HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-9-14, Page 1`TWENTY–SEV:ENTI-I YEAR NO. 5. HURON & miDDLEsEx GAZETTE, EXETER, ONT., GANADA., TIII.TRSDA.Y MORNING SEPTE1VIBE'R:14th, 1899 , ',HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE Dlirilla Fair al HIGHEST PRICE PAID POR PRODUCE We want youto come and visit our new store 06 ( and we know the visit will interest you We I * are showing special values in Dress Goods,Silks IVIantles Hosiery and Gloves,Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Ribbons, Underwear Ready-made Clothing, Clothing. to -order, Hats and Gaps, , Children's tams, Men's Furnishings, Boots & Shoes and Groceries. Mens suits good heavy tweed. well lined and tailored at , 4,25. Mens suit's, good. heavy all ' wool tweed., well lined and made, special 5,50. Mens ulsters in good. heavy all wool frieze with tweed. linirig all sizes 36 to 44, 5.48; Mens odd pants 98. Mens odd pants 1.25. Wrens. odd pants 1.50. Meos odd pants1.75 ,Mens odd pants 2.00. Boys knickers 25c. Boys knickers 50c. Boys knickers 65c, Boys knickers 75c. Men's New V all Hats. In black or brown, hard or soft from 50 to 2,00. Men's Crush Hats. In pearl, cigar,brown and black. Just the thing for knock about wear, 50e. Youth's Fedora. In black or brown,special „at 50. Children's Tams In red. and blue, •nicelY trimmed at from 25 to 50. Mantles!, Mantles! We have a nice range or these goods, all new and freSh from the maker, and. all this this seasons cut at 3.50, 4.98, 5.50, 6.00, 6.50 and. 7.50. DRESS GOODS. Covet cloth in all the new shades,.42 inehe's, wide at 22e. 48 inch snitin in new bine, grey,fawns and rown,special special at 80c. See our new bleak crepon, in skirt lengths, no two alike SILKS and SATINS. 10 only waist ends, scotch tartan plaids, worth 65e for 48. We have a line of striped satins for waist in new blue, black and. red and green and black, worth 75 for 50e. Special in black .satins at 50, 75 and 1.00. Colored. satin all shades at 60e. LADIES'OLOVES We have the best cashmere glove in the market and the price is 25c. LADIES' nosIEBY /regular 85c kind for 25c. Ladies' plain cashraere hose Good. heavy ribbed hose, a seller at 35, our price 25e. At 35e we can give you. e. stocking sold the trade over for 45c sold tit this store" for 35c • A line of ladies' and rens plaid (Tartan hose) in till isizes. MensUnderwear. Mens fleece lined shirts and drawers 48e each. Mons shirts and drawers, winter weight 25 and, 35c each Mena shirts and drawers, ribbed skirt and cuff, double breasted and full sizes, made from fine scotch wool 50c. Men's Lined Kid Gloves. 500 will buy you a good Don't forget that all goods sold in this house a.re new and fresh (our motto :down. Come and see and be seen. dressed glove fleeced lin- edwith dome fastners, worth 75cour price 50e. 25 pieces print good darkgcolors wprth 8 and 10c, this week selling at Shirting% in blue or brown, fast colors at 5, 8, 10 and. 124. Flannellette, 30 inch plain grey flan- nelettes at 5, 8, and 10c. Sheeting in plain or twill at 12, 15, 18, 20 and 22e. A snap in towelling, 5c. Pure linen towelling good width at 5, 7, 9 and 10c. Spools -1 large linen sp ols for Sc, assorted s1Tdes four in a box. Xercheif Ties -The new- est thing for lathes and. gents, blue and white ef- s. ) quality up and price Hardware for Fall AlS6•1046.11`.11161...1•3004 ALL THESE STOVES WERE BOUGHT BEFORE THE ADVANCE. YOU WILL RECEIVE THE BENEFIT. St0Ve EXIliblIS We..cordialiy invite all visitors to the fair to call and inspect mu. : display of Cook stoves, Ranges (both coal and. wood), Base bur ner Heaters; -Etc. Below-gre a few of leading lines that- will be shown. 11.664Idril mi'g GO's Make:'; RANGES & STOVES 1(11101-1ENIER Thi ,ffywsfs Rgin, 51 SAftTialsVE RecisTenary Go/. 1EgitSv RANGE fitga l.cessraar BAKED1BARREL OF FLOUR WiretFats for OE CDAL A14 OPERATIONS BY ONE PERSON This is vvithout an exception one of the cheapest „and best stoves in the market: Special features, square and extra large oven after: tyle of a. range. • Will burn coal or wood. Ventilated oven, cement stove bottona,Clinkerless du lex grates etc. ' Be sure and see this stove, N*.e are proud -of it. This stove has a written warrant. plate which prevents craelcing. 611111011 S Mdke Have you ever heard of Gur- ney, the celebratek stove man- ufacturer. Here are the splen- ditiline of stoves they are mak- ing for this falls trade. • Souvenir, for coal or. wood. We mention below a few fea- tures-airated oven, have -snail examined, this new oven. It is without a dolibt the:best in the market. We would like to show You its construction. Damper directly in. pipe. Goose nicked flues. Large draw ou.t hearth. Be sure and see it. Bright Idea Hensel!, — G. J. Sutherland, rotary Public, CouveY ataxia oonatassiouer, Sire Insurance an and xss.rer a Karriage Lieenses. Legal awe merits carefully drawn at reasonable rates Money to loan on real estate et low rates of io Wrest, °Mee at the Post oftlee, Henget. H. 3", D. 0001CD, ---- (Ilate with Garrow es, Pronatoot1Barrister Senator, Notary Public, Densan. Ont. Ts A, Sollery, L. D. s., D, D. S,. Donor Grade. a- •ate °f Toronto Univerety,.Dentists. Tooth eatraeted'vsithout.nale. or 'bad effects. (Mee iti Petty's )3lock, isonsall. At Zurich every Monday, commencing May 30th. WanamNo l3,Dtzs.--Robt. B. Ross, eldest son of Gavin Ross, of Rodger- ville, 1,iici Miss Victoria, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Clase,also of Rodgerville, were married in Exeter on Wednesday afternoon, by Rev. Mr. Ten Eyck. The yoang, couple left on the evening tre oaf or Detroit, where they will spend a few days, after which they will return and settle down to the eterner realities ef life en Mr. Ross' fine farm recently purchased of Adam Whiteford, near Itodgeraalle. They are both estimable young people, and a very large circle of friends join TDB Tame in tendering congratulations. BBIEFs.-Joseph Smillie and sister, Miss May Smillie,.who were here visit - ling, friends, returned to Bluevale. -Rev. Mr, Fair ancl daughter, . Miss Mabel, af Lucan, formerly of Hensall, were here this week, attend- ing the convention of the Epworth League and District meeting of Metho- dist claurch.-Miss Sean Ritchie after a couple weeks visit among friends in Cromarty, returned to Hensall this week. -Mr. Langford, a student of Huron .College, London, preached in St. Paul's church on Sunday evening last. -Mrs. George Moir, who was in Inwood for several weeks visiting her sons and. daughters, returned home on Monday evening. -A. large number from Hensall and vicinity, attended. the Industrial fair at Toronto, last week. -Miss Ageie Kerr, was in Tor- onto last week visiting her sister. -5. E. McDonell is having his hearse re- painted and rerriodelled.!--15iss Irvind. Moores Lille NOW FOrlitid Wood Gook • The D, Moore Co. is famous for its farmer's cook stoves. • They make stoves begt stilt- ed to a farmer. They make the largest oyens and fire pots. Steel oven made of cold roll- ed steel. A. perfect baker, ralls11 Wood Gook Without a doubt the theapest cook known to the trade. •Built with steel,ventilated • oven. •" Detachable reservoir: The best stove in the mar- ket for a small family. Space will not enable Os to devote too much to this well- known cook stove. Has the new patent :oven FAMOUS MOEL. Tlle farmers Stoves The newest and best working wood stove in".:Can- ,acla. But why -mention the qualities of this stove we All know it: Thousands are in use in this vicinity, ask ,your neighbors how they like it. Come and see the features for this year, ask to ..see the best even, the NEW TOP, the LATEST FIRE BOX. • A written guarantee with this stove, 11Pamous Base Burner Atad Double Heater. The most economical and 'handsomest base burner in Canada. It cost 88000 to produce the original pat-. ,terns.of this stove. It should. last n life time. Has double heater attachments. Oven built with three flues. All fire passes ,under pot holes. Fire.pot.can be removed in a minnte. Built neat .farnace. Can remove all nickel plating without loosieg bolt. 't.Tncloubtedly one of the finest heaters haat for the 20th century trade. 'We willbepleased to show it you. ust Arrived Cow Chains This stove is a -feller. • FAMILY E.BAIINER Gurney's special stove for farmers. • This stove 'has inet with grand success. • • Exceptionally large fire box and oven. No bettee 'baker. Radiant Souvenir • Base Burner Entirely new. Handsome in design, • Fitted 'with hot air ventila- ting flats and self acting foul air duct Large revolving fire pot Doable base automatic cov- er, art tile panels, ventilating' flue. • flirt ilmilicrst BfiSE BURNER DOUBLE HERTER The favorite high art base burner. Duplex- grate and shaking ring. As a parlor cook it has no equal. • Handsome nickel bronze urn. It will interest you to exam - int this stove. A full stock of wood heat- ers, box stoves St Louis don- ble and single heaters, etc. Call and examine for your- self. Do not buy a stove off. hand. Get the best and most suitable for your lutose. See the latest Oynx Stove boards. Tlae most beautifal board in the market. The new steel stove pot enameled throughout Special line of razors and pocket kn. ve Baru DOOr iiangers Stove Boards, etc. Mitchell Zurich xn.....axwee, who is em- 5110141S, irliet9usg,s,J3Sigt10bEtA,-4-1Jnsateisotr tag, tbieexst,t B W - oyed E$1Pavololi willoaaeinetink, sulhicoe_etDet planingtprs .with11 ) ,111. naprartioilnrifi°uflwaDoe:e, kivdi efs on8:t tgiv:0000% "oela42navtio r101 ;di i001, .3., intl:bae tietn6or eiss me horses at Toronto 1,°511xuarierlta.b.,,P.A.ariinezaeerstW° 1illiarn1‘':100,11;:lbraD18:11tITI:11:v,;:igltsepttejtFtriit;eur;,:l,imie'lltvecilies has purchased a house property in the north ward. -Messrs. Close 13ros. have sold their briek and tile business to Mr. Janes, of Londona-The little son ofjames Parish, who was hurt by fall- ing ea a horse, was taken to London hospitalThursday afternoon. KipPen jarrott and daughter have, we are glad to state, recovered from their recent illness. - Rey. W. Gallia, returned, missionary from For- mosa, has commenced his tour among the churches. -W. Cudmore, our hay king, has gone to Liverpool on busi- ness. -Miss IIPShall has returned from simmering at, Bayfield and reports a pleasant time. -Mr. Oarming's little boy is, we are sorry to report, still very ill. Much sympathy is felt for the family in their day of trouble. -John Moffat is again at business in connec- tiOn with the grain trade. Prices are somewhat low. • St. Marys BBIEPs,-On Tuesday. night some daring marauder broke into the drug store of Mr. Fred. Sanderson, and abstracted therefrom •money to the amount of $10.-R. S. Box is erecting a two-story, brick residence on Church street and when completed it will be a credit to the town. -St Marys will hold their annual fall fair on Thursday and Friday, Sept 28 and 29.-A relief fund will shortly be raised by the citizens of St Marys, for young Adam Moore, who met with so seri- ous an accident in 5. D. Moore's plan- ing mill a few days ago. The money gathered will be placed to his credit and used. in the best possible way. - Lacrosse, though suspended for the present, is by no means over, as two or s and, Sister.% Itiverybotly eome, Don't -for- get Our fair Twat week. We will also give you ;;.eiscoura, efl r on all °titer goods for cash during fair days, Rubbers and Overshoes ot all the best makes. r."PTKbeiBIt:aid.i'er, Zurich. Cromarty CODnIaTS STAN—BE-Y.-Barristers,Convey sneers, Notaries, etc., Exeter Ont. R. H. Col- lins and J. O. Stanbury B. A. (late with Mo! 04rthY, Osier, & Co. Barristers, Toronto), BRIEBS.- Mrs. George Robertson, jr., of Stratford, was visiting ,friends here last week, -Mrs. John McCulloch presented her husband. with a fine baby girl on luesdcy, 5th inst.-Thos. Mitchell has rented Oswald Walker's east hundred acres for a term of years. -A number from here purpose taking in the London Fair this week. -The Y. P. society was well attended Sunday evening. The subject was ably hi- troducecl by Miss Nettie Scott. Sexsmith Bnaurs.-John Carrick, of Ilarnilton, called on friends here this week. - Quite a number froth. here are attend- ing the Western fair at London this week. -Messrs H. Young and C. Glan- ville of Orediton, called on friends here on Sunday last.-- H. Jacobi of Hensall, visited friends in. Our neigh- borhood on Sunday.- Wm. Carrick succeedea in shooting a fine large owl a few days ago, Bill. knows how to capture big gaine.-Mrs. Wm. Aid - worth spent a few days with friends near Bayfield lately. -A. L. Geddes, of Zurich, called, on friends here on Sun day.- C. Aldworth visited his brother, near Goderich, last week. -W. H. Johnston is enjoying the pleasures of living alone, his wife not having re. turned from Ashfield yet. • 0 • of Goderich, is the guest of Mrs. Fred kvames have yet to be played with Centralia _.'co-idding ' iartoia, both teams requiring to play McDonell. . Harburn s aan addition to his greenhouse and other- home games, Brimas.-Wm. Calwill has returned wise improving, it. -M. Ellwood has HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. -Wednesday from his visit to the Toronto fair. - his tonsorial parlors nicely papered afternoon about 5.15 a very serious if Mrs. P. Lane has gone on a visit to and refitted,giving t city like appear- not a fatal accident occurred. at the Manitoba.- Wm. Haggith has been ance. The work was done by Ino. planing mill of 5, D. Moore Co., Ltd., appointed by the Manitoba Conference Stacey. -Mrs. W. Foster and daugh- St. Marys. A. lad named Adam Moore to a circuit on the Edrnonto District ter of near Fair Grove, Mich., are here son of Robert Moore, Chnrcla street he is the Junior preacher. We wish visiting relatives. Mrs. Joseph Foster south, had the misfortune to have his him eveit success in his new calling. of the same place is also here on a right arm amputfited. at tlae shoulder. We also bnaratulate him on ig are are taking a course at the Forest t ing t e day, carrying or j City Business Collegee-eMiss Taylor, I construction of butter boxes for the j his raark.-Rev. Salton andR. Oalwill St. Marys Creamery, to a machine (attended, the finaticlul-Dietriet iteeting TEAS!, If you are not satisfied With tea yon are using', try SLUE RIBBON either Ilk or mixed 4t 25e, 40e or 5 c alb. ---- visit.-Miss Nellie . Bell and Miss Swan The young fellow was employed dur- won the goldmedalfor oratory in the , laboards-f theWoodstock College.He will makej of ,Brricefielcl has been spending the past week visiting- her sister, known as a dcivetailer. He had pass- and Epworth eague Conventton in Mrs. John Bell and brothers in the ed and repassed this machine Hensall this week. -The Rata Wetirlen township of Hay, --Mr. Larkworthy many times during the day, but of Elimville will Spagliti§eDflon f Y2c • i the - ll L g a.v. .ra has had the old Petty Pock Packing ' at OP OW 9 a:cCI.C1??1,. : - young' , Rig net? an -, °ruing and even - 1• body should here this popular preach- er. -Wes. Hileston visited in St. Marys last Suralay.-The Epworth League purpose holding avtg,rand Harvest Home social here oil Tuesday, the 20th inst. The Da,vidsaa faintly; of Exeter; the peoples' favorites are expected to give the program. -We axe sorry to House fitted up for a, livery stable.- ma.e, Rome unaccountable tuner, ail Jen at 2.30 p. Every - The ma,00ns are building the walls of got his arm caught in the belt of the Thomas Welsh's fine new storaa-A. ma,chine and it was quickly drawn Arnold, barrister of Windsor, is here visiting his parents. -E. Rennie has had. his dwelling tastily painted. -.4. number of our villagers are attending London fair this week. -Messrs. Wil- lis and Shepherd _made a, shipment of hogs on. IVIonday,-Mrs. jamas Taylor was in Toronto last week visiting her son. --Tames Horton of near Hensall has returned bone from the Nor. West whither he had been with a car- load of horses, the third this season. --- Misses P. Moore, IL Moore and A. Kerr of Hensall and. E. Moore of Crone- a,rty, accompanied by Miss D. McCal, Jr., and J. S' oggarth of Ilensall,call ' down into the namerous knivee which revolve at a terrible speed. As soon as possible after the accident Adam was conveyed to the Stratford Hos- pital. Ellmville comaaNTS & STANBURY.—Barristers, Con- veyancers, Notaries, eta., Exeter Ont. R, H Collins and 3. G. btanbury.B. A. (late with McCarthy, Osler & 0o. Barristers, Toronto.) IKICXED BY A Holism -On Thursday evening last Saml Fyn' met with a severe accident. • One of the horses acted stabbornly while being. driven inte the stable: Sam Amick it with la,st week. upon the latter's sister, MIL a club, and the horse in tarn kicked S. M. A. Ho garth, iti Clinton.-Thoralts- J. on the left jaw, infLictieg a wound Ward of Varna had a very strane which required seyei.al stitches to quadruped on exhibition last week. elOse. The force of the blow by the 'EtVas a chicken with four dis- horse can be judged when the upper tinct legs, four wings and. two row of teeth on the rig,hs side of his throats with but one head. One pair face wei,e knocked out. The base of of legs was in its proper place while the skull was also fractured. the other set was a little above the ReeDes.._, John miner and Robert first pair. One set of wings was aIso Wood ,s left on Tuesday. morning from in its proper place and the other set just a little behind. • FRUIT JARS. When you want Glass Fruits Jars it will .pay yon come to ns, Our prices are lower than you •DINNERWARE What about a nice Dinner Sett ? Eng- lish semi -porcelain bealatifully decorated. at $0.50 to $ . a sett. Toilet Setts J. Fos record. the serious illness of Miss Dora Biker, we trust she may be spared her family and friends. • Usborne Council --- Council met on Sept 2nd. All the members were present Minates of July -meeting and also special meeting of August 12th were read and approv- ed, Tenders were received for the erec- tion of a steel bridge over the Samble on 2nd and 3rd concessions, and the contract let to the Mitchell Bridge and Iron Works Co, for $420.00. Ow- ing to the difficulty in obtaining stock this bridge will not likely be finished before Dec. 151h or later. The following rates were levied to raise the money required for the ear - rent year, viz. :-18 mills.on the dollar for county purposes. 18 mills on the dollar for township purposes- and .87 mills for general. shool rate -total assessment of the -4). cU4h0e3 a9tia0°O. tints required by the differ- ent SchoorSections were ordered to levied and collected with the other raNt%sit meeting of the Council on Oct. 7th at 1 o'clock. F. Albar.,E.y., Cleric. I Vi7illiana Oliver, of Grand Bend isBend, hat beemappointedto a position I force. 1' Mr, Wria. Box, of St 1LarYs, has Jae: gotiated the ealg of the P4r.„...11PY 4- 41, Titn.vonle, to lat. I arta La uue ore LA, - . • Wm. Ogilvie for the good price ca, •85.800. • While out driving near Toronto Sanction on Saturday, Mr. Timothy Eaton merchant, was thrown_ from his carriage as a noult of a rnaaWay, and sustained aaIlislocation of the thigh. He was badly shaken up, but his surgeon anticipates r o,pid recovery. " • •1,14W• Isitors t are cordially invited. to call at the new ..ufardware and see tie finest assortment of I-lardware in the County. T•he stock is thoroughly assorted . with new- goods and prices have been fixed. to suit the most careful buyers; Granton on the Norwest excursion. -Geo. Miner left Wednesday, for Stratford Business College. -- Geo. Miner and S. Andrew returned from The Lucan Grays played. the return Strathroy last week, where they had. n fact we defy competition of either city, towu or country. naatch with the Iv' ys of London, on the St Johns A. C. C4rounds on Labor Day, and tried hard to repeat the dose they gave the taps on July 3rd 44can, but but were • mistaken, the score standing 8-2. Exeter 1 r EIMPOrdtOr. LISfiELS FIPPLLS WANTED. Ali kinds PEELING & 0110e Apples For which. will be paid from Agents for Frost SZWood repairs, Car of Plaster Paris and Cement to Hand. 10 to 20c Per bust. Get our prices on furnaces and eavetroughing. •WISMER FL Bishop S Thames Roid EXETER No'rtii, been packing apples for • Stewart and Andrew of Exeter.- Bert Beaver, Chas. Finkbein.er and Sol. Beaver, of Crediton, visited friends in the vil- lage on Sanday.-Owing to scarcity of steel, the bridge in. Course of erection south of the village, which was to have been completed by Sept. 15th, cannot be finished for sometime. - Henry Coultis' house is nearly com- pleted, and will be the most up-to-date house on the line. -Mrs. Robert Wil- cox left Tuesday morning to visit tele, tives in London. -Mrs. Ira Andrews, who has been visiting with her 'mother Mrs, Brimacombe, returned to her home in Exeter this week. -A large number from here intend visiting the London fair this week. -R. T. johns is using his engine cutting corn at RielaDelbridge's.-Qaite a number took in tbe Epworth Leagne Anniyersary at Zion appointment on Monday eyen- ing, and report a sweet time ; "honey and buns" with many sweet maidens. A conspicuous feature was the pres- ence of five young ministers, all for- merly of Ibis neighborhood. • Zion surely maintains its reputation as be- ing up -to -date. --Revs. W. X. Ashton, J. Coulter and T. Sawyer, visited friends in the yillage on Monday, and on Tuesday left for Hensall to attend the League Convention, They were accompanied by Rev. Philips. -Rev. Waddell attended the District meeting in Hensall on Monday and the League convention on Tuesday. Tuc kersin ith Wanamate.--One of the. events that always cause a ripple of excitement in a eoimminity occtirred on 'Wednesday of last week, at the residence of Thos. ShillinglaW, of Tuckersrnith, when his sister, Tema was united in marriage to teniatnin Allen, of Usborne, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Nell Shaw,of rigniondville, The happy couple left on the afternoon train for , Toronto and other points, folltewed by the best wishes of their many frienda. WE SELL. EVERYTHING IN THE Hardware Line. Just now we are making a specialty of Stoves, anges, and Furnaces. WE HANDLE Bil6ICS, Bros. Bow's, tid11116S011'S and Goon Scranton Coal • The Best • in the Market—for Sale only by as. VV. 1-1EArIAN, EXETER. 18t domr iioith of 11 Pickard Co's Sto