HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-24, Page 1TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 2. ;HIGFIEST PRICE PUD H FOR 'PRODUCE BISI1OP 86 HURON (kir M1DDLLSEX GAZErIT ituRsDAY MORNING., Alf( -4A3$1." 24t1i, J899. EXETER ONT CANADA tilorriEsT PRIce. of so promising and Useful a life, and will also extend to 'the family end friends the aincerest sympathy. FOR PRODUCE Fedora hat, 2nd. +rank Strain 1 tie, • COLLINSSTANBUItY,-I3arristers,ConiLoY- aneers, Notaries, etc,' Exeter Ont, R. IL (Jol- lies and J. G, Stanbury B. .A.. (late with Me, Carthy, Osier Co. Barristers) ,Toronto, 1311,11EFS.--W, Joltnaton has re- eleves, preSented by •• Wentzel and age ; Geo. Holtzman, sr, prize Sartfl Brown, meerschaum pipe. ,ajD 100 yde, foot race, open te all, let, H. Either, jr., time, second.; prize 1, ORE NE Price is the power of to -day you buy where you can buy the best. All right-minded people Coine and see the quality of our goods, then get quainteel with our prices and you will find that the price power rules here STAPLE DEPT. 701,AN.NTE LLETTES aang'e of .goo Beglish fflannelettes, 34 in wide, at 5e. , WRAPPERETTES Just the thne of year yoe sneed warmer wrappers. These goods embrace all the new patterns and effects, colors fast 8-1: to 12Sc. SHIRTINGS • In Blues or browns, stripes or checks, colors warranted fast at 5, 8, 10 and 12a, COTTONADES 'You kilo w these goods. We ;have them train 124e to 25c. SHEETING Plain or twill 2 yd wide at dfrom"12Sie to 20c. BLEACHED SHEETING In twill 2 yds wide, regular -25e quality for 20e. • PILLOW COTTONS Width from. 42 to 40 in,price from 12ic to 18e. BLE.A.CHED COTTON 5,-0,7,8,0 and 10c,, • FACTORY. COTTON At 4, 5,6, 7 and Se, Dress Goods Amaaamegmasaixamminanwsumaamooni sexsmith given by Chas. Zwicker. 100 yds. foot race for farmer's ever 40 years,lst, Oon. Kuhn, prize, 1 neck yoke, 2ad, ,Tolin Rata, prize, 1 pair G, Stitberiand, Notary Public, Convey aneer, Commissioner, Fire insurance aqent and Issarer of Marriage Licenses, deco. nients earefullY drawn at reasomible rates Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in tercet. Mice at the Post office, RensalL 000gn. If you are not satisfied wit' he t you are using, try • BLUE RIBBON S4 to talse charge of the school :If- Fritz. 88,aitte with Garrow Sc PronAfnot) murister either blk or mixed at 25c, 40c or 50 f‘r spending holidays with his parents Ladies' 50 yds. foot, race over 16 N(4'1" Iteasell. Ontalb al(" in Aslifield.-=MisS Nena Glass and hpr years, ist, , :Ohristena Flokbelner, 1 F Senery, L. D. SDDS ' 25c will seraire you a •black dress goods that will keep its color and make up as well aS goods you have often paid double for. 11 35c This is the pricie of a 131aek Cashatere we are sell- ing. Regular price was 50c for 35e. New Black Crepons in dress lengths or skirt lengths, the Dept. ing at 50s to 1 22ebuys you the best plain .35e. vm ery best in the iu.ket, sell - dress goods ever sold %alu at the •m' nail a nig I . emailmifti4/41 traikpli money... All this seasons shades 21).c HOSIVRY ! In I,aclies', children's and 35cwill buy you a 51 in Misse's. This is.headquarters Suiting in Blue, Brown and for seasonable hosiery. Keep Grey, regular price 50c,, our this in mind and come pre- ptice is . , . . pared to get the best value in • the town. 50e. this is the popular price and we can gisse you the pop- CORSETS tiler goods,in any, or all shades th We carry a fullline of ese in Broadcloth, Covets, Pop- goods and our prices are right lin, and Cravenettes 50c. at from 25c to 1.00. .12.011110101•••••161., young brother, Willie, have returned to their borne in London atm,. spend- ing a few weeks at Wm. Northcott's. --Mrs. Me0orinell, of Toronto, Isms i•a- turned to her horde after visiting her colisin, Atlas ,11 no. N.' cMahon, jr., for souse time.-Thonuts Young of Thecl- ford, called on friends here on Satur- day and Sunday last. -Chas. North- cott was insOrediton one Sunday late- ly, -0. H. Russell spent a Simday late- ly, with friends in Usborne.-Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dauncey or Sharon, called on friends here one day lately, . °nor radn Geo, :ate of Toronto University, 40entists. Teeth gold set, rinf presented , by ?Ix; 3.;aeoted. without_pain or bad effects. Wilco Zw.icketagnct,kci. tie,Presenteci Monday coBnilonellecn,cyneg,nm§40,11v* sok Ztlrich even. f tr d 10 1 t Olivia Holtzman, reasel, presented by •Chris. Beaver, 2nd, Miss Kestka 1 S waist set, presented by Sainuel Brown. !IUHBay's footrace under 14 years, lst, Wesley Wolfe, 1 naouth organ, 2nd, Furnisliinus Willie Brown. 1 dozen bananas, 3rd, August Kohn, 2 lbs. candynprize given by E. Faist. 25 yds, hopping race, lst, Albert Beaver, 1 pair shoes, 2nd, Moses Faist, 1 bottle dressing, given by B. 13rown. Tug of war, 0 on each side, Garfield Hill and Garfield Lawson, captains, the former side won, prize given by Hy. Eilber M. P. P., 1 tie a piece, loos- ing side 1 dozen bananas, Farinee's 100 yds, foot race ander 40. lst, Torn -Mawhinney, 1 whip, 2nd, Wm. Mawhinney, one curry comb, given by Alf. Clarke. • Boy's 50 yds. foot race ander 10. lsis Ralph Litt, 1 pair slippers, 2nd, Fraser Brown, 1 bottle dressing, prize given by C. F. Trick. Throwing washers, Geo. Holtzman, sr., 1 meerschaum pipe, presented by J. Either and Son.7 Fat man's race 100 yds, lst, William Fritz, prize 2 lbs of condition powder, 2nd, B. Brown, 1 lb. of condition pow- der, time 20 minutes, prize glyen by Wm. Lewis. sr. Boy's foot race undea 15 lst, W. Finkbeiner, 2nd, J. Brown, given by Dr. Rivers. . Wheelbarrow race, lst, H. Balser andElaist, 50 cts., 2nd, Moses Feist and V. Ratz. Men's Ties a for 25c -Shirts 4S to 75c " 0 'Collars- 3 for 25 nHose all prices braces 5 to 50c s Underwear; • from 25c to 1.00 . WINGS A little later- you will feel the need of a warm- er garment. Don't par - chase until you have seen our stock. Prices will startle you. Styles will please you, and the fit will satisfy you. Cromarty • BRIEFs.-- Quite a number ot the young men from these parts lit Tues- day for various points in Ma,mtobit and !North West, Amongst otheas were Norman and Neil Park, Hugh Norris jr., John Laing and W. Etty, aal off . one mile and a quarter. If every mile I a qaarter sends as many, there will be a large crowd. Harvesting is a thing of the past for another year. -Mrs. Es McLaren, jr.,• presented her husband with a fine boy on the I3th inst.- School re -opened here Monday. -Mrs. Slemnion, of Brussels, and her sister Mrs. Garrosv and Miss Mamie Garrow, are visiting at F. I,. Hamilton's. -W. W. Thompson a former teacher here, , but now bf Campbellford, Out„ spent a few days last week renewing ea - BUILDERS fifiRDWARE Seasonable flarewdrel _____,........___ Crediton quaintanc.-Mrs. Ai Park, visiting friends arm -int 'Brusssu" Door Locks— ROI & MORTISE This season we. have a larger and better assorted -stock than ever, including tthat newhouse lock. Have you. seen it? Barn Door Hano'ers We have a large stock .of these in all sizes and kinds. We would like to show you -the new Ball Bearing hanger. We are selling it at the same •price as others. That new Parlor Door Hanger in stock. Bulletin°. paper Rosin Sized, 0. K., etc. Plain and Tata Eavetrouglung pleased to give you a figure for your house or barn. Roofing a specialty, get our prices. Furnaces We handle the leading makes, which are in use in all !parts of this county. • McClary's, Gurney's, Moore's Pease, Copp s arid others. We will be pleased to j estimate on your house. CEMENT English & Canadian Thorold & Portland , • We can simply -ex- We use nothing but the pests to superintend WOrkand best Galv. Iron. All our work guarantee all our work. Get guaranteed. We will be our prices, ' • Thresher's • Scales • SUPPlie.B I use. For house or barn Resaasa•--The fiend who constantly a,ddresses you with ".lt is very warm, Mitts, Belts • • low priceo. our vicinity. It is true tve need rain Standard makes at very t -Try and very dusty" is abroad in and Belting, (Anaerican Fencing Very badly, but must take the weather Brass and Iron Steam fittings Oils, Etc. Special prices Enamelware We are sole agents in this vicinity for this superior fence. . FROST & WOOD, REPAIRS Famous Whitewear We keep a full stock. and Imperial. In Preserving kettles, Sauce- pans, Tea, pots etc Acid Proof -ma,de of ,best grades of special steel. Hi caBishOp P. S. — Buy your coal early and save money it will be very high this win- ter, & S011 Winchelsea BRIEFS. -School re -opened on Mon- -day, it has been improved very much in appearance b3r an excellent coat .of paints- sliss Edna Godbolt intends leaving here this week for Toronto, where she will spell& a month with relatives.- Those who rusticated at .Grand Bend on Saturday last report to have had a splendid time. -Mabel Sawyer is spending a week in London. -Fred Del bridge one of our enterpris- ing young gentlemen left here on Tues - .day for Herniae, Man., where he will -spend the balance of the summer. - Mrs. 13radley, (nee 'Miss A. White,) who has spent the • past month under the parental roof will return to her home in Wilson, N. Y., to -day (Phut's- ,day.)-Mrs. R. Robinson left on Tues - slay for Cobourg, where she will spend a month or inore.-G. W. Holman and family of Bayfield are renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity. - Mrs. W. I. Roy is spending a few weeks in Mitehell.-Mrs. J. Couch of •St. Thomas is at present visiting with Mrs. R. T. Couch. -Miss Dollie Coopee of Lucan,is at present the guest of Miss May Delbridge.-Willie Creery, of Al- vinstor, is at present the guest of -Milton .Clark. -Philip Roweliffe met with au ,accident on Saturday evening last which might proved fatal to him;while waiting for the train at Centralia alepet, tied bis horse tract near by fence and not noticing the locomotive till its arrival, his horse became frightened .,and broke its tie rope, and he seizing it by the head was thrown over the horse and 'aided at its heels where he ;received a bruisediface and a disfigused ,hand; by:this time many had gathered around and relieved him, harness be. Aug cdmpletely broken and rig bad- ly damaged.° Kippen BRIEFS. -We regret to refer to the illness of Master Frank ()arming, son of James Canning, Who at present is lying in a very critical condition, with little or no improvement as yet, and is suffering very much from an abscess in the bone of the leg. On Saturday last, Dr. Armstrone• with the assis- tance of Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, per- formed au operation on the little fel- low's leg, between the ankle and the knee. It may be that more operations will have to follow, but,at the present, we are not wise in saying what the re- sult may be. Great sympathy is felt for the home of.Mr. and Mrs. Canning, -We are pleased to note the success of our young pupils from school section No. 2, Tuckersmith, who were up to the recent examination at Clinton for high school entrance. They were all successful in passing. We refer to Master Samuel A.claason, Miss Ettie Cooper and Miss :Jennie McLean. This but also to their painstaking teacher, Mr. Forsyth. We also notice the isnotol t tbernselvea Elimville BRIEES.-Mrs. Miners and Master Milton, of Point Edward, are visiting at Wm. Miners. -Mrs. Ira AncIre.vvs of Exeter, is visiting under the parental roof. -Miss Alice Woods has returned home after spending couple of months in Hensall.-Chas. Johns with Mrs. Henry Oudmore left for Manitoba on Tuesday. Chas. goes.to Hansiota, Mrs. Cuchnore returns to her home in Crystal City. -Mrs. Gliddon has re- turned home after spending a pleas- ant time in Michigan.--Hensall has become a 'chief cettrebf attraction as we noticed one of one youths was miss- ing on Monday night. last. -Our pro- fessional bicycle riders; Mr. Geo. and Fred Miners had a very sudden call to Anderson on Friday night at 9.30 p.m. a distance of fourteen nilles. The trip was made in 1 hour.. --Mr. Campbell of London visited Robt Wil- cox on Sunday. -Our Public Scheel re -opened on Monday, scholars turned out in goodly numbers. -Mr. Jas Hey- wood has commenced work on bisfarm outh of the village,--Etarvesting is vound up in the vicinity and some fields of fall wheat have already been own. - Mr. and Mrs. S. Efalls eturned to Goclerieh. on Saturday. -- Ir. Geo. Miners returns to Stratford n Sept. 5th to renew his studies in, lie. Central Business 11...... II*.. Epworth League intend holding a name of Alex. McNevin among the successful ones at the Goderich ex- arnination, , passun, lig s honors. Alex. is a clever boy, a.nd. is r sure to make his marla-The work on the new church is tieing pushed. :for- o ward rapidly. Mr, Cudinore will have t the, brick work conspleted this week. r. attelson, with his gang of men, s lbert Beaver, 80 cts., Prize given by Thames Road as it comes. -Our public schools open- ceeenrstnna&I, iSesTAIBUBIge.-rB6irnitisteinongi: ed on Monday last, with the follewing all'a G. s&inlyiiry B. A. date witii Mc - stall of 'teachers; principal,Geo. Bloom- Carthy, Osler, & Co. Barristers Toronto). field, 'assistants, Misses Fraser and BRIEFS. -Mr. Madge of Thames Coursey. Miss Banes our former Road took a paralytic stroke on Sun - teacher, has aesigned and ruinor says day while in church. He is seriously she will soon undertake to tutor one ill.--Tbe death of Mrs. Gibson relict of scholar in an adjoining section. May the late Robert Gibson, died on Thurs- her undertaking' prove a snccess. in da,sr last, at the age tal 71 years. She every ways -Miss Rivers of Sarnilaaial Miss Gray, of Brigden, are the guests of Dr. Rivers, this weeks They are on a wheeling tour. -Miss Duncan, of Thasbes Road, is visiting her sister, Mita Geo. Mantle, -The many friends of Mrs. R. E. Walker will be pleased to note that she is recovering rapidly after her recent serious operation and hopes soon to return to her home. a. Several from our vicinity have taken advantage of the harvest excursion to the Northwest • this week. Among the number we naention : John La,w- son, Hy. and Ames Lamport and son Charlie, Mrs. Pugsley and daughter Miss Wadlin, and Mrs. Ed. Chambers. We trust they all may enjoy their trip and have a safe return.- Mr. (Rev.) Hussar who was so seriously ill last week, is slowly improving :we are pleased. to state. --Wn3. McKernan, blacksmith of Woodham, did business in our Tillage on Tuesday. -The very fascinating and scientific game- of throwing "horse -shoes" is all the rage here. You should see the lir. throw.. -Wm.. Lewis,. (sr.,) is supply- ing the village with green corn. He has a fine crop as usual. -0. Zwicker has roofed his store with tar and gravel. London man had the con- tract and did a good. job. -In time of peace prepare for war and in summer prepare for winter, hence order your coalnow. Rev. J. G. Litt, pastor of the G. E. church is in the business now and will supply you with cheap coal. J. G. Young a; Son, the old. re- liable firm will also be glad to sap - ply their old customers. Satisfaction guaranteed from either of the above coal dealers. -Misses Either And. P. Dyer took in the excursion to Detroit on Satarday. Oxvic HOLIDAY.- Aug. 1111). was a gala day at Grand Bend, being Crecli- ton's Civic Holiday. The weather was fine and the turnout from the village ecial in the church this Thurs. evening ing the uuity that exists in our quiet .wads above alt expectations, again shoW- Everybody welcome. and st • g t villa The connifttee of arrangement provided a good pro- gram and handled the same in a very expeditious -manners Owing to the sports being previoaely announced many of tl•ie world'Aathletes were pres- ent, including Sac. Heist, C. Trick; Fred Kibler, Dr. Rivers and others. The games were spiritedly contested. The chief attractions aside from the games was the performance on the lake with the boat, by 1 well known actors and divers. In the forenoon the married and single teen played a live- ly game of baseball. Every available seat en the grand stand (sand bank) was occupied. W.m, H. Wentzel um- pired the genie to •. the satisfaction of all,though his decisions were question- ed by both teams on several decasions. He seemed to be working under great difficulty in evenl' dividing his errors. The gaine was wen by the single men. Score 7 to 8. • s is hustling along the carpenter work. 1 . --Will lain ICyle, 3 ea' has, d art n g the past week, been accomplishing some good work, he having, in three and a half days, cleared the ground of 50 acres of oats. -T. Mellis, while en- gaged in the repairing of a hay press, on on Saturday last suffered a very severe stroke on the head front a heavy bar of iron, which he will not likely forget • for a time. -R. B. McLean is showing Master Gordon Hay of Listowel, a stalk of oats over 5 feet in length, toles on Wednesday of last week. He captured a leviathan bull frog the other ,day, weight 2 pounds, 3 1-2 inches a- cross the chest, and 16 1-2 tip to tip of toes on hind feet, 12inches in length. it could croak like a fog -horn and jump across a ten acre lot, Rodgerville DEAVII OR Mn. JAMES Eenna-Many f our readers in this county will re- gret to learn of the death ef Mr. James Elder, of Virden, Manitoba, and for- merly of Rodgerville, in this county. Mr. Elder died at his honse in Mani - AROMATIC EXTRACT of Blackberry Will be found a safe and pleasant ,ctirelor Diarrhcea, Dysentry, Coiera Moth's! etc, This remedy contains no ,opitunas pleasant to take, and has „proved itself the most reliable remedy, lot summer complaints in the market. Price cents. Sold by C. LUTZ. Druggist, Dieter. 'When the ,Stornach and Liver are .out of order, a dose of DIX LITTLE, fraitEn PILLS will often ward off an and one single head containing 130 grams. -john C. Mille.s, who is a grad- uate of THE Trams office, Exeter, has taken a good position in the Herald office, Hespeler. John keeps up with the many Kippen boys, who have gone out to fight life's battle in his in- tention, to be climbing upwarda-Miss Ivison is visiting friends in 13rigclen, near Sarnia. 1)EATII OF JAMES COOPElt,-jableS Cooper, a, prosperous farmer of this section died on Friday while under- going an operation for stoppage of the bowels. He was aged, 60 years and had been all but a short time. He was well known as a sheep -breeder. He was highly respected, and leaves a large family to mourn his loss, • Oti Monday last Bayfield Road church Was tore down, and will be Moved to Varna. The con regation • had been a eufferer from an affection of the heart for several years, and , it was that which cut him down at last. He was in the prime of life hav- ing been born on the Oth of May, 1848, He was a native of the township of Usborne, and was born on the old homestead farm on the London road, near Rodgerville, and he continued to .eside there until his re/Loyal to Mani- oba 1884, He was married to Miss Ellen Larnb in 1871, and she, with a wilily of three sons and three daugh- ers, survive hint. The family are all t home with. the exception of the eld- st son, Who is marled and living ill Duluth. Becionling fascinated With he prairie province in the spring of 884, Mr. Elder left his fine 'farm in sborne and removed to Manitoba. settling within seven miles of the illage of Virden, where he took up a arise tract of land, He has been very neeessful in that counter, and. was ne of the leadieg farmers or the dis. He was the only brother of Mr, will worship in the town ha I a& the • re tiler hours of serviee. Sabbath .attack of 'Diarlmea, Dy.8ontesr, Cthelera school and Christian Endeavor will al - Mibi, etc.en. eneene So be held as usual, while the new U Luiz church is hi course Of erection, f NOTES ON Tun 61-Aittm.-Isaac Hill t was amongst the spectators ; Richard a Baker was unable to Attend; B. Brown e might have scoaed mere runs if he 0 hadn't spent so much time hunting t the bases ; Frank Smith is a promising 1 youngster ; Sana Brown carrion the II banner for errors ; Wm. Fritz struck it s pretty 3 bagget. E. Foist mede a bril- l? tient ctstch, but he alsO made A *very I costly error, runtillig from third to home plate ; severm baseball ;bee .e4. - pressed surprise that II. Eilbee se., was not picked. up by one of tile League Vi ham Bider, of Hensall, and he has teams ; Bloomfield was a complete 1 msts of friends and admirers in and puzzle to the single men. Belowis around his old home Who will regret it liSt of prize Witnseet4 in the sports :- its early demise and the cutting short Horse shoe tnatth OVet 00 years of sustained a stroke/of paralysis some C months ago from vaSich time she hadarberry; Hugh Norris, Manitou; Mr. steadily failed. Mr. Gibson was one nWeatlake, Manitou; Robb. J. Carlisle, of the earliest settlers, h a° ing imn r°r elPbtuasiirnieesws Aerleexhi‘orowiril,1Hsotmaret- grated trom Scotland in her young ahardware : Home - days. Deceased was highly respected by a large circle of friends, which was attested by the attendance at the fun- eral on Friday.-gamuel Passmore the other day jammed hisIthurnb badly be - GOLDEN WEDDING. -Ii. Beek and wife celebrated the fiftieth anniver- sary of their wedding on Wednesday last 16th inst. Owing to some mem- bers of the family being unable to be present the event was quietly eele- brated in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Beek were married in Glenwilliana,on Aug. lOth 1819 in the presence of 70 guests, among whom were the older members of the Kennedy family. Nearly all of those who were then Present have joined the silent /majority there being only four or five left. Mr. Beek is now in his 75th year and airs. Beek is in her 71st year. They baye six sons and one daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Beek are in the enjoyment of good health, and their many friends wish thetas continued health and bapi- ness. Bnargrs.--james Shanatian, of Mont- rose, Mich. , visited friends in and around Hensall the past week. -James Sparks, of arna, and Mrs. Sparks, of Devil's Lake, visited at John Spark's over Sunday.- Airs. Harold has re -1 turned home from a pleasant visit with friends in Toronto and other places. Mrs. Leslie and son, of Inger- soll,visited. at Mr. Beek's over Sunday. -Mrs. John McColl and daughter, of Glencoe, returned home after visiting at Dan'l McColl's. --Alex. Moir, who lately taught school at Denver Springs Col., left this week to visit hiabrother John in Manitoba. -Mrs. T. W. Hawk - sir w,of E daughter, Miss 111 seta ; Mrs. Alex. Brown, of Lima, 0 lo, and Miss Maggie Brown, of Bea- ds h,visited at T. alurdock's on Tees - da .-27 left here on the Detroit ex- cnesion.-Miss M. Sheffer has returned home from a three months course of vocal instruction in Toronto, -Miss Laura Pennington is visiting friends in town. Fon real WEST, -The following per- sons left here Tuesday for Manitoba.' and the Northweste-Nelson Reickert, Brandon; Miss Lottie Parker and sis- ter, to Carberry Man. Daniel Kinsman, field; Will Richardson, Portage la Prairie; Samuel Horton, Portage is Prairie; Will Bossenberry, Brandon; Wm Baker, Brandon; Alf Grigg, Car- - tween the waggon box and bolster. The nail was torn off and. laoerations made which required several stitches. -The Christian Endeavor of Thames Road church will hold their picnic at the Bend on Saturday. Kirkton BRIEPS.-KirlifeOn baseball rangers are making Kirkton sportie town, having played two games last week the first being with- Motherwell the score being 25 to 2 in favor of Motherwell. The game on Saturday afternoon against Fullerton base ball team end ed in Kirkton's favor, score 21 to l 10. - Gamic ancl Homer Peirson, of London are the gaests of Arthur Kirk. -Thos. 'Claapple, of Base Line, Blanshard, fills the pulpit for Rev. dell, he being ill with typhoid fever. •- Mrs. Samuel Bushfield spent Sunday last under the parental roof. -Miss Alice Stout left last week for Detroit to spend a few days friends there. -0. E. Taylor, of Cleveland., is holidaying at home this week. -john Chapple spent Sunday last in Mitchell. -Edward Hazelwood, of Usboree, was the guest of Mrs.Da,w- son on Sunday la.st.-Clarksou Switzer took advantage of the Laborers' Ex- cursion to the svest,on Tuesday. --Caleb Brown, of St. Mavys, has been spend- in,g a few days with his combs, Wm. -Brown before leaving for •manitoba.- Hugh Kirk has it new bike. he rides a Cleveland. as. Lucan. - -- BIIIEPS.--The brick work of the new grist mill is completed and rumor says when this fine mill is emnpleted it will be secood to none in Canada as no ex- pense is[spared. in making it each. -The new evaporator is now inlprogress. Con- sidering the number of hands working on it, it will soon be completed, Mr. Reid is indeed a bustler for Lucan giving a munber of working men em- ployrnent.-Mrs. Horne was in London on Saturday last and visited her coo - sin, Mrs. S. Brown. -On Saturdaydast feu Minutes after the way freight went east a fire was noticed burning in the stubble of W.Reid s farm ann. only for the titnely arrival of several hands no doubt but Mr. R's loss would have ef been great.-- R. McLeod had his house raised and intends putting an addition to the same which will im- prove the appearance greatly. -School will now soon be open and tio doubt parents and children will be glad as the holiday season has been Along one. - Mr. Baskerville our efficient !mese trebles, has the record of a clever man, he having heolte arid made fit to drive Seven of Ouritowns-peOpleS'steeda Some Of them being so fractions that no other but Mr, B. Would care to handle, Like a shook the announce - of Rostock, wife of Robert Armstrong, Mont of the death of Mrs. Armstrong, well known lb Municipal circles thronghtont the townships of .8lilicel and mornington, says the Milverton Sun. She was on Sunday &liveted of SOlL Alia for a time appeared to be doing well, but suddenly WE* A turn for the worse. FRUIT JARS. When you want Glass Fruits jars will pay you come to us. OW.' prices are lower than you hear elsewhere. DINNERWARE What about nice Diner Sett.? Eng- lish semi -porcelain beautifully decorated, at $6.50 to $10.00 a sett. Toilet Setts J. P R4C)851 berry; Mrs. Adamson, Edmonton:Miss E. Reith, Winnipeg; W. R McLean, /sIoosejaw; F. Kibler, Hamilton, Dak., Miss Kereher, Hamilton, Dak n 3;12 Bennett, Moosemira, where he will Start business as n machinist; Win Simmons Inkster, Dak; Wes Simmons, and. brother John, Manitou; Mr. Alexander Carberry Man. ,• Miss Horton; Bat Port age,to teach school; 'William Horton, Carberry; Albert Fee, Brandon, Maar ; Robt. Dalrymple, 11flooseja7w; Adant Whiteford, Virden; John Nichol, Sorris, Man.; John Curry, Deloraine; Mr. Wright, Carberry; A. Ryckraan, Boissevain, Man. Mooresville BRIEFS.-SOble 82 Of our Toting men left on the excursion train for Mani- toba, among the number I notice, D6i-npsey, of Usborne; John Wilke, of London:Murray Miller, of McGillivray; Wm. Morkin, Ben Revington, Will Flynn, Ben A,bhott, Clarence Abbott, Leon Abbott, Wellington Rollins, T. Collison, Wellington Hodgins, John Ryder, Geo, Brien, M. O'Shea, Michael Behan, John L. Sullivan and Michael Blake, all of Biddulph. Some 40 tick- ets were also sold at Parkhill. ---The many friends of John Dearness, oar popular school Inspector, will be pleas- ed to hear of his appointment as prin- cipal of the Normal School, London. Mr. C. J. Nesbitt of Goderich town- ship had one of his horses staked one day last week, the animal stepping up- on a blunt piece of seantliug which flew up and penetrated its side to the depth of nine inches. STOVES! A. full and complete line of stoves and ranges NOW IN STOCK When buying a stove why not get the best, Buck's stoves and.ranges have given every satisfaction and made homes bright and happy for half a century. Don't experiment with one you are toldis just as good, buy nothing but the genuine Buck stove. HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE& Need no recommendation from us Not a single buyer of a Happy Thought _Range ever regretted Ids choice.. Call and get names of those who are usirric them. Aimmammeyrromesr,se: amoiNmer.•kr THRESHERS SUPPLIES WE ARE HEA.DQUA.W.L'ERS. Machine Oils, Lace Leather, Gauge Glasses, Mitts and Gloves, Rubber and Leather Belts, Etc,, E'tc, COAL Sole Agents for the Genuine Scranton IT BURNS TO AN ASH NOW IS TAE TIME TQ ORDER, Cements dtd Plaster Paris on Hand EXETER lst door north of it Pickard Co's St re