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Manitoba elevator firriA
TInland reventle t°,1:1741ed. vviSt1(\4•.liwttlifea:a'rol8rQet9eereil.‘Ir11.413ctai;...le.:letxtLePlell!'slvunIP•eteen'e°ts'nss
,Re'cet!t .{:TaPPo'nzirs Priefly TpktP,.
•:, Britain, has suggested that an oldage
alle,,J2.-ern4 Pa6.slit'Silirliegflal'4qatjlreelrl?•ceaYi;c1k3Wahebaye.4: tax c.f.-
$.73;`,1';,9q7.21--1°' ;•••.. o' -;.•••',.••'•-• a ,,....'1,-_,..°1,e1;..e:''.e.,,'e:', '',"jose ill Wei „e, tetseeele; eassfrig .thr:cuai se.vei'9.1
The North., A06,44(0.44,, ,r ...-17,7'..,..., -.).1 . -7i.oliff„, 41,4,„,frioh ..00vei•
vwit ouehee.,hext.:.04:t.,I,,, ,.,...d i,,.. :: 11_1 ,f,, Q
The:"Jeroject to ebriSticilen an''eleotr10.. tlelo'Stoniaittadclitailhadsgemetleeaai-,a0uodezis itiahecasepec;
railway at Chathem•jise revive•enee,,,j, b',3
Tle-1- fortieth eemverse . , . y,•• Town by the shipPing of 1,000,000 cart-
'Park:was celebne:ted .on 1..,,latbufegfrY...44.•:••••:s ..,i ridges to Bleentforitein. It •Wae charged,
W1f •I iagara-one that theso. were destined 'for the Teens -
t1101: -.1,'' '13, lca Me, lj'tortialeSeqn7
olif Laura; Secer al,' vutaiaerl., sileites Stehhaltethieely.' hetlheeng°eadPet9I)trhed'
ilten, Wee rebbed. tinjoing
The:house °f h lentily's• 5'....Th‘e . Bdszoniaili . seeeeteee say S that
abseame. . .
- ' ..• ' ' • • trade betweep. Grreat Britain and the
Chief Rogers, of the Winnipeg -. e
fir • Intited - State§ aPpears td be v-ery
brigade, leas reeifeneanpe-4,4 tie di,eSen; flottrishing, 'and, that . in Coneequente
sions qn-• the brigade. • •::. " ;*, o.f • the inereatee; a reeular -fortnightly
. ..
in Slily. have not yet =aide a ' .
Connniesioners sent to Fort StterJeoaht; stectoniehte..serVice'. will soonThe, estabe
lished between the Tyne „arid •New
with etho Beaver IncliansO ea •-: York, instead of ;the present. oceas,10-0--
Hull. city council will give ,530,060 al iserviee,. . --
bonus towarde the erection ef railway . UNITED S'PA.TES. ‘, , •••
is dead, • D - • • en ; Orauage . .
Free State
LY1e, eg saun3-‘ I terms with Great Brittien,
which le on friend-
shoPs—if the PeoPio. rrite ; Foreet fires are d.cling great 4.alhO-Ve
Beeatise the City of HairiilitlinetegleOt Northdi'll NOW; YOrle. "
ed to pay it rebate at 422.61 ,te a rate" ,Admieal Dewey' evill errive at New
prayer, he has had a bailiff selie three, ynrroetweell sopftemuer 2.5 ,and.
The:Hamilton Boa,r4, j lioulth has, Zeter Bantler, aged -2, -is clead at
Wa,terbury, Conn., by a bite froth a
been, asked to eta:hi:lel the Vacoination efeeing bog, , , •, ,
of all' children attenaik....tlie. Pnblic
sehoole. , Two Arneeican lieutenants were
'. ' .' . •• • ' ed•in- a skireniih near Angelee on Sat -
Herr Prof. ()scar, a well• -known Ger- erring evening,- .• 1. . • r
man petrographical. geologistjoined
the staff of the Geologiee.1.,Deeartment Crame:& sass, shipbuildees; Phila-
at Ottawa. - ' ' ' ' • delphia -are-discharging:men 'being un--
W";Oiana- a le to get .supplies of iron, and steel.
F. . Thompzel, 11tranitolYse
ilvies raills, thinks the wheat The Erie* Railawr has ent the rate
ger for Og
crop Of the Northwest vvill-exceed fifty "°h -Y -la tri9 tickets between Chicago
million bushels. . , and New York to $18.45, where the sin-
gle are was $20,, and a rate war ;Is
• Farm .lands on the eighth concession leen, _
of Westminster have:been- devastated ----"' • •• - • *
by a bush fire, which has been raging At -a session of the Irish Catholic
for sonan days, . . . Benevolent Union convention in Phila-
. e Ile • a, the nroposition to .drop the
Munalaaueen, is at Ottawa to inake a
a word 'Irish' from the anion's title
Prof. °seam, of the -University
was defeated. by an o-yerwhelneing ma-
.speclial report on phosphate and other Jere:Lye , , o '• , ne: .- ' ., . , ;
mineralsin the Ottawa clisteice. • : The * Northern Steamship Co., will
Mr. John Keane, secretary of the build two more vessels - the duplicate
Ottawa Children's Aid SocietY,
is an of the Northrand and Northwest, whieh
ad.vocate of the establishment onan
plyelietween Buffalo and• Duluth. The
industrial school for boys- in that city:. Northland. and Northwest • .cost -each
; Mr, F. W. Merchem.t has resigned the about $850,000.- '' •••
le.giate Institute, Lo take the position
principalship of the London,- Ont., 001 highly-respecta.ble white wo-
men were brutally assaulted by ne-
itit city. ' ; * g •
Theee is intense excitement and
of 1'4.114g -41i of the new ri`lrmaf ech°°1
.• A Russian reseripa' has 'been iseuedi
declaring that `pliers -Wan, near Port
Arthur, China, tel. a free port, end, an-
aouncing Rusela will build a new
ett3r in the neightorheed of that plaee,
Some ram has fallen ,in bite
the cooditions (ho crops is, Veyy,
setiefactory, eSpeoially in the Deegan
diStrict. The cattiVatora •Guzerat,
find Katineevey,axe ,s011ing their cettle
at; two ruPees, 750, a heed, •
The plegne of .Poona drilly become
/leg more ;vireiee,t. The ' natiees. -are ,
paele-etrielsen, end etre fleeing to the
couritry in till_ dieectieee. The Streets
• are deSerted. The relative> andlrieade
of the dead leave hurriedly the Mo-
ment the foneral Pare is lightect
Repoets ,femen the French,' treaty
coast of Newfotoedland, indicate that
the resulte. of the seasons operatioes
thus far ere very nritevoraine to the,
toreecii opd fie/lets andlObeter, packera.
The cateli in; both these 'steples is *far
.below the average, and' eltogether
adequate to ,rernunerate the French
for the eXpens e of :Maintaining fishery
,eperatiorie in that quarter.
*roes- in -Little Rock, Ark ; Weclnes;
The; first automobile eareiege w-
14 race' trouble of a serious character is
make': its appearance in Ottavya2S. imminent,
sbreets 10 a tor n ghte Res being ine--- Mrs., Frank Whitlock,, who died at
patted trona. Clefealgo by the Ottawa, her home in Batavia Township, Mich.,
Car CellnPanY.• • • - . • - - • ' • I was repu.ted to be the heaviest woman
The by-law to aocept the Govern- , in the •country. • Her weight was 64
meet geent of 560,000 annually for ten pounds. Her coffin is 40 inches wide
years we's givenits • first reading; at 1 and 27 inches deep. '
the meetino of the Ottawa City Court- Delano Wood, a, lad of 15, ,was
eil Thursday night. ' • ' caught' by 'an' alligator at Trout Cre-ek,
A traction engine broke through a Panama Park,'Floride, while in bath -
wooden ;bridge ,in Westraineter town- Inge and so badly mutilated and bit -
ship 'arad fell fiftecia feet. The owner, ten that he died soon after being' re-
Geeree •Artlaurs, fell with the engine, • scued by at older brother. '
e. .
aside? was . seriously injured- At Washingtrni, Ind., a ca.rria. e coo
.,,..ea1L- Genest, at Queue°, and Mr. Haley tianing six -persons wad- precapitated
Bain', of Ottawa, have been ; appoint- inieWhite River, as it was beteg chi)),
ed to the departenental, staff in the .en aboard a ferty boat, and all were
Yukon, the former as geographer _and drowned. The dead are: Mrs. Albert
- - the -latter es ctra,ughtsmanHettsel, four Hensel r,hildren and Miss
Customs iepectorf mtr
The e
. , a, on ea
.i 1:Amy •Dilltare .. . ; • :
discevered in e,eesels loading lumber . Eight- hundred cleale.raakers; employ -
for U. S. ports o.n the lekee alultitities ed• in.15 ahr}Pa in New York if:dile('tile
of tobacco, eigars,anci fruit. The €i_ ranks of the strikers. Tuesday, in-
' I creasin the number on strike to a
urs are veined at 515 000
Tile honey crop of Canada will not i total of 3,000. The strikers demand
amount to above one:fourth•the yield ' better wages and a reduction In the .t Tonrasts• Experience 21L 1.aire of nays,
of last. year, This is attributed to the, w°11.1ing minuet:a.
hours. , ,•. ,
late sproig, wheoh resulted in the hives •
g weaker than. of the Catholic.Sanamer School, at Cliff
beinusual. near where the Presidentis
.street -railway oar at London, Ont., , ,
1 Haven, _
spending a vacation, .said - the Philip -
was -.thrown elf the track by some ob-Pine rebellion may belay, but cannot
struction in an eastern suburb of the
defeat "its blessed mission of liberty
city. The oar was wrecked anset on and hen: miter."
flee bye. mote which was dispersed by Half .o' f dynamite, being -used
the police. , by contrautoes, exploded: on the plot of
Mrs. -A. E. Hastings, of Kingston, ground at. the corner of 135th- street
has issued • is writ against the 1Viont- and Willis avenue,. New -Yorke Thurs-
. real Transportation Company to re- •day night, with terrifie effect. Several
cover. 525,000 as damages for the loss persons were injured and,a number of
of her hnsband, drowned off the tug buildings, badly dameged.
Broneon at Alexandria Bay on Snide A •lerge proportion of Northern New
22. ,Tolin O'Neill, father of the other York, including, the Counties of Jeff -
young mina drewned at the same "time, erson, St. Laweence and Lewis, is be -
will alert take -proCeedings against: the ing' ewept by fierce fewest fires, that
have already destroyed. thousands of
The p•rospectue of the Qiiebece Ham. dollars worth 'of valuable timber land,
Mott- as Fort Williare Navigation Qom- and threaten to do more serious dam-
pony:- whiese provisional dirertors are age. -
-Hamilton capitaltste, has been essuecl„.
IL states ehat at present it IS Only,
tended to build two large vessels to
carry grain iron ore -dad coal be-
tween Fort' William, or Duluth, Mont-
real and intermediate ports. IL i$ es-
timated. that these vessels each
cost from v.2,3,,000 to, 513mo°.
A 144e:scold gnu iteinened In the Old, 0111,
Way—Were. to l'nrciattst His Ettein. '
' despatch Seem, firecleville, Ont.,
• ;
'says :--jansee -.C.onnell, a wealthy. -far -
neer; residin,g seven miles back et Pane-
cett, Wa.S relieved. of 515,000 On Wednes-
day by two sharpers. Laet Thuesclay
two. weliedressed. straeogers, who repee-,
sented themselves as sons ot ,a Metho-
dist hainister, called on Mr. Cremell at,
his a•ad. expressed a desire to.
buy, his farm, Negotiations were e0n-
A.1.1,0t0d, and the deal, was satisfactorily
settled. aConnell came to Binekville
. . . „
.Wednegday, and wiSe accoMParned by,
one •Of Sharpers. He drew, 55,009
'6-aml the bank, tied Was intreduced to
card game, Sri whioh• he was extraer-
„ • , •
distarily' ,
Bunco Wallet:tie thee hired a rig ,and
started with Cbtimell ter, the ,faxra,
wheret ftnel arrangemente were, tdebe
made and the piereliase 'Money :Paid
over. ;A tin. bashshOk was introdeiced
for Safety, ,and. -the tarlD enoneiSt and
Connell's •§5,1100 were pleeed therein.
' STONE: • • - ..•;
About theee-quar Lets of ,a• mile front
Stone's 'Cornos the 'other Sharper' was
overtaken,;and he said that,iinortant
business required -theit immediate at-
tention ,at Preseott. -• Connell got out
and ;his mcneyed•frienelnsaid
"Here's this oux, you take care ot it,
andewe will be there -to-morrow or ;the
next day.” , • , •
Connell; asked for keY, but was
tad: that it had been forgotten. He
then started' walk limne, but,
conning suspicious, broke open the boX
eirad, found that she sole :crontents -eras
stone. ' He hastened to the ferra of
Charles Stone, at Stone's Corners,
Wheim.he told thathe had been •robLed
'of 510,040. Stone'hitched.up, and,dee e
Cum:all into Deeseoitt, but ,the sharpers
j had, 25 minutes'. start, and crossed to
Ogdiaosioterge TJee. rig was knitted
1 eel Lisbon, -buit. the eharper e have eot
I been lound at- this w-ritinge A Preseett
I newsboy eaw the manna the dock, and
each olispleyed large reale 'of, bills. The
aharpers have been, hanging abeut
Prescott for, a week. ' •
tAeoire *Wein Itutetepears to he isuirerinn
Oreat, petit—pv(460 tintve Hien ,Looti,
, Ceritireatte.
• A clespa.tetli front Rennesc says
tre LahOri, leaditig eounsel for Dreyfus'
, .
defenee,,,wits ,preeent teener on Ines -
day morning, when thees00940, day of
the, third week of the seeond trial be-
-The areival of: X. Labori, wee, the
signal for sem:pos.0f extenordinery
thusiame. ' At 6.15 • eene,, three cat-
rie.gese, preeeded num,ber of bi-
cyo1e up, •,'Plie fleet cerriiige
Contain;ed M. Labori and his wife; and
Physicict.ne. The others. contained
friends a -the laWyer and some .police
The crowd' abotit the Lycee building
rushe-d up to M. Leborne carriage',
and asenunibereqf people ,eagerly thruet
their glands through the Windows to;
greet' the distihguished lawyet.• •
Wheh.,..M. filbert ciescended as
surronaednd by tr:43115-s and hundred
hands pressed. his, while /le •wee as-
sa tied „ i , all. sorts -of Questions o
which he replied; "I are get-
ting on: Well, 'my:Li:lends; thank' you,
Thank you.,
d t K• 1 to the students A despatch from Barrie, Ont., says:—
A great 1i,gSame erintaining '.nearly
100,000 logs,.haS beenitled -ene -1,it the
Cascades; about fifteen. miles up the
Gatineau. The jam has been allowed
to acemenelate to its .-peesenteepxopor-
tiorise •pectinse there aep.: already ' toe
many tinge; at the GoVernment
at ,the snotith: of, the Gatineltuo Wheat):
theoaoriing Out of the Varlet/a' fieme°
logs is done, The question is: "IioW•
is the jam to be, broken?''Four, years
agedynamitemaS used. 7'
The Countees of \1arviok bus em-
braced the Socialiet jaaith, j•'•. '
Lord Pauncefate's new title will be
Lord Pauncefote of Preston. .-.
• ,
Sir Thongs Lipton has donated; in.10,0,'
to t h.e Lord 3Yfityoi's Wesil'intlfg relief
, •
. A London despatch nays that this
has been the driest saintlier in England
on record. '
, .
The cal)lieraten beteveen South Afrien
and England 'will •be reduced to 461"a
\vord; in September. •
. • • , •
Aea eXplesien' ocourrede'in et colliery
at Dueltion, Tuesday, lei „Whiela two
moo were killed and.eoven others Se-:
ri misty nju red, •
A Limarkehi re firrir has steered- an
order for ten thousand tone of steel
rails foe the. 'United States. Other oe,-;
dere are expected. , • •
The Lerd.. Meyer e of London has
opened 'fiendat he'lVf.ansion Meuse
for the relief zufferers from . the
West Indian'hurrieene,
, , . .
The Glasgow Trairiway Committee
has aocepted the tender of. an Ameri-
can firm' for engines to supply electric
power, The nutlet- was $570,000.
Rt. Hon Me. Chapiine President 'of
the Local Golvernment Board in'Great
The foot-and-mouth disease has in-
fected Egypt. , ,
The bubonic: plague has appeared at
Oporto, Portugal. ,
Portu.ga.I is suffering from earth-
quakes and storms. ,
The Nile is lowand Egyptian cot-.
craps are threatened.
There were 3,450 deathfrom the
plagate in the Bombay preeiclency last
week. • '
There were 22 deathe trent, the
plague at Hong Kong and 25 new cases
during the pest week.— -
• The ' German G overnmon tes canal
schemes have been defeated in toto by
the Pruesian Lower House.
The • New South Weles Government
budget shows a surplus of estimated.
-receipts over suggested expenditures
amounting to 1,514-V.000.
The Nathor.st expedition, fitted 'Out
by Xing Oscar of SWeAcn, 10 seareh
for Andree has not yet found any
“,traee of the Arctic exPlorer, •
' Hamilton Smith, a young English
toterret, vvas killed while attempting
to ascend Mount Oternina, on the 1 tat -
tan frontier, willneut a guide. •
The filth conamanciment, according to
the brileial Russian .revision Pow reeds;
'tlIonor thy father rand thy mother,
" the Emperor and his offietals, 1 hat, thy
days may be long, etc.,
The CZEIX, Enapero•r VT:11mM, and Use
Emperor of. A.uenna will go on a huet
in Inland in Octoteer end incidentally
dissouss "grave, political matters."
The terrific gales and heavy tleode
in Oftili ecietinue, Near Santiago, a
trainlel 1 -intOl aX1V51 from . ,rei lava
bridge rend fifty eersone were drowned.
A .Paris 1o1sinith, earned • Beettet
has holm shot by an unknown'aseitil ;Int,
Who Saw bine in st etr'ee‘t, and. .cit:led,
trui. "Be looks l•ke'owe ef those a rty
It is 'repe,rted Irona Calcutta hat
the surveying s1eitmee Resolute bus.
been etink With the ai
1141 steemer. Sett -Idle, evitb , the Oaes
et several lives.
leatee Fixed tor ilia Principal E'venta 111
Various rare, or the Province.
Industrial Fair, 'I'oeonto,
.Aug 28. Sent. 9
Miesiequoi, Bedierci, Que. ;•Aug.•29 30
Dundee Cpunty, Morrisbueg.Aug. 29-51
Clarkei Orono, . .Sept. 12-13
El don, 'Wotadvilte, . Sept..14-15
Faieteria, Sherbrooke, Que. Sept. 4-9
qiengarrY, Williamstown. 'Sept, 5-6
.Reteeell County, Metcalf. ,Sept. 5-6
lillgan Beet, St, 'Thomas. . .Sept, 0-8
Western Vann Lei:Wee, , .Sept. 7-10
Lanark Soatit, Perth.. . •SePie 11-1-3
Kingetori, gingsten. •Sept. 11-14
Quebec Exposition, Qiie. . Sept. 11-16
New Brnnewlek Provincial, '
fe:t• John, N.13, . . ;Sept, 11420
Great Northero, Ceiling- • •
wood, , . . .Sept. 19-20
Ceetral Canada, Ottawa, Sept. 11-23
Prescott ,Coinaty, Vankleele
Hill. , Sept. 12-13
'Wellesley, Wellesley. . . Sept. 12-13
Bronio, Bromo Centa.e. . Sept. 12-13
Stormoat, IsIewington; . Sept, 1213
Owen Spuncl, Owen Sound. Sept, 12-11,
134•1Y of Quinte, , Sept -13-11
Carleton. county, Riehinoed.Sept. -19
Sheffard, Watealeo, Sept. 14-15
•I)urimen. West, Bowman-,
' ,ville. • • . „Sept. 14-15
;Wilmot, New •Harithurg. • , Sept. 14-15
Eldon, Woodville. •• . .Sept, 14-151
Roxboreugh, Aronmore„ ., Sept. 15
Southern, • Brantford. • ., Sept. 16-21
Stephen, ,and LIeborne,
Exeter. . . • . . Sept. 1E349
Lennese Napenee. .Se.pt. 18-19'
Middlesex VVest, Strathroy- Septl 18-20
.Penorbero Central, Peter- *
bora. . . I . . 18-s0
Huron Central, Clinton. .„ Sept. 19-20
Laketeld, Lakefield. ,„ . , Sept. 19-20
Fleehertoa, Flesheetori. . .SePt. 19-20
As M.• Labatt still aceompanied by .Turnberry, Wile -eh -am . Sept. 19-20
• giojan ewer; Northern, Walkerton. . .Sept. 19-20
ed •171l.eLcaob:rttl'roaoicineck, atliPellaYudieric'e greet:- N1)-1Q•eraurcet5,.t.'03P,•irreaNcecitvtro•rkeU apt. 1199:2211
ed 'him by standing up, and there was
ia',e'eg,1yellItlerecm:elisepaplanPgPlr bee' Ales°, CfrilerPhtne- , Great l'NGorniehlePihoi, ling -4- .13t, 19-21
Wood. . . . Sept. 19-22
Wee -(1180,11611y heard in the streets.
Tears sprang to the eyes of the -wound- RScaninghtqa., T:°13tarryta: 220172,t?...
ed Who ' was evid.ently deep-
ny effected by elle warm .Petroleae• PetrOlea.- . - .Sept. 21-22
Among those who greeted M.."Labori
who N.Ainld*S.dki,e6Reexts,eruct2.;ra.ig. 2211--2232,
evere Generals Biltot• and Meicie,e,
•courteouslY, enquired as to his ocoudi- North Er°, °e;'Port Men. Sept; 111--22
East Elgin Slymer. ' , ' . Sept. 21-23
0.xford Nerth, Woodstock.: .. Sept. 21-23
PiE.,LOOKS WEJele Central, Lindsey. . . . Sept. 21-23
The lawyer looked. -very Well, consid- Streetsville, Streetsville.o . Sept. 22
ering his recent experience. He walked Nova, Scotia., Halifax, N.S. .Se,pt. 23-30
quite• briskly, but• held his left -area Brant North, Parrs. .. Sept. 25-26
close to his side, in order. not to die-. Esquesing, .Georgetown. ...Sept. 26
thrb t.he wound. Counsel was can-, Bruce Centre, Paisley. . Sept. -26 27--
clieciecl to a light, well-reushiened arm- -Haldimand County, Cayuga. Sept. 26-27
chair, insteadof the ordinary cane bot- East Lambton, Watford.. ..;Sept. 26-27
tom chaii., behind the table set apart NO Wallace, Pahnerston. Sept. 26-37
for the lawyers.. Madame•Labori also -Brampton, Brampton. . Sept. 20-27
receivecla hearty greeting; As she te°.k Grey South, Durham. . Sept. 26-27
a seal in court .ehe was -surrouncled Pilkington, .Elora .........Sept. 26-27
by friends who overwhelmed her. with Ancaster, Ancaster. . . Sept, 26-27
congra.tulations on her husband's re- Ripley, Ripley. . . . Sept. 26-27
covery. • , • • . Nerth Ontario, Uxbridge.. Sept. 26-27
At first the, audience seemed to be West Parkhill- . Sept. 26-27
appeeheneive that Col. Jonaust, presi- Oxford N., and Inger-
'dent of the court, might treat the .0011. . . . . . ,. Sept. 26-27
eecep,tion. to M. Labori as a demon- Kenyon,..Maxvlle, . Sept. 26-27
stration which Would, warrant him in Cobourg. Central, Cobourg, Sept. 26-27
clearing the court. It began, there-, WaterIcio North, Berlin. . Sept. 26-27
fore, with:a few timid claps of the Great Southern, Essex. . Sept. 26-28
hands, but was soon followed by gen-1 Central, Peterboro. . . Sept. 26-28
eral applause upon the. part .of the Siracee. North, Stayeer. . Sept. 26-28
whole audience, with the exceptions of :North-W.estern, Coder:ch... Sept. 26-28
.a few persons standing at the back of 1 Peninsula.r, Chatham, . . Sept. 26-28
the court. - Lanark North, Alraonte. . Sept. 26-28
- SOME 'MORE THEATRICS. 1,pIrrnial10:11gEtocinwi,Cie.entpraie' tlecie'rgus* Sept.ocet2277.12203
Dxeyfue entered. the court room soon, on ta rio it‘nd'
aftexwa.r.ds, .ancl a,iter saduting he wNovalatoti.tbro.,h N.0. rch, _
turned to Labori, with outstretched ,,toin. g. se; 29,17__2288
judges in the usaal manner, ep
hand and a .staile of keen Pleasure oe,nfria, Barrio. sept.. 2-7_20
William Alderff Albernithey, of Opt -
ambits, Ohio,, lead a startling experi-
ence on Tuesday morning while troll-
ing on; Lake of Bays, Muskoka district.
The guide was paddling hun over the
lake in search of fish, Which. did not
come to hip spoon, when suddenly they
eaw a large Heat enter. the lake,and
proceed to setim.aeross. The only arm-
ament aboard was , a 44-ca1ibre rifle, in-
tended .for .etuall game, The guide, un-
der directions, followed . up the ' big,
quarine and put a couple of shpts in
hien ,loefore he; reached :the shore. .The
bear evidently waS•riot ooerpowered by
• the ballets, t; for. he ,started up. , the
steep side of the slaprie end disappear-
ed into the woods which ,afforded a,
safe -.thicket. Mr. Albernithey; and his
guide •followed and presently came
aeroeiebruin in the midst of apatch
a berry: bieshes. Th:e bear was evident-
ly hurt severely, and showed_ nci fight,
so that it •t-vaa an easy thin,gefor the
two in.en to diettateh it. They brought
the carcass in ,tritieeph to the ,leotet,
and Mr. Albernithey has consigned the
skin te ae local tanriery to, be cnred.,
Title is the first instance of a bear'
ever having been killed en Lake of
-Bays. •
, • „ •
English Bowie Proposes to Establish a
raeldng Vaerory neve.
A despatch from Ottawa says :—With
the object of enlarging the market in
Englanclfor Canadian hams and bacon,
welleknewn Londori hriporter, :Mv.
lighted up, his pale and usually SmpbeDford. . Sept. 28-29
preesive feitures. The lawyer tcok the
Orangeville, Orangeville. .Sot. 28-e9
prisoner's hand and sheok it -warmly, Weston, Weston. . . .. Sept. 28.29
NOleret11)°1a Drufds gave hiin anifther .Renfrew South, Renfrew. . Sept. 28-29
look of gratitude and took Ills:seat Woolwich Elmira. . . . Sept. 28-29
Toronto, Aug-.75.—We had $2 loads
Priees et' Grain, Cattle Olieese, 8.4e
in the LeadInz, lin,OtS.-
ai; the weeterri cettle yards to -day,
Trade all round wee slew, 'awl it large
qUatatity .stuff wee ;held eyee,fer Le -
morrow's market,
,The,re was not much doing in export
cattle, and prices were unclumged itt
54,e.256htooi,ctt•5s,With an extra 15 cents for
A.good cleal of iriferior butcher's 0947
tie was unloa.ded on the market. The
want of pasture atili keeping the aver-
age quality pi ufferiefes• ioev. For
prime stun there was a fair denaand,
but tradingvea,s genes:ally dull,with
prices a shade lower,
isa,, sold at
actions :—
, One load of *mixed butchers' and
ra•otih exrpoorwt,weight 1:100 lbs.; Sold.
*".0ne head export, weight 1,280Ibs., sold
at 54,051 per cwt. ,
A lot; of extra ohoice export, weight
1,840 ihee sold at 5 Pei bwt,
• Price,e of export bulls and stocker
were unchanged.
Good veals /were In demand at 47 -to
89, with quotations as low as 42 for
There -wee a fair demand for sheep,
o whiehethere was a good ran. Priees
•were the same. as last Tuesday, 3per
owt. for ibucke, anal $4 for ewes, being!
the top figueee.
Coes, sold at 525, to $45 each
The hog market was easier; quota-
tiens are nechangedfrein Tuesday, hut
Omen was a tendency towards lower
prictes. Too many light hogs are still
coming in; $5.36 1-2 pee* cwt. was the
highest general peke, though for a
few extra choice seleetions as high as
‘,$5.59 was paid.
Following is the range of current
Shippers, per cwt. . . .5 425 .5 515
Butcher, chcice, do. .. 315 425
Butcher„ med. to,good. . 325 269
Butcher, inferior.. . 510 385
Sheep and Lanabs.
Ewes, per cwt. . . , . 3 75 400
Bucks, per cwt.. . . 250 300
Spring lambs, each. .. 300 400
Milkers and Calves. ,••
Cows, each. . . . . 25 00 45 00
Calves, each, . . . 200 700
• !Dyspepsia LKFli .triciigtzorto
common diseases, but hard to
cure with ordinary remedies,
yield readily to Alardey's
Celery -Nerve ,Compound,
Bucitingliam, 396 King -St,
east, Hamilton, Opt., sayst--"1
wee troubled with cYseepola aod
• iteligestion tor a tong time, ond
Ocaeld get no relief until I tried
manleyesceieryeserve Compound,
which :cured , nte, and 1• canoe&
speak too highly ln its praise."
She Iffooltini a 1:1041:17,suititaluSet.targeon WW1 it
A despatch from Chatham says
Ermine Huff, a little girl of nine
yeare, had a peculiar, experience with
a clothesline and a hundred and ten -
pound sturgeon at Lake Erie, about
1.8 miles south of Chatham. The lit-
tle girl, who is staying with Hemy
Lindley at the lake, took e piece of
clotheslin.e, tied, a large heok on it,
arid got a friend to bait it vvith a
eiece of meat. She then went down
to the lake and dropped her baited
book in the water. Something tugged,
at the line, and the little girl called
to Mr. Liniley, who was near. He
took the clothesline, and after a strag-
gle landed a huge sturgeon. The fish
measured 6 feet 3 inches, Itnd weighed
110 His. when deessed. The incident
is the topic of the hoijr:
Choice hogs, per cwt. . 450.5261-2
Light hogs, per Mt. . 4 121-2 4 62 1-2
Heave- hogs, per ewc. 412 1-2 462 1-2
Buffalo Aug. 25.—Spring -wheat --
Strung ; No. 1 Northern, '77 7-8 to 78
1-8c; No. 2 Northern, c.i.f., 73 3-8c.
Winter wheat—Strongly held; No. 1
white and No. 2 ;red, 73c bid, ,to arrive.
Corn—Firrn; No. 2 yellow, 37 1-4e; No.
yellew, 37d; No. 2 con, 361-2e ; No.
3 corn, 36 to 36 1-1c. Oats—Strong; No.
2 white1r215 1-2e; 'No. 3, white, 21 3-1 to
2.5e No. 4 white, 23 3-4 to 240 No. 2
mixed,. 23 1-2c; No. 3 mixed, 23e. Rye
—No offerings. Canal freights --Steady.
•Detroit, Aug. 25.—Whea.t closed:—
Net. 4 white, cash, 72 1-2e; No. 2 red,
cash 73 1-2c • September, 74 1-8e-
tri°1 Waterloo South, Galt. . . Sept. 28-29 -Dteember, 77e.
in front) of counsel's table, his back Duluth, Aug. 25.—Wheat—No.. 1.
ward them. Halton'Milton. . . . Sept. 28-29•hard' c'ash" 74 7-8c SePteniher'
Col. Su
oaust next read from a paper j J3rock , Sunderland. . .Sept. 28-29 'pe'cernher' 72 7-8c ; No. 1 Northern,
mein 72 3-8e ; September; 71 1-80 ; pec-
an addx.ess to M. Labors, the tone of epriogeinn Theme Spring-
field. . . . Sept. 29-30
Tthh.eeplarNevsyideertit in
oaabaceagnqimaitpeasssyraionpedatrheeptliye: Romney, whimay. . . . 0 e L 2-3
He was deeply affected and hie voice Bolton Bolton. . . Oct. 2-3
r.Ln and 1VIaden,
was cleitr, though not •so strong as be-
Ani -
Lore a irihdx
eee ° le d,n dw
age. E se . ,vyal d vioe ta
Br• Ynd6 fro ooksvilie. . Oct. 3
.. Oct. 2-4
when he delivered his -yenta', which Pro- Pinkerton, Pink -erten. . . Oct. 3
foundly impressed his hearers. His re- A.lgoina. East, ,Satilt Ste.
marks considerably fatigued him, and (Marie. • - • . . Oct. 3-4
he Sat down flushed end holding his Kinloss, LuekUovv, . Oct. 3-4
side: Be afterwards - once, or twice, Cookstown, CoolestoWn. .0ot. 3-4
nervously twitched his fingers, and. . Cele 3-4
twinges of pain flitted over his -face.
Fere.st, Forest- . .
Raleigh, Merlin. . . . . Oct. -3-1
Norwich & Dereliam, Tilson-
burg. . . • . . Oct, 3-4'
Cameen, Dresden. . . . .0ct. 3-5
Perth North, Stratfo.rd. OcL 3-5
Elmvale. Efinvalet. . . . . Oot. • 3-5
Dorchester, N., Dorehester. Oct. 4
Mereea and Leamington,
Leamfiog . . Oci. 4-6
Renea.ult, and, demanded that inc sirne Howard, Redgetown. . .0ct. 1-6
had oOroe• when Positive Proofs of his york East, Markham.. . Oct. 1-6
guilt, not mere " beliefs" aliould be Renfrew North, Beachburg. Oct. 5-6
shown. Two interesting epenes took Cherteston, Charleston. . Oct. 5-6
place. One was when M. Labori asked
Gen. Roget to give his opinion of Es- .A.11iston, Allistona • . Oct. 5-6
Bosanquet, Thedford. . Oct. 6
terhazy's role, and his visit to the Ger- puslinch, Aberfoyle. . . . Oct. 6
nien lelVfbasey Otetelome 12,5, 1897. R.oget Norwich South, Otterville. Oct. 0-7
replied, in :the tone 01 -studied disdain, Tilbury W., and N., Cember. Oct. 6-7
which he habitually adepts towards Howick, GoaTie. . . . . Oct, 7
counsel for the defence: "1 .aimbluti- 111-Orrii, J31ytet, . . . . Oct. 9-10
ly refuse' to tell you." M. Labori want- Beeten, Beaton. . . Oat. 10-11
ly insisted, but thepresident of the Peteeboro, E. N'orwood.Oct. 10-11
court crushed. hienVWith a curt refusal Colche.ster, Harrow, . . Oct. 10-11
even to allotif Gen. Itogef to respond. Kincardine, Kineardlne. . Ott. 1.0-11
The second seen& was between M. "World'e" Fain Rockton. OM. 10-11
Labori and Col. Joenust, after the de- Eramosa,•Rookevood. . Oct. 10.11
position of the Royalist Deputy, De Harwich, Blenheint, .Oct. 11-12
Grandmaisen, which con§isted of a Rodney. . . . . . Oot. 1142
tire de a.,gan t fo e.gners niterrenlag n Dungannon., . . . Oct. 11-12
the affair, delivered in !grandiloquent Burford, Burford. . . Oct. 11-12
Rocheeter and IVInidstene,
Belle River. . . . Oet. 12-13
Schoenberg, Schcanberg. . . Oct. 12.-13
Orford, Highgate. . . Oct. 14-15
_Woodbridge Fair, Wood ' .-
bridge. . . Oct. 17-180
E. Luther, Grand Valley. . Oct. 17-18
East Luthe,f. . . . . Oct. 17-18
Norfolk Union, Simcoe. . •Oct. 17-19
lVforaviantown. . . Oct. 17-20
Erin, Erin, • . . Oct. 19-20
'NO -thing very material has beeng.h
• brout, out at the Seseiorie oS the
court-rria.rtial, but ;.s-everal lively scenes
lieve occurred betvvien coinasel andwit-
nesises. The, prisoner indignantly de-
nied his alleged confession to I,eburn-
0ourtenay, of and IVI. Courtenay, is st•yle., with a peroration, ending with
at present cn a visit to this couletty. the words, addressed to the judges:--
Duringnthe past feev years Canadian "fel you think Dreyfus. irinocent,etc-
' •
hog products, particularly bacon, have
been growing in favour, and•Mr. Cour-
tenay thinks that their popularity
Will be emliancted by the establishment
of a pork -packing house in Cana,da to
peoduce mainly•for the British market.
He will likely statt such a pork -pack-
ing establishment ib Oetario. -
,Fierions 'Pante A manta use cd
(cisme or Souliwra ttle4•4ta.
• A despatch fron St." Petersburg,
say8:—Ite'porte frem Souther n Russia
say that a rumour .01 the approaching
end of the world is causing a panie
among the unednea.ted elasses. At
Kharkov the capital of, the govern-
ment of 'that name, workmen. are low -
nig the city in large numbers, wishing
tO, spend what they oonsider their 1-st
days at their village horime. The fac-
tery-teeeriers lenve a,sked the police to
step this emigration, it order to pre.
vent the ruinatio.n of hue -Mess. ;
quit hien ; but If you decade ie
guilty, you naest pronounce leis con-
deranation." The deputy -accompanied
this instruetion to the collet with
sweep,bg gestures, and turned to leave
the stage, amid roars ()slaughter from
t -he audience, Nvhich, drew a fierce,
etage•villian look from 'him, that again
convulsed the court.
191. Intend, how-eyet, called the de-
puty back. He waisted to examine S6V.
deal at 191. fle Grenclinalson's state -
Meets, But Coil. ;Tot -must refused to
allow the questions to .be. rut, at wilich
cou,risel became' tremendously indig-
mantel ineisted upon his right to do 60,
anal a warm atte.rcation eneued ba-
the president of the noert and
centred, The forMer, however, main-
tainedt hiS deeisiten, and NI. :Debase sat
down, gagged end boiling over wi tit in-
dignation. ,
Ile's not as bad as he'e painted
• 'Viet remark applies better to 1118
onnoners Hoot wed en-cien at like Arch
Tre I 1 or 4)1'1'r:ince.
A despatch from London saye:—The
Daily N•etve say -e that ex-Majoe Ester-
haey, who is a fugitive from Prartee,
Was recognized on Oxford street on
Tuesday, by a few persons, They begen
groaning, end their actions soon at-
tracted other persons, end in e short
time it well-dressed crowd was follow-
ing Esterhaey along the street hoot-
ing him. 'The police interfered and die-
persed the armed, while Esteehazy
made his nseape in a eab,
ember,: 71 7-8c; May, gne; No. 2 Natalie,
ern,, 68 1-8c ; Nd. 3 spring, 65 3-8e.
Milwaukee, Aug.' 25—W13ea t—No, 1
Northern, 72 to 74c; No. 2 spring, 7@.;
1-2, to 721-2c. Bye—Higher; No. 2, 54
ecy 51 34c. Barley—Steady e No. 2, 41
1-2 to 120; sificanle, 35 to 41c.
Toledo, Aug. 25.—Wheat—No. 2, easia,
72 1-2e; September, 73 1-8c; Deceinber,
76 1-8.c. Cora—No. 2 mixed, 34c. Oats
—Not 2 mixed, 21e. Rye—No. 2, cash,
55c bid. Clover Seed—Prime, cash,
.54.05; Octotbee; $1.55. • Oil—Ilnehang-
ea: '
A Lame Migration to the Voinital lint
• he Near Future.
A !despatth from London, saysi—The
Welsh may invade Canada in large
numbers. In the sixties 3,00) !Welsh-
meta went to .Patagonia, and, in spite
of the sterility of the country, they
;triumphed, and now send , to Eurepe
spinet of thte finest wheat grown in
South America.
The Argentine Republie, whieh until
recently made no claim on Patagonia,
now demands roilitary serVice from the
.settlers and conipeis them to drill on
Sundays. They are beginning, to look
to Greet Britain for assistance.
• „Other Welshmen who desire to emi-
grate have peen looking about, and,
eollowIng the invitation of tee Can-
adian ; „High Ceminissionete 1)avid
Lloyd -George, member of Parliament;
ter Carnarvon, and two others are to
sail on Thursday for Canada. Mn.
Lloyd -George said he and his cone-
piapeets were going to spy out the
epuntry and that he could say noth-
ing further until the end of the
P1 sit.
If • •
Illyspept Pe
1C e
Emaciated,weary--nittotray. • No one
can adequately deecribe the abject mi
ary of the sufferer from Dyspepsia and
Indigmetion. South American Nervine
is the "greatest -discovery' itt,,medical
science for the cure. of all chrpnio
stomach troubles. It _acts direetlY
through the ne ries—the seut.of all dis-
ease. ',Monsen& testify of °tires made.
Relief from the lirss dose.
"r was a great sneerer from • stomach
ad nerve troublet, Tried a score of
1 remedies. No relief. 'TR& u bottle of
South American Nervine 'worked won,
dera • Six 'bottles Made a new man of
me." --vv. E. shaman, Morrieburg,
)• Don't exlieriment with new ami
doubtful medicines—Take the tried
Sold, by C. Lutz, Exetexe
Defence Withhold Evidence in the Winni-
peg Itobbcry case.
‘111.111, ',V OCIIT.1111m, more tint ecTeop
says i—The -preliminary trial against
young Anders.on, charged with bank
robbery was eone teded on Wedneeday.
Detective Devis• evidence ,was road over
to him mild signed.
S. T. Beek, aceountant for the ItIc-
Clary Inaetelacturirig Comparty, Was
examined, and gave the acmesd 0 high
oneracter, 1-1± eaid he eves It most an-
cient ottteo hartd. .
At the conclusion of ,Bleek s evidence,
Anderson was cominitted to stand les
trial before a Supreme Court, The es-
sizee will be held next November, An,-
dereon will go before a jury. No evi-
donee was offered by tile- del:mace; .
Eat ign1
02t: ssuro:: OEs0i:D•
Young and 0.1d.
50a 0 00 CURED
11 .Sienad
J Raea9j14°1iiatar
•whenigeorant of the.tornipie ceime you
werecommitting. Didyouonlyconsider
the faseineting ellurements•of this evil
habit? When -teeniest° avoid the tot -
Table results, were your eyes opetaed to
your peril? Did you 'later on in mat -
disease? Wereyoueured? Doyounow
and then see same alarming symptoms?
Dare "you marry 'in your present CCM -
(titian? Toulmow, "LIKE l'ATIIER,
LIKler. SON." If married,.are yet* 4:zon-
stoutly living in dread? Is marriage o.
failure -with you on accOunt of (my weak-
nesS causeil by early abuse (mister ex-
cesses? Skim you been drugged with
mercury? This bookletwillpomtoutto
you. the results of these crimes midpoint
out how our NEW METHOD T11i/2W-
MENT wilt positively, cure you. It
shows howthousand shuve been sevedby
our NEW TREATMENT. It proves
We treat and cute—EMISSIONS,
ON:1,10ES, EaDzi-Es. and BLADDER.
"The Wages of 'Sin"nsent free by
enclosing 20 stamp. CONSULTATION
ERE E. If unable to call, write for
Gar. tyllonigan Ave. an Shelby St.
-stem.a.ste .
gAL.P mrm it/t.$ mat
NOti .
.f"I' N,Ci ' .
...51i9Y--° 1, ,,,STA
ur:f31C___Ii5 THE 1x.-STAN11-RtIEUMA110
pliforikTiv :rti:oxPt.pSTE:fl IN
„ N , 111CP 254460 le lifellb
I jeeE.I3gt\ ROLIS PRICE 01,00
"-:-;-.---—. DAVIS &LARNCECO IT
vy1IUrACTUPtk6 fic.' immt,