HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-17, Page 7ews Summary. 4t Recent Happensv.? Briefly Told. °Arum. ; ow 30 per emit. less than last season, Four horse eta.bies at to WinniPeg but the Sheena River P4ek will be Fair grouts were burned Sundayabout the average. The FeaseRiver r , pack will not be very large, unless tbe G• T• Freigtut Agent pairPtrPle' rail of fish materially improves. Philippe Girand, whet represented biroself as a Catholic peiest appointed to colleet money front. be people for masses and prayers, is under arrest in Montreal, cberged with ( ebteining money under false pretences. Girand pretended that he 'ivas eit the bead a a colenization scheme, and that it was• for this purpose that ihe was colleeting moneys. The NortJaern Pacifie Railway crop report of Moaday gives a very favor- able account of the crops. Brandon will 'have 30 bushels of wheat to the acre man averege. alles weather for the past we aas beer very warm and. showery. All kinds of Grope are d.o.ing well. Farmers saythat the wheat prop is a few days behind, as compared with the correspending periowl of last year, but 'with good Weather it will be harvested as early. . GREAT BRITAIN. The South of England eau -vesting of wheat, spats, and bay 'is heavy. of Harailten, hes been transferred to Detroit, Fire has destroyed the eleetrio light plata of Viroliville, al.S„ and the town Is in darkness. The rentable of Lee Yung, who died two years ago at Stratford, have been take. to China. Sevexi thousands pounds of honey Wye been glaippea in one lot from Ilanailtuo, to England. Hamilton ratepayers will vote on September 7th on a proposal to bey Dundura Park for $50,000. Klondike Commissioner Ogilvie reckons that the output this year will be little short of 020,000,000. Major Girouard, who took part in the construction of the Soudan Rail- way has retained to Montreal. The Hamilton City Council has post- poaed •the proposed reduction in the saleries of several civic officials. The labor organizations of London, by systematic giving, will supply 4600 a week to the striking street car men. Mrs. E. B. Hobba of Woodstock is dead of blood poisoning, due to a fall on a rake which penetrated her knee cap. The Thousand Island traffic has nev- er been 'heavier •in the history of the St. Lawrence than it is at the present time. Contraotor Grant of Toronto has se- cured the eantract to build the' Lon- don waterworks clam at a cost of 444,000. • British Columbia's exhibit at the Paris Exlaibition now being prepared will be the best ever sent to Europe from there. The New Canadian Pacific Railway station, at Woodstock is practically completed, and the officials will move in on Friday. The telegraph line to Dawson City has been campleted. from Little Salmon e to Lake Bennett, and. will reacit Daw- son in October. Brantford manufacturers during the • year ending June 30th exported goods to the value of 4929,907, against §848,- 681 the previous year. • Robert Noble, an ElOinburg farmer, while driving into Kingston was so badly injured in a runaway accident that be may not recover. • Lord Minto and Sir Wilfrid Laurier • are to be invited to attend the laying of the corner stone of the new post office at Chicago, Oct. 9th. Frank Jarvis, proprietor of the Wes- tern Hotel, Delaware, has entered a deism against the London Street Hall- way Company, for 05,000 damages for injuries. A young lady named Miss Mary Laurie, who was visiting friends at St. Lambert, was instantly killed by a passing train, which was going into Montre.al. Hon. Peter Mitchell is out and about usual. His 'physician states that yond, taking necessary care of his health, Mr. Mitchell's ,recent illness will have no effect. The C. P. R. land sales in the North- west for July were 47,402 acres, for $149,546. For the corresponding period last year the totals weee 3,951 acres for $123,610. It has been announced that no change is to be made in the Sanford Co.'s business on account of Senator Sanford's death, and that it will be carried on as usual. Over 17,700,000 bushels of corn, worth 46,800,000, were imported into Canada during the nine months ending March last. During the same period the ex- ports were 13,660,000 bushels. Mr. j. B. Harpin, of London, leas received word of the death ee his Mes. and. Miss Boynton, was caught in son Harry in Los Angeles Cal., aged the terrific gale at Ashland, Wis., and 84. Death was due to blood poisoning all three were drowned. caused by the explosion of a cartridge in his hand. Si_r Pbllip Manfield, ex-lVleyor of Northampton, Eng., is dead, Lady Salisbury's conditioa is still serious, The Marquis, spends much of his time at Walmer. Mr. Devitt brought the lalaybriek. ease 'up in the British House of Com- mons without gaining any satisfeetory answer. The Opposition has decided aot to raise the Transvaal question again during' the present session of the Brit- ish House of Commons. Bryson, Jameson & Company's tim- ber yards and Saner & Company's grain warehouse at Hull, England, were destroyed by fire, The loss is $600,000. The steamer Dromedary on Monday night, off the coast of ,Scotland, ran into and cut down the yacht Ven- detta. The Yacht reached shore in a crippled condition•. oe. ram withien ten days, extensive loeal famines are inevitable in Madras, The chairman of the Metropolitan Bombay, and the Central Provinces of railway has abnounced that at the Ionia,. haven, aear Roolaester, Saturday even - Mai eeetion of the pier, upon weich aboue 200 people were staediog, gaols denty gave way, precipitaliag sceres of (the spectators into tae water, In an instent mien, women aud ehildren were piled Le a (struggling mese of humanity into from Live to ten feet of eyelets but all were flayed. GENERAL The nativee a Malta aro agitating for home rule, Albert Menier, of eboeolate fame, ite xeported deed at Paris. The Barak of Spain, at Ma.drid, is naaleing all its payments in silver. It is saia that Russia is closing Port Arthur and Ta -Lien -Wan to travellers, Rumours regarding a Chino-J'apaere eae alliance are semi -officially denied at Pekin, Disorder in the neighborhood of Can- ton is seriously interfering with the trade The arbitration and mediation' trea- ties at The Hague have been signed •by sixteen of the powers. Major Marchand s journey acrose Af- rica cost France $010,000, a somewhat expeneive smentine expedition, It is stated that Capt. Pastorio, of Rome, laaa discovered a means of ren- dering acetylene gas non -explosive, The liritish warship Buzzard is driving colonial fieherrnen out of the treaty •ports on Newfoundland, at the complaint of French fishermen. There are fears at Rome that the arbitration compact adopted at The Hague may cense a re -opening of the question of the Papal sovereignty. In consequence of 'the rioting at the bull -ring on Sunday night the Mayor of Marseilles has interdicted bull figlits and canted the arena. The brigand. leadea Mcmi, the terror of Sardinia, is still at large. So far the anti -brigand campaigrt has result- ed in the capture or killing of 80 brig- azds, according to a Rome report.. IVIme. Couldere is under arrest at AWFUL RAILWAY WRECK sgvEN KILLED ON THE CANADA ATLANTIC, NEAR IdONTRE,AL Engine and Twe Cars Len the Balls -All the ileums Are canadilana 0. despatch from Ottawa, says : - The engine of the Montreal and Ot- tawa exprees on tb.e Canada Atlantic railway left tiae traek near St. PolY- carpe station at 1.0.30 Teasday morn- ing, taking with it the baggage car aud a second -clasp coach. Seven were killed, and a AM:ulster eeriously injured, The dead :- Geo, McCuaig, fireman, Ottawa; Ed- ward Stares, Ottawa; Wilson O'Con- nor, Ottawa, Joseph Rocheau, Mon- treal, IVIrs, Joseph Rochean. Miss Bool- ean, H..idget Ryan, Maniwaki, Que. George McCuaig was about, 2'2 years of age, arid lived with his parents in Ottawa East. Ed, Steers. was an in- valid, and was on bis way home from a pilgrimage to the shririe of Ste. Arine de Beanpre, is heather, Steven Starrs, is a naemlaer of the Ottawa fire brigade. :Wilson O'Connor was a you g unmarried man, also on his way home from the shrine, whither he had gone in company with ikie friend Steers. The aeriously injured are Ellen Mc- Dougall and Ellen Ryan, of Manisvaki, Que., and a two-year-old son of Jos, llocheau, who was killed. Robt. Orr, engineer who had charge of the train, was atso inure. Relives at 471 Gladstone avenue, and is one of the oldest and moat reliable men on the road. THE ACCIDENT DESCRIBE!). Mr. 023'. Smith, 'general freight and passenger agent for the company, when pearl by a reporter,esaidt-"Accident Paris, charged with poisoning her occurred at 10.35 Tuesday morning. cousin. ,There is a report that the Train left track just outside of St. act is connected with the Dreyfus Polycarpm station, which is about five affair. . miles' on this side of Coteau Junction. Unless there should. be a copious fall Engine,/ baggage car, and second-class car left track and, turne& over on their sides, while first-class coach, eldontreal chair car and Intercolonial sleeper re- mained. on rails. Doctors from Alex- andria, Coteau, and St, :Justine were sent to the scene as soon as possible to attend to the injured." ":As soon as the word reached Ot- tawa," gaid Mr. Smith, "we sent out a special train with Dr. R. W. Powell, Superintendent N. Donaldson, and. General Passenger Agent, 3". E. Walsh, to look after the passen,gers, and. at- tend to the injured. The wrecking train was also sent out at once. 'The cause of the accident is some- thing whichleaves us at a loss to ac- count for. The road for seven miles on either side is level, and heavily ballast- ed.. The rails are also very heavy, and mat/a considered, the most seoure on the line. "The peculiar point is that while the engine and the first two cars left the • track the remaining three cars remain - beginning of October eleitric traction will be installed on the lines of the company in London. Former Speaker Reed, of the United States Congress and Ambassador Choate occupied seats in the distin- guished strangers' gallery of the Bri- dals House of Commons on Tuesday. Geo. Colquhoun, a Glasgow lawyer, has been arreste.d on a charge, of em- bezzling funds belonging to his clients. His liabilities are said to be over 4100,000. Colquboun was forraerly city treasurer. Percival Spencer, the famous aero- naut, with a companion, started in a balloon from the Crystal Palace, Lon- don at 2.30 o'olock. Saturday after - Four women brigands have --been ,captured near Benevento, Italy. The women are charged with one murder, three attempted assassinations thre.e cases of serious wounding, and a num- ber of robberies., King Menelik has written a most cordial letter to Gen. Lord Kitchener, Sirdar and Governor-General, ex- pressing his willingness to define the frontier between the Egyptian Soudan and Abyssinia on friendly terms. A despatch from St. Petersburg states that Gen. Abdul Chakim Khan and three other high Afghan officers have been poblicly shot by order of the Ameer, in the market square, at Cabal for the embezzlement of money noon and arrived near Dippe, France, intended for the payment of the sol- e mile and a half inland, at 8 o'clock diets. an altitude of 12,000 feet.in. reached Qaeen Wilhelmin,a, who not- long ecl on. This is the first serious . the evening. The balloon ago objected to the poxtrait of ,herself dent to a passenger train winch we appearing on the postage stamps of the have ever bad." The steamer Alice is at Seattle, kingdom because the hair only fell to UNITED STATES. Wash., witli $300,000 Klondike gold: her neck has now requested the with - A, street ear at Pittsburg yesterday drawl of. the present coinage, on overturned two funeral carriages and which her effigy is that of a child, injured nine persons. . and the substitution of her present likeness. There are 30 cases of supposed yea- • The campaign which bag' resulted in low fever at the National Soldiers' ' . the capture or killing of 80 brigands Horne, near Hampton, Va. within a few weeks has practically Dyea, a Klondike outeiort, was al- stamped out the mischief in -Sardinia, most burtned out last Friday night, but the worst of the brigand leaders, when the steamer Orizaba left. • Mmii, and hist band are still at large. The tug Grace Ruelle, of Detroit, Moni is a ;man of great ability, audac- foundered in Saginaw Bay Saturday ity and cruelty. His band has killed night. Its captain, Jule Lemay, was 31 persons within the past eight years drowned. s and there is now a reward of 20,000 Martin Dotz, said. to have married lire upon his head. ' six woro.en, all but two of whona are The Government of India has de - said to be now living, was arrested at cided to adopt the report of the In - Chicago on Monday. dian Currency Committee and that A eowboat containing W. C. Ott, the policy of keeping the Indian mints closed to the unrestricted coin- age of silver will be maintained. British sovereigns will be made legal tender in and the current coin of India. The mints will be opened -to the unrestricted coinage of gold, and the permanent exchange value of the rupee will be one shilling and • four pence, Mrs. Eliza Varney and Job Godley, • accompanied by Mrs. W. F. Lloyd Os - burn, leading Quakers from the Unit- ed States, have visited the two thous- and 1)oukhobors, the latest arrivals in Manitoba. During tae seven months of this year Vancouver Island collieries Shipped 436,000, .tons of coal to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Alaska, Puget Sound points and China.During July 58,000 • tons were exported. A North Baltimore, Ohio, despatch says ,that twoi men of that city and 20 other gold -seekers have been drewned at Cook's Inlet in the Klondike Marcus Daly, president of the Am- algamated, Copper Company, has bad a serious attack of heart • failure at his home in Anaconda, Montana. At .Alexandria Bay the beautifel yacht, Comilla, owned by Mr. G. T. Rafferty, Pittsburg, Pa., was iburned to the water's edge. The yacht cost $10,000, and was one of the fastest on the river. Joseph Martin's office safe at Van- At Amherst, Mass., Eugene Pa.ka- aeueer was blown open and 01200 and quer, a graduate from the Indian SWIM papers stolen. Mr. Martin as- school at Carlisle, Pa., shot and kill-- serts that the papers are valuable in ed. Edith Moran, the 17 -year-old daugh- his political affairs and hints tbit a ter a his employer, because. she • re - political enemy got them. jected his attentions. There has been. an epidemic of A threshing raaehine engine explod- drowning at St. Sohn, N. B., James ed near .Big Prairie, Mich., and Chas. Sinclair, a noted swiro,mer and fisher- Haight, Charles Crabtree, Geo. Over- • man, was upset from a boat and sank. ly, C. Presit and Raymond Howe were Amos seaman, a sailor of sallies, N. killed. Oscar Evans and Geo. !Haight S., was drowned from a sebooner. were severely injured. Four of the principal hotels in Frank Reynolds, an aeronaut, aged Stratford, the Windsor, Albion, Ar- 30 years, met his death at Findlay lingtou ancl Gladstone, have been cam- Lake, near Dunka.k. He made an as- Pelleci, to close their bars owing to the action. of the license commission- • ers in withholding the liquor licenses until soma, repairs are effected, The British Caultabia members and other Parliamentarians who take an enterest in military matters are much pleased at the action of the Militia Department in deciding to convert the Sacon,d or Vancouver Battalion of the Fifth Regiment, Canadian Artillery, into a rifle wren. II bus become necessary for the Can• adian commissioners to the Paris Ex- hibition to procure 1,200 ft. of addition- al space at theWorld's Fair. This has oension in a balloon and dropped with a parachute into Lake Erie and. was d.rowned before help could reach him. It was Reynolds' second'ascension, Policeman 'Thomas F. O'Brien, of New York, who on +Tune 10 stole a gold. wateh and chain and two lock- ets frora the bode of Capt, G. D. Rroads,who was killed an that day by an electric. car, was isenteneeci to foue years atid three months in 6'ing Sing. By the tapsizing of a small boat in the Delaware River, at Philadelphia on Sunday, Otto. 'Kampf, aged 37, his son Albert, aged. 8, and Christian Ost- been rendered neeessary largely by the Grego, Kampf s brotber-in-law, 80 d.eenande of the Canadieft bicycle mato yettes old., were drowned. Two others, ufacturers, who seem anxioes to Frank Knober and Louis Metins, were make a grand show. .• rescued. The party was on a fishing rrhe Dominion Iron and Steel Co. "IP' has at last set the ball rolling. Wox.k Rear Admiral William T. Sampson was begun on Wednesday at the inter- has begun a suit in his own behalf national Pier at Sydney, N. S. in and, also it behalf oi the officers and cleaning ula the ground caul making enlisted, men of the slaps of the North PreParatfons fot a railway tapping the Atlantic station who took part in the Inteneolonial line Ao as to bring the naval engagement off Santiago and cement, eta, to where it will be the eubsettnent captures, for prize needed. plenty, The suit 18 water to that . The ealmon geaeen in Alaska ate racently entered by Admiral Dewey in Northon British Columbia is about at the same court. ati end. It ia estimated that the sal- `During an exhibition given by a MO% paelt 06 Rivera 'Aloe will be 25 family of expert swimmers at Glen - CLAIMS AGAINST CANADA. AMA Miners' Representative on Ills Way t o Wasblngton. A despatch from Seattle, Wash., says :-Ex-Commissioner jarnes Ham- ilton Lewis left for Washington on Wednesday the claims to present to the State De - GANG PLANK BROKE. DM NOT HEED Tim WARNING. British Gunboat opened Etre ca. Frew% ebating steads, IA deer/etch frotai Folkestone, Eng„ says :-Tee Britieli torpedo gunboat Deele, Tueseay morning foond anew% flailing boat, the Etoile de Mer be- longing to )3oulogneemeXer, fishing within. the three-mile limit. The fisa- email. attempted to escape and did not stela 'when a blank shot was fired. The Leda then fired a Mice which disabled the Etoile de Mer and killed the lat- ter's helmsman. . The fishing bout was afterwards towed to this port with the body oS the halelasman an bee* deek. The arrival of elhe Etoile de Mee here caused much excitement, where it is hoped the re- grettable incident will draw atteatioe to the feerious inroaas made by foreign aistermen in British waters. The Admiralty authorities express exteenue surprise at the fact that the fishing boat disregarded the Leda s signal to heave to, and in the abseece of the, official report they aesume tbat the eoanmander of the Leda only resorted to drastic; measures when other means were, ineffectual. Captain Delathe, of the Etoile de Mer, was areaigned later in the day, and. pleaded guilty to fishing in Eng- lish waters, and evading arrest. • The commander a tile Leda says the chase lasted five hours, under se,arch- ligalt, aid that he diseherged thirty blank rifle shots before resorting to bullets. The prisoner Was fined £10 on. the. first eberge and 45 on the se- cond &barge. • DIED IN A HOVEL. A Cireat granddaughter of the Earl of Chttrnock-An, Opportunity Missed. A despatch from Peoria., 111., says:ea IVIiss Betsy Griffin, whose great-grand- father was the Earleof Charneek, died in a hut near Farmington on Tuesday. Papers found in the hovel, where ehs had lived in a miserable mariner for several years, show her to be of noble blood, and had she pushed her claim at the proper time she would have re- ceivedn third of an estate valued at $1,000,000. Up to the last days she re - lased all favoa.a. Friends of theewo- man will sell her hut and. defray the funera I expenses. Twenty Excursionists Meet Detttlt at a Wharf Maine. A despatch from Bar Harbour, Me., says.: --The Maine Central R,ailroad on Sunday Tall excursions to Bar Harbour &ma all sections of its line in Maine, the attraction being the warships which were inspected an Sunday. All the forenoon long trains packed with excursionists were rushing • to Bar Harbour. The train which Jeft Bangor at 8.25 consisted of 12 cars janamed with peo- ple. At Mount ,Desert Ferry, the ter- minus of the line, the train is left for the boat, for an eightanaile sail to Bar Harbcur. The trains run out ore to the w'harf, and it is but a step from the train to the boat. The wharf is owned by the Maine Central railroad, and the boat is a part of its system. From the wharf a slip, or gang plank, 40 feet long and 10 feet wide, led up to the boat. The ship was: hinged at the in- ner end, the outer end being supported by chains, by which, it was raised or lowered to suit the tide. The wharf extends on both sides flush with the end. a the gang plank. an'hen. the excursion train 'from Ban- gor arrived at the ferry there was a Pertinent of American rusb for the steamer Sappho. The first miners against the Canadian Govern- ment for drunages sustained through the enactment of a lave by the Provin- cial Legisleture of British Columbia, debarring aliens from locating placer claims en the Atlin mining district. It is expected that the proposed claims will be Made a subject of arbitration before the Joint High Commission. Mr. Lewis represented about one thous- and venters whose claims aggregate $3,000,000. BROTHERS' STRANGE MEETING. Recognized Their Relationship by Photo- graph of Their limber. A despatch from Kingston says: - The other day two men named Con- nors, one from Belleville, the other from Syracese, N. Y., came to the city to transact business. Accidentally few passengers had crossed the gang plank safely, and it is said that 200 people were massed upon the plank. Suddenly they felt the plank give way beneath them. The long timber sup- porting the plank broke in the middle. PLUNGED INTO THE WATER. The binges held uo one end and the chain the other, while the broken ends a the plank dipped, and a struggling screaming mass of humanity was plunged bato Use water, 15 feet below the wharf. A few.olung to the inclin- ed sides a the plank, but at least 150 were struggling in the water. The piling of the wharf partially penned them in on three sides, and the beat lying at the wharf closed the outer end of the, °poling. After the first moment of stupifica- don, the work of rescue began. Itope,s and life preservers Were thrown to the crowd, but in the panic, the people in the water olutelied one another, and they met in an hotel and entered into many sank thus in groups in ,a death conversation. One was a corn doe- grapple. Many taken fram the water tor, and his namesake had a bad ease. were uneonsciotis and were revived They adjourned to the doctor's ream, with diffieuLty. Doctors were sump:am- end Incidentally the doctor in show- ed from all demotions, but it was half ing a photograph, remarked, "That's an hour before the first arrived. The my poet' old mother," the other pieked freight -house at the ferry eras turned it up, exolaimed, 'That'S my mother, into a _morgue, the bodies being taken too," and he showed a pleture like it. there for identifieation as fast as re - The men were brothers but had never covered. reet. The doctor had been taken by an unele when three years of age, and had never met any f bis family WELL:TRA-11771113- TABBY. TWENTY MET DEATH. By won 17 bad beet received. Three other persons were taken on board the Sappho, and died on the way to 13ar Harbour. The exaot numbee of dead Will not be ktown foe some time, yet An Auburn, Maine, man says that a strong tide sweeps \under the pier, his tabby is so well trained that it hes andsorne bodies may have heee careied a, saeat et the table with the fatally. Its away by it. A, diVerl Who Was set at ttable taattere are entirely correct and work 'mahout dellte, Was engaged in it rises a napkira with a grace eelaom the eearch until 7 onlook, but only 11 displayed by it human being. bodies ivvem found. , MARKETS OF THE WORLL BRITISH TRADE WITH CANADA. Statement of the Board of Trade for the Month of July. 'Al despatch from London says -The statement of the Booed of Trade for. the, month of July shows increases of £4,032,300 in imports and X3,100,100 in exports. The ;import& from Canada in July reached the following amounts: -16,858 cattle, valued at 4287,614; 8,614 sheep, and lambs valued. at £13 283; 453 537 qwt. of bacon, valued. at £75,496; 19,- 540 cwt. of hams, valued ax £41,382 t 34,42.4 Mat. of butter, valued at £146,- 965 e 231,915 °rt. of cheese, valued. at £496,065; 2,340 great hundred eggs, valued, at £714, and 835 horses, valued at: £22,566. The total imports reached the value a £2,705,195, while the ex- ports aggregated £458,609. . DESPERATE TFIROUGH FAMINE. Revolt Autong'the Peasantry in a Portion of Russian Dominions. A despatch from Vienna, (says :-The Neue Freie Presse says the peasantry of portions of Bessarabia, under the Government of Russia, bounded on the soutt by the Danube and the Black Sea, have revolted, being driven des- perate by famine. Troops, it is added, have been sent there and several en- counters have taken place. A scare of peasants have already beeu killed and many have been wounded. A FARMER ARRESTED. smiumie Prices of Grath, Cattle, CheeSs, &C In the Leading Marts. Toronto, Avg, 11. -Tire recipla at tile western cattle yards this morning were small, as all ,told. only 44 loads cams in, ',flame was little inasinees doing, and prises all rou.nd remain un- changed. Shippiag cicalae shows no improve - meat. Cable advises from London and Liverpool contlfaue decidedly unsatis- factory, and most 06 the puecha.see of ehAPPing cattle bought just now are merely purehaeed because the buyers 'have epace on the "boats contracted. for, and, of course, must be filled. Prices are quoted as ranging from 14.25 to $0 per cwt., Out 45 is a fancy figure, at the. v.resent moment, and $4.75 is about the limit.Mira]. poor cattle. is com- ing in and. this deleresses prices ail round. We bad a demand for any real- ly goed butehler cattle that was bere, and it ecad tvp to 14 pee cwt., for choice, and what some of the common eattie. soad downato it is unnecessary to nieni.ion. 13otth ire shipping and butcher cat- tle a few pix:kect lots were sold at a small advance on else figures given, above, but as representative quota- tions such figures wailed he utterly Charged With Obtaining Money on False Pretences nom It. E. A. Bank at Bran don. - A despatch from Winnipeg says:- joseph Barrow, a prominent farmer of Brandon, was arrested on Tuesday. in Waukesha, Wis., on a warrant sworn out by the British North Araerice Bank at Brandon. The charge against Barrow is obtaining money under false pretences, He went to the British North America Bank on Saturday last and borrowed $100, giving sereevity on his crops. Tuesday the bank finales:mi- tes discovered that Barrow had sold his farm and crops a few days pre- viausly. Barrow is an Englishman, the son of a large steel manufacturer of Liverpool. misleading- Stoaers are worth from, 12.50 to 13.- 25, ieete. - :agar enquiry. hipping bulls are eisaely„ at from 18.50 to 14 per cwt. Among the principal purchaser's of eattle to -day were Messrs. W. and Levack, Crawford and Hunnisett, E. Dean, P. Gillies, 3. Harris, etc. Milk cows and feeders are unchanged,. oth sheep and lambs are unchanged. but.LtewadeL Aice calves are wanted, but poor stuff is a slow sale. About one thousand hogs came in and found a ready sale at unchanged anliteteadprices. iprime hogs sealing from 160 to 200 lbs, 5 1-2c. per pound was paid; for light fat and heavy fat, thei peice is 4 3-40. per lb. Poor lean bogs will not sell at more than 4c, per lb.. Sows are fetching 30, per lb, Stags sell at 2c. per lb. Store hogs will not sell. • Following is the range of current quotations:- . Cattle. Shippers, per cwt.• §425 S480 Butcher, choice do. . . 350 400 Butcher med., to good. 325 340 Butclaer, inferior. . . 59 • 300 • Sheep and Lambs. Ewes, per cwt. . . . 300 360 Bucks, per cwt. . . . 250 275 Spring lambs, each, . 250 375 • Milkers and Calves. Cows, each. . . . .."25 CO 45 00 Calves, each. . . . . 200 7 00 Choice hogs, per cwt. . 475 550 Light hags, per cwt. . 125 • 475 Heavy hogs, per cwt. . 425 175 Buffalo, Aug. IL -Spring wheat - Light ldemand; steady; No. 1 North- ern, spot, 75 1-2c; NO. 2 Northern, 70 3-4c. Winter wheat- Good enquiry; Na( 2 red offered at '71 1-2c, to arrive Cora•-Streng ; aTo. 2 ,yellow, 37 to 37 1e2c.; Nos 3 yellow, t.36 1-e to 37c; No. 2 corn, 861 1e4 tot 86 3-4c.; No. 3 corns 85 31-1 to 361 1-40.; .Ntie 4 corn, 35 1-2o. Oats -Strong; No. 2 white, 25 1-4c.; No. 3 white, 24 lelce No.. 4 white, 23 1-4c.; NO, 2 mixed, 230.; No' .3 mixed, 22 1-2c. Barley -Ohio, new, offered at 40. to 41c. -Rye-Sales of No. 1 an 'track, at 57e. Canal freights - Steady. Flour - Steady. Detroit, Aug. 11.-Wheat---Closeda- No. 1 white, cash, 70 1-2c; No. 2red, cash, '70 1-2c ; September, 71 3-4c; De- ceinbela r,ulte1e-, cw. vliivAug. 11._.wits.at- Dull ; No. 1 Northern, 71 3-8c; No. 2 do, 70e, Rye -Firm; No. 1, 54o. Mr - ley -Steady ; No. g. 41c; sample, 35 to 39c. Duluth, Minn., Aug, 11. -Wheat -No. 1 hard, cash, 72 1-80; September, 70c; 1)ecepaber, 170 3-8c; anh. 1 Northern, cash, 69 6-8e; SepteMber, 68 5-8c; December, 69 3-8e; No. 2 Northern, 65mrsiee,n s'eN(Xl3esespring, 11V r1g.-' 62 5-So. 2, cash, 69,3-4e; September, 71 1-8e bid. Corm -No, a mixed, 33 1-2c, Oats - No. d mixed, 20 1-2c. Rye. -No. 2 Icarda 546. Cloverseed-Prime, cash, $3.35 bid;; Oetober, §4.40 eakede changed. RAISER TO VISIT THE -QUEEN. atrectuany Disposes of lietent Alarming Rumours. despatch front London says :-The Daily Telegtreestb., wilaich announces that Emperor William will soon pay a visit to the Queens comnaents ecli- tatielly upon the fact as "disposing of the rumours that the Emperor is try- ing to form • a European coalitien against England," and "showing the continued good relations between the to countries." The paper that continues: -"The visit will beproduc- tive in elearirsg up small misunder- standings." AN OFFICER SHOT. Probeld.i' Murder of Constable Plower or the Northwest Mounted route, Near tea ithridge. A Lethbridge, N. W. T., deepatch suys :-Constable Flower at the North- west Mounted Police./ Lethbridge, was found oil Wedaesdny night on the trail to Cardston with two blillet wounds in his head. Be was interline profuse - :1Y, and died a few minutes after being discoVeredo The affair is .a mystery. An inquest on `the body' of Constable Eirower was held Thairscloy night, when it verdict of ertielde while temporari- ly intone frone ibeteriee :received from being throwie trona this borte Was ante dered. Deceased,' was en Doglishroon, 21 years of ,age and weli conneetect Xyspepsia and Indigesuon, corrimm diseases, but hard to core with ordinary remedies, yield readily to Manley's Celery -Nerve Compound.. W. ft. Buckingham, 3 pd King •St. f3ost, Dentition, Qt3t., says; --0'1 was troubled wOlt Dyspepsist arta , indigestipu tor a long time, end could get no relief until 1 tried /Malley Ceicry.-Nerve Compound, wuteh curet me, end 1 cermet • speak too highly tu Its praise." WORSE THAN AN INQUISITION( Young Wife -I don't like that cook ingeseheol teather at all.. She bac neither patience nor coneicleratiore She's actually cruel. Husband -Great snakes! She doesn't really make you eat the things, does ? POURED COAL OIL ON FIRE. -A monument has just been created over the grave of Samuel Telinisoll, the old Chariton churchyard, near Folkeetone. Undeerteath the "load Line," or "Plinneoll Merle,' is a pro, Per inscription. A tablet apon the wall of Kelmeeott House, Hanarnersmitle, so long kno'svn as the residence of Williern Morrie, commemorates the fact that there let 1816, Sir Francis Ronalds, F. R. $t erected the first electric telegraph eiglet miles long. RH!! ECT8 This dread malady lurks behind tie Most in- cipient head colds, and when the seeds of disease are sown steals away the beauty bloom and makes life pleasures a drudgery. • 515. AGNEW'S CAT annWall:, FOWDBIR will cure the incipient cold and the most stub- born and ehronio Catarrh eases. It puts back he beauty pinit and sheds sunshine in us trait ii;g1y wife and I were both troubled wail distres, WCatarria, but we have enjoyed freedput from ti distresses since the first application. M Dr. Ag - mew's Catanlial Powder—it acts tostenteneously-- !sea grateful relief in 30 minutes, end we believe • -re is Ty) calc too deeply seated to bane BIS • • is'or nor. "Mittel°, 11.Y.-32 Sold. by C. Lutz, Exeter. A Cayuga. FATIll Boy Comea to a Terrible and Tragic Death. , despateh from Cayuga, Ont. says: i -,A3 very distressing :Otani accident oc- curred cm Thursday morning at the farmhouse of Mr. , Wm., Walters, about two miles from this village Russell Walters, a bey, between 12 ante 16 rears of age, was alone in the house preparing scene • breapefa.st on the stove, the fire nob burning very wen, the bay obtained the coal oil can 'and poured the contents on the coals, until the can exploited, enveloping him in flames. He immediately ran outside scre,araing., His brother, who was ploughing near by, ran to his cia_ibtauce, and threw a coat round hina, but by ,this time the entire clothing was burnt from hia body, and the skin hafiging in shreds.. Dr, Kerr, af Cayuga, was called, and did what he could to re- lieve, the atifferer„ " The boy lived about. five:I:ours after 'diet accident. Both his parenteowere away from how, his Dither dieing in Hamilton, and his mother on' a visit to friends at Severn Bridge. A little boy, eged aix, fell ott Of a train between Llanduduo andTalyealn, The train was backe4 alang the line nearly it mile in search af what most of the paesengers expected would prove to be &dead body,, To everybody's sur- priss, this little felloW was found on his toot, with nothing Worse the mat - tor than a slight out on the hood. SizK WINES CNN A Book for Young and Old. OUR: RECOliD, EsI4 18713 250,0,0,0 MEN CURED 250,000 CURED YOU liG MAN- Hare "11 tdn4ed against nature when ignorant of the terrible erirose you were committing. Did you only consider ihe fascinating allurements of tins evil habit? When too late to avoid the tea Able results, vi,ere your eyes opened to your peril? Did you later on in roan - hood contraot anyPRIVATE or BLOOD disease? Wereyoueured? Doyounew and then see 501310 alarming oymptoms Dare you marry in_aeurapresenenen- dition? You Imola eIalleiM FATHER, LIKE SON," If marriedeare you core stantlylivine in dread? Iti taarriate a failure 'with onon account of an y weak- nedi caused by early abuse or later ex- cesses? Have you been drugged with meroury? Thisboolaetwellponitoutto you the results of these crimes audemint out how our NEW METHOD TREA.T- MENT will positively cure you. It showshovrthousandshavebeenes.vedby our NEW TREATMENT. It proves how we eau GUARANTEE TO CURE ANY CURA33LE CASE OR NO PAY. We treat and cure -EMISSIONS VARICOOBLE, STPlalleIE GLEXT: STRICTURE IMPOTItlitCY0 SE- CRET DRAfES urria 2HARGES, RIDIeBY and MADDER misses. CURES GUARANTEED "The Wages of Sin" sent free by enclosing 2o stamp. CONSULTATION FREE. If unable to call, write for Ql.T_NSTION BLANK. for HOME TREATMENT. Esist.66 KENNEDY A KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. DETROIT, MICH. . r glur.o0.......V.WMNrtagecarceaeonqreeo.ftr•ee,^ - • *aree...4111 READ-MAKEIVE Irimminer NEVEP tma TO MO SAT‘drIM WOW CALF *a, feila, eitg We guarantee that tilde. Plastess will relieve pain quicker than any other. Put up only lp e. tin boxessad 1.,010 yarcl rolls. The latter allows you to gut the Plaster any sizes lov•ery family should have one ready for Stri Omer. aettley. DAM & LAVIRINGI 11.11IITEb. ii011TREtit Xttwtr� of !Maalox* THEI EXETE