HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-31, Page 1TIURON..:&77, SEX: QZEi1Ti TWENTY–SEVENTH YEAR NO. 3. MOHEST PRICE pAm FOR PRODUCE 11 61 EX.ETER, ONT. CANADA,' 1.7HURSDAY NIORNING AUGUST aist, 1890, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE Price is the power of to day you buy where you can buy the best. All right-minded people do. Come and see the quality of our goods, then got ac- quainted witli our prices and you will find that the price power rules here STAPLE DEPTPILLOW COTTONS s' Width from 42 to 46 in,p rice from 1%c to .,18c. •FLANNELLETTES A range of good English ',flannelettes,i 31 n wide, at Sc. WRAPPERETTES :just the titne of year you need warmer wrappers. These goods embrace all the new patterns and effects, colors fast, 8i to 12?sc, ,SHIRTINGS In Blues or browns, stripes air cheeks, colors warranted ast at 5, 8, 10 and 12i. COTTONA.DES You know these goods. We have them from 12e to 25e, SHEETING Plairnor twill 2 yd wide at .frone 12ic to 20e. ,03LEAD RED SHEETING In twill 2 yds wide, register :25c quality for 20e. BLEACHED COTTON At 5,6,7,8,9 ancl 10c. FACTORY COTTON At 4, 5,6, 7 ancl 80, pass Goods Dept., 22cn1uys you the' best plain dressgoods ever sold at the money. All this: seasons shades 22c 35c. will buy you a 51 in Suiting in Blue, Brown and Grey, regular price 50c., our price is 850, 50c. this is the popular price and we can give you the pop- ular goodsan any or all shades in Broadcloth, CJoyets, pop- lin, and Cravetiettes 50c. 25e will rote you a black dress goods that will keep its color and make up as well as goods, you have often paid double for. 35c This is the price of a Black Cashmere we are sell- ing. Regular price was 50e for 35c. New Black Crepons in dress lengths or skirt lengths, the very best in the market, sell- ing at 50s to 1.35c. Sniallware Dept. HOSIERY In Ladies', children's and Misse's. This is headquarters for Seasona,ble hosiery. Keep this in mind and come pre- pared to get the best value in the town. CORSETS We carry a fullline of these goods and oar prices are right at from 25e to 1.00. Alicops Men's Ties 2 for 25c e Shirts 48 to 75e e Collars 3 for 25 , Rose all prices braces 5 to 50c , Underwear,. from 25e to 1.00 Mania A little later you will feelthe need of a warm- er garment. Don't pur- chase until you have seen our stock., Prices will startle you. Styles will please you, and the fit will satisfy you. BUILDERS fifIRDWfIRE, Door Locks— RIM & MORTISE This season we have a 'larger and better assorted stock than ever, including that new house lock. Have you seen it? Barn Door Hangers We have a large stock .of these in all sizes and kinds. We would like to show you ;the new Ball Bearing hanger. We are selling it at the Same price as others. That new '1"arlan.Door Hanger in stock, Buiding paper Rosin Sized, 0. IL, etc. Plain and Tar. Eavetroughing We use nothing but the best Gala. Iron. All our work guaranteed. We will be . 6...SOSSRVeS..,13. pleased to give you a figure I for your house or barn. Roofing a specialty, get out prices. Furnaces We handle the leading makes, which are in use in all parts' of this county. MeOlary's, Gurney's, Moore's Pease, Copp's and others. We will be .pleased. to estimate on your house. CEMENT English 8c Canadian Thorold & Portland •1, We can supply. ex- perts to superintend Work an d guarantee all our work. Get our prices. H. Seasonabie flame Thresher's SupPliess, Mitts, Belts and Belting, Brass and Iron Steam fittings Oils, Etc. Special prices 1 riamelware Famous Whitewear and Imperial.. In Preserving kettles, Sauce- pans, Tea, pots etc Acid Proof made of best grades of special steel. Bist-top Scales For home or barn use. Standard makes at low prices. American. Fencing We are sole agents in: this vicinity forthis superior fence. !FROST & WOOD, REPAIRS We, keep a full stock. Hensall. G. S. eutserferia, aSetary Public, Coever aneer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent. and Usurer of Marriage Lieenses, Legal dem ments carnfullY drawn at reasormble rates IVIoney to loan on real estate at Icw rates a in terest. Office at the Post office. Hensall. D. COOKE', (Late with Gamow & Proudfoot) Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Henna Ont, Te 4.. Sellery, L. le S., D. D, S,, ttenee eireaa F tate of Tpronto University, Dentists. Tinai axtractod without:paio or bad effects. Office in Potty's Block, Ifensall. At Zurich every Monday, commencipg May 80th. ' BRIEEs.--Miss Freda Dent, of Mit- chell. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. jostles Setherland.--:.`Qaite a number front here attended Division Court at Zerieli on Monday, to hear some cases of in- , terest to Villager. --Miss Minnie Shef- fer sang a very nice solo with mach acceptance in the Methodist church on on Sunday evening last.-MissesA.Bu- chanties and Eva Stonenien visited friends in the neighborhood of Chisel- hurst last week, -Mrs. Thompsonnvife of the station agent at Lacan, is visit- ing her cousin, Mrs. 'John Willis, of Rogerville.-Mr. and Mrs. A. Dent, of Mitchell spent a few days last week with Mr, and, Mrs. James Sutherland. 1 -Mrs. 'Wm J. McKay has retuned from visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Walker, of Oakyille.---Ab. May, of the Observer staff, left on Monday for Wheatley where he has sauteed a situation. -Edward Holder, a former resident is in town renewing acquaint- ances. -Mr. 'Larkworthy, the contras: - tor for street -watering, is kept busy keeping the dust down. -Rev. Mr. Jennings, of Bayfield, conducted the services in St. Paul's church on Sun- day last. ELe preached with much ac- ceptance.- Mrs. Barton, of Chicago, who bas been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whitesides, has return- ed horne.-Miss V, Smith is attending the millinery openings in Toronto. - Mrs, Anderson mid clatletterr or Seaforth are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Anderson's parents. -Mrs. Griffin, of Detroit is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Buchanan. -- P. S. -- Buy your coal earlyandsate i money. t will be very high this Win- ter. &S011 Winchelsea COLLINS & STANBIJRY.-Barristers,Convev „aucers, Notaries, etc., Exeter Ont. R. H. Col- lins and J G. Stanbury B. A. tlate with Mr- Carthy, Osier, & Co. Barristers, orouto). BRIEFs.-Enos. Cook, left here for Manitoba on Tuesday morning of this week. -N. Hurray, of St. Thomas -spent a few days of this week with R. . Couch. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Camp- bell, of Hamilton, are at present the :guests of John Richardson. -L. Bradley of Wilson, N. Y., called on Mrs. Thos. White for a couple of days of last week. -Miss Ethel Brown spent Fri- day last at Grand Bend. -Tames San- ders of Exeter was the guest of Geo. "4-odholt on Sunday last-Mts. Thos. Washburn and two children of Ches- ley is spending a couple of weeks with 'relatives in this yicinity.-Miss Mabel eSawyert returned home on Tuesday ,evening after spending a week in Lon- don. Dublin --- 13sansese-Miss Annie Pendergast ,bas obtained a school in' Sault Ste. Marie.--Tohn Ridley, of Sharon, is 'visiting his uncle, James Green of Lo - seam -Miss McGrath of Buffalo, has ...returned horne.-John Crawford is laid up from the effects of a kick by it 'horse. -Ed Murphy had a narrow es- cape from losina a valuable horse by over feeding. -Father Fogarty of St. Columban, has gone to Londote-J. M. McCutcheson has gone to Rodney, where he has obtained a school. -john .Pethick, of Downie, has purchased Miss Caley's fine farm in Hibbert where :the famous Coley tile yard was at one time Situated. It is to be hoped tha the indastry will be resumed. -Mrs. e(Dr.) Leahy has gone to Detroit. . She will join her husband, who is to , join his regiment in Cuba. ••••40 You hardly realize that it is mech.- seine, when taking Carter's Little Liver -Pills : they are very small ; ne bad ef- fects ; all tronbles from torpid. liver tare relieved by their use. Kirkton BRIEFS. -Miss Lucie Doupe was on the sick list last -week. -Misses Martha and 'Phoebe Tufts, wheeled to Landes- horo' last week to visit their sister, Mrs. Jas. Ross of that place:-Reinember the Epworth League meeting every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The young people of our League are en- deavoring to make it a grand success this coming fell end. winter. A literary is being prepared by the members, for the last meeting in September, and also a debate, "Resolved that woman has a greater influence than man." Let everyone who can, attend those Meetings, and thus encourage the young people in the good work. -Mr. Hugh Kirk, commenced bis work as teacher, in S. S. No 9, Blanshard on Monday. We wish him success. -Quite a number from here attended the camp meeting in Woodham, this week. -Norman Fletcher has secured a situation in the club house in London, as waiter. --We are glad to learn that David Hazelwood is able to be out again. -A large number attended the base ball match at Motherwell on Saturday. -Miss Hattie Kirk left for Carberry,'Man., onT uesday.--Rev. T. Sawyer and Mr.Ashton filled Mr.Ball's pulpit on Sunday. -Quite a number of our experts took in the races at Staff& on Monday. -Mr. A. E. Blake has engaged with Mr. J. Kemp for he fall.-MissG. Montgomery was the guest, of Mr. Blitklery on Sunday. stirring time is expected here on Labor Dey.-The Kirkton base -hall team will play the return match with Fullerton'. on Thersday Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating, is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver pills iirmediately after dinner. Don't forget this. A bold robbery was perpetrated at tbe residenee of J. F. Andrew, 12th c.on.'Ashfield, last Friday morning. The thief went first into the cellar arid helped himself to satisfy the cravings of the inner man. Ite gaioed an en- trance into Mr. Andrews ,bedrootri theough the kitchen; pantry and din- ing -room. He took alr, Andrewe pants a,nd pilfered the pockets, taking $10 in ATIC EXTRACT cash arid all Other valuables. 1 What Came very 'nearly being a of vseriouS mishap oaCtirred at, the burial B nee neicsanseneann„... of the late James McGuiness at the , , n 01-.4"11-"--" "."...... a A .7 • North Presbyterian church cemetery 'Will be found a safe and pleasant at Cherry. Grove, West Nissouri, on ..„ture for Biarchcea, Eysent orbis, etc. ry, Calera TuosclAY after:neon. As the casket IVI ,opittrmis pleasant to take, and has roVed itself the meet reliable remedy, e Or summer complaints in the market. :Price 20 cents, ,Sold C. LIITZ. Druggist, Exetckt, When the Stomach and Liver are , out of order, it -dose of 'DIX. LITTLE lityntt PtLIS *will often ward oi• r Aft attack of Diarhoea, Dysentry, Cholera et. • C LUTZ Ti r eneecl contains no VVas being lowered 'frit() the'rave the sod, beimf of a quicksand nature, the side of t grave gave away, pre- cipitating James Smith, John Gillies and another man into the grave, caus- ing the casket to overturn in its des- cent, and to go down first with the men on top, or otherwise the men in all probab ity would have been bur 1 sand. The nt laregnyvere e quantireseoufedThritck tde ctuieksand again removedthe caske righted and the burial took place with out any farther mishap. Zion BRIEFS. -Dust, dust, where ever you go. Rain is needed very bad. Stock has nothing to eat, arid some not much water. The farmers say they will not sow so much wheat as they intended if it does not rain soon.- Mr. S. Horn had the misfortune to have one of his best horses get badly cut in a barb wire fence last week. W. R. Carr, of Kirkton; dressed the wound. It is do- ing nicely now. -J. Garvett has start- ed to work on the farm he 'bought re- cently, and -had also one of his horses kicked and cut badly. - Gerty Jacques is doing nicely. -Miss Martha, Hern has been on the sick list during the last week. -The League intend holding a honey a,ncl bun social. A. good thine expected. -Some intend going to Toronto fair to see the great sights,. P. Hera had a narrow escape of a serious runaway while proceeding to the factory with his load of milk. One of the wiffletree irons came off, when the horses started to runaway; to avoid upsetting the milk, he pulled them into the church fence and made the gate into match wood. ees Staffa BarErs.--Word has been received here by the relatives of the late Mrs. C. Pellow, of, Nippissitig, announcing her death on Monday last. Mrs. Pen low was the oldest daughter of the late John Drake and was a former resident of this place. She leaves a family of three sons to mourn her loss. -Mr. Chas Bully, it laborer in the employ of Mr. John Mitchell, met with apainful accident on Thursday 1 tst 11e fell from a bean e in the battn and fractured several ribs. -Miss Lizzie Carmichael is confined to the Anderson notiee among the list of seccessful pupils at the simmer exams, the nettles of our three Ander- son pepile, Caleb Brown and Milly Laneewhe secured second class certifi- catee, and Lily Harding, who securetl second-class cerlifieate. S. Batton.3rd line, has exchanged his 100 -acre farm for W. Waddell's 175 acres near Ander- son. --.T. Ogilvie left for Manitoba, and his ton, Robert, took advantage of the excursion to visit Dakota. creditor) 13atens,-We think the weather man must be taking his holidays and left it standing order for weather , "fine and warm" until he returns. Rain is badly needed in our vicinity as many wells are dry. -Miss Martha Either re- turned to her duties' in Buffalo on Tuesday last after spending a pleasant vacation at her home here. -Carpen- ters and masons have been busy this week fitting up the store which is about to be occupied by a hardware business man of Zuricte-Peter Winer, our veteran milk drawer, had the mis- fortune to fall off his waggon one day last week and seriously injured his left hip and leg. He will be laid, up for it few weeks. -On Wednesday af- ternoon last the residence of Jos. Banes was the scene of a very pleasaet event, being the marriage of their eldest daughter, Vinetta, to Wes. Kerr. merchant, of Brinsley. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Jas. Hussar in the presence of a few of the most intimate friends of the contract- ing parties. -The young couple left the same evening for a trip to the Soo and other places after which they will reside at Brinsley. The bride is one of Crediton's most estiinable young ladies, and will be greatly missed, es- pecially in church work. We wish them happiness. ---Claris. Fahner, our thoroughbred stockman shipped a large number of hogs to Torontoan Monday last. They will be on exhibi- tion at the Toronto fair. We trust he may secure many prizes. -Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Walker returned on Tues - Mrs. L. H. Dickson and dau et Nast - day from Montreal. Mrs. a eer ed friends in tOwn on Monday. --James; , greatly improved but is still quite son of D. B. McLean, left for Manitoba wean on Tuesday.Ree. R. Muir, and wifel ell_itchel BRinns.--'Irinir. church. held a very successful social :John. Reaney's, in Logan, on Friday eveningnnetting $50.' -Mr. Goebel has been very euccessfal with his racer, Miss Delmarcb, in Michigan, having won two first prizes, -Mr. Dowling is doing duty as night- watchman these nights. New men find it hard work for the first year.- I The High School opens on Labor Day, Sept. 4th, but the repairs to the Pub-. lic school not being finished, it may not be open for it few days latter. - We are losing -some good citizens of late. Mr. McKee rnoyed to Listowel last week, and Mr. Sherwood and family went Monday. They made ina-ny friends in Mitchell who regret their reznoval.-Sixty-two left this station for Manitoba. Quite a namber intend to remain and live there peruatmently.-The fall fair of. Logan and Fullerton Agri- cultural Society will be held on Sept. 27 and 28, when a good prize list will be presented. -Hugh Campbell and wife returned efrom. California and British Columbia on Wednesdaylast. They bad it good time and were highly pleased S. with their trip. -Mts. Herman Pfuriburt returned front Manitowaning,' Where she had been visiting her sisters for a few weeks. - Miss Jennie Cameron has secured a school in Muskoka district arid bas gone to her duties. --Miss Seigle leaves next Monday for Jamestown, New York State, where she will reside in future. -Miss Gertie Farrow, of Strat- ford, was in town on Sunday last and sang a solo in the Methodist church in the evening. --John Dawe, of Chicago, is in town this week seeing his old friends. He has lived in Chicago about of Copleston are visiting among their many 'friends here.-Mes. Found, . of Ripley, is here .visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Carlisle. --Fred Smallacombe is excavating and getting ma- terialonthe geciund for a handsome brick residence, on the lot adjoining the skating Rink. -Miss Alcock, of Exeter, was in the village the forepart of this week renewing acquaintances. -Rev. J. S. Henderson, after a, montns vacation *ill oceupy his own pulpit on Sunday next. ----T. Murdock had his stage running betwee_n Hensel' and Zurich very tatily painted and lettered. -Miss Nettie Fultort is in London visiting friends. -Miss Gertie Lloyd left here on Tuesday for Toronto. -The choirs of the Methodist and church of England enjoyed a picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday last, • DROWNING ACCIDENT. -The death by drowning at Mimic° ot Dr. Geo. H. Cook of Toronto is one the saddest events of this kind which has oc- curred in recent years. The acci- dent occurred on Saturday after- noon at Mimico by which Dr. George H. Cook., dentist of Toronto lost his life. Dr. Cook and a number of his friends had been camping for some time at Mirnico beach, about two miles west: of the Humber. They were in the habit of going in for a plunge daily and Dr. Cook being obliged to visit the city on Saturday, had promised to be back at I o'eloek and join the bathing party. His business kept him half an hour longer than he lied contemplated, and on his arrival at the beach at about 4.30 p. in. he found his friends all in bathing. He hastened into a bathing house and hurriedly prepared for his swine. When ready lie ran out to the shore and plungedinto the waves which wood ham There was a quiet wedding at tbe residence of the Rev. A. K. Birks, B. A., L. L. Ba the pastor of the Water - lop street Methodist church, Stratford, on Monday evening, The contracting parties were John Hooper and Mee Annie A. Dale, both well known, and espected residents of the town: ship of Blanehard. The newly married couple left on the -early train Tuesday morning for points east. They will on their return, take up their residence in Blansberd, Fullarton --- BEIEleS.-Mrs. Ridge and daughter Miss Jennie are spending a few weeks visiting the former's brother in Penn- sylvania.. -Miss J. Thompson and sis- ter of Duluth are visiting Mrs. Thos. McCollough.-- On Sunday next Aug.27, "Harvest Home" services were held in the Baptist church here at 11 a, m. and 7 p, Ian; at 2.30 p. In. the pastor (Rev. Mr, Banton gave a longsermon.On, Monday evening following a social was held on the parsonage grounds where a gond progresi'. was given. Every- thing passed off successfully. At the Division Court held on Wed- nesaay in Liman, says the Sun, a num- ber of cases of more than usual inter- est were tried. Judge Elliott presided and in the morning took a jury case first, that of ITearnan vs. Bice. Wm. Hearnen is it wood merchant in Lon- don, who, last April, made a deal with Ira Bice for 180 cords of wood more or less, which was at Clandeboye station. Two car loads or, 19 cords, were ship- ped, and $50 were paid on them, leav- ing a balance of $16 unpaid. Bice was offered a higher price for the balance of the wood and sold it. Seaman therefore sued for damage for breach of contract on Bice's part, and Bice set up the defence that the agreement was only for the two ear loads. The luny found, however, that Bice had sold the wood to Hea,inen according to his own statement made later to Or- chard, another wood dealer who want- ed to buy, and a verdict was given for $48 and costs against Bice. were rolling in from the south with six years. -Thorn Brospurchased the great force. He waded out until he ' shoe stock of Messrs. Carson & McKee. was in about four feet of water, when Only ten students Will attend the he suddenly threw up his hands sr odel school in Mitchell this year. , It and shouted and sank beneath is hardly worth while to keep it gag the waves. His friends who with so few, as it takes the whole time were in the water did everything to try and find hit -elicit were unsuccess- ful: A young man named Oscar Has- sard endeavored several tunes vainly John Trevethiek, of Orediton,committ: to laundi a smell boat, but the billows prevented it. During all this time his ed suicide in Vancouver B. C., about of the principal of the school and makes it fuss among the classes. Miss Hannah Teevethick damehterof wife Was standing grief-stricken by the shore.' Suddenly she ruehed into the water, in spite of the attempts of her friends to retain leer; and caught her husband's body in her arms as it was being washed ashore by it tinge wave. She bad seen the becly before tho on - Dr. Forbes Godfrey. of Mitnico had been sent for and was on the shore when the body was washed rip. He ins - house through illness. We hope she mediately endeavored to restore life, will soon be able to be out again. -J but found it impossible. The last spark ;E. andHa,rryDralce went to Nippissing of life had already gone out and the mon Tuesday last, to attend, the funertti body was filled with water and sand. lof their sister.: Mrs. c. Pellow.--- Dr. Geo. H. Cook Was 36 years of I Messrs. JW. Davis, . Pringle, M.Car- age and was born in Halton County, michael and R. Miller were among the where he attended the public school. number that left this locality on the He taught school for some time in excursion to the Northwest to seek Halton and then c.ttwe to Toronto, their fortunes. -Miss Ethel G. Mc. Laren, of Mitchell, was in our burg on Theiidtty last instructing her pup- ils music. -Mr. S. Webb and Miss Polly Grigg spent Sunday in Hensall. -Nar.James addi9g to the ap- pearance of his house in the village by buildlng a new k itche n. -- A he r Norris is the happy possessor of a bran new wheel, -The people -arta look- „ • Where he attended the Dental College. After graduating in dentistry in 1889 he practiced for live years in Clinton before removing to Toronto and dur- ing that time had visited Hensel]. weekly. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. drew Monteith widow of the late An- drew Monteith, ex -M. P., pat.'s& away forward with p leasure to the t friends picnic which will be held 00 at Ire residence on the Si. mn,rys .1‘tondttyt Sept. 11,-Pesture apatient endurance she withstood for mind P°M." t°w°8111P of Downie.w°i°' Wth of rain and in some eaSes months back repeated attacks of la i roots are suffering much for the want to draw the water. Pec)Pl° have IL Cooper has rented the farts) of Mottrison, on the 3rel eon, Of grippe, Which with the growing in- firmities of old age gradually gain- ed the ascendancy, until yesterdayo when she went to her reward at the well metured ap of 12 yea,r4t. two weeksago. The beds,. was dis- covered in her room on Thursday in a state of advanced decomPosition. A rtmaway,accideet occurred Satur- day evening in Bayfield ; John Beacom had hie horse tied' to• a post in front of a store, and the horse got loose. ran down the street,tossed a couple of bug- gies aside,also smashing his own boggy to splinters. After it brief illness of less. than it week John Down, a well-known and hi hl esteemed resident of. Brussels g (formerly of Goclerich) paid nature's debt on Wednesday morning week, passing peacefully away. The Thurs- day before he was working in his shoe shop and store and WRS taken with ceamps, which were thought to inclidate cholera inorbus, and a physi- cian WAS summoned, The tronble turned out to be appendicitis and per- itonitis. The Woodstock Sentinel -Review says: The story told by Davis, the young detective through whom the Wilsons Bank money at Winnipeg was reeovered, does not read like an or- dinary detective story. However, successful he may have been in gain- ing the object- he had in view the mean to whieh he resorted will prevent him from being made it hero of the Sher- Inek Holmes type, People instinet, ively recoil from Man Who has aS. smiled the role of friendship in order to be taken into the confidence of A, person suspected No one denies that 1 Davis was :instilled in doing wliat ' did, but one cannot very well imagine for ta, total of five Sieftre and S. Dr. Low's worm syrup is it safe cure that he would swell with pride over of 0, Dole,&tee recently oeett. equally well on Whiten or adult*. Beof the kind that many would like to Gliddon, of trandon,nuitett, has vent -I era reliable ' worm expeller. Act it. It was work well done but not ed the Pied by Mr. COopen. Ntitte yon get Low's. undertake. LABOR DAY ItIONDAY9 September 4th, On Agricultural Society's drivin park, unrr auspices of -Exeter Brass Band, he taming, at L30 o‘clock. PROGRAM OF SPORTS. 3.00 MINUTE CLASS. "Baby Boy" Jno. llawkshaw, Capt. Tom ano. Suell, "Parone" T. E. Handford. "Golden Slippers" 4.5. Torment, "Brickyard Maid" Wm. Sodden, PRRIt FOR ALI. "King Stanton" T. Murdock Hensall, Bon M. .T. Beatty, mkton. "Nargurete" Bossenberry, Zurich, "Satin Slinners" Bossenberry,Zurich, "Irish env Bawden, ADMISSION 10 t Refreshments on the grounds. jreun8., If with the e you BLUE RIBBON either bile or mixed at 2tic, 400 or 500 a lb. FRUIT JARS. "When you want Celass Feuits Jar will pay you come to us. Our prices are lower than yon hear elseWhere. DINNERWARE What about a nice Dinner Sett? E lish semi -porcelain beautifully decorated,' at $6.50 to $1.0.09,0, sett. Toilet Setts P Ross Exeter 'Municipal Council. Council met at call of Reeve atTowo Hall, Aug. 25th 1899. In the absence of the clerk it was moved. by Evans,, seconded by j. Muir, that ,Mr. Oreedh act as clerk. CaTritrielieeve explained the object of calling: the council together re the level line for sidetvalk in front -of The R. Picktied, Co's store. The matter was left in the hands of the committee appointed by the Council at a previous meeting. Moved by S. W. Taylor,seconded by J. Evans, that the clerk notify John Elliott of St. Marys and securities that the walk laid. by him in 1891 in some places is defective; and request him to have them repaired. immediately. -- Carried. Armstrong -Muir -that council ad- journ. Carried. j.aams OREECR, Clerk. Pro. Tem 1 George Cline, the Grimsby man -who was released from Kingston peniten- tiary recently by mistake and then ta- ken back, died on Monday. Canadian poultry has caught on in England, and, several of the largest old country importers are now at the cap- ital making arrangements fora regular supply. The championship of the western district of O. L. A. has been awarded to the Alerts of St. Marys. The Paris Brants defaulted the game to decide the championship, which had been or- dered by the president to be played in e s London on the lOth inst. OVES! A. full and complete line of stoves and ranges NOW IN STOCK When buying a stove why not get the best, Buck's stoves z-Lnd ranges have given every satisfaction and made homes bright and happy for half a century. Don't experiment with one you are told is just as good, buy nothing but the genuine Buck stove. HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES. Need no recommendation from us Not a Single buyer of a Happy Thought Hauge ever regretted his choice... Call and get names of these who are using theth. THRESHERS SUPPLIES WE ARE EIEADQU'A.RTERS. Machine Oils, Lace Leather, Gauge Glasses, Mitts and Gloves, Rubber and Leather Belts, Etc., Etc. COAL . \_ Sole Agents for the Genuine Scranton IT BURNS TO AN ASH XOW IS THE TIME TO ORDE11. Cements dnd Plaster Paris on Hand J. NEAI"IAN, EXETER 1st door:I ortii....0.11.Pielard..CO'S'Stor