HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-31, Page 5r.V M.. ,MONEY TO LOAN. 1ttfren1 11 to M. a'Ximtpd,f, ts? LA,Dm4x. Brite, Selieltors, &o., Main St„ EXoter. MONEY TO LOAN, We have nulimited private funds for invest - Ment untat farra Or 'village prePortY3it lowest rates of Mterest. • DICKSON & CARLING, Exeter. H. iResne. D. S. D, D. S.,•Roeor Graduate of Toronto Univ'ersity, Dentiat 'teeth extracted without pain or bail after effects Office in Fan - sores Week. 'West .side of Main street, Exeter' DR ANDERSON. (0.0. S. L DS ) DENTIST. Efonor Pradnate of the Toronto University, and /loyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, All bridge work, Crowns, and Plat work done in the neatest possible manner. A harmless anaesthetic for painless extraction. The strictest intention given to the presorvat. ion of the natural teeth. 011iee opposite Oen 1,ral Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. HOOPER, Licensed. Aue- tioueor7for the County of Buren. Sales eon. shmtedlin all parts. and for convenience °an be arranged for at this office, Satisrfaation guaran- teed, Charges moderate. Exeter P. 0, couRT,„,oF riEvIsiorT. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be •held.' t to the Ontario Voter's List Act, by His Honor the Ji,dge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall,Exeter, oe Friday, the , first day of September. A. D., 1891), at the hour of 10 o'clock, a,. nt., to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voter's List of the Munici- pality of tho Village of Exeter, fbr 1899. All persons having business at the Court axe requested to attend at the said time and piece. Gres. H. Bissorr, Mork, Village Exeter. Dated at Exeter, Aug, Ilth , A. 13,, 1899. COURT OF REVISION. • Notiee is hereby given that a Court will be beld,.purstiant to tho Ontario Voter's List Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the town Hall. Zurich, onlVIonday,the eleventh day of,September,A.D.„ 1899, at the hour of 2 o'clock. p. In., to hear and determine the several complai»ts ' of errors and omissions in the Voter's List of the Muni - polity of the townshil? of Hay, for 1899. All person having business at the Court aro requested to attend at the said time an,d place. FRED Huss, sr., Clerk, Township Hay. Dated at Zurich, Aug. 29th, A. D., 1899. FOR SALE. That most desirable piece of land containing about 27i acres, being part of farm lot No. 20 in the First Concession of the township of Ste - Then. This land adjoins the Corporation and is'Aplenclidly situated. facing the London road. Also the following Viliege lots iii the Village of Exeter. . Lots Nos. 15 and 16 on the east side of Main Street and immediately South of the residence of E. Follick, Esq. Part lot No. 21 on the west side of Main street immediately South of the residence. of E. Folliels, Esq.. Part lot No. 21 on the west side of Main street irnmediatelySonth of the residence of Charles Ito we Es. Part of lot on the east side of :Andrew street almost opposite the Main Street Metho- . dist Parsonage, containing nearly one acre of land and known as the Old School Rouse Prop- erty. Lots Nos. 162 and 161, North West Corner of Victoria and Carling Streots. The land'now used as recreation grounds, the land slibrucdiately North thereof and. the land bejpg part of same farm lot but West of the Jghadon Huron & Bruce R. R., containing aTfabout 40 acres. This land, is admirably situated and faces on Huron, Carling, and Sanders Streets. The land on either side of the Station Road. being part of Farm lot No. 23 in the First Con- zession of the township of Stephan and now surveyed into lots and streets containing. 27 acres. These two last parcels of land -will be sold by the lot or acre to'suit purchaser. For further particulars apply to CARLING BROS., :Merchants. or to DICKSON & CAR - LING Barristers, &c. Exeter Ont, • SPLENDID, FARM FOR 4"..." SALE For se)°, lot 11 South Thames Road, con. taining100 acres, 95 acres under cultivation and 5 acres of good wood. Good brick residence, with, brick kitchen and woodshed and large bank barn.with stone stabling, and good (1117 - Ina house. All well fenced,under-dram edwith tile and in first-class state of cultivation. There is a good orchard of choice fruit and the grounds are svell set out wite ornamental trees. Itas within four miles of Exeter; adjoins two, Churches. Methodist and Presbyterian, and a school within a mile. There isplenty of water at both house and stable. Also a windmill for pumping, grinding,ete. This is one of the best, farms in the county of Huron, and is in first- class shape in every respect and will be sold. on reasonable terms, as the proprietor desires to retire. Apply on the premises or address ThameS Road P. 0. D. McINNIS. ' • Jy. 13th tf. 'VOTER'S LIST 1899. • Municipality of the Township of Us - borne, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have trans =Med or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections Sancl 90) THIOONTARIO VOTER'S .LISTS ACT, the copies 'required of the List, made pursuant to said. Act, of all persons ap- pearing by the last revised Assessreent Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members fa the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and than the said List was first post- ed up at my office at Usborne, on the sixteenth day of August, 1599, and remains there for Anspection. Electors aro called upon to examine the said list,tuid if any omissions or any other errors aretound therein, to take immediate preccod- iags to have the said errors' corrected accord- ing to law . Frascas Montaw, Clerk, Tosvnship of Usborne. Dated at Usborne, August 16th, 1899. ON TILE BRINK OF WAR Pretorian Government Will Meke No More Concessione. BOTH PARTIES ARE ARIVIING. An Ominous Debate in the Cope Town Assembly .4- The Ouestion Was the Transnort or Arius, the Opposi- tion Saying Permits Should Ile Befused es L911,1: AS 01181S Lats. Cape Town, Aug. 29. -Replying to the latest propositions of the British Seer°. tary of State for the Colgnies, the Gov- ernment ef the Transvaal has notified him that it adheres to its latest offer and will not make any further concessions. According to repeirts from Johannes- burg tho Burghers are everywhere ex- changing Martinis for Mansel'. A heavy load of ammunition, including 300 Mou- sers, arrived at Johannesburg on Friday, from Utreoht, the Netherlands. , The Business Distress. A Johannesburg, Aug. 29. -The tjitland- er Council hold a long meeting _yesterday to discuss the acute business distress that has followed the prolonged pelitioal crisis. It waS decided to bring the situo- tion to the notice of the Imperial GOV- ernment, Old Ammunition Is Dad. London, Aug. 29. -The St. James' Gazette yesterday says it learns that a reeeet inspection by General Toubort, commander -in. -chief .of. the Transvaal forces, disclosed the:fa-et that nine -tenths of the reserve shells -and cartridges in the Pretoria forts were inefficient, and that an immediate order to renew the supply was placed in Europe. On the Drink of War. Cape Town, Aug. 29.-`12he Cape Town House of Assembly is again debating the question of the transit of arms intended for the Orange Free State, and presum- ably the Transvaal. Evidently a state of extreme tension exists, as every speech Inado yesterday was received with an almost absolute silence in the chamber. The Hon. William P. Schreiner, the Premier, personally appealed to his fol- lowers to refrain from answering the criticisms of the s Opposition, lest they should drop words of ill -feeling. The entire Opposition rose to support the motion for adjournment made by the Right Hon. Sir John Gordon-Spri,gg, the former Premier, who repeated the argu- ment he had used in the previous debate, and asked the Prernier what action the Cape Cabinet proposed to take in the matter. He said thee the recent speech of the British Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, at 13irmingharn, England, had forced all to the conclusion that South Africa was on the brink of war. unless the Transvaal net the British demands. In his opinion, the Cape Gevernment ought to follow the example of Portugal at Delagoa Bay, and refuse to permit the transit of arms AS long as the crisis lasted, NEM Meat Market The undersigned has opened tp stew meat market, 'one door Soctii Olparlic0 Store, where be will keep the Choicaat of meats et:instantly on haod, CAT.,L HoLTor.rED. JOHN T MANNING News reaches ns that John Henry :an olikinie resident of Ellice, is dangerotiSlysill 311 a hospitnl in Tex - ,Alex. Birnie, aged fifty years, died at bis home at the eorner of the Huron road and Oxford street, Goderieb, on Sunday evening. The Sebringville Flax Compaily has sold 1,200 bushels of seed: at a price about 15e, per bushel in ed veinal Dr what was received last year., Five tars of green tow have also beerl di- 0S0Cl 01 at 38 fair price. THE EIRE 11E00B,D. Drirtv's iSloelc at Duries Palls Nails a Prey to the'Plames. Burk's Falls, Out., Ang, 29. -At 3 o'clock yesterday morning Dr. Caughell, his daughter Edith and a guest, Miss A. Munro of Hamilton, were aroused from their slumbers by the crushing of glass. as though the postoffloe building and store beneath them in the Drew block were being burglarized. , ()Weedy spring- ing from their beds they ruShed to the hallway, whieh they found suffocatingly full of smoke, so much so that It shut off their only means of escape from the building. They then rushed to the windows, threw them open and screamed despair- ingly for help. The smoke followed them and rolled out of the windows through which they held their heads for a breath of air, while their GrieS became desperate before ladders of sufficiene length could be seeurod, down svhieh they were enabled to descend with nothing but their night dresses. The Drew block, containing hardware store, warehouse, stables, Matthew's pri- vate bank. Bell's general store, nostoffice and residences on the upper flat of Messrs. Drew and Dr. Caugholl were completely destroyed. ' The store and dwelling and stable of James M. Nirilsoxi, and the store of E. 0. Taylor, the upper story ofwhich was occupied by A. Campbell, blacksmith, were also completely destroyed. Less M, C. elrew 314.000, insurance 35.200; Belre general . store, stock 38,000, insuranoe 32,000; Dr. Ganglion, entire household effects, including piano, paintings, jew- elry, clothing and 340 in cash, loss 82,- 000, insurance 8400. Their guest, Miss Munro of Hamilton, lost all clothing and valurible jewelry. Matthew's private bank, two safes, 3200; James M. Wil-• son's stere, dwelling and stables 32,000, household effects mostly saved; no insur- ance. Taylor's old store 3800. Mr. Camp- bell, the occupant, saved inost, of his effects, Mail begs, letters and books, etc,, of the postoffice were destroyed. The origin of the fire is a snystery. DIGIT JOINT COMIIIISSION. A merit:an 'Members Propose to Prepare Iteport for C011Z1.1389. Washington , Aug. 20.- Correspondence is in progress betvvoen the members of tho Ainerioari centiugent of the Canadian high joint connnission, looking to a meet-. ing at an early date with a vieW to leak- ing preparations for a report to Congrosa upon the state oithe negotiations under- taken' by the commission, As Seeretary /fay15 expected to rettria to Washiegton in the courre of a Week or ten days it is 'Probable that the meeting will be held at Washington. flarLIT. The Sutton Flyer Runs Into Three'rer- Sons oii arenclar. IVIttrithann Atig. Settee flyer on the Midland Divieion of the Grand Trunk Railway ran Into .tt buggy eon- teining Mr. W, Miller, eon Of Mr. John' Millor of Mongolia, and Master and Miss Beattie of Steal/8111e, 1-,e8terclay morning, throwing tho ocoupantS out and Seriously itijiiting the Beattie boy, a hid of 10 Years. Ho is not likely to live. Stiss Beattie reeeivotl severe imutlea. lOr Was conSiclerably shaken up and the buggy badly &imaged. T W,i if yeti take PoWdolat! falls -the second, Of heiulaohe, tively harmless- never follow. best headache fieddnorrriiis Powders , Are sold bezee by The Heffinan The In Drug ec a . top iToilMan's, Ileadaehe firat poWder fielder,: never. For any kind from any (muse. Peel, disegreeable offsets, The surest, ()slickest. remedy ever Protglroi, 1 : 10a envelopes and 250. druggists everywhere. . Co., ItrldgCburg, Ont. BORN OANTELON-Ie Clinton, on 20th, tile Wife of Peter ("antelon, Of c daughter. I 7 ',I'AA'1•01.-t-In Itsceter North, on the 29th, inst., the wife Of John Taylor, of a daughter, ••• It,ENNEDY-In. Clinton, on Aug, 24th, tho wife of Donald, gennedv, og datighter. SprifighilrstEarm.liay,en the 17th, inst.. the wire ef genry Sielth, of a sou. BAKER -de Windsor, on Aug, Oth flap wife of Geo. 13alter forrneely ef Exeter of a son. MARRIED SMITII--MoBARDY---le. Toronto, on Aug. 17, S. IL Smith,of Toronto, to MitIS N• Mel:rawly, daughter of T. ff. McBarcly, of Clintou, 0ASM0tl42-11.9.'11)-46 the Methodist parson- age, NVingliani,lay Rev, R. Hobbs. on Aug 10. Robt. CaSinere to Miss ,Teinima Reid, both of Turnberry. Blt.A.END.I. 91- ALLENDORF- ,A 1 Waterloo, by Itev. A. Y. Haist,Fred Braeudle,of Heidel- berg, to Rebecca Allenclorf, of Itloorelleld. Seziforth, 28ug. 23,by llov. N. Shaw 13. A.. Montgomery Patrick, of Hibbert, to 'Miss Itachol Nichol, Youngest daughter oe Alexander Nichol. 11001'101,3s-DAL10--In btratford on the 28111 inst., by Rev. Mr Birks, John Hooper and Miss Annie 4. Dale, both of Blansharcl. BANES--ICERII At tho residence of tho bride's parents., Croditon, en the 3011' last, ROV. Jas, Hussar, -Wesley Kerr, merchant of Brinsley, toltlissVinetta, eldest daughter of Joseph 13anes. THE NEW WEEKLY. The Mail and Empire of Toronto En., large Their Edition. The last issue of the Weekly Mail and Empire contains its own funeral notice. It is in truth, the last issue of the weekly in its present form. Next week the new Weekly Mail and Em- pire -will appear. ' It will comprise threee eight -page sections, distinguish - el es the News, Agricultaral and f, aey sections. In the endeavor to 11 distinctly a home :'paper, •ap- pealing to every intimber of the family The Weekly Mail and Empire will re- tain its excellent news featurea, and will absorb the Farm ancl Fireside, Strengthening it with a wide and more varied treat m en of agricul tnral ansi live steel; topics, retaining, how- ever, the woman's department, by "Xit," the critical talks by "Flanuer,' its legal queries answered by Barrister Edward Meek, and its popular Child- ren's page. Especial merit is promised for theillustrated short and serial stories, as being worty features of the Literary Seetion. David Walters, of East Williams, -was coreinitted by Squire Smyth of London for examinationas to his mental condition. 'Walters is alleged to be insane'. ' Robe. Shiells, of Amberly had the misfortune to step on a scythe,Sunday night, while putting away his horse, alid gave his foot a severe cut, which will, in all probability, lay hinaup for a few weeks. M. Mains, of Lonclesboro', while en- gaged in making timber one day last week, had occasion to go ina a lodged tree and cut a limb, that let the tree down rather quick for him. In the fall. he had a few ribs broken. After several weeks_ of suffering from a broken hip, one 'of the early settlers of Goderich township passed away on Thursday last, at the age of 80 years and three months, M the per- son of Mrs. _Pennyhaker, of the 151h concessicn. ' Deceased was the relict of the late John Pennybaker, who died in March last, and had been a re- spected resident of the 15th con. for over 50 years. D6116i0OCII MILSGICS Strong: erves and Pure Blood Nark the Strong and Healthy. Paine's Ceiety Compound Bestows All these Blessings. Well cleveleped muscles and strong nerves belong only to healthy aald vig- orous men and women. Paine's Celery Compound will give the Weak and sickly full muscular pow- er, strong nerves, pure blood and full digestive -vigor, It will clo -more to counteract the on -coining of ill health, sickness and' disease than • any ether medicine in the world. In an untold number of cases where other remedies have failed, Paine's Cel- ery Compound has broup..,lae about the wished for resul ts,make old and young happy and joyous in the possesion af sound health. It is ,criminal for any intelligent man or woman to continue suffering from disease that Paine's Cel- ery Compound is able to banish. Hon- est and able physicians, the trusted fate i ly d ruggist, clergyman, members of parlie inent, and the best people of (aantulii, recommend Paine's Celery Co mponild \Vial -pleasure and satisfac- ti on . DIED PF,NNYBAKER-In Goderich, Toumship, on Aug. 17111, Mary Arm Pennybalcor, aged 80 years. and 3 months, •DRIMAOOMBE- Elimville on the 291h Mate, Jelm Britt -toxemia°, aged .55 years, Il PRAIII-In Exeter, on the 2081' inst., Ann months, and 24 days, allruilsli.am Phalle aged 07 years, swener10,51 CLARKE-A t Afton, Glenn Co., Cal., on tlie 2581) inst.„ N. J. Clarke, (father of 'Mrs. 11E. J, White of Exeter,) in the 58 year 02 1)18 age. ATONTEITH-In the township of Downie, on Thursday, Aug. 2111), Jane Dunsmore, widow of the late A.ndrow Monteith, aged 72 years. EtimvilIe DEATH. -On Tuesday (IN -ening John Brimaccinbe of this -village, passed away after a few months' illness, of cancer. Mr. • 13rimacombe was a native of -England, and had followed the shoemaking here for some years, He Was highly respected by a large circle of friends. . The funeral will take place to -day for the Elimville cemetery. Between Liman and Ailsa Craig a dozen small fires have started arid been put ont, but in no case has the damage been more than trifling; Fon OVER FIFTY YEARS AN OLD AND WELL.TRIED REMEDY. -Mrs, Winslosv's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children -while teething, with perfect success. Itsoothes the child, softens the gains. allays all pain. cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. When Doctors Disakree.' Consult an Optician 14\i/i,j, Nervousness—headaches— sleeplessness and dizziness, often puzzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. 'Nothing can effect a permanent mire that does not remove the cause. That is what our scientifically fitted glasses do S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, . . AT ... T. Fitton's Jewelry Store 15111116:111:11918 The Nation's itiliday 1899 C#ReelaaT ,EXPOSMON AND INDUSTRIAL FAIR PFOROINTO AUG 28 to S 99 '99. All Up-to-date fliTTIWItOTION 8. Progress of the Century Illustrated in the World's Inventioni-Wireloss Telegraphy, Wireless Telephoning, Luproved x Rays. Grand Military Spectacles Famous English and American Battles Depicted. Marvellous Entertainment Features. The best Fair, The Cheapest Fair The Greatest Annual Fair on 'Earth. Essunss moss AEGIIST ;ITIL ExeursionS On ALL LINES OF TRAVEL. For Prile Lists. Entry Forms. andel' Particu- lars, address J. J. WITHROW, H. J. HILL President. Manager. Exeter August Now 'Wheat per busl, .. , .. Wheat per bushei ee., Peas Btitter.... ... Eggel./.1., *•1•Pt Turkeys . ..., Geese Chickens per lb ... Macke . ease, Dried Apples.. Polk dres$04.0,. . , ISI 180 .. 7010 70 A. .67 to 80 ,...081e 24. 30te a -18 to Pi 1. to 9 ,,-.. 0 to 9 4 10 7 7 te 8 . 13 te 10 .. VP15 $1,60 to 0,00 •• London, AUgust 31st, 1899 Wheat per bushel,- ....TS to 73 ,..... -.33 no, 31 Barley- , Buckwheal;•••••• Eye •‘„,. , • .10 onii Beans Eggs Ducks Turkeys per lb.. . Geese Ohielcensper.. • Cheese-. . Potatoes per bag Thy per ton Pork per cwt... ....43 to 50 to 48 „.39 to 39 "51 to 60 . .65 to 70 „.. „14 to 11 15 to 10 .,00 to 70 .10 to 12 „. 9 to 10 50 to 75 8 to 10 -89 tol 00 . 6.09 to 3 7.50 81.50 to $5.00 .1131•••••••1•NailIMPI One Lax-Livet Pill every night for thirty days makes a complete cure of biliousness and constipation, That is jnst 25 cents to be cured, Hagyard's yellow oil cures sprains bruises, sores,wouncls, cuts, frostbites chi,blains, stings from insects, burns scalds, contusions, etc. Price 25 cents CALL AT THE FAMILY Meat Market. For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, ,LARD and SMOKED MEATS A fine selection of BEEF, LAMB, FRESH PORK, and all kinds of F'r'esh and Salted Monts on hand. Note the address, one door north of The R. Pickard Co's store. LOWS DIIT PROP Fine Tailoring You require a BLACK suit verY often at this time of the year. We are prepared to fit you out in the finest style. Best quality Coods closesCprices. Wedding Suits a Specialty AJ SNELL So "When the human foot NY,a St introduced to shoes it Iva exactly as nature had made strong -symmetrical -handsome, It has been revolutionized from what itwas to tile foot of to -day ,by sixteen centuries of distorting tightness and freakish styles. • "later Shoes." are inode o feet, as they are to -day, comfort 4..rst, but good. appearance never forfrotte:I. Twelve shapes, Six, wititas, size S leathers am -I colors. Goodyear welted, tame and "nice stamped on the Soles, $$.50 and $5.00, E. J. SPACKMAN, SOLE LOCAL AGENT, THE WESTERN FAIR, LONDON. • SEFoirlIVIOSER, 7t1-$ TO 16th, 1$639, 'Entries elose Sept. fith. Space allotted on receipt of entry. Exhibits will be unsurpassed, attractions better than ever. Hippodrome, ()harlot Races, Champion Sword Oontests, Imperial Ja,ps, Famous Lady Riders, World renowned Gymnasts and Aerial Artists galore. Firewoilts etub even - Mg, "The British and Americans in Sainoti,"and all ring tind platform attrac- tions. . Special excursion trains will leave London each er ening if fireworks. Grounds will be beautifully illuminated. Send for Prize Lists ancl Programmes. LT.' -COL. W. M. GARTSHORE, PRESIDENT. J. A. NELLES, SECRETABV. B. B. Getty, of Rannoch, Blinishard, was arraigned before His Worship Mayor Richardson and H. F. Sharp, T. t P., at St. Marys on Friday OB a charge preferred by License Inspector Coppin. E. W. Barclieg was counsel for inspec- tor Coppin and Mr. McEvoy,for Getty. Mr. McEvoy contended that witnesses for the prosecution were not obliged to answer questions incriminating them- selves, as no provision in the Statutes was made te, protect witnesses in un- licensed cases, provision only having been made., to protect: witnesses in cases of licensed hotels. After argu- ment by counsel,the case was adjourn- ed to Sept. 18113. A Man is always in The SWIM If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting StitiltE) lie is a sore fitter. His prices are awayEdown. His goods are the best. Call and examine his goods before bnying your , avattereesa, FALL SUIT W• JOHNS, -rtie Woodstock is at present, suffering from a typhoid fever epidernie. There are 25 persons down with it. The health authorities say that its pre- valence is due to the use of bad well water. Scrofula. Another permanent CUPS by 13.8.1B. after two doctors failed. Ask any doctor and he will tell you that, next to cancer, scrofula is oin of the hardest diseases to cure. Yetl3urdock Blood Bitters applied externally to the parts affected aflet taken internally cured Rev. ;Wnl. Stout, of Kirkton, Ont, permanentlt, after many prominent physici4lit4 failed; Cured Mrs. W. Bennet, of Crewson's Corners, Ont., permans ently, when everyone thought she would die. Ncrtv Mr. H. H. Forest, Windsor Mills, P. Q., states his case as follows: "After having used Burdock Blood Bits ters for scrofula in the blood, 1 feel it my duty to make known the results. I was treated by two skilled physicians, but they failed to cure me. 1 had running sores on my hands and legs which I could get nothing to heal until I tried B. B. B. This remedy healed them completely and per- manently, leaving the skin and flesh sound and whole." A FtILL LINE OF NEW BOOKS FOR School pening AND ALL THE CHILD - RENS NEEDS AT Brownings. Where the Scholars are used • well. fail ease. NERVOUS, B.L600 PRIVATE S.,. SEXUAL, WOMEN. t'4" FQt LJ ;9 ?) \i") v ) T 01) d) k, '‘')11;:igo Yilisld181.1„,,dati &OW Men it4, .,,.. t,7,,,i,y,o. n_:".10„.5,111,e_r!..11,1-, .11 guy sny eseepaea.. 0 s,,..csvni:ttic.,f7s,e,::eetie;:000:0((i:cicitx,ystettl, Bladder, i , 1,1 011,,,te, oi.e env, , u wo.1137tetise,s.:,egrlitrottit: , ..1.isst •DecI_Ifi a act .i'llej8'ceNlatriallgraDgrphol s'sSit,61,x0'. i (•:' SIGI:ol °frit:a:ea:It' eue itteolicoultivar.Vapioocelo, Etniss • NO INCURABLE CASES TAKEN. 0 stems, StrietUre. Sleet, Syphilis, Inisotenoy, s sl1s Onneturel DitIeharges, all Private. NervoUssand s , Delicate Diseases of Mee atid SVoitien, yen- )sultatiOn Free. Question List foe tkinterTreat, Meat Fred -Books Free. , 1 (I ) rDimn1aill tU9nUinn13 41michlon Avenue, Detroit, Web. ee Ikeeteoetteeeokosteocieeee ) ) ) What dyspeptics need is riot arti. ficial digestants but something that Will put their stomach right so it will manufacture its ovvn digestive ferments. ror twenty years now Burdock Blood Bitters has been permanently curing severe cases of dyspepsia and indigestion that other remedies were powerless to reach. Mr. James G. ''Keirstead, Collina, Kings Co, N.B., says : "I suffered with dyspepsia for years and tried everything I heard of, but got no relief until I took Burdoek Blood Bitters. " f only used three bottles and no* I am well, eetcl can eat meat, which I dared not touch before without being in groat distress. / always reeornineed B. 11.8. as being the best remedy for all stomaeli disorders and as a family medielne." We are in the van with all that is desirable in the lite. Let us show you our stock of 17,00 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we p'ut up the best suit for $10,00 that can be bough in the county. GIVE US A CALL,. J H. Grieve. The handsome parIer suites and fanny tables we sell create admiration and surprise: Admiration for the quality of the goods and the style and finish. And Surpriee at the low price at Which we sell them. When you want furniture go to R. N. R WE'S s'ataaez-efeese,..e. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. N. ROWE SPRAINED BACK! fdr ors Iron will find at Bissett's Warerooln the following line of Agricul- tural Implements. nINO BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY' RAKES, A full line of Seed Drillls, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. Sewing Machines The Celebrated Knoll Washer I Raymond sewing arid Wringers. machine. STOVES-trtt...._ Gurney Stoves and Fueneees. W ggons sprains, Strains and injuries of the BiCyClIeS Back often cause Kid.ney Troul3le. 1 Buggies DOM KIDNEY PILLS THE CURE The Chashaan Waggon and a full line of the. celebrated McLaughlin Here is the proof:— Buggies. Mrs. S. Horning, Glasgow Street, Guelph, Ont., saysi "Doan's Kidney Pills are grand. I have not been ill since taking thein, which was over a year ago last winter, and can give them mywarmest praise; for they restored me to health after' 25 years of suffering.. Twenty-five years ago spralaed my back severely, and ever since my kidneys have been in a vary bad state. The doctors told nte that my left kidney especially was in a. very bad con- dition. IS. terrible burningpain was ahvays present, and 1 suffered terribly from lint- bago and pain in the small of my back, together with other paieful mid distressing symptoms, common in kidney complaints. Ioourlkdtiri)ot sleep, and suffered much from seltiou "When first comitienced taking Doan's Ridney Pills I had little or no faith iii thein, but I thought 1 would try them; and it proved the best experiment 1ever made. had only taken two boxes when the paid left msr back entirely. Three boxes more, or five in all, made a complete mire. ''After as -ears' of suffering from kidney disease I atn now healthy and strotgagain, and will be pleased to substantiate What have said, should atiyonewislito taxtvaLiver Pflls are tiM Meat perfect remedy known or the Mire of Con. stipationa Dyspeisla BilioutheaS and Sick Readache.'., ThOriverk Without a gripe pairi, cko het siekeii or Weaken �r leave atty bad Atter effeetS, BILL y the Best a n d Ignore the Rest In the end you -will find it cheapest. Furnish that va cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables„ Chairs, Etc. GET SOMETHING NIDE We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line of FURNITURE and you will find what yon M*0 looking for. S C1DLEY SON TPURI\TITtirtri Avn TINDIIRT11:1 Opera, I -louse Block.