Exeter Times, 1899-8-31, Page 81 sh Store CASii or PRODUCE ONE PRICE TO ALL mars: aanaguazawaazaamorab,=..mratmasumnitraaa=rxrairatt New goods D a rla Pna daily . Yes our purclaases for fiall have been very heave, yes 1,y far the heaviest we have ever made. 4 nkrq+a.k vnY.vuN.u. This store* is noted for'its Black Dress Goods, and this fail our stock sur- passes all former efforts; If you want the newest, If you want the most stylish,11 pm want the best value,qux lit' censiclered, cone and see through our Dress Goods,. We are always pleased to show whether you buy or not. SOMETHING NEW AND M OBBY Ladies' Fancy Jersey Jacket waists, very- stylish for house and street wear in Black, Navy, Cardinal and Fawn, in to qualities $2,25 and $2.75. j e A. S'TEWAIZ`I" INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen Por the WEsTExss Assm &x cn Coir.-` ?ANY, of Toronto; also :for the PscExrx. IRB Nsms.NaE CouyupANY, of London,- England; he 4satANoE INsarBANOE Co;,n Any, of Eng and, So Many New Faces iFor Marriage:: ! iceness, Wedding Rings, Watches, Clocks,. Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ON Are seen in our store these, days hunting for bargains in STATIONERY that we feel like congratulating ourselves on the wonderful success of our sale. People .come, in .many cases, because advised to do so by friends, They all buy, LOQ PRICES DOES THE BUSINESS at the J. , MA $TILEET. iEXET .1ER. THL ftSDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1899 LOCAL. HAPPENINGS Labor. Day next Monday. Town schools open on Tuesday. The Presbytery of Huron will meet in Willis church, Clinton, on Sept. 12, at 10 e. na. Mr. Alex. Pardon has sold his hay ' fork business to Mr. John Charlton, Exeter North The Anniversary services of the Trivitt Memorial church will be preach- ed .on Sunday, Sept. 3rd. Division Court was held in Zurich, Crediton and Exeter, this week, pre- sided over by Judge Doyle. The country is full of apple -buyers A good many growers have not sold yet expecting that prices will ad- vance. NEw Evzl.po.r roil. — All kinds of peeling and chop apples wanted at the evaporator in the Verity Plow Works. HABrLINII & Si ounDS. The dates of the fall shows remind us that the annual exhibitions are nearly at hand ; already the show fiend has in his mind visions of agricultural produc- tiveness and wonderful exhibits. Rev. David Williams, M. A., of Stratford, will preach the Anniversary services in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday Sept. 3rd. The church will be specially decorated for the occasion. I The police have received word from the. Brantford authorities asking them to be on the lookout for one. W. ( 1 Berkley, .a 'newspaper advertising agent, who is alleged to have stolen a 1Vo. A. 50,102 Red Bird from the Goold Company's agency in Brantford. Anniversary and Harvest Thanksgiv- ing sermons will be preached in Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday next,Sept. 3rd by the Rev. David Williams M.A., rector of ,lames church, Stratford. Mr. 'Williams is an able anclearnest preach- er, and doatbtless,those who go to hear. hilts will he greatly' benefited. Special music will be rendered by the choir. The apple men are around in God- erich township, and the buyers are picking up all the orchards they can f reasonably buy in lots, There is r money in apples, as can be seen from c the amount paid lately for some or -II chards, 1D. Burns, Maitland conces- I s sion, sold his orchard to the buyers u for $520; Thos Oox', 6th con., for 8600 I J. Porter, 3rd con, for 8500, s (4s,..., NEW Ev matt' sou,. -- All kinds o t peeling and chops apples wanted at the evaporator in the "Verity Plow Works. E iattn r: & SJIOnans. R. H LCEKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Royal TEDIPLA.RS ADVANCING—On the evening of the 21st, the R. T's of T's of Exeter, held an open meeting which was a grand success. The meet- ing opened by prayer led. by Rev MarMar- tin of the Presbyterian church of this place, after which a grand program was introduced, consisting of songs readings; recitations and speeches which showed in a pointed manner,the ability of our local talent, we were also pleased to enjoy the company of W. J. Clarke, an old resident of Exeter, also to listen to an address from him, after which we were treated to ice cream. and cake by the friends of the order. TRNN,Ts MATox.-Avery interesting game of Tennis was played here •on Wednesday afternoon between the club of Hensall and that of town. Theresult was a tie as topoints but the home team had the advantage in num- ber of gaines won. The following` is. the score: -Dr. Ferguson and Win. Elder Hensall beat Rev. Ten Eyck and W. J. Milyard, Exeter 6-1; 3-6; 7-5.R. 0.0. Tremaine and W. M. Martin, Exeter beat Dr. Seliery and F. C. Berry, Hensall 6-0; 6-1. ' Tre- maine beat Dr. Sellery 6-4; 0-2. Martin beat Berry 6-1;; 6-0. Elder beat Rev. Ten Ecyk 8-6, when the game was called on account of dark- ness Remember the Epworth League Con venation to be held at Hensall. Tues-. day, Sept. 12th. Programs have been issued. John Wood shipped a car load of fine looking cattle to the old country yesterday; as did also Squire Lea - thorn. A diminishing supply of water in town wells is reminding citizens that there has not been a rain storm for a month or so. T. W. Hawkshaw has purchased the Commercial hotel from his father. John Hawkshaw, and will continue the business as usual. NEW EVAPORATOR. - All kinds of peeling and chop apples wanted at the evaporator in the Verity Plow Works. IIAMTINE & Snouxins. At 7.30 on Labor Day, the band will render a musical programme, on the ictoria park. Everybody visit th ark on the evg of Labor Day. A col ection in aid of band at the gate. Mr. John Smith, who has held the position of bag ageman at the G. T. R., station at Winghatn for the past fourteen years, has been promoted to the position of station agent at Ethel. A spark from the engine of a pass- ing train on Friday evening set fiire. to the staves in the yard of the Suther- laud-Innes Co., and it was with 'much abot that the fire was extinguished, being first 'noticed in the grass. The harvest in this section will soon re over. Most of the farmers have finished, and are now preparing the ground for fall as heat. They find the ground very dry and hard.. Rain is badly needed before the seed will grow. The lacrosse match in Exeter on Friday between the junior lacrosse team of Seaforth and the "Nationals" of Exeter, also a junior club, resulted in a victoryfor the visitors by a score of 6 to 2 goals. The game was a rough one, and many sa,eculents result- "Just exactly the same' kind o'wea. tier we had in '53," said a well-known arner the other day, speaking of the, ecent hot and dry conditions of the ountry, He said that to his recol-' ection, it was just the same in the ummer of '53. "Everything was dried p and cholera raged that summer. t was .probably, the most unhealthy nmmer that had come npon this coup- ry. Wm. Eider, B. B., of Hensall, has cured a position on the staff of Ar - tar Iiigh School ascktssical master. HE 4Xiri R TIME PersOnalS Frank Zinger left on Tuesday for Alisa Blanche Clarke is visiting' nor brother in Toronto, 1V4r. and 1VCrs, Yellow visited friends in Hallett last week. P. T.. Halls and son, of Groderich, were in town on Teestltty. V. Ratz, P. was in town on Manis day attending Division Court. An apple evaporator has been start- ed ia the old Verity Plow works. Arthur Kemp and sister, Miss Mabel Kemp, spent Suaday in Bayfield. Miss Elliott. of Mitchell, is the g uest of her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) A aderson. Miss T. White is attood ing the mil 1 l- eery openings in Toronto and Detroit. ship, left on Tuesday for Spokane, Messrs. P. L, Bishop and R. Header, left on Tuesday for Toronto on a per- chasinn tour. Michael Elford, of Winclielsea, left Tuesday for New London, Conn, to visit his sister. Miss A. Hodson, of Detroit, has re- turned to London after visiting a week With Miss Emily Wood. Mrs. Miners arid son, Milton, of Sar- nia, itre visiting. her brothers, the Messrs. Howard, m town, W. J. Clarke, Miss Dottie Cowan and Meta Clarke, left this week Tor their home in Toronto, Miss Woolett, of Paris, Onta spent a few days of last week visiting her friend Miss E. Hyndrnan. Will Stewart aud wife, of Detroit, are visiting at bis grand -father's, James Stewart, Huron st. George Samwell left on Tuesday to visit in Montreal. Before returning he will visit Toronto exhibition, Miss Edith Ilyndman returned home on Friday last from a pleasant vaca- tion speat at Collingwood and Detroit. J. A. Stewart and wife are in Toron- to ; the former attending the Millinery opening, Mrs. Sbewart yisiting friends. Barrister Judd of London was in the village on Wednesday attending the inquest on behalf of the Grand N. D. Hurclon, of the Molsons Bank' and James Jeckell together with their families picnicked at Grand dend, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and Rev, Mr. Henderson of Hensall accompanied the Tennis players of that village on Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. Martin are spending a few days with friends in Mt. Forest. Mr. Martin's pulpit next Sunday will he taken by Rev. Fowlie. Miss Pearl Rollins and cousin Miss Jennie Greenway who have been visiting at Bras stasand other points north, returned on Friday. Frank Willis has secured a lucrativ situation in Toronto, as photographer There was keen competition, there being some six applicants. • john J., Crocker, manager of the Double Truss Brake of Buffalo, was in town last week visiting his rnother, Mrs, J. V. Crocker. R. E. Pickard, who has been spend' ing a few weeks in Muskoka, returned home on Tuesday. Mrs. Pickard will remain in Toronto for a few days. Mrs. Alex. Tait returned on Friday bast from her trip to England, where she had gone for tbe benefit of her health. She enjoyed the trip immense- ly. Mrs. John Crocker left for Oshawa, op Tuesday morning. She was accom- panied by her twograndsonsavho have returned to Oshawa, after a pleasant visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thorne leave to- day (Thursday) for Toronto and New York. They will return to Exeter before leaving for their home in Los Angeles, Cal. Edgar Buswell, son of George Etas - well, of trsborne, has been engaged by the trustees of section No. 5, near Eden, as teacher for the year 1900, at a good salary. A. Dent, barrister, of Mitchell, ac- companied by -his daughter,MiesFreda, was in town on Satnrday. Miss Dent remained for several days the guest of G. N. Lowe, manager of the Veteri- nary Science Association Office, Lan- sing, Michigan, has returned after spending two weeks under the paren- tal roof, Hurondale. A party of young people from here attended the "Visitor's Rall" at Bay- field on Friday night ; Mrs. Dr, Stan - bury kindly acted as chaperon. Mare was a good time spent by thenn , Thomas Cameron and wife of Far- quha,r, returned on Wednesday from a five weeka' visit with friends inMani- toba and Dakota. They report a pleasant time and state that crops in the west are excellent and will be saved without injury. Mr. Boyd, Principal of the Exeter Public school, who has been holiday- ing at his home in Belfast, returned to town Wednesday. He has moved his family to town, and have taken up their residence in one of Mr. A. E. Fulceni houses on 'William street. We welcome them to town Mrs. Stewart, daughter of Mrs. Jas. Oke Huron street who has been at- tending the Women's arity Club at Boston, Mass., has very creditably passed her second year course as nurse in that institution, having obtained eighty-five per cent out fat a possible hundred marks and the highest num- ber of marke of any in the same class. Miss Pinclaof Stratford, acted as one of the bridesmaids at the marriage at Port Dover,on Wednesday last,of Miss Bertha Ellis, of that place, to Mr. Wm R. Liddy, B. A., Principal of the Port Dover High Schools , Miss Pinch was attired. in White Swiss mOslin, trimmed with white satin ribbon. The bridesmaids also Wore beautiful pearl pins, the gifte of the groom. 1 11 tl 0 fi tl ti fo 14 ti NV Sh Henry Smith left this week with a to large herd Of yoring shorthorn cattle le. for the Toronto. fair. ri James James, a West Nitrsoirri farm- .1' er0 was held up by highwaymen the 0 other night. aad reliened of his watch m 0 THE NEXT of croods. splendid to be sold (,.. 0 ePOCial indneernente buyers will will be offered • pricos. ,,,„ ., 4 following list the goods aro \lib in the not fail to appreciate : for ail these W 0 Will Offer Careful values that at reduced Lads IdalOS Lidalcs Slimier a. Sulimer VCSt vvrannors SIIIKS ii.taf skit ES Mens Summer Shirts and Ties Mens Summer Suits MENS and BOYS STRAW HATS BICYCLE SUITS and SWEfITERS WE HAVE THE BEST 25c TEA IN TOWN. The ., e ,.,.. Pi ,• _.. Direct ,,.,., Importers Fort THE 'sons left. Exeter L'or Manitoba arthur Campbell, line; Enoch nini ; Robt. assa ; Mrs. NARROWLY Dar]. the youngest iarrowlv escaped lay. A -tub ia.c.k verandah, vbile Mrs. Smith ,hild fell into imith found tad almost left .ction brought DivISIGN vas held. here hassle on the ery small docket f the Court, resented. They hell,an action ud O'Neil vs. note. Tha ,ere successful. ar the Plaintiffs. Iefendant, Mitchell. DEATH OF iTizEiv.2,The y in ani around ie personal iroughout the a,rn of the death, . Clark, an erstwhile :sr, aTormer rip and manager ".ibbert Fire vent oecurred his home near as thrown out orse, and stricken ,sis, and from ightly improving,. 1 good health. ler nionths'he ans. and had alley, when I. and expired. in of the late arn in England, iough the greater intil with his anada at the 'eland, Corning ist settled in alias where his he deceased on, and wherrat commenced 'st-class certificate. ;tight first in id finally m here he also r some years. itier,orsgestroetteiTebdCinndesgs.avthtit:tyteeavir' rt irli* Inaurance is appointed iris, to succeed California, "go wheat ranch. ,4 Atinie Mahar, 1ms parish, in mon Brough any, end leaves te loss, it widow, WEST. -The station and the "Isborne, Cook, Winchelsea, Sanders, Exeter, M. A. Fanson --..-,- ESCAPEC son ofsIsrael drowning full of water and about was next the water, him on her the hod3,, him around following per- on Tuesclay Northwest :- for Delor- Moose- Estevan, and Miss DROWNING.-- Smith on Mon- stood on the five o'clock door On an where Mrs. return. Life but prompt safely. Court with Judge was a consideration. cases being vs. Mit- of lumber, an action on both cases acted Dickson, for . WELL-KNOWN of the fam- especially. the deceased will regret to of N. of Ex-, town- 17sborne & The sad morning last Cal. A a runaway partial para. although not ' enjoy, hot sum - the Moun- to the suddenly second Clarke, was 1841, al- of his life, emigrated to spent in they , but shortly 1 a store. good educa- of 17 yearS, held a Mr. Clarke township, Farquhar the mercan-1 taught I and in 1878 town- who may- purchased a Clarke mar- at St. 1865, Rey. the cere- an irrepar- and four daughters, all residing excepting his eldest J. White, of Exeter. a kind and indulgent able companion, neighbor was universally highly respected was offered the the. most progressive panies in Ontario prospects in the several occasions offered very lucrative but declined, preferrin'g Mrs. W. Muir. of George Stephenson, _ fires are at present Exeter. The large one mass of burning acres of valuable lost. The fire was one to clean up a tbe absence of rain of the under brush, rapidly. Several barns, shanties andother while many head have been destroyed. drought continue become very serious. in California. daughter, Mrs. M. ' Deceased was parent and lov- and as a citizen and popular and both here and in Cali- management of one of Insurance Com - ; bat he saw better . Golden State. On in California he was publicyositions, ' to give his un- London, and Mrs. of Milburn. i raging swamp bush timber first started field, and the ;farmers of stock theconsequences to west of , is almost . and many have been by some I but owing to ( the dry nature , flames spread ; have lost 1 outbuildings 1 in pasture i Should the , will 1 c s All kinds of wanted at the Plow Works. & Sacounros. dau h i been sick- for 1 CounT.-- Division on Tuesday Bench. There for the only two were Ratx for the price Marshall, Plaintiffs in J. G. Stanbury L. H. —4-- A EORXER many friends Exeter, friends of country, in California,' .resident clerk of Ersborne of the Insurance Co. on Friday Butte City, of a cartbby with that time, he had During the resided . in only returned. he was taken Mr. Clarke, William in the year part family, he age of 1u) wa,s to this country London, father started was giyen a the age teaching school, Bieldulph Usborne near engaged in After haying Co, clerk of Usborne S. P. Halls, Where he Mr. of Biddulph, the year performing tia Metall three sons —.a— Nnw EVAPORATOR. - eeling and chop apples evaporator in the Verity HamanNK One of Rev. Mr. Couplancl's ter, Londesboro, has about 2 week& Prints 1 • 3 Prints v. ,, P Prints . v Havina been SO •SUCCe - 1 0 fill in the sale of our mush is and d• ff 1-a ba 'a in seeking public anot-he l'; onnortunity of purchasino. the til . . a t) best makes and pitterns ill ' '0`'2; Pirolnnt.a", gaood oeloptehrs, ylaarrgo. clia, c We also want 2Coo lbs of thji. nrst class butter, for which we at ac .arnn - " 4" . W giVe 1. 80. SO come along hi ee loi ed pr ji p. oLARKE in)aci, 1 -,.t ti 1 \Nre have just added to our Gent's Furnishings stock over five laindr*ed neck ties, a quantity of white, and colored shirts, collars and cuffs, undercd,othing,umbrellas and tweeds Shirts Boys whits lanndried shirts sizes 13 13:1 41Ild 14 at 75e. band, sixes LI to 10 1-2 at, 75c, 1\lens white laaindried shirts our best with cuffs or bands sizes LI to 17 1-2 at ShiPts from 50c inn Underwear Mans Balbriggan shirts and drawerS, , 2 piece bathing suits 75e. Unllorellas Gents umbrellas, steel roclailaminurn tinned, guaranteed fast black 1.00. Gents standup or turn down collars, 2 far 25c. We have just placed stock over 500 'Ladies' and. Gent's neck ties direct from the manufactor, among them are" - the newest shades and shapes in neckwear. Fatal. Accident- Milbiarn's sterling headache powders - Tuesday noon an iippallirg accident occurred on the railway siding at the cure the worst headache in from five to twenty minutes, and leave no bad. ;rfter effect. One powder 5e.,3 powders 100., 10 powders 25c. on Mill street. At this point the l‘Tain il`k„ EXETER track and switch are only a few yards no LLER ape rt. The f reight engine and three cars claire from the depot on main track and while passing the crossing Mrs Ph air and R. Day is, he, latter with a, team, stood on the weat aide. As soon as the train passed, Mrs Phair, no doubt unconscious of the intention o t'he railway men to'shunt the cars to the 'switch iu the factory yi ad, crossed the main traek, was about passing over the side frac k, when she was strock by the forward oar rind knocked down. It is assumed the car passed over her body, hut when the engine Ai,'W A YS READY FLOUR CHOPPED FEED. Barley, Peas, Oats, Corn Big Stock on Hand ' Prices Right. JOSEPH COBBLEDICK reached har the cow -catcher rolled her Pretty Things at along the planks mail she dropped on the flea, her head. hanging over the east rail. The eaginethen passed over her, severiug air head and crashing the upper part of her; body and. arms in a horrible manner. Her AOD, who was•with Mr. Davis, as also Mr. Wag- ner, ,Manager for the Sutherland - ones PO., WhO was on the track wait - .137, for the cars, saw the lady's -danger nd called to: her, but it was too late. t is supposed than as soon as ahe aw the car ' approaching hal!, She lipped in her effort to escape. - The anility 'seems babas% been thoroughly' accidental, ;Ind negligeace cannot he iscrihed to anyone. The engine driver teu were at thein posts. From what ve 'can learn rale only cause that -caa ie assigned is that the deceaeed was inconseious of .the, intention of the ralu meta to the cars onto the Coroner Hyudiaan at lice called, when the remains were re - cloyed to her linsband's residence, bout 100 yards distant. The deceased ho was the wife of William Phair •as in her 58tli year, and was possess - d of all her senses, being strong and ealthy. Her he:iring was good and er sight perfect. She was a native of ngland, but bad been a resident of xeter foy some years. She leaves a nsband and a family of grown up hildren to survive her, who have the yinpathy of the community. The uneral took place yesterday, (Wed- esda,y) to the Exeter cemetery. An inquest was held yesterday. the ury finding that no person was to lame for the accident. Ca.i.V.,Port.sALE.-A young calf fo ale. Apply at ,P. Ross' store xeter. -WAGGON FOR SALE.—A one-horse -spring waggon, nearly new, for sale heap. Apply to JOHN MCINNIS. LOST.—A gold forget-me-not stick nn Main st. Finder will be re- arcled by leaving at TIADJS office. Fors A number of young igs for sale. also a quantity of cedar osts lid stakes at J. N. flowau,O's, iree lanabs,all marked with red paint, le lambs having long tails. Any formation given, which will lead to le recovery of these sheep, will be lankfully received by A. HoopER, y School of Trivitt Menioeial chinch Id their annual picnic on 'Wednesday g the fact that the party left t 6.30 ni. it was a very large one, many or, a adult members of t he congregation , tending as well as the rhildree. In re a goodly number of ivate conveyances. The day is beautiful and all had an ex - lent titne. After land; was over a by the Rector. Nearly all who were sent took part, froth the toddling ungstett to the sil ver halted matrons' ny of whom paoved themselves to possessed of a considerable amoutit FAIR GOOD THINGS CHEAP THINGS - 'We have just recieved a large steek of Granite ware and other lines before the raise in price and we ate prepared ,to sell everything cheap. It will pay you to corne here before going else- where. See our decorated good.s sell- ing at what other stores are asking for common plain goods. Our Insairt_eas, inereasing and no wonder, its bound tass increase at our prices. - Coal Oil Stoves,Granite and Tinware of all kinds, Ha,mmocks, Sealers, away Ice Cream and Cool Drinks. 'Agent for Parisian Sternal Laundry, 1 of London. Launday sent away Tuesday and Th ursdry of each week. Levitt's Fair We are clearing out our stock of Brockville 'buggies at greatly reduced prices,- in or- der to make room for our fall trade of cutters, Just three Brockville buggies left and they are very fine indeed. We have a vouple of second hand buggies in good order, which we offer cheap. In addition to our horseshoe- ing and jobbing trade, we also re -cut axles on old buggies which do away ;with so many vvashers 'and makes an old buggy run arnooth and slick. again, Call and see -our stock, this s our last offer for buggies 's season. The largest car- .• age dealer in town. UY YOUR BINDING TWINE FROM Trevetii161( GOLD MEDAL PLEIMOUTH SPECIAL, AT RIGHT PRICES. Do you knorn our flour trade in- creases every week, it does because we have THE BEST. TRY IT. W. Trevethiok