HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-31, Page 71.
As speediest, Lectures nate Lettere Are
4Wi55eIiUIafttAhot !begins.
ere are (1 few of the brightest say
toes of the grea t a gnoetic
:Napoleon, -I would rather have been
Fennell peasant and. worn wooden
neele, 1 woeid rattier have lived ie
e hut with a vine groping over the
door, an the grapes growieg perple
In the emulous kisses ot the Autumn
sun,1 woeld, rather have been that
•P003.1 peasant, wen ray loving wife by
linen side, koitting as the day died out
of the sky-wite my children upoh
ewe knees arid their arms about me -I
would rather have been that ma, and
gone clown to the tongueless silence of
the dreanalees dust, than to have been
that imperial impersonation et forces
-ad murderer, known as Napoleon the
Reformers. -Shall we net become
•charitable and just, when we know
that every act is but condition's fruit,
that nature, with her countless hands,
-scatters the seeds of tears and crimes
-of evory virtue and of every joy; that
all the base and vile are victeme of the
end gnd that the great and good
ave,1 in the tottery of life, by chance
•'or fate, drawn heart and brain s
Olaildes Laugh, --Strike with the
-111.ruad of fire, 0 weird musician, thy
lenp trung with Apollo's golden
hair rfill the vast cathedral aisles with
symphonies sweet and dim, deft touch-
er of the organ keys ; blow, buglers,
Nosy, until the silver notes do touch
and Wee, tbe rooeniit waves, ani charm
the lovers wendering midst the vine -
cilia bills; but know, Your :sweetest
• .stratne are discord, all, compared with
childhood's happy laugh -the laugh
that fills the oyes with light and every
"begat with joy!
Selfieleness.-1 do not see how it is
poseible for a man to die worth mil -
hone of dollars in a city full of pain,
where every day he sees the wither-
ed hand of want, and the Nvhite lips of
famiae 1 I do not see how he can do it,
any more than he could keep a piae of
lumber on. the shore where hundreds
,and thousands were drowning.
Fashion -Beauty; --1 am a 'believer in
fashion. 11 is the duty ot every wo-
name, ta make herself as beautiful and
attractive as sho possibly can. "Hand --
scene le as handsome does," but she is
•much handsomer if well dressed. Every
maul should look his very best. .1 am
a believer in good. teethes. The thno
never ought to come in this country
when you. can ten a`farmer's daughter
simply by the garments she wears. r
Amy .to every girl, and woman, no mat-
ter what the material of eoue dress
tasty lee, no matter how cheap and.
ooattsei it is, cut it and mike it in the,
lq.114 0 ;daughters and wives, if
onld beloved, adorn yourseivei-,
ou would. be adored, be beauti-
Right and 1Vrong.-Everything is
ight !bet tends teethe 1,appi1le8s of
ekine., and .01enything is Wrong
ak's sum of human mis-
ery. • Whet can increase the happiness
af thie world more than lo do away
wale every farm of slavery, and with
All war? What can increase the mis-
ery of mankind more than to haerease
wane and 1311C chains upon more /lumen
limbs.? Weal; is conscience./ If roan
were incapable of suffering --if man
could not feel pain -the word "consci-
ence" never would have passed his
lips. • .
Fear. --Fear partite zes the brain.
Progress is born of courage. Fear be-
lieves, courage doubts. 'Fear falls up-
on the eactb andprays, courage stands
erect and thInks. Fear retreats, cour-
age advances. Fear is barbarism, cour-
ag,a is civilization. Fear believes in
witcher.ift, in devils and ghosts. Fear
is religion, courage is scienoe.
BciWer, do/o..--3.t id liette'r to be the
emperor of one lovingand tender heart
-1121 she the empress of yours -than
to be the emperor of the world. Gold
impoverishesaly the other .day
was lehere they evrenc,n it tram the
t- fire/Ion every hearte. it was the first e
to dream of immortality, 11 ±111: the e,
ig world with ro..elody-for music Ls the °
:eofof love. Love isthe magician, „
"‘71r's th,a en -Chanter, that chanees worthless
thtngs to joy, and makes right royal
iogsi and. queens of coromon clay. It °
a- the perfume of the wondrous flower' "
rs he heart, andtvithout that sacred
asmon, that divine Swoon, we are teed
Lan beasts but with it earth is hea-
en and we aro gods . a
• te
I should Like Boum evidence, young ti
an, that your intentions are aerials, s
aid the old gentleman.• a
Evidecnee exclaimed the young male
Meese / bought three boxes of candy L
t Oe cents a pourid, two matinee tick- h
Is and plates il ice amaze in less
an two weeks? How much evidence
do you expect from a man in moder-
te circumetances ?
Long -Have you foegotten that ee Y
that you borrowed of me seine time
Short --Oh, no; still have it in my
Long -Well, don't you think flee
would, he a good time 10 relieve your yo
mind of it ?•
miserly,010.1012 of the rocks. When I
saw the mountenis tr.eeless, shrubless,
--withot even a spear of
grass -it seenwd, to me' that gold has
the MIMS effect upon the soil that holds
it as upon the man who lives and lab-
ors only for it. It affects the land as it
does the man. It loaves the heart bar-
ren, without a flower ot kindness,
,withpat a blossom el. pity.
Love. -Love is bhe only bow on life's
dark eloud. It is the morning and
evening tar. It shiees upon the babe
and sheds its radieuee on the quiee
"bomb. it is the mother of art, inspirer
of poet, patriot and. phitosoplier. .
is the air and. light of every heart; 1
builder ot every home, kindler of every
The Principal person at 0 christen-
ing is generally to young to take Pee
active part in the ceremony beyond
crying loudly-witbout tvhice, in some
localities, the theist:ening is not non-
sidered. " lucky," the baby's likelihood
of good fortune being ieea.eured by
the vigor of bis crying, say ei e writer
in London Tit -Bits. But at the very
fit service of the kind at Which the
writer officiated the recipient oi. the
baptismal name distinguished himself
and brought confusion on the bashful
and inexperienced, young parson of
those long -ago days ; for it was not
until long after that memorable first
baptism that I lost all *fear of drop-
ping the infant and a notion that a
baby is kept together by its clothes
• and may at any moment fall to pieces
if not very carefully handled. It was
a double event; that is to say, tvvo
children of' the same family were pre-
sented for baptism together.
In anoteer case well known to me
eiglat childrea if one family had been
saved up, and seven were marched le
church as an epeort to the eighina, and
all were baptized together -the fath-
er afterward intimating that the vicar
ouglit to "knock sunanaat off" the fees
on the usual principle Of "a reduction
foe quantities, like." In any case there
• were only two, ana I found one of
them one too many for my peace of
mind, for he -a boy of some 3 years of
age -startled and amused the con-
gregation and confounded me, when in
tb,e act of sprinkling the water on his
brow,by lu.tily singing out, "Here,
drop it, will yer 1" Perhaps the pro-
test was natal:al, but it was highly
disconcerting. .
GeneralLy, however, the recipient of
the name is quiescent -except in the
Lnatter of irresponsible yelling -but
the parents oceasionally furnish much
amusement; and especially is the de-
mand made to them, "Name this
child," sometimes provocative of very
queer respouses indeed.
• I am /10t now referring to the extra-
ordinary combinations of high-sound-
ing names with which some ambitious
perents burden, their offspring, though
now and then they are sufficiently
mirth-provols.ing; particularly when
pie laced to an ultra -plebeian surname.
"Florence 'Bertha Madeleine Victoria
Suaggles "---the incongruous title rings
in my memory after many years -is a
-ease in point. The surname, by the
way, was not " Snaggles," but it was
civets as full of pathos as that.
I have it on the authority of an en-
tirely veracious clerical friend that on
one occaeion he was staggered, on say-
ing "Name this, child," by the re-
sponse, " Lucifer "-as he thought.
he asked, "Luthy, sir," re-
peated the listing and now blushing
mother; and this time my friend graspe
ed_ the situation and dealt with the in-
fant Lucy accordingly.
One ohild was actually chrfstened and
registered "Robert Efonly," instead of
plain "Robert," on account of his
mother's anxiety to prevent the -ad-
dition of a second. name. The clergy-
man had not quite caught What she
said, and asked for a repetition. "Rob-
ert," said the parent, " then, fearing
"Let the parsou's defective hearing
should. result in error, she hastened to
say "Robert Healy." Tlie "II" made
all. Oae difference.
Ote curious case corns under ray no-
tice in, the Midlands many years ago.
When asked for the child's name the
village matron replied, "Senna -tea,'
or, what sounded like it. The aston-
ished. cleric asked for a repetition of
the name. Again came, more distinct-
ly than before, "Senna -tea." There
Was a pause and general bewilderment.
Al length the, pew -opener hit on the
solution, and, bending toward the per-
plexed clergyman, she whispered. "She
meant; '`Sienetta, sir and all went
The explanation was !maple-eat/A ro-
mantic. Sinnetta was tee name of a
gypsy buried in a neightouring church-
yard. he handsome gypsy girl had
been wooed and won by an. aristocrat,
but had pined away end died. Her
heart -broken blasts:1nd had her buried
tear his hall *and placed over her a
plain white raarble tomb bearing the
simple name, " Sinnetta." Possibly
moved, by the romance, certainly at-
tracted by the unusual name, the good
woman wiehecleher childto be so called.
The follotveig is almost too strange
to be believed; it aetually happened,
Tee baby wao proudly borne, amid
admiring relativea and neighbors, to
the font and duly preeeuted for bap-
tism. ,
"Name this child."
" Beelzebub."
" Wha t ?"
'" Beelzebub."
"But, my good woman, you; can't call
h, child. that." .
"re's a Scriptur' • name) "sir' ain't
"Yes, but do 'you, know what it
means ? It is impossible' to call the
hild 'Beelzebub.' Give' him good
ensible name -cell him ;John, say.''
As no protest was immediately made,
John " the child was duly named;
ad the parson congratulated the. baey
n having gained a plain, b,onest name,
,himself on having saved the poor
lite from '-eing saddled Nvith a title
•vhich would beve become intolerable.
But his satisfaction was short-lived,
nd he was speedily shaken out of his
ougra Lula tory mood by the hurried re -
urn of the mother. Hastening down
lie aisle, she brought her baby back
o the font, before the parson had
me to leave it, and exclaimed in con-
ternation, as if the disconcerting
timely had only juet struck he:
john's a wench, sir.- Sure enough,
he baby wee a girl, and another name
ad to be found and conferred.
nay man, whet is it you want?
Rosti orily hest! '
Step tip the road a bit further and
ott'll toacl the churchyard.
lie Was lashed ity the Proem or 'teases -
Les aeltole Lire Wns oevoted to oh.
fawn Iie2,sg uflFOP fie.) Spirit be
Punishing he Ito;11',
Swami Bhaskarauanda, the famous
Hindu a:scat:le, of Benares, in dead. Tele
devout Brahmin, who kept himself
naked. and self -immured, was visited
lay nearly all.the Indian tourists dur-
ing their stay at Benares, including
the Prince of Wale, He spent his life
in a rigid posture', giving no heed to
his visitors and patiently waited nal'
death in the holy eity which, accord-
ing to Hinclu belief, meane life ever-
. Although Swami viPan a celebrity lit-
tle was learned bY his visitors of his
attual life or of his beliefs that dice
tated his peculiar asceticism. lie was
either a Udasi or Digamlaar devotee,
mere probably the latter- The Ildasi
live in monasteries, but they eat in the
houses of Hindus of all castes, and
accept food cooked by other persons. At
the creation of a new Tided they dis-
tribute a sweetmeat called halms.. Some
of then:L are called, Naga, from nauga,
beeause they go naked. This is
also true of some other Hindu sects, in
eluding the Geosains, and Bairagis. The
latter are inordinate beggars. Many of
these sectaries lead immoral and crim-
inal lives, but the Digarnba-r devotees,
while they go naked. like the others,
lead Pure lives, They live separately.
from ectsiety and from all family con-
A Ligambar is one who has all the
world for a covering. In his manner
of life Swami Bhaskarananda practice
ed even moreethan the customary as-
centicism of t he Digambar and he en-
tirely avoided the greediness and glut-
tony of the Udasi. Living apart from
all the rest of the world he became a
celebrity in his retirement and his
place of retreat became as muct an
object of curiosity to tourists as the
historic show places of Benares.
!Benares is to the Hindu what Mecca
is to the elohometan, Jerusalem to the
Jeer and Calvary, to the Christian. It
is the holy city et India.. It is so holy
that many distant rajahs always had
delegates living there who performed
for them the requisite services and
• ablutions. Its ancient name is Casi,
the Splendid, which the Hindus still
retain. It was the aucient seat of
Brahminitial. ?earning andet is still the
home of many of the priests of Brah-
ma and tee resort of pious pilgrims
from all parts of India, .‘Alio come to
make their ablutions in the sacred
river, the Ganges. It Lae many temples
and holy wells, but the streets are
narrow and unsavory and stenches as-
sail the noses of visitors at every turn.
Wben the Prince of Wales visited
Believes he went .to the so-called tem-
ple of the monkeys and the wells of
Shiva and Vishnu an well as to make
a call upon the devotee Stvarni 13has-
karana.nda. Little was said of the
Prince's visit to the reolo.se Dy the spe-
ciat correspondents of the London pap-
ers, but his presence at the shrine of
the, monkeys was told with great min-
uteness of detail. ,
t: e
eisegeGat havere°11 afporp ttihedenittthis
shrine of Indian superstieon-the Mon-
key Temple. There are monkeys everYs
where -up in the neighboring trees, on
the walls and roofs and nearby houses,
on the fronts of the shops, in the roads,
and street§ that serve as approaches to
'the temple. lea's part of Benares is a
city of monkeys-misehievous monkeys
that sometimes hurl stones at passers-
by. It is said that a band. of monkeys
once did valiant battle for a mythical
hero of Hindu tradition-hene.e, this
temple whii3h is sacred, to the simian.
When Wales arrived at the temple
he was supplied with a plate of parch-
ed peas and a number of white sweet-
meats of which he was assured the
monkeys had many times signified
their approbation. The. Prince's ar-
rival was the signal for a gathering
of the simians in whose special honor
this great monkey house is maintain-
ed. From every direction. these agree-
able animals leashed to welcome the
Princee'who will some day become Em-
peror of India. They came running
over and across the walks reserved for
the passage of his Royal Highness;
they tumbled down from the minarets
of the temple; they Wriggled through
holes and crevices known only to the
znonkeys of this Monkey-minster ; they
hurried through the doorways. For-
tunately they' happened to be peace-
ably inclined at the time of the
ferinee's visit, and so royalty escaped
beceming the victim of their mis-
chievous tiranks. It was observed,
however, that the lace 011 the Prinee'S
wet was a. great temptation to the
sacred simians of the gonkey Temple
-they looked at Ins utiform with glis-
tening eyes. IL is probailale they had
been well fed in anticipation of the
Prince's visit and so were restrained
trent trying to make, a, dinner of the
insignia of royalty.
Swami IShaskarana.nda's whole life
as devoted to one object -that of ob-
iningtemancipation for the imprison -
spirit by such bodily ansterities as
0 believed would annihilate 'its •°ma-
ims eonnection with the body. and
ith material thizigs. He eouglit for
=elf such a deliverance as would
suit in a state of divine tranquility
en while he lived. Believing that
passions alone were the sources of
it he bore his sehnimpoeed suffer-
gs as necessary te fit his individual
ten for reunion with Ged. • Ateord-
g Lo Hindu belief all spirit is God
tangible and connected with mat -
r, ".The spirit et man is individuated
fly, ineprteeried and degvacled. Coins
el e abeeraction and absorption must
obiaixl before the iediViduated
caxi be united with deity. ,
Mr. VietaesM.y dear, Imado tny will e
avthg everything to you, to -clay. ee,
Mr. Vesta -Oh, John, how Mee, ofpl
u. Aria all you have got 10 do now be
to die., Isn't it ?
trttein this end Swami Bhaeltar-
ananda forgook ble kindred Lied Waned
ids hook upcm etniety; lived a life of
nakedness Ana solf-imMurenient, And
set in a palatial, posture of the body
for many yeareithat by these austeri-
ties this entre; might; be freed from its
subjeetion to matter. 'That there
could be no greater inartyrdoen than
that whieh this devotee chose for him-
eelf is affeSted by the fact that tour-
ieis in India were not eonteet with
viswing the GoldenTerePle, the elirine
of the monkeys and the cesspools of
the 'gods, but almost without excels -
time directed their footsteps to bte
oell of the heathen saint Seeking re-
union with God. • Even Christian mar-
tyrology tells 110 more pathetic tale
of the sacrifice of the body to save the
"In eighty years," a leenares Brah-
min ventured to predict, when Chris-
tianity first attempted to get a foot-
hold in the holy city, "the worship of
Gunge will vanish, the °Indus of caste
will be dissolved, and all will have the
true knowledge of God and become
The prediction was made eighty years
ago, but its fulfilment is still eighty
years in the future. 'The missionaries
at Benares have been 0 t work during
these four -score years, but the Ganges
is still the saered river of the Hindus,
the nasty wells ot AShiva and Vishnu
are still believed to contain a purify-
ing element, the simians still perform
their mischievous pranks about the
shrine of the monkeys.
Caste under English rule is not so
powerful as it once was ,ancl the im-
moralities of the Brahminicsal sects are
restrained by the strong arm of re-
pression, but the ancient religion with
=telt of its mendicancy and nastiness
still retains its hold upon, the people
of India.- How ;strong this hold, is is
proved by the self-imposed martyr-
dom of Swami Bliaskaranatula,
A young lady of Los Angeles, to
whom the sobriquet "The Queen of the
Itianeees" is most appropriate, has
thoiigh yet in her teens, been engaged
no fewer than seventeen times. She
maintains that only after he has
plighted his troth can a man's true
character be deciphered, and. that from
the 'expression of his eyes she can
detect the moment she ceases to en-
gross his entire thoughts. This acute
Penetration she has already exercised
on. seventeen occasions.
Last year a Birmingham lady, a Miss
P—, jilted her fianeee for gaining a
stone in weight in six months, She
was a romantic, naaiden, in whose idea
a lover shouldconform to the strict
• canons of romance -should sigh, lax
guish, and 'grow thin. As he clearl
dteaotthis he was incontinenti
A lerighton ,girl holds an entire'
opposite opinion. Three years sinee
nottein,g that the man to whom sh
was engaged was growing thin, sh
declared that, as in her judgment hap
piness always coneuced to erabonpoint
the tie that bound them must be irk
some to him. With much vehemenc
he protested,- but all in. ram, and th
ledy insisted on releasing him from
the compact: Last summer she ac-
cepted the proposal of a rich stock-
broker, and the raarriege was fixed
for Christmas. Rut ere the time ar
Podeeip, rneetiug elderly' I/Green-41Y
joy° 1 le it poesibie I My eld seheol-
teacher. By tbe way, do eau reeeem-
bee that you said when Wt145 in your
Plass that ,Pd. die 001 the gallows?
Fdderly •erscen-Well, ecee're not
dead., ,yot. •
nesdeal of Trelle,
Reports from the United States sup.
poet the view that trade interests hey°
vastly improved rEscently and that the
business outlook for the future is en-
couraging. This will be weleome
news to the PeePle of Canada, educe
our own trede interest will be stimu-
lated and improved. In nothing Ime
this improvement been shown tat a
more marked way than in the inereae-
ea gales of Putnam's Painless Corn Ex-
tractor. Times being dull every-
thing not absolutely needed bectone
luxury, end its sale bedeme static:Mag.
Now it is different, Sales have in-
creased. vastly, deubtless as it has
proven the only eafe, sure, and pain-
less remedy for corns, and wise peo-
ple will use no other. ,
Some of the modern soefety novels
were eeidently written with a decol-
lete pen. •
etnEL. w1Nseow's SOOTAING SYRUP hag been
end by mothers for their children teething. It soon:keg
the child, softens the glI1118, Cliays pain, cures wind
collo, and is the beat remedy for diarrhea& 25e. a 1014
Ile. Sold by all druggists throughout Ilia world. Be
sure and ak for ''Nfn. Winsinte Soothing Syrup,
Some Mei] •who have more Money
than brains are on the verge of bank-
. est
rnaraoll 10o." F"ne, of carenby, Que.
_ cisenelenefaaternr
Fashionable soeiety in Paris eastdis-
carded envelolpes, and now folds its let-
ters in the old style, sealing them with
wax or wafers.
La Toscana, 10c. FACIORY,IVIontreaL
The annual average yield of each tea
plant is one pound and a_ quarter.
L Y Gives new life to the
Hair. It'll:ekes It grow
and restores the color.
So'ld by all druggists, pc. a bottle.
The hide of •a cow yields about thir-
ty-five pounds of leather.
• xenont T %and Str.ngthens.
China and Japan furnish more than
cme-half of the world's supply of silk.
Bow's This?
Y We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor
•any ease of Catarrh that °Minot be cured, by
Haus Cameo., nen,.
y F. 'Ante tinr te CO - Props., Toledo, 0.
We, Lhe underS.gned, have known V. .1.
cheney for the bin 10 year,, and believe him
e perfectly honor..ble In ail basiuniS in:fir-nett
ion., and tThanrlaljy able to carry out.any obi I-
e gation m de by their Grin.
\ VEST tc. Tausx, Wholei-ale, Druggists. Toledo.
O. WALD.ING, N.INNAis gr. etatonst, whole -ale
, •ltrugsi,ts, ToLedo, 0.-
• Haers catarrh Cure i? taken internally, act-
- ing directly upon the blood. and mucous sur-
e ±008 .of the syAe.u. Price, Mo. per bottle.
Sold by all amiss eta Testimonials free.
e Hall's Family pills are We best.
rived she herself found she was losing
flesh ; and although her inclination ran
, The " Nairnerai," 5ree R140 Mettle'
Hotel Oar0686lie7E'r','"' P1m. Rwum'
• Blue-eyed people are rarely color
blind. Tbe gray -eyed are usually the
best in distinguishing slight variations
in tints.
contrary to her preconceived theory
she was true to the latter, and refused
to ratify her promise.• '
A certain wealthy and eccentric lady
nand Smyth accepted the hand of a
poor curate. Shortly afterwards the
latter same into a considerable for-
tune, whereupon the lady wrote say-
ing that all must be over between
them, for although she could • feel
herself mistress with a poor husban.d,
a rieh enemight be di.sposecl to ashert
an. equality, to which she could riever
agree. • The curate, who is now a high
dignity, bore his rebuff vvith philo-
sophie resignation.
A well-known novelist was once jilt-
ed by a girl who took exception to the
inedequate punishment meted out to
one of his fietitiou.s villains. She de-
clared that as he regarded vice with
to lenient an eye, he must himself be
at heart a reprobate awl unworthy of
true love, and that she must request
tea t' their acquaintance should cease.
An eminent Q.C. in his younger days
inet • • •
um mishap. _he lady
to whom he Wtla engaged. chaneing to
beer that he had delivered a moet
skilfitl, though futile, speech in defence
of an arrogant rogue, wrote sa.ying
that' she must decline to know anyone
who could thus strive to speciously ex=
cline crime. In return he pleaded the
,exigeneies of his profession; but in
vain. The lady was obdurate, and
soon afterwards, by the strange irony
of fate, meretecl a man who was ulti-
mately ron.vieted of grass fraud; main-
ly through the foreneto eloquence of
her former lover.
Some years ago a certain shrewd,
solisiter was on. the point of e,spous-
ing a rich widow, 'when he was ap-
pointed to a chief clerkehip. The pros-
pceetive bride, to whovi the word clerk
was synonyraous with depandenee and
drudgery, •aeee.rted with considerable
heat that she could not marry a man,
who submitted tamely to sueh an in-
ult. "What did he purpoeie to do ?
Accent ; the clerkship, of course. i
"Whet !" .screaraed • the lady ; and
casting upon the poor lawyer a look
OT withering disdain she bauteed from
his ereeence.
G.T.R. Ste Wen, Momrent. (160faerusltikea0tha.t,tPir;is*.
_ .
AVEN E NORSE -(3°""e Avenue.
Family Ilotel rates 81.5t;
— ESlasHno,TE, 1.r• j:cet;ii';11;10)141011":mlirCtuji;r0,17.S.
4a01407e.a.r-i TitVes Imagittea
The Queen of Madagasear has her
best dresses made in Paris, and some
of them cost several hundred dollars
each; yet she always gone barefoot-
., ee- •
Carbolic Disinfoctants, Soaps, Oint-
moot, Too th Powders, etc., have been
awarded 1011 medals Lied diplomas fur porior
excellence. Their regular 119,3 preve :t infecti-
ous' diseases, Ask our 'cater obts.in
supply. Lists mailed 1r r applieo.tion.
F. C. CALVElte & CO.,
finersotiesTen, - essoLaren.
. Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, ok.
Every town can have a band,
Lowest prices ever quoted. Fins cabal egue,'tos Lem.
trationeatileg frigs.Waritizgornagthing ilf
WHALEY ROQIE ries - lot:Onto, Gan,
a aof the nose, throat. 81001000
foreland ,rs Ira. 50o and Slperbex,
The Indian Catarrh Cure 0e.,14311, d'ames-st.,Moutrom.
ONE N,,19mit:ivTR.C::a CIT:. Ask
' line Otrleuseho4IddngotiviBeltierat,t:71 :be::
. ,
.V.VArlagro'8.afrA4t2t 51.
.Aild.rwragou. IT. S.
Ga rm ent who wish to improve and hf,ott up.
0. W.
clattletinieloa write us,
,T01'011t On
to be cured elite -
visors, write to
Drrtnyou,AnotBerlinwhoWill i5UO
'FRONUI is this argument --
Le.ad FACkage$, 45, 30, 40, 50 St 609,
e anxious to secure the address Of every lame men end women1,1 Danadavrhose lame. .
nese consists in one I rub being shortev than the other, and ore offering good paying ena-
ploynn zit to every Mine p,rson who writ take difi trouble to writs for circulars and oave
tc A01 Ac agents, Get one of the Extent'vnis tor yourself and you will, after wearing it
a week, have ne trouble to convince others of its value,
Tins Extonilon 1) b far the best rif its 000010 ever p' aced on the market, nod enehles
the sy°eret, to walk upright, to walk with eato and contort, to wear any QrdhAary EtOr$
shoe, awl eves. them the same 0150000000 sa their more fortunate friends. Descriptive
olinttlarstree to all, Ask for terms to agents. Addreas
• °L
°spit pepoittilrye. usulaniostaliteeloperefeetteVeleelelenteetreeeteE8' \t' °Ibet:ke. 414ottbr g 1"laer tan gl° lee:r (nBgai.131 .2) ICA' lAtzaTI YIP 0(
ry an ssiying, tier ogy ant eo ogy.
Ulna 'yearrt for dusoinas, Shorter a/metal Courses.,
Graduates hare so Mr secured emplOyinent 1010164 -
ately. For ealendar apply tO
W. L Goorywor, D14.re01!or•
TORONTO OuftIng School offers special sdrentages
• to all desirous or acquiring a thorough knowledge of
outtineendeitting eentiemeee Garments. Write for
• 113 Yongo St, Toronto,'''
"BEAVER DRAM) MaolOntosh
never bardene k Is guaranteed Water:
HARR is al„---zz.
wholesii,lieLtyii—mLosiLoT6633.Algtit' notiloPieLho:uBernAts. THE NINIIVIO & HARRISON
---laL AND0 LLEG E7
s"CaoRrT. THA:and College Sts , Tot onto. '.
,• A well eoulePecl, wideirpatronized School. High record
' • for good results. Individual instreetien. Prospector;
Catholic Prayer Bwk°, Ragarle_5'_71:•1 D. D. MALMO and JAS. EfARAISOV, Principals.
Religious 'Pictures, Statuary, allfiGxhiSi, 11 Orna 8,
Educational Works. Mali orders receiver4prompt Ilaitnetn- s Now•CASES. wALL cAsEs
er, J. SAOLIER & CD,, Mantra I
- mailed to your address free.
a soareiara,
Store Fronts. Mirrors and Pla.te
• Office and Bank Fixtures, Modern
DijruBguggists, B, oartiganan ft ugeicene"W S. o1Toronto, byall Glass. For low prices write
. .
Wheat..d. to make money in grain and
It is non necessary to have tlious-
stooge Ten to one liundredctollers.
carefully tarested on margin with
net Yeademesne dollars Ni 111 it you Pm-
. Ciarin0 PrOiat al *AO 40 ii‘r0
1030enatrlgit, Write for Pamnillet.
espiainiee fully, F, C. ANDERSON & 00., Stook and
Investment Orators, 20 Vlotorla 81., Toronto.
mills, Millet & Hates,
Barristers,ate., removed
to Wesleg
mond St. V7., 1 oronta,
DAT:chime Procured in l'OUlltrlea. OeS41.18,
%in mrade Marks registered, Copyrights,
11 0070011 procureu. Write for information.
EGERTON, R. 048E, Registered Solicitor of Patents.
Neter; Public:, Tenrele Building' Toronto, Ont,
An Effervescing Phosphate, excellent cleanser for livers
kidney and stomach, takes the place of 004 tar prepare.
tions%1St. of lf eadache, its effect is inunetVete, sonby
an eruseiste in 10c, 25. 50cand$1.04intekagea,
Queen City Drug 0o., 271 Wallington -at E., Toronto.
The only eerzen system for keep.
Mg names and addresses. t.t.tat
Sample tray outfit. ...
Ttie Office specialty Mfg. 00.1
122 and 124Bay St., TORONTO. Faotory: Newmarket;
OFING and Sheet Metal Works.
ts ROOFING 514.75, iu Black,
ited or Gree n. SLATE BLACEBOA RDS (We aupp'y
Pubic and High Schools Toronto) Beefing Pelt, Pitch
"mil Tar, 'etc. 11.00FING_' TILE !See New Ci;/
ngs, TIn
or to, .lone by ourtirm). SIstalCeilings, Cor -
110 1,0'. Estimates furnished for 8000)1 complete 00 (01
materials hipped to anr part of the r inntry, Phone Igar
U. S5&ors i 5818051S, Adelaide &Wirtmar ts.,Toron le.
32% Prette for the Month
op.rftLy. Thi., °means., aster 935103 !helper cent.
1110rith9Y COUPOZIElmattirmgaugnst 1st, home reinalt,inga
surplus of 28 per cent. Afte, ant -ache expenses. and die
amount carr.eti to the reserve fund thcre mutates to the
credit of the invest re surplus over dividend of 164-5
Per sent Any amount from 530 upwar...e received for
inveehnent, tarBoolt free, giving MR particula.s.
The Dominion Investment company of Toronto,
• Canada Permanent Chamber., 18 Termite St.
The Best Known.
For Farmers' Use
on agricultannl machinery and for genels. purp mes.
Flardw re and General dtores sell it to their best trade
More used than any other machine oil.
„ea a
.!il:$Ed it011C
Ca. &Olt
EVERY Tenneatee
9.02071ress:e:plityterpool. From Montt:ea/
24 Aug ......., . -BAVARIAN. - .. .... 2 Sept
31 Aug '0,A Livonm. AN ......; ..14 Sept.
TAINUI . 21 Sept,
14 Se 1
PARISIAN.. -23 Sept
The new Twin Screw 8. 8. Bavarian, 10,000 tons, will
sail from Livorno A Aug. 21, and from Montreal Sept.7
Cabin Pa4832c--8.10.02 and upwards.
("mond Cabin -531.00, Return 036.50.
Steerage -Liverpool, Lcoden, Glasgow, I,ondenderry
or Queenstown, 023.50. ,
For tracts and all information apply to lotal 038451 04
H. B0UHL1ER, 77 Yonge St., Toronto,
or H. & A. ALLAN,', Montreal.
W. a SLIMY, Principal,
This excellent school 16 0080 010Sittg tts haw
• ner year mid Makin; special preparation for the
• Fall Torm,,whieh opens en Sept 6th next A
Daring the past 20 clays Tiorty.elsht reemt
▪ men and women have been redonitnended for
• eittattlans in many of one best business home,
0 'In for nation will be oheerfrdly emit 10 anyone
interested in .
Address : W. IL SHAW,
EARri00)10> gbgtariltr,u1
set 80> 115 three
brilliants, by
salilng one dozen Austrian nese
Stick Fins at losente each. They
are imperishabie, pretty and.
easily sem- Sell them, Tatum the
money, and we send this valuable
ring In VeiVeratled Crag,by re-
turn matt
151orae Speefalty Co,..
Dept. z, Iroironte, Can.
O211611 ri Line ROYAL MAIL
Montreal ond Quebec to Liverpool.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman.
Rates of passage :-First 00115, 950 upwards; Becloud
Cabin, 035; Steerage, 522,50 and 923 50,
For further information apply to lorml agents, or
DATID.TOS.,RANCE & at., General Agents,
• 17 St. Sacrament St., Montreal.
Hotel and Sationmen cannot afford Mho
without tieiut oT vteFauc etttt ach
_iyhgubtineere.:Teeet:Ifrnipi,,:oywonacasteti. hYoolud, IRY:eeeSs
ono hand to draw beer with the Automatic
each hand, as the Automatic is
Alwaya ready. The Antoinette
drawathe finestglassofbeerand
Is used for any trade, asitpute
the kind ofbeadentbe beer that
you want. Price $1.50 pre -paid -
money refunded if not sadder).
tory, Hamilton hfigeo.,Toronto
• Mochogari v.and for Salo.
twg Tosco, Ogemaw and Crawford Counties, Titleper-
feat. On Michigan Central,. Detroit Mackinao and
Loon Lake Railroads, at PrIOCIS ranging from 92 to 55
her acre. These Lands are Close to Enterprising Nen
Towns, Churches, Schools, etc., and will besot(' 00 01086
TIERACtEni.)Ity1gte0nt, West Bay City, Mich.
Or 3. W. CURTIS, whew:nom Mob.
n 1;abarin.0- wilinnt 148., -0AnCtR4EStinSilIeT nAnAlE013
Now Dundee and 5 miles south •of etersburg, ou
; the lend slopes gently towards south and alai;
is n rich clay loam, in s poet state of cultivation ; there
are 2 acres of orobar 1 and garden, about 28 acres of
gond hardenue. met, mem and spruce hedge around
buildings, nau1200 nple trefsabordering 0510mu; 1 ard
and sof t water at house; bzrzi seepeed. with spring
water by hydraulic ram; power 'wheel on baro; about
50 acres of wheat, 33 meadow, balance spring crop ;
farm emu be b Ought with or without erop. For terms,
address ISRAEL onelesseeas, New Dundee. Ont.
ntf rd 4102zN,,,,„00LD
Galvanized Steel
wios SHA
Steal Flag Staffs, -.LIM
°rain Grinders, 0.8rolloUl RI%
Iron and Wood Pumps, las -
Dee et-113pm°. .
enia for brew Catalogue. Mention this paper.
FREE to every boy and girl WhO fiends 'us the
full (tape and address of five boys or
giris (over 14 yearn tt1.1) and their own address,
we MA Itward a handsome bioyole waiet set.
We require nit Who are (warded the waist set
to distribute 23 pkgs, of our Lemonade Powder
and collect se melee. Each p ;chase coutaina
enough for 111)1 glasses. Return the money
to us by brutes% money order 01 postal note,
and we -will give you in addition to waist set an
elegant bracelet . In order to induce p-omPt-
u es, to all who tu eke returns inside twelve atm
frf van receipt of goods We will farther give alove-
02 Ning St, W., Hamilton, Ont.
Loan, and Savings Com.pany.
• rscoltron.umn 1855.
The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort-
gage CornOration,
Paidtup Capital, - $21600,000
Reserve Fund - - - 1,200,000
• stead oftemeTerento se, Toronto.
Branch Offices—Winnipeg, Man., Vanteuver, 13.0,
DEPOSITS RECEIVED, Interest allowed,
n31.3ENTURF,S i$Slitb for 1,2, 2, 4 or 5 years,
with i 0101191 4.0111/011$ 10(11)01104.
MONEY LENT on security of real estate mortgagee,
Government and kordeinal 'Bonds, id%
VOr further particulars apply to
fienseRT MASON
Managing ittectdr, TarOrd to.
NEALTH RESTORED "'plc* --uoigq
or expense to t
irtOlt disordered Stomaoh, Lunge, bleeds, Liver, Blrital,
Bladder, Kidneys, Brain and Breath hy
Du Barry's RORalfellta
801)03 8,1.14 tnymidakno. childreh, arm tog.,
ArabiSa FOod.
cestfully Intents %hose Ailments and Debility hicre re‘
slated all other troal,ments, 11 digests whori all other
• 411Pootidie rielected, SOW 0011425tin, irtelioaonslitolonoyi.:10:1)iyeiM001.)314',
Kg% ve• ars0XPvarlahio 8a000-ll,t. 101,206
Annum C11108 Of GThafitipa.•
Ifidigestion, Oonsfirnption, Dmhstes, 'Bronchitis, 'Ian,
ofizs, Clottghu Asthma, Ostaoh, Phispn, Dim limos, •
Nsrvous Debility, Sleepleasnoss, Despondency%
„London, W. also in Paris, 11 5no es gotiatt"(tald
Oullarry at. Co. vitzh
itt 11 Grocers, OhottlAs, end 810101 everywhere, in Eng,
2s., 3., ed., On., 51b., 143, sent cerrisge free. Also TM
Atter s Ilona on in VI, 1 11.11k10L35. orote0,
Avents fer Canada t TIM T. Eaton 010,i iTheiteadTerouv)