HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-24, Page 44.1,K,WT41
n -k.
0 sons .
, . i T* , ' ,
• THE 1.0.4.amLB, s. Bp -1,,, DE:tis.., Y Farr' • , aS Untruth:fell
I Il• n
I ,
I, BoRi
0 neatieuartera. ana , we nee to•eet na or
Lieut. -Col, liertine .Net, uever. 1 tibee-
The Latest New&
. : • . •
wenn , pee eareNee levie
. ..
. d'A. Del's' Mortgage, te to ' be laid. opt ,
, .W---
...,, . „ ,.., , . ,,,, , „ .
Jancea sSarn 01 Ssonerlen made a
in The
' •
" , '
, ..
' '
letely deur ,lt.' Whea 1. Wit,$. teethe war
Orrice the 'Sewesit (pest:toe wag natal,' rate
ea. Dreyfus WaS regarapel as a °weenie,
, „. , . .. , , . .
Mete ale di. typhoid lever patients
- -. , --
, .
i up Capital,' se ,
fiestk•slide - §lal00,00
Heed °face, landreal, ,
tw'ontreents,geen Toiloxelia.usill&e,Aese
aua We are to pay ii sed troment
of interest foie ever in order to Geyer
. ', '
this eXtraYagance. , "Already' ' the
taxes bave gene eP, e "1.11 1890We paid
etetement veinal was published
Globe. la bisdecheratisalrarr aocases
Mr. W..p, MePheesOn, Thomas Mare
eluill and ' ben es leTelsoo of eeetala
stattenjents of a 1.eflee, Ong Pater%
. . e
ecen V
B - - .iWith"'' Ww" n!Bel" CqUt-rill'e I "et
'.Prrn . , eceP QM.'
1 co -netted. en, my secrets to taw tne gave
•tItilliCiet tplie?ranblErroll:sOlie(tS. ti,,41)73eali'et°1•139-Cerirtr.113nertin‘,14ttrt;'
ayestion the witeess- on a. ,aeiteate suldeet•
lie referrede eentineea ceuiteel, to a re-
in the' Brantford hospital at present.
a''' r4N:169sZle'elxicgien:170frli'°0441 . ,J•11. '1'71'1:111'4w/eh':
, ,e,- ., , • -
' ,, ,
, •,',
rivAlactre e4vaitylVoleneeticirt9efo9rf,,eftelrouilerrs eTtlertiVeler`
met per• annum. , •
lIxeter Demob.
°Pen oval:710,14°1 daY 2reill 10 S. ill' te 3.P. te
$,ATURDAYS, 10 a, M. to 1 p. in.
ate,ega,000`• through the • cost,onae.,
least:Tear ihe Geverluelent took frein '
us ever .$25,000,000 ill the allaPe ef Oust
toms duties, “AeSuming that ther.e is
Ali increase of. $5,000,000 in the , taxes,
-Qat to
eeelow. will be fennel • the affidavit.
,irld•1 Tli91.iiii.S' 11-le*S1,01.111 ,. refsilitnitlyn..,,,,,,311::
s'a.'ellell"s ala"'e l -/y 'an* ------- --.•
elerations have also been Made ' by,,
. b 1. •
Nelson and MePlier -el .
:Mensuana, 'Swentens
All Aedr. est :was Read be, the Presicien,
oe Belatif of the .Judo to 'Which
. ,raobolc,`:.:10.34z(cieolvoix,oilif,3,ii.,4`„iizea:::007(14oNtleltes
so nee
D..,reefit,-Leteld Get?
mark made mblyisi-i)eili.otsiltenttl atteireertx,zewehriena
M_UnitLii-att'lb°•fielentiarea,t.l_ffioztulg4 ehftg.etlielbc,ile4.11,11- ,
dation of
v.X11,e' pieniolle.iitlielollite, iliteliellat.tilt11‘.1. ii 17 "iii:.g:iO3.10iitel.tel fit. it114e,itet.'etrittil ri.iiel.,4,1l1;tillyill,!e;:;x0C:10904,1t, ,
. ,
Berne asked the lawYee to meetion the
• ae, lc% ;eelclutkl•Seseelltviye blestieti,nMe:;', n3.1..e,elie.f aPoedd:
(with, wastiaa.rried at Preeton, Ont„ to
111,11,8. tSolx.s. epEmmaoo:Nlexciaa, 1.11.11:: f):::torlatt:owsttnow'sdhipti.g:hof.-.
Wilnoot bonus $10,000 to
. ,,, •
A R•
Jurrent rates of intereSt #1110Wed. on deposits.
otoult1071,0,01,s.x..D. lit. uxiAREtNA00x4.
, .
Eteter,. Deo. 27th, '25.
ilOW ages tally W,Ital the Promise
Cut down, ? "if we Want. to knew why
the farmers . of Ontario are. heavily
taxed by the politicians who promised
to reliet e them, the explanahon is to
— .
13 . ThOeillaS, McarSllall, Of the city of
Teeoleeonatentoly, ici%etihaie,e:ColunTtyheotfIreona,r1c, the
Tatomaelrfarehell who • gave evider,ce
befoieithe ConimitteemaPrivilegesand
, etroait.
' ne• flues,- 411,5, 2„2....... maitr•Nveutoix.s‘b,oal,uile.u'ar4zro.
comisel efeOlstrhielcldtlerle:e:ulete:4 a. :::::::ent iii
onely .assaultede. „
atelier. M. taboo, , whispered the mune
alklia,atel:1,:thotie:neo\t,uillt:nelstilsilit,etiillotial:se:eli,teaollesdesi'•11:0:".:.: :trith:
M. eaborl: Do you remember. that ' I 0 11
b \Ill:1174Tb,
will give a of
the haildina of the 1 •t • 1 •, I
. • ..-•caoics,,s,
'1.°)TurP6..ert Dove to Bernenerl?tr'e r1:04',1141bce,
b al t through New ptIrldee and Peters-
0 .
iDalender for AUGUST, 1 899
$ITNAtere , . • , . a • .. ' 6' la 2° 27
7 14 21 28
rtTESDAY .... , ... 8 15 22 29
Wm:nee:sleet:se - . 2 9 16 23 30
T'El-i-tiEDAY, • . • • , 3 10 17 24 31
4 11. 18' 25
SATURDAT, .. -, .... 5 12 19 20
. be found in the estimates, which coil-
template itentlenee election expend-
(rya CO la
itures In Qnebee and N ' • 8 V -
railways wharves' and enterprises' of
a like k'ind. The . °uteri° tanner is
really forced to provide tbe mearis
whereby the men who tax him may
buy their, way back to Office to taxhiro
Eleetions. at Ottawa, in:connection with
the West Huron election, _
2 that.1, have read layer the de-
ela"ri'ation of Jamee Fur, p 'Meshed in
The Globe newspaper Cif the 16t1
: :._ ., • aid. , ' ., 1 7f
Atieuet 1899. The stetements Con-
mined- in edeclaration relating to
what passed between Mr., W. D. Me-
Pherson, Ames Nelson and myself are
untrue.. '
court this morning when the seCond atie
ot the third week of the second Wel by
e.ourt,11,art-t.5.11 (12 0,uytaie Alfred Dreyfus of
tee, aniline, ehneed with treason, begae.
TilTei t)ricnee..eleci-ailligost °I‘PfelleLdahaoteltIrt tit. Taecee.
wasthesilenai for 'Scenes Of extraordinary
eutunsiasin, • At 6,15 ann.„.„ three earriaFeen
preceded by a nnuilme el- bleYeles, dace e
utuipa ilTihse \firixt.set eattni(Titporysolocniatuasin.ed, 11. Laborl
The other$
t • 'd f •e' d of the lawyer and seine
ec,n eine in a s ,
tlij.at* during the emirs* oe the dinner he'Does
becinee excited .in talking- abut Dreeths?
' The lieutenant -colonel Pointed, out that
the dinner must be taken into account, and
It-lc:pee:cell:C.7 e°e2. lel,Itabinol:leYthlal'thilgilel' Per-tic:a:1117 otitete
eriend of his fittlier'e and wondered whe-
thee counsel -was stiI5the sante man, wee,
taking the witless' hands on the occasion
of the dinner, said: "I win never forget
what „Toe hay5e, done for) my father."
''T do not forget the words," said, M.
q. tiFa5"arileirercipe-tr.1.ca.e.n'utwuii,iyp, ixfatlei ortheper- t
formed the arduous. &Wee of.. Rector
'of St. Peter's Cathedral, Lendon, took
aye of his congregation on ,Sunday
last. A testinionial is to he presented
to Father Tieenan, which, iS anticipa,t-
ed will amount to aboet $2,000.
Father Alcantara, superior of the
Franciscan Order in Canada, has ye-
.. What does your inirrser say? .,
it tell you of some little
streak e of ' gray? ' Are you
pleased? Do your friends 01
the same age allow this loss
of power also?
remeniber that gray
hair never becomes darkei
' .without help vvhile dark hair
rapidly becomes grey •when
once the change begins.
, • . .
more." -Guelph Herald.
, a- ,----
3, The facts are that when Nelsen,-
and myself were telegraphed for from
ponce inseeeters. The •erowd about the
LYcee building' rnsileci up to 11. Lltberi's
carriage and a nualber Of people eagerly
Labeel his yolee"trembling at. the recollee-
tion, A.' eoe Lem eeeeerme ,eepeciallY tante
somewhat strong remarks you made against
hr -adeft R but '11
Rome,evi leave
4 g
xittitil oting0
. ..„
, _...
Ottawa to attend there for the purpose
, . . , .„
en giving'evidence before the Perna-
mentarY Coinmittee on Privileges` and
thrust 'their 'etude through the • whideWe •
to greet the dietinguisima ,lawyer.
, Ween el. Laborl descendea ee was sem-
awhhluenhahreed handS
Maitre Demange. I am eot.sacing to pre-
:eke a scene betweee Limit ,Imetin and
Maitre Denlange. Dia you liot Say to me
when e spoke of ',Maitre Demangeie belief
'of 'Dee:mune,
the ..011oteti.Yn?1 City on Sept: 9, The A.p-
ostoliC delegate Will be „accompanied
by 13rothers Etienne and Edouard, his
,• 'yn
. .
Once Canadians Were able to cora
sole themseleres for what their noun-
each to fuel:nese .tickets from
»ete assailed with
FielefFisisiectscielillievellnilinITeitdo smiling-
le eepnea : "I am gettiug on. Well my
in the innoeenee Dr.eyfus:
Don't mention, him, He Is counsel for•tne
German 'embassy.' ' [Cries Of "Oh, e12.",]
secretaries,. -who belong to the Francis -
,)elaligl. pprrOeVyilnoesloyf.21staceilt,itribeofoarnmaderaliafovr-
The Ontario Elections Fralecis.
. -Week after week, and mouth after
month have gone by, and still the On-
taxis) Government has made no move
to round up the ' gang of bribers, per-
sonators and ballot manipulators who
operated in South Ontario and West
Elgin. The activity of the Government
Oeuld, hardly have been less if our laws
had provided that those committing
acts of bribery aud. fra,ucl. onRbehalf of
the Liberal party should •bo exempt
frail^. punisbment. ,
The punishment of heihery and fraud.
is not, and should not be made, a party
question. It is a question upon which.
• •
honest men of all parties and opinions
are united. That the laws of Ontario
should be ,enforced. with undeviating
force and faithfulness is far more im-
portant to the people of tbis Province
than the existence of any Government
whether Conservative or Liberal.
We do not desire to add a word cal -
try laeked. in priding themselves upon
the integrity of their laws and the
e '
wholesomeness of their administra
tion. ,But this'redeeming feature, has
turned Out to be a delusion, a dela.
sion exposed by a three cblunin con-
e • .
eession in the leading Liberal news-
paper of the, proyin'ee. The Globe has
published an affidavit, purporting to be
the f J F
e explanation o James Faro, and
%Ube:mot it i. 1. h bl th•'
s aS auo• Ft. e
- e e . a, ing as
esTer a ppeaeed in prink te this deetunen't
iactuallythe • 11 thrown s e pa . over the
corpse of . Ontario's election • laws.
And the Globe is ti h' f 11 b
le c le . pa - earer
When the circumstances are under-
stood, and there are very few' who
do not understand the circumstances,
miserable subterfuge that 't '
e at 1 • is, Fare's
affidavit becomes naanifest. Not his
. ,
solemn testament nor the prestige of
the Globe's front page, can make
. •
that document any more than the
miserable subterfuge that it is. Farr
aye an he may
ma h t drunk,el 1
p return
Toronto th Ottawa..and he loaned Pach
of us this amount, we et the same
time giving him an order in writing
t't,1 0 • '
directed to le Clerk of the Privileges
Committee at Ottawa for thirteen dol-
hers the amount to be paid us by the
conineittee to Cover our railway 'fare
fr4oni Toronto to Ottawa and return,
While in Ottawa both Nelson and
myself endorsed the cheques for tithe
teen dollars each, made out in 0111"
fewor to cover said railway fare, and
e left. the
w .e same there to be forward-
ed to Mr. McPherson as arra,nged, in
payment of the money borrowed from
nim. • •
. ,
a Mr. McPherson dia.-not accompany
. - '
Nelson and myself, or either of us to
th t • S '
e ram on andav evening or at any
other time, nor did he know what
evidence we, intended to give before
the committee nor did he attempt
influence Our evidence' in an.y way
b ' '
whatever, either y promise of money
or otherwise.
And e make this solemn declaretion
conseentiously believing the same t
be true, knowing that it of the stianoe
force and effect as if made, under 1
by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act,
' ..
Il -lends, thank you. Thank you."
' As M. Labori, still accompanied by Mme.
Laborl and a phYsician, entered the court
room the audieuce greeted him by standing
up ma there wee a _general roar of ap-
piause aceompanied by the clapphie. of
holds,' whIeli was distineti3r heard in the
streets. Tears sprang to the •eyes oil the
nee& men, who was evidently deeply
a7elletced by the warm welcome accerded
him. Amenee twee who greeted 11. DabOel
were Generaes. Billet and 'Mercier, -who
c,ourteously inquired -aa to his condition.,
Dreyfus ,Getve tne wad nand. •
Dreyfus entered the court room soon
afterwards and after saluting the inages
seal limner, he turned to 111
In _ the it
e,amiet midi outstretched hands and ii
seine oe keen pleasure lighted up his, pale
. he
and 'usually impassive featuires T
lawyer took the prisoner's Mind and shook
it warml,y, whereupon Dreyfus gave him
another look of gratitude and took his
seat lo front of counsel's' table, with his
back toward them.
. ,
.oi. aouaust neiet reed from a pa.per an
address to M. Labori the tone of rthliee.
president being quite' sympathetic,
lewver mede .ur impassioned reply. He
nab ceep13 affected end uis voice was
ocuietaria.,sethonea not so strong as before the
fie was very nerVous and ex•
cited, and swayed to ana fro when he
delivered his reply, which profoundly im-
pressed Ins hearers. . , .
Counsel's reply to the president consider-
ably fatigued hire. and 1m sat down iluslied
and holding his ' side. He aeterwards once
twice nervously twitched ele fingers and
'fin expression flitted over his face es
though he was sufferIne twinges of pain.'
T he eminent lawyer, 'whose face
M. Bertiu: It I eau remembeli4 will ee-
ply. I am bean to ten toe truth and I will
tell ell I knew, 1 tun hero for' the truth„
like you. . . .• .d,
M. Labor': 'When I asked yOu 11 yell sal
that, you replied that M. Dem:urge had al-
ready. defended other spies; and that he
waS nu. official defender.
Lieut -Col Bertin achnitted•the truth 0
1.I. Laborl's* etatements. . ' 1••'
11f. Labori: You, shaula be sure regarding
the leterematien of Maitre. Demange, be:,
cause. a barrister ,of his standiug is "4
appointed officially unless there ere im-
portant reasons for it. Conesel proceeded
to relate how when he left Lient-co, jeer_
tin he discussed the above conversation
111(31 reid a.
iav411•19 lig innd tuii,eoligegcla;.iliat(iitgisueeeauttitayi!
%cell. who readily believed -thinge so ridieu-
u "M -1) 11 f 1 tl i 1 Dr --
y e e n • le nitocence 0. ee
fus," M. Labori addea, began that . day.
I give 3,*.011 my word oi honor that ',met.-
tclAuslItelittlanitritedniDeltitneadagel,restilA ill ;trig
cause lie defended Dreyfus..badly by per-
, .. e .
'istilie in makIng Dreyfus deny all the
eherges against elm. Limit -Col. name
thought 'Maitre Demange ought
ea varil.halectillayttelYnj orianTetaLwith the others in trying to
. . .
- - • ' - -
Dreyfus here rose and obleeted to Limit.-
Col, I3ertin's lesinuatiom . The,prIsueri re -
called his euffermes men feverteh inents oil
again his fear tbremateralrateciantiagiaainTe far
here declared 'the incident
' '
closed. • •
. Cob. "You
AI Demange. however, Interposed, say -
nig : Ion will, however, allow me to ap.
..Fe47;_r oliii. thDeemseleinigee." Contiun-
• •
feuZKy.eatrasi.rd; of GitildS, has. been ex-
. .. ,
peril/lei:ming on some peacn trees bad-
ly infected , with the , San Jose Seale
and has succeeded in finding 1 t 1
, w la he
Considers.to'be a sure remedy for the
pest. He uses a 20 per cent. emulsion
of coal oil which destroy the scale
and restores the trees to a healthy con-
dition. Mr. Laird says that by this
method thescale is easily and cheaply
itnregattielcel rede.edtees tertioyye:rztelixotueiti tinear-
The Canadian Press eicursion which
t Toronto, Aug. 18th, for the Pacific
Coast has been a very enjoyable one.
'The featernal spirit has found full
aOrpePmeretmUnbretymfoofr edneevelelorre ehnetr,maonndieanlel
family.party, pleasant and agreeable,
So dal nitercourses having fully •occie-
pied the time not required for explor-
ing the different towns at which stops
_have heen made,. or in watching the
beautiful scenery which constant-
ly demands admiration.
T he Sovereign Grand Lodge - of the
Independent Order of Oddfellows,
which ' is the supreme legislature of
American Ocldfellowship, will meet
a fine
on the
your hair
It never'
sure as
ni that
scalp also
and nour-
the hair
a luxue
stops the
and gives
the hair
rfair and
obtain free
the benefits
use of the
' to prejudice the case of an -
ciliated . Y
one charged with cemplicity in the
37 go
have torn up . a ballot because be
swears to thesenthines, but there is
. Thomas IVIarshall.
Declared before me•at the city of Tor-
onto in the County of York, tit'
emotion and fatigue, seated himself amidst
prolonged handelapping. M. Grenier, ter -
mer Prefect of Belfort, -was the first wit-
id he pieferred to
eriimult in the presence of ,Lieut. -Cal. Bertln,
"As the trial of Dreyfus was
, Col Bertin
h.(ealidbehind. 1 • cl lo •s, Lleut - '' •
(i °Cliefendea *well
for the first tiroe in its history within
the state of Michigan, Detroit, Sept.
9 ' i
18th to -3rd next, n its seventy-fifth
I iV
,. e....
frauds. But we must say that the cir-
f tl
eumstances surrounding one o le
, • - • , ,, . ,,.., f -,•
not the slightest excuse for the Gove
1,8th day of Auguste A. D. 1899. -
Arthur W. Burke a Comnar.et,c,
Bess called. gG said he considered Ester-
hazy' •to be. an irresponsible personage.
Col. Jourtutt: Ilia Esterhazy. tell you he
not knowe1)eif nim or
e n
ill 1.-•
• . • .
13eitin. Illeard of the epeech for the- Cie-
annual session. At the sante time the
triennial cantonnaerit of the Patriachs
Children Cry for
cases instituted by a private prose-
cutor at St. Thomas seems to be such
that it sbould. be pressed vigorously
ernment not bringing him to °demo
before the Committee upon Elections.
His statement now is a mere laugh-
able affair. It was not conceived b
• Y
. Canada'e Apple Grop
, —
, The report of the Press Committee
of the National Apple Shippers'
belleved.in the innoceace of Drevfas2 -
The witness could .not reply defeately to
this question. He eald his recollection was
not suffieleutly exact He fowled Ester-
hazy' had said so, but he could not swear
o i
t 't
fe uce afterwards.
M.. Demenge then said that the fact that
he -eme, chosen to defend s-iles Wes motif
1. his discretion 1 * I .
°. A brief adjoutament followed, and when
Major Gen-
Militant), tbe unifot•tned military
branch of tbe order,will convene there.
There will assemble there many thous-
ands of its members from allf
parts 0
le...ee a.
- 7 Illv' ,
to a conclusion.. The frequent ad-
journments of the case, the continued
absence of the Clerk of the Legislature
who is a material witness at the trial ;
the refusal of Attorney -General to
insist on the pushing of the prosecu-
tion ; the release of the party charged
without being required to furnish bail,
other than his own recognizance- these
are matters which the public wouldtitled.
like to see cleared up. The good nanae
of the Province has been disgraced. by
the conarnission of the acts. It is to •
be disgraced. by the method of pro-
ceecling against the guilty parties?
Farr; it is safe to say that the affla
davit was concocted by the Liberal
pa.rty, and miserable and small as
that affidavit is, it is the pillar' and
suppore of the integrity of the Liberal
art in this resent inst-nce No
P Y` P n •
true Canadian can afford to palliate
such jugglery. It is safe to predict
that 1 the l t• 1
un ess le e ec ion laws are put
in operation and the offenders pun-
ished for their manifest infring,ement,
the party stifling the judiciarY will
• •
suffer the consequences of its berth-
hood. Toronto Evening Star.
sedation of the United States, corn-
P Red from reports of statisticians,
vice presidents of the va,rious:States,
and members of the association, bas-
ed on 100, as a full crop, places Can-
ada next to Californiaand New Jersey
(75 per cent) at ,. the top of , the list
of fruit bea.rin,g States. Canada is es-
timated at 65-100 of a full c b
rop, at
from further reliable seurces of in-
formation, received by us we feel 'us -the,
in saying that the Canadian la,
ple crop will be at least 75 per cen9t,-
of a full average. Parties Who have
been through the orchards of the An-
napolis Valley eine most encouraging
, . e . e
reports, -which promise a fine yield for
Noya Scotia, both as reaards quality
Lieut. -Col. Rollin of the Intelligence De -
paranent, was the next witless. Ire de-
scribed the spy Lajour, employed in the
department, as "a bad spy," , whom it was
found neceseary.:to suppress.
_ M. Labori asked the witness whether he
knew Lioour had offered to make rewire .
tions in the Dreyfus affair, and the wit-
ness replied ethat Lajour wrote to the Min-
istFe onf War, asking for assistance and re -
e to the Demefus case.
felrin '
After the reading of this letter. M. La-
bort. enquired: "Can Lieut. -Col. Rollin ex-
plain how a man, regarded as a rogue and
ttejmfdrzniege,miesniri;e, receiving a pension of
To this the 'witness replied: It is no
doubt In recognition of hie previous ser-
vices. (Lang•hter.] '
Then M. Labor' asked if the witness as-
sumed responsibility for the report of Nov.
no 180- h',11tt .'b t d 1: e foreigu
°t i, w le was a li u e 0 .
military attache.
t 1 - • el • c •
Th" Go yernmen eomm may, i ajor ai.-
against this question, say.
the -court resumed, its session
dron WaSt called to testify regarding the
.33eistrlan wonian, Maclaine Dely. Ile said.
' I
he Ilea taken tea at her house on a s egle
oecasion, and that he thereafter confined
himself to exchanging a few polite words
with her when they met, though he asSert-
ed that the woman urged hie revisiting her
house. -Be thought neither the age nor the
beauty of .the lady accouuted for her styl-
ish mode of dreesty, nor for the mystery
of her existence, mil': • for the presence of
her child, whose fa
..el. Tlil it ther was unknown to
t a •h' It tl . t
e jle
stleallanPrwatil• °ain tidevewnturn::s
11 washeard that she'had fine accroaintanceS, in-
eluding Dreyfus, and, in view of the fact
tatLintosugmerTMOLligshillOrcgus "s
aetion, 'witness informed Lieut. -Col. Bertin
of his fears. :
-Major Besse,' Capt. Boullenger, Col. Jean-
nel and Capt. Maistre all testified. In the
main ell el nence u as umn eies ng an d
' th ' • -.-1. • ' t • le
largely surmise on hearsay, but it was
the United, States and the Dominion
of Canada., •
The mammoth new round house of
the Gra,nd Trunk Railroad at Sarnia
has been turned oyer to the company.
It is one of the finest of . the kind on
rim sys em. e round
the Grand T k t Th
house, which is situated about a half-
mile west of the depot, is built of
• • •
white brick with stone foundation and.
gravel roof. The total length is about
760 feet, the depth 76 feet. and the
height 90 feet. There 'are 80 engine
Stalls, each accommodatine one loco -
motive. The foundatian oisthese stalls
is composed of four feet of brick, and
t feet f
twoo cement.' They have been
• .
tbotoughly tes•ted and have proved.
.. ,
entirely satisfactory to the company's
, .
A meeting of a sub committee of the
Guelph Fat Stock Club was held
in Malone's hotel to revise the prize
list There were present J es Millar
' •
John Corkinclale secretary. A. W.
Tyson an John . o son. They I
T dI 1.1 b Th (I'd
a considerable amount of work but ii
will take another meetine before tin
• • -
list is in shape. A prize of $25 is of•
f .1 h k
erec y r. Robert Curtningbam. foi
best bullock in the counties oi
Bruce and Hieron. This liberal prize
should. 'draw competitors from these
,A d s et h f G d le t tl
e.p, c rom o elle o - le
Globe gives a long declaration made
by James Farr, a deputy returning of.
• '
ficer in the lest 'West Huron byeaelec
Mr. Whitney urges the Lieutenant-
Governor to act if the Attorney -Gen-
eral does not take step.s to discover
the band of criminals and bring them
td justice. The scandal of inaction is
__ e
According to the Blanshard voters'
list just issued' for '09, there are 521
jurors in the township.
Mr. Turnbull, ,a, former teacher of
and quantity, reports have
been received this week from the Ni-
aga.ra, district, and it is certain that
Canada will have a ood sur I f
g p us o
fruit for export for Great Britain and
the Continerit.
riere, protested
ing It referred to affairs of state and
should not be answered except behind
cizat,..10Ztpointed out that he had not
named anybody, and Lt -Col. Rollin replied
that he had no knowledge regarding the
translation of the document in questiom
distinctly biased and intended to bolster up
the assertions of the generals.
alm modera-
tiglemi•-7 rilesioinete.4:3 the !panel .c . .
t I Y agei ci -languished Ins
utterances. 'replied •to Capt. Maistees able-
gators, and -added, with reference to M.
Beaueepaire's accusations, that the Mt-
inspector. In addition to the round
house proper there has been construct -
e an o ce an mac me, s iop )ui ina
d f6. d 11' 1 1 id• e
50 feet by 32 feet, enid a 70 -foot turn-
tion. He says that he openly stater'
ti• .
t at he intended to vote for Robert
eau, ne onseiva lye can i a e
McL tl C ' t• crd t '
he thought, Seines Yates wanted hia
• , '
to resigil as deputy, because he (Yatee
feared he was a supporter of , McLean
great, hue it would be a dangerous
precedent if the Lieutenant -Governor,
the Bayfield Line school, but now of
Boiesevain, Man.. called upon Stanley
friends last week.,
NOw School Regulations
• At this 11. Labori called the attention
of • witness to the enetions native of hi-
reply, and asked him how the document
Into the possession ' of General Mer-
ter's immorality would ere long be demon- ---
strated before the court-martial. -,"‘ '''3 e
The court then rose for the day. Fu li CA HT I) E AT h
Maitre Labori Guarded. ,
on that account he wouldn't resign
Mr. Farr states that he. put his ballot
for McI,ean in the box in the' presence
who is iv no way responsible to the
of the law into his own hands. If he
The Walkerton Herald has changed
hands, ' the purchaser being L. H. Mc -
toms in that town,
The Deputy .Ministee of Edueret•
to the Public school regulations for
to •ferther nueries, 11. -Mercier declared
for the
Maitre Laberl was Immediately. serround- .
cheerful and smiling and had a few wail •
•of. Wm. Mitchell; that he talked witl:
ficer, Dor ditl he reeeive any ins -tette.
were to exercise such power in this in-
stance he or his successors might use
, .
it to the public detriment on some
other occasion. The safest course
would seem to be to leave the espon-
W. J. Waddell, of Se. Marys, has
traded his 175 acre farm near Mother- ,
well for Samuel Batten's 100 acres on
the 4th of Blanshand.
Laura Scott Porter, sixth 1 ht
, c a.ug er
of the late 3. S. Porter,of Egniondvillef
1900, They are of considerable inter
d -
est, an are based OD the legislation
int ro d uce d b y H on. G . W . R oss at th e
last session of the Ontario House.
Agriculeure is made a compulsory
f the
study or le fourth and fifth forms
11 ' 1'schools.' '
he took the full responsibility
trensletion submittea to the remit
;th i-
wheehnm'etehpeondo1c1u. meLntb on' poiuted out
,,,. producee. Gen.
Mercier was., no longer Minieter of War.
and what eight then hail he to have Iii
his eoesoesion a document which was a
• "' rret Gen Mercier did 33.0t reely
state Se . * ' Gen.''*
Counsel then askea what right had
chosen words for everyone. eladame La- •
Dell b. hsebreend in tThhe admiration ee- p;re:s. t•edt forp
el. u . .. e u. ran aw3 ea. le ram ee, me s ,e erv , donrmilid
, c 1 c
ed. home in a carriage, as he had come, ye*** r- --
with an escort of two mounted gendarmes l'' • , .
Policemen, geedarmes• and detectives were
S G.
also distributed alone the road as a pre. • ayes a Little irl's Life.
t" 't flesh'5 - -
eau ion agruns a outrage.
tiOn as to the same, except the natia,
prieted instructions. The polwa1
coaducted fairly and irripartiatly, anS
no money, he says, or any assistance
was received by him teinduce him tc
stay away from Ottawa. • • '
died last She 111 two
o rural In city. schools ,
_ -of the' demi-
'. • .
• viarrerars.cezzsroravEsramerme=1 ,
sibility with the Executive.
week. was about
-weeks with a severe bilious attack.ments
• .a .
1 is optional.The Instruction in the
fOUrcla forms is to be by conversation
zeereiet to retain possession all
In the secret dossier. The. silence of
Mercier unbroken. ,
• A n 0 1111 er A rtempt on, Labor'. ...______
. , . ,, .
• Rennes, Aug. 22-121. Labor'
.Man.iNants.but Little fierc
Strange that this -witness, Farr who
was invisible when the Tory -members
of (he Privileges and Elections Oom-
mittee were. lookieg for him, Should be
so easily found, hy the Liberals who
Want, Irina to supplyaffidavitwhich
will further the Government policy of
She was iu her 24th' year. -
From two hills ,of potatoes _ur.
Blackal of Clinton du one-third of a,
bushel on Tuesda•y. They were of the
Bovee varlet el th d
37 an e see was Pl'ir*
chased from Mr. William Duncan.
Mrs, Peter Cook, of Goderich town-
ship,has been ' poor health but ber
many friends will be pleased to learn
that she has now sornevyhat improyed.
and in the fifth forms •by text -books.
Domestic ec f "
ononly or girls is inade
dependent on the approval of trustees.
In the High:schools boole-keeping be-
comes an obli at
g airy ,study, and .agri-
c It 1
Tuh ureaa;ctmaurtal farming optional.
• e regu a Ions with regard to con-
tanuation elapses passed last ses •
. - sion
are also issued. , - .
Gen. was .
the ire ,t1
m• LabOri:. I- sin asking far 0 1, le
resi.) onsibility • and I make note of the fact
fen, fe • .el• ea . 1 win reserve the right
nennee 111 thes measures which I think pro •
per. iSeesationn
Counsel added. that he would later ask
col. Jamie -est to recall Gen. Mercier, and
would put mime rons questiens to him, to
nsel 31E1(10 he - could
which, howevcie cr .
nera wou re use 0 rep y.
feresee the general la ' f 5 t I
[Prolonged sensation.] •
Lieut. -Coe Bertin, 3e -ho was eltief of
Dreyfus' Inireau in 1801 followed. He
yesterday Users of Paine's Celery Compound
• • ,-, •
el,enie, leceived 'tivo mysterious parcels „ener stiff d' • t '' t
believed. to be infernal machines. "" -- --- er 'sane= men '.
The Reenes -correspondent of a Paris he teat in d'cin a 11 • .
T g . e 1 e t a times and
newspaper telegraphs that the maphines under'all eircunistances brings to all
gent to m. Labori have been opened in the gla '
military laboratory at that place, tied have - - fferers relief and 4 permanent
been found to- be filled With guncotton. cure .
. . . Mr, Maxime Martel; 189 Matheson
'c'llnel(1. Iti Parls.
• - Street Montreal,tells what Paine's ()el-
Paris, Aire' 99 C 1 S ..1 '
,,. .......— 0. ohne der, the Aus-
lrlan Military Attache has erefeed at his ery Compound accomplishsd for his
*nxtba Y here Th 'ffi *. 1. t ' little nen h ter whose case was 0 '
Insa se. , , .._ e o_ mins .01 he eat- , . _. g . • 0021-
, .
But Most oi all
• '
the proceedings in -West
, e
Huron. The pa.rty which is able to nut
Mr. Tough has been aseessor of Stan-
ley township for seventeen Years, aud
durine all that time ool =. two appeals
. •
Harry Steep,- Ith, con.. Goderich,
. . ,
- • in is-
townshi cut e nest ash h foot
' y
traversed the old ground of Dreyfus' entry'
into the depaetment, testified to the pri-
, • .
sorter s great zee. 1 at firet and stela that this
,,, y deelefe tlie attiche. will say nothmg sidered an incurable one; he says:-
itittetilfg the lettei. incident -.until the "My daughter, now eight years old,
e f s court-martial is concluded. •
LI was afflicted veith terrible scrofula for
, .
its hand ort Mr. Parr when it wants
him to make an affidavit gives its eoe-
Mies a chance to ask whether the same
, e .
band was not sttetehed forth to keep
lin away from Ottawa, where he wasborough
• ' • —
against his assessment bave been sus
&tined by the Court of Revision.
N. M. Contine, the founder of St,
Joseph, the city by the lake, on his
way• hoMe from Montreal, was fair-
] a1•1 h I Itlf
yloaded.own with I t y lucre. e
'' g
the other day by letting the reaper
knife fall on it. '
Lawrence Wheeler, of Morris, start-
ed this season with 'eighteen colonies
, . ,
of bees and so far hes extracted , 1,100,
h •PL
pounds o °imp.
Intel• - r-, Picea by great. cereleseness in
11 as ''11 ' • - " '
matters of: demi.
Referring to hie Interviews with es.
seem urer-neestner (formerly u. vice-president
ofthe Senate), "whom' I always iiegartled as
yin., the AlotateS of
;ifs liggSsielleten'i'altigiT-C 'Y-
' 13 ti. t
. ol. er . n eon ro-
- reefed part ai COL pieeeeriee eeieenee .0e.i
slerieute-oeat iteee. nearly six years, and we thought her
. . case an iricurable one. We had sever -
Dublin, Aug. ea. -Earl Cadogan, Lord al physicians to attend her, and she
Liontenant of ireiamd, yesterday' signed took medicines of all kinds, but SI) t
e gni .
the expected order releasing from Marl- worse instead of better. Having bad
Jed 3' e,..• -Ic't h • . T•
an). ••, 1 z a.tris, • a-lao our 'attention.drawn to the fact that
"Skin 'Was
urtio . ..,
wanted to give evidence. A majority
of the Privileges and Elections Coen-
inittee was dragooned by Ministers of
. . .. .
the •Lanrier Government into doing its
best to suppress the. triith. The rank-
est sort of partizanship did not avail to
had a bag of gold and bank bills in
every pocket, Mr. Oontine gets lots
of the "stuff" and he spends ittoo.
Mrs. O. McDougall, of Kippen, has
purchased the Brownell residence in
Seaforth recently vaeeted by James
Swtt• and is 3"Sy occupying it, having
Mrs. Edward Drake, Of Staffa , has
been called emicienlY to •Nippissing to
attend at the bedside of her sister -n-
law; Mre. C. Pellow, who is • clanger-
ously ill at present. '
Mr. Payton ot Downie had the rnis-
fortune to fall off his wheel on Sat
the subject, • and at the =keelson of his
I ,4 declared he never
edIrresAllrotylAsiri••rt11,;,,Teeee ifferenate„ e„..
crating the mitre. network of roeiromle,
"'whine the prleouer sought' to • namire
from newt. Cuignet." . , .
• tide junetur , , • •• ' • •
At . ... c -Um elm 1, of the court
read a letter from ter. seheurerneesteer, ex-
orsing himst-af eor being linable to • attend
-the -Goat," Who In May, 1888, Paine's Celery Coeval -Intl vvrought
rentenced to penal 'servitude as ' n ee • . - -
• P . . a •• eon,- owes after other medicines failed, we
cler on Ma .6 18 '
once in the reur .... , .. 3, , .80,. in precurecl a simply, and after a fair use
Dublin, of Loed,Prederick
Plieeiliz•Pitrkt of themedicine we can repore the dis-
gavendish, Chief 'Secretary for Ieeland - e . t . r '
. ease is over, ant, we. rust hes c map -
arid Mr. T. 11. Elflike, Permanent Under- , -
, peeue . oreeter. ur 1 e is now
Secretary d f ' ' ' O rttl girl ' '
- ' • 2 ' bright, strong and healthy, sleeps and
- C
rampS and , '011C
entirely conceal the evidence, and the
peaty is now circulating Farr affidavits
in tbe vairi bopeof changing the alroost
removed to Seaforth, .
Frank Clarkson 0
, son • of 0. larkson,
head master of the Settfortb Collegia e t
Institute, left on Tuesday foe Regina 0.
N. W. T., where he will -attend the
orclay evening and frecture laic. ann.
13 ' ' ' -. -. .
Dr. D. , Frazer attenderl to his na-
'' ' • '
jury. . -
A• Monkton trepopter writes thela
big- black beet' was seen by some berry
the .seSeion of the court, lie referred to
13 - , Stops of Vathied Dte-fug to . eachre
• • 1 , ')'
the rehabilitation. of hie brother, and lies-
eribed the weiter'e investigations, and bow
it was Only when EsterlereY'S Writing WaS
slit° svn him that Iiis imrItatiou ended. The
eats Well, an her blood is DOW op, Pure
Typhoon nts&ring at nanita. 115 it can possibly 'be. I have great
• am a, ug. : .- IT loon ba men p ensure in a
M '1 Aug.3 A t 1 1 1 1 ' '.' recommending' Pie's
raging eorthela,st two days, , The United, Celery Compottridne a cure for scrofn-
States cableship Hooker, whieh grounded la and blood diseases. it is the best,
relieved , promptly by
Dr. Fowler's. Ext.- of Wild
• • Strawberry. •
uninersal public .belief gross fraud
and the worst sort of trickery provide
, -
ed Robert Holmes, M. P., with, el maj-
ox.ity in "'West Huron,-'1"oronto Tele-
Normal School prepatatory to taking
a 1 • . ti t, de • • '
. so loot in t, la istrict, -
he• .., : . . • . •
T many friends or the family will
be pleased. to Iearn of the vecovery . of
• • •
Mrs, Henry McGavite of Tuekersmith
has been sericnisly infer the
pickers in the Elma Svirakel • ' . .
P tecenetY•
The Edgat. swamp near Monkton is
- . The , , , . r
blazing. incheations. are that the
wheie bush with its thclusands a' feet
of ti tuber will .he destroyed: • ,., ' ,
Two ex
letter also described the moments of am . off Corregidor bleed. about a' fo t 'glib ' dr• '••• • ll ' 1 l''"
gnisix the writer eeperienced during the . . , r ni me ione in is WOr C.- • ,
twee oe the eampei ea end dwelt oil the " ego, will probably be knocked to piecee, , • Pein from, indig stion I n ' ".t•
,.. ,, . ' e e ( S'elreP41, t
5 . , " .,, I. b , • . - •• . • ri t., A A 1 0. Li / ,,,,A AA., it
. openton expreesec, n tile judgment •eli the one ...unere„. roaes 0, ea,no ane eieeeee Ann .coo hearty eating, is relieved at
'Court of Caseation and 'tile. confeesions of' Worth ef intrapients exe en board Vie. ,01100 by• tak• ' ' ' f .0 t' -1- 'I •tta
mg op.e o ar ei. b ..al
,VSterliiizy that he was the writer of the e e
SiOn, .i.i sal : • • Liver Pine inantechately alter (linnet.
bradereaii. • In . Oonelti ' th better -'d g"ealuer" ' '
'.' You Monsieur , . Don't forget '
. w • • • '
hen ou are seized with exi att c of
CampsY a bl .
ror " ed up-with4Oolic, yen
watt a rerriedy,e,ou aro eure will give you
relief,and,givelt qiiickly, too. ' ' ' •
' • • •
who, past
-students of the Seaforth 001-.
,will pernat an old Alsatian,. . thie.
-President, Win
d' I
, You • don t want an , untrie • somet -ling
. ,
three weeks, •
leglate Institute, died, last week. ./.
le to eepress the sentiment that : , net. for the ICOnSititoS, • .
that MeV helpyou, You Want DrePowlerai
idliteliell bete the distinction of p
. . • . • ro-
Mr, -Harry Cooper las rented the
Byrne, of Dublin, died at IVI t • 1, ' 1
ane an(
thc'. hour of. justice will 80011 strike, 'in the 1 T .1' A' 8 T
014 1.1g. 5 he 13isbop ef Lon-
Extract let' Wild Strawberry, Which every, -
A 13.CillS" 113W0 of tbe ,fastest and gamiest
negeSti Catacla to -day. ' 0111 of seven
start e Ibis . eetie Mies Delineireh has
caPtured,six firsta and one second, On
Tlitiesdaye eit• Flint, 'Mich., the mare
loivered her mark to 2.18 1.-2. she can
fare) of Ithe Wm. Morrison on the 3rd
Con. of Heilleble for a term of five- years
. , , r .' '
and rit. 5, eliddon of Bcandon,1-Itiliett.
hes tented the farm. of STr. 0, Dale re-
pie y. r. , atopel. .
cently °can ' cl. le M 0
• A In gely ettended' meet' g• f the-
, r , - in o
- -on
Misa Jean Cotter,. ' '
• • .1,,niece or ..yr. Bethime,
passec away at Dunnville • Both
t ..- •
were cieyer students and their ,fritiner,
comradee will deeply • g, • to .1 '
f 1 ' d ' ' - Isnwt earn
o heir ernise, '
Mr J . Ltearn r ' a . '
. antes • vent 0 • beton has e
Ireton:tee oe the army, of tustice end or the , -05•C .,-7-3
emitters' [Great Seimittlen.]. , ' „ , un, an) Bight Bev,. Mandell ,Cleeightonn
er, Deatellige retninded tlie Witnese .of a 1, e a issued a ilter ki li •
,, . , . . ' ., , • , . . ; . elle -I • le . 4- as ng t 0
iceinekhe inede to 11, h maimed aelietiten der • y of lila diocese to obey the denafelo ,
leestema namely: "Teem nee only flye of , frl, . , . , • - - - --;-.1114
me who know this terrible teeter., • One out of t 0 arclibishops atel to abeeclon rite-
ter the ,ave must betray 11 before Vett Oen alistie observanoes 'income and lie& •
know , ..vult - ..0 . , 1 i i 'If the' . • ' - •
an, i ig. .0211150 es cec . ,, . • ' -
, , . .
. .. •
s a
summer? ' Then
4 .
e 1
add ' a
, . . .
tele knows wiltpositively cure Cramps arid
' • Colic quickly, '. Just
adose or twb and you
..„ have ease. .
.... ea.. tet\e'S'e, ' • But'now a word of
proot to badic up these
' .
. . ,
step along faster .than this, of course,
,andisprobably the, best mare ill the
1,teuntry, • tf.er• half brother, Ace, 2.0;5
1 . . -ft ?. , •c. 1 0 a A
e-4 IS a rnagm cone la. e d rac, na
is undoubtedly the fastest stallion in
'Oanadet to ;day. ,
, j.: ' n. Haeneli, . priocipal of the
, ,
Bast Middlesex Conservative Assam-
tion was held iti the Conservative
Club rooms ,• on ' Sato,rday afternoon
. , . • - . ..
Mr. John envy, president, of London
towtship., , occupied the ,chair, , arid
ameng those present were 'Major
Beetttie, M. Pe and Mr. T, D. tiodgins,
phial tree thet is .1 elt ' ' tl looking ‘
'WM / :
at. It plantedwasvfh"
ago was bearing whenIrViee Tears
i , ',1 .1, earn Puy'
chased t lie property seven' en* h' c '.
Y • ts, a Orr
has bl • ' d .
, . pssomo every season during all
that time, and iS 130•3,1adeRwith *bat
judges say will fill.seven heaping' bush.
,,seeret wee not that Dreyfiee was. innocent, - ' , .
' • alaiiee, noveaa ner °Leen
11-f.'; Bertin: Oh, ne, . . ; , , , ••.• • ' • -
„., ,Aceordliv to the tering Of •• sh I] h 1 Ali 28 tee' OM •
nit' dPne4g,lion,, . . I% g a f g. { ,-,-. 0 . 116SO
' ' ' 'ties here say the Pion% bave re
nieut.-Coi. ' nettle energetic:elle', Wien authori , . -
eo, 11.0,. tOld 111 tele yOt1 :why. 1 htwe vived their Oahu to the Agile of forming
eever eenceelea but two tbInge fleet itny . e Reedemene et elanatee, tweed teen ten
neetilbere Of the Selieuter-Xestrier gamily. ` ne ee erei-otto-- '-- ''''' --- '-'''' — - --
irry.,..tilat Mt Seitetteee-Eleetner .would le"..)',‘". e'."'". .
". .,, .
little ' - - '
.,41,.......,1, - ' • . -
to his milk three times a day.
' • ' ge te ,,e et nee e _ ee I
It IS aSLOHIS1111 ' nOw P.M
. .
keW111 1111prOVei f he nurses
''VF ' ',, be: lessettionse and We
, , EXT- 0E7.9 t /idild it rebid Mr, Phu
.._..... - Hantke • Coldwater
' Wk.." f,i( Ont. wilio ' vr' t !
-STRAWBERR •"t''''r . '' • es*.
. r. OWldr 8 xienet
: of Wild Strawberryls
, ,
. a wonderful eure fee.
Varna, school., sent three , nemdidates
up to ' the entrance , exatinination and
Otte tO tile Prirelareraild aillpaSSed 1/10et
creditably', ' •
the riding reptesentative in the Loeal
House. Mr, W., C. Fitzgerald acted ea.
qeeretricry, ROUtirle • bilSilleSS WAS
tt•abeaeted ' '.
, el baskets, • The trunk, is, font feet and
et half,' in circumference, ' white, the
branches ,measure over • thirt$f feat,
front tip to tip, • • •
-titlitatfk'lirsilarlsIgentt:fligegnfre•a' ' ' '
men *he bad wore the einieetm cif a *Mallet ' ' Il'a-ria Al"etf4 • 6nte"'"*. ' '
tqflietro'' euReg91ee3W41,- • Witg ""itle6t1 ' grtilltit'l.11,%N.i";;Tgl,t1m4env. 1:,,t.1,,le)11.6/ cillittsla:let6i61:'
.11.•,Thieniatigai 1)19 02(11 not dime make the Ward eolinehineal toettey it tiiinteillego .eediti`e ,
'te, ' . '
. .. . . . . .
Id, the tnothet , take the
E I . . .. ' . . . '
110AlliSlOrt, .. ege,aea•ggaoi altdruseiste
. ., -
Dieterlmea, Cenireps
atapain's IA th6 stomach, x WaS a great
stitrorbe. Vtidt, / ia,ve, if .0,,tritd, but now' I
heed perfect comfort.," '
eoliewing remark: eThis :rOst Igtd8 d tiniest Week IWO Menthe In 14110011.'. ' '