HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-10-5, Page 5• th ev ONEY TQ, -LpAN. t from 4/ to SZellaVy. . terteamiweiaN Barristers, Solleitore, o., Male St., Exeter: MONEY TO LOAN. Wo have unlitnited private frinds for invest- ment upon farm or village property at loveest Ades of interest, DICKSON & CARLINO. Exeter, -rx KINSMAN, 14 AND DR, A. Xt. SMAN, D.S. » D. S.,.Henor Graduate of Toronto University, 'Dentist, Twit extraeted without pain or bad after effects,, °Moe in Fan- son'block. 'West eide a Main treet, Exeter' UR AliaZISON, D. O. S. L I S ) DBN'TIST. Honor Praduate of tho Toronto University, .na nova College Of Dental Surgeons ef Ontario. All bridge work, Crowns, ax d Plato work donoiri the neatest possible manner. A barelles antesthetio for painless extraction. e strioost attention gtven to the preservat- ion of the natural teeth. Ofileo opposite Con tree Rotel, Exeter, Ontario. EXJiiR TIMES xtErter 1V1UniCipal Council Barrister Dielceeson, of Wingbaol, °camel] met at call of Reeve, Town Hall, Sept, 29. All preSent will remove to Goderich, where be h entered into partnerebip with I)udl Holmes, Listowel is agitating for a fafni- I ir at I ex- centear. Evans. Zlinutes of previous nieetiog reed and cOnfirined. Taylor—Armstroog—That following aceounts he pamesed and orders drawn on treaeuree far same x—James Creed) freight on lumber $$,25 • the ann w. labor $1.50 ; Thoe Welsh do $2 50 Silas Hanclfoisi do $8 00 - Jas Creech, charity to Mrs. Satban $8,00. Caeried. be paid the sum of $400 on contract for No 18, 1899, authorizing the construction he th de of the Gordon McKay's stores, vv read a second and third time and fin- ally passed. Carried. laylor Armetroug—That by-law No. 14, 1899, extending the thne for Pal World stationery:4.68 ; 3, Creech, laboe $1.25 ; George Atkins . Taylor—Muir —That A.B. Closner pavement. Carried, Armetropg—Mnir—That, by-law of an artiAcial stone payement on t east side of INIalti stree from the sou side of James street to the south si having been rea,d a first time, be no the delivery of the Oollector's roll to A. haying been read aefirst time, be to TV HOOPER, Licensed Auc-. :-bh° 9°I'lect°r by the 'Clerk to Oct. 10th, tiopeer 'for the County of Huron: Sales eon- read second and third time and final- ditetedlin all parts. and for convenicalee can be arranged for at tliis °Mee, Satisfaction guaram ' teed, Charges mederate. Exeter P, 0. 1 NoTicE 'XO, CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of James . Wood of the Township of Usborrie in The Ceuety of Huron Farmer, deceas- Notibe is hereby given puisiteat to R. S. •as. 1897 chapter 129 that an persons having claims ,,ainst the estate of the said. Salmis Wood -Who died on or about the 31st of Marob.1899,are tO send or deliNr to the undersigned. solicitor for Mary Wood and William J, Clark Ilxecn; tors of the last will and testament of the said. -deceased on or before the lirstilay of November A. D., 1899„ full particulars of their claims and the securities (if any) held by them,and that af- ter tho said. date the said Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the Estate of the said doceas- od among the liarties entitled thereto having Tegard only to such-claime of whi011 notice shall be given as required, and they will not be liable to any person or persons of whose claim orclaims they shall not then have received notice. , F. W. GLADMAN • S011eitor for tho said Executors Dated at gxeter, Ont, this 2nttday of Oetober, •A.D., 1899. • 3-t NOTIbE TQCREDITOli S. Of Susanne Reed, late of the yillago of Exeter, in the County of:Huron, Spinster, Deceased. • Pursuant to Chapter 129 of the Revised Slat - 'ides of Ontario 1897, notice is hereby given that All creditors and others haying claims against the estate lot the above named. decea,sed,who died on. or about the lth day of September A*. D. 1809, aro, on or before the 15th day of Octo- ber A. D. 1899, to send by post pro -paid. to James Parkinsen,Esq.,Exeter,theadministrator ,of the sold deceased their chnetian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, tho full vartioulars of their claims, a statement of their Accounts and the nature of the !securities (if „any) held by thens,and that after the day last aforesaid the .eaid James Parkinson will pro - COCA to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto,, having re- gard only to such claims of which notiee shall have been, given as -above required, and the ad- latinistrator of the said, deceased will not be efliable for tho said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims noticeshall not have been received by at the timo of such distribution. Iiiited at Exeter this 20th day of Septernber A. D. 1899. Dim:sort CAMINO Solititors for administrator, , Wdriteii dt 01160 200 Good Saw log Shantymon FOR ALL KIND OF \voila.. Timber killed by fire must be cut. WAGES $20 TO $2Q PER MONTH board free. Parties of 6 or more ap- ply for lumbermen's tickets. The South River Lumber Go, LIMITED. Me •NBW ly pessed, Carried. A petition signed by N. Dyer Her - don for therlVfolson's Bank,R. N. Rowe, T. W, flawkshaw, and the Carling estate, was presented,asking the coun, cil to construct or cause to be con- structed, an artificial stone pa -reale)) t on the west side of Main street, low, the south side of Ann street to the north side of ,Huron street, the peti- tioners agreeing to pay 60 per cent. of. the said pavement, the corporation to pay the remaining 41) percent. ecOrmstrong—Mtur—That the prayer of the petitioners be granted, and that a committee composed of the Reeve, Councillors Taylor and Evans and the street Conimissioner interview Mr. Cosner re cot of construction and re- port to the council on Monday night. Carried. Muir—Armstrong—That the council adjourn to Monday Oct. 2nd, at 8 ealock. Carried. GEO. H. 13essEaT, Clerk. Council net pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town Hall, Oct. 2nd. All present. Minutes. of previoes meeting read and confirmed. The report of pavernenc committee was presented, and on motion of J. Mair, seconded by I. Armstrong, the apOrt Wawa:16431;CA aald he offal; of A. B. Cosner,of 12 cents per supeatlat;la foot, was accepted. Carried. Taylor—Evane — That the rate of taxation for the year 1899, be.161 mills in the dollar, and the Clerk be in- structed to draft a by-law confirming the same. Carried.' ' Evans—ltuir--That by-law No. 15, 1899, authorizing the construction of au artificial etone pavement on the west side of Main street, between Ann and Hurbn streets, having been read a first tnne, be now read a second and third timeoand. finall-v passed. Car- ried. Muir—Armstrong—That the pave- ment committee be instructed to have the walk in front of Hawkshaw's hotel repaired, Carried. Muir—Aemstrong--That the council adjourn to Friday,Oct. 6th'at 8 o'clock, Carried. • GEo. BissETT,'Cllerk. McGillivray. 13mEese-The Eden Methodist church held their annual Harvest Home on Thurs. Sept, 28th. The weather was not very promising but this did not prevent a large attendance. After all had done ample justice to the inner man they repaired to the church where a ehoice prograrnrnevvas render- ed by the Crediton choir. Rev. Baird B. .A., Mrs. Kerr. Dr., Rivers and Geo. Bloomfield, Rev. Mr. Hussar occupied the chair. Tbe proceeds amounted. to $40. • Sorroox, REPORT. --The follovving is a correct report of S. S. No. 3, meGann vray for the amonth of September. Report is lateed on work and attend- ance of the pupils. Names are in or- der of merit.— V, Nora -Coughlin, Clover Short, Pearl Wilson, Retie Coughlin; IV, Cora. Short, t Willie Lewis, Josephine,- Coughlin, Lilly t Market Lightfoot, Tommy Lightfoot, 1Via,y Mc- Grory, Edward Fa.ulder, Georgetla • The undersigned has opened up ti new meat market one doer S011til of Galling's Store where he will keep the choinest, of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN T I1ANNING. Iferaleet%.'''fteeMYOD.81.389931Seatakto "THOUSANDS Or YOUNG MBN are ii troilbled with nerveasness, despoll- t deucy, exhatistiom loss of memory, cl"? aching , backs and kidneys, painful urina- t',9 tion, bashfulness, sediment in Urine, losses (9. at night, impotency, headaches, varicocele, ilt", pimples, ulcers, bone pains, --The results- 9-1 iof evil habits hi yonth or later o5reesses, '';•1 Our Vitalized Treatment etires the woes'. 4) cases. Emissions Var6coeilo `',,i i Deal, tlie vigor and vitality and produce OS, Weak mem °tor Donate 'Treattorieigit 4„k! - -ttvliftt Cvleo v chts, S nature and Cleet, No matter how tilifonic, 'yield to out Vital. to .,: _ ized Treatment. No °iodation, 110 pain, ,!:.1t, Moo detesition from business. Ail ,citains k, - c ease, Oar Doll(sur Treat:sten.* wilt tlr Cure Vets. •e, Blood tItz Sexual ISIetenso, cuted forever. ItTo return of the disease, No Mercury. No Poisou. Otor Do_i trier t • Treatment will Cure Vou. Ws i''... Guarantee entree. We treat arid ettre,all dis. AK ilNig,0,,,,,, • eases Of men and WoniOn for mit ulituta ltramination sod ibronliotios Fra. Write Dr qua'ios , . Dot for Ilomo Tratmest, • v nil no nnowino 47 michiggn bailiff% y,, uLLfili muuitHio, DutreR, Mob. 111... CP "Vi1101144'401)43e4f03.64)454.11503(.4C46 Scott ; III, Leo Coughlin, Rosella Lightfoot, Olive Short, Sam Scott, Mare -Lewis ; Sr, II, Pearl Short, Nel- lie .Lewis. Jennet Maguire, Glndys Short, Erwin, Scott; Sr. II, Arnold Coughlin, Allie Lottie Welsh; Pt. 'II, Adraie Coughlin, Raymond Coughlin, Mabel Lightfoot, Adeline ,Hoffman ; Pt. I, Clara, Lewis, nowarti. Jones. Francis Glavin, Fred I,ewis, Obeetee Morley, Erin Scott, Eliza Hodgins. Average attendance 34. , • .1, LANE, Teaeher. SCHOOL RDPOBT.—The following is it correct report of S. S. No. 1, McGilli- wily for the month of September. Names • are in oeder of merit.-- V, Irving Neil. Ella Aitkens ; IV, Charlie -.Sillier, Ray Cobleigh, Patitick Glavin ; Sr. III, Ada Neil, Eva Aitkens, James Glavin ; Sr. rabbi° Miller, Irene Cohleigh, Edwin MilleteCharlie Lacky, Fred Lecky ; Sr. If, Clara Glavin, Mar- tha Lewis, irloon O'Reilly ; , Joe Dicky, W lid Mill er, Lance Cobleigh, Lucy Cotter ; Pt. urray Neil,Oceil O'Reilly, Mabel Miller, Thomas O'Reil- ly, Chester, Stewartson ; Pt. I, Sr., Harrison Lynnum, Moses East, Mary E. Flynn ,• Pt, .Tr., Andrew Flynn, Garet rlynn, Edna Lewis, Ida Simp- son. Number on roll 88. AVerag,e at- tendance 22, Members of Fronoe Roll foe Septem- ber :--Irving Neil, Eva Aitkens, Ada Neil, Martha Lewis. Clara Glavin, Mona O'Reilly, Willie Miller, Mabel Miller, 'surrey Neil, Edna, LeWis,Mary Flynn, IVIsaiesn EasTON, Teacher, W. Irevett is putting a plate glass front in his store building. - FREE! Fik.,10 _ f„ for bulliag doott,q1004plickdd Its110trom NM*, and Violot Itraina• 00110 10 Ccata dach. AMAMI 115 01,140 lea thebtfo ring men by marshal.% Unsold goads itturnabi0. DUMB SI11111,1F nee t Vorente, ante 1 MARKET ., ../124.1v-eaViind isieW Wheat per bus. .. „ „ .. • . to Exeter, October i;11, 18 9 Wheat per buehei . '.65 te Oats tare factory, and there is a fa prospect of it suceesefel terroinatio tti the agitation. • Miss Rachel, eldest daughter of Ge II. Kramer, Huron road, Follarto was umted in marriage to Edmond Alles, of 'Tavistock on Thursday last, Mr. N, M. Campbell, principal of the Public schools, and probably the best icnown man in St, Thomas and the cotinty of Elgin, who (lied suddenly on Monday afternoon, was born in the county of Middlesex 01 years ago,and was a s011 of .Alex Campbell, of East After an illness of 111)0 t .00 11 r months ClOrati011, MA'S. Kiehrta, w idol of the late Jacob Kiehna, wit died three years ago, passed awa on the evening of Oct, 1, at th residence of her sou, John. con. 3, Ellice. 1)eceased WaS born in Han over German where she was born on April 15, 1815. She was consequently in her 85th year. Thomas Skinner, a boy about 16 Years old, employed by the Hardill Compound Engine Co., and son of J. W. Skinner of 1VIitchell, met with an aecident Monday which resulted in the amputation of his hand and about laalf of his forearm. Be Work- ing with a planer, and had his hand drawn ill t,0 the machine. It was his Aral; morning at work. •• Hill, of Beam Mete bit§ a ten art , of corn that is said to be the besu ):yer seen in the County, as it is fully eared, and the, stalks are very tall and heavy. It may be mentioned that the crop was grown off the sod, and the, big result, shows that it was a good plan to adopt. The ears are exCeedingly large and Mr. Bill thinks if he gathered the ears lie would have 500 bushels to the acre, The Canadian Paeific Railway is badlyin waat otrailway laborers for werk weit of Fort William and is ex- periencing not a little difficulty in ob- taining them. For different railroad work in the west some 800 men are required, laborers, tra.clemen, rock - men and statiorimen, 260 of each, but there is such a scarcity of labor at the present time that it is apparently impossible to get the numbea of men required, A big bud of fire was nipped in the bud and the Huron Hotel,' Goderich, was saved from being laid -in ashes about 8p. m. Thursday night, There was a very strong wind from the rear. A spark ignited the roof and there was cereat dangtr of a big fire. Mr. Swarts, eider ,Qr41'• 0. The leader among business sehoolS. Sue t0eI181:11101.140(mattiV;1°ensirfrfeaoculty 4t4d large 14* 10 • 0_ - '4 11 e roof the proprietor, quielf1?-sca.co and smothered the fire 'with hie sufficiently to check it -until a, few pails of water quenched the fiery fiend. The cqat was destroyed, but the loss is a good investment, and Mr. Swarts is to be congratulated on his presence of mind. For any case of nervousness, sleep- lessness,: weak stornacth, indigestion, dyspepsia, try' Carter's Little 'Nerye Pills. Relief is 'Sure. The only nerve' medicine for the price On the market. ,yr,Fr,,,,,,maTaa•mm-cht A Man is always in The SWIM If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fittino- t, Suits Re is it sure fitter. Ris prmee are awasidown. His goods are the best. Call a,nd exttnaine his ds bef buying your J. W. WBSTIllILVELT, Principal Ite-open Sept- 5. MA.RRIED NASLE—PAYTON—At Stratford, Sept 26, by 4,0v. ,Dr. Hilrey, Miss Mary Payton. of Dow- nie, to Mr. John Nagle, of 131anshard ROBINSON—SI-9AR—In Detroit. on. Sept. 26, lir. Frank aohinson, to _Miss irritate Seoar, formerly of St. Marys. RBG AN —BARTL SY— At Stratford. Sept. 20, by ite v Dr. iCilrOy, Miss Kate, second daugh- ter of Mrs David Hartley, Stratford, to l'eter ltegen of Logan township_ PLAYFORD--13YERS—At the residence of the bride' e father Sept. 27. by Rev. W . A. Bradley, xr. plias playford, of Wellesley, to Matilda, third claughter,of Wm. Byer4Qf Fullerton.• ALKENS—PRINNANCORE—At the residence of the bride's parents, September 27, by the 4ntr. iViessrs. Kenner and Whiting, Rev J. W—Aikens, of Port Maitland, NO Vit Scotia, to Ettle, only daughter of Mr. John, Phinna,. More, Mitchell, 011111B— VANCE—At the residence of the bride's father in East Zona, Sept. 17, Agnes, daughter. of 1VIr. mud Mrs. Joseph Vance, to James Orme, of London. DIED DA, YMOND—In , Titokersinith, on the 30th' Sept., Peter Daymond, aged 70 years RYNDMAN—In. Exeter., on the, 3rd inst., Dr. John Hyndman aged 69 years. ECORLDilaN—In Stephen, oh the 16th ult., Margaroto, relict or the late Francis Ilohlbein aged 66 years. WLNO—Un Sept. 23, Now Rambin-g, Lautel Wing, cged 75 years, 10 months and • 21 • ROBIN5ON-1n Blanshard, Sept, 20 Mary'Jane Duns, relict of toe late Francis Robinson, aged 80 yearS, 6 months, 3 days Blanshard, Sept, 20, Themes Kirk, aged 87 years, 9 months, 2,0 days. BRINE -1n St. Marys, Sept.. 20, Moue Render - sea, iefant daughter of Chas. R., and. Sophia line°, aged months, 15 days. D. Stevens, of Hallett, has disposed, of his fifty acre farm, lot 2, con. 12, to his fathers,Jos, Stevens, for $1800. FOR'OVIIIR FIFTY Y.EARS AN OLD AND WELL -Tam) HEMEDY.-1VIrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children While, teething-, with perfect. success. lt soothes the child, softens the gums. allays all pain, cures vkind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea, It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the -world. 25 cents a, bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure and ask for 11Irs Winslow's Soothing' • Syrup and take no other kind. Ild131121=1:012011r FRE' F. Er• Mid Vratell 901' t211-slzed lon, a; at 104T04 of s W1(1910it 11 and_prettleit No Money 31i1equirculTh't:'.TV,, urn° and iva send _Doylies pOstfa'Id. Sell them, yob= moner, an, we nun your watch foo. Unsold Doylies returnale. . LINEN DOYLE:if 00• . BOX N T TORONTO 5a YEAliSs EXPERIENCE T R ADDeSs IMGNASRICS COPYRIGHTS &C. A1190110 sending a sketch and description May quickly ascertain mir sopinion free whether an • invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents • sent free. Oldest agency for securing -patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. recelvf. speciat notice, -without charge, in the . scientific lintericalto .A hEindsoinely illustrated weekly. Largest air- Culation of any scientific joUrnal. TerrnS, 93 it year; four months, 91. Sold byun newsdealers. MUNN no 361BmadYvaY' New York Branch Office. C25 F St.. Washington, goo ore . .-4naazz1......,FALL SUIT W, JOHNS The Tatilot- CALL AT , THE FAMILY For first class CORNED BEEF,.. PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE; LARD'and ST,TOKED MEATS! A ane selection of BEEF, LAMP, • , FRESH PORK, awl all kinds of F geeesrie etesd Scateci Aleakts on hand. . . Note the address, onealoor north �f The R. Pickard Co's store When Doctors Disagree Consult an Optician fink al Nervous', ess—beadaches— sleeplessness and dizziness, often puzzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the •direct cause. Nothing can effect a permanent cure that does not remove the cause. That is what our scientifically fitted glasses do. S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, LOWS 141(9.PROP T. Fitt' s Jewelry Store CHILDREN'S COUGHS QUICKLY CURED. Hard to keep the children from catch- ing eol.c1--wi1l run out of doors not properly wrapped—get wet feet—kick the bed clothes off ttt night. Whatis mother going to do about it ? Muitu't neglect the children's Coughs • and Colds—might end in Croup—and Croup end fatally or evoaken the hings for like. Most mothers now give their children Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. niee to take, and cures all kinds of Coughs and Colds move qeiekly and effectually than any remedy known. Mrs, rt. r.Loonartl, Parry Soand, Ont., writ: "I have used Dr. Wood's NortrayPino Syr* fax Coughs and Colds ef niysell and also Of MY baby 1 find it alWaYS Cu= a Cold el -ticker than any other Conglx Mixture X over tried." Price 113c, ,LAXA- Ctire conetipation,hiliotienees sick headache and dyspepsia. Loven Every Dill gnarattceci perfect , and to ect Without pay grip - nee 6, ing, 'wealtouttig or sickening Irisuismw effects. Vic. 'at fill druggitas. On,the first indica- tion of Diarrhoea or Dysenteryafewdoses of DR. FOWLER'S EXT. OF WILD STRAW- BERRY Will promptly check the advance of these dangerous dis- eases. It has been over 40 years n use and has no equal for he Ctire of bowel complaints of young or old, There are nmey dangerous imitations on the market, so it would he Wise to see that the full name, Dr. Fowler's Zs,. of Wild Strawberry, is on every bottle you bny, ...... —. 25 to Peas.. ... ,„. ....... —55 to Butter,. — . —18 to Eggs ....., 13 to 0 ra Geese... .. Clnieken per IL ' ' ' ' 1 . (,30 ig Duok$ • • • • • • ...„ 7 to 8 13 to 15 Dried APPles:: • - g $1.6tto05.08 I Leedon, Octob4111 1.896" Wheat per bushel, .. „ • . - .o 67 s .. , • Oats.. „ er, ....23 to 21 1 ea ... —00 to 641.., Barley.... • . ... —43 to 00 Buckwheat —.45 te 48 •HYe . — — . • • . ,39 to 09 Corn . „ . - , ... .41 to 60 Beans — , . , • .. ... ...65 to 70 Butter .. ,. ......14 to 14 DM ..„...,15 to 16 Ducks — b'. -........... to 70Turkeyspert.... ...., ........10 to 12Deeseperi....., .. ...._9 to 10 Cheese,. .. • • , • ....... 8 to 10 Chickens.— ..... • ......,50 to 7.5 1 Potatoes per bag' • . , ...50 tol 00 : Ray per ton _ .$ 6.00to $ 7.50 I Pork per owt.— -- .. $4.00 to $5.00 ! —,•,,..,::,,,,./•••••••nuorowleerritonfter.AW.P.........oprok.....••••••exaxam Na ' I One Laxa-Liver Pill every night for ' thirty days makes a complete cnre of biliousness and constipation. That is jest 25 cents to be oured. Bagyard's yellosv 011 cures sprains! bordees, sores,vvounde, cuts, frostbites chilblains, stings 'from insects, bans scalds, contusions, etc. Price 25 cents' 70 06 , 26 40 60 , 16 le 9 0 ano Scarlet, of Leadbury, is recover- , beg from the sun stroke be received while working in the harvest field re- cently,• ' Mr. Fowler, Hayfield Road, gathered quite a quantity of second growth • raspberries from his bashes last week, as did also Stun'l Rennie of Hay town- ship, John Wesley Cook, son of Heory Cook, formerly of Huronroad Goderich township, has brought suit against the Order of Chosen Friends for $500, being one-half a beneficiary poliey on the life of his sister, who died recently near leacknow. The de- fence is that the policy was obtained by misrepresentation. • To TEM DHAP.—A, rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Rich olson s Artificial Ear Drums has sent 21,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people linable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Ap- ply to Dept. A. S. V. tbe Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, New Yoxic,U, S. A. ine _ • LACK You reenire suit very often at tins time of the year. We are prepared to fit you 002 111 the finest style. Best q-uality yEl Coods eloseet prices, JF"'"'"Aili\ 1 AN EASY PROPOSITION. Beauty and style 17911901:1 c is easily obtainable, C9d1 skrt out appearance is cqz.mlly si You never saw en 'ugly' "Slater Shoes,'' yet niany ot cover comfortably most tau feet, The eombination of thee te comfort and bemay—are only had in the "Slater Shoe." Made in trveive shapes, on lasts modelled from, actual feet, all widths and sizes, leathers, styles and colors, Bvery pair Goodyear welted, name and prim stamped ou the sole, $3.50 AND $6.00. „MASAI E. J. SPACKMAN, SOLE LOCAL AGENT. 74 — 95 wlacaithreostrar.00sixy extetpAiroom,043.stzrealyt109116.14p,prolittitlo_s 'Volga atan0171:1:10110;10:apradmaoca:col:4nt91:1zWI:0114 t4411.04;:acti3,014: 11. 110 roprepent it aPoi onarely flatifittio payt40 • exir•req4us oagarOngtes.gor ,x1$141PiseelfalselArlirly.$1O5ii,T4 xhbty iregular tgad,s1t,Pglirl'411' '1411",'.1 anti Ct0 IpirtiOne. 44-11.1141130' WITA .4111. -CW- .3.rgal4 at filo lake nue dirb,fgriregrtiluta stortifiltrt`Valgt,':itrot ,F-03 Johnston & AloarrIane, Boit E T Toiwits, One- men - 11 5140';,111 G TOBACCO 1131,(r. Wedding Suits a Specialty AJ SNELL A FULL LINE OF NEW BOOKS FOR School pening AND ALL THE CHILD - RENS NEEDS AT Brownings. Where the Scholars are used well. fail :ea lii 411 We are in the van with all that is desirable in the line. Let us show you our stock of $17.00 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings. •Remember we put up the ''627,477r7---",-.421rN'eV')‘ / +1, • t = .„ 1• Tie 1........,.................kassessor a 3,2,007 an increa_s: „0f ::: 't. i s.. -4N, file gnest of All.s. Oswald .,,,.. Toronto's populatior) is put on by --z ... -1,...,,,Tranels Olegg, of 13rtuadon, was 1 <1.001.2,==ildrEers02*Monaftlfi. 300. . last weelts'Z.-r-ez Clegg Was a Sturdy. , Goderich • •Mrs. 'Woe before ruarriag.e, I township resid xrea,oe'ands and rela- • • — I and is now visiting Jae. tives in the old township.' The hawk -owe parlor suites and fancy tables we sell create admiration aud Surprise: Admiration for the ganlity of the goods and the style and finish. e And Surprise at, tho. low price at which we sell there. 1 lieu you waut furniture go to R0 N. OWE'S eleasiltsaire CIDERTAKING A SPECIALTY, Farm ers You 'will find at Biseett's Wareecons the following line of regricul- t iir�.I Implements. EIBRING. BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY RAKES, A fall line of,Seed Diilfl, CLItivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. N. ROWE Sewing Machines Peranan Eat Cirit of Cancer. Some twelve yearn ago Mrs. Elizabeth G11111312., wife of the postmaster of Bux- ton, Ont., was taken ill with an obscure stomach trouble which her physi. clans pronounced Gtu4uLA. cancer of the stem. 1. " life would be short. "" •r:7.).';'" her ilia t her lease el ,ik‘ach and informed On the advice of friends silo conimenced taking l3urdoc1 Blood Bitters. • The results that followed were little short of marvellous. Her strength and vigor returned and in a short time she was completely cured. Mrs. Gillrula is to -day in the full enjoyinefit el good health, and in all these years there has not been the slightest return of the trouble. !roe is Me letter Ira. Gilltura wrote a ihe time of her cure: " Abollt four years ago I was taken sic With stomach trouble and consulted severa of the leading physicians here, all of whom pronounced the disease to be cancer 0( 112 stomach of an incurable nature, end told The Celebrated Knoll Raymond sewing and Wrini-s. evs. machine.' STOVES-Att„ • Gurney Stoves and Furnaces. Waggons Buggies Bioycle The Chasham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. naLL By the Best a nd--vrai--- Ignore the Rest In the end you will find, 0! it cheapest. Furnish that va- t cant room with one ot our. Bed Room Setts, 'rabies, Chairs, Etc me that it was hardly to be eXpected tha I could live long. Afterward the two doctors who were attending me g -ave 015 up to die. Ey the advice of tome of my friends', vho Itnew of the virtues of Burdock Blood Bitters, I was induced tits try it, and I ain now happy to say that aftet using part of the first bottle I felt so much better I Was able to get up. am thankful to state that am completely cured of the disease by the use of )3.B.I3., althOugh it had baffled the doctors foe it long tithe. 1 itrxt firmly con. Vinceci that Butdoeit BlOod Bitters saved my life." best suit for $1a00 that can; NOV is the letter received from her a short time ago be bough in the county. att, still in good health. 1 thatik GIVE ITS A CALI 1....Ptirdock BIWA Bittere for saving nly life twelve years Ago, and higtly reeenutend it to other sufferers reOth stomach troubles J H neve. otaniltintl." ELIZABLTI/ Gil./111/A4 CET sOMETHINO We have it you want it Take a look at our full hne of FURNITURE and you will find what you are looking foP S (1113LEY Si ItYEN1PTThE AND ti.NrwitTAItt Opera Houee Bleck,