HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-9-21, Page 4T114.1 hiZETER TIMES The Molsoris Bank Big tigRops Sotith Huron Fall Fair, CRARTERED PAIRIIAA1ENT, 1833.'„ Para up Capital, - 5,2,000,000 rtest reed, -- - *LRAM Read Office, Moetreal. W01,011:11STAN TROMAS, GENERAl. Mae/Anon Aloney advanced to geed farmerS tal their ut„7 ear eahinet Council Called.-X.m. Salisbury awn note -with one Or more endorser Cont. per annum. The Powerful and the Terrible Sent to the Cape. Exeter Branch Open every lawful day from le to Op. SATURDAYS, 10 a, en to 1 p. m. Current rates of interest allewed on deposits, DICKSON & OARLI-NG, N. D, HURDON, soniefrous. NANAGZR, Exeter, Dee. 27t1, '05. P2ITer Calender for Septerriber, 1 899 SUNDAY, . 8 10 17 24 MONDAY ... 11 19 25 TUESDAY „ , 5 12 19 25 WEDNESDAY- . 6 13 20 27 TRURSDAY, ... 14 21 23 1 8 15 22 29 SeTURDAY. ..... 2 9 16 2$ 30 Mtici( THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st,1899 The Latest News Miss Kate Shaw, sister of Dr. Shaw. of Clinton died at her home ie Tees - water on Monday, a hemorrhage a the bowels. The Rippe)." boys have received a challenge from the Dublin hoes to play for the Crawford, cup. Thegame is called for Saturday', the 23rd. The metch is to be played at Sea..forth, The Ladies Aid Society. of James St. Methodist charch are making ar- rangeraents with Mrs. Jean Bleivett of Blenheim to glye an entertainment at an early date. Farther particulars later, Women with pale, colorless faces, who feel weak and discouraged -will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pills, which are „Inaxict for the blood, nerves and cora- plexion, BeareIce,the seen -year -o1 d daughter of Kr. Pilgrim, Varna, was bitten the other day by a dog belonging to Mr. Beattie. Her face was badly wounded and. shelled a narrow escape from hay- ing an eye torn out. Mrs. Frank Anderson,. of tne Town - line, Blarishard, has been taken to the Stratford hospital, ill with typhoid fe- Yee. It is also reported that Chas. Robinson, of the same locality, is con- fined to his bed with the same disease. Notwithstanding that he has made • the most diligent enquiry, Arthur Forbs, Seaforth, has not received any tidings & the horse and rig that was stolen from him a few weeks ago. He can 'find no trace of it after leaTing the barn. Master Bish Neelin, youngest son of F. G. Neelin, Seaforth, met with a 'Out aecident en Monday MOMing. Ile was driving to the station, and had a, trunk in the buegy, . Thehorse shied throwing the little fellow out of the rig., breading his arm. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Egmoudville, was the centre of itaterest In the Tillage On Tuesday last, when their second daughter, Miss Maria, was united in marriage to Frank A. Cole a prosperous young merchant of HaModen, Ont. On Wednesday of last week Mary Bell, relict of the tate John Dickson, died at the home of her son, W. J. Dickson south of Walton, after an ex- tended illness. She was nearly 75 years of age and was one of the old re- sidents of Grey township. The Allan Line S. S. Tale& arrived in port about L30 Monday morning from Liverpool. Sir Charles Tupper, Bart.; Lady and Miss Tupper and Hon. R R. Dobell,M. Pewere amongst the passengers. They looked healthy, and said that they had a very fine trip and enjoyed it. t. John Barwick, postmaster of the village of Drumbo for a number of years, died suddenly yesterday after- noon, at the C. P. R. station. The deceased, who was upwards of 80 Years of age, was in the act of speak- ing, to the a P R. agent, when he fell to the floor, expiring in o.few minutes. On Wednesday evening, Sept. 13,the home of Edward Glenn, lot 14, con. 9, Mornington, was the scene of a. very pleasant eveet, it being the occasion end Mr. Chamberlain Conferred, Lengthy at the WI13! Ofdee—Yet There is No Bseitement -Steamer sails with Moe Troops -Pretoria Press ea the Latest Boer .- Boers Have Poisoned the Water. Landon, Sept, 20. -It was an- nounced last evening that the Brit- ish drst-class protected cruisers Pow- erful :Ina Terrible haVe been ordered to the Cape. They have reliefs on board capable a forming,' a naval brigade a a thousand men. Summonses were issued late yester- day afternoon for a Cabinet Council, which, it is tmclerstood, will be held Thil is regarded as the re - suit of the visit of the Premier, Lord Salisbury, to Londoo, whence he came during the afternoon, remain- ing at the* Foreign Office from 4.30 to 5.30 p.m. Mr. joseph Chamber- lain, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, .e as present in the buildine. at the same time, and, es a private doorway connects the offices, it is preowned that the summonses were the results of their loint delibera- tion. Zo Bxcitement Visible. The lack of all excitemerit in offi- cial circles bears evidence of the de- liberate manner in which the highest officials are handling the crisis. Nor is it by any means certain that the Cabbet Connell will adopt extreme measures, in spite of the uncompro- mising nature of the Boer reply. This deliberation on the part of the Gov- ernment is interpreted, not only in London, but in other European ca,pi- tals, as a desire on the part of Great Britain to gain time, while the transports are hurrying to Cape Co- lony. Calm Before Storm, The Berliner Nuest Nachrichten, commenting on this 'yesterday, says: "'The present calm is only meant to deceive the Boers. When England feels equal to the task of facing the Doers, this peaceful tone will give way to a blatant cry for war."' Even rumors of a move/neat of the Boers across the Xatal border appar- ently, fail to excite the milita.ry au- thorities here. who profess at least not to fear sueh contingeney for the present. In the meantime the movement of troops centimes. lore Troops Under way. The steamer Jeluntes tak.e 500 troops bound for Natal to -day, and she will .einbark a ride brigade at the Island of Crete for the Cape. According to a despatch front Dur- ban, Natal, the Premier of the Colo- ny says that the alarm of the people of Natal at The 'unprotected condi- tion of the border tons is quite un- warranted, and that all efforts to incite the Zulus have felled. The Ro3-al West Sussex Regiment left yesterday for Malta. where it will replace the First Border Regi- ment, which goes by the same steamer to ataL The 'British authorities are ship- ping troops daily from India to South Africa. ineoontion to Italy. W H Persons ; buff rocks, J C Lyon, 6 POWea arley, re lour; 2 rowed I tbollr, M Creighton ; appligne work, t fen' of the Solite Birtch is ancl 2d ; weite j 13rethour: jno, wow ; common oats, I arresene emb, Mrs Campbell, Miss 11 b 13 tl Gee Irwin; partridge cochins, Rieh, * eareey, ive teretiiMir ; large oats, X norm, iu Oreightoe, 1Virs, Campbell .. I Huron Agriceltural Society, in cm). Lyme' lengthens, j t.) Lyon, W ilson )Vie. sen, isse a r , itmetion with the Stepben & Itsboree Eros; silver gray dorkins, R Birtch lst r Brethour, no Wein ; large peas. M Branch, Was held in Exeter on Moia end 2ii; black breasted red games, AI Brethour, Rich Williams esmall peas, Bissett; black red game bantams, Geo M Brethour ; timothy seed, NI Beetle day and Tuesday laet, The weather Irwin; beown red bantams, W Carton our, S Stanlake, fax seed,M Brethour; • wae uesettled and rainy, but this did °Acting Bros; any other variety ban- white beans, Jos. Heywood, Di Broth - not prevent a large attendance and a our ; clover seed, M Brethatu• ; collec- good eehibib in each class. Fruit, roots tams/ t7 0 Innini lst end 2di silven green and ladies' work filled a, large space in the. indoor departmeut, mid competition was keen in many class- es. Tee second day of show bid fair to eeing a failure, ale°, but the people terned out large numbers, while the various classes were well-filled. There was an excelleet show of horses, cattle, seeep, hogs and poultry, one that would do credit to some of the more pretentious fairs, and save the disagreeable weather and. consequent slight discrepency in receipts, it was equal to the best show ever held here. The Exeter had enlivened the pro- ceedings, and helped keep up the spirits of the many unwary ones who were 11 eeced by the almost innumer- able fakirs allowed to carry cm their games within the grounds. The re- ceipts of the fair amounted to upwards of $500, while last year $600 was the figure. Following is a list of the suc- ,cessful prize winners : Arcording to a special despatch from Rome, President Kruger has wired King. Humbert, invoking. the intervention of Italy. Poison In the Water. The correspondent of The Daily Mail at Peitermarrizburg, Natal, tele- graphs that -the military authorities there have received warning from Johannesburg that the Boers have purchased considerable quantities of cyanide of potassium, for the pur- pose of poisoning the streams in the Transvaal likely to be used by Brit- ish troops. Other special despatches report, various details of prepara- tions for war on both sides. Boer troops now control both the Beira. and Newcastle railways, as they en- ter Transvaal territory. Prom the Boer Country. Pretoria, Sept. 20. -The reply of the Government to the latest British variously commented upon by of the marriage of Miss Emma, Kerr, note is the Pretoria press, printed in Eng - sister of Mrs, Glenn, to Mr. Richard lish and Datch, and other papers pro - Greenwood, a successful and highly that there is still a. respected farmer of the township of pro- fess to believe possibility of an understanding being reached. The Volkestein declares that in the event of war Rolland will send an ambulance corps to the Transvaal. The Volksraad, as a matter of ur- gency, yesterday referred the new draft law, providing for the con5sca- tion or the property of persons found guilty of treason and lese-rnajeste to a special committee for consideration and report. At the request of Presi- dent Kruger the Chamber then went into secret session. i%iaryboro. On Friday afternoon last Mi. Sohn Wheatley of Clinton, joined the Great Majority. He had been infirm for years and. had made his home with his son, Joseph Wheatley. The deceased Was born in Nottinghamshire, Eng- land. eighty-five 3 -ears ago and has been a resident of Clinton since 1852. On the recommendation of Hon. Ian Dryden, Minister A.gricultere, George C. Creel:dun, B. S. A., M. S. bas been appointed buperintendent of Farmees Institutes for Ontario, to succeed F. W. Hodson, who has just received an appointment under the Dorainion Department of Agriculture, as Dominion Live Stook Commission- er. A public meeting wee held in Kirk - ton the other night to consider the question of erecting a, Sour mill there. After same lengthy discus- sion the joint stock plan was de- cided on as the best way to under- take the building of the mill. A, COM- tuittee was appmeted, which is now busily engaged earivassitig to find oat bolt many bares can be sold. Should eufacient funds be available, the build- ing• operations will begin at. once. It is estimated that the corn crop of 1809, in the United States will surpass eil previous records, and will reach the enornmee amount of two and a half billions of bushels. Sie States, Kansae, Nebraska, IoWo, Missouri and Iediana., will this year produce one theee Million bushels of corn. It must be remembered that the Larreier Geverimient has made the inn porting of tote crop into the Dominion free, and the free admissima & this enormous cote cop 'lige Canada to eorepete with the Oat and barley etoPS Of the keglers of Ontario, will how how "groWing time" effects Oritiadiati farmers. Their oats will be reduced in price from '20 te 25c per bush„ and their barley, 80 to 35c, Mid they may be glad it they get even that price, erHOB.SES. --- HEAVY DRAUGMET. 131:00d mare, Wm Dale, Dickson & Son, D Maninnon ; foal, D McKinnon, Sas Gould, Dicksoe & Son three year old, 4. Dow, D McDonald; two year old, A Turnbull, Dickson & Son 2nd and 3rd; team, jas Hackney. AGRICULTURAL,—Brood mare, R B 111cLeau, Annia Dale, Dickson & Son; foal, B McLean, Geo Erwin, Wm Dale ; three year old, A Bishop, eas Hackney, 2nd and 3rd ; two year old, Teo Allison, Dickson & Son, Wm Caldwill ; One year old, Hy Anderson, Jas Moir, WM Moody ; team, Jno A Dow, J1I0 Nethercott, Jno Decker. GENERAL PURPOSE.— Brood mare, D McInnes, Sas Cooper, Jas Moir; Foal, Jas Cooper, George Case, D McInnes; three year old, A Foster ; two year old, Alex Dow, RB McLean, Thus Shapton; one year old, Robt Luker, Rich Birt -ch, Wm Smith; team, Thos Cuthrore, Jos Willard, .Tacob Roeder. CArtereen.--Foal, Jno Essery,Frank O'Brien; Three year old, Wesley Schoellig, D McKinnon ; two year! old, D Grassick, J. morgan,Sno Blatchford; one year old, Jas Cooper, Wm Suell ; carriage horses, leo Brokensbire, Paisley & Cattermole, jas Hackney single carriage horse, 0. Either, W T Acheson; jno Woods. ' ROADSTERS.—Brood mare, Taylor, Wm Witzel, las Cooper ; foal, Wm Witzel, Al Bissett, .1 Taylor • three year old, Dickson & S011, Rich Welsh, D Atkinson; two year old, AlBiesett, Jas Hagan, Wm Cunz ; one year old, Rich Williams ; pair roadster, W H Sidall, Inc Macarthur, Jno Decker; single roadster, D McLachlin, Robt McMordie, Fritz ; saddle horse, Ino Treble, Wm. Chesney, Sos Senior; lady driver, Wm Dale, Fannie Baw- den, Mrs. Hugh Chesney. CTTLE-Gner..-Aged Cow,Sno Hawkins, Jacob Roeder; Three-year old heifer, Thos Shapton & Son, Wm Jno Hawkins ; Two-yearold heifer, Thos Sbapton &Son,Win Wes- cott, Jacob Roeder ; year-old heifer, Thos Shapton &Son. let and 2ad,Jacob Roeder ; heifer calf, Thos Shapton & Son lst and end. Br reneret'S OATTLE.—Two-year-old steer, Jno Hawkins, Wm Westcott Ist and -bid; Tear -old steer, Thos Shapton & Son, Jacob Roeder 2nd. and 3tee : fat oe, H Smith; fat cow, Jacob Roeder; Steer calf, Thos Shapton & Son lst and CRINA MAKES A mein Emphatic Protest Atrahkst Gen. Otis' Philippine Exeinsion Order. Washington, Sept. 20. --The Impe- rial Chinese Government, through its Minister here, Mr. Wu Ting Fawn makes an emphatic protest against the military order et General Otis excluding Chinese from the Philip- pines. Neither the State Department nor tb.e Chinate Legation will give any information concerning the pro- test, but from entirely reliable quar- ters it is learned that it insista Gen-, eral Otis' action io eontrary to in- ternational law, in violatitio of ex- isting treaties, and in complete d18 - regard of the friendly relations which have been so long maintained be- tween the two echmtriee. end. JEnsEr.-Cow. Wm Bawden, Chris Coates : two-year-oldheifer,ThosPrier; year-old heifer,Thos Brock,3- DAtkin- son heifer calf, Thos Prier, Chris Coates ; bull calf, Thos Brock. PIGS.- Yoetiorete. - Boar, two years old, Rich Birtch ; boar, one Tear old, Samn Peart : boar, 1899, L F Good- win. And. Hodgert, jno Hord &Sou ; sow, two years old, Rich Birtch, Wm Snell; sow, one year old, R Birtch, Saran Peart, Thos Brock; sow. 1899, L F Goodwin, 1st and 2nd, J F McKa.y, 3rd. POLAND Cm.-Boar,one year old, 3F McKay; boar, 1899. F Kay 1st and 2nd; sow, two years old. S F Mc- Kay ; sow. 1899, J F _McKay 1st and 2nd. • CRESTER WRITE AND VICTORIA. - Boer, two years old, Chris Fahrier, E Hodgert, Jas Gemmell ; boar, one year old, Chris Palmer, A. E Hodgert ; boar, 1899, Jas Gennnell 1st and 3rd, Chris -Fahner 2nd; sow 2 years old, Sae Gemmel], E Hodgert • sow, one year old, Jas Gemmell, A EtTiodgert, Chris Fahner ; sow, 1899, 0 Falmernst end 2pd, Jas Gemmell. Beeksmana.-Boar, one year old, Chris Fahner 1st and 2nd; boar, 1899, Chris Palmer; sow, two years old, Rich Birtch ; sow, one year old, Rich. Birth ; sow 1899, Chris Fahner, ist, 2nd and 3rd. et tnTeoswonra,--iloarewo years old, S. Hord & Son ; Boar, one year old, I. Arinstrong,Jas Harvey,Chris Fab ner ; boar, S Hord & Son,L F Goodwin; sow two years old, j Hordnt Son, I Arm- strong; sow one -year-old, Armstrong, Chris Fahner ; sow 1890, I „Armstrong, L F Goodvvin 2nd 1,na 3rd, DIPLONA..—Pen, 1 Armstrong. Jas Gemm ell, Chris Palmer. SHEEP. - Snnoesieinetiowes. -- Andrew Duncan captured all prizes in this class. leaccares.-Aged F Goodwin, E Robinson ; sheareing ram, L F Good- win, Wm Dunsford, E Robinson ; ram lamb, L F Goodwin, Wm Dimsford, Thos Shale on & Son ; ewes, 1, F Good - vie, Thos Shapton &Son, 'Wm Dues - ford ; shearlinge, films Shapton &Son, L F Goodwin:E Robinson ; ewe lamb, Thos Shapton. L F Goodwin, B Robin- son. LEICESTER. -Aged ram, T Dulaney & Son, Geo 'Fermate shearling ram, T Cerreney & 8on, 14, 2nd, and 3rd; ram lamb, Geo Penhale, lst, and 2nd, T Currelley & San; Pair ewes, Geo Fermate. T orelley & Son, Geo Pen - we '-Xi own Actor Died suddenly. bale; shearlings, Geo Pentiale, T Hartford, Conn., Sept. 20,-1,. P. aurrellei & Son ; ewe lambs f 6.e° McChinnin, aged about eei, arm of the Penhaie,T puerelley &Son, Geo Pen - best known actors on the American 1"e• " GintoZ SlifEEP.-*OWS. lambs, Wm Dunsford.- 111,7 SREEP.—Pair:tat ewes GeoPen-, Poueanv. -Light beahniree Jas li Greve, C Lyon; dark bratinies, Geo ist end 2d • barred plymouth races. "Wilsou Bi.'os, Carling 13rose White plymouth rocks, Wilson Bros, spartgled homburgs, W Carter, Mao also carried off all prizes in the ham- burg yariety ; hovelans, 11 Greive, C Lyon; white crested black polands, Win Carter; golden polands, W Oar - ter, 3 Hord& Son; any other variety polands, W Clarter, let and 2d; white leghorns, Mead Bros let and 241; brown leghorns, Mead Bros, Mrs 11 McGregor rose comb brown legeorns, J 0 Lyon. buff leghorns, 0 Lyon; black span- ish, Jno Moore, Geo. Irwin; black ruin- ercas, T Prier; white niluoreas, Mead Bros; silver lace wyandottes, G Irwin; white wyandottes, Mead Bros, S Sen- ior; buff wyandottes, 3 Lyon; red caps, A Puke; bronze turkeys, F McKay; white turkeys, W Carter; any other variety. turkeys, Geo Irwin; toulouse geese, Jr Hord & Son; wild geese, Al Bissett ; Bremen geese, Geo, Irwin, lst anti 2d; any other variety geese, Geo Irwin lst and ; Pekin ducks, Geo Irwin,' J Hord. & Son ; Oetario, D McInnis ; Wealthy, Jno Gill, Robt Sanders ; Durhess Olden- burg, H Hueston ; Blenheim Pippin, Teo Decker ; Clranberey, 3 Roeder; crabs, George Anderson, Rich Wil- liams. Special, apples, Chas Dyer. PEMts.-Fletuish Beauty, Sno Deck- er, Mrs. A. Turnbull ; Duchess Angou- line, Thos. Brock, •A. McPheasoia ; Beurs Clairgeau, Thos Brock, A Mc- Phersop ; Sheldon, Wrn Ford, Thos Brock ; East 13enrre, .A S Deaxitt ; Jersey, Thos Brock. .Peuers.-- Co's Golden Drop, Alex McPherson, H Jones; Washington, Jim Elliott ;Imperial Gage, Thos Mc- Callum, JnoBowden ; Ducnies Purple, Thos Brock, Weekes Bros ; Lombard, W H Trott, R N Rowe • any other variety, Carling Bros ise and 2nd; Wild plums, H. Huesten J. Roeder; Ponds Seedling, Carling, Bros, 'W H Trott. GRAPES, Ern -Niagara, Mrs .McIn- tyre,Thos Brock; Coe cord, Thos Brock, A $ Deavitt ; Deleware, Wm Martin, Jos Senior ; No 19, Thos Brock W Martin ; No 45, Thos Brock, Breth- our; special, Thos Brock. MiSCELLAICEOUS.—Collection canned fruit, Jno Decker, M Brethour ; collec- tion of honey, Thos Cann ; Honey in comb, Sas Dignan, A McPherson; honey in jar, Thos Cann, A McPher- son ; home made wines. Sas Tont, H Wise ; bottled. pickles, Mrs. Richard. - tion grain in elle, MBrethour. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS.- Anntn-us.- Winter apples, Robt Me. Cord, J Roeder ; fall apples. any var- iety, Wm Wilson; Rhode Island Greeniegs, Wm Chesney, Wm Ford; Northern Spies, Jno Blatchford, A E Deayitt ; Roxboro Russets, Geo Davis, Jno Decker; Spitzenburg, Wm °hese ney ; Baldwins, Jno Decker, S Prisca- tor ; Westfield Seek no -further, Jno Decker, Thos. Cann; Snow apples, Geo Davis, Ed Maguire ; fall pippins, D. McInnes, J. Roeder ; colverts, Wut Ceesney,Thos Caen; King of Tomkins, J Roeder, Tim Blatchford ; Canada, red, j Roeder, M Brethour; Ribstion pippins, William Chesney; Wagners, Win Wilson, Wm Ford; Swayzie Ponime Gris, Wm Chesney ; American Golden Russets, Thos Ell eeington, Jae Horton; Golden Russets, Jno Decker; Den Dayis, Wm Ford, Wm Chesney; Rouen ducks, Geo Irwin, 3 F McKa,y; Aylesbury ducks, W Carter any other variety, Jno Elliott, Geo Irwin ; pigeons, W G Bissett, Robt Hicks; singing birds, leIrsItichardson; Belgian rabbits, A J Snell, Jos. Senior; any other variety, Wilson Bros, A S Snell; Guinea fowl, W Carter, Jno Bowden. CeacKs,--Buff cochins, G Irwin, j Morgan.; light brabnias, Carling Bros; dark brahma.s, Geo. Irwin, Carling Bros; barred plymouth rocns, Wilson Bros, lst and 2d; white plymorith rocks, W Carter, Wilson Bros; buff rocks, J 0 Lyon, Mead Bros; partridge cochins, Geo Irwin, Mead Bros; white cochins, J 0 Lyon; langshans, W Car- ter, Wilson Bros; silver gray clorkins Geo Irwin 1st and 2nd; red games, Al Bissett; brown bantatns, Carling. Bros; any other variety., Geo Irwin, J Lyon; S spangled. laamburgs, W Car- ter; 5 penciled hamburgs, W Carter; G penciled. haraburgs, Carter; black hamburgs, W Carter, J. H. Greive; hondans, 3 Senior, W Carter; white, crested blk polands, Carter; gold- en polands, W Carter, 3 Senior; any other variety, W Carter; white leg - horns, W Carter, J. 0. Lyon; brown legbories, Mead Bros, W H Trott; buff legborna Lyons, A E Fuke; black spanish, J 0 Lyon, G Irwin; black ennorcas, Robt Hicks, Wilson Bros; white rainorcas, Mead Bros; silver -lac- ed wyandottes, C Lyon, Geo Irwin; white wyandottes, Mead. Bros, Jos. Senior; buff wyandottes, Mead Bros, -3. 0 Lyon; red caps, Chas. Dyer; bronze tuirkeys, Geo Irwin; white tur- keys, W Carter; any other variety, G Irwin; Bremen geese, G Irwin; Pekin ducks, G Irwin lst and 2nd; Rouen docks, Geo Irwin; Aylsbery ducks, W Carter; any other variety, G Irwin ; Belgian rabbits, A Snell, lst and 2-d. Imeeeramers.-Farin -wagon, Chat- ham Mfg Co; democrat "'wagon, W Cuuz, W H arsons:PMikado, Mc- Laughlin. Mfg Go; top buggy, W H Parsons, W Cunz ; single piano box cutter,McLa,ughlin Mfg Cast and. 2nd; Portland cutter, McLaughlin Mfg Go, set heavy bob sleighs, Jiro E Dignan; i road cart, W Cunz : ron beam plow, S Fleury & Son, Wilkinson. Plow Go: sulky plow, 3 Fleury & -Son; double mould. plow, Wilkinson Plow Go; wheelbarrow, Inc E Dignan; fanning WilTinson Plow Co 1st and 2nd; two horse cultivator,Colthard it Scott; gang plow, 3 Fleury & Son; pair Ir011 barrows, Colthart Se. Scott; roller, j Fleme- & Son; turnip seed drill, J Fleury &Son. VEGETABL. -- American Wonder potatoes, jos. Heywood, Thos Brock; Beaute- of Hebron potatoes, Thos Bis- sett, Jos Heywood.; Pearl of Savoy potatoes, Jos Heywood, Thcs Brock; Empire State, Al Bissett, M Brethour; Red Elephant potatoes, Geo Schroeder Jacob Rader ; Rural New Yorker pota- toes, MBrethour. Sam Brock; any var- iety -potatoes, Geo Schroeder, Jos Hey- wood.; 3 new varieties, Al Bissett, Sos Heywood; Winter cabbege, WM Ford, Al Bissett; blood beets, Jos Heywood,. Thos Eilerington ; sugar beets, Wm Moody, Thos Frier; long mangolds, Geo Schroeder, Jos Heywood. Wm Moody ; globe marigolds. 0 ItIllorneyt jos Heywood,. Jos Bawden nintermede ate mangolds, Wm Moody, Jos Hey- wood, Jos Bawden ; early horn carrots Tiro Decker, Silas Stanlake, jos Hey- wood; Nantes carrots, Wen Martin, Thos Enrington : long orange or red earrots, Geo Schroder M Bretlaour ; white or yellow field carrots, Geo Schroeder, C H Homey • sweet coi•n, Sas Torn, M Brethour; IndOan corn, Jim Bowden, Alex Dow ; musk melons Silas Stanlakene Brethour; Sweed tur- nips. Jacob Roeder, D McInnes, R .51 - worthy; turnips any other variety, W H Passmore ; pumpkins, Al Bissett, Jos Bawden; red onions, Jos Efeywood, Sas Hagen : white or yellnw onions, R Williams tomatoes, 51 Brethoureterni Martin : celery, Wm Martin; Citrons, Mrs. Hazelwood ; parsnips, Al Bissett, M BrPthour ; collection of vegetables, Weekes Bros, Jas Richardson. Special potatoes, Chas Dyer. DAIRY Pnontrors.-51bs butter,Wm Wilson, M Brethour, jno eletchford 10 las butter, Jas Horton, jn.o Homey; Creamery butter. A. Q Bobier ; Cheese factory made, Thos Stacey. Meematteetutes,---WovenhOTIlemade quilt. Hanna. Wise, Mrs Nott.; domes- tic cloth, Maggie Jamieson ; flannel, all wool, Maggie Jamieson, I. Wise; blankets all wool, Wm Chesney, Ella Creighton; Home made horse blankets Maggie Creighton ; Woollen yarn, Mrs stage, expired suddenly Iaet evening while Joking and laughing at the supper table of the hotel Where he was etopping, National Longue llaseball Yeaterdny. tOSt.011 0, Pittsburg 5, Neer York 2, St. Louis 13. Brooklyn 2, Chicago 4, S011. LADIES' WORE.—Bag carpet, wool- len, H Wise ; rag carpet, cotton. Mie Tom ; rag door mat, hooked, It Wise, Thos Sweet; rag door mat, sewed, Mary Toni, Mrs. Tom ; rag, hearth ma hooked, 11 Wise, Jim Dignan ; rag hearth mat, sewed; Mee Tom, Mary Toni ; wool socks, el Creighton, Miss P. Nott; wool ,stockinger M Creigh- ton, Geo Andrew; ladies' wool mitts,. Creighton, M. Creighton ; men's wool mitts, M Creighton, Sirs Tom men's wool gloves, Miss P Nott, Creighton:'Counterpanes domestic wove, 'Wise, Ella, Creighton ; Coun- terpanes knitted, M Creighton, Mary Tom ; Counterpanes crochet,- M Creighton, Mies MBrock ; Counter, - panes, tufted, H Wise, M 3rethour ; Patchwork quilt, calico, Thos McCal- lum, Peter Gowan ; Patchwork quilt, cloth ; 'Mrs Tom. Peter Gowan; Patch- work quite silk, Mrs Tom, Wm Sweet; Patchwork quilt, log cabin, Jas Tom, Miss Nott; Silk quilt, crazy work, Mrs C Campbell, B. and 0. Williams; Knitted or crochet shawl, Mrs. Camp - 13811, M Creighton; Man's shire hand niacte,Ella Creighton, Maggie Jamie- son ; Patching, Mrs, Tom, Thos Eller- ington ; Darning, mrs. D. Gra,hain, Maggie Creighton; Buttonholes, Thos McCallum,, -Sirs Graham; pillow shams, Maggie Jamieson, Mrs Graham ; table mats, Mrs Graham, Miss M lirock ; table dayles, Mrs DttleIntyre, Maggie Orieghtou ; toilet set, Mrs Campbell, 11.1 Brethour ; fancy pin cushion, Mrs Hazelwood, Mrs Campbell; Sofa, pil- low, Miss Note, M. Brethour; crochet work, Mrs Campbell '• Macrame work, Brethour, .4. S Deavitt ; paper Sowers, Mrs. Tom; Mrs Campbell ; piano scarf, Mrs Nott, Mrs Campbell; emb. table_cover; M Creighton, M Tam ieson; worked whisk bolder, M Bretle" our, Aries P Nott; worked Ottoman, Mary Torn, M Creighton; painting on china, Miss Atomic; ba,neerettes, Mrs. Campbell; bracket drapery, Mrs. Campbell, M Creighton tpenelope work Mrs Campbell, M Jamieson; crochet ticly, M Creighton, Thos Ellerington ; knitted tidy, M Creighton. Thos Eller- ingtou ; tinsel work, B. Wise, M Breth- our; outline work, Maggie Creigbton, Miss ? Nott; applique work, M Bre- Tom Ella Cteighton ; domestic cotton, Mrs Nott, Ella Creighton ; Factory made quilt, MoOr & Co let end 2nd; Factory tweeds,Bluir & Co lst and.end: Factory flanneetluir & Co ist and 2nd Factory Lemke.% Muir & Co 2st and 2nd ; .A.ssortinent of tweeds, 3 H Grieee ; broadcloth, any make, 3 H Grieve ; single harness, jno Treble,Geb tacrett ; double harness, jaeob Taylor, 31)0 Treble ; cured liannTlios Prier,Jas Torn • Sewing machine, S Martin, Ray- mond & Co Orga.n, 5 Marten 1st and 2nd ; parlor:furniture, N Rowe; bed- room furniture, R N. Rowe : Stuffed biede, A. BlePhereon ; fine sale not ground, D Mill ; ealt, for packing pur- poses, D Mill ; store goodesj 11 Grieve; Carpenter work Dyer & HoWard ; Baker's bread, A'Begshew. GRatel AND SEEDS.-- Fall wheat, white, CI' Brethour; fall whette, red, M Brethour, Al Ilissetbe any vatlety spring ea t, Id Bre tb ou R, Seeders Note; crewelembe 1 McCallum, Mrs Campbell; 'inb. on silk, M Creighton, Mrs D McIntyre ; erne. on flannel, Mrs Graham, Mrs Campbell; sham stitch emb., Mrs. Campbell; kuitted stitch emb, M. Creigliton ; ribbonese mute M Brethour, Miss Nott ; chenille work, Miss Nott, Mrs Campbell; buillion em. Mrs Campbell, (riot known) ; braiding., n1 Creighton, Miss Nott; bead work, Ella Creighton, M Creighton ; Berlin wool work, 5 Deavitt. Mrs McIn- tyre ; straw plait, Hannah Wise, Wm Bari ; lace, Royal, Mrs. Mcietyre, Mrs Campbell; point lace'Ella Creighton. Ilrs McIntyre; heniton lace, Mrs 3 D Graham'Mrs Blantyre ; knitted lace, M. Creighton, Mary Ann Toni ; lace crochet, Mabel 13rock, Mrs Camp- bell ; rick x•aek work, li Wise, Mrs Campbell; tatting W Sweet,- Mrs Campbell ; darned net, M Creighton, Mrs Campbell ; driven threads, Thos Elleringtou, Mrs McIntyre; Silk work on canvass,. Ella Creighton,Mrs Campbell ; panels, any work, Mrs Campbell, 1VI Brethour ; loaf home malld,eAbrBeaagds,hWawin. Sweet, Mrs A Turn- ibuCHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT.-r-GrOChdt work in wool, Wm Earl; Crochet work in cotton, Geo Anderson'Drawing Special oe Crayon, WeeiresBros ; • pin cushion, Wm. Rao, FINE Anes. -Water color painting, Miss Alcock, Robert Horney el -tainting in oil, Miss McCallum, Miss Alcock; Crayon sketch,Miss Alcock,Miss Eller- ingtoe ; Pencil sketch, Miss Alcock let Fish.nd ; Collection of photogra,phes, Jos Senior; Hair drtssers work, E H Special.- -Postal, Thos McCallum ; col, stamps, G Anderson, FLOW.N.RS.-Three varieties in pots, Mrs Richardson; Fucbsies in flower, Mrs Richardson; Foliage plants, Mrs Cottle, Mrs Rachardsoe ; Begonias iu flower. .A. E Fulre, Mrs Richardson Geraniums in flower, Mrs Richardson; Hanging basket, Mrs Richardson; flowers in pots, Mrs .Richardson. OUT FLOWERS.—Dahlias, standard, J110 Oatle ; German Asters, H Hues - ton, Jno Cottle ; Ten weeks stock, Jno Cottle, Jno Dignan; Vebenase Teo Cottle, Petunas, single, Trio Cottle, Jno Dignan: Phlox Dromoncle Jno. Cottle ; Zennias, Stu) Cottle,Wm Hail; basket of cut flowers, Wm Martin,Jno Dignan; Collection annuals, Jno Cot - tis: Ornamental garden and fountain, W H Trott. JUDGES.. -Heavy horses, W.Brock, Ilderton ; E. W. Charlton, Ilderton ; Sos, White, St. Marys. Light horses, Dr. Carr, Kirkton ; 3. S. Coppin, Cattle, Henry Heal, Mitchell; Jas. Snell. Sheep, D. 0. McLean, Kip. - pen: Wm. Roy, Fullerton. HognIno Sheppard, Hensel' / - Win. McAllister, Varna. Poultry, Chime Aetnel, Sea - forth ; E. Howard, Exeter, Imple- nlholel,FinS-jiMihalfa-tt. 1V3071K;VIDe: K iMpcpNeine Grab and rootl, Geo. MeRwen, Hen - • Sea. Coblealek, 'Exeter. Dairy Manutraetraes. 8 Browzm, Credit= ; A. S. Ronitis, R. -Teter. Breit, ILHueston, and D. Exeter. Free ArtS, W. 3D, Weekes, Exeter.. Ladies' work, Miss Ida Rydd, rethorne; Miss Smith, Maple Lodge Mis-s Marks, 13rucefield. Considerable interest was centered in the horse ring, Following is the restd t. raigintasswomtexavinwtrt.:-7,, Delica1 z 3.......' 54 tit They do not complain of :11 rt anything in particular. They g I eat enough, but keep thin and4,1 sr pale. They appear fairly well, A s' but have no strength. You :A Icannot say they are really el ..„ sick, and so you call them ; a delicate. g What can be done for them ? 1 ft Our answer is the same th at ts_ 1 the best physicians have been gi w giving for a quarter of a cen- x x yr tury. Give,. them Of i Seal [111111SION I t of gCod-Liver Oil with Hypo- I oas,,,hites. It has most re- a ge markable nourishing power. 2 w It gives color to the blood. It ill brings strength to the mus- 4 cies, It adds power to the g nerliqs. it meani robust / health and vigor, Even deli- cate infants rapidly gain in flesh if giVen a mull amount three or four times each day. stoTr at lab\VNE, cheese, Terento, see xncl SLool Al drutifigt• Isliletlidelilitleialoitilalitelitlittli 9.25 CLASS. Mr. Pashby Pervien London) Dr. Scott ((1 Herririe St. Marys) Black Patti (Bawden and McDonnell Time 2.311, 2.341- 2.3112.35 CL.kSZ Beale (4.R Tennantleter) BonM. (J. Beatty Rirkton) Prince Alike (0. Shane Wyoming) Time 2.331 2.34 2.34 3,00 mess Donovan (R. A, Skinners, Ingersoll) 1 1 1 Selineer (A. Forbes, Seaforth) 2 2 2 Bessie (John Sparrow, Varna) 3 3 A Kitty Gevan (H. Fervis, Londom 4 I 3 Time 2.40,2.40, 2.40, SODGES.--Robt. Wilson, enrol. th,P. McGregor j.Hawkshaw. 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 333 A FARMER'S VICTORY Rhedmatism Had Fastened Its Fangs Upon Him for Years and Caused Him Endless Misery-Tellst Cow He Found a Cure. From the-Aeadiau, Wolfyine, N. S. Among the many in this vicinity who firmly believe in the efficacy of Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills as a cure for rheumatism is Mr. John Stewart, of Hortouville. To a representative of the Ataclian wbo recently interviewed him, Mr Stewart said he had been a victim to the pangs of rheumatism for upwards of twenty years. Two 'years a,gp Mr. Stewart was thrown from a load of hay and was injured so severely that he was obliged to take to his bed. While in tbis condition his old enemy --rheurnatism-again fastened itself epon him, the pains radiating to almost every joint in his body, making life almost a berdett. He had read frequently in the Acadian of the cures effected throrigh the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decided to give Ahem a trial. After the use of a few boxes the pains began 'to diminish, and bis general health ,be- gan to improve. 111r. 'Stewart ron- tinued taking the pills until he bad used eight boxes, when the pains had entirely disappeared and nnother vic- tory over disease had been won by this peerless medicine. The Acadian can add that, Mr. Stew- art is Worthy of every, credence, as he is a, man of intelligence and sterling qualities, whose word is unhesitatingly accepted by all who know him. The publit is cautioned :Twain st numerous pink colored imitations of these famous pills. The genuine are sold only in boxes, the, wrapper around which bears the words "Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." If your dealer does not have them they will be sent postpaid et 50 cents a box, or six boees for 82,.50, by addressing the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brorkyille, Ont, Poor clothes cannot make you look old. Even pale cheeks won't do it. Your household cares Mae be heavy and disappoint- ments may be deep, but they cannot make you look old. Ono thing does it and never fails. It is impossible to look young with the color of seventy years in your hair. 9 .:011...W•teettn'74tVettktfe .ninetnee, .5,:rdWEIffEME711W eseltra:! permanently postppnes the tell-tale signs of age. Used according to diregtierieIt gradually brings back tke color of youth. At fiffy 'your hair may loOk as it di. 0 fifteen. It iiiiel;ebs flio also; stops it from (ras r out; and cleatlees from dandimit. Shall send you our :hook oti • Hair and ite Digeaset? The Rest Advice Five. If you do not obtain all the belie. fits you expected from the moot the Vigor, write the doctor about it. Probably there is some dlideulty with your general system vrbiell maybe easily removed. Address, DR. J. 0. #11143, 4411UTUA Auks. ArensrarrirearsIOn.M.44.413S Huron County Notes Thos. Cooper, of Clinton, has beerr serionsly ill for some days and a fatal, termination is feared by the family. Mrs. H. O'Brien, of Summerhille boasts of an aster in bloom having 124 • • blossoms on. Break that record if you.: can, • The beloved wife of Mr. Gordon, Young Colborne township passed away on Friday last. The funeral took. place on Monday. Geo. Swallow, of Clinton, has decid- ed tbat he will go out of bnsiness and ... P e-- eo into farming ; be does this in the ---4" Interest of his family ; he has been a. good business man. Mr. and Airs. A. Estey, who have for a couple of months been upon the Hotel Clarendon staff Clinton, have gone to Bayfield to take the manage- ment of the River Hotel. Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerye Pills, which' are made expressly for sleepless, ner- vous, dyspeptic eufferme. Price 25. cents. eenne.eeerreenneennereenneesene $395 fl‘ b i.';!s, n, ;A i'i- n;, , k'neioteu r.ij .,,,:s.trs„hotiorn:,,..aoili,,,,,,aeyecivg..teelne:liticiite::::40,: . ., t iizen.ffnwic"nadenci:Ir:::farioota:.iplgritrtnaretn.e"tha:ind sizathin:iiive:Dtaifflistociahi. , colr.:tuRecil=thialanvaiii'l pearanco to v.ilir.i.o0 cotes. cad is Jost the tbill. for pay iho expresa agent !US .i•aaonara.'llars5errychi3rgesVatealniaDite.15* Boa: E, r IL'orentch.Ditila Profit in Hogs. Mr. Inn C.. Webb of Vespra town, ship, near Berrie, has made an experi- ment in hog raising this yeat. He putebased 100 hogs et $887e and after feeding them for three months solhl them at $5371. lie kept strict recount of the cost of feeding, ete., and found that On 80 cif the animals he made over $800 yrolit. kr. Webb has grown 3,500 bits iels of coarse grain, and expects 8,000 bushels of root s pre» paratory to next year's feeding. "Man Want but Little fiere:: Below." But Most of all Wants. T. I& MuFt16. Navu. PLUC & CUT outhful Recklessness. The natural exuberaime of yohth often leads to reckless- ness. Young people don't take care of themselves, get over -heated, catch cold, arid.• allow it to settle on the kid- neys. They don't realize the significance oft backache - think it will soon pass away- - but it doesn't. Urinary Trou- bles come, then Diabetes, Bright's Disease and shattered • health. A young life has been sacrificed. Any beip for it? Yes! DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. These conquerors of Kidney bis are making the rising generation healthy and :1117egs.ftEl.y.t:Orlsnutrl, 05 Adelaide St., London, dottelese now 73 ears eke ear Ina wCak kidneys since infancy, and her health as doneequenee has niwaye been poor. T'a'o bOxeS f Deah's Eldney Pillg have reinoved every symptom of kidney trouble, en cl restored bet tOperfeet health. I Ant truly thankful for the great hentfit they have conferred upon'