HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-17, Page 1en—tee- JE,TUROIN TWENTY–SEVENTH YEAR NO: HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE 1811101' EXETER, ONT. C 7777 A.NADA., THURSDAY MORNING AUGUST 1.7th, 1899. HIGHEST PRICE pm» FOR PRODUCE We dr0 bliSll ellen 111 tillUllSt This is the season of the year when the stocks are broken and only odds and ends remain. After a busy sea- sons selling we have a few odds and ends that, we will clear out at reduced prices. (LiSTEN) 1, Ot ii0 RT SHIWAISTS. A few odds and ends in white lawn and printed Cain- – I,1 blies, worth from 85 to 75, clearing at 22c each. SUlli1V1EIi., CORSETS. A few odds and ends in 10t NO 2 regular price 45, clearing at 22c each. IsOt NO 3 , COTTON I-IOSE. recluctiConO Our Sc Our 1 hose for 8c LOt NO. 4 Usborne COUnC11. ad ceeket of speelal. The xemeins could not be pat in tbe Ato, auGee.fi. ecuotweenreeeeeeoeeNr,etege Peeseerieeececeatgeeeeee tilotiin2ctibl, met in special meeting on hearse, s° wagg°°‘ ceenveYed thew. to and Issurer of 1Vrarrlad ge Licenses. Legal 0Q11 c All znenehers PreSent. nientS oarcfallY drawn at reasonable raps leaving lecideato build a new bridge Just Receive Zion A PULL STOOK OF BRIBPS.—Harvest will soon be over, cutting nearly clone.—Wen. Taylor was BooTs AND SHOES the first to complete the harvest. --- Threshing has started, wheat is turn- ing out better than was expected.—Mr. Best value ever shown in Exeter, and Mrs. Wm. Brock visited friends in Ladies', Misses and Mens wear. in Fullerton on Sunday.--1Vfiss Tena Money ta loan on real_ estate at low rates of in over cre7 ek 6 and con, near torest. Office at the kost office, Rennie The tender of Messes. Patterson &Ellis , , also the teeder of the Stratford Bridge and Iron Woeles Co.,eo build a Warren Truss riveted steel bridge for $290 ; council to furnish covering rend string - Tee eoneraea, for building a quarry lerimaeombe and P. Hern spent Sun - tone and cement abutment tor south end of Kydd's bridge, Oh con, and re- pairing the north end abutment was let to Wm Cocram, for $2e5. F. Mortexar, Clerk, C rmyty COLLINS Ss STANBURY.-Barristers,ConveY ancers, Notaries, etc., Exeter Ont. R. H. Col- lins and J. G. Stanbury B. A. (late with Me, earthy, Osier, Ss Co. l3arristers, Toronto). BeeEes.—A quiet wedding took place last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Anthony Allen, when her daughter Mary, was tented in marriage to Scott Barr ; only the brothers and sisters of the two parties were present. but their many friends and acquaintances join in wishing them all the bliss that be- long to the married state. --Mrs. Mc - Health returned home Saturday.— Mrs. eas. _Miller, who has been ailing for the past eight years, passed away Satur- day evening. The funeral Monday to the Stella cemetery was largely at- tended. She leaves a husband, six sons, and two daughters to to mourn theirloss.—Mrs. F. L. Hamil- ton is away for a week's visiting amongst Petrolia friends.—Hngh Cur- rie met with a very severe accident on Saturday last. He and Norman Parke had been working on a scaffold in the ancl had just started to corne down. Norman had just got laalf way down the ladder, when Hugh who was corn- ing, by some means stumbled and fell head foremost down, his forehead striking a beam. He was carried to the house for dead. The doctor was hastily summoned, and Hugh at pres- ent is expected to recover. T. D. COOKE, to build. eement, concrebe abutments, for the sun)of $300 waS aceepteCland , (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public. Ilensall, Ont. FA. Salim% L., D. S„ D, D. 5,. Honor (Irwin •-`, • ate at Toronto UniversitY, Dentists. Teeth extracted without,main or bad effects. Wee in Potty's Blook, Rensall. At Zurich every Monday, commencing. May Nth. BIILr$ —Mrs Kitt and daughter of Lucanwere bere last weee visibing Mrs. Millar Eclwards, Mrs. K's sister. —Dr. Thomson and wife, of London, were here on Monday renewingac- quaintances.—Chas, Nichols, of Lon- aOrSeeS bnOkell sizes 7 don, eves in the yillage this week visit- ing his sister,Mrs. D. Terquhart.—Miss Hattie Satherland returned on Mon In Ladies or Chiklrens sizes at the followincr clay, after a mouth's pleasant outing 110Stl for 5c 1,1 Chir 15c hose fOl! -wbere they spent a eveek camping.-- - ladies drove to Grarid Bend and held tt • b in Muskoka.—W. R. Hodgins and fam- ily have returned, from Grand Bend, GLOVES regular 25 )41, Our -nz hose)r 10c On Friday last some sixteen young Our 95c hose for 90c picnic. Theyhad intended ping the MITTS'. odds and ends in ilk gloves and mitts, good sizes week previous,but owing to unforseen, difficulties, their arrangements were nd 35c quality, clearing at 18 pr. L week, it is LOt NO 5 , our unlaundried shirt, worth 750 for 48c. MEN'S SVIRTS. )7Ve told you all abo it this garment las 0 N 0 6 ANOTHER SHIRT SPECIAL. Soft body shirts witl ed collars detached in checks and stripes,worth '75, cl cuffs attaoh- earing at 69c. Builder's Seasonable Hardware Hardware • 'Door Locks— BIr & MORTISE for your house or barn. For house or barn This season we have a Roofing a specialty, get Supplie.L use. pleased to eive you a figure Thresher's Scales larger and better assorted our prices. Mitts, Belts .stock than ever, including Furnaces and Belting, American Fencing Standard makes let . low prices. - , that new house leek. Have • • We handle the lead' you seen it? . ing Bras Iron Stea,m fittings We are sole agents makes, which are in use in Barn Door Hangers all parts of this county. Oils, Etc. ' th' • • 't f lc We have a large stock el , ' • ?.)e, ary s, Gurney's, Moore's Special prices of these hi all sizes and kindsm. ease, Copp's and others. We evould like to show- you We will be pleased to En.amelware Famous Wliitewear we keep a full stock. friestrated.-1Virs. Burton, of Chicago, is here visiting bre parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whitesicles.—Mrs. T. J. Berry is visiting in Goderich and viciniey this week.—Quite a number from here intend taking advantage of the cheap harvest excursion to the Northwest shortly.— 0. A. McDoeell returned last week from a -pleasant holiday in Montreal and Pembroke.— Miss Melinda Ortwein is visiting. re- latives in New Hamburg and neigh- borhood --F. W. Madman, barrister of Exeter, was in the village, on Mon- day. --W. B. • McLean, through his agent, G. Sutherland, last week sold a couple of acres of land adjoin- ing the village, to James Coxworth, for a good sum.—Wm. Moore returned this week from an apple purchasing tour through Southampton dis- trict. Some of the orchards are good others destroyed by the caterpillar.— Miss Verner, of Stratford, who was here.visiting Miss Taylor, has retuen- ed honee.—Mrs. (Dr.) Graham, of Clin- ton, was in the village on Tuesday re - superior fence. . newing acquaintances.— Miss Jessie FROST.&- WOOD Etopkirk and sister, were in Exeter this week visiting, their aunt, Mrs. A. Taylor --The council intend putting down,eseerface drain along Main st., to carry off the water, which in for- mer years, has done so much damage to property on the south side of Main street.—The .council have this week finished a fine stretch of new sidevvalk, from Main street to Jos. Case's -corner oif Richnaond street.— Mrs. Joseph Gaily is a guesteat Mrs. Ogle Johnston's. —Miss Phalan, of Stratford, and Miss Dorsey,' of Seaforth, 'are guests at the Commercial—Miss able -Balla,ntyne, was in the village last week visiting friends.— One clay last -week, D. Urquhart, reeve of the village, and one of the oldest and most esteemed business men, gave a picnic to his em - the new Ball Bearing hanger. estimate on your house. REPAIRS We are selling it at the same • price as others. That, new e'eCe MERIT and Imperial. Parlor Door Hanger in stock. 'tee P. S. -- Buy your Buikling paper • • English & Canadian In Preserving kettles, Sauce - Th ld Po 'thud • Pans, Tea, pots etc coal early and save Rosin Sized, O., IC, etc.: Plain. and Tar. 00 Eavetroughing We can snpply ex - We use nothing but the Perts to superintend evorkand hest Galv. Iron. All our work guarantee all our Work. Get be our prices. guaranteed. We will ... • • • • ,• . money. it will be very high this win - made of best grades of special ter. steel. Acid Proof Bislriop Soti El irew i Ile WEDDING BELLS.—One of those -events which generally cause a flutter .of excitement and two hearts to beat .as one. S. j. Pym decided to leave the ranks of single blessedness and join the benedicts. The wedding took place at the residence of the bride's parents,Mr. and Mrs, John Rowcliffe, on Wednes- day evening August 15th at 7 p. m. 'The nuptial knot was firmly tied by Rev. Martin, of Exeteren the presence f bout 45 guests'. after the ceremonY all sat down to a sumptuous repast prepare limner. The presents were numerous and of a useful nature showing the high esteem in which the young couple were held. They will reside on Mr.P's -farm, 2 miles south of the village, where S. ,T. is erecting a fine new house. We generally notice that they get the cage first, then the bird. but it is vice versa this time. However may they live long and have a prosper - "pus life is our sincerest wish. BRIEFS. -MI. and. Mrs. S. P. Halls of Goclerich, visited with James Halls .and friends for m few clays.--Mrs.Coup- land, wife of Rev. S. le, Clouplan , a former Elirnville pastor, and family of Londesboro, are renewing acquainten- around. the village.—Mr. and Mrs, d by Mine Hostess, the bride's Bolan °Oates, of Loudon, were the -guests of his 'father, C. Coates for a levy days. ---Thos. Brimacombe and sis- ter, Mrs. Wordley, of Darlington, spent a few days with their brotlaer, John Brimacombe. John Pinconabe, of St. Thomas, is the guest of his nep- hew, J, Pincombe.—Wen. Glidden has gone to Michigan to bring back bis wife who xnysterionslsr left last winter.—Miss Olara Vosper, of Exeter, .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Spicer.—Miss Pearl Spicer is visiting friends in Clinton.—Miss Kemp, who has beet domesticated at the parson - e, left for her home in Ilensall. Wonder if tiny of our boys will turn .up missing some of those tirnes.—phas. Johne contemplates taking a trip on the coming Manitoba excursions to have a view of the Prairie country.— Duke Garbutt, of Carlingford, spent :Sunday the guests of S. Andrew,—Mr. •and Mrs. John Andrew spent a few days with relatives in London.—The bridge half mile south of the village has upon examination been considered unsafe for heavy loads and a new iron bridge willbe erected at the earliestpos- sible date. Wm. Horn has to go across the fields and through the creek evith lis traction engine,. which weighs nearly 4e tons, he is having good suc- cess so far and a barn full of grain is soon converted into a straw stack. He's 'a hustler. Science Hill --- BitIEFS.—Mrs. ,Tames Barnett takes a holiday of a few weeks with friends in Grey and other places.—Our school will be re opened next Monday, with Hugh Kirk, of Kirkton, as teacher.— Mrs. E. Duizr's new house, in the course of erection, suffered some dis- placement during Friday's evindstorm. —Mr. Loand family, of Woodstock Winchelsea ---- 1 Coemels ev STANBURY.-Ilarlisters,Convev- eeLsidiC39.tavabcaTEte..tel.°11(blatclt will Col- lins Carthy, Osier & Co. Barristers) Toronto. 1 BRIEFS.—A great many of the fee- mers in this vicinity have finished their harvesting.— A number of our youngpeople intend rusticating at the Gran Bend on Saturday of this week. —David Goalding has taken a ten year lease of Thos. Hazelwood's farm for $280 a year. — Miss Smith, of Detroit, and Miss Sanders of Exeter, re urne ome again on Saturday last after spending a week with Miss Ella Robinson.— Miss Prankie Colgan of Woodham, has returned home after spending a couple of'weeks with Miss Ethel Brown.—Millon McColley spent Sunday under the parental roof.—A number of invited guests gathered together at Robert Robinson's on Fri- '0daevemn 1 t d 1 i g as an a p easant t me are the guests of their uncle, G. Spear- Y was spent—Miss Alice Miller has re- in.—The organ of Zion is in need of re- turned home after spending a few pair. Zion seems to be unforbunate weeks in McKillop.—Miss Ethel God - with their organ. bolt intends to attepd the St. Marys Collegiate when the next term o ens Success Ethel.—Miss Lucy Couch, re- turned home on Sunday last.—W. J. Roy and R. Robinson spent Tuesday in London. Centralia INoncE.—School re -opens next Mon- day, August 21st. Parents ore reques- ted to baye their children present fetain the beginning of the term. If pupils are not regular in attendance they can not be expected to pass examinations, say nothing about the incovenience to the tetchers. All the pupils have to do is in keep up their past reputation as regards both attendance and work arid then success nmst follow, The annual picnic of the Sunday and Day schools to the Bend will likely take place Priclay,Ang. 25th. Everyone be prepared to help make the children enjoy themselves. Bluiens.—Misses Florie and Millie Lane, of St. Marys, are visiting at their ancle's, Philip Lane, --Miss Jen- nie Salton returned home on Friday last after spending a few weeks with friends and relatives.—Luther Hicks has left here and gone to London, where he has accepted a situetion.— One eveeing last week smile had boys made themselves despicable bee takiog off the gatee, of the parsonage fence, thus allowing blie village cows to wan- der into the parson's garden and eat AROMATic EXTRACT and deseroy his ve etablies and pro- of Blackberry. ' found a safe and pleasant cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Choler% Morble, etc. This remedy contains no .epium, is pleasant to take, and line proved 't 'elf the most reliable remedy, for summer coneplairite in the market. 1)rico 2le cents. Sold by 0, LIJTZ, Druggist, Exeter, When the Stomach and Liver are .out of order, a dose of 1)IX LITTLE LIV111% PILLS will often ward oft an attack of DiartiOato .1),sentitiy, Cholera Merbis, etc. 0 LUTZ t duce. This is a punishable act, and if known, the culprits should be made to pay the penalty for their fool -hardy trick.—The sermon on Sunday evening to the old. people was both interesting and prufittible to all present. Good advice was given by our, Minister and a want Welcome to the old folk. The tett-meeting on Tuesday evening 10 their behalf was a grand succese, the program and slipper. being greatly en- jeyed, and all felt very thatikful to the ladies for their cheerful invitation.— Miss Olive Walker, of London, has beeet engaged as afiaitstota teatther in the public seheol her.—We are plots. ed to note from the Departmerital ex- amiratione that Wm. Ilaggith has sectired his second-class certificate, P eneeen-- Dublin Rnuers,— John Donnelly has pur- chased a very valuable farm, on the fourth concession of Hibbert.—Miss Latest and Miss Furrnen, of Toledo, are spending their holidays with Miss Larner.-11 ichael Walters got his hand caught in the binding machine and re- ceived a very bad fracture, which. re- quired the services of Dv. Michell.— Mr. Weber is making exteeeeve im- provements in his hotel by bilildinget ;fine furnace. -- Threshing has corn- t,menced in earnest. Fall wheat is said ,to be rather light.--Waltee Kingsman is laid up vvith sore ear, and had to leave work.—The storm of last eveek did con,e.idereble damage in this vicin- ity. It broke a fine large pane* of glass in Mrs. Carlin's stove and broke off some very fine shade trees. --Oar town is making some fine improve- ment , the shape of new bridge, which will add greatly to the appear- ance of Mr. Ketanedy's residence. --The English church is undergoing. repairs at present.—Me. Cook, proprietor of the Crawford house, is on the sick list at present,— Mrs. Stephen Downey has gone to the springs for her health. —We had A. Salvation lady in the vil- lage last week, soliciting' for the rescue fund, but we thought charity began at botne.—Mies Weber, of Seaforth, is at the Dominion hotel visiting her wide. More cases cf sick headache, bilious- ness, eoestipritiore ean be cured in less time, with less medielee, and fee less ployers, who together - with their 'families were conveyed to Grand Bend where a most pleasant time was spent. Mr. Urquhart has always been held high in the esteem of his employees. but the manner in which be entertain- ed them on this occasion will make a still greater and more lasting impres- sion.—James Carlisle has purchased.a, very fine piance—Mrs. Britton, who was here visiting at John Scott's and other friends, left last week to visit friends. ia Clinton, and her sister in Dublin, before returning to her home in Iona.—Mrs. D. Weismiller, of Toronto, formerly of Hensell is visit- ing friends here and at Zurich. — W. J. Miller, was in Cromarty this week attending the funeral Of his mother. She- died on Saturday and evae buried on Monday. The choir,out of respect for their leader,W. ,T. Miller, also attended the .funeral, as did also severiel citizens. She was 57 years of age. --New wheat is coming into mar- ket, and the sample is good. K rkton BRIEFS. —A nuinber of our young folks are spending the latter' portion of their vacations at Grand Bend.— N. T. Fletcher intents to go to Mani- folia.—Mvs. Francis Aederson leaves on Tuesclay on a visit to the North- west.—David Hazlewood who had his leg broken some time ago, was just starting to walk again, when he met with another accident, which may prove serious. ---James Hazlewood, of Florence, is spending a few days et home.—A couple of ma' young men have purchased the stock of Jatnes Gil - Milan, of Liman, and will rim it un- der its new beading, Doupe & Doupe, —Rev. Mr. Ball has an attack of ty- phoid fever.—Wee Mack, of Gran- ton, was the guest of Chas Duffield on Sunday last.—Miss Annie Road- house, of Ste Marys, spent Sunday last with her sister, Mrs. W. Brown.— Miss Grace 1Vicleay, of Blanshinel, was the guest of Mrs. Di'. Ferguson on Sunday last.—Kirkton baseball club intends playing a friendly game with Motherwell next Thursday afternoon. —Owing to the drooghb the farm- ers are ramble to plow, and slow pro- gress is being made towards getting in fell wheat. --Station A, of the St, Marys Clreamery Co., Ltd., at Kirktou reports a great decrease in milk, ow - leg to the drought.—John Kirk wheeled to Grand Bend on Sunday last. ---Several of our young men in- tend taking advantage of the cheap harvest excursion to the Northwest as harvest Will be over here,—Mrs, Samuel Routleye of reborne, is lying very ill from the effects of paralysis, and it is feared Will not recover!. An interesting event took place at the residence or William Robb, Olin' ton, Thursday afternoon, when his eldest, aaughter, 11ts8 Lily Robb, Was led to the altar by A Cousins of Tucker. Bayfield Prcenc.-- On Tuesday the Exeter Presbyterian choir and Christian En- deavor, drove to Bayfield, the great summer resort of Lake Huron, for their annual picnic. Two levee carry- alls were filled to their utmosecapacity with the jovial crowd. Bayfield was reached early in the day, and the pic- nickers at once proceeded to the River Hotel park, as their headquarters, for day in Exeter,—Mrs, Elog,g, of Science Hill, spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity.—Mary Peart spent afew days with her grand -parents in Exeter.— Mr. and Mrs. 5, Peart, of Exeter,spent Sunday here.—Mise Louisa Bern, who has been spending a few weeks at the Bend returned home on Sunday, well pleased with ber visit at her aunt's.— H. Kyle spent Sunday at Grand Bend, --One of our young men is all smiles, for Louisa is home again. --Little Char- ley Peart we learn is not Very well at present. John Batten s new house will soon be up.—Thomas Couch is the happiest man in Winchel- sea, his wife returning home after a visit with friends in Hamilton. —Quite an exciting discussion arose in our lea- gue on Friday night over the tents at our anniversary and teas, the topic be- ing Drifting. It was doubtful whether treating at these gatherings did not lead the young men to further evil, Our President and some others claim- ed no wrong.—T. Morley and Miss E. Batton spent Sunday with friends at Anderson,—Miss Morley spent a few days the guest of Rhoda Oilmen, of Anderson.—Annie Brinacombe, of Ex- eter, is visiting at P. Hems ; also Ma- bel Follick is the guest of Miss Louisa Also a Complete line of G-ROCERIES, CROOLERY. GLASS ware a full range of New PrintS Lovely Patterns. READY—TO—WEAR OLOTEVNG,. J. IP Ross "' WO_Od_h_arn LEPT. FOB. OLINTON.—Siuce the firm of Ford & Newcombe dissolved' on August lst; Mr. W. IL New- combe has left for Clinton, where he is going.in to business for himself.. He has been in Petrolia fox nearly five years, three of which he spent as head clerk for Mr. Webb,andfor over ayear helies been in partnership With Mr. Ford in "The Store That Never Disappoints." During the pastyearMr. Newcombehas suffered a good dealfrom illhealth and Hern.—Miss Lanking, of Blanshard, it is; unfortunately, on that accounttbet called. on friends in this vicinity.—Girty he is leaving Petrone. He has by his Jacques is on the sick list.—Miss Mar- genialelispositionanduprighe character tha Brock has been sick during the secured the confidence and regard of past week.—Wm. Jones is the happi- the public, and his friends will all join est man around for his wife 'presented in wishing him success in his new field him with a fine baby girl on Friday, of work. We understand that in and he wears a smiling face.—Mrs. S. Clinton. he has bright prospects, and Peart went to Toronto on Saturday for we beartily commend him to the favor" her sister, Mrs. Manning, and return- able consideration of the .people of that ed on Monday, Mrs. Manning return- place. His brother, W. J. Newcombe ing also. She has been in the hospital who has also been in the store here, for three weeks, but we learn from her goes to Clinton with W. H., and he friends that her health is not much im- also will be much. missed by the Pe - proved by the treatment, andher .med- 1 trona buyers and his wide circle of ical adyiser thinks it best for her not 1 friends, Messrs. Ford and Newcombe to see callers for she is too weake—Rain while operating separate stems, will 1 is needed very badly; turnip's nearly a continue to do their buying together. failure.—School re -opens on _Monday.— For some time past Mr. Ford has been League on Friday night.—Mrs. Lingard , buying goods for two stores (A. Je who got thrown from the buggy on Ford & 10o., Woodham, and Ford & Main Street, Exeter, some weeks ago Newcombe Petrolia), and now adds , is recovering slowly but still confined another to the list. This gives all the the day. In the evening one of „ebed itioomheer;itedeotehe.&,,olegtstbirdiclya.ughternvas firms an advantage, as by buying in large loads remained at the invieaeiori syndicate quantities they get goods at of Mrs. (Dr.) Stanbury, and spent a A few days good test was made of a lower figure and the customers pro - couple of hours before starting for the peat found in the peat bog in Pus - home. The day throughout and the linch. The test was made at 'Brodie's moonlight drive were thoroughly en- mills, Efespeler, One thousand seven joyed by all, and Bayfield. was unani- hundred pounds were consumed in lit- mously chosen ; again for next sum- tle over four hours, vvhile seven hue- mer's outing. A championship game deed pounds of coal would have. lasted of croquet was played between Messrs the same length of time. The test was S. P. Ross and George Anderson, a not satisfactory and therefore the Exeter, and Messrs. Israel Taylor, of Puslinch peat bog will be abandoned Clinton and Je W. Broderick, • of God - erich, the former wiening eyery game. BRIEFs.—Ed. Duncan, barrister, of Toronto, is spending his holiclaye here. --Judge Barron, of Stratford, spent several days rasticating at Bayfield last week. His Honor wheeled up. -- Mr. Turnbull and family, of London, are summering at the River hotel.— G. W. Holman was a representative to the Grand Lodge, I. O. F., at Niagara, Falls last week. ---Rev. Mr. Allan and Mr. Broderick, of Goderich, spent Tues day in Bayfield with the picnic party from Exeter. —Chas. Gordan, of Nairn, was the guest of John Esson last week. Rev. ,J. G. Stuart, and children, and Miss Stuart, of London south, are vis - Meg at the residence of Dr. Stanbury. —Fred. Heath, wife and darighter, Dorothy, of Londnn, are summering at the Queen's. Mr. Eteath came up Mon- day and was so captivated with Bay- field that he at once telephoned to Mrs. Heath to join hirn.—Mrs. Orr and family, of Bra,ntford, Mrs. Owens, of London, and Miss Holman,of Chicago, are guests at G. 'W. Holman's.—The most brilliant affair of the season was held on the beach on Monday night. Several hundred guests gathered around ahuge lire, roasted potatoes and corn. pulled taffy and spun yarns and told startling ghost stories. Over 100 torches lit up the beach. DnA.Tns.—On the gth inst. one of Bayfield's prominent citizens, in the person of John Morgan, J. P., passed away at the age of 64. Mn Morgan had been ailing for several weeks. and tally m couple of weeks before death was considered almost recovered ; but a complication of disemes and it gen- eral breaking up of the system, cut shore the life which had been a leading figure in Bayfield for many years. Mr. Morgan is probably best, known as the former proprietor of the River hotel, where his genial disposition made his house deservedly popnlar. Of late years he has filled the position of Div- ision Court Clevic, He was also Trees virer of the Stanley branch agricultur- al society. The funeral on Friday WAS largely attended, and those from e dis- tance being ; J. 0. Clark and wife, arid Mrs. Strolarner, of Detroit ; Mrs. P, Moorehouse, son and daughter, of Pinnconning, Mich.; M. G. Cameron, 111d. SWartSi Mrs. N,Vin. Morgan, and Mrs. Donaldson, of Goderieh. Mr. Morgan leaves a widow and a large family, to mourn his dernise.—On Thursday evening liars. Collady, mo. tiler of Mrs. Cowie, died at the latteres residence, Main street, at the advanc- ed age of '72, Mrs. Collady was for matey years ip failing health, and her death Was not tineXpectecl. She was one of the oldest residents of toWn. Her rements were interred it Bayfield cemetery on Saturday afternoon.— On Sunday another of the old folk of Bayfield died, in the person of MO. Susan Miller, wife of Seth Fisher, Mrs money, by using Carter's tittle Liver Fisher Was the mother of Mrs, Burn. . Pills, than by any other means. smith. Only the immediate friends of 1 ,.sicle, of tile villAge, by a former bus - Messrs Peter Peter and Robert Campbell the contracting parties were present, boa, she having been Married our of the eleh lino Logo, are build, ThOICOretnOtly was perfoemea by Rev, tittles, The te, °Aged was n,12svery largo mg it fine new barn, S. 1.. Murdock, woman, svelg log melte '. Poteet s, or the present. fib thereby. —Petrolia, Advertiser The Stratford hotels have been granted leave to sell liquor, with the. understanding that necessary repairs be made at once. Always avoid harsh putg,stive They first make you. sick. and then leave you constipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills. regulate the bowels and. make you well. Dose, one pill. STOVES ! A. full and complete line,of stoves and ranges NOW IN STOCK 0162=126.432MSEREZZ6=="" When buying -a stove why not get the best, Buck's stoves and ranges have given every- satisfaction and made homes bright and happy for 'half a century. Don't experiment with one you are told is just as good, buy nothing but the genuine Buck stove. HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES., Need no recommendation from,us• Not a single buyer of a Happy Thought Range ever regretted his choice. Call and get names of those who are using them, THRESHERS SUPPLIES WE ARE HEADQUARTERS. Machine Oils, Lace Leather, Gauge Glasses, Mitts and Gloves, Rubber and Leather Belts, Etc., Etc. Our Ellwood Fence Is the latest, and most itrip,roved, woven wire fence. The correct thing for lawns, parks, fields, etc. Be sure you see it. Cements dnd Plaster Paris on -Hand W Je. liEA XETER. 1st door north of R. Pickard Co's Store*