HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-17, Page 4e iViolsotis Bank wa.AurrifAtED DY PARLIAMBST, •id• ire CePitel, eee000,000 ,IRest Pence ele100.000 Office, Mc/lineal, WOLFERSTAN PHQM.$, Esc.,. erizemeee, eleeecien Money ad -yenned to good Rumen; on their own wee-Web:pee er mem. oedema', et ,7 eer ent. per emulate DeeterBreenh pen ereey lawful day frene1.0 a, in. to 3 p.m SATURDAYS, 10 a. el. to 1 le lin Cermet rates oterest allowed on deposits, Bele:SON & ClaigGdis.N. D. BURDON, emereone, er, Dect 27th, '95, F Galender for. AUGUST, 1S99 Steel -MX- 13 20 27 Matmea".......... 7 11 21 28 TeRsaey , „ 8 15 22 20 Weneenseato . 2 9 16 23 30 Tetunsna-e.... . , 3 10 17 21 31 FRID/IY. ... 4 11 18 25 SATURDAY.- - 5 12 19 26 xOcit THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1899 WEST HURON INVESTIGATION ----- The West Huron inquiry came to 0. sudden close last week. At the moment when the Government majority in the Privileges Commit- tee eefusedto hear further evidenee nine witnesses who had been brought fvom Goderich at a cost of $400 were waiting ia the corridor to be called. Mr. Borden, wha was conducting the inquiry asked to be allowed loalf an hour to examine these witnesses offer- ing to take that evening or the next day or any time that -was con-venient to the Government. The request was refused and. the West Hurou men were seat b.ome without giving testimony. While however the case was not com- pleted, enough has been proved to show that gross irregularities occur- red in all parts of the riding, while serious crimes were committed in at least three polls as was shownlast week -when Returning Officer Farr, who held the poll at number two polling district in Goderich, stated. to the poll clerk that the box contained "thirteen damned good ballots for Holmes." An- other witness swore that Farr told him that he had voted twenty-two times for Holmes. DOMINION FINANCES WI—itchell I 1.111i0RI tIER,EKLY IMPROY[9 Battnea-Ideurt Nixon lie$ been ap- a pointed!to the Position of eight watch - oxen in place of Mr. Inite.lien who re- signed, -The ratepayers areeno rote at the January eleetiou on the impor- tant question whether cows shall elan, at large dueing the sugener.-Dr. Wood, is gwing o1l oiedal to the best bowler hi the Mitchell club eacb one to play 32 gesuesand the man that wins tbe Inost games gets the `medal. St. Marys Beinee,--Miss edarion Dickson re- turued home Tuesday eight after a week's outing at the lake.- The Junior Lacrosse Clubs match that WAS to have ta,keepla,ce agaiost Exeter has been postponed. ---Mr. Graf Herris, of Sarnia is spending a eew days in town. -Mr. NV, P. McIntosh returned Thurs- day morning to Haverhill, Mass. after. 4 visit of three weeks tinder the pareute al roof. Mr. In clatosh is principal and proprietor of a bushaeas college in that city, Bidduiph ------- Cotaeone-The Connell met pursaant to adtourument the Reeve and all the members present, oil Moeclay, Aegust 7th. The clerk was instructed to agaithi notify the G. T. R. re crossings ha the township. The clerk was instructed to notify Conductor McBride to cut thistles and weeds ou his property in the village of Awmick, The clerk was instructed to ask the Reeve of London township to meet our Commissioner on the townline west of Elgiefield to repair and improve that road. A By- law was passed levying the various rates for the year,. 6 mills on the d.ollatr was levied for County rate, township rate and grants to pablic schools, The average assessed value per acre is $31 or $3100 for each 100 acres, making the county and township rates withgrant to Public schools $18,60 on each farm of 100 acres. By deducting the assess- ed value and acreage of the villages of Granton, Awmielt and Olandeboye from the total e.ssessnaent and acreage of the township, it will leave the aver- age assessed value of each 100 acres of farm land $2.000,with a tax for county, township and grant to public scbools and allowing of an equivalent to Sep. schools of $18 for each farm. - W. D. STANLEY, Clerk, The total. disbursements of the Gov- ernments, including amounts charge- able to consolidated fund, amounts chargeable to capital, railway subsi- dies, and all others charges for the last six years during which the Con- seryatives were hi office, were as for 1891310,793,208 19 1893 42,272,138 32 1893 40,853,727 91 1891 13,008,233 89 1895 42,872,338 le 1898 11,096,383 92 Against this the Liberal Govern- ment has asked Parliament to vote this session, 'in addi tionto $2,522,054.44 voted early in thesession, as supplementary to the estimates of last year, the fol- lowing amounts. Main estimates 818,280,550 Suppiereentaries 5,497,333 Drummond. Railway 1.600,000 Grand Trunk rental 140,020 Railway subsidies 5,305,120 Bridge at Quebec 1,000,600 Otherbridges • 285,175 $0,061,188 As regards the railway and bridge subsidies, the Liberals claim that some of the railway to rylaich grants are Toted may 'not be built, and conse- quently all the money now asked for -may not be required. - But even de- ducting all the railway and bridge subsidies., the amount to be spent this year is 353,528,893. In 1896, the last year the Conservatives held office, the railway subsidies amounted to 33,228,- 745.49, and if this amount is deducted from the total expenditure for that year, there remains 340,867,688.43 to compare with tlie Liberal expenditure of $53,523,893 for the same purposes,an increase of $12,656,251.57. Staffa, DEATH or Mies. MMLER.-Solianna, wife of James Miller, of Cro-marty, clieden Saturday last after a some- what protractedelln ess which wa,s borne with patience and christian fortitude. She had been ill about 10 years, and all that the best medical skill could do availed nothing. She was in her 57th year, and leaves to mourn their loss a hesband and six sons 6,nd two daugh- ters, the sons acting as pall -bearers. The funeral was largely attended, the deceased having been held in the high- est esteem in the community; WEDDING Booes.-- A quiet but pretty wedding took place on Wednes- day evening Aug. 9th at tbe residence of Mrs. Allen near Oromarty when her eldest daughter, Mary E. was united in marriage with Mr. P. Scott Barr. of the 10th con. Hibbert. The ceremony was .performed. by Rey. W. J Doherty B. A. incumbert of Hensel]. and Stella hi the presence of the members of the families of the bride and groom. The bride was becomingly attired in white organdi trimmed with silk and carried a boquet of white roses and sweet peas, while her little sister Violet as maid of honor looked very pretty in white silk carrying a baguet of pink carnations and chrysanthemums. After the cere- mony the company proceeded to the dining room wbere the tables were found to be loaded. with food and delica- cies and beaatifully decorated with flowers. After the supper had. been partaken of the evening was spent in the enjoyment of music recitations and pleasant converse until the early morning hours when the guests depart- ed wishingMr. and Mrs, Barr all hap- piness in their journey through life together. The niany valuable and beautiful presents received testify to the loye and esteem of those who gave th en) . He Was Able to Be Moved to a New ReSidOriOe on Ttlenday. nooliete Weee Eiliedand li:*ere Was Byldeetly a Conspiracy to Deb. ID= of eiis Decal Deetunents—lAte ZnIpor- taut 'Mallet Wa's Saved by Ills Fre- Bence of •nund—A. 1.:ew.1..;`orgery Dis- covered in the Secret Dossier, Rennes, Aug, 16. -At 8 0'010011 last °teeing Maitre Labori was removed in at atubulance to the residence of Prof. Basch, he a suburb Of gelitlea. He stood tbe journey well, although naturally fatigued. The dootors are extremely hopeful of a speedy recovery, but con- sider it would be unwise for him to re- turn to court until there is absolutely no danger of a relapse, Maitre Demange has decided, the.refore, to ask for an adjournment, which has necessitated a writteia application by both 3ilairse lin:lenge end Captain Drey- fus, who have already sent letters to the preaident of the eouremartiel. Colonel Joimust will undoubtedly accede to the request, but he cannot greet an adjournment for mere than ewe days, when the application must be renewed. Captain Dreyfus wants the eremions post. poned until Monday next, when It is hoped that M. Labori will be able to be present. Two Letters From Dreyfus. Dreyfus has written two letters to Lehori. The first, on beaming the nem of the attempt to murder the lawyer, is a spoutaneons expression of ede shooed feelings. The seeend is a touching epistle expressing the prisoner's keenest regrets at the onteage, profound gratitude to Labori for his heroin championship aral hearffelv wishes for his speedy reeovery, naeories neekere itifted„ The correspondent of the Aseociated Press here obtained yesterday completa corroboration of the statement, exclusive-. ly cabletd to the Assoeiared Press Mon- day, that the pockets of Laborrs coat were rifled while he was lying on the ground. Not only were she Dockers of his coat emptied, but an at -semen was made to steal the wallet, in which were important papers referring to the coed - martial, including his notes for the cross-evronination of General Mercier. Made a Pillow of His Wallet. atareommationo• - The Pearce potato patches in Lon- don are flourishing this summer, and 1 it is believed that 200 persons will have sufficient to last them a, year. The grained, seed and other necessaries are furnished free to Londoners who care to expend the labor required to secure a crop. The patches this year cover twelve acres. One is at the north end of Colborne street; the other lies immediately at, the foot of Carling's heiglots. Each patch is divided into one.quarter acre strips, or thereabouts, and there are some for- ty-five divisions, each worked by sep- arate farailies. The tubers belie been well tilled and are free from weeds. Here ancl there a few cabbages, beets or other vegetables have been grown. The land is given free to the Charity Organization, the donors, Ed. Daly, and the Shoebottom estate, paying even the taxes. The Sebringville post office was burglarized bet ween the hour of clos- ing on, Saturday night and that of opening lVforiclay morning, Cash and stamps were token by the thieves. The Sebringville post office is sit- uated on the north side of the Hume road opposite Seine id's hardware store. Mr. J., Pierson, late tewnehip clerk, 13 postametet and the assista,Dt is Mise IISeDonnell. The latter' close ed tlie office on Saturday at 7 o'elock ea ustlan and discovered the burglaty this Fil OFTlitlg .W12017 she open- ed the building. The thieves forced an et tranee to the post, office by prying open a winclov with a chisel. The safe had been -closed but the burglars teenaged to open it w ith out resottiug to ex plosives or other yfolen co. An investigation of the premises ie.- ecaled the fact that the following valuables had been stolen. $12 in cash, $0 ha, cash takee froma t egister- ed letter ttddressed to 0, Trashier, liarthvare merchant, e clepoeit book with the Britieb Mortgage Loan CO., and a, qlleetiey of stamps. A yalti- able Money letter for tne depatttrientr was not discovered dotibtless eyeing to the feet thee it waSnot placed with- in the !Safe. M. Labori has himself related the inci- dent He had just fallen, and saw one of two men runeto his side. One of these said: "His coat muse be taken off. He will be too hot." The speaker then took the wounded lawyer's coat off,. and the other took the wallet M. Labori, how- ever, retained his presence cif mind, and refused to allow the wallet to be taken out of his hands, platting it under his head for a pillow, and holding it with one hand. The coat was shortly after- wards put on again. The directors of the 0. 1'. R, declared a dividend of two per eent on the com- moti stock, and two per cent on the preferred stock for the half-year ending June 30th. Me Sas. Inlet:loot bas bought the Beattie Hooey, Clinton and is now in potsessioe. The barn was owned by Mr. Beattie sr., and the dwelling by Mr. Ferran and the Wails of the former eneroech Mg upon Mr. Farran's potted, as the easiest eolation of the difd- malty Mr Ferran bought the barn and hat leased it to Mr. McCool. Mr, S. Bee We lefb for Treberne, Manitoba, rrl les d ay al tern O 0 te taking with him half car load including three norset. Another Teetuicy in the Setate has been created by the death of Senator Itellerose, who died at his residence at St. Vineent de Paul, Monday. He had been ill for eome time. Re was appoint- ed to the Senate to 1873, preveaue to which time he sat for Leval iii the 'old Canadian Assembly and the Ilonse of Carninone. He Was A Coneetvaeive, and n -as widely known as an active spirit -in militia matters. The death of Seeetat Bellerose Makes the number f yea:metes in the Seeate fone---611 ereatcd by the deathe Of Censer -Valve Petters-flon 0, A. 13ot-titan, Hon D. Itherlaed, Ron, W. Senfoed and Bellerose. Evidence of a Plot. On arriving at his residence, M. Labori asked bis wife to look in his pockets and see if their contents were safe. Mme, Labor' found the pockets completely emptied. Luckily, no papers of import- ance wete in the pockets, which contain- ed personal letters, including menacing letters received on the previous day. The rifling of the lawyer's pockets of the papers, and the attempt to steal his wal- let, while no effort was made to appro- priate his watch or money, are regarded as dear evidence of a plot, in which sev- eral men were implicated. Are the People Eliding Him? The man who actually fired the shot, it appears, was only, one part of the inachinery of the conspirators. In spite of the extensive search made far the would - se assassin, lie is still at large, and the impression is gainiDg ground that be is being aided by the anti -Dreyfus country people, who are concealing him some- where. The doctors in attendance upon M. Labori have sent to Paris for an X- rays apparatus, in order to locate the bullet in the lawyer's body. A New Forgery in the Dossier. Paris, Aug. 16. -The Mafia yesterday made the announcement that Maitre Lahore after he was shot, declared, as the outconae of bis injury appeared doubtful, that he wished to make known the fact that M. Ohanoine, who has charge of the seeret documents in the Dreyfus case, has discovered m new forg- ery in the dossier. The Anarchist organ, Le Journal du Penple, says that in reta1iation-4ov the outrage upon M. Labori, the Aliarchists will hold General Mercier and Med. Drou- mont, Rocbefort and Judet as hostages, and personally' responsible for anything done against the Anarchists. ,EXETEll MONTENECiiio .uu orl-, Denunciation 9f Another pt the Favored Nation 'rreaties—lludget of News Pram Ottawa. Ottawa, Aug, 16. -Tee Deparement oi Trade and Commerce at Ottawe is formed of the demmelation of another oi the fevered eation treaties existing be, tweet! Britain ancl other nations; in thir inStance with Molitenegro The ereete Aceordingly ecelae one year Ileum). 'Gene of Hica Thieves. lt is alleged that an organized gang o mice, stealers hes been at work in the mica mines near Ottawa, aud teat as ergeniseangene, with headquarters in the Capital, is disposing of the stolen mile eral, The Atterney-Generel of eniebee has been asked to investigate, as the mules are In Quebee. tteney Scary Fredieted, Mr. Per' B. Selene of tee Geological Survey, one of the most extensive agri- eulturists in Canada, says. Canada's pre cluetion of Loney this year wili only bc about one-fourth of what it has been fol a number of years. The statement if. based upon experteece with his own apiary and upon reports, reoeivecl from other bee men throughout the countrY, charmed With me:may. Francis llotheleau of Buckingham: Township was arreeted, last evening by Bailiff F. 0, Clamming on a !thane el bigamy. The peisoner married a Miss. Roohon here last March, at the same -tams having, it is Alleged, a wife and sever ebildreit living La Ontario, He wa! broeght before Magistrate Pearson yes, teeday morning, who conimitted him te Hull for trial. IS NOW AN OUTLAW. M. Guerin, the Darricaded Frenchman, Still Hold's the Fort—Will De Ler. mere. Paris, Aug. 16. -The warrant for the arrest of M. Guerin, president of the anti-Semite League, who, with semen- thiters, has been barricaded since Satur- day last in the office of the league, haa been placed in the bands of Magistrate Fabre. Guerin is now regarded ns arl outlaw in a state or rebellion, since bis Uotifleation of the issue of the watrant. He menet claim the right of a citizen of exemption from arrest from sunrise to salsa, and the persons garrisonleg the Ileadquetters of the league, numbering about 40, are in the sante pcssitiou. Strict ,orders have been given to arrest everyone attempting to enter or leave the builclieg. Three of Guetin's frionde, who attempted to leave the place yesterday morning, were arreeteci. They all eerried sit -cham- bered teveleers mad hatchets; and what Prenchmen clesignato as "American knuckle-dust:ere,' otherwise brase knuc- Mee. The prefect of pollee is still await- ing orders from the Government in tegarci to the action to lie taken against Guerin, • Will Let Him Alone. M. Waldeolt-ROUSSeau coeferrea several times (hiring tho day with M, repine. prefect of police, and le consideration of the fact that recouree to tome in the menet of M. Guerin might lead to e use - lose Paelefice of life. entailing, still gereeet demoiletratiolle at the obsequies of the victims the Premier decided not to ex- pose the life of any initio. soldier, police: - Mee or firernan, lju'i to leave M. Guerin a ehOleo betWeen self-Imprisorireent and areeet Meanwhile it looks as thalfel this affair livoula have a rathet tame ending. The friends of tre Guerin ore busying themselves to rosette him front foi 11306681We end foolish positiot. THE WINSTIFEG DANE reonitEer. mete Sides Confitlent—Arrangentents fat the Trelisoluary eteatiee. Winnipeg, Aug. 1(3. -It is expeater that at the Police Courtto-day Davis wit ten ail he knows about Andereon't alleged connectaon with the robbery ant the peemoution are looking for commit- ted to a higher court .. On the other band Anderson's friends are conaddent of his inuocance Mr, Howell, Q.�, has decided that he will undertake to net as counsel for the prosecution. His mrviees had been im requidelon from both sides, but aftm conddethig, the anatte.r he decided that the bank had priority in their einem W. S. Anderson of Toronto has aer- Wed and visited ids brother at the tali A man named Seary, who made the search at the playa. where the money wae foenea, daises To have ens' covered the Paper b wheel% the Tank bilis were wrapped. It to bo marked In blue loaned by one of the lenek• 1114Ttaas. ARersgea THE' CASHIER. Charged With Hanbet=linf.- From th I-nee:bola Loran else sarteas Co. Toronto, Atm 15. -Frank young man aeseentiy nreenetel to the pomIdon, ot cashier in the F.r...e.e.old Loan & Savings Company's oMee, ems arrested by Detective Bu=ows yesterday after- noon on the suecharge of stuling $180. Tne consnmer alee-es that denim - tions to she aeLens er tilean hare bern discovered by the company's auditor. The company holda bonds of the Guar- antee Companies te the ,..--eetre of 7,000, so that no loss will result in any event Tile prisoner has been employed by the company for four years, and wasreimr.tly promoted. It is alleged that he com- menced, speculating in New York stocks since his promotion, and that all the pilfering has been done within the last six weeks. He is 27 years of age, has a wife and 2 -months' -old bey, and spent the,night in the cells. He will appear in the police court this 3:120/11.173g. The com- pany says he has made a fuel confession. A Wendigo Case at Edmonton. Edmonton, N.W.T., Aug. 16. -After a sitting of five days the jury in the case of Payoo and Napisosis, two Cree In- dians from Smoky River, who were accused of murdering one of their aura - her, brought in a verdict of not guilty as to Payee, and guilty of manslaughter against Napisosis. The ce.se is a peculiar one. Moosomes, one of the tribe, became insane, and the other believing that he bad turned "wendigo" or cannibal, and would k1I1 and "eat them all, called in their medicine man. He could not care Moosomes, and the 'otber Indians set upon him and killed him, cutting off his head and driving a stake through his body to make sure that he would net come to life again and eat them. Climbed Mount DAWS011. Glacier, B.C., Aug. 16. -Mount DaW- son, a bitherte unclinabecl peak of the Selkirks, Was ascended on Sunday last by Prof. Charles E. Fay of Tufv's Col- lege, and H. C. Parker of Columbia University. They wero accompanied by Hasler ancl Fens% the two Swiss guides etationed at Glacial, House, Mount Dame. sen is the higbest peak ef the Selkirks time far ascended, being about 10,800 feet above sea levee The climbing is re- garded by the guidee as more diffieult than Sir !Donald. Can Keep Fish Fresh 11.04 Ottawa, Aug. 16. -Dr, leemiall, M. P. P., Cape Breton, has anevedhere from the Atlentie coast, where he leis been conducting expeiernents in his cold Stor- age process for the preeervaten of froth fish. Without freezing cr the 1120 04 el:m- icelle he smiceeded in keeping lobsters' for 80 days le perfeet condition. ire believes he 9249 thus solved the problena of a re- munerative trade in ereah esh between the maritinae arid uppee provinces, RUSSIA 18 UNITED TO GHIMR With the Help of God an Under- standing Has Been Arrived At. Russia's Historic Aim Has Now ?teen Attainedee"Unwearytug Care for the General Wetly.* Induces the Czar to Pdakeo Talienwan is Free Port for the Merchant Ships of All Nations— A New City. St. PeterSbilr,s,,, 16.—EMPeror Nieholas has Issued the foie:ming Leper lel order to the Russian Minister of Irinauee, M. de Witte: "Owing to tlie great possessions of Russia in Europe and Asia, it bas been possible, with the help of God, to effect a rapprothement between the peoples of the weSt and the east. Through the frienilly attitude of China, we have elle- needed in attaining our historic aim, Imvhig obthizied the use of two, Chinese harpers, Talienwan and Port ArthUr, With a large territory, whereby an outlet for the Siberian Railway to the Yellow Sea is secured. t'Tbanks to the wisdom of the Chinese Governineut, we shall, through railways In course of construotion, be united to China, a result "whioh gives an nations the inuneasurable gain of easy communi- cation, and lightens the operations of the world's trade. "In our tin:wearying care for the gen- eral weal, we have deemed it necessary, after completing the railway, to declare Talienwat a free port during the whole period of the treaty -for the merchant ships of all nations and to build a neW city in the neighborhood of the said 'core" Laborers tor the Harvest.' Winnipeg, Aug, 16.--0.P.II, reports from the east in tegard to bus available labor for Mandate!, harvest fichls, show that 4,500 harvest finileS will eeTho frOm Ontar10, and 1,500 from QUebee and the Maritime Provinces, inakilig 6,000 in all. The first train, which is from tie Maritiree Provinees, will aerie° on Fri day, and the ()there a week later, THE BUBONIC PLAGUE SCADE. Measures Being- Takeo to, Prevent tbe Infection Spreadiag., Ponta del Gada, Aug. 16. -All com- munication between the Azores Islands and Portuzal bas been interdicted on amount of the seeming oases of bubonic plague which herie been discovered at Oporto. No vessels, merchandise or mails from Portugal will he admitted at any ports or these islands. Canise, Spain Aug. 16. -Quarantine has been declared againshall Portuguese ports en account of the suspicions sick- ness at Oporto. Madrid, Aug. 16. --The Gazette to -day will announce a quarantine on everything arriving from Portugal. Sanitary meas- mes bare been established on thefrontler for the proteotion of travellers. The Death. List at Oporto. Oporto, Aug. 16. -Since the on-threa]t of the plague here there have been 26 cases and 11 deaths from the disease. "tog. TIIIES IN DEREK'. rish Party Wrecked. ltethodist Church, Protestants Stoned cathone chapei. Londonderry, Aug: 16. --An Irish parte wref.A...-ed a Methodist Church here yester- day eve.ning, while its opponents stoned the 'Catholic chapel. The anevor ass Ise -tied a proelamation empowering military officers to act as magistrates,* and additional soldiers and police bare been celled out. Riotous scenes began at Londonderry Sunday owing to the celebration of the tainiTermry of the relief of Londonderry, besieged by James II. in 1689. JudgeDeinoetemy need, Montreal, Aug. la -Judea Do Mon- , e teeny died at .1.0.80 last evening at the Hotel Dien, aged tie yeets. 1414 rfonor retired fro% the recordership . a f4w menthe since Ile was ti member of the first party of Pontifleal naretves, Be 1evos a widow and le childret tort William Grain Sbovellers Strike. Wineipegt Aug. 16.-T1ie grainshovel, lore et Fort William have qUit Work oil a cleinand too fin leo:ease Of from 10 (zone; to Od etits per hear, faid etin; cents per tour tor oIertitur, aersey Lily Married Again. London, Aug. 16, -Mrs. Lily Langtry, the actress. was married July 27, at the Island of Jersey, to Hugo Gerald de Bathe, 28 years of age. the eldest son of Sir Henry Percival de Bathe, Bart., a retired general, formerly lientenant- colonel of -the Soots Guards and a Cri- mean veteran. The ceremony was quite private, the only witness being Mrs. Langtry's daughter. Tile wedding occur- red tbe day "Mr. Jersey" (Mrs. Lang - try's borse) Merman won the Goodwood Cup. Sir Henry de Bathe has seats in Devonshire, Sussex and County Meatb, to wbich the bridegroom is hen!. The bride is 39 years of age. ltelief Fund for West Indies. London, Aug. 16. -The Lord Mayor of London has opened a fund at the Man- sion House for the relief of the viotiras of the recent West Tette, hurricane. The Faris Docked for Repairs. Milford Haven, Aug. 16. -The Ameri- can Line steamer Paris has arrived here frem Falmouth in order to be docked foe repairs. COLLISION AT SUDBURY. , • Westbound Imperial Limited. Runs Against a Tea Traln--Engincer HID ed. Ottawa, Aug. 16. -The westbeund Im- perial Limited, on the C.P.11„ which ]eft here ebout neon on Monday, collided with an eastbound tact &mile just west of' Sudbury, an the engineer on the im- perial Limited Was killed and several others injured. The Erie Dropa the rates. Chioago, Aug. ' 16.-To-41ay the Erie Railroad will announces a rete of $18.45 for the round tile between. Chicago and New York, ereeM is at present no round trip between the iwe elides, the standare one -Way tato being • $20, The rate to be Made by the Erie is, thetefore, loss than a single fare, At rife sane) firne come- sporietne, eat% Will. be medo from all in- termediate points to Now York. Was Troubled with Palpitation of tile' Heart.' Entrenae Weakness and Nervoee Headacbes. In the little hamlet of Montrose, Welland. County, resicleS a lady who gives Meth praise to the curative power of Dr. Pink Pills. The subject a this testimony is Mrs. Richard Hanna,an estimable lady who has resided in. that locality for many years. A reporter seeking an inter- view with Mrs. Hanna found her willing to give full details, which are given in ber own words. .Flye years ago I was taken ill. I attributed the trouble et the time to an injury sus- tained by wren. Time went on and did not get better. The synaptoms of my complaint were palpitatiou of the heart, extreme weaknese, stomach troubles and terrible head.aches. I was very nervous, had no appetite and ex- perienced much wakefulness at eight. Finally 1 was compelled .to take to my bed, being too weak to sit up any longer. In this condition I was treat- ed at different times by three doctors. and took a great quautity of medicine bdit, realized no benefit. Not one of my neighbors thought I would. get well. In the meantime I thonght myself that death would soon end my tefferings. One day Mrs. Sroitleof Port Robinson, came to see me and peesuaded my bus - band to procure for me some of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and he purchas- ed six boxes; After taking the six boxes I had improved very much and was able to up, tbough yet too weak to walk. I sent for another six boxes and as a result consider my cure com- plete. I can relish food better, sleep soundly, a,nd stand. more fatigue than I count for years previous. .although I have passed the meridian' of life I feel as healthy as -when I was in my twenties. With great pleasure and a .grateful heart I treye this testimony. The public is cautioned against num- erous pink colored imitations of these famous pills. The genuine are sold only in boxes, the wrapper around which bears the words "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." If your dealer does not have them they will be sent postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.40, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 11.14re cleaionnisers on strii;t.c. NO".7 YOrit, Aug, 18,--einglit bemired eloeeeitaltere, employee in 16 shops, join- , ee ••• !anke of the • strikers yestereity, .ng the burnber on strike to a 4 abott 8,000. The strikers deemed wegoe and a reelection in the .. ll, ,',.'ng hour, 1 rattilist IuSane. Chleage, Atig. 16,—Youbg Griffe, the Once farming Anstraliee inlaid, is cly• ing in the Dunning /Wane A.07111m, Tie has tee:cattle, suffered a geeeral peesioel break clown Mid bas beemne violently I insane. lete West Oetatie Tecate!". tiv8ot°enffl'ilelftllWe.o?tnote, gun itiot ht Stottffviflo yettolllay Ana do, oided to hold. a Convention toe the 1eo- u ceeditiate et Septoteber 13. The Clint= town council on Monday night struck the tax rate at twenty-one mills on the dollar. This is two mills higher than last year. Mr. Wm. Bell has sold his home on Mill St, Milverton to j. W. Barr, V. S., for the sum of 31,100. Mr. Isaac Barnett, of Blanshard, who was so zeriously hurt at a barn raising is so far recovered as to be able to drive asound again. In an exhibition game of lacrosse at St. Marys lionday,-the Galt Champion defereted the Alerts by a score of 3 to 2. Good Cheer!' Courage Yet! DO NOT CONSIDER YOUR CASE INCURABLE. Paine's Celery Compound, Works Marvellous Cures Every Day. Though you have reached. the critical time of a hot summer so diseased and broken down in health that your case is considered incurable, we. say, "Sick brothers and sisters, be of good cheer! Have courage yet!" Paine's Celery Compound is a great physician's prescription for the cure of chronicand complicated cases of disease that have baffled the skill of the ordin- ary physiciaaa: We positively assert that rine out of every ten whom the doctors caeno help will gain health vigor and new life by the use of Paine's Celery Com- pound. The werk of Paine's Celery Com- pound in the homes of our country has been noted with wonder, admiration and joy by all classes of men and women. In thousands of cases it bas saved life after all other means" bad failed _ To the tbensands deep in disease and suffering from blood troubles, kidney and liver complaints, rheumatismneur gia, dyspepsia and nervous prostra- tion, we honestly point them' to the only source of health that the world can offer-Paine's Celery Compound. This great banisher of disease is not in the experimental stage like the vast , majority of advertised remedies; it is a ntrue saver of life- a cure for the troubles that now make your existence miserable, Another case of anthrax has de- veloped itt Listowel. The existing cases, the doctors think, are due to the cattle drinking the polluted Water below the Listowel terleeee, und W001- 10118 iiiills. The cattle sugering from the disease bave been itiolatecl and steps heve been taken to prevent them drinking in futere the river water below the mill. Tbe • Town Council will also take steps to eon - !Area a sewerage system that will pre vent, the pollution of the steam, No further traced of the disease is tietici- pated, 645,K000*oot>t,44-0224.44ovosestoOcc44,e4seA SCR F I 1 thin blood, weak lungs and paleness. You have them in hot weather as well as in cold. SCOTT'S 1011ULSION cures them in summer as in winter. it is creamy looking and pleas ant tasting. 50e. 91111$tto dt drunisfs, 844440+44.144.00+44+440.0444.....+04 P111 Your Finger o• our P I C You feel the blood rushing along. But what kind of blood? That is the question. Is it pure blood or impure blood? If the blood is impure thee you are wean and languid; your appetite is poor and your digestion is weak. You can- not sleep well and the pars- ing finds you unprepared for the work of the day. Your cheelcs ere pale and your com- plexion is sallow. You are troubled with pimples, boils, or setae eruption of the skin. Why not purify your blood? enf will do it. Take it a few days and then -put your fleger on yo,ur pulse again. You can feel the difference. It is stronger and your circulation better. Send for Our book on Impure Blood. If you are bilious, take Ayer's Pills. They greatly aid the Sarsaparilla, They cure constipation also. %Wee ea cue fielegelPS, Write there freely all the particulars in Z enr ease. _Yon 'will receive a 12r° PtereglesTler. .1"..owen, zees. 5, Bricker, of Listowel, has purchas- ed the interest of his partner, Jacob Bricker, in. the hardware business car- ried on in that town under tbe name of the 13ricker Hardware Company and will conduct the business in future in his own name. G. S. Kidd, proprietor of the Arling- ton hotel, Listowel, who was severely 'bollixed at a, barn raising down the boundary the ether week, was suffic- iently improved to enable him to be brought home on Tuesday, Aug. 8, and is making good progress towards recovery. His injuries are not likely toleave any permanent disfigurement. ea The laws of the Medes and Persians never changed, neither has the superior quality of MUNG Its merits bave made it the most popular Tobacco in Canada f or nearly half a century. eelenteelle Farmers having logs at Y - SUTHERLAND INES CO MILLys, can bave thon sawn at any time, a the mill is now minima Apply to GUS: WAGNER, - Foreman for the Sutherland Lines Co On the first indica- tion of I)iarrhcea or Dysenteryafewcloses, ofDR.PowLnR's EXT., OF WILD STRAW BERRY Will promptly check the advance of these dangerous dis— eases. Zi has ,.1.1een over 40 yeare n use and has no equal for he cora o f bowel ccenelaints - of young or Old. There are 'Many dangerous imitations: • on the maelcet, so it would be wise US sed that the full name, Dr. PoNflerrs Ext,. of wild Slierlubol,y4 is onerver,y Wiens: you tpAy,,,