Exeter Times, 1899-9-21, Page 8Cas ItOre CAS u or PRODUCE ONE PRICE TO ALL OP[ftV ".4 Ow okialh irOn Our new Millinery is all open and ready for your approval. • Old hats wont do this season ; the change in styles is too great. Our new stock is right up to date, of course the ROUGH RIDER is the correct hat for present wear. We have them in many styles and all leading c Aors, and all at prices in your favor. Come as often as you NI ish and study the new styles Our show rooms are always open and at your disposal. Our new mantles are here and ready for you, the styles are the latest, and tne values the best that we know of. Cash, and one price will give you an advantage when buying your fall coat. Just a Word for ur ew rres&goods The stock is the most complete we have ever shown you. The values are the best we can get, the quality as good as can be. Come and look through. In a few days more we will be done with the dirt and mcss of the carpenters and painters, when the big new store will be ail finished and in its new dress. We think its going • to be the rnost complete and convenient store in this section, how- ever, not what we think, but what do you think of it. •Come and make yourself at home in the new store. Our new grocery depart- • ment is under the able management of Mr. George Hyndma.n, who • is well skilled in the grocery business. Come and see George in his new home, he will use you well. Jo A. STEWART lineuRaNCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN' ASSURANCE Cox - .?ANY, of Toronto; SISO for the Pnmgrx Farm xSURANOE COMPANY, of London, England; he al.LIANCIB INSURANCE COMPANY, a Eng and. - FOE(' Marriage !Aeneas, Wedding 1:e in s, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. r,•••••••••••••••••••• So any Now Faces Are seen in our store these days hunting for bargains in STATIONERY that we feel like congratulating ourselves on the wonderful success of our sale. People come, in many cases, because advised to do so by friends. They all buy, LOW PRICES BOF.S THE BUSINESS at tlie GIREGG9 .v.u.N STREET: EXETER. - THURSDA.Y,SEPTEMBER 21st, 1899. •rreFamai•toomarammaws•ac••••.•••••••••••••••••assaml•mar...........,tr........ • Mrs. Tremaine is visiting friends in Toronto. The pavement will be extended as far south as Bishop & Sun's store. B. S. O'Neil has purchased a fine driving horse from a gentleman in London. W. J. Shannon, of Seaforth was prostrated by an attack of paralysis last week. Rev. W. Martin has returned from his vacation, and on Sunday last occu- pied his own pulpit. Rev. S. F. Robinson, of 'Walkerton, formerly incumbent of Exeter, called on friends here Tuesday. The death of Mrs, J. C. Kalbfleish, of Zurich took place last week after sev- eral months' suffering. D. French, Manager of the House of Refuge at Clinton, visited friends in and around Exeter this week. The annual convention of the W. C. T. U. of Huron County will be held In Clinton abont the middle of October. NEw EVAFORATOR. — All kinds of peeling and chop apples wanted at, the evaporator in thel, erity Plow Works. HA31LINK & SECoURDS. The fall wheat, which has been so% in this vicinity, is coming up nicely, and in many places it alreaely covers the ground. Jonathan Shier. of Woodliain, was a caller at THE Tits office yesterday and informed -us that the Wooclhain LOGAL HAPPENINGS roller mills, recently destroyed by fire, ( NEW EVAPORATOR. — All kinds o peeling and chop apples wanted at the evaporator in the Verity Plow Works ' Hammen< & SROURD Dr. and and mrs Anderson Sunclayed in Mitchell. . James Clarke, of London, visited. the Vair on Tuesday. Mrs. Stevenson, of Varna, spent the past week at principal Boyd's. mrs_ A. F. manning is visiting with mrs. Brooks, south of Exeter. Joseph Snell banker of Dashwood, renewed acquaintances in town on Fair day. Duncan McGregor has returned from an extended visit with his son in Toronto. Wm. Mitchell of Exeter has bought the Varna. evaporator and is now ran - Ding it at full speed. Dr. and mrs. Amlerson and miss A. Hurlbart, B. A., of nitchell, visited at Dr. Anderson's the past weele. am and :Nrrs. Williains, of mitchell, attended the fair here on Tuesday and visited 2frs. (Dr.) Anderson. Miss Norma Bobier is attending I3is- hope &radian's College in Toronto. Iter niany lady friends in the Village miss her. Mr. R. It. MeLean, of Goderich, the Conservative candidate in the recent, election in West Huron has gone to Wilinipeg. An informal hop will be given by the young people of the village, in the Opera House. on October 6th. A.n energetic committee has arrange ments in hand, John W. Eedy, publisher of the St. Marys Journal, ha purchased an in- terest in the Times Printing Company of $t. Thomas, and has been appointed managing director. He has moved to St. Thomas. Black knot is quite prevalent in Ex- eter, there being scarcely an °mbar& which has not got one or two trees af- fected with it, The law requires that the owners of treeS which show black knot shall at once cut every trace of it out. The recent rains have done a great deal of ;mod to the country. The past- tive, which was burned to the ground, has revived, and the richt; art green again. The wilted up tops of the root crops appear as if there had been no drought, and the prospects are that there will be a large crop, will be rebuilt at, once. Rev. Collo Fletcher has returned from the old country, and occupied his pulpit in the Thames Road Presbyter- ian church on Sunday last. The rev- erend gentleman has greatly improved in health. David Ferguson, of the 7th conces- sion of Tuckerstnith, met with a pain- ful accident a few days ago. He was working with a gang -plow, when the implement struck a stone and hounded up, and the handle struck Mr. Fergu- son on the side, breaking a couple of ribs. At an adjcmened meeting- of the exe- cutive committee of the Hay, Tucker - smith and Stanley Sabbath School Association, held iu Herman on Mon- day evening it was decided to hold the annual convention on Tuesday. the 17 th October. The meeting place as de- cided last year, is the Presbyterian church Brucerield. The Goderich Star coinpliments Misses Grace and Elizabeth Wilson, daughters of Rev. Jasper Wilson, M. A., of North street Methodist church, Goderich2 who have this year taken their senior leaving, certificates in the departmental exe m mations at the ages of seventeen and, sixteen respectively. They have certainly done credit to themeelves, to their parents, and to the schools in which they have been trained. A very noticeable filet in going through the conn bey just now is the way the beech trees are loaded with nuts. A. tree can harelly be found whose limbs do not hang downwards from the weight o' their toothsome crop, and the small boy is anxiously lookingforward to the time when their burry coats will be:,00sened b3r the frost, and a good shafte will cause a shower of nuts to descend on the sheets which hewill spread helow the trees. ,' • The fall meeting (4 the Lnean Turf Association was postponed indefinibe- ly Monday on account Of wet weather. fter one heat in the 2.40 trot or pace, in which King Stanton, Black Patti and Mister Pashby. were distneeed, Eski winning the heat in a sea of mud by half, a length front Alice, The mectieg promised to be the best in ears ; largee purses brought better orses, and the crowd wonld have been larger than ever, A deleATing rain all morning kept the people away, and a shower after the first heat rendered the track unfit for racing, Zurich Fair to -day (Thursday). hes re Miss Urgahartepent Stinday tamem ed u), the Gin 00eutry, whither he had one with a consignment of horses, ITO brought back with him three Clydesdale stallions, Aged. 7, (3, and 5 years, respectively. They are a fine looking lot of horses. Faux Sono.- Postmaster Christie last week sold his farm of 75 acres, about half a mile north of the town, to John Hawkshaw, of Exeter, for a good smu. Mr. Hawkshew's son, Fred, will work the farm, which he takes possession of at once. . Fiestoesunene Res Rees. -On weauee- day last while Councillor Walter Keddy, of Usborne, was driving along the road in that township, he met with an accident. He was tneeting • a cyclist, when the man's hat blew off and frightened his horse. The horse jumped into the ditch, threw Me. Keddy out of the buggy and fraztured several of his ribs. sail, Zurich Vale takes place)iteeday (Thurs- day,) H. Powell, of London, spent this werrt idnieytolsvvn. asa holiday fer the school children. The Garrick Club will play in Zurich Thursday night. • Carling Bros. last week disposed - several lots of land. Miss Edith Sanders visited friends be London the past week. D. A.. Ross' new residence on Andrew street is nearing completion. W. H. Levett's buildieg has been completed. Ile has fine premises. Miss Hattie McCallum has returned from & pleasant visit among friends North. Miss Ruby Pickard, ot London, is visiting at her grandfather's, Ames Pickard. Mr. Thompson, of near Toronto, visited his brother-in-law, S. Martin, last week. S. A. Poplestone is attending the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Oddfellows held in Detroit this week. The Labor Day demonsteation at Stratford netted receipts of $1,500, and. the projectors are $500 ahead. Oue of the directors of the Toronto Exhibieon states that the receipts this year fell $12,000 short of last year. Olivistie,or the Forest City 'Busi- ness College visited the fair on Tues- day, and took his accustomed place in the band. John Spackman and wife have re- turned from Grand Bend, where they have been conducting that famous pleasure resort du.ring the summer. The Epworth League of Main street Church gave an. entertairanent on Tuesday evening. The attendance was fate and. the program well render- ed. NEw Ev&PortekT0E. - All kinds of peeling and chop apples wanted at the evaporator in the Verity Plow Works. LitemensiE & SnouEn John Mellott arrived her on Wed- nesday from St. Paul, Minn., where' he has been living for some time. He met with an accident in a runaway and has been laid up ;for some time. It is expected that both Dr. Tarn- bulhand Dr. Agnew, of Clinton, will return from their continental tour in the course of a few weeks, ancl both will seek locations in seine other part of the Province than where they were formerly. J. Birk, of Mancelona, son-in-law of Thos. Dearing, is at present visiting in Exeter. He has just returned from Germany, Where he visited his parents and called here to join his wife, who has spent the past few weeks with her parents here. Mr. Birk isa prosperous Clothier. C. M. Taylor, familiarly known as the "Father of Insurance," died Thurs- day, at Wacerloo. For the last two months he had been contently hover- ing between life •and death, and. his demise was not unexpected. Mr. Tay- lor was the founder of the Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of that town, and took a very active part in organizing the Ontario Mutual Life. While at work on a lathe at the Stratford Mill Building- Co's establish- ment, the other day, Will Silivant, who resides on the corner of Cambria and St. Vincent streets, met with a very unpleasant accident. A small chip flew up from the piece of iron on which be was working, and im beaded itself in the pupil of his right eye. The citizens were awakened to the act Thursday that waiter is approach - g. That day was the coldest that as been experienced since last spring. S. cold wind prevailed in the morning which no doubt carried off a heavy frost. The slight frost of the few succeeding naornings has done little damage, although in some sections it appears as if the corn had been touc h- eti. Prermer Greenway, who was attend- ing the Toronto and London Fairs,vis- ited friends here this week, represent- edSouth Huron in the DotuimonIfouse when the Mackenzie Government was in power. Shortly afterwards he left for Manitoba and took up Provincial politics. He has been premier of that province over 11 years anil judging from his increase in averdepois, tbese must be growing times with him. A movement is on foot in Toronto, to establish a new paper in connection with the Methodist church. Already several tneetings of those interested. have been held,and it is understood that the new journal will be issued early in the fall. It will not, be an of- ficial paper, init will be purely Metho- dist It is understood the staff in con- trol of the paper will consist of several widely known literary men of the church. The Postage° Department has been advised by the Imperial authorities that the Canadian reply postcard will be recognized in England, if each card. bears a two -cent stamp. There is 710 two -cent reply postcard issued by the Dominion Postafice Department, and it will. therefore, be necessary for par- ties desiring to use this class of com- munication to affix an additional one - cent stamp to each card. The P. 0, Depaetment is engaged preparing for bringing into force the amendment to the Post Office Act passeci last session, which provides for the insurance of registered matter transmitted through the mails. The object of the amendment is to enable any person registering a, letteror parcel to insure the same to the value of $25, lee tee payment,: es a small SUM in addition to the registra- tion fee of five cents. The regulations governing,this insurance will be issued it) the coarse of re few days. The game eea son for everythitig but quail opened Friday. Local sportsmen who spent the last twenty-four hours in pleasurable, anticipation, • all prepar- ed for a rein on the retreats of the partridge and the woodcock are now happy, The oely fear is that pothun- ters have already bagged the fruits of the sportsmen's labors. It is a well known feet that a number ofspoblitin - tees end poachers have been shooting for the pest; month and bagging the yoling partridge. Soneetunes those birds are offered for safe, a breach of the game law, even during the season, That smile step should be taken to abolish such practices is imperative, else all game itt this -vicinity Will be- aotne a memory of the past, SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR. Eleury Smith, of Springburst Farm, near Exeter, has been very successful with bis herd of shorthorns at both Toron- to, and London fairs. At Toronto be obtained lst for bull, and four of his get ; 3rd for hull calf ; 3rd and 4th for heifer calf;201 for five females bred by exhibitor ; 2ncl for four calves bred by exhibitor; 3rd for herd. under two years. At London, ist for bull and four of his get; 1st 2 year-old holl; 2nd bull calf ; 2nd yeerling heifer oith, heifer ettlf ; 2nd four, calves bred by exhibitol, ; 1st fat steer. This is it good record and places Mr. Smith in the front rank of breedei s of short- horns. A Busx Max. -The following froin the Orford Tribune refers to a former resident of Exeter. One of the busiest, men we know of just now is ou.r bor Richard Selclon of North Oxford who by the way is elerk and treasurer f the said Township and also Manag- ng Director of the Thamesford Gravel • oad Company. besides attending to duties of his farm. (some 200 acres or more) just outside the corporation, and on Saturday last we noticed him unloading 3 cars of fertilizer of what is known as"Freeman's Sure Growth" of Hamilton. He informed our report- er that this business had grown to this extent by merely asking his neighbors how much they would require for this season. This makes 5 carloads unload- ed in Ingersoll by him this year. And no doubt there will be more to follow. Eight years ago Mr. Seldon commenc- ed with one ton for himself and to- day some of his neighbors are using from 1 to 8 tons per season. PRESBVTERY oe HURON.—The Pres- bytery- met in. Clinton on the 12th inst., Mr. Anderson, moderator,in the chair. It was agreed to apply to the .Assem- bly's Augmentation committee for grants to the supplemented charges as follows :-Grand. Bend and •Corbett, $200; Leeburn and Union church, $170 ; Bayfield and Bethany,$100. The Home Mission committee was instruct- ed to make arrangenients for the visit- ation of the congregations within the bounds of the Presbytery, by Rev. S. Roncleau, M. A. pastor of the French misssion, Quel;ec, cm behalf of the French Evangel izatioo committee' of Assembly, the visitation to take place at the end of October; The clerk was instructed te certify the following stu- dents :-Mr. M. Henderson, to the authorities of Queen's College, and Mr. Thomas Robinson. to the senate of Knox College. It was resolved that in view of the agitation connected with the Century fend, missionary meetings be not held this year. A call from the congregation of Union church, Brucefield,to`Rev. E. H Saw- yers, of Westminister, Presbytery of London, which is yery unanimous and hearty, was sustained and ordered to be forwarded forthwith to the Clerk of the Presbytery; of London. The sti- pend promised. is $1000, payable half yearly, in advance with it intense and fear weeks' bolidays. A petition was presented by the westeen part of the old Hayfield 'Road church congregation asking for a reconsideration of a prev- ious &Won of the Presbytery allow - the new church to be located in Varna. The petitioners were represented by Messrs. Richardson and Reid who cited causes why the new church should be built on the old site. The Presbytery decided that, the petition was not regu- lar and returned it to come through the church Session. -An adjourned meeting of the Presbytery is to be held in Clinton, on Friday, the 29th inst , when Dr. Campbell,Moderator of the Assembly, and agent of the Twen- tieth Century Fund, will be present to eiddress the meeting on the Century Fund. . Sessions, manager, members and adherents are iu vited to be present in the afternoon at 2 p. nt., when .Dr. Clanipbell will speak. import, BST TO NAN And Move to Open BERGES and FANCY 00015DRESS, • IN BLACK . They are great values and beautiful patterns, LA Ickard CA Company. OUR FALL AND IEIWSWO( Oar Fall and Winter Stock is now complete. Our pur- chases of both Imported and Domestic goods have been very heavyand on the above dates we shall make a Special Display of NEW MILLINERi: NEW_DRESS GOODS, NEW SILKS, NEW MANTLES, NEW FURS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, LAMPS, GLASSWARE, ETC. You are very cordially in- vited to inspect our stock. We are sole agents in Exeter for the celebrated Gold Medal Black Dress Goods. This is the first season that these beautiful goods have been sold direct to the Retailers of Canada by the Manufacturers. We now buy them direct and are selling them to our patrons less than the regular wholesole 'prices. We have them at prices ranging from 75c to $1.50 per yd. • antics We were very careful in se- lecting our mantles for this falls trade, and inspected every line ofl samples that have been shown in Canada this season, with the re- sult that we have selected the best values shown by each of tit e Manufacturers, and our stock will convince you of this fact it you will give us a call. Prices range from 82.5o to $15.00. [IFS Besides our regular line of furs purchased for this season's trade we were fortunate in having pur- chased from a Manufacturer, his entire set of Samples consisting of all kinds of furs. We got these at a price svhich,will enable us to sell them at figures much less than the regular wholesale costs, It will pay you to see these goods before the stock becomes broken. Ask to see our fur Ruffs, Coper- ines &c , ranging in price from 50c to $25. ir Our stock is most complete and all the latest. Lonclon,Paris, and New Yoek nevelties may be seen on our Tables. We will show many. exclusive novelties tvhich will not be seen elsewhere in Exeter, and we most cordially invite every lady in Exeter and Surrounding country to inspect our stock, Highest Prices Paid for Farin Produce. Ompany )IaEoT ..I1V.IPOBTETO. ROS. Fall! eeeeeeeeeeleleseleee all! Fail! The fall season is here and we are prepared to meet it with a full line of choice goods, in fact We have never shown better. All departments complete;— Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Tinware, Hardware,. Boots & Shoes, anything and everything you require. We may say this year thus far has been the best year we have ever had since in. business, and by honest dealings and fair 'methods we hope to do still better. Highest price paid for all kinds of pro- duce, CARLING DEMOS clate.c.csareicerarx:rastaicenrccosameact,,a Exeter Municipal Council Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town Hall,Sept. 15th. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Armstrong -Muir -That the follow- ing accounts be passed and orders drawn on Treasurer for same: - E. El- liot Insurance on Town Hall, $30.O0; Geo. Smallacontbe street-watering,$3 ; S. Handfoad do $14.25; James Oveech expenses taking Stacldon to House of Refuge 58.50; A. B. Cotener part pay- ment of contracb $200.-Oarried. Taylor -Armstrong -That the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to borrow $1000 to meet current expenses. -Car- ' d. Taylor-Aeinstrong-That the clerk ask for tenders for the delivery- of screened and misrceened Oar- . Artustrong-Muir-That council ad- journ to Sept. 23, at 8 o'clock. Council met at call of Reeve at Town Efall,Sept. 18th. All present except 3. Evans. Minutes of previous meeting read and pceotnifitiloennesclign ed by E. Christie and H. 13ishop & Son for Gordon McKay & Co., asking the council to construct or cause to be constructed au artificial stone walk from the south side of James St. to the south side of the store now owlpied by H. Bishop & Son, the owners of the properties agreeing to pay 60% ofethe cost and the yfflage the other 40%. Muir -Armstrong -that the prayer of the petitioners be granted arid the clerk be instructed to prepare a hy-law confirming the same. -Carried. Muir -Armstrong-that the work be left in the liends of a committee, the Reeve, Councillors Taylor and Evans and the Road Commissioner -Carried. Evans -Muir -Adjourn to Sept,. 22. G. H. BISSETT, Clerk. .—...... Milburn s sterling headache powders cure the worst headache in from five to twenty minutes, and leave no bad after effect. One powder 5c.,3powdere 10c. 10 powders 25c. Harding & Leathorn,of London,have thrown -op the St. Marys waterworks contract, ancl the job has been given to Clark & Connolly,of Toronto, at $8,309. 1 f Conrad Michael, of the llth conces- sion, Grey, was gored by a yonog buil on his farm one day recently, and had a miraculous escape from receiving fa- tal injuries. James Douglas, 16th con, Grey, has disposed of his 50 -acre farm, south half lot 5, to Thomas Connor, whose broth- er Charles owns the adjoining 50 acres. The price is said to be $2,800, Geo. Hall has sold the east half of Jot 33, on the concession of McKillop, to .Taines Smith, who owns the next faun, This lot contains 50 acres, and islioaiscioantistia,310oot. of good wood, and was On Friday last Roderic Ross of Clin- ton, had the sad intelligence of the death of his son, Dan. Ross, of Denver Colorado,from pneumonia. He leaves besides his wife three children. Jas. Yuill, an old Huroniambut who met with a, railway accident while acting as express inesseriger,that entirely disabled him, has again been put on a, run out of Chicago. A quiet wedding took place at 2.39 yesterday afternoon at the reisidence •of the bride's step -father, Thos.Waldie St. Marys road, neer Stratford, when tMoros.e.110fra,gregRareeatuAey. A. m McKini was arried , EXETER ROLLER PHLLS SERvANT WANTED.—Wanted ltr 1St ctober, experienced general servant where nurse is kept,no washing, refer- ences required. Apply by mail or in erson, Mies. FRASER, 529 Princess ve, London, Ontario. NEW EVAPORATOR. All kinds o peeling and chop apples wanted at the Vaporator in the'Verity Plow Works: • Ilaetnnak & SHOT:RIDS d. Harness, of London, is visiting his mother in town. Miss Ida, ET. Oliver, of St: Marys, has secured a position as head trinatner. in Cleveland. W. T. Wood,of near Grantor!, has bought a farm in Hibbert and intends rimming both farms. Mrs. -Wm. Webster has purchased 'theproperty of Mrs. Dunseith, Queen Ste, St. Marys, for the sem of $1,450 cast). . The House of Refuge redeived"a new inmate, on Tuesday, from Ashfield. in the person of John Darin aged 65 years. n Russell, who has been engaged as engineer in Woodhana grist mill for the last yeer, has secured a situation .in Granton mill. Cecil T. Murray, of Grantee), left Saturday to accept a situation .withthe wholesale dry goods firm of Gordon, Mc Kay & Co., Toronto. , Montreal Star: -Mr. W. J. Birks, who hes been organist of St. James Methodist China!) for some years past has sev7yed his connection With that thurch. The marriage of Rev, H. :McCulloch pastor of 'Knox church, Tavietock, and Miss Miclii, formerly teechee in the public sehnol !there took place at the home or the bride's parents, in Harris. ton on Wednesday. „ • We learn from the Yorkton.(As- :den built) Enterprise; that J. A. tireg., ory, sou of Themes Gregory, of • this plac'o,lit-ginbeciepnoao engagedtep h esncotohoeir yeat as , elt it salary of $800. an increase of $100 'elver lest year. We also notice thae he bee been elected president of the Teacher& ASsocietion. •Mr. Gideon, Kpechtel at the well known shrie firth of lineethol & Co„ Stratford has disposed of hie interest' in the business .to his brother Aaron I and has purchased the steak of Me. ,T. I fiakse ter., of Parik, Oat., the leegest and oldest beet and shoseeSteddishment in that town. : Dr, T. W ilIo.td Ready, ere old St., Marys boy, who •erient sevenel years in study in the United -States has estabtisliecj it u nig ire ti tu titan in'Stratfore.. It is knewn ;is •'The 'Windermere Dry Hot Air 'nos- pital," and is esteblished in the Cont., t1100100 resuleme, lately eceupled lty Mr, James Bien herbood nit Shrewe- berry Street: Dr, Ready eiropesee to euro rheumatism and such diseases by nee entirely new ereeement, "Handy was in Exeter last spring in eonnee4 Von wilh the est ahlish went of a bospi. for consumptives, . ALWAYS READY holesale & Retail CHOPPED FEED. Barley, Peas, Oats. Corn Big Stock on Hand Prices Right. JOSe.,:PH COBBLED! CK Pretty Things at L. VT! FAIR GOOD THINGS CHEAP THINGS • We have just rec.ieved a large stock of Granite ware and other lines before the raise in price and we are prepared to sell everything cheap. • It will pay yon to come here before going else- ' where. See our decorated goods sell- ing at what other stores are asking for common plain goods. Our business is increasing and no wonder, its bound to in crease at our prices. Coal Oil S toves, Granite and Tinware of all kinds, Hammocks, Sealers, away down. e • Tee Cream and Ceol Drinks. Agent for Parisian Stearn Laundey, of London. Launday sent away Tuesday and Thorsdry of each week: ' Levitt's Fair. FC -2.0K. TrTiet11161( tons unw itt GOLD MEDAL, SIT,rEtt S TIE AV, PLYMOUTH SPECIAL 4ir1IIGIiLT PR,ICES. DO: you 1010W Ottr fletur trade in- ereesee eleve'y week, it does because we have TRH MST. IT, thi k