HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-9-14, Page 5▪ I
-eitiroc.ea - ea,
kafgcml ij t°tLIOL'i:QLAIMAN
rrieters, Gelleiters, &e., Male Exe or,
W e have unlimited private fends for invest-
ment upon fern) Or village property at 1QW0St
ratee of interest. _
, D. S. D. D. S., Honor CiRednate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Toth extracted withent pain, or
bad atter effects, °Mee xn, Van -
0i'1 lalook. West Side of Main
street, Exeter'
AN SON. (D. D. S. L. D. )
Honor ;Greduate of the Toronto University,
and Reyel College a Derxtal Surgeons of
Ontario. .A.11 bridge work, Crowns, and Plato
work done in the neatest possible manner. A
harmless anEesthetie for painless extraction.
The etrietesb attention given to the preeervat-
ion of the natural teeth. Oflice opposite Con
tral ESotel, Exeter, Ontario.
Xla Says Boors' Position Is Bldiettlons
Impossible Fro= Oatiadlita
Feint of Vie tv-,Att gawp:144e-
'.1011.treal, Sept, 13.--A Star special.
'eaole from London says: Hon. a. Israel
Torte, Canadian Xinister o ublic)
Werke, in the course of an interview be-
fore sailing for home en Monday ou the
steamer AraWa, referred to the Traesvaal
question, and deglared the Boers" position
ridiculous and. leapossible from a Cana-
dian point of 'Ogre "What," he added,
-"would happen if the coleey d Prenoh-
Caeadians in the Canadian Northwest
we're to be refused the right to vote?
They would he up in arms at once, and
rightly so,"
•*Prance-canna:ail Treaty.
Acoording to Parisian etlinerfl, Hon.
Mr, Tarte, before leaving Prance, had a
long inteeeieW With M. Deloasse, the
Foreign Minister, regarding the new.
Franeo-Canadiau ounnerolal treaty, the
featUreS of whit& aro said now to have
been mutually agreed upon.
Bernardo Immigrants for 'Canada.
utn XI; 22o9f sBaialrendafroclroc immigrants,
AHOOPER Licensed Auc- anode yester-
day in the steamer Arawa.
tioneer 'for the °minty of Huron. Sales eon.
duotecilin all parts. and for convenience can be po %vim .az ;-:1) e: ER ILL.
arranged for at this ()Mee, SatitiCaction gazaran-
teed, Oharges moderato. Exeter P. O. -
Woodstock Girl ilelic4ed to Have Been
For sale, lot 1L' South Thames Road, con.
tatting 100 aores, fro acres under enItivation and
,5 acres of good wooa. Good brick residence,
'With brick kitchen end woodshed and large
bank barnavith stone stabling, and gird driv-
ing house.. All well fenced,under-dramedwith
tile and in firet-class state of cultivation. There
is a good. orclattrd of choice fruit. and the
grounds are well set out with ornamental trees.
It is within four miles of Exeter; adjoins two
churches, Methodist andPresbytealitn, and a
school within a mile. There is plenty of water
at both house and stable. Also a windmill for
pumping, grinding,etc. This is one of the best
farms in the county ofHuron, and is in • Bret,
ol-aos shoe In every respect and will be sold on
reasonable terms, as the proprietor desires to
retire. Apply on the premises or address
'Thames Road P. 0. D. IVIcINNIS. _
Jy. 13th tf.
COlnigij kilot EXIteltiAl olitabgureildcatYth,116 :pt. till:
1899 at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. in. the following
Taluable vMage and farm property, viz:
That Most desirable piece of laud containing
about 27i. acres, being part of farm lot No. 20 in
the First Concession of the township of Ste -
viten. This lancl adjoins the Corporation and
ze_splendidly situated, facing the London road.
Also the following Village lots in the Village
of Exeter.
Lots Nos, 15 and 46 on the east side of Main
• Street and immediately South of the residence
of E. Follick, Esq.
Part lot No, 21 on the west side of Main
street Immediately South of the residence of
E. Penick, Esq.
Part lot No. 21 on tho west side of Main
•etreet immediately South of the residence of
Charles Ito we Esq.
• Part of lot F on the east side •of Andrew
'street almost opposite the ldain Street Metho-
dist Parsonage, containing nearly one acre of
an and known as the Old School House Prop-
Lots Nes, 162 and 164, North Weet Corner of
'Victoria and Carling Streets.
- The land now used as recreation grounds,
the land. immediately North thereof and the
land being part of same farm lot but West of
• the London Huron & Bruce R. It., containing
in all about 40 acres. This land is admirably
Eituated. and faces on Huron, Carling, and
Benders Streets.
The land on either side of the Station Road.
being Tart of Farm lot No. 23 in the First Con-
cession of the township of Stephen and now
owzveyed into lots and streets containing 27
These .t.WO last parcels of land will be sold by
She lot or acre to`suit purchaser,
TEnals 01' Sara -Ten per cent of purchese
sudney to be paid on day of sale, balance on
completion of purchase in 35 days thereafter,
other- terms and conditions made known on
day of sale. •
Forfurther particulars apply to CARLING
BROS., Merchants. or to 'DICKSON & CAR -
LING Barristers, &c. Exeter Ont,
hied case. for
selling. one dozen daility packets
' at Heliotrope. Bose. and 'Violet
Perfume. Sell at 10 cents each.
Return ns 51.20 and reeelve ring
IFILEE by return mail. Una=
goods retuncable. .
max ET Toronto, Ont.
Meat Market
The -undersigned has opened up a
new meat market one deor
Soon of Garinig's Stored
where he will keep the choicest of
meats constantly on hand. '
Dn Low's worm syrup is a safe cure
• and reliable worrn expeller. Act
eqtially well on children or adults. Be
sure you get I./ONV'S.
• Joint T. Wilford, postmaster at
Oroeshill, has been asked to give over
the reins of office and make rooni for
a successor. The notice was a every
/Avert, one, and it is alleged the dismiss-
al was for no other reason than on
party grounds. Mr. Wilford is a Con-
servative--aIreost the only one in the
village, and the action of the powers
'• at be, hes caused catielderable com-
' merit. He has held the position for
twelve years,and has always been very
• obliging.
A roost unfortemaec accident occurr-
etd on Friday evening last on the Sauble
line, by which Reginald lloclgins, soo
of Thos, Hodgins, of the fourth coneese
sion, Biddulpie, was seriously injured.
It seems that it number of the young
men in the neighborhood ettended the
prayer mai eg •'at W. N. Powe's.
• -Yoeng Hodgins had borrowed a wheel
to ride bottle, from another 3"0..itig
attain who took his plaue in a buggy,
Reginald got a Start of the others, and
was thought to be some distance all (etc]
• anti two buggiee eante north on the
voad side by side, both attempting to
get the lead, In the running they
came on the bicycle rider before ex-
pected to do so, and rite him dome
The i nju red bit! was ca rri ed home,
and it vra 8 found that • the
• left collar bone was broken, a slight
• oncussion of the braite and a settle
wound 1 inches long, besides contu-
sions and bruises.
Otilldron-CPy fo
Woodstock, Ont, Sept. 13.-A young
girl of 18 years of age, Maggie Lafranee,
suddenly begrime very ill Monday sfver-
noon, as the result of a powder wle h
was oxen her. It was thought at first
that she was poisoned, and there is still
a probability that such was the case.
The girl has been going with a young
man lately and has thereby aroused the
jealousy of another woman, who sent her
threatening notes at varin ns times. Mon-
day night a man oalled at the house and
left some powders for her to take. She
took them grid immediately becaine sick.
doctor was summoned, who worked
with her and managed to ease the pain.
The police are working on the case.
Wheat Closed at an AdWanee Ower Mon-
day-guotations at the Leading
• arkets-Prices in Toronto.
Chicago, Sept. 13.- September wheat
• olesed at 70aec, an advance of eee over
Monday's close. December closed at 710
and May at 74%o. _
Liverpool, Sept. 18. -Wheat futures
yesterday closed Nd higher than Mon-
day, and flour 3a lower.
LiverpOol, Sept. 13. -Yesterday's close:.
Spot wheat, California, 6s; Walla, 5s
934d; red winter, 58 ed; northern spring,
6s ld; Bombay. lis lima; futures quiet,
Septehaber, 58 8%d; December, 5s loga;
March, es yid. Corn steady, Ss 47adi
futures steady,. September, 38 4346;
October, 3s5!4d; November, Os 534cl; De-
cember, Bs 5346; January, new, 13s 3340;
February, 3s 334cl. Flour, 18s 6d.
Following were the closing prieei at
important centres yesterday:
Cash. Sept. Dec.
Chicago . ..... 8... , $0 7034 $0 11
New York...... .... 0 7334 0 '7634
Milwaukee' 0 7134
St Louis 0 6934 0 6834 0 7034
Toledo .... .0 60e4 0 73
Detroit 0 7034 0 7034 0 7334
Du1uth,No.1 Nor 0 6734 0 6734 0 6834
Duluth, No. h'd 0 703.4
Minneamtlis , „ 0 5714 0 6734
Toitoolio ST. LA, W ItENCE AZAR KET.
Wheat, white, bu....... 80 fie.% toil() 10
Wheat, red, bu 0 69 () 6934
Wheat, Fife, spring. bu0 08 :...
Whe.at, goose, be, 0 70 0 7134
Barley, 0 41 0 4334
Peas, bu .................0 60 0 61
Oats, bu • 0 2834 0 2934
Rye, bu. ... . .. . 0 5334 ....
Huoltveheat. brie 0 55
- SEEDS. • • -
Red clover, per bush_ .$4 00 to $4 50
,Alsike, choice to fancy5 20 6 '70
Alsike, good No 2 4 25 5 00
Alsike, good No. 3 3 50 4 CO
Vinalte clover, lair, bush7 00 • 8 00
Timothy seed, per bush1 00 • 1 05
Hay; new, per ton,. _610 00 to 612 00
• Straw,, sheaf, per ton.,. 6 00 7 00
eStraw, loose, per ton. , 4 00 5 00
• Better, lb. rolls$0 22 to 60 26.
Eggs, new laid. 0 14 0 18
Chickens, per pair 60 45 to tO 80
Turkeys, per lb... . 0 10 0 14
Decks, per pain 0 60 () 90
Onions, per bag. __SI. 00 to 61 25
A.pples, per brl0 75 • 1 60
• Potatoes, per bag., 0 7 0 80
Ton.oNre. LIVE S TO GK.
Terontb, • Sept. 13.--Recielpts a live
• stook at the cattle market here yesterday'
were light, 60 carloads, composed of 1,040
cattle, 600 sheep and lambs, 600 liege and
• 40 calves. The quality of fat cattle.; was
fairly good, brat not enough of the best
classes of butchers and exporters to , sup-
ply the demand, More finished cattle
will find ready sale. Trade, on account
�f light run, was fairly good, with prices
firmer in some classes. •
Export cattle, choice. , $4 75 to$5 .1234
• 10xporb cattle, light. ,4 30 4 60
Butchers' tattle,pkd fots' 4 40 4.50 ,
33utchers', good, 3 86 4 ,00
Butchers'. medium. 3 50 3 :85
13utc1iers'. , common • 3 40 3 .50
• Butchers', inferior. - 3 00 3 BO
Milch cows, each, BO 00 45 :00
Bulls, hvy exPe good cilty 4 25 :50
Bulls,medium export' 3. 60 3 .80
Lds gd bat. and ON, mad. 4 p6 • 4 '50
Stockere.. , , , 2.00 3 50
•M'eeders, light 3 40 $ 75
Chives, each 3 00 8 00
Shoop, per cwt. 3 50 8 00
Larnbs, por eWt , , , _ 4 25 • 4 50
Hogs, 160 to 200 I bs 4 6234 ,
Hogs, light fats 4 1036 • I I
Hogs, heavy fats, ... 4 1234
Hogs, sows 3 00
11,ta4T IttfElfALO ONPTIA4 31.4,1tICIBT.
Bast ntl {Tab, Sept, 18. -(Jattle-attere
were two loads on sale yesterday. with a
• fair demand. Choice to extra calves were
quotable 87.50 to *8: good to choke, $7
to 8/.50.
• Sheep and Lambs -The oasis of thole°
lemb prides was $6. Sheep were firm and.
quotable to $4./6 for top grades,
Rogs-Heavy Were quotable 14.86;
mixed, $4,80 to $4,86; Yorkers, 6,4,80;
plot, $4 to $4,70; geasslera $4.60 te $4,704.
tvlisaltd.• t.3.1114 rte oil •
Perfect Tools Nec,-
essary for per,-
fect Work
h Perfect Merlin is Relluirel
10f MO BVilt1100 91) 91 NOnie,
TISSlle NCI flesh (11X] 101_,
Paine's Celery Compound
the True Disease Banish,
er and Best Health
As well made and perfect tools are
necessary for tbe construction of the
perfect working machine, so is a per-
fect medicine necessary for the estab-
lishment of a healthy appetite, com-
plete digestion, regular action of the
bowels aud other excretory organs.
The fact is firmly established that
Paine's Celery Compound is the only
true and reliable medicine for the per-
fect rebuilding of worn out tissues, uti-
le -ate •: end weak nerves, wasting flesh
and e ailing strength,
• If the polson seeds of disease ha.ye
made your blood foul and sluggish,
Paine's Celery Compound will purify
and cleanse it, causing the life stream
to course healthfully and joyfully to
every part of the body. If the small
ills of life,such as headaches, sleepless-
ness and stomach irregularities make
unhappy days for you Paine's Celery
Compound will speedily drive away
the tormentors.
No other medicine ever given to in-
telligent humanity has bestowed
such showers of blessings on individ-
uals and fiimiliee. One single trial
will convince you its wondrous powers
and virtues. It makes people well,and
best of all it keeps them well.
Apples Abroad
Messrs. Jas. Adams, Son & Co. Liv-
erpool, importers 'of apples write: -
"We naterally have to take into ac-
count the extent of our own and con-
tinental crops, at the same time these
are not as important as generally sup-
posed, for the simple reason that Ani -
erica and Canadian apples have be-
come a necessity to the British public
and when once they make their appear-
• ance, preference is always shown for
them. As regards our home crop,there
seems to be general scarcity this year.
In some districts there is said to be an
average yield, while in others -- and
these by far the larger proportion --the
crop is decidedly under aeerage, which
in the aggregate, meelis that the
marketable quantity of a certainty will
only be moderate. On the continent
things appear to be somewhat differ-
ent. We understand. there is a good
crop in Holland, Germany and Bel-
gium, while in France there seems to
be a fair quantity. It would appear as
if the deficiency in our own crop would
he, to some extent, 'made up- by the
better yields on the continent. Still,
for all that, we do not apprehend
much opposition, eyen from these com-
bined sources; in fact they can only
affect falls in any ease as the English
fruit especially- is Lot of very good
keeping quality, and from all accounts'
Shipments of fall varieties are not
likely to be on a very large scale this
• year. Coming, then, to winters so far
as we min see, the prospeets are very
favorable, especially if (as we are led
to believe) the crop is not very abun-
• dant, and tve look forward to a satis-
factory season. Needless to say, the
prices, after all, will depend very large-
ly upon the quality of the fruit, and
we rely upon shippers sending only
their best stock farward, remembering
that the cost of transport, &co is the
serve on an inferior as on a good bar-
rel. The practice of "topping" should
rigidly be avoided, as honest packing
always pays iu the long run; and to
these of out, friends who have already
established. brands on this market we
would point out the necessity of keep -
IAT 011 6-0."-'
direct cause.
The leader °mimg business schools. Sao
eestifinstudentstetrong faculty and large at-
tcndaueo. Catatognes free.
• 3, W. WilISTDrIWILTAT, Principal.
Be -open Sept. 3:
bag op the standard of their packing
•ifeceter, September
New Wheat per bus,. ..
Wheat per booklet
Peas... „..
Chickens p
DOcks_ er it
ork at essed .
V3514 189i
• 460 4,9
23 to et
3Olet 35
-.60 to et
„.18 to 1.6
.,.-, 13 to 13
• . 9 to 9
• • 6, to 9
• 5 to 7
, 7 to
135o 15
- a to 5
64.05 to 3,0e
Leedom September, lath isee
Whet per bushel, „ -00
Oats ....23
if good results are to be ensured,"
. Fall Fairs. :45
Rye .,....
North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 8-4.
North weetern, Goderich, Sept. 26-
29, .
Listowel, at Listowel, Septetnber, 19
and 20'
Logan and Fullerton, at Mitchell,
Sept. 27 28.
Morningtoo, ab Milverton, Sept. 28
and 29.
• Tavistock Fall Show, Sept. 18 and.:
• St. Marys Fair, September 28 and
DINSMORE-Inter:1,11ton on Sept. 1st., the wife
of Geo Dinsmore, of a daughter.
CLARICE-In Crediton, on Saturday, 9th the
vvife A:1 Clarke, of a eon,
WHITE -In Blaushardo on WednesdayeAng.
30th, the wife of Jos. White,'of a son.
lacINTY.B.B-In St. Marys. on Thursday, Aug.
' 31st, the wife of Milton IVIcintyro,of a daugh-
EASTON-O'CONNOR-In St. Marys, on Mon-
day, Sept. 45h, by the Rev. W. J. Taylor,
John Easton, to 1Viiss .A.nixieO'Connor.
PENHA.LID-SANDERS-On tht 1st inst„ at
St. James' Rectory, by the Rev. W. 3, Taylor,
DILLON--FLEIVIING-At the R. C. church
Richard Pei:Male, to Lucy- Sanders.
St. Marys, en Monday. Sept. ith, by the Rev,
• • •
on the0th inst , at the residence of Thomas
rather Brennan, M. Dillon, to miss Maggie
aWre3:1-5. /nhawT,nekBeorpsjmamithirt,
_Allen, of Usborne, to Miss Tem Shillinglaw.
ROSS--CASE-In Exeter, an thel3th insa, by
Rev Mr. Ten Eyntr, Robert B alms, to Miss
Victoria Case, eldest daughter of the late
Thomas Case, both of Redgervillo.
MoNEILL-In Fullerton. on Aug. 3ist., Mrs.
DM1SalirMinnANIVEINIneilaeapgheecin 7t9ewnshin, on Thurs-
day, August 31s5., Mrs.E(ery Dishman, aged
39 years.
VIA THE MIDLAND Roue. -Every Friday
night, at 10.35 p. in., a through Tourist Car for
San Francisco, carrying first and second-class
passengers. leaves the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Bail -vs -ay Union Passenger Station,
Chicago, via Omaha, Colorado Springs and
Salt Lake City (with stopover .privileges at
Salt Lake City,) forall points In Colorado,
Utah, Nevada end California.
The Tourist Car beith rate f Mtn Chicago to
San Francisco is only -36.00, 'and'the sleeping
car berths should be reserveda few days lir-ad-
vance of departure of trains.
Through tickets and &coping ear accommoda-
tions can be secured from any agent in the
easf0er by applying at the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St, Paul Depot, or City Ticket Offices in
Chicago. _
Send us for our free illustrated. California
Solders. Address Geo. H Ileafford, General
Passenger .Agent, ghicago,111.. or A. J. Taylor,
Canadian Passenger _Agent, 8 Xing street, E..
Toronto, Ont,
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been ttsed for
over fifty years by millions of mothers fot• their
children while teething. with perfect snecess.
15 soothes the child, softeus the gums. allays'all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy
for Diarrhcea. lt is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bo
sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing
Syrup and take 110 other kind.
E•Pi This beautiful Jittlo
Iady's Watch .tor
soiling 3 Ioa of
our full-sized Linen Doylies at
10 cents each. rim Dors
Watch for selling 2 doz. Latest
-and prettiest designs; sell at sight.
alto Money IteuLaired. Simply
.. write and wo send Poylies postinia.'
Boll them, return money. and. wo
snail your 'watch free. Unsold Doylies
to 67
to 21
to 644
to 50
to 48
•39 tiii 8
Beans -.... - - - • • to 70
Butter .... ... ..,-.11 to 14
Eggs . to le
Dueks - • , • 60 to 70
Tiirkeys per it-. ...... to 12
Geese para....-., 9 to 10
Chickene.. a . 60 ta 7.5
Oheese...... •• a •• -,8 to 10
Potatoes per bag . . _841 tol 00
11a5. Per ton ,...... .,..$ 6.4IQ to $ 7,50
Pork per cwt.. ,,.. - $4.50 to $5.00
One Laza-LiTer Pill every night for
thirty days makes a complete cure of
biliousness and constipation. That is
just 25 cents to be cured.
Hagyard'e yellow oil cures sprains
bruises, sores,wounds, cuts, frostbites
c hit blabas, stings front insects, burns
scalds, contusions, etc. Price 25 cents
Meat Market.
For first class
A fine selection of
and all kinds of ,
Fresh and Salted Meats
on hand.
Note the address, one door north of
The R. Pickard Co's store.
You require a B L ACK snitY
often atthis time of the year. We are prepared
to fityou out in the finest style. Best quality
Coods closest prices.
Wedding Suits a Specialty
When Doctors
aOptician to.
Nervousness -headaches: -
sleeplessness and dizziness, often
puzzle the best physicians,
• Nine times in ten eyestrain is the
200 Good Saw log Shantynien
Timber killed by fire nmst be cut.
board free. Parties of 6 or more ap-
ply foe lumbermen's tickets.
The 'South River Lumber Go,
, ile,)1991:MM50,8093Tafteii , };11si
, ,
.i a. - I 4. ,, ..' '
T10TJSANDS 'OF yourza '''BIEN are i
tronbled with. nervousness, despoil-
, dency, exhaustion, loss of memory,
acIthig backs and kidneys painful &rine-
dont baelifelaess, sedhnenelti lhrinelosses
at night, intpotency, headaches, varicocele, ia
&wits, tticers, bone pains, --The results)
Of evil habits in youth or tater excesses.
• Oar 'Vitalized Treatment cures the worst
a. a .
' (
.Emisalorts & Vadeoeele
bap the vigor and 'vitality and produce
weak teed. Our Dollar'
will Cure Tout.
' Stricture and Cleat, i
No Wafter hoW amnia 7itid. to our Vital-
• ized Treatmeat. No operation, no pain, -
• no detention froilt business. All 'drains
• cease. Our Dollar Treatment watt .
Cure Iron. W
Mood & Sexual Disease/3w
cured forever. No return .of the disease.
No Mercary. NO Poison. Our Dollar
• Treatment will Cure You, We
Guarantee Cures. . • .
We treat and cure all dis- "
•msee of nailand women fot OnEDOLIAR-
illimliaticosla etteletation Mo. Wats for emotion
' Bit for lloMaroiimert, • ,.
mil An ainnefthe • 47 Michigan Avenue, .
a‘UULLIM, INUIURO, Det, roit Mich
• ...
• Nothing can effect a permanent cure
that does not remove the cause.
That is what our scientifically fitted
glasses do.
S. Fitton,
T. Fitton's Jewelry Store
Another permanent CUP°
by 11.11.13. after two
doctors failed.
Ask any doctor and he will tell you
that, next to cancer, scrofula 15 one
of the hardest diseases to cure.
Yet Burdock BlOod Bitters applied
externally to the parts affected and
taken internally cured Rev. 'Wm.
Stout, of Kirkton, Ont., permanently,
after many prominent physicians
failed ; Cured Mrs, W. Bennet, of
Crewson's Corners, Ont., perman-
ently, when everyone thought she
would die. Now Mr. H. 14. Forest,
Windsor Mills, P.Q., stateshis case
as follows
"After having used Burdock Blood Bit -
tors for serefula in the blood, I feel it my
duty to make known the results. 1 was
treated by two skilled hysiciabs, but they
failed to eure me, 1 had running r -
on my bands and legs which I could
nothing to heal until / tried 13.B.B. This
remedy healed them completely and per.
tnanently, leaving the skin and flesh sound
and whole."
School Opening
Where the Scholars are used
fall Good&
We are in the van with all
that is desirable in the line.
Let us show you our stock of
$17.00 Fancy 'Worsteds in all
the newest colorings.
Remember we put up the
best suit for $10.00 that can
be bough in the, county,
• J. H Crieve.
Ileauty aeclatyle without emnfOrt
is easily obtainable, comfort with-
out appearance is equally simple.
Yon never saw an ugly pair of
"Slater Shoes, ' ' yet many of them
cover comfortably most nulevely
The combination of these two --
comfort and beauty -are only to be
had in the "Slater Shoe."
Made in twelve shapes, on lasts modelled
from actual feet, all widths and sizes,
leathers, styles and coloas.
Bvery pair Goodyear welted, name and,
price stamped on the sole.
'$3.50 gen $6.00.
6 .00tms ontenaseaclit tow with the /Imo okyOUr
nearest expresit cease end we Will Ship you. this Violla
With Chant by express, stuatet te teaunnatizza az,
awn, untyour MtPreestilibm. awl It you ale to oneogy 01
we represent it wad entirely satistaotory. pay to
express agent em sPecial oda% *506504
expresscharm. This is a (Inc) 111110(05
reguhkr -gum stradivarlus mouel vie
ribly coloied, highly nellobed, power
and sweet 01 zone, abintate Irak one
boa °Aka set atStri3g8 Ana resin. A gen14u4
..urgalti at the Flee. Buy direct kora =and save the dealer's Profit.
Johnston & McFarlane, Box E T Toronto, Ont
The two tatillion dollars of stock
asked for hythe Canada Cycle an tifMo-
tor Company, Toronto, has been sub-
scribed twice over.
Owing to the increased cost of iron
and steel, the agricultaral inipkment
manufacturers of Ontario have decid-
ed to advance the prices ,of their pro-
duct next season.
W. C. .Caldwell, who resides near
Constance, aied had the misfortune to
fall throagh a bedroom window in a
Seaforth hotel last week died as a
result of his injuries. He leaves a
wife and family.
J. W. Anderson, charged, with the'
Molson Bank robbery at Winnipeg
will remain in jail until the trial in
November. Fifteen thousands dollars is I
bail is forthcoirling, spot cash if neces- idn t.
A terrible threshing mice:hie acci-
dent happened at LiLdsay Friday night
on the farm of Edward Costello, a few
miles east of the town, by which Mich-
eal Powers, a lad of 19 years, lost his
life, Tbe young man was employed
on the thresher, and at the close of the
day's work was cleaning up the ma-
chinery, when a part of the woodwork
he was standing on gave way. He fell
into the machine, and went through
it, passing out to his fellow -laborers
on the top of the stack in a horribly
mangled and torn condition. He lived.
but a few hours, although medical aid,
was hastily summoned.
sary. but it seems the judge is not ,
desirous of releasing the accused.
WAGGON 70R SALR.-A one-horse Dare
3 -spring waggon, nearly new, for sale
cheap. Apply to JOHN MCINNIS.
A Man. is always -in The
If le wears • one of W.
JOHN'S neatly fitting
Be is a sure fitter.
His precee are awayidown.
His goods are the best.
Call and examine his goods before
buying your
-4sitz.......„FALL SUIT
• W .1101-1 NS,
Tate Tailor
What dyspeptics need is not arti-
ficial digestants but something th4
will _put their stomach right .sq it '
Will rna.'nufaCture its taWn digestie
ferments. •
• For twenty years now Burdoik
Blood Bitter § has been permanerA!y
curing severe cases of dyspepsia anii,
indigestion that other remethes were
powerless to reach.
Mr. James 0. Keirstead, Collina,
Kings Co., N.B., says:
"I sufferedwith dyspepsia for years and
tried everything I heard of, but got no
relief until I took Burdock Blood Bitters.
• "I only used three bottles and now I am
well, and can eat meat,
which I dared not touch
before without being in
great distress. I always
recommend B. B. B. as
being the best remedy for
all stomach disorders a.ncl
yas a family medicine."
The handsome parlor suites and fancy Farrners
tables we sell create admiration
and surprise; Admiration for I
• the quality of the goods
and the style and. finish.
And Surprise at the
low price at which
we sell them.
When you want furniture go to
Sprains, Strains and Injuries of the
Back often cause Kidney Trouble.
• Here is the proof: -
Mrs, S. Horning, Glasgow Street,
Guelph, Ont., says: ,"Doan's Kidney
Pills are grand. I have not been ill since
taking them, which was over a year ago
last winter, and can give them my warmest
praise; for they restored me to health after
25 years of suffering. Twenty-five years
ago 1 sprained my back severely, and OVOY
since my kidneys have been in a very bad
state. The doctors told me that my left
kidney especially was in a very bad con-
dition. A terrible burningpain was always
present, and I suffered terribly from lum-
bago and pain in the smell of iny back,
together with other painful and distressing
symptoms, common in kidney complaints.
I could not sleep and suffered smith frora
salt rheum.
"When I first commenced taking Domes
Ridney Pills I had little or no faith in them,
but / thought I would try them; and it
proved the best eapeeiment I ever made.
bad only taken two bakes when the pain
left my back entirely. Three boxes more,
or five in all, made a complete cure.
"After as years" of suffering from kidney
disease I am now healthy and strong again,
and will be pleased to substantiate what I
have said, should anyone Wish to enquire...
LSX0/4.411tOP Pills are the most
perfect remedy known for the eure of Con-
Stipation, Dyspepsia, Villousnesa and ..8iek
tleaciache. They work without a gripe
or pain, do not sicken or weaken or leave
any bad after effects.
Yon will find at Bissett's Wareroom
the following line of Agricul-
tural Implements.
Eealrio BIN-
A full line of Seed Drillls, Cultivators,
Disc and Diamond Harrows,
Plows, and Turnip Drills.
Sewing Machines
The Celebrated MIKno1.1 Washer
Raymond sewing and. Wriugers.
STOVES Akikok._-
Garney Stoves and Furnaces.
Buggies •
• Bicycles
The Chashaan Waggon and a full
line of the celebrated McLaughlin
By the Best
Ignore the Rest
; In the end you will find
it cheapest. Furnish that, va,-,
cant room with one of our
: Bed Room „Setts, Tables,
;. Chairs, Etc.
• We have it, you want it.
' Take a look at our frill line of
FURNITURE and you will
i find what you are looking for
Opera Itouse BlOck.