HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-24, Page 5TUE -„EXET4B
T 1.1Y1 4 S
Atfroth :4 to b'e. Apply to •
Barristere, SellcitorC, Oce,i Mani St., Exeter.
We have unlimited private tends for invest -
anent uPon farm or village PrOPort314 lowest;
fratee of whereat,
H.. Ele,s1.vr.fl'AMAPT,NE.
I). S. D; D. S.,.Honor Gradeate
ot Toronto Uniyersity, Dentist.
Teeth extracted witheut pain or
bad after effects. Odle inFau-
son's block. West side of Main
treet, Exeter.
R. ANESS011, (0.0. S. L. 0. )
Honor ;Graduate of the , Toronto University,
•mad Itoyal College ot Dental Surgeons of
401tarle. .All bridge werk, Crowns, and Plato
work done M. the neatest possible manner, A
barmless ant:esthetic for painless exaction;
'The etrictest attention given to the preservaa
len of the ruttural teeth. Office opposite Cen
tral hotel, Exeter, Ontario,
A. HOOPER, Licensed Alio-
tioneor *for the County a I'luron. w,los oon.-
,dnetediin 0,11. -parts, an1 for convenience can be
zrranged for at this Mace; Satisfaction guaran-
t eed, Charges inciderate. Exeter P. 0,
-That most desirable piece oil land containing
about 21i acres, being part of farm lot No. 20 in
t he First Concession of the tovvnship of Stes.
iihen. Tide land adjoins the Coleporation and
• le.spleadidly situated, facing the London road.
Also the following Village lots in the Village
-of Exeter.
• Lots Nos, 45 and 46 on the east side of Main
Btreet and immediately South of the residence
▪ Follick, Esti.
• Part . lot No, 21. on the west side of Main
• street inimediately South of the residence of
• E. Folliok, Esq. '
• Part lot No. 21 on the west side of Maia
street immediately South of the residence of
Cbarles Ro we Esq.
Part of let on the east; side. of Andrew
street almoat opposite the Main- StreetMetho-
dist Parsonage, coatejning nearly one acre of
land and, known as the Old Schoolhouse Prop-
e rty.
• Lots Nos, 162 and 164, North West Corner of
'Victoria and Carling Streets.
The land now usecl as recreation grounds,
the land immediately North thereof and the
land being part of same farralot but West of
the London Huron & Bruce R. R., containing
in all about 0 acres. This laud is admirably
eituated and faces on Huron, Carling, and
glanders Streets.
The land on either.side of the Station Road.
being pari of Farm lot No. 23 in the First Con -
=smell of the township of Stephan and now
surveyed, into lots and streets containing 27
These two last parcels of land will be sold by
the lot or acre tosuit purchaser.
Forfurther particulars apply to CABLING
BROS.. Merchants. or ' to DIORSON & CAR -
LING 13arristers, Ste. Exeter Ont,
Per sale, lot 11, South Thames Road, con.
t a2uing100 acres, 95 acres -under cultivation and
.5acres of good. wooa. Good brick residence,
with briek kitcheu and woodshed and large
bank barn,with stone stabling, and good inv.-
ipg house. well fenced,under-dralnedwith
tile mid in first-class state of oultivation. There
is a good orchard of ohoice fruit, and the
grounds are well set out witn ornamental trees.
Lt is ithin four ladles of Exeter; qjoins two
chmeliesoMethodist and Presbyterian; and a
school within a mile. There is plenty of water
althothliouge and stable. .Also a windmill for
grindlng,etc. This is one of the best
farms n't the county of Heron, and. is in . first -
ease shape in every respeet anti Will be sold on
reasonable term,S, as the proprietor desires to
retire. Apply on the promises or address
Thames Bead P. 0.3). MoINNIS.
• Jy. 13th tf.
• Notice is hereby given that a Court will be
tald, pursuant to the Oetario Voter's List Act,
• by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of
the County'of Huron, at the town Hall Exeter,
on Friday., the first day of September, A. D.,
3899, at the hour o610 o'clock, a. ra., to hear and
and determine the several complaints of errors
• .and oinistions in the Voter's List of the Muni -
polity of the village of Stephen for 1899.
' All person havinghusinees at the Court aro
requested to attend at the said time and place.
Geo. H. Bisserr,
• Clerk, Tillage Exeter.
Dated. at Exeter, Aug. eltb, A. D., 1829.
_ —
• Municipality of the Township of Us -
borne, ()minty of Huron.
Notice is hereby given. that I have trans
matted or doliVered to the persons mentioned
aoctions Sande of THE ONTARIO VOTER'S
LISTS ACT, the coPies required of the List,
made porsuant to said Ant, of all persons ap-
pearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of
the said municipality to be entitled to yote iii
• the said 'Municipality atElections for Members
of the Legislative Assemblv and at 1V1unieipal
• Elections, and that, the said List was first post-
• Ad up at my oifice,at Usborne, on the sixteenth
, day of Angust, 1899, and remains there for
Elettore are called upon to examine the said
• list, andif any.041iSgiOUS or ally other errors
verefoundtaereue to take immediate proceed-
• logs to ha.ve the said errors correeted accord-
, ing to law, ,
• Fraxots Montny.
_ Clerk, Township of Usborne.
•"Dated at Inibeene, August 16th, 1899.
Meat Market
The undersigned has Opened Up a
ew meat maaket one door
South ot Garling's Store,
wireee he will keep the choicest of
eneate constanely on Inlaid.
A CA LL .SOL I Ci 'f ED.
0(0e •SO iDeattteagZeD
olroffinan's Headache Powders
Vare inclispeasable in my house. 13
O I have given there to my friends Es
''' and they all want to get them. r,
Send tne a balf-dozeu boxest"
F, imirscno,
Cook Academy, Montour allsele. v
tied ,id
a co
. Will curetarnidyitoitculne: Out
, . in 30 mintites without' ettesIng ,
10c, eaveloPes mid 25e. be3cea. 0
• 131U 1101,PMAN Dit150 <le" '
.. d„,,Py Allgllgreeable after offeete.
TheY are eel& by all deuggiste In
. 41141101111110.11164114100811,8110411.810
. . .
whotAt xtuhni weak — Toi.outo caw*,
naa the Largest Vetiver -JO of
the Seaaon, 103 cat1°aus-rt4ce8.
Liverpool, Aug, 83, -'What fatares
yesterday e1osee.1 34 'lower than Monday.
• Following were the closing prioei at
important °operas yeeterclay;
Aug. • Sept. Dep.
Chicago „ , $0 7134 $0 7134 $0 73%
New York „ , „ 0 7634 0 79g
Milwaiikee , , 0 7334 , . , , . ,
$t, Louis. , , _ 0 7234 0-75
Toledo 0 71t14 0 7214 0 751M„
Detroit.. ,,,, 0 7334 0 7334 0 7634
DulutiaNcel Nor , , 0 7034 0 7134
Duluth, No.1 h'd 0 7434
Mianeapolis „ 0 703 0 6834 Q 70%
TOItONTO ST, LA trItEN OE 141.4.1tiKET.
Wheat, white, bu. 12?•4 to 20 78
Wheat, red, bit. . „ 0 7234 •,
Wheat, Fife, spring, bn. 0 86
-Wheat, goose, bu........0 69
•Barley, ba. ,, . , .. 0 40
Perla bu 0 62
Oats, bu 0 90 0 35
: : 54'
Tian new, per ton.. _ 810 00„\ to 211 00
Straw, sheaf, per ton._ 6 00 7 50
Straw, loose, per ton,,, 4 00 5 00
D,Arin prionuoTs.
35titter, lb. rolls, „ , , , .$0 18 to $0 20
Eggs, new laid. , „.. „ 0 la 0 15
. mummer.
Chickens, per pair. .20 45 to 80 e)
Turkeys, per lb ...... 0 10 0 11
Ducks, per pair... 0 50 0 80
• Onione, per bag . . , . 81 50 to $....
. Potatoes, per bag.. , 0 60 0 70
•W01.40N..ro LIV.E. STOCK.
Toronto, Aug. 23. -Receipts of live
stook at the cattle market yesterday were
tho largest Of the seasOn, loa oar loads,
ooneistin,g of 1,200 cattle, 9,500 hogs, 790
sheep and 26 calves. Quality of fat cattle
was generally fair, a few choice loads of
exporters being offered, but too many
half-flnished animals In the butcher class
are being marketed. Trade was fair, con-
sidering the large run, with prices firm
for all 61r86-olass cattle, at Friday's quota-
Export cattle, ehoice....8.4 75 to $5 123e
Export cattle, light., 4 50 4 60
'Butchers' catte,pki lots 4 40 1 50
Butchers', good.. , 3' SO I 10
Butchers', medium 3 40 • 8 65
Butchers', coin/non-._ 3 25 3 35
Butchers', inferior „ , 3 00 3 10
Zililch cows, each. • , 30 00 45 00
Bulls, hvy expt, good qlty 3 50 4 50
ineclium export3 60 3 SO
Las gd but. anti ex.. inxi 4 1234 4 3734
Stockers and me& to el 2 50 3 30
Feeders, light. 3 40 3 60
Calves, each , . . 8 00 • 8 00,
Sheep, per cwt. , 8 50 4 10
Lambs, per owt 4 75 5 00
Hogs, 160 to 200 lbs,63734
Hogs, light fats 4 6234
Hogs, heavy fats.. .. 4 623e
ECogs, sows 3 00 ....
East Buffalo Aug 23 -Cattle-Priries
• we steady at unchanged figures. Calves,
choice to extra, quotable at • 86.76 to $7.
Sheep and lambs -Lambs, choice to
extra, were quotable at $6.50 to
good to choice, $5.25 to $5.60. Sheep,
ehoice to extra, $4.25 to $4.50; good. to
choice, $4 to 04.25.
• Hogs -Heavy were quotable at 24.90
• to 25; mixed, 25 to $5.05; Yorkers, 24.95
to $5.05: pigs, 24.60 to $4.75; grassers,
24.80 to $4.90; roughs, $3.90 to 24.10.
• CilE15SE A.r.fiETs.
Ingersoll, Ont., Aug. 23.-Offer1ngs
yesterday 412 boxes; no sales, 10 3-16o
Campbellford,„ Ont., Aug. 23. -At the
cheese board held here yesterday, 14145
boxes were boarded. Following are the
aides: 595 at S 3-160; 40 at SN'e.
• Liverpool, Aug. 23.-Yee'terday's close:
Spot wheat, firm; California, Gs 5d; red
winter, 5s 10d ; Northern, spring, 6s leeed;
fntureS, quiet; Septenaber, 5s 1034cl, De-
cember, 6s Xd. Spot corn quiet ; new, Ss
4.34d; old, 8s 434d; futures, quiet; Sept-
ember. 8s 434d; October, 3s 4.34d; De-
cember,. gs 434d. Flour, 18s 6d.
• Crushed Between Two Cars.
•Hamilton, Aug. 23. -Thomas Kenny, a
Grand Trunk wheel -tester lit the Stuart
street Station, net his death about " 7.30
last evening. He wont between two cars
to fix something, and the •• oars came to-
gether, cushing tno unfortunate Man
badly about the breast, Be was reirtoved
as quickly as possible to St Joseph's
Hospital, where he died;
Horses at the Toronto Ind tiSrial.
Toronto, Aug. 23. -There are $93
entries in the horse classes, nearly 100
more than last year, announced eViee,
President Davies no a wind-up meriting
yesterday, preivous to the •fair, of the
board of directors of the Industrial Ex-
hibition Association, and, he added,
cattle,isheep and swine are all greatly' in
excess of previous years: '
Struck by Lightning.
Poplar Point, Man. Aug. 23.:--Zugh
Cunningham, who Mali.,
about three
miles east of here, had a 80 -ton stack of
hay struck by lightning and burnee to
,the ground. A team of his horses were
also killed by lightning. Mr. Clunning-
ham himself had a narrow escape, being
knocked senselese by' the same stroke that
fired the stack and killed the team.
V. S. Permit Granted 'Canada.
Ottawa Au,g. 23. -The Militia and
has received permis-
sion front thei United StateS. Government;
for small becliee of troops, intended as
reinforceinenta tor the military field force
in the Yukon, to- pass through American
territory, with alletheir atlas, accoutre-
nients, etc.
• NeOlarniid A'gnin Chosen.
DtAtOti, Ott., Aug. 28, -The Welt
Elgin Conservative ASSoeititicai met at
Dalton yesterday for the • purpose of
selecting a, candidata to • Oontest the rid-
ing' in the Conservative interests in the
approachiag bye -election, Mr. Finley
MeDiarmia was again Unanimously'
• ohOsen.
GeneSee Wins the elret,
Toronto, Aug. 213 ---'.Tho first raoe of
tho series gOeS te,th 0 Atheritarie, Mister -
day the Genesee beet the 13eavee by 1
minute and 00 seeenida in a light beerize
from the ilorthWest,' mitt tints captUreS
the first ot the' 00 robes for the Canada's
I3RlEFth- Cleave and his cousin
Mise A. Cleave left for Manitoba on
Friday Aug, letle-lneesrs W. Turner,
Re Talbot and A. Scrennan left Oil Fri -
last for Dakota. -Miss Flora Horner'
of Bad Axe:, 1Vlichigaer, is the gieest of
her:cousin, 11eiss Laura Ilorner.-Al-
fred Westlake left last week foe Ethel
to yisit his allele -Mr, Turner has
sold nis merry-go•roend to Mr. Steph-
eneoe of the Goshen Line. -Dave
Dewar has purchased the camera out-
fit from W. C. Cleave and intends do-
ing a rushing business in the future. --
H. Talbot and his ,son-in-law, Ben
Sherrett, our veteran threshers, are
doing a rushing besiness this
season. Col. J. Jehnstoo was the
guest of the Cleave Begs, Sunday last.
The firemen web e called out on Fri-
day •evening, but it ewes discovered
ehat the cense of the excitement was
an innocent brush fire at the rear of
.A. E. Follick's. The firemen turned
out in a remarkably short time.
BR1Eira.--Mrs. H. L Peine, of .Lon-
don, and her sister, Mrs: -Weismiller,of
Toronto, are hero visiting their mink
John Deichert,and other friends. -Miss
Lizzie Geiger is athonie for her holi-
days. -Jacob Ortwein has bought his
father's team, and took possession of it
last week, -C. Fritz has sold his driv-
thg mare and buggy to Mr. Contineetor
a good pile of gold,ancl is about to pur-
clieee one from John Snell, of Exeter.
'n, wbo has been in Tavistock,
Is heie viiiing bis uncle, Thos. jam -
son. He will go with F. Seigner to
Orediton and take charge of the tia
shop, in a few weeks. --.Messrs. H. Ma.
gel, 'Wm. O'Brien and IT. Bopp, who
have been engaged with their teams
• for about .two weeks kit the Hibbert
ditch, have returned hone, The work
was too hard for the pay. - Major
Johnson, who got his hip strained
about two months ago, and who was
confined to his room, made his first ap-
pearanee on the street, on crutches,
last week. We are glad to see bin" out
again. -Andrew Middleholtz is a happy
man. His wife has presented hive with
a bouncing baby boy. --H,Lippert yice-
president of the Hay Agricultural So-,
ciety, has returned his list of members
to the secretary, with forte -two
nanaes. If all the other directors dO
i.es well, the societ3r will have the lar-
gest list of members it bas ever bad. -
Mrs. D, Kaercher has returned to her
home in St. Cloud, Minnesota.
Seaforth's rate of taxation for 1899
is 24 mills on the dollar.
Dr, Low's worm syrup is a safe cure
.and reliable worm • expeller. • Act
equally well on children or adults. Be
sure you get Low's.
If you are tired taking the large old-
fashioned griping pills, try Carter's
Little Liver Pills and take some com-
fort. A man can't stand everthing.
One pill a dose. Try them.
• Mr. Henry Little has rented the
Brownlee homestead and intends mov-
ing there by the 1st ef Noyember. We
are sorry to have Mr.. and Mrs. Little
leave this vicinity as they were very
obliging and kind neighbors.
Mr: W. B. Forster of Colborne town-
ship met withal) experience last week
whicb will lay him up for some thne.
He was leading his bull wheu he fell
and the animal topped over on him,
breaking his collar bone and otherwise
injuring hire, ''
On Saturday evening last Devine-
meron, of Stanley, met with a serious
and wbat might have proved a fatal
accident. He, with others, was help-
ing to remove the portable saw mill of
Alex. 1V1eBeth, when a beam which
was holding the smoke stack, in place,
fell on his leg. }Ie was immediately
taken home on a stretcher, and medi-
cal aid procured. It was thought that
the bones were splintered,- but not
broken. It is thought he will soon re-
cover. .
The results of Toronto University
matriculation scholarship were given
out late Thursday night. In general
profibiency the following is the order
of merit -S. A. Cudinore, Brampton;
A. G. Brown, Hamilton; F. P. Megan,
Stratford; Mies G. Pringle, Whitby;
C. Dotaglas, St. Marys; E. Forster,
Brampton; L. K. File, Napanee; G. 0.
McIntyre, St. Marys; R. E. Gaby. Tor-
onto; Miss K. E. Short, London; E. J.
Fanner, I. N. Loeser, A. Bagshaw,
Totonto; W, M. Treadgolcl, J3ranapton;
B. Fennel, Napanee; E, W. Wallace,
Toronto; F. L. Letts Strathroy;
re. G. Rea, Port Perry. C. Douglas,
St. Marys rallies with E. Forster and
E. J. Farmer for the eecond Edward
Bloke scholarship in mathematics and
science, which was awarded by revision
to G. U. McIetyre. 0. Douglas also
ieuiltecl with R. E. Gaby, G. 0. Mac -
f tsio and E. Forster fax the second
le'a ward Bloke scholarship in modern
languages and science, which was
a we zeled by revision .to F. L. Letts,
0. Douglas aral G. C. MacIutyre rank-
ed for the eaconcl Edward Blake
sehela esleiP ce...._____•lence
and receives
men Hoe,
R troubled with nervousness, despoil-
dency, exhaustion, loas of meinory, k:
!aching backs arra kidneys, painful urina- V)
don, bashfulness, sediment in urine, losses ell,
at night, impotency, headaches, varicoeme,ve
pimples, ulcers, bone palitsy-The results (.,1
of evil habits in youth or later eeeessee. IP
Our Vitalized Treatmerit cures Um woret cei
cases. (9
Emissions & Varticoceie c‘...
sap the vigor and vitality and produce (t.
weak mere Otter Dollar Vactetextent W
wilt Ceere leogs. ie
Stricture and 0 ieet 6
No matter how Chronic, 'yield to our -Vitae, ee
teed Treatment. NO operatioli, no pain, ib
no deteation front baseless. All 'drains iV
cease. Our tliellivir Treattinetet will f, )
Cure Volt. )
eaSeS of Men and Women for (let Ilikl,
We treat and cure all die- gale TUU! mi
E...A...ti....4 Contulteera Fria Write for tlatmiloa
fist for Homo Tama/mt. i
00111111 DOCTORS, 47 met1,908i ogge4„:
Blood &Sexpal Diseases
e_lired forever. No rotary. of. the disease,
NO Ileteury. NO Pelson, Ott t. Dollar
treatment win Corti Irbil, We
Glearaneee eteeee.
• CAN I lexeter reeet 23r6. 189,
INcLAREN-In leibbert. en Oa 10th inst., the
. wife of 0. Mclarren, Oa 80)).
1 ST,NW/.413,At F411100', 911 010 201h inet,
1 tl T 1” d St ,V f 4 I t •
leOnIele-OUNNiNORAM.-At the residelice
of the bride's parents, Aug. 6th, ler Itev. W.
Cle.HoWson,Ilugli 'Ed, Rorke telNliss Resit Cun-
both of Clinton,
13,81(ifIt.--PULLMANssin Windsor, on the
08th Of uiy, 13Y the Rev. Mr. Ilioes, George
W. Baker, of 1)otroit, to Miss Aenie Pull-
man, third. daughter of Mr, T. Pullman, Hib-
Allister, aged 35 years and. .5 moo ths,
MoALLISTEIts-In Clio ton, 011Aug, 2111,A.Me-
atsciabA mItTickey1,0.1e.m.ettelaiertlehoyuolge eoaf rewyficiagies,,on Aug.
MeTeENZIE--Ia Melealop an -August 17th,
Elspeth IVIcZeozie,aged 59 years andamenths.
TIALL-In Hullett, on Aug. 8th Leonard, only
21in days,
G. R. nail, aged 7 months, arid
PORTER -In Egmondyille on August fith,
Laura Scott, taxt;b daughter eg the late John
S. Porter, aged, 28 years and n lamas.
Cc/OPER-In Kropeu, on the 18th mCI., ,Tames
Cooper, aged 60 years,
GIBSON--In Usborne, on the 17th inst„ Janet
Lang, relict of the late Robt. Gibson, in her
75th year.
Mise McGuire. of Wingliain, vvho
teaches as an assistant of Varna echool
until January, has been engaged by
the trustees of No. 7, Stanley, es their
teacher fax next year at a salary of
At Feeepoilea village five miles from
Berlin, Mrs. Watson on evening at-
tempted to light a fire with the use of
coal oil, when the can exploded. Mrs.
Watson rushed into the yard with her
clothes on fire and was so terribly bur-
ned that she died next morning. She
leaves a family of seven children.
• 1.0-41
Winslow's Soothing. Syrup has been used for
over fifty years by millions of mothers for their
ehildrea while teething, with perfeet success.
1,1 soothes the child, softens the gums. allaykall
pain. cures wind colic. and is the best remedy
tor Diarrhoea. 16 28 pleasaut th the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
fairs and asie for Mrs Winslow's Soothing
Syrup and take to other kind..
The undersigned will receive applications
for teacher for S. S. No. I Usborne, on or
before August19. Duties to COMD1011C0 fhst
of year. Teacher will belrequired to light fire
and keep school clean. For particulars
apply to the undersigned.
Devon P. O.
When. Doctors
Optician 4 d
sleeplessnevss and dizziness, often
puzzle the best physicians,
Nine times in ten eyestrain is the
direct cause.
Nothing can effect a permanent cure
that 'does not remove the cause.
That is what our scientifically fitted
glasses do.
S. Fitton,
T., Fitton's Jewelry Store
The Nation's .1-iolida.y
AUG. 28 to SEPT. 9, '99.
All Dip -to -date feTT 17:110T 10 NI a .
Progress of the Century
Illustrated. in the World's Inventionk-Wireless
Telegraphy, Wireless Telephoning-,
• Improved x Rays.
Grand Military Spectacles
Fain 011s English and American Battles
lVfervellous Entertainment, Features. The best,
Fair, The Cheapest Fair, The Greatest
.A.nnurd Pair on Earth.
Exranse oLosn AtroUsT 5Trt.
For Prize lasts. Burry Forms, and all ParLieu-
••lars, address
• President. Manager.
Hard world
Longhoursofhard, never-
ending work makes Kidney
Trouble a common com-
plaint on the farm. Pain-
ful, weak or lame backs
• and "Urinary Disorders are
• tad. frequent.
help a farmee to work and keep his health
-take the ache and pain, out of his back
a.nd give him strength and' vigor.
Mr. Isaiah Williriot, a retired farmer
living at 138 Elizabeth St., Barrie, Orin,
,` I have been a,stiffeter with Iddriey trouble
ilind 34110 111 tho small (3fthy beck, and la both
Sides. I also had a great aorta nettralgia.pain
in my temples, sad was Subjett to ditze spells.
"1 felt tired and worn out 12051 (36 the time.
"Since taking' 150an'S leideey nine, I have
had no pain dithet in my batik or sides, ThoY
haVe removed the neuralgia pain from my head,
also the tired feeling.
" I feel at IO(i.St teit,Yettr8 younger and r
only say that Doan's Kidney Pills are tho inost
remarkable kidney env), and ia addition are
the best tonic 1 ever tools."
teutaeLever Pilis euro CointitIpatIon.
1 New Wheat per bus. .. ..- • , , , 70 to 79
' Wheat per bostael ....„. ., .60 Go 66
Seto ;35
004. .......
Ppm", ,, ,F -
Better..... .....ie to 15
Egge...... ...... 12 to 12
Ta• rkeye ... ..., ,. .,...., 9 to 3
6 to 0
Chickene. per ib . .., „ ., 5 to 7
7 to • 8
10 to 15
D▪ riedAPP e ,, • . - •to •
Poole dreesed„.„ , ..,..., ..,. - 81,65 to 0
London, August 23r6, 189f,
Wheat per bushel,.. , .. ..., ,73 to 73
Oats..., ..„33 to 31
Peas .... . 60 to 641
Barley- - • . .. - - 43 to 50
Buckwheat ,.,.45 to 48
'lye . • .... ' , ,, .39 to 39
Cern .... 51 to 00
Beans ...... _ .... -. . . 65 to 70
Butter .... . ... .... .... ,14 to 14
Eggs „ .. , , .... , 15 to 16'
.. .. _GOto 70
Turkeys per lb.- 10 to 12
Geese 300 11 , , , . 9 to 10
Chielcons„• . ....5•0 to 75
Cheese... .. _,.,, .. 8 to 10
Potatoes Por bag-- ..se tol 00
Pray perton .. . -... , .4 6.00 to $ 7,50
Pera per owe.. .. 84.50 to $5.00
One Laxa-Liy er Pill every night for
thirty- days makes a complete cure of
biliousness and constipation, That is
just 25 cents to be cured.
Hagyard's yellow oil cures sprains
bruises, sores, wounds, cuts, frostbites
• chillnains, stings from insects, burns
• scalds, contusions, etc. Price25 cents
Meat Market
For first class
A fine selection of •
and all kinds of
1Presle fated Salted /eleest
on hand. •
Note the address, one door north of
The R. Picketed Co's store.
You require a BLACKY
suit ver
often at this time of the year. We are prepared
to ft you out in the finest style. Best quality
Coods closest prices.
Wedding Suits a Specialty
Where the Scholars are used
fall oociso
We are in the van with all
that is desirable in the line.
Let us show you our stock of
$17.00 Fancy Worsteds in all
the newest colorings.
• Remember we put up the
best suit for S.1.0,00 that can
lfc bough in the county,
J. 11 Grieve*
Destiny Changed.
The 'Slater Shoe" is cloSely 'watched (Ur-
ing the process of manufacttre. UverY shoe
undergoes a MED/ e•X•4Illi11ati011 after leave
ing the hands of each operator,
The slightest flaw in the leather or work-
manship—a stitch missed—a slip of the knife,
• ouly discernible to an expert condemns the
nameless, unwarranted army of footwear
sold to whoever will buy them.
The "Slater Shoe" is made in twelve
shapes, all leathers, colors, widths, sizes
and styles. E,very pair Goodyear Welt-
ed, name and. price stamped on the soles.
$3.$0 AND $5.0Q.
SE,PTIE/el BE ine, '7 tee TO 1661e, Sf1132,5,
Entries close Sept, Oth. Space allotted on receipt of entry.
Exhibits will be unsurpassed, attractions better than over. e podia -rine,
Chariot Races, Champion Sword Contests, Imperial Taps, Fanmes Lady Riders,
World renowned Gymnasts and Aerial Artists galore. Fireworks each eVene
ing, "The British and Anaericaus 111 Samoa,"ana all ring and platform Attrac-
tions. •
Special excursion trains will leave London each evening after fireworks.
GrOunds will be beautifully illuminated.
• Send for Prize Lists and Programmes.
• LT. -001e W. M. GARTSHORE,
Mr. IV. H. Graham, of St. Marys
will he the judge of horses at the
Southern Fair, Brantford, this
Pxompt relief in sick beadache dizzi-
ness, nausea, constipation, pain in the
side, guaranteed to those using Car-
ter's Little .Liver Pills. One a dose.
Small price. Small dose Small pill.
AaorDENT. -- Miss Carrie Mount of
St. Helens bad the misfortune to have
one of her eyes knocked out while feed-
ing the calves one day last week ; the
accident will be a mostpainfol one and
much sympathy is expressed for the
sufferer as well as in losing the sight
of the eye.
A Man isFtalways .in The
If he ,!v -ears one of W.
JOHN'S neatly &tin a
He is a sure fitter.
His priceare a,vvayZdown.
His goods are the best.
Call and eertmine his goods before
buying your
Tile Tailor
The handsenie parlor suites aud fancy
tables we sill tia °ate adiniration
and Surprise:, Admiration for
• the quality et the goods
and the style and finish.
And Surprise at the
haw price at which
we .sell them.
When you want fiirnitare go to
Perm ne t
Cr* f a oar.
Some twelve years
ago Mrs. Elizabeth
• Gilhula, wife of the
postmaster of Bux-
ton, Ont., was taken
ill with an obscure
store a ch trouble
which her physi.
clans pro nonnced
cancer of the storm
tz....s.a...ch and informed
• h
• life wouldMRS, GILHIJLA ior lbe short.
eIthatueh eardl ve iacso
ee o
friends she commenced taking Burdock k
Blood Bitters. The results that followed
were little short of marvellous. Het
strength a.nel vigor returned and in a short
time she was completely cured. Mrs. I
Gilhula is to -day in the full enjoyment oi
good health, and in all these years there has
not been the slightest return of the trouble.
Here is the leiter Aft% Gilhula• wrote al
tke time of bee cure:
• " Abozit four years ago I was takert sick
with stomach trouble arid coasulted several
of the leading physicians here, all of whom
pronounced the disease to be cancer of the
stomach of an incurablo nature, and told
me that it Was hardly to be expetted that
I could lIve long. Afterward the two electors
vvlio Were attending me gave me up to die.
" By the advice of some of my friencle,
who knew of the virtues of Burdock Blood
Bitters, I was induced to try it, and I am
now happy to say that after usieg part of
the first bottle I felt so much better I was
able to get tit% I tun thankful to state that
I am completely awed of the ditease by the
use of 13,0.13.4 although it had baffled the
doctor e for a long titne. I ani firitly con-
vinced that Burdock Blood Bitters saved
nay life."
lierel*.s. the leiter received from lier short
lime ago
"1 arrt still in good health. I thank
Burdock Blood titters foe savieg my life
twelve yeera ago, end highly recommend
It to other sufferers from stotuaeli troublem
of any kiwi*" EtIZAllaTit GIP.AWLA),
As Sidney Hodgins, of Lucan, wa
driving tihough one of nie fields re-
cently uncoiling wire for a fence, the
horses took feight and at a time when.
Mr. Hodgins was not watching, they
gave a sudden start which threw him
out. He alighted on his bead and
shoulders, and the doctors fear that
the brain has received serious injury.
Hard to keep the ehildren from catch-
ing cold -will mu out of doors not
properly wrapped -get wet feet -kick
theebed clothes off at .night.
What's mother going to do about it ?
Mustn't neglect -the children's Coughs
and Colds -might end in Croup -and
Croup end fatally or weaken the lungs
for life.
Most mothers now give their children.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
It's nice to take, and, cures all kinde
of Coughs and Colds more quiekly and
efteetually than any remedy known.
mes.n.P.T.eonard, Parry Sound, Ortt.orrites:
"Thome used Dr. Wood's brorway Pine Syrup for
Coughs and Colds of myself and also of ray baby.
I find it always cures a Cold unieker than any
other Cough mixture I ever tried." Price 25e.
LAXA. Cure eoxistipation,biliousness
sick headache and dyspepsia.
LEvEge Every pill gearanteed nerfeet
and to act without rip -
any g
, .
pEiLans indege,etws.ear 5ne.inete• aciri druggists,
irou will find at, Bissett's Wareroom
-the following line of Agricul-
• tural Implements.
A full line of Seed Drillls, Oultivatore,
Disc and Diamond Hareows,
Plows, and Turnip Drills.
Sewing Machines
The Celebrated Knoll Washer
Raymond sewing and Wringers.
Gurney Stoves and Furnaces.
The Cbasham Waggon and a full
line of the celebrated McLaughlin
311 L4L
By therijest
Ignore the Rest
In the end you will find -
it cheapest. Furnish that va-
cant room with one of our
Bed Room Setts, Tables
Chairs, Etc.
We have it, yoii want it.
Take a look at our full line of
FURNITURE an& you will
find what you aro looking for.
Opera Muse Block.