HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-9-21, Page 1TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 6. .1••••• HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. E7XETER. ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY 'MORNING SEPTEMBER 21st 1890.. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE 00110.125...142.1.0 c*1. MOLL.CaP., Yollr littutioo HOP HIGItIET PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE This week we are offering special attractions in our Mantle Dept. You will do well to look over our stock before buying, as we car, save you money on any garment you, select. All goods sold on their merits. "*Zour money back if you want it. • antle Dept. Ledies all wool coats sizes 32 to 42 in leading colors at 3.50. Another range in good. heavy all wool curl cloth, with inlaid Neelvet col- lars, black only, sizes 32 to 42, sold the trade over at 5.00, sold here for 4.25. At 4.75 This line is worthy of .special mention, has large fancy velvet ..collar Trimmed with pearl buttons and lined with the new coat lining, special 4.75. At $5.00. This is a popular price and we can give you the popular coat, in any or all shades and our vs coat beats the world. See them. Chilclrens enemies nicely trim- med and well made, special at 3.00. Misses Mantles sizes to fit the girls from 12 to 18 years, in Brown and green, mixed tweed, special at 3.50. en's Shirts. A new line of tint eundried shirts *bosom and bands guaranteed pure lin- en with reinforced front and back, ex- . Ira wide facing, sizes 14i to 1.71. Special at 50c. Drels goods We start the ball rolling at 20e and at this price we can give you a good heavy tweed dress goods in blues and browns, good cable at the price 20e. ' Special in blues, browns, greens and. reds, in plain or fancy, this week 20c. 48in suitings in all the seasonable shades, regular 50c values for 35c. Hensall, Sutherland, Notary Thiene, Convey ancer, Commissioner, Fire insurance agent and Usurer et Marriage Licenses. Legal doco meats carefully drawn at reasonable rates Money to loan on real estate at low rates at in tercet. Oftloo at the Post offtee.Hensall. H. J. D. COOKE. (Late -with Garrow 8o Prondroot) Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Etensall. Ont. 'VA. Sellery, L. D. S., D, D. 8,. Honor.Gradu •ate &Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted Withoub_pain or bad effects. Office in Petty's Block, Hensel]. At Zurich every Monday, oornrciencing May 80tb. Goou Iloasne.-Messrs McGregor Bros. of Kippen recently sold a pair of heavy draught eldings, two years old Don't forget that at 50c. New stiff hats latest shapes 2.00. which weighed 850 lbs to Mr.McLean 'We can give you the Newest See the natty range of children's of Brussels, for the sum of $300. Good thing in fall saitings ha covets, serges Tamwe are showing at 25 to 50cjudges say they were the best pair QS poplins, whipcords cravenettes, broad- Youths Fedora Hats 50egeldings in the county of their Age. cloths, special at 50e. Youths caps 10c. They wee sired by the well known See our new black blister effects Men's Claps 25 to 40e, • horse Kilburn owed by Berry zuni the very newest thing at from 50c to Geiger of Hensall. Mr. Fred Deters, 1.25.of Hay, has sold. his fine brood mitre Mi.C1r1S Utt der wear and foal to Mr. D. McKellar, of Tucker:. See oue runge of Plaids. at 25, 50 smith, for the handsome sum of $190. and. 65c. Maps Union shirts and. drawers 25. The mare- was sired by the well known Deess trimmings from 2c to 25e Meng Union shirts and drawers 35. horse =Bean and the foal by Kilburn. Per yard. • MeTis Union shirts and drawers 40. Mr. McKellar has a good eye for good Webs fleeced shiets and drawers 49horses and will no doubt make money 'Ladles' Vests, Mens fleeced shirts aud drawers 621. out of this pair. Mens scotch wool shirtsancl drawers 48 P, With long sleeves winter weight Mens scotch wool shirtsand drawers 75 BRIEFS. -Miss . Haltonof 0 weu at 15, 20, 25, 35 'end 50c. CASHMERE GLOVES. Our fleece lined glove is it daisy sv..orth 85e for 25c. See them. Staples Plain flannelettes all shades 6, 7, and 10c. Towellings all linen 5:to 15. White cotton 5 to 12.e. Sheeting 8-1, 124 to 20. Table linen e bleached 18 to 50. liens Hats and Caps The new crush hats all shades special at 50c. Mens Fedora black or brown 75. Mens Fedora, black or brown 1.00. Mans Fedora black or brown 1.25. Mens Fedor e black or brown 1.50. New stiff hats latest shapes 1.25. New stiff hats:latest shapes 1.50. Ready made Clothing. This is where we can save you money LISTEN. Mens good heavy tweed or serge suits, well lined and trimmed, worth 5.50, selling at 4.25. Mens heavy all wool suits, best of linings and trimmings, fpecial at 5.50. We have better ones at 6.25,6.50,7.50 to 10.00. Single or double breasted come in and see them. Mens odd pants 98. Mens odd pants 1,25. Mens odd pants 1.50. Mens odd pants 2.00. and upwards. Prints Special, 20pieces fast colored. print worth from 5 to 10c. This week a snap 5'd yd. gimp/OW iifIEDINEE TIM will Keep You IA drill Last week we endeavored to tell you something about our Wok stoves, ranges, heat- ,ers, etc. Since then shipments of stoves have arrived and we have now one of the fin - displays of stoves to be seen. Why We can Satisfy You --- In the the first place we do not confine our stock of stoves to one or two makers. But 'keep a full range of lines made by the best, and most favorable known stove manufacturies in Canada, namely Gtirney, McClary, Moore and others. The next and not the least important reason is that we contracted for a fall supply of toves last spring consequently all our stoves have been purchased before the heavy advance nd remember. We will give you the benefit by selling at, the old prices. :a rns We have this season the new English Chain It will S please you. We have also a large choice of other kinds. See the new lantern, - Our stock just arrived' Prices as low as ever. EW SStS A RIVE A.XES, X-Cu,t, SAWS, APPLE WIRE, STOVES, ETC. See our 16 oz grain bag:. We :are selling at $2.40 per doz. Greenway Zurich • BsiBrs.-A large number attended COLLIN'S & STANDURY.-Barrislers Con- veyancers, Notaries etc„ Exeter Ont. 'IL H •the Boston Methodist church last Sab- Collins ane .s. G. btanbury B. A. (late with last week. He will soon settle down. bath to hear Rev. (r. H. Thonison.-- moOnetnes osier e-, oo. Barristers, Toronto.) S. large number went to London fair BRIEFS. -Qu Wednesday ;afternoon -Wm. LeRoy, who removed to Michi- gan about sixteen years ago, is back .from this vicinity last week . --Mrs. W. last, Merrier Bros.' evaporating factory visiting his old friends this week, ac - j Wilson and girls visited friends in , was burned to the ground. The lift palsied. by his wife, -Mitchell is going e to take her place aruonthe sporting places next winter. , le' movement is gning on toward building a rink. for curling, skating and hockey matches. Some of the stock is already subscrib- ed. Mitchell -- BniHns.--Mr. Werner, one of our Bachelor tinsmiths, was in Hespeler Varna and Bayheld last week. -Misses , started in one of the moms, and in Nellie McPherson and Bawden have, acme twenty minutes the building sstarted dress making over the Pust i was in ruins. Tim .fire burned so office store. --Jos L McPherson and, quickly that it was impossible to save W. T. Ulens were out shooting Am lacy of H. The building and con - brought home several dneks.-0ountY tents were insured for $500. The Constable C. IL Wilson, had it long building will be rebuilt at once, and Rev ' burelars who broke into the evaporator started.- Wednesday ' W J. Wilson's Store Saturday or Sunday night. After driving over i80 miles he found. he was on the wrong track. The party he went after had no hand in it. About $15 eworth of clothing and coppers taken. and Thursday are oar fair days. An addition bas been built to the hall, thus providing temple accommodation for all exhibitors, and as the directols have increased the prize list there should be it large show. E Seignee ird of $10 for information that . has moved with his fonnly to Grechton. will lead to the convictionof the We are sorry to lose such good citi- gull ty paety.-Miss Monroe of Bruce- zeas, but with them all prosperi by in B. 11 ie visiting at D. M. English's.- their new hoine,'-Wci. are sorry to ve- Maggie 13ellaiuy returned to Detroit, fort, the death of Mrs, 3'. a Kalb - last week. leisch which occurred it few clays ago. She had been ill for some time. 'Wednesday there passed asva,y at -.A. Middleholtz carries his arm in it ethe family residenCe, Stretford, Miss sling, having experienced it slight, at, Margaret :Jane, only. daughter of jostack of blood poisoning. -The Garrick' Abraham, in the sixteenth year of Club will give a concert in the Town • :her itge. Hall Thursdny (Fenn nights A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, Sept. 13th, at the resi- .dence of George Wray, near Linwood, St. Marys when his daughter, Filmic J., was BBJEVS.-Alf, Galbraith'ab one time eneeried to Alfred B. Veinat.. a, pros. foreman cm the, Argus staff., left last pero US' and highly respected -burner ' evening l'or Wiarton, where be has 01? of eNewton. ==etenn- cured n, situation on the 'WiartonEcho. o inn s o , who hes been in the ien.---s.er=. Turkish Scalp Food empioy Wiederhold & Sorp tboet, aud shoe merchant% for the as sie mont.h'left Inot nightior his home ' Seaforth. -Two boys, BA chardljobbins 1,ges1 12, and Charles Hunt, aged 15 both of Beantfotel, were killed near here Friday nigtit, in a rear end vont- sion between two freight traine. The engine and oeverel cars of the rear train svere destroyed, Feeds the heir restores the natw?. fa teller, stops falling of the heir re- .ernessee dandruff, vest ores faded mid goy mie to it s natural color and vit- ality. it, is also an excellent dressing >fee the hair. Turkish Scalp Food is .ranidly growing in public favor and -takes the load of all other preparations on the stiorket, Sone by O. LUTZ, Druggist, ,Give0 it t lee 1, ' The trout season closed Thursday, erid rriday was tile opening of the l!iket OM feaiIioroc ganlo 81?d5Ofl. Grand Send --- leresEns.-Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Carrier, have returned home after spending it few Slays with friends at, Clinton -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brenner left here on Monday for Detroit wheee they intend spending it week. -Mrs. John Holt has been laid hp for the last two 'weeks with a felon on her hand. -Mr. end Mrs. Charlie Gibbs of Park Hilt eed Miss Arnold, are stopping at the Brenner Bons() for it few days. Mr. Gibba has his new cottage in the park Almost complete, which, when finished Will do credit to any eons? grouncl.--:. Feank Boesenbeery of Zurich, was it W 'V IS D. towh on Monday nights -Harry Bes- senherry hag taken out Itemise' as auctiOneer.-Mr. and Mrs. J II Moller(' of Grand Marais Mieh., aro home for it couple of weeks, With his parents, jaunts Moi te it numberfrom around here attended the annual Itat- vest Home services held ia -the Boston Methodist eh urchi Rey, Thee:Meer, of Monkton, former pastor of. Grand Bend„ preached both afternoon and evening. -s -On Tuesday afternoon John Love raised a new utraW barn; tinS With his other been and stone stables tinder both tsill make n fine' lot of • bnil nage - Peter Verged hoe rentba „ 01' WhiC1.1 will he paid ti ot lits farm for five yeee'S to John Patton. 0 0 ti) 200 Per' 11 • Haggert line also reeled his IStrin to Isiah TetrOalt ; The passenger steamer DarillS 0010, s . which For ninny yams has pueet itt the, Detroit; and St. Clair Rivets, has been Timms, ftoad EXEJEK Mort taken to South Haven. Sound, has been engaged by Mr. ,T. W. Ortwein as his milliner for .this seasou.-The sacrament of the Lord's Super was dispensed in Carmel Pres- byterian church on Sabbath at the morning service. The preparatory sermon was preached. on Feida,y after- noon at 2,30, by the Rev, Mr. Ander- son, of Godericle-The Misses Madge, of the Thames Road, were in the pill- age thise week, renewing acquaint- ances. -Miss Maggie McKay, of Dun- gannon, is visiting her brother, Mr. Wm. McKay, principal of our imblic school. -Mrs. Henry Rundle is visiting friends. in Loudon. -Miss Urquhart, of Exeter, visited the Misses Shirra, over Sunday. -Mr. and. Urs. Johnston and family who have been visiting Mrs. Hunt, have returned to St. Louis, Mo. -Jos. Norris of Detroit Dental Col- lege is here visitinghis sisters Mrs. Murdock and Mrs. arold.-Ancicew , (Too late for last week.) Lam.mie druggist, of Detroit, is visit- BRIEF& -Sohn Cornish, of St.Thom- ing his mother here. -A number from as, is seriously ill at his daughter's,Mrs here•attended the Exeter Fair on Tues- William Jacques. --We were sorry to day. -Miss Nettie Fulton, has secured hear that Sam Pym was severely kick - it pituation as milliner with. J. Preeter, ed in the face by a horse last week. ofeZurich,-Rev. G. M. Kilty preached Inepunishing a horse Sam will now inlet Peals church on Sunday last.- keep from the kicking end. -Fred Hera Tht contractors have commenced to met with a great loss by the death of a valuable mare. -The Epworth League lay the water tables on King street, A. good job is being done. --Miss Hagan held Its anni versary service and honey - lies returned home from her holidays bun social on Sunday and Monday in London. -Mrs. D. Urquhart is visit- inse her sister in London. -Rev. Mr. Stewart of Melborne, will occupy the pulpit of Carmel church next Sunday preaching a special sernaon to the yo&ig people in the morning. Rey. Henderson will preach in Melborne.- Miss Hattie Sutherland visited friends in Clinton on Monday. -Miss Maggie Sturgeon of Dakota, formerly, of en- sall is visiting her many friends in and kound the .village. -R. B. Ross and. bled.e have returned from their honey- moon trip, and are domiciled on their farm at Rodgetville.-Duncan Robert- son has purchased it new piano. -Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McKay very pleasant- ly entertained a few.friends on Mon day evening. -The onion season is al- most past. The yield has been very good. -Miss M. Sloan, who has been engaged with E. Rennie as milliner has returned for this season. -Mrs. Crabb is visiting in Godericla, her for- mer home. -J. A. Malcom, who has been running it milk route in Hensall will (spit the -business about lst Octo- ber, having leased a farm near London to which he will move this fall. This will afford a good opening for some energetic man. The executors of the estate of the late Mr. Seines White of Hensell sold theebomesteacl farm at Rodgerville on Tuesday last, to Mr. Lotus Wainer of the town line, near Kippen. He caused by the recent pleasant associa- will take possession this fall, when Mr tion of honey and buns, aided by the Jefferies will inove onto the farm on happy good. humor of the speakers. the Thames Road, which he recently All went, home well pleased with the purchased off Mr. Monteith. entertainment. Proceeds over $30. We take the present opportunity to Miss AV. Stephenson of Holmes. thank all those who so kindly assisted , ville lefb on Tuesday for .Haisnotas Manitoba, where she intends spending some time with her aunt. Eilmville COLLINS &ri STANDURY.-Barristors,Convey ancers, Notaries, ete„ Exeter Onb. R. H. Col- iins and 3, G.IStanbury )3. A. Qate with Me Carthy, Osler, es Co. Barristers, Toronto). Bnows.- Rev Waddell, and Rev. Salton of Centralia exchanged pulpits on Sunday last, Rev. Waddell preach- ing Educational sermons for them, while Rev. Salton preaehed a ver effective sermon at Elimville. . Cuclmore of Bethesda and chums visit- ed in the village on Sunday Lb. -A special sermon will be preached to the hoSveyer, soon to hear of her speedy recovery. Kirkton A large number from our League attended the annual convention in Hensel' last weele.--Tlae sports under the auspices of the Base ball club on. Saturday last were a grand success. The club certainly deserves credit for the able way in which everything was carried out. When your correspond- ent entered the grounds the two base 0..O. C. F. council on Sunday, the 24 ball teams were forming or the field inst., at 10 o'clock, by the Rev. Wads viz. Kirkten vs Fullerton. At 2 p.m. dell, All the members are requested the game dlemmenced and after play - to be present at the hall by 0.4.5. --Chas. ing five minutes the umpire bronght Proub and wife and Norman Phair, the game to a close,the score standing visited at Mr. Pens arden's on Sunday 18 to 20 in favoe of ,Kirkton. The last. -Miss Grace Ranter has been on the sick list but is again improving. - The dry weather combine is 'busted" and we may look for an. occasional shower any time now. -Quite a large number took in the Exhibitor) at Exeter on Tuesday, -D. Roweliffe left Taesclay morning for Strathroy, to pack apples. - Zion •-•-• Bnanns,-Miss Pitcher, of Michigan, called on friends during the past week. --Miss. Addle Taylor returned home lasb week after spending two months in Exeter. -A large number of the Zionites attended the London Fair during last week and report it not up to what it has been, -We notice, by the paper 'env correspondent too late for last week" he must have got struck on some of the sweet maidens on Monday night. We also notice by the Elimville correspondent that Zion had lots of sweet maidens ; we would think he thought there was one for he is often, seen around Zion, so he is in a position to know how sweet they are. -Thomas Hern jr., while attending it threshing at D. Parkinson's, had the misfortune to fall while getting down off the stack and received a severe shakingmi up.- John Cornish's improve mentis s very slow. -Milton Brock is recovering nicely. -A. Macpherson attended the fair at Strathroy on Tuesday. bicycle -races, next took place, and suf- fice it is to say, that our boys succeed- ed inewinning nearly all the prizes. Only it couple of dollars being given in prizes outside the village. During these races sweet strains of music el - led the air, from that estimable Kirk - ton band under the leadership of band- master Vickers. At the close of the day every body left well satisfied with their days enjoyment. C red iton If you are not satisfied with the tea you one usieg, try BLUE RIBBON either blk or mixed at 25c, 40e or 50o a lb. FRUIT JARS. When you. want Glass Fruits Ars it will :pay you come to us, Our prices are lower than you hear elsewhere. DINNERWARE What about a nice Dinner Sett? Eng- lish semi -porcelain beaatifully decorated, at 30.50 to $10.00 it sett. Toilet Setts J. 1-1) Ross BRIEFS. -It rained steadily all day on xonclay night. -miss Leah Young on Monday and was just what was is visiting in Exeter this week. - badly needed. We hope it is not too Weather is quite fall like. These of Mooresville is spending the week Put changes will try your health. late for the -e heat.-Jno. Bloonafield of sudden withhis son Geo. here. -Rev. S. Salton night. on warmer clothes day and of Centralia, will preach in the M. Es church next Sundayenorning and even- Go To GonEeteca.-E verybody (that in the interests of the superannuation includes you) should go to the G. N. Fall. Now dont stay away on that a ount. -C. Z wicker sr. has purchas- e an elegant new residence on Queen'setve.,London,and intends mov- ing his family there next week. Mr. Z. has been a. resident of Crediton for Go` llegiate Institute Cadet Corps, m- raa.ny years and both he and his fatu- eluding Bayonet .A.ttack, Field and ily will be missed from our town; what Drill Exercises, and March Past. with is to follow this move in the near in_ Sham Battle and Attack on. a Fort, ture we must not divulge just nove,-_ with Grand Fireworks Display in the Our brick makers have ceased opera_ evening. The Presentation of IVIedals tions for the season and are now busy to the Huron Veterans of 1806, will be burning the last kiln. This has been made by Han. Dr. Borden, Minister of a splendid season for them.-MissDan- Militia, and other nnlitary authorities can, of Farquhar, was the guest of her . This will be the Grea,test Military event nainister of the gospel, direct from sister, Mrs Geo Mantle, this week. -A. ever seen in:the Huron District. The ' fine Band of the 33rd Batt. and. the Switzerland,preached ia the Evangeli- ' Goderich Marine Band will both be in terested audience. He is making an ia. !attendance. 'You can't afford to. MiSS a these sights, and spend a day at the cal &tures on Tuesday eve. to tour of the principal places la Oanada i most Popular Fair of thelliiron Tract. in the. near future --Some of oar chi- School children admitted for 10 cents before attending general Couference ' zens are attending. the World's Fair in at any time. Prize Lists and other M- I formation on application to I. &ALE - Hams, of Wyoming, has regained her Zurich to -day (Thurs.)-atiss M. Wil-IEED, Tn., President, or to TAMES 1 .MITCECELL, Secretary, Goderich p. W. Exhibition at Goderich an Tues- day-, Wednesday and. Thursday, Sept. 20, 2,7, 28. Five Great Speeding Con- tests. Military Demonstration by six companies, 33rd Battalion and two Co's duties a,s milliner at C. Zwicker's evening. The Rev. T, Sawyer preaple while miss Livingstone oe Blyth, holds ed two very eloquent and tenpressiee., aSilTulin; prisition. with Brawn.. sermons to large and atteutive.congre- We walcorxr' tb. I dr village htniopnrse ci:ilinctSau brightday.andThoseils eto hard for him in the chosen profession. On Alpuday evening a very large crowd t rned out to enjoy the honey and liti bi s. After all had done justice to th. good things provided, they found comfortable seats inside the church where an excellent programme was gifen consisting. of speeches, music, recitations and Singing. Thos. Philips, syho,we are told entertains a very high opinion of Zion, filled the chair in a very pleasing and happy manner: The Sawyer orchestra was at its best and the selections were highly appreciated. The trio consisting of young ministers Messrs, Ashton, Sawyer and Hicks sung well and many a, favorable com- ment was heard. on the able manner in which they rendered each selection, Miss Johns, of Elinaville aecompanied them* in her own accomplished style. Mr. Kirk accompanied. by Miss Kirk, of Woodham, gave several songs in their usual pleasing manner. Miss Eva Tapp's recitation added a pleasant var- iation to' the program. And then the speeches, which were given by Messrs. Sawyer, Ashton and -Coulter, former young ministers on this circuit end our present young ministers Messrs. Hides and Phillips, were of that happy vein 41 in making our anniversary and social snob a great success. -.One of our well- ta do farmers who is noted for . being. very sevin,g of the toppers is now looke . ing sadly down his nese as he has to MI 1 Evaporator° 15°000 draw out last seasons wheat at 01 cents. If he had only known. -NS, m. Smith attended the .great fair at Toronto last week and was well pleased with it. Dashwood --7- - (Too late for hest week.) 13enses.-Quite it n unibee from here took in the 'Western fair this week. 1.-B, Bender wa.,.; laid pp a few clays lit)tisatcovveot,inbeintti,liise c.t.golit.;111.1.rtotithle3tortiake Is. St,,, '-': . I [I ii , T man attended the Undertaker's Oon- ventimi at Toronto last week. -D. firl?LES All kinds PEELING & IIHh Apples Brintnell, of Henealtwes in the ville,ge Saturday evening last, There :seems to be some atinielioti here for Dennis. -Rndolph Eifert left last week for Fort. Wayne to resunie his studies.. Misses Arevy end Thereen spent 1 a few Claye visiting Ifriende, at Zurich and trust they each may be liberally patronized. -R. E. Walker, Our vil- lage butcher was unfortunate enough to lose his watch on Saturday last while driving some cattle to the vil- lage. He made diligent search for it but could not find it. -Geo. Zwick- er spent Tuesday and Wednesday in London. 'Geo, has not decided where he will locate yet he has sev- eral tempting offers in view. -H. Eilber er. P. P. attended the Conser- vative Rally in massey Hall, Toronto, Fall Fairs; North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 3-4. Northwestern, Goderich, Sept. 26 - Logan and Fullerton, at Mitchell, Sept. 27 28. Mornington, at Milverton, Sept. 28 and 29. St. Marys Fair, Septe.mber 28 and 29. .Rev. Mr. Bradley, of Mitchell, has been called by the Berlin Presbyterian church, to become their pastor. . are cordially- invited to call'at the new klardware and see the finest assortment of Hardware in the County. The stock is thoroughly assorted with new goods and prices have been fixed to suit the most careful buyers; in faot we defy competition of eitfier city, town or country. WE SELL EVERYTHING IN THE ii.rdware Lin la•MIrnitl* -rust now we are making a specialty of es rna,,pe E HA last week, arid while there irssisteo 1.0 1 the program at tiro Glosrel qlt.--Mr. i asnJ d Mrs. . A. Witinhold mid family)ro I visited friend :4 in Zurich onSunclay.- i .0. Peitz isnd F. Hess, of &Leith, were '! -eneeseseeneeene in the village mi Sunday last,..:- A., i teastmer....h. Sheller ocenined the . pulpit OF the : IflYan gel feat church 00 Sunday even ing last. There were no services in the morning, Rev, Mr. Satter preaching at I Fullartore --A yonng ' child of Rev. Effete died last week after a short ill- ' ness end was binged on Friday. The ' sorrowing family have the sympathy . n of the community in their sad bereave- , nient.-s-Mes, Vv view, Mrs. Geiger., Mr, i end Mrs, W. 13. Battler, Mr. and Mee. 3`.,•Webee and 1\11N. Miller left On Tues- day io visit, retell' ves in ..lielogitn..-- Mm. Ilene Sauer who left about two I weeks ago to visit friiMds in N'esV1 h trambilese eves takre seriously ill while II there, with typhoid fever. Sya hope, r • BMWS, Bon's JR1850f1S and Tow The Best in the Mark iiik0,14061740.**, tt-for Sale only Ex.E"TE.I4 is door lortl .Pickard Co's Store,