HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-24, Page 8A '
Cash Store
Linen Towels Sale,
Twenty five doz Linen
-ng at very special prices.
Towels bought
ery cheap width we are offer-
Replerish your stock of Towels at these money-savina,prices.
15 cloz heavy pure linen h tick towels, herniiied ends, red,blue and,self boteier-
ed size 10 x 8a ite regular priee 121e, special 3 it 25e.
'L. 1ot extra heavy linen huok towele,heurmed ends,ted, blue and self bordere,
size 10 x 36 in, regular price 18e, special 12ec each.
Pickling Seasen.
Buy pure vinegars for your pichles. We have White Wine,
Government Proof and English Malt.
We handle nothing but the best pickling spice.
For Marriage Licences,
14-14RNEST ELLIOT, Wedding Rings,
Agen tor the WESTERN ASSURANCE COM, Weatc be, Cite c
earey, of Toronto; also for the Przaterx Free
NSIIRANCE COMPANY, of London, England;
he ALLIANCE Tersueexce COMPANY, ot Eng
So Many
New Faces
Are seen in our store these
days hunting for bargains in
STATIONERY that we feel
like congratulating ourselves
on the wonderful success of
our sale. People come, in
many cases, because advised
to do so by friends. They
all buy,
at the
Don't forget the Lacrosse match on
Fridayevening at 6 p. m.
La,bor Day comes on September 4th,
one week from next Monday.
4,000 persons went on the farm
laboreee excursion from Toronto Wed-
Mrs. Love. of Seaforth,left this week
for Rossland to visit her daughter Mrs
J. Copp.
The Alvinston Free Press has passed
into the hands of Mr. A. E. Ketch,late
of Oil Springs.
The contract for carrying the mail
between Exeter and Dashwood has
been awarded.
On the 6th of September, a. conven-
tion of the Knights of the Grip of Ca,n•
ada will be held at Toronto. t
The Sutherland Tunes Co's stave
mills will be closed for two weeks for
the want of teams to haul timber.
Farreei Bros. horse became frighten- 1 t
ed at the rolling of some barrels atid I
took a short run yesterday. No dam- t
age. '
Spectacles, .Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The old wooden walk on Main street
has been torn up and the work of re-
placing it with a. granolithic pavement
has begun.
The directors of the Free Library
have received notice of the Govern-
ment's appropriation of $200 to the
Free Librarv.
Messrs. Weekes Bros. of this place
this week shipped a Swedish granite
monument to Crystal city, Man., in
memory of Thomas A.. son of Hon.
Thomas Greenway.
The young man who ,,carries a re-
volver without a good and sufficient
reason known to his friends, and, -we
might say, to the -public authorities,
is a dangerous person. There is no
telling when possession will tempt him
to use the weapon. Young men
carrying revolvers will do well to
throw them in the river and avoid
We learn that W T. Hawksbaw
will retire from the Cornmerchd hotel
on Sept. 1, to be succeeded by
his father, jam flawkshaw. Mr.
Ilawksha,w has during his extended
lease of this hostelry. enjoyed a good
business. and his many friends will be
sorry to learn of his ietention. John
Hawkshaw is well and favorably
known to the public, having formerly
conducted the hotel.
An amalgamation of the bicycle in
terests of tnellassey-Harris Company,
Toronto; the H. A. Lozier Company,
Toronto junction; the Goold. Oona -
pally, of Brantford, and the Welland -
Vale Company, of St. Catharin.es, has
been finally effected. A syndicate
which has been arranging for the pur-
chase of the interests of those firms
for sometime past concluded negoti-
ations at a meeting held in Toronto
The members of Caven Presbyterian
church choir and their friends, were
very pleasantly entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ross, on
Friday .evening last. The evening
was spent OD the lawn which was il-
luminated with Chinese lanterns; sing-
ing, music, recitation, etc., formed the
programme, atter which refreshments
were served. Mr, and Mrs. Ross were
endered a vote of thanks by all, for
be very pleasant evening.
It is said this will probably be the
last year that the departmental exam-
inations results will be published. A
number of the high school teachers
broughout the province have com-
plained to the Education , Department
hat the present system of publishing
all the results together leads to in-
vidious comparisons and unhealthy
rivalry between the various schools.
The department is considering the ad-
visability of mailing the results to each
SCh001 in future instead of publishing
them as at present.
Toronto has been made the dump-
ing -ground for another consignment
of counterfeit one -dollar bills, the
manufacture of some Atnerican firm.
The bill according to the bank officials,
s t poor imitation, but a few inserted
nto a bundle passed one of the local
oilers this week. The counteefeit is
of the issue of June 1, 1808, 0. series,
and is printed on poor Raper, the litho-
raph work being especially noticeable
ii account of its indistinctness. It is
relieved a large amount has been put
ut in the leading cities of Ontario.
The distributiort of rain over the Do-
minion during the month was many
respects, very remarkable. This way
especially the cage in Ontario, where,
in several CC/Unties contiguous to Lakes
Erie and Ontario, and also on the south
shores of Lake Huron, the amount of
rain was exceedingly small, while in
more rtorthern:localities rain fell fre-
quently and heavily, and in Mole places
the total fall for the month was ab-
normally large. The rainfall was also
much above average in many portions
of the Northwest Territories and
throughout Quebec ancl the Maritime
11. Rorke and Miss Rose Cunning-
ham,eldest daughter of Sohn Cunning-
ham, all of Clinton, were married on
James Thomson, of Bayfield, has
been appointed clerk for the Seventh
Division Court of Huron, instead of
John Morgan, deceased.
A small blaze on the carpet of Mr.
13a.tvden's dining room, Ridgetown,
caused by a spirit stove upsettibg was
extinguished without calling tbe lire -
men out on Sunday afternoon. i
; r
Schools in rural districts re -opened t
on 1Vionday last. The lst of September
is the regular date for the reopeningi
of town sehnels, but as this day fallsonlg
Friday this year, and as the following;
Monday is Labor Day and a holiday, I
the school in:Exeter Will not commence b
the fall term until Tuesclay.September
The Orangemen's excursion, Wing -
ham to Detroit Saturday was well pat-
ronized, there being in all some 900 to
1000 excursionists on board when
Hyde Park was teethed. About 75
tickets veere sold at Exeter, There
Was great rivalry for the diamond ring
presented to the most beautiful lady
on the train and the fortunate winner,
Miss Ella Long, of Wingliain, was the
object/ of many envious &tees. The
decision however moat. haye been al-
right for W. j. Carling was one of the
expert judges,
A. Q. Bobier visited Chicitgo this
Mies Ida \wits is visiting friends in
London. •
•Alf Dayidson is visiting friends in
R, Render spent Sundtv with frieuds
in St, Thomas.
Miss Elsie McCallum is visiting,
friends in Seaforth.
Chas. Haskett, of London, called on
friends here on Sunday,
Lionel Howerd spent Sunday visit
lug friends in St, Marys.
John Ileaumu'architect, of London,
visited friends here yesterday,
Benj. Eilber of Ubly Mich. gave Tan
InarEs a call one day last week.
T 11 McCallum has returned from a
visit attorig friends in the nerth.
W. 11. Pearson, Barrister of Ripley,
called on legal friends, on Friday.
G. Holman and family, of Bayfield,
visited frieeds in town this week,
Miss Gussie Holland left Tuesday to
visit friends in .London and Galt.
Earl Browning has returned home
front visiting friends in mcoinivray.
11'. L. Kerr, of Ingersoll, ie the guest
of Lis cousins, Messrs. Weekes Tiros.
Misa Beatrice Greene of Holmeeviile
is visiting friends in Exeter end Fuller-
ton. ,
Goderich Voters' list shows that the
Circular Town has 367 jurors and 1,192
voters. -
IL A. C. Renshaw, of the Merchants
bank, Kiegsten, is visiting at Levitt's
Mrs. Wagner is visiting friends in
Detroit and Milwaukee 'for three
weeks. •
The Mfsses Tuck and Prescott, of
Loydoa, spent a few days visiting at
Levitt's Fair.
Ed. Harness, of London, spent, a few
days this week visiting his mother,
Mrs. Harness.
Messrs. J. Preeter and. Mine host
Foster, of Zurich, were in town yester-
day on business.
Arthur Kemp of the 1VIolsons Bank,
left on Saturday to spend a few days
at Port Stanley.
Miss Bowie, of Chicago, who has
been visiting at Wni. Drew's,returned
home this week.
Norman Bissett has returned
Richmond, where he has a luerati
position as tailor.
Peter Gardiner and R. N. Creech
resume their duties in their respective
schools this week.
Misses Murray, Treble, and }redden,
left Wednesday to attend the millinery
openings in London.
Miss Riddell and NiSS 011iMelte, of
Londesboro, are the guests of their
friends Miss Nellie Ramsay.
Miss Alice Prescott, of London,visit-
ed friends here the forepart of this
week enroute to Grand Bend.
Miss Nettie Penhale left on Monde
for Medicine Hat, N. W. T., where sh
will spend some time with friends.
Louis Thorne, of Los Angeles, Oat.,
is in Detroit,, attending the Supreme
Lodge ofthe Foresters of America.
Miss Harrison, also Miss Lillian and
Willie Amos, returned home last week
after visiting friends in McGillivray.
Rev. R. Millyard, was called
to Toronto on Saturday last. owing to
the serious illness of a, relative there
Rev. Mr. Straith and daughter, of
Innerkip, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Martin at, the Manse, this
Miss Vera Heveksha,w returned home
on Monday frcrn Detroit, where she
has spent the past month visiting
friends. ''..
Rev. A. P. Zinger'lately returned
from Rome, accoomanied by his
father, visited his brothers in. Detroit
Mr. and 'Mrs. A. J. Rollins drove to
Byron, on Friday last, where they will
spend avacation visiting friends around
the country.
Miss Cowan, of Sarnia, who visited
her aunt Mrs. Dr. Lutz, a few days of
last week returned to her home on
Saturday last.
Miss Lillian Welsh, Milliner with the
Smallroan and Ingram Co., London,
spent the forepart of this week with
her parents here.
Mrs. McTavish, of Detroit who has
spent the past few weeks with friends
here and in St. Marys returned home
.on Saturday last,.
Miss H. Blatchford returned last
week tia Sterling, Col., aftee a pleasant
visit witb her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Richara Blatchford.
Mrs. Seldon, end Miss SeIdon left
for their home in Ingersoll, on Satur-
day last after a few weeks' pleasant
visit with Mrs. Geo. Samwell.
Miss Maud Welsh, has returned
borne for holidays from Portage La
Prairie, where she has helcl. a position
as Milliner with one of the leeding
firms of that place. '
Mrs. Thomas and family left Wed-
nesday, for Ste Marys, where they
will reside. Their many friends here
wish them many pleasant surround-
ings in their new home.
Adana Whiteford, Rodgerville, left
here for Vieden, Manitoba,on the 22ed
inst. Mr. VVhiteford's numerous friends
will wish him a safe journey and a
pleasant visit with his friends in the
Mr.and Mrs. W.J. Clarke and daugh-
ter, of Toronto, accompanied by Miss
Dollie Cowen, are here spending the
week with Mr. Clarke's father, Wm.
Clarke, and brother J. P. Clarke. Mrs.
Clarke returned home yesterday.
During the absence of the Rey. It
Millyard, on Sunday last, services in
Mein St. Methodist church were con-
ducted in the morning by Rev. W. M.
Martin, and in the evening by Rev.
Mr. Straith, of Innerkip, NVI)O delivered
very fine addresses.
Messrs. Norman and Ray Fanson,
two of our promising young men left
on Tuesday, for the Northwest.
They will spend some titne visiting
&lett& around the cetintrytand will in
all probability take up their abode in
that Province. THE TEVIES joins with
a host of friends in wishing the young
Men success wherever their lot may be
o Li 11,4 o
• We have just added to our Gent's Furnishings stock
over five hundred neck ties, .aquantity of white and colored
shirts, collars and cuffs, tuaderclothing,umbrellas and tweeds
We will offer special inducements in the following list Anil-.
of goods. Careful buyers will not fail to appreciate the Boys white la,undriecl shirts sizes 13
splendid values that will be offered. ; for all these goods areMen's white laun1dried
75c shirts with
eizes 14 to 16 -2 at
to be sold at reduced prices.
Mens Summer ShirtS and Ties
Mens Summer Suits
Direct Importers
Miss 31illroy, of London, is the gum
of the Misses Weekes.
Miss Grace Oke is, visiting, her siste
Mrs, Jas. Martin in Kinburn.
Miss Mabel Wfilters has returne
from visiting friends at W Ingham.
Luther and Ed. Bissett, of London
Baxiessvetisti,ting their graudfather, Jame
Nelson Sheere returned to Petrolia
after epending, a few days with his
parents here.
W. H. Perkins, wife and child, of
London. visited Mr. Perkin's mother
on Sunday last.
Mrs. D. Pen warden arid Miss Pen
warden, of Loridon, are the guests o
Miss Julia Spicer.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sued and daugh-
ters, spent the forepart of this week,
with friends in Sarnia.
Mrs. W. FI.Levett took in the excur-
sion to Sarnia, and spent Sunday and.
Monday with friends there.
Hector Monroe returned to London
c;n Saturday after a pleasant time
spent with his friends here.
st B.ADLY SOALDED.—Della, the 4 year
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
'Isaacs Friday last in reaching to the
r, table for a drink of water, took hold of
a crock containing boiling starch, pull -
d ing it down over herself; fortunately
her body escaped unhurt, but her feet
and ankles were badly burned.
s •
Mens white laundried shirts O'ar best
with cuffs or bands sizes 14 to 17 1-2 at
mens flannelette fend colOrecl cot,ton,
shirts from 50e up.
New shapes in Gents canals 15 an&
Mens Balbriggan shirts and draveers.
each 25e.
2 piece bathing suits 75c.
2 :oernt3ts5 umbrellas, steel rodiahlardnual
tinned, guaranteed hist black.1.00
ents standup or turn down collark,
We have just .placed Stock, over 500Lathes' • and
Gent's neck ties direct from the manufactor,, atheng them are
the newest shades and shapes in neckwear.
Counters for it general store. App
milburn's sterling headache powders
iy cure the worst headache in frem five
, to twenty nainutes, and leave no bad
1 ilfter effect. One powder 5c ,3 powders
, ' 10e. 10 powders 25c.
AVAGeox Fon, SALE.—A one-horse
3 -spring waggon, nearly new, for sale
cheap. Applyto JOHN 1VEC1N1IS.
LOST —A gold forget-me-not stick
pin on Main st. Finder will be re-
warded by leaving at TIMES office.
Fon SALE A nuntber of yoti
pigs for sale, also a quantity of cede
posts and stakes at J. N. HowArna'
ea,vers, of Seafortb vs Nationals, of
Exeter, Friday evening 6 o'clock shat
The game ofthe season, 13ea,vers o
Seaforth vs Nationals of Exeter, Fr
day evening 6 p Lia
"Pa, wbat is a ha,sty generalization
'Your idea, Jimmy,because I give you
a five -cent piece once in a while. that I
have always got a pocketful of them.
One of the most ditring robberies LEvITT s
that has taken place in Toronto in re- I
cent years was committed on Satearday
a 1 Barley, Peas, Oats, Corn
Big Stock on Hand •
?' Prices Right.
Wholesale & Retail
night at Hanlan's Point, when'Mr
Fred G. Cox:, who is a gaeat at Han
Ian's hotel, was robbed of diamond
valued at $1,500. •
Mr. William Mills the mail carrie
between Exeter and. St. Marys nee
with a bad accident at his home i
Woodham on Wednesday eight last
Now is the time for belt buckles,
s beltpins and beauty pins. We have
it nice selection to choose from.
r Beauty Pins, Black and Gold, 2for Sc.,
t Pearl and Enainel. 10c each; Belt
n Bnckles, 25 to 50c, Stick Pins, Ito 25c,
• Velvet, Fruit and Vegetable. Pin
Cushions, Photo Holders 5c, Vases 7
lie arose in the delete to put the clog
out, and when at the top of the 7stair
missed his footing and fell to the bot -
torn breaking both of his artO$. He
is conareceto his room., •
Arncang the forty persous who left
here on -Tuesday morning for the
Northwest we, learn .of the following:—
Mrs. Treble and son Charles, of Exeter
north, to. Virden Man.; Fred Ellering-
on. of Lumley; Fred Coleman, Mall-
ow Dempsey, Chas and Will Nelson,
W. Cann, Exeter. Peter t'cTaggttrt,
Hay; Miss Selena Harvey, who goes to
eaniarried, J. Pedlar Stephen; Harry
Rowe Exeter. •
The world is not disposed to reprove
s LO 75e, Glass Glove and Haks. Oases,
Collar Boxes, and. Trinkets, Granite
Kettles, pails and Baisins, Bake and.
Wash .Boards, Soap and Baking Pow- -
der, Best Starch, 7 and 9c pkg., Laun-
dry Starch 8e pkg.
Peaches, Watermelons, Bananas,
• Thimble Berries, Tomatoes 3 ets. a lb.,
Candies, Lemons.,
• Agent for Parisian Steam Laundrea-
of London.
Lannday sent away Tuesday and
Thursday of eath week.
Baturrixy oe STREETS. -- With I t
very little extra work the citizens of c
this town could make a marvellous
change for thebetter in the appearance
of the street opposite their premises. g
Some enterprising people keep the
roadway on which their property
_ fronts in a really nice condition, but
r others don't seem to give a rap how
the streets look. Lee every one spend
an hour or tvyo each week in cutting
down the rank grass and otherwise im-
prove the appearance of our thorough-
fares. A little work will accomplish
much and visitors to our town will go
away with a better opinion of us. Re-
member, appearance counts for every-
Miss Lena Howard after a pleasant
visit with the Misses Westaway, of
Brantford, has returned home.
Miss Popplestone, daughter of Mr.
Amos Popplestone of Detroit, is visit
ing her aunt Mrs. Popplestone.
Miss Polly Bawden has returned
fr'mn London, where she has been vis-
iting friends for the past week.
Russell Howard, who has been holi-
daying here and at Grand Bend re-
itauszt.ued to St. Marys on Saturday
, Mr. and Mrs .las. Martin,of Kinburn
spent a few days of last week visiting
Mrs. Martin's parents, Bfr.. and Mrs.
Hugh Oke.
Mr. Gauld and Miss May Brooks, of
London, are spending this week visit-
ing Miss Brooks' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Brooks.
Jack Salter, wheeled from London
Saturday, ancl spent Sunday and Mon-
day with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
John Salter, London Road, south,
Ernest Westland,of Wyoming,spent
a pare of this week the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Bissett. He is takibg
a holiday tour through to Grimsby an
Miss IlySiop,- Of Detroit, who has
been the guest of her uncle, Gavin
Ross, of Gowanside Farm, returned to
her home on Saturday last. She was
eceornpazaed by her cousin, Mr. Guy
Captain John Freer, of Chicago, one
of the oldest lake captains an aceive
service, died at Goderich Tuesday.
Death came to him while he was in
charge of his boaathe Madeline Down-
- ing.
Dr. Tait, of Blytlehas returned after
being absent for six weeks taking a
post graduate couree in New York hos-
tel s.
The Seaforth band intend making
an appeal to the citizens shortly for
thuds to aid them in procuring some
needed new instrinnents.
A. McCormick of Dashwood, left on
Friday last with four teams to woris
on the Garniss drain in the I owothip
of Morris, he haying secured the con-
tract for deepening that waterway,
Henry Ruddell, it prominent eititeti
of Morden, Manitoba, he was mayor
last year, has been ehosen by the Con-
servatives of the riding to represent
them in the proyincial elections. }Xe
is a SOH of George Ruddell, a highly
r t 111 11
A few days ago Arthur Welsh, of
Goderich township, a,cciclentally killed
a fine cow by striking it over the head.
with a small board. He says he tried. to
stop her from going through a gap,arid
there dealt her the fatal blow.
Having been so successful in the sale of our nauslins
and organdies, we offer the
bargain seeking public another
opportunity of purchasing the
best makes and patterns in,
1.2o prints, good cloths, large
collection all at 10c per yard.
We also want 2C00 lbs of
first class butter, for which we
will give 18cso com.0 along
as soon as possible as the price
cannot last forever.
the merchant, who keeps Ins treasury
of goods hidden from public knowledge.
He may do as he pleases with his own
waresamel if he foolishly elects to keep ,
thew secluded, like talents, folded in a
Levitt's Fair
Buggies! ---
napkin, that is his own concern. The
world won't run after him, and beg
him to allow it to buy his goods. The
wise and alert merchant,however,hav-
hag in stock just what the public is in
need of, takes advantage of the adver-
tising columns of "a substantial and
trusted newpaper like this one,to bring
that fact to its attention. The public
is Independent. To secure its favor its
interest must first be awakened.; then
business relations are easily establish-
ed. -
A slick -tongued patent medicine
man struck Wingham a couple of
weeks a:go a,na has since that time
been coining money. He made his
headquarters at one of the hotels, but
did most of his business among the
farmers. In the morning he manu-
fractured, his days,supply at the:hotel
pump and thee proceeded to do up
anyone who was foolish enough to buy
and they were numerous. The other
evening one of his victims came to
town, and on finding Mr. Fekir de -
man ed his money. The money was
paid back and the fakir immediately
made himself scarce. A. nember of vic-
timswere arounclthe othereveninglook-
Mg for the niedieine man, but they
were disappointed. It is said that, lie
took lamely $800 away with bine
xeter Municipal Council.
Council niet porsuent to iidjourine•nt
at Town Hall, August IS, 18.00. All
present. '
Moved by J. Evans, seconded by T.
Aernstrong that the Reeve and Clerk
be instructed to sign contract and
agreement witit A. •13.Cosinee for pave -
trent on being satisfied with the secur-
ity fornished,—Carried.
Moved by J. W. Taylor seconded by
J.Muir, that the following accounts be
passed and orders drawn on treasurer
for same ; J. W. Oreeela Lebor $0.38 ;
Walter Westcott, labor $6.00 : Geo.
Cudmore, do $1.88 ; ;kiln Vail, do $1,-
68 ; 0. Smith, do $5.00 ; Thos. Hattete
do $4.00 ;D. Russell, do $5.25; Ireflunt,
do $2.20 ; S. IIandford, do $0.00 ; T.
Webster, do $5 ; weloi, do $8,87 ;
J. Heywood, do $3.00 ; Satre Basker-
ville, street watering $1.50; Geo.Silla II-
ticoriabe, streetwatering $9 ; W.
Creech, streetwatering $2 70 ; George
Atkinson, stree t we ter i g $9.15 ;
trobk, labor $8,75 ; Chteatoetimee Peh-
lishing Co, advertising f.o. tender $5 ;
Wm. Ford $50, part payment for
Moved by J. Muir seeonded by I.
Armstrong tied council Adjourn to
Sept, lee. at 8 o'clock p.
ouo, 11. ik:48Err, Clerk.
We are clearing out our
stock of Brockville buggies
greatly reduced prices, in or-
der to make room for our fall
trade of cutters.
Jest three Brockville buggies left
and they are Very .fine indeed.
We have a couple of second hand
buggies in good order, which we offer
theap. In addition to our horseshoe-
ing and jobbing trade, we also re cut
axles on old buggies which do away
with so many washers and makes an
old buggy run sfnooth and slick again, '
Call and see our stock, this
is our 1ast offer for buggies
this season. The largest car-
riage dealer in town.
W. H. Parsons.
1 tons now
Do you know our flour trade in.-
ci eases every week , it does beeause
we latwe'
THE 13ES'I'.