HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-17, Page 5MONEY TO LOAN. from 4A. toe'Zi,e,it to LA Dm 4.N. Barrieters, Wieners, 80„ Main 5e, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. We have unliieitee private feeds for inveet- •Meet mem farm or village property at lowest watee of interest, DICKSON ee CARLING. Exeter, 'KINSMAN, L. 1). S. AND A DR. A. B. EINSIVDAN, L. D. 5. // D. SeHonor Oradea° o el'oroeto University. Dentist. rl'oeth extracted without pain or bad efter effects. Office in leen- eeies block. West side of Main i.rect, Exeter. DR- ANDERSON, (D. L. 8. D. 8- ) DENTIST. Boner laeaduate ot the Toreeto elnivereity, aud Royal College a Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All bridge work, Crowns, tent Plate work done in the neatest possible manner. -A harmless antesthetic for painless extmetion. The etrieteet attention given to tlao preservat- ion of the nateral teeth, Officio opposite •Oen tral Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. , A HOOPER, Licensed Auc, tionecr 'for the County etBurem Sales mu- , dgetedlin all parts. and for convetience can be ranged for et this aisle, $etisfactioe guaran- toorl, Charges moderato. Exetet P. 0, •FOR SALE. That most desirable piece of lend containing =bout 27e acres, being part of farm lot No. 20 la Concossion of the townsliip of Ste- phen. This land adjoins the Corporation and. aseaplendially situated. facing the London road. Also the folloWing 'Village 1005 10 the Village • of Exoter, • Lots Nos. 45 and 46 on the at side of Main Street and immediately South of the 'residence ofE. Penick, Esq, Part lot No, 21 on the west side of Mafia street immediately South of the ,residence, of ,JI. rollick, ESe. 4 Part lot No. 21 nn the west side of Main street immediately South ot the residence of • Charles Rowe Esq. Part of lot le ea the east side of Andrew streetalmost opposite the Main Street Metho- dist Parsonage, containing nearly one acre of land and known as the Old. Schoollentse Prop - sit y. Lots Nos. 162 and 164, North West Comer of Victoria and Carling &teas. The land now used as recreation grounds, the land immediately North thereof and the land being part of same farm lot but :West of the London Huron &Bruce R. R., containing mall about 40 acres. This land is admirably situated and faces on Huron, Carling, and Sanders Streets. _ The land ea either side of the Station Road. being part of Farrell:it No. 23 in the Fleet Con- nession a the township of Stephen and now Surveyed. into lots and streets containing 27 acres. Theseewo last parcels of laud will be sold by .the lot or acre to'suit purchaser. leorfurther -particulars apply to CARLING _BROS. Merchants. or to DIOICSON &CAR- • LING learristers, ike. Exeter Ont, WAR THE ONLY TOPIC. Despatch Prom Pretoria Says' Ileply Will Be PleaPP0Int447- Intense Auxlety Prevails. Cape Town, Aug. 10 -No reply has been reeeived here im to the present frem the TeeensVaal Government on the snleject of the latest British propoSals for a peace- able 00010410A of the question M dis- pute, and. a defipatoh from Pretoria says the reply, when sent, will be diS4P1)01a- lug, and that it is feared the result will be the breaking off of negotiations. Great anxiety prevails at the capital of the Transvaal. Dealing Out srauser Rifles. Pretoria, Aug. 16. -The Exeeutive Connell concluded its session at ee.30 when orders were issued to the hold cornets to give out Mauser rides in exehange for Martini -Henry rides. A great crowd gathered to receive the arms. The possibility of war with Great Bri- tain is about the only snbjeot discussed, and it is generally felt the Burghers should be consulted 'before extreme meas- ures are MlOpted. Paying 1Ils;h Prices for Mules. Jehannesburg, Aug, 10. -The Trans- vaal Government is purchasing all the mules possible', paying as high as 52O for eaoh anima DEPARTMENTAL EXAM. ' look. S. M. Bill, H 5 Welsh, Matte: - ciliation (4), It Career, e eel meierai 1 ,IeLow VVbeet per bue. .. .,.„. .. 70 to 70 iners in conneetiva with th e high school Story, E. Steacheen Matriculation (3)- leertei,..„ ,..,.. ,.. eine 35 Tbe reports or the leeeede of Exam- 3, A. Philips, M 4 PrelidergaSto, 1.1 1 rialcautf!..7 b"'41!-1,--- -"" • • ' " ^I t'tQ° 21'1 and itiatriCulation exaulinaliOns belie I,'/ 0 EYems. l{...Philips in Jruly have Neuconsidered by the row/. in. 4 d u eational Council and the results -, Aeguathith rr 60 to 56 -16 to 15 12 to 12 9 to 9 Clinton- Passed, M D Ozunpbell, SV 0rp.keys ekaasa,„, "„„Y: to were issued Saturday. Below will be Geiger, 0 E Helyar A IP Johne clitcken8 Per 7 to 8 found the nettles of the succuss‘ri.4 Can' Kelly (honors) A. McAllister 1VI E Mot- Du45-"" -• • • ' • , • didatee in the exatninatiens of r011nb" fat O'Neil RP Stelek (horiors), R Driediimle4.„ e, 5 to TV,001„ 13 to I 4 1 and II from this district, Mee results :f wort,Ilingt,on (honors), Staubury. Porlcdressed,,... . „, .„.. $L65 to 5,00 of the examinations of Forms111 end IV and for conneiereial specialists and emnmercialdiplonias. The marks of 1,11Q UOSOCCeSSA.11 CiOlflidateS Win be sent within ten days to the principal of ingb schools op peblic'school inspeotore. No marks will be sent or given to candi- dates by the depaitment. Certificates of successful caudidetes will be sent to principals and inspectors eboet Sept. 1. Unsuccessful candidates should not appeal until they have couselted the high school principal after receiving their marks. Appeals to be entertain- ed must be made to the Deputy Minis- ter before Sept. 20. Regarding the certificates awarded. for the examination of Form II sub- jects, candidates should observe the follow lug: ), ' Part 1 implies that a Form 11 Part certificate bas been awarded, the candidate having obtainecl 50 per cent, of total as well as passing in each sub- ject. Matriculation (4) implies that a part matriculation certificate, covering grammar, arithmetic, history and phy- ses, been awarded (3) hnplies that a Part I matriculation certificate, eovering erammar, arithmetic and history has s, been awarded. The certifica te,,togeth- er with that for matriculation (4), has no qualifying value for either junior leaving or senior leaving Standing., as they represent examinations in which candidates have not obtained the re- quired total. of 50 per cent. In the case of certain candidates whose names appear under "matricul- ation (3," and who are eligible to write under the special provisions of former regulatiOAS, it Will be necessary tin fur- nish evidence (date and centre of previous examination) that they are entitled to this privilege before certi- • ficates will be awarded. ' Matriculation -W S Pasee in French and German, 0 II Russell. Passed in Latin, FoWler, 0 11 Rus- eell, Passed in Latin eoroposition, J Thom psen. Goderieb, Parieed, C W Down, 5 A Draper, M Dunlop (bonore), 13 R Der- nin, W G Edward (honors), 0 M Ed- liott (honors), CB Ferguson, Gre- gory J oynt, W 5 Lane, 11 13, Long F R 'Munro (tumors), 0 McSween, T Parkinson, M Tichborne (honors), V A Watson (honors). D Weber (hon- ors), E G Wilson. Passed in Greek composition, S A Draper. Passed in physics and German, 33 Hamilton. Passed in French, 11. 33 Hutton. Linen, Passed, A Bell, .A. 33 Black- well, W Braithvvalte, E Carter, W 5 Co)e, L Coursey, M Fraser, W A Hodgins, S McPalls, T Parkinson. Passed in German and Latin, R lox. Passed in French and Latin, E H Stan- ley, W. R Mitchell, Passed, P, L Archer, C Doherty (honors), W May, J Me- Kinna, W A Robertson, M Weight. Parkhill, Passed, E Bee, E Davidson (honors), A. M Doyle, L 0 Fletcher,4. 0 Gray, W Hall (honors), W W Dart, IIX Hodgins, L Kilburn, L E McIntyre. Passed in French and German, W H A Van Alstiue, j N Gunn. Passed in algebra, D 0 Wilson. Seaforth, Passed, A E Brownell, M 0 Calder, L Dorrahce, C Gillespie. M M Hartry, T M Latimer (honors), A McLeod, V V Simpson, A F Waugh, D Wright. 5t Marys, Passed, M Amos, W J 0 Brown, M. Dalrymple, A Haynes, 0 K ME Lane, L McVannel, 0 1 Murray, OF Nagle (honors), F Pardy, M Roberts, D Switzer (honors), „E M Thompsen, J Thomson, L Thomson. Matrieulation, M Genies, MP MeOrak- en, G M Thompson. Passed in Latin, L Mc:Meister, L Gr Thompson. London, Augustnith,1.89e Wneat per %O. 73 ats „ , Peas . • Barley... . Buckvvheat " GUN. BUTLER it ric A t.LEn, Sir lerederietc Walher Replaces the Atieceu Boer Sympathizer, Loudon, Aug. 16.-.Major-Gieneral Sir Wllliam Franele Butler, commander of the British troops in South Africa as a result of his alleged Boer sympathies,, has been recalled, and Sir Feederiok Walker has been appointed to replace him. •- General Walker, who replaces General Butler as commander-in-olaief of the Brit- ish troops in South Africa, is regarded as one of the ablest generals in the army. His appointment, therefore, is taken to indieate thee the situation is graver. Lieut. -General bits Frederick William Edward Forestier -Walker, I.C.O.B., has been in command of the western military 'district of Great Britain since 1805. He is she eldest son of the „late George Sir Edward W. Forestier -Walker, X, 0.B., was born in 1844, and entered the Scots Guards In 1802, He served in the Kaffir war of 1876-8, we's military secretary of Sir Bartle Frere from • 1878 to 1879. served during the Zulu war, was Quarter- master -General in Beehuanalana in 1884. commanded tho Infantry,'brigade of Aldershot from 1889 to 1890, and corn- • Mended the troops in Egypt from 1889 to 1895. , Press Comments. London, Aug."16.-The Daily Chroni- cle' which regards General Butler's virjthal dismissal as "an indication that the country is bar?' hurried into war," says: "His offence was that he spoke rough words of truth about that precious organization, the South African League. We are convincedthat he acted for the honor and clear interests of the Empire.q. The Daily Mail says that General Lord ' Garnet Wolseley. the commander-in-chief, • has sanotioned 100 volunteers of the Lon- don Scottish RilleS going to Africa., in the event of war. -SPLENDID FA.RM. 1TOR 41..‘. SALE For sale, lot 11, South Thames Road, cou. taining100 acres, 05 acres under cultivatiou and 5 acres of good wooa. Good brie:residence, with brick kitchen and woodshed and large 'hank bareavith stone stabling, and geed driv- ling house. All well fenced,undereiramodevith tile and in first-class state of cultivation. There is e: good orchard of choice fruit. • and. the grounds aro well set out with ornamental trees• . leis within four miles, of Exeter; adjoins two churches, Methodist and Presbyterial], and n, School within a, mile.. There is plenty of water • at both, house and stable. Also a windmill for • pumping, grindleg,etc. This is one of the beat lame ia the county of Huron, end is in .iirst- claSS shepe in every respect and will be sold. on reasonable terms, as the proprietor desires to retire. Apply ,on the promises or address Themes Read I'. 0. D. 1VicINNIS. • jy. 13th tf. TEACHER WANTED The undersigned .will receive applications lor teacher for S. S. No. 4 Ushoree, on tor before August 19. Duties to commence first _of year. 1 eacher will be required to light fire and keep -.school clean. For :particulars apply to the 'undersigned. FRED Luxeoer Secretary, Devon P. 0. ammoorrounsavargwomeo NOTICE.' Came of Revison of Voter's List will be held Friday Sept. Ise at 10 o'clock a. ra. at Town Hall, Exeter. GEO. Er. Brsszee, Clerk. Dated at Exeter Aug. 14tb. 180.9 VOTER'S LIST 1809. Municipality of the Township of Us - borne, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have trans emitted or delivered to the persons meetioncd in sections 8 and 9 of THE ONTARIO VOTER'S e.STS ACT, the copies require& of the List, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap- pearing by tho last revised. Assessment Roll of the said munieipalitY to bo entitled to vote in the said Municipelity at Eleetione tor Members Of the Legislarive Assembly and at Municipal lelectious, and thee the said. Liseavas first post- ed up at my °Mee at Usborne, on the sixteenth day of August, 1899, and remains there for inspection.• Electors are called upon to examine the said axe if any o missions or any other errors are tonna therein, to take immediate proceed - legs to have the said errors corrected accord- ing to lew, FrANCI$ MORLEY. Clerk, Township of Usborne. Dated at leeborne, August Wee 1809. • MBW eat arka Tile undersigned has opened up a new meat market one door south ot 6ar1iu1s8 store, where he will keep the choicest of aneats constantly:on hand. A GALL 60L1.01TED. JOHN T MANNINO. A quick, sure, safe remedy foe nervous, sick, and neuralgic head- aches. They aro guaranteed not to 174 contain bronaidoS, narcotics, thartios, or anything that can de- range the Stotaach or affect, the uceves. Sold in 10 eent onvelopes'e mid 25 cent biaxeel. Ask yottr druggist for them, Tag HOFFMAN TULLIO co., Brialgeharg, Ont, 'ZIoNISTs IN CONCLAVE. Third Congress at Basle Assembled With 300 Dehprates Present. Basle, Switzerland, Aug. 16. The third congress of Zionists assembled here yesterday. There were 300delegates pres- ent, including a number of Amerieans and English. Dr. Eferzel presided. In his inaugural addres he declared that one of the primary objects of the movement was to acquire a charter from the. Turk- ish Government authorizing settlements in Palestine. He added that Emperor William's reception of a Jewish deputa- tion at Jerusalem placed the legality of the Zionist movement. beyond question. The Congress of Zionist women is being held siniultaeeously, under the presideney of Mrs. Gotthiel of New York. ^ MOSETIO OWNS IIP. Sold Austrian Military Plans, But Buyer Shipped Without raying. Vienna, • Aug. 10. -August Moe° tig (not Kosetig, as previously cabled), the 'Government railread official who Was arrested herd, charged with stealing emergency mobilization plans and dpliv, ering them to a inan named Ziboworski, who, it VMS allogod, communicated them to agents of France and Russifi, has 'fully confessed. Mosetig says he sold the plans to Ziboworski for 000 florins, who fled without paying far them. - Robbers :tins's:sere Chinese Soldiers. Canton, Aug. 16. -rive hundred sol- diers were surrounded at Patton on the Wert River by 10.000 robbers and a desperate fight occurred, ending in a vic- tory for the robbers. whO have hoisted their flags upon all commanding points and occupied the villages in the vicinity. Two hundred and fifty soldiers were • killed and 100 wounded. Two thousand More troops left Canton yesterday. Lord l'itaineefote of Preston. . London, A.ttg, 1G. -Lord Paramefote's new title will be Lord Panneefoto of • Presten. The ancient home of the family is Prose= Court, in the County of Glou- cester, The property is now in other hands, lent the Garter Mug -at -Ants, Who hat been consulted, declares that Lord Pauncetote has a right te use the title., 10. S. stormier Ashoi.e. London, Aug. 16.-L1oyd's has received a despateh fronl Manila Saying that a United Statoe Government Steamer ie ashore • near the mouth of Corregidor Harbor, at the entranee to Manila Boy, St is possible that the Government sit:timer referred to in the fore.ebine despatch is the Vnited States eableship Heelier, SOotelt Steel fOr A.nierienn. LOrldOrl, ding. 10,. -The Pall Mall Gazette yesterday afternoon, liable; the Anterican inquiries fee Scotch steel, says a Lanarkshire (lam has secured an order for 10,000 tons for shipment to the -Uni- ted 13tate3. Consul Meese ouored. London Aug. 1.0,-Thia Oompanienship of the drder of Sh. Michael and St, Bell, L I Blatichford, A V, BrondfOot, J. George has been confeeted updn Mr. E. j Fi,berhart, 3 A Gardiner, 13. S. lqaxee, the 13ritieh Consul at Samoa W Gillespie, j •T4 Govenlock, G J • -• Hamilton, M fa Harey, 3 A Ei11ti, M cattle nteea.witxypt. ,Tennison, R E 11. Johnston, Lamb, Forms I and II donate 3xel class cer- tificates; form III 2nd class and form IV, lst class. FORM I. alintom-L. W. Agnew, N. C. Bent- ley, 0. S. Cooper, J. K. Rouston,N. G. Jenkins, F. E: McEwen, Wm. J. Plum - steel, Charles Potter, I. W. 0. Roger's, B. Rumball, A. W. Moon. "With Honors -E. 3. Jenkins, E. Manning, C. E. Shipley. Lucan.-A. L. Abbot, M. Fox. H. 0, Horne, C. N. Lintott, E. M. Lintott, M. M. Miller, P. O'Dwyer, J, M. Stanley, J. T. Stewart,L. B. Sutton,E. Wilson. • • With Honors - 0. Carter, G. H. Gunn. •' • Parkin11.-W.'Baied, 33: Fold, M. M. Grant, L. Gunn, J. Hainiltoxi,' A. O. Hastings, A. A3acDonald, 0. H. Mc- Lean, M. Parker, A. White. • Seafoetle-A. Archibald, P. Broad - foot, H. Brownwell,W. R. Oluff, A. R. Dickson, M. Finlayson, J. Hawthorn, W. Irwin, R. H. Johnson, K. Kemp, I, McDonald, R. J. McLaughlin, J. A. McQuaide, C. Pickard, C. Sills, A. Waugh, C. E. Wilson, R. A. Wilson, R. .T. Winters, F. T. Wright. With Honors -Edith Halo. St. Marys --H. Anderson, 1: Brown, A. Clyde, G. E. (Donley, M. Cummings, A. Ford, A. E. V. Gillies, Haines;M. Kier, F. T. Leslie, a Maxwell, Agnes McIntosh, A. Moyes, J, O'Connor, A. R. Pearn, j. A. Rodgers, G. L. Starks, I.- Stan d eaven. With honors -J. Bell • M. A. Gordon, Annie McIntosh, H. A. Young. Mitchell -R Blotherell, F.Bull, C 13yere, K Davidson, E Farrant, E Hick, Hodgson, F J Hord, J M Walker. With honors -J T Barthel,W S Elliott H. Elliott, G Willis. ' St.Marys-Part 1.-E. G Armstrong en Dalrymple, F. J. Dellridge, J. A. Douglas, E. lel. Fraleigh, M. T. Han- son, L. Harding; C. D. Hexaclerson, W. Hutchings A. E. Johns 0. C. John- ston, M. E. Lane. J. McVanu el, J. A. McCracken, A. M. McIntosh, C. F. Marsball, 0.3. Paynter, E, V. Rea, E. :Roberts, W. Ronan, M. E. Russel, 0. Shier, 0. M. Sperling, P. Tufts, A. J. Wheaton, E, J. Wiglesworth, Matri- gelation (4)-0. Baird, M. 1?. Dickson, A, 1-1131, M. K. MacLeod, M. Madge, M. A. Mattin, Mayie, J, Aleighen, el. Richards, E. A. Roberts.on, .T. N. Spearin, F. A.. Stafford. Mitchell -Part I.-1,..Andrews, J. T. Baiflurlee:ill, E. Te Eisler, C. L. Holmes, H. G. iburt, W. A. HurIburt, O. Klein,' A. McNaughton, P; 5. Stewart, S. E. Urn oh a rt, Matriculation (4)-K. Arnistrou 0., E. 0. Farrant. • PORM 11. Olinton.--Part I. -F, A. Anclersoinj. E, AN:hike:1d, A. D. Baird, 0. 11'. Brig- ham; E. j. Carlisle, 0. Oltidley, S. B. Courtiee, enurtice, J. T. Gibbings, J Jeffrey, le! XVII`, X McCourt, ItT 11,1 w an, 0 noMordie, M ler. 0 A. Mustard, 3. Mestard, B 5 Paisley, M M Porter, N D Ross, 19: .3. Scott, n Shepherd, 1-1 Walker, L Pe Yeo. MaerieulatiOn (4)-81 0 Mcrhe12- son, M. Middleton, 3 'I:Thompson,' FI Wiseman. Matrieulation (3)-A Pos- ter Exeter. --Part E M Browning, B Foster, 0 Geiger, 0 'Hooper, A. ID Martin, E T MeEiveo, Piekerd, IF Sanders, F G Sweete J Todd. • Luca -in -Part L -J S Bell, V Braial- waite, A Campbell, R Carty, 31 Doan, El 0 Picalgins, H Hodgins, P, Hud- gins, E McLitughlin, J A. MacKay, let McMehen, I Mara, II Parkiuson, T W .1 Simpson, J St. John, Thompson.' Matriculation (4) - Sas. Mnekin. Matriculation (8)- N Gnil- royle. Passed in Physice-R Fox. Parkhill.- Part L -P E Cohlelgb, L Gray, 14 McKone, HV W Laughton, 0 I Love, W Marks, 0 W W. Ov-ens, 40 Stewing, Matriculation (1)-M Buchanan, Oruickeliank, Head, K 0 Matheson, Saulter. Seafotth.--- Part 1.-1 A Arnold, I'll gapt, Aug. ec S. Lexerence, IP, .1 McMiehael, E 4.10x64101111, 1u. -.'.3u Egypt is infected with the foot; and mouth eMolYllete'g.,E_M Piekercl, G X'ybns, Nemo. There have been 1,07 oases re. e;leeLITIVit ee10 Smillie, 13 Van °belied shade juiv Egreone, Waugh W Govee • °Orli BeanButtxr g; Eggs peek.; -- • -- Geese chickens..., .. Cheese Potatoes per bag Hay per ton . Pork per cwt.. , - . arkeys per ib.... to 31 80 to 51!. 13 to 50 . .45 to 48 39 to 39 ,51 to GO 65 to 70 14 to 14 to 15 (le to 79 ,..,10 to 12 .„ - . 9 to 19 ..,50 to 75 8 to 10 • .80 tol 00 8.0'0 to 9 7.59 $4.50 to 95.00 One Laza-Liyer Pill every night for thirty days makes a complete cure of biliousness and constipation. That is just 25 cents to be cured. Hagyard's yellow oil mares sprains bruises, sores,wounds, cuts, frostbites) chilblains, stings from insects, burns scalds, contusions, etc. Price 25 emits FORM IV. Croderich-Passed-F. E. McLean,R. Sheppard, M. G. E. Wilson. Part E 3 Rhynas, HJ. Snell, E AR V Wilson. Part 1L -G M Strang. • Lucan--Passed in English and his- tory -1d H Stanley. Passed. in liter- ature and. seience-W R Passed in English -A W MacKay. Mitchell-.E'assed-L E Elliott. Part L -C W Hurlburt. Parkliill--Part I.- J A. Buchanan, A R Ford. Seafortb, passed, 0 -McKay. Part 1 J. 0. Duncan. St. Marys -Passed -M 0 Buckle, R E Busearell, L A Eedy, J H Hamilton, .A M Jicklizig, F H Langford, lar,rt 1. -M MacVannel, M 8 Molland, W J Nethercott, K 0 Bice, 0 N Waring, Part IL -M Keen, M A Gordon° (pass- edin English, French. and German.) • Do not suffer from sick headache a moment longer. It is not, necessary. Oarter's Little Liver Pills will ,crire you. Dose, on e ttle pill. Small price. Small dose. Small bill. Edward 113.cOann of Midland Oity, U. S., together with his wife and family,ie are sbending a week or two runon the former's old friends in Dayfielcr. He has been a guest, at the Queen's and areone; others will visit at Mr. R. Snowden's, on the Stable Line. The Mitchell agent of the 0. P. R ticketed Mr. .Tohn jas. Bryne, of Lo- gan, to Manitoba last August, and his father, Mr. Patrick Bryne, received word last week that he died at Mon- tana August 3, aged 25 years. When Doctors Disagree Consult Opticiani Neravousness-headaches- sleeplessness nd dizziness, often' puzzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothiner can effect a peeManent cu e that does not remove the cause. That is what our scientifically fitted ,glasSQs do. S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, T. Firtt.orres ..geweIry Store e .te"11) l9) CALI. AT THE FAMILY Meat Market For first. class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, • BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, LA.RD and SMOKED MEATS A fine selection of BEEF, LAMB, FRESH PORK, and all kinds of Fresh andl Salted Meats on hand. Note the address, one door north of The R. Pickard Co's store. • LOUIS Day, hop Fin Tailerin The Stamp orSccurity8 • On every " Slater Shoe"„ put there by the makers as a guarantee of wear value -a prOtee blau, ao.ainst extortionate profits, Many m,en would readily 'pay more for a "Slater Shoe" were not the price stamped on the sole --this stamp gives the actual. market value of the shoe determined by the manufae, turers. Made in twelve foot -model shapes, all sizes, Widths, leathers, colors and. styles. Every pair Gooa' year welted. $3.5o and. $5.00, E. Y..SPACKM.AX, SOLE 1 OCA.L AG -ENT, BORN DAVIS-At Devon" on August tho wife of Sidney , BRANT -1a l'oreet, on August 11, 01.'0 wife of Capt. W. Bryant, of twins-girle. ATKINSON-In Bid dulph, on August. etli, the • wife of Marshall Atichr-on, of a son. JONES --In Zion on tho 11.th last., the wife of William Jemes, of a daughter, PRESC'ATOR-In Stephen, ou llth Lee, the wife of John Prescater. of a daughter, ' • 1v1ARRIED PYli--ROWCLIFFE-In 'Osborne, on the 16th inst., atthe resiaence of the bride's parents, by Rev, "Williatuletartin, of Exeter, S. Pyre. of lillinivillet to ;Miss J ennie, only daughter of John Roweliffe, of the St. Marys ltcad. 13A,Etle-ADLAN- At Cromarty, cm the Oth inst .. by l'ter. W. 3. Doherty, P. Scott Barr, of 1 Ribbert, to Miss Mary E., eldest daughter of Mrs. A. Aline, of near Croroarty. • You require a BLAC_K suit ver7 often at this time of the year. We are'prepared toile you out in the finest style. Best quality • Goods closest prices. • NE.RVOUS, BLOOD PRIVATE & SEXUAL DIS- \ EASES,'MEN & WOMEN. ONE GILL Pk. ..31gri1 Middle Aged & Old Men' ' r '.uffei big. from any eeienliea. tter.of11f40 Se.xtial SyStein, Blathier+ Iamseys, BlOod ITerveS, ooectilt ,.,,,r,.,',1,tt,ttc,,,c...e7roeterfuortetesrtfiNv,i•tretaxityletssr,a11,111:,rvsoetxt! .at tt.,aloc, and nialte tnavria0 possible, 0 e ere er Poor--Olie Dollar. Y,0 INOURAGLE CASES TAKEN. ie pLearantee to core-Vae,icoctlei, elas, tnriettire. Meet Syphilis. , ,liVrintlithel Diseitheges. alt Private, Neeetis De1i6515 Olseases of Men and Wenne;1. Cor.. sunatipn Pros. ()unties List foe Heine That. Hot -8°°1° Fr"' Plithi an A Emile 'NUN DOCTORS D g't h e.roi , -eitesCiletooitleeiivecoieeetweit. Wedding Suits a Specialty AJ SNELL SC A- FULL LINE OF NEW BOOKS FOR Schoo �peing AND ALL THE CHILD - RENS NEEDS AT Brownings. Wilere the Scholars are used Fall DIED coLLADY-eIoBayfteld, on the 10th inst.,Mary Collitay, aged 72 yems, MILLE-Re- In Oromarty, on the nal, ir,st,. • Johanua,.wife of James Miller, aged 57 years. ' MORGAN -In 13ayfield, on the 9th. inst., John Morgan, Division Court Clerk, aged 61 years. Dr. Low' e worm syrup is a safe ctiV, and reliable worm expeller. AO equally well on children or adults. 330 sure you get Low's, RLL The handsome parinr suites and fancy tables we sell create admiration and surprise: Admiration for tbe quality of the goods and the style and finish. And Surprise at the low price at which we sell them. When you want furniture go to • We are in the van with all that is desirable in the line. Let us show you our stock of $17.00 Fancy 'Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we put up the best suit for $10.00 that can loo bough in the county. GIVE US A. CALL, J H Crieve. Re-IN.•ROWL'S UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Youthful Recklessness. The natural exuberance.- of .. r 17..s.e.._ yovouerth-hoefatteend,leacdastcthocroelcd1:lea:sd. 1,4*-take care of themseivee, get 4" 'less. Young people don't allow it to settle on the kid- neys. They don't realize the ili „..,41t, significance of backache - think it will soon pass away - but it doesn't. 'Urinary Tree - I _If Blibierjeasgx: so come, ea sthecanadDshiaatbteetreesd, A young life has been sacrificed. Any help for it? Yes! DOANIS KIDNEY PILES. These conquerors of Kidney Ills are making the rising generation healthy and strong. lit Ont. r,ss.aGy.s: MGrisman, sos Adelaide St., London, "y daughter,, now se years old, has had weak kidneys since infancy, and her bealth as O consequence has always been poor. Twct boxes of Doates Kidney Pills have removed, everysymptom of kidney trouble, and restored her to perfect health. I am truly thankful for the great benefit they have conferred upon ker." a Man LT-, mays in The SWii E E JOHN'S neatly fitting If he we,ars one of W. Ile is a sore litter, Two Stratford LadiPS His ptleea are pway Llowc. a 6.1 His goods are tiW })est. Call au J. ex teniee his goods before buying your ...dirlmr.,FALL SUIT W .30yri 74 S,9 Ilw- 7..";.?a,ilor. Tell How ilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Make 'Weak People StroB.g, MRS. EinzABETH BARTON, Brittania St., says; "1 speak a. good word for Mil. burn's Heart and Nerve Pills with pleasure. They proved to me a most excellent remedy for nervousn'ess, nervous debility and exhaustion, and1 can heartily recom- mend them." MRS. POLAND, Brunswick Street, says: "My husband suffered greatly with ner- vousness, complicated by heart troubles. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have cured him, and he now is well and strong." . LA fore retiring. 'Twill PILLS. work while you sleep rou ii3 find at Bissett's Wareroom the following line of Agricul- 1 era.) implements. IR 1 N G EIN- DERS,. MOWERS. ROLLER AND. BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY RAKES, { A full 1110 )'1' Seed Cultivators, A, LIVER Take one at night b without a grip or -01 gripe, curing Biliousness, Sick Headache, Seigrig Constipation and Dyspepsia, and make you The Celebrated Knoll Washer feel better in the morning. (Raymond sewing an a Wringers. machine. Disc and Diamond narrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills: , LEGS ENTIRELYRAW *OF:S.4681z,- From his feet to his body, Gurney Stoves and Vurnaces. and ran a blood tinged, irritating water. I Mrs. A. Ft& rstead , Snider Fete N.B,talli how her little boy suffered, and how 5.5.5. cured him permanently. There is not a mother in this land who has a child suf- fering from slcin dis- ease in any form but • will th eel:. Mrs. Keir. .etead, of Snider Mi., ae- ee;"-- N.B., for telling of, eeeee eeee e- ee.. theremarkable man - n er iilwlaich her boy, , Freddy, was cured oftne of the sever- , est,agfidsin,:iionsiditsooratsuers- ,. irig emere geteerneo . by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters ;. and not ortly relieved and cured for the time being, but, mark you, after eight years the disease has shown no sign qf returning. The following is Mrs. Heirstead's letter "With gratitade I can testify to the wonderful eurative poWers of Burdock • Blood Bitti's. Eight years ago our little son, Freddy, was afflicted with salt rheum and was in a dreadful condition. His lege, from the soles of his feet to his body, were entirely raw, and ran a bloody water, which appearedto burn and itch until he was oft= in groat agony. "After trying several rentedies, we re- solved te give B.B.B, a trial, "You can imagine with what delight and gratitude we saw our boy entirely cured after using one bottle mid part of the second. We gaVe him the remainder of the second bottle, and from that time till the present helms never hada sign oi salt rheum Or a sick day. You ntea not wonder that I think there is no other medicine cari equall3urdock Blood Bitters to purify the blood and build tip the health and strength." Waggons B ggles Bicycles The Chasharn Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin I3uggies. 113111_41, By the BeSt tho st In ad you will find ignoTe the Re he . it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one at our Bed Room 5etts, Tables, Chairs, Etc. SOMETNINCi NICE We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line of FURNITURE and you will find what yon are looking for. C1DLEY & SON tHINITURE AND IJNIDERTAIMRS, Opera nOuse BIOCk.