn AMERICAN DYEING 09." .
Look' for agent 10 your town, or send direct), .
Montreal,Torente, Ottawa, Quebec.
, .
Red or thee n, SLATE BLACKBOARDS re Ippl.
Public and Nigh Schools,Toronto). Rootng alb, 'tali
Octal Tar, eta. ItOOFING Tux (See New ity 52210 ,9,
foga Toronto, done by ourfirm). ' aeon °anew, 0,0i
Imes; ato. Estimates furnishedfor work 00111P140 oriel
materials$bipped to any Part 02 the oenittrY, itono I"'
G. DOTE I Eat SONS, Adelaide &wiumerste.,Toronto.
Cereal Coffee Fealth DiIII5. Puro.whoiesoine,Rouridr,
Itio 11x, or 21bs. 05025e, Rouge iseatial to 40a coffees
terVor Salo by all Grocers, or send lOct for pucker*
to the ROKCO MFG. 00,, 154 Queen E., Toronto.
Agents wanted. in every locality.
Office and Bank Fixtures, Modern
Stole Fronts. Mirrors and Plate
Glass. For low prices write
Wanted -232 -Y -s"
in every village to procure lists of names, and work' M
spare time, Remuneration, 92 for every 12 nanieei
iiichigari Land for Sale.
'os Tosco, Ogeutaw and Crawford Counties. Title per -
feet. On kliehigan Control, Deiasib k Mackinac and
Loon Lake Railroads, at pnoes ranging from 92 to 85
per acre. These Lands are Close to znterprising New
Toms, Churches, Schools, eto., and svilI be sold on mei%
reasonable terms. Apply to
R. 111. PIERCE, Agent, West Bay City, Mloh,
Or J.W. CURTIS. Whittemore, Mich.
AGENTS WANTED to sell the Acme
Pot and Xtettle &rainer in every Conn-
ty and Township in Canada. She de-
vice is 'invaluable for straining the water
from boiling vegetables without seal&
ing tke handa or spilling the contents
of the pot. .Exchisive territory glean
to first-olaes agents. For particulars
apply to the
Acme Pot & Kettle Strainer Co.
This Company, after Daring the 4 per cent. monthly
Coupons tnaturing September 1st, have remaining a sig.
Catholic Prayer 6°erfixes, &comers
oks, Rosaries, Cru /dm
, , earmeatistnotfegigteogtohres areserve
olratissger dividend of 19 4
fond, there remea!ins 10 15
of .32 per emit. After deducting expeos , and thi,
ER de lul cgri o n al?‘tPuorreksa.. Statuary, alod earau clr etIche ul yr:hp r o°rnmpat tits 4'115- per cent. Any am nobs fr
tion. o. & J. SADLIER & CO., Montreal, Tinhveestmpoenmt.inti000nkfrnelei
P Pr"
elvtiagment Co. of Torontd,
funuPa7toirodul reirrved
Canada Permanent Chambers, 18 Toronto St.
TORONTO Cutting School offers special advantages
I to all desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of
Cutting and Fitting Gentlemen's Garments, Write for
113 'Tonga St., Toronto.
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,
Cnr.West-Market & Colborne St., Toronto,
Can get you best prices for your Apples, Butter, Eggs,
Poultry, and other produce, if you ship it to them.
Mills, MIlle & Males,
Ronristers,otc., removed
to wesleyIdge, Rich.
mond Et. VP., Toronto.
Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephone N20.
, Solid Gold.,...ee.85
Best Gold Fill. 1.60
6 yrs Goldrill 1.00
V Best Glasses-. 100
We guarantee perfect se.tisfaction.
93 Yonge Street, Toronto.
Bra tford
Galvanized Steel
Windmills and
Towers. aLso
Steel Flag Staffs,
Grain Grinders,
Iron and Wood Pumps,
Bee Supplies, BRANTFORD UN,
Send for New Catalogue. Mention this paper.
00 LD
Douainion Line ROYAL MAIL
Alorstreal end Quebec to Liverpool.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman.
Rates of paeaage :—First, Cabin, 358 upwards; Second
Cabin, 330; Steerage, 322.50 end $23 50.
For further Information apply to local agente, or
DAVID TORRANCE 500, General Agents,
17S1, Sacrament St., Montreal.
agiforma ciNIDA PlaUlliNTENT
I (I
Personally conducted
California pay I
ber)r Mil information and reservation of sleeping oar
ha adolree
& T.A,, St. Louis, 51
11 D, AF.NO.
ST01•70, TPA
;13Issetai WizsoN, 30.9?, A., 111 Mains•sa, Chicago, Ill,
JAS. AfiNerr, manager.
JOHN 4 MAlN, 3upt, and Treas.
The Canadian
Heine Safety 0
1:pOILER .
Esplanade, Toronto
Opp. Shorbourno St., „
High Class Water Tube Stain
Bolters, for All Pressures,
Duties and Fuel.
MIND PoR uesouvrrire cATALoaufl.
ReiefeliCeS lr lattet17-11.
: 1„,tbailbtatrnig .itet i
bi'roNontd. *bete bollote mei 50nen woremei
Loan and Savings Company.
rsooltPoPAYPD 1855,
The west and Largest Canadian Mort.
gage Corporation.
Peid-up Capital, Se,600,000
Reserve Fund - - - xeloteeoo
Read Oftloo--Toronto 13t,/ Toronto,
Branch Ofiloes—lieinnipogMan., Vancouver, B.O.
DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed.
DEBENTURDS ISSUED ter 1, 2, 9, 4 or 15 years,
with interest coupons attached, '
1. MONEY` LESIV on security of real estate mortgagee,
Government and Aluniiiipal,Bonds eto
Vol' further partiaulars apply to.
J. linteneRT isteeON
Managing inrectoite Toronto.
HEALTH RESTORED without inedienui
or cisme to tilt
tog diaordered Stomach, Lange, Nerves, Liver, Bleak
Bladder, 1C10111eye, Brain and Breath by
Barrufe Revpdonta
Arabloo Food,
whet) itteves 'eyelids eta children, nut goo floats see
oestfalle Memel whote All luente eine Debility hato too
sherd MI ether Deat mote. It digbata nem all OW
Pood i reiebted, won 80 time itt cost in teseteine.
ellAncient calms et,eneetips.
re years, Ineartnne Stowell, Meet
tem, eleteicien, veneerer)),
fedigostion, donsnieptioe, Diabothe, Prontituilis Indite
ouzo, CLOIgh Asthma oatmeal, telsent, Die'rthee.
Nervous DohlO,y, elooplotreeure
Oullarry Cc
relelon, W., also in 5e110,14 Ono ail, 0; 5111002, eta
et en Groner's, Cheihistaf and metes etteetehore, in tee,
3„ et1_, es., 515., 14e, Soot eariltscfroo. Alec, 051mitres netnews. e Wits, in alioul.
Awes fet tneetcla. he T.Eittee DO LiMited Tome tie