HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-24, Page 6• It ews Summar * Recent Happenings Briefly Told, CANADA,. lansed ond eel like, a *tone in the J. 11, Todd, millionanre merchant of Preeentie 04 a vaat orowd, but the • feur occupente eniaped with a seveee cetief a police to $2,000. Sempleri a nelr NVITO4t1 cote . and =east ot. °ominous, ryei enown et Hamilton axe unusually 'en eendeeneed the Praetiee of tim Indiae authoeitiee pee - 11W -(1" . chasing reilwey meterial in, the Unitea The telegraph line to Dawson wai State% deolarieg that while English likely be completed by the end of next eugine.s nest more, they vere better niontla• and lasted longer. Tne Great Noe -Oa -west Ceefral 'eat lhe fifty-third amaaal report, of the way is to be extended 25 miles tine British nerainissemera oe eeneeey suill-imer• snews sni aPpalling inerease of mad - Brantford. may &ninny have a fac- ness, the member a hutams ilt Eng- tery for the manufacture a bog peat lana. Wales bun e 155,086, an in - for fuel. „ creaee a 3,114 Da a, year. The spread Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Smyth, of Med- is largest among Paupers, ford, aturskoka, celebrated their golden Britain tas arranged a conventimi wedding last weekevith the United States on laehalil of ET. Howard Sharman a young den- Trinidad, admitting certain United tist, was fireweed by the upsetting of States products duey free into Trini- his canoe eA Winnipeg. dad, Wad redacting United States dal les The Narthere panne generay eas on certain ertielee 12 1-2 per cont., let contraots for its Portage laPrairie while granting the United States fav- braneb ot Lake Manieoliamed. nation treatment. The water in the St. Lawrence River The aollems of Lord Vernon of Ked - near Kingston has gone down twdefence hae, beenelve leston, Viceroy of India, a.pproved by. respectitig inches within the past tee daYs• frontiee the Ial mperiGovernment. It provides Hilda Blake, the Breeden murdee- for the withdrawal of the rtga'ans fr m ess, takes lier confinement le jail very many frontier garrisons and the sub. coolly. She is aoev engaged on her stitution a tribal railitia, whichwill autobiography. result in large eceneray. The \'h County autlorities reeeene dean •cordates caugbt on a Meese aed the Winnipeg has raised tlie salarY Sir Aefred Hickman, ut the British are -after a rating pool room, which Ferdinand Lemieux, ex -accountant, Four young 'men dre.nk wood aloohol against Fred. W. Smith and the Ville countY• Pa. •UNITED STATES. as beem. operated for some time just A detachment of 100 marines leave outside of Hainilton. beeie sent to Manila, has taken oat an action for $10,000 at a picnic, and died in Elatland. Tioga Marie Bank ter false arrest. The Rea•Star steamer Kensington d at Y t h ls quarantine New York I as The Canadian Development Cone * pane has landed passen,gers in Daw.. a ease of smallpex on board. son in six days trena Vancouv-er and Regular and volunteer U. S. troops tan aed. a half from Ottawa. Indulged in a riot at Fort McPherson A. conservative estimate of the Yu- Ga., and eight soldiers were wounded, kon output plaices it as loer as ten Americans are alarmed that a eon.- raillions, but other estimates piaee it signment of shot and sheet lead for et from twelve to fifteen millions. Japan from San Francisco is intended Robert Hunter and Herman Reba- for the Philippine insurgents. holt, two Hamilton Klondikers, are Nearly 20,000 additional troops will home again, without a cent to show be sant to Manila up to Oct. 22, and for their tong trip of two years over Gees. Otis will have a force of about tbe Edmonton trail. 46,000 men when the dry season opens. Drill books for the. cavalry, artillery At the Mazet in.vestigation in New and infantry have, been issued to ds- York a detective gave evidence to trict offieers commanding for free dis- show that pool TOOMS, gambling dens tribution to militia units One copy and opium joints were flourishing in goes to each officer and sergeant. the city. he old Rasta Hall of Beelines Robert O'Shea, 46 years old, a porter street, Lendon, formerly the Mechan- at t.he Union Rotel Niagara Falls, N. Ice' Hall, has Peen turned into a hand- Y., committed suicide, by jumping some, up-to-date theater, the interior from the Can.tilever briage that spans having been completely remodelledthe gorge. He was Intoxicated at the Tworrenabanon in. the employ of the time - Montreal nranseomation Company Three soldiers of the 34th Infantry, bave been eaptured in Kingston smug- stationed at Fort Logan, Colorado, gling dress geods, tobacco and cigar- raised a distrubance in a saloon. 'Iwo ets. They were acting for a party ea policemen named Thomas Clifford. and Montreal. W. E. Griffin, were shot and instantly killed by one of the soldiers for at - A carriage containing Ool. Legs , M. P. P., and Mr. Chittick of Dorchester tempting to arrest him. was struck be a t-rolley car at London A report at Cleveland says the bi- an Saturday. The horse ran away and cycle trust of the United. States nen the occupants of the carriage were not only reduce selling- and manufac- threw° out and severely hurt taring- expenses but will set out to Mr Jaen. Baird, private banker of Capture the worldn markets Methods Lynden, has m,et with a peculiar an will be changed, hat the names and serious experience An ingrowing toe- styles of the various wheels now made nail led to blood -poisoning, and tile Will be retained. amputation a tee toe, and now is William G. New -brook, a Buffalo law - feared, as the. welted is not healing yer, has disappeared, after confessing satisfactorily, that the _foot will have that he had misappropriated about to come off•e8,000 of the funds of an estate en - Mr. George Brown, a photographer, trusted to his care. Several months was charged. at Winnipeg police eourt ago egeweeenen father made geed a vvite following his business on. the shortage of n5,000 in his sows accounts Lard's Day, when asked it guilty_ or but refused to do so a second time. not guilty, said he would plead guilty The bubonic taague has reappeared Lord's Day, as tha.t was not nneday. MAY BE A STRIKE lareish coluatibia tire Arnitag. ono the Greatest Stone tne History of notate% Its entreat, A despatch from Ressland, B. says :—The largest weenie camp in the Nortn-Wet is ou the voge of the Inge gest lineman' strike he the history of this sectien. Six thouetted mieers, meetly Arnerionne, and many of tnene lately erom tee Coeur ia'Alene dietrict, in Idaho, have resolved tbrough their Miers union not to accept the wages offered by the British American Cor- poration, owner of the LeRoi and Cen- tre Star and other big mines, and Gooclerbara end Blaelestoen, owners of the War Eagle and other properties, the principal mine owners of the dis- triet. Last winter the British Columbia Parliament passed a law prohibiting the working of meia in mines ,more than eight hours per day. The rate was e3.50 for ten eours. The Rossland naineeowners offered $3 ,pair day for eight hours, and proposed in the event this was refused ,t� introdece the con- tract system. At a meeting of the miners these terms were Tejeeted. The mine owneed, fearing that the Coeur d'Aleee spirit, was rife among the min- ers, organised a militia, company, the head of vehicle is Ross Thompson who laid out the towel of R,esslaed. A car- load of riflee and two machine guns have been obtained. GENERAL. to workinug 011 Supday, but not On the en Calcutta. HUGE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. An English Compatiy to Ereet;One at North Sydney, C. B. A despatch from Sydney, C.B., says: —Another huge iron and steel works, eclipsing even the Whitney estala- lieltme.nt now being ereeted Sydiaey will be looated at North Sydney. In- forraation has been received from Eng- land that a deal is about to be cola - summated to merge the Nova Scotia Steel Company, of New Glasgow, NB., and the General Mining- Association. The latten is the oldest coal company in Cape Breton. The directors are He is a Seventh Day Adventist. Fierce rioting has occurrell in Salz- The biggest robbery that-Dawsen b Austria has known for several monig,nths was - a Four additional fatalities are report - committed tyro weeks ago Sundae, em nine ed from the Alps. well-known Victorian. being tine While Gowan, of King and Gowares saloon, was dozing in the bar some. ern came in and. stole $1,500 ba gold dust and cash. Word. was received in 'Woodstock Monday of the. death in Natal, South A.frica, of Mr. W. G. Boyes, who previous to eine years ago, was a pro- minent book and stationary merchant in Woodstock. Decea.sed was about 70 yeas of age, and, died of paralysis. Etc, was a major in the British army, and had seen active service in the Af- ghan war. GREAT BRITAIN. The Rance of Wales bas left Lon- • don for Merielataad, to return. in See- teneber. Andrew Carnegie has donated m- om to found a public -library at Keigh- ley, Yorkshire, • Motor wagons are being put to coneladed an a.11itmee is confirmed by severe tests at Liverpool, and. Liver- e &oat& from nonta. pool city has adopted motor dust It is asserted that the Filipinos de - wagons. • and 47,000,000 for the release of the Lightning struck a marcrang regi- Spanish peisoners in their bands. meet at Limerick, Ireland, Saturday seriou,sly injuring two officers and Herr Wolf, the German Liberal De - seven privates. puty to the Auetrian Reichsrath, was severely wounded in a savage duel. , There hae been a revival, of clay - The Czar has decorated M. Deleasse, light robberies in the Strand and other nreneh Minister of Foreign Affairs, outrages• evnich terrorized London a with the order of St. A.lexander New - few menthe age. Nature/1%M aliens are not eligible ehl• Many lives are reported to have for peerage in retgland arid Mr. Wea, Aden therefore, can wily become Wee lost and great dainage caneed to property by the Iturricarie in the West baronet or a knight. Russia may take steps to expel . ex- tring Milan from ervia. A. (=venters' strike has caused the greatest labour erisis in the history 't Denmark. The _French Government has prohi- bited further fights between buns and wild beasts. The Amerieans laave captured San Mateo, ten miles from Manila, after a stiff fight. It is said that 30,000 Finlanders are zonsidering the question of settling in Newfoundland. ITEMS INTREsT. •—•••• A Few eltragereein White VIII Re Pound W11 irfti Reading. ILinen ,svas, the first fabric weaved. Vegetariane bare clearer colnaplein ions than people wlio eat animal feed, It es, a rein:inn/abbe feet that tew bald. men ever die Of oonsumption. The first belloote. ascension wee made by tbo_ Moonegoltiee brothers, in LY:e7l'ayYrtanne(>6(1:1:jetArieen i5'tellrBotdbed the Boston and Mame Railroad runs a large einspentiner over its route., In Asti Califiereia is an immense cistern lined with concrete two feet ethapicakcattya'ristbe.500,010"41aellonots• itS Stlaeltsenith in Grass Valley, Cale Englishmen. Its mines are at North Sydney. A representative of the Nova Scotia Steel, Company ha ,s been in Eng- land for scan•e time consulting with the directore of the coal company. Tlae esein concern's plant at North Syd- ney will include a ship -building plant, steel rail plant and dock. The com- pany "owns iron mines at Belle Isle, Newfoundland, and it is said that three hundred thousand tons of ore have been sold in Europe for immedi- ate delivery. The concern will have a capital of twenty-five millions, prin- cipally English. The price to be paid for the General Mining Associa,tion coal mines is not stated. Filipinos have captured and burned the United States steamer Satarnas. Her crew are missing. e• Seventeen eases of poisoning figure in a murder trial now being heard at Temesvar, in Hungary. The report that Cbina and japan have decided to clone his career op the an- niversary of eis birthday, at the very hour of the. day when. hewas born. He waited untinthe cl.eek strusik eleven, and, then committed suicide. On. eacn train of the new Siberian railroad, tnere will be a stationary bicycle to afford exereise to the pass- eagees and a barber who will shave them free of cost, A sheep with five horns rambles areunn. the farm of William Marston, in Cedar- Springs, Ky. Two 'horns grow on each side of the heed and one in the cee.tre. A negro conviet in an Austrian jail was conveyed to a Vienna lieepital, and there experimented upon vvith elecitricity, for fear months. At the end of that time he was so bleached that be would pass for a white man. Three bens belonging to Dr. Shaw of Russellville, Ky., axe 'nigh flyers. They recently ascended 2001feet in the •aix in pursuit of a ',hawk. When the ei.00n whistles blow they quit eeraeola- ing •gravel and hasten home to dinner. A San Francisco tramp was arrest- ed- for nagranen The Magistrate ask - en. ham wine and what he was He d•rataatically declared, "I am an bon- rean—tUae. noblest work of God." Honest men being %neve, •the Judge thought he would put, him in a place ot gaiety, and sent him to jail forthree Twenties. Isaereasing rotundity on the part of the wife of a Loneon nenerdasher led • BOWMANVILLE BANK ROBBERY. Alieged That the Perpetrators are en Custody at Hul5. deepatch from Ottawa, Ont., says: —The Staniar(' Bank officials heve been notified, it is alleged, that the mystery surrounding the robbery of $11,000 on May 13th last from the Bow- rnanville branch nee been cleared up, and six men are now in Hull goal who have• been identified lay the night watchman as having been seen by him in the bank on the night of the robbery. It is understood that Chief Genest notified Provincial Detective Jos. Rogers that, he had arrested men against whom he. bad proof implicating them in the crime. Their names are given as James Collins, Wm. Hastings John Murray, William Gilmour, Wil- liam johnson, and Pat, Ryan, • The men were arreeted and convict- ed of vagrancy, and during their term Chief Grenest ban been able to work Out his clues. RIOTING AT 'LONDONDERRY. The Frenent eel:tombelieser Pauebete was • eunk by the 'steamer Herealee off Mae Germany has begun a new type of English coast on Seturday, aern eine eipe,do boats, larger than the old persons were erownen• tyle, whien have been found unsein The secretary of Sir Thoiwes Liptrnso by,- eompany, bee been one:gait/ea for trial Baigeria is financially embarrassed, at London -charged with being in Loom:ewes/ice of the In ling of a session of fruit unfit for use. 1rnb fielierman by the Leda a num- Tee Marquis et Londonderry • . of Eiglisli visitors at /a atlegne .... . wane:laced the engagement of inn eon wet*" marmen lastweek and heir, Viseteint Castlereagh, to Miss The Semen (tome martial has, by Edith Chaplin eldest daughter of the i majority of one, ecqunted Gen, Toro I Itte Hou. Henry Chaplin. oral other officers tried for surrender- . The, London Tirctee has been grant Eng banttag° to the Americans, ed ad injunction restraining a pub- A/eerie:in deieennee to the Peace lisher named Lane frorn re -printing Cennerenve will eommemorat e. the eon- specchaS of Lord. Roeebery admitted- fe mile by the erect: len or a peen ly taken from the TiraeS, 'h PCI war the English oherch at The fighting Arose Over Rae Celebration of tbe • Relief of Derry. A despatch from Londonderry, says: —The Protestant celebration of the anniversary of the Relief of Derry, be- sieged by James II.'s army in 1689, led to riotous scenes heee on Sunday. An excursion party, composed of 400 members of a '98 club, arrived from Belfast, but the police refused to allow the excursionists to enter the city. The appearance of a Nationalist band to meet the party caused disorders and stone -throwing. Both mobs attacked the police. Finally the Riot Act was read, and the Mayor of Londonderry called out the garrison, Eight con- stables were seriously injured. Tile rioting was renewed in the evening on the departure of the excursiottists, in the vicinity. of the railway station. The police made repeated baton charg- es, and several persons were injured, ARGENTINE AGRIODLTURE her husband to out off her supply of Plareia ' The British naval manoeuvres have' e e• Throuela the failure of ventures by resaltea in tha Ilritish fleet getting the convoy, suppoged to he from nein hi Keene Pale Dervitie a young aen safe into prefora, 1-14C,0,0, (ouefing Reasitin, worth $18,e00,000, has become represented. France,' bankrupt, rind vein Eave at most ,s,,,.auto,- andrensed on Cater 'Mill (look laere ' WILL AVERAGE 25 BUSHELS. &tent, of wenn she, drank three pints a day. ...at tilme elan weighed 217 peunde. In six weeks eine had dwind- led down to 180 pmendis.• Fearing that she would soon. beeonne a s • w has 'begun proceedhags for a divorce on ineraune from the plague. • ' sealant of his inn/inanity. • • The air of Alaska seems to have a SMUT IN WHEAT • CAUSES INCAL- CULABLE DAMAGE. The Carbunele Plague—Herds Upon nerds or vont oosoosed by Its RaVd.geS, Whielt Continue Utielteelred. ,A. despatch' from Ottawa says i—Next to the United States, Canada% great. est rival on the boniAphere as an en - porter of wheet and cattle is the Ar- gentine Republic. The conditions of agriculture there, and particulaely these Of cattle -raising, aee popularly supposed to be eucla as to render the competition Eomewli,a,t unequal. But in the South Arneriteen Republio the farmers have 'troubles of their own, andserious troubles, too. A bulletin is by, the Argentine Department of Apiculture hes just been received by the department here. Ti is addressed to the, farmers of the Republic to in- struct them in the methods of grap- pling with ' rat ' and smut' in wheat. Tee opening paragraph of the bulle- IARKETS OF THE WORLD. Prices of Grain, Cattle, Cheese, Bze in the Leading Marts. •••••••••,... Trento, Aug. I8.—There was a good rue at the western cattle Markel- toe clay, receipts tieing 82 loede. Trading was a little slow, a good deal of the stuff brought in being fee to-raor- row's market. In export/ cattle the demand, for good stuef was beyond the supply, but far- . . niers, continae to send in inferior stock, for which the demand is slow, Good shippers brought as high as ne per cwt. More good butchers' cattle are want- ed, bet the geeeral average is low. A fe,w extra choice nate brought as high as .44,50, but the average price was around and below $4 per cwt. Following are, some of the trans- actions:— A load pa snippieg cattle, weight 1,20e lbe, sold for $1,60 pee cwt. load of raieed butcher& cattle, tin/ of evhich tne following is ettanese claieflY cows, weight 1,050 l'he• sold for lation shows • voliat serioes inroads e3.1.2 1-2 per cwt. , these pestnhave made upon, the crops: A load of Tented, butcheres, cows and " Enormous losses," it saes, heifers, weight 1,020 lbs, sold foxi 0.70 some inst,ances to more then halt the for $4,30 per cwt. perienced eVerly year, =meant% in , P6;''ITtweetn. heifees, weight 995 lbs, *'sold the faTmers colitra011iT call " carbon.' • , entire erop, mewed by a disease whioln value -, 1 Eight heifers. weight 1,020 lbs, sold x 04 50 per ewt of thei inferior grain of small A len of rough /cows, weight 1,000 lbs ne in also the cense of the production se ' sold for 43.25 Per nWt• conamon in, our markets, and known as 1 Three loads cif shippers, weiglat from smutted, Punta negro., wheat." `Ph --e 1,225 to 1,325 lbs, sold at prices rang - bulletin goes on to nscribe, this " dis- ine, from ".45 to 45. rot, to a microscoPic fungus eaeee as well as tha.t of ' eerie,' or c growth,1 There was a good demand for stock- ers, prices being steady at §2.75 to 43. - the latter!seen in the immature wh,ea,t, 25 per cwt for light, and extra choice, to evhich it faetens itself, an n on which $4. For heavy prices were $3.541 to 03.75 per cwt., with an (settee 25e, for it teede =tit, the greens are " trans - best selections. formed into et, black powder, greasy to the touch, and of the odour of' decayed : There was no change in export bulls, fish." The, bulletin aAvises eradication of which the quality continues poor. of these pests by treeting the seed Cows, were unchanged. wheat with a weak solution of sulphate , seine being alma° as high as §8 to $0 Goonl calves are in demand, a few of copper. THE CA.RBUNCLE PLAGUE, 1 %idle for veals weighing teem. 175 to 200 lbs. on the hoof. - From another bulletin issued by the Argentine Government it appears that In expert sheep the trade was fair- ly brisk, with a good deenand for first - great havoc is being wrouglat among class stuff. Butcher's she,ep showed the bends bY a Plague known as "car-• buncle." The virulence of this disease no signs of improvement, le •quality, is such that the immediate slaughter of Prices varying from 33 to $3.50 per cwt. Ewes showed an increase in all affected aniraala and the cremation riees Of a.boat 40c per cwt. of the carcases and the use of anticepe P Receipts at the hag market were tics in handling them are earnestly about 1,000, with prices' unclanged, and renommended. The, Government under - too imany light hog,s still coming in. takes to supply free to stock -raisers to unload, math:listed stuff on the mar - Dyspepsia. and Indige$tion, common diseases, but hard to cure With ordinary retedies, yield readily to TYlatilley's Celery -Nerve Compound. W H. Rockingham, 396 King SC, East, Hamilton, Ont„ says :—'41 was troubled with Dyspepsia and Indigestion for a long time, and *could' get no relief until I tried • Manley's Celery -Nerve Cmnpound• which cured me, and I cannot • speak too highly in its praise." ' NOT THE WAY HE MEANT Er., 4Sbe—That was a nice way to speak et your only daugiater. He—What are you tallcing about? See—Didn't I hear yen with my Own 'ears tell that horrid lerownston, Well, Pim glad she is marrie(1 at last? He—Well, ain't If Haven't I been almost turned oat of my own house for the laist four weeks while you women were getting the arrangements made? ...- The starving peasantry of Bessar- abia, a piece of Russian mentor north' of the Danube and the Black Sea, have. revolted, and had several encounters with troops. In a collision of trains, during a thundeestorna, at juviey, Trance, Sat- urdey night, about 20 passengers were killeds and 73 injured. One train was standing and the other crashed into it at 50 mine an hour, telescoping three Paspetager tioaches. are showing tee much anxiety of the Republic the Pa,.steur leraph, Farmers keleton she inch it is claimed renders an hnals SASKATCHEWAN FLOOD. prolific effect an the human hair. renewing is tbe range of ' current Wherint. L. Sonithl Went to the Klan- ltinotatioliase dike, two years age, he was almost- Cattle. bialld. He; has just returned to San Franeesco,witle 'a pleetiful,crop of hair t ket. • Sows are fetching 30 per lb. Stags :sell at 2c ner lb. Store bogs evil' not sell. The River Rae Risen. Forty Feet ilk ' Twenty -Four nears. A despatch from Winnipeg, Mane Seippers, per cwt. . ,$ 25 $5 00 'Wheat r1c141 in 31.tultolict Ifili be -Enor- mous This Vete. A despatch from Winnipeg says:— The ;NI. and N. W., railway crop repot t, GEN. MERCIER HISSED. •••••••• Sensational Incident al, the Dreyfus Trial on Satitrday Morning. A despatch from Rennes, says:—A stirring scene closed Saturday's ses- sion of thee- Dreyfus trial. General Mercier spoke nearly four hours in ruthless denunciatien of Dreyfus, who had listened unmoved until Mercier concluded by saying that if he had not been convinced of the guilt 01 Dreyfus and. if the latter's conviction had not been fortified since 1891, he would admit he had been mistaken. Drey- fus jumped to his feet as though the words had galvanized him into life and shouted in a voice which resound- ed through the hall like a trumpet note : You ought to say so now The audience burst into a wild cheer, whereupon the, ushers called for sil- ence. •But when 1VIercier replied that he would admit Dreyfus was innocent if there was any doubt, the prisoner shouted again: "Why don't you then?" Aaptpltabuissetbere was another outburst of • Casimir-Perier then rose and dra- naatically demanded to be confronted with General Mercier in order to deny, some of his statements • Colonel jeuaust ordered the court to be adjourned until Monday at 630 a.m. for the confrontation, and as Mercier turned to leave the court the audience rose en masse and cursed him, those at the back of the court standing on chairs and benches in order to better bowl him down. BIG SHOW AT PARIS. - The Canadian Pacific to ILive a nue Ex- hibit al the Show. A despatch from Ottawa, says:— Among our moat notable exhibits at the Paris Fair of next year will be one from the Canadian Pacific Railway, whieb has re,served a space of 1,260 feet, that will be fitted un as a recep- tion room, shoeving teeny of its best oil paintings, and displays of the natural resources, of the country along the ebute. It is said the company will spend between $25,000 and $50,000 on the exhibit, testier' aix Wedn es d ay, shows that • says:—The Big Saskatchewafl. river is Butcher, choice do. . 375 425 Butcher, med. to good 3 25 3 40 onthe rampage. The stream has risen Butcher, inferior. . .. 2 50 3 00 40 feet le the past 24 hours, m•anes ' Sheep and Lambs. . Ewes, per owt. . . . 375 400 still rising. The bridge piers at Ed - mouton are under water, the ferries Bucks, per cwt.. .. 250 300 swept awenr, and handreds of cords of Spring lambs, each.. 300 400 her have gone adrift. The electric Cows, each..•. . . 2500 45 00 light power house at Edmonton is un- Calves each. . . . 2(10 '700 der water, and the flats below the town Hogs have been transferred into a lake of Choice hogs, per cwt. . 4755 62 1-2 a rushing waters. Light, hogs, per cwt. . 425 475 .The freshet is due to the phenomenal wood aPtd tb.• ousands of feet a him- •nilincers and, Calves. wheat, fin/ the north-western portion of the provinee is Td tber more backward tha a in Central and Southern -Mani- toba, but the grain is ripening fast, and her -meting will be general by the end ef the month. TI17, e :mated yield 1 ram an points runri from, 25 to 30 trashels per acre, tee crop being very he,avy, SUICIDE AT DESERONTO. ointe• Alan insiebee and Deliberetely eneneeIp 01,11111. A despatch from • Deeerooto, Opt., sayei—Saturday night about 7 ceateek a young iminigrarit, named Win - Davie, Miss Maud Speecer at Leeds, leen, • ante jumped into the bay and did not 000 from the wreok siet 3:110-nPoren Whiinta at (1-rhuilsIt hac againie appee on the eutfarn. 8omo leis recovered $250 damage In conferred uPo for breach of promiae egattesti George ll Count Von Muc'ter" yourog bo ‘Vere in the Viciniy t Arundel, a young efigieeer, Ile took Lederibargi the-Gentle/1 Amna'sador et gave the a' tn, arida rosette party re- ecieasiee to coma the spenleg in her Parisa the title of Prime, in recogni- covered Lb, env in about 10 minutes, lettere. don of hist s6"16e head' er he Gen- bul life was extinet, Tbe young man A men detegetioe to, the Peace Confer- had eine been w in teo A few days, end ballotei from the Cryeite lealoce, London, ascendieg on Monday, col- nce at The ue i$ (nit' be wee not, mentally sound. KLONDIKE OUTPUT $40,000,000. amasommaaascammiasmamita to case so slight you can afford to neglect. No case so deep-seated that Dr. Agnew's' Catarrhal Powder will not relieve instantly and cure perma, uently. It has made marvelous cures, and enjoys the esteem and high en- dorsation of the medical profession. , Through exposure I contracted that dread OS. ease—Catarrh, My case -became chronic—MI* minutes after first application I had relief, and la a short while I was completely cured, W. LAVSLIA, G.T.R. Brakeman, Annandale, Orn. IS Sold by e. Lutz, Exeter. rainfall of the past few days. The historical steamer North-West broke away from, its naeorings, struck the centre pier bridge, and. went down the river a total wreck. ,The river is full of drifting miners' shacks and other small buildings. People in the Jew -lying part of Edmonton are pre- paring to move. The water is now four feet over the bridge piers, and continues to riee. Steamer Rosalie, 'AWN $30,000,000 utiolo1 at 'Va nem" vet,. A despatch, from Vanceuver, sayn— The steamer' Rosalie, 'with 150 pass- engers brings in the neighbourhood ot $3,000,000 in gold. According to the estinaete of Canadian Gold Commiseion- er Ogilvie the output of tlae Klondike mines this year will be $40,000,000. A JOURNEY NECESSARY. TRIED TO KILL CONDUCTOR. Supposed to !ISM?, Been ate Act of a l'ramy, lint No Explanation as to 'Where Ile Got Rine. A deepatch from Lindsay, Ont., says: Mr. James Greases, conductor of the G. T. R. tera'n running daily between hers and Cnialeconit, bad a narrow escape from being snot while passing Wilson's siding, three naile,s this side, of Cones conk, on Wednesday night. It is Mr. Greaves custom to ascertain at the different points along the line on the up trip the number of cars to be take on the down trip in the moreing, and when passing'. Wilson s siding he was lookleg out of the closed windove counting the ears when he heard the report of a rifle and the frame of the so.sh throngn which he , was looking crashed in. On examination it was found that the bullet passed through thee fraTae and out of an" open window en the °thee side of the eoach, passing within a fer inches off the condleotor'e head. Everything pointe to it being a deliberate attempt on Me, Greaves' life, and yet he hianself cannot aceount ter the affair unless it was done by a train whom ,the conductor compell- ed to pay hes fare when stealing a ride a few dans ago. • Clara, you admit that we would be more comfortable at home in the hot went e'er. Yee, but everybody else is twine Who Will eee my new notheel • FeiMININE CHARITY-. enee-Miee Deering always has a erowa of young men around her. She, enviously — Yes; they evidently tbinh there i& oftiots, in numbers. Heavy, is pee cwt. . 425 475 • Buffalo, Aug. 18.—Spring wheat—Ac- tive; enquiry; Nb -1 Nertlhern, spot, 77 3-8 be 77 58o; No. 2 Northern, 73 7-8c. Winter wheae—Dual; No. 1 white and. No. 2 tred, 720 on track.. Core—Firmer. nrei 2 yellicin, 37 to 37 Inee; No. 3 yel- low, 36 3-4 to 37c; No. 2 corn, 36, /-2 to 36 3-4e; No. 3 earn, 36 to 36 1-4e. • Wes—Fiance Not 2 white, 25e; No. 3 whet% 24e; Nice 4 white, 23c; No. 2 mixed,/ 23 1-2e; NO. 3 mixed, 23e. Rye —No. 2, on track, quoted. at 57 1-2e, Canal fretteben Steady. Flour — Firm. Detroit, Aug,. 18.—Wheat closed—No, 1 white, °ash, 72 1-2cc; No. 2 red, cash, '73c • Septetaber, 74e ; December, 76 7ne-. ' • Toledo, Aug. 18.—No. 2 wheat, ea.sh, '72 1-4c; September, 733-8c asked; De- cember, 76e asked. Coen—No. 2 mixed* 33 1-2c. Cate—No. 2 mixed, 28 1-2c. Rye—No. 2 oash, 55 1-2c bid. Clover seed—Prime, cash, $5.90; October, $4.40 asked. Oil.-Unethanged. Duluth, Aug. 18—Wheat—No. 1 hard, casb, 74 1-13e; September, 72 5-8e; De- cember, 72 5-8e; No. 1 Northern, cash, 71 7-8e; September, 70 5-8c; December, 71e; May, 75c; No. 2 Northern, 67 5-8c; No. 3 spring, 645 -Se. • Milwaukee, Aug. 18.—Wheat—High- er ; No. 1 Northern; 74; No. 2 Nortilern, 7243. Rye—Higher ; No. 1, 54e. Barley Dull; No. 2, 411-2 to 42c; sample, 36,to 41e. TO IMPORT ENGLISH STOCK. gen extensive Purchases by limited Slate Weeders Promised. A despaten from London says t—Me. Victor Caveedisb, member of Parlia- ment for Weet Derbyehire, in a speech before tbe Bakewell Farmers' Club on Wednesday evening, said that an Am- erican Government °Went' told lane that the fleet few years would see a larg,e importation of English stook in- to the United States for breeding •pur- peeen DROUTH IN S. -W. 'RUSSIA. litter loss of the . winter avid SptIng Wheat Crops. ' despateh from St. Peteesburg, says :—Reports from South-West Rus- sia Say the ineent drenght in that por- tion of the country has caused the ut- ter less of tee %Vilna and spring wheat RAN AMUCK WITH A GUN. 'Wounded Two lieu and Finally Inew ilis Brains Out. A despatch from Charlottenburg, Pruasia., says ;—At the branch of the Credit 'bank here Saturday. air. 'Delon, a retired army 'captain and former president of the Hamburg marine of- fice, after presenting a obeque for pay- ment/ discharged a revolver at a bank director and clerk, dangeeously wound- ing both. He then jumped into it train arid alighted at the Zeologielingarden, where he fired at an offnial, whri tried to bar his eetrance. He then premed the 'muzzle of the involver against his own temple and rapidly tired three nine, falling dead. No metive is as- ensiledfor his oonduct, and he is sure posed -to have been insane. !1, DRIEST SUMNER ON RECORD, Rainfall in England Falls Event 610 to ISe Teas Per Acre. S. deSpateh fermi LOCdon, says ;— This his been the driest summer on reeteal here. Only 190 toes of water per :toreSar falleti ieeteeel of he amen average of 61,6 ton& 'tecie 25 days the thermometer has registered a temperee Lure of over SO degreas. The Leading Specialists of America ,G3 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CURED. WECURE EMISSIONS Nothing can be more demoralizing to young or raiddle-aged men than the pres- ence of these "nightly losses." il!hey Produce weakness, renvortontes, seining of disgustatid a whole train of symptoms. They unfit a Man for business, married life and social happiness. N.o matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses, our New 'Method Treatment rill positively CUM you. • NO CURE—NO PAY -Meader, you need help. Early abuse or later excesses may have reakened vou. Exposuremay have diseased you. You are not safe till cured. Our New Method rill care you. You run no risk. 250,000 CURED Zing.3rituare19ible naggardusirrtttE13alex" oi.y0eeorget1:motse, and despondent; blotches and. pimples, amken eyes, wrinkled face, oh/opine form and downcast countenance roVeal the blight of youeexistenee. • ',It WECUREAR1COCELE No matter how serious your Case may be. or how loxes you may have had it, our NEW METROD TREATMENT will cure it. The "wormy veins" return to their normal condition and hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. The organs become vitalized, all umiatural drains or loeseS mese and manly powers return. No temporal/ benent,_itut a_ permanent cure assured. NO 01/11E', NO PAY. NO OPERA., TEON NEGESSARY. NO DETEN- TION FROM BUSINESS. ei CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure SYPECILle, elLEeT, EMISSIONS, teePOTEN0e, STRICTURE, VARICOCEI,E,_ SEMI- ITAL BLADDETt AND KID - I? HE. BOOKS VREV. ORARGRe N diseases. CONSULTATION MODERATE. If unable to ean, write for a QUSSTION BLANK for neleiE TREATMENT. Inieneeen KENNEDY 6, KUMAR , j48 SHELBY STREET, ne• DETROIT. IRIOH. ..;•:,Sigake‘SME ilEAD-MAKER1 vxmisior IIEVin FAILS TO Erie SeillTlinn /FOR Veen net meolato 000000, A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS and COLDS yoy ctoral The Canadian nernerly for all THROAT MID LONG AFFEOTIONS Large Boitlip, 25 cents. DAVIS e LAWitfittICIt CO., Limited, Prop's, Perry Davis' Pain Killer. Nev York Montreal 00000~441710‘,Nove*rieft.00000 THE EXETER