Exeter Times, 1899-8-10, Page 8-sagrogkeiNePles-a,
Twenty five do z Linen Towels bought very cheap which we are offer-
ing at very special priees.
Replenish your stock of Towels at these money -saving 'prices.
15 doz heavy pure linen heck towels, hemmect end, red,blue ilua self border-
ed. size 10 kat in, regular price 12ic, special 3 for 25e.
10 doz extra heavy linen hack towele,heaunedends,red,blue :sad self borders,
size 19 x 36' iu, segalar price 18c, special 12e each.
Pickling Season.,
Buy pure vinegars for yonr pickles. \-ce have White Wine,
Government proof' and English Malt.
We handle nothing but the best pickling spice.
- For Marriage License,
of Toronto; also for the PHCENIX FIRE
NSURANCE COS,ERANY, of London, England;
he aetaAarce. Larsintaxce Cosi:easy, of Eng
So Many
New Faces
Areseen in our store these
days hunting for bargains in
STATIONERY that we feel
like congratulating ourselves
on the wonderful success of
our sale. People come, in
many cases, because advised
to do so by friends. They
all buyt
at the
Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clocks,
Spectacle, Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
A. meeting of the turf club will be
held in the Town Hall, on Thursday
Mr. ard Mrs. W. J. Gculd and
daughter, of Belleville, aretlyisiting at
J. P. Clarke.
Carling Bros. last week disposed of
another quarter section of their Mani-
toba land, at a good_ price. •
A son of Reeve Hawkins, of Ushorne
has taken Chas. Coates' position in
Bishop's Hardware, the latter.; having
gone onto the farm to rusticate for a
The S. S. of James st. church will
picnic in the public school grounds on
the 16th Augnst. Thie is'adesirable
grove and a good time may be expect.
The first white man to inhabit the
county of Bruce is said to have been
Rev. Mr. Hurlburt, a Methodist miss-
icars:ry, who preached to the Inctiaris
aa Sauseen, in 1830.
Spare ribs.tenderloin and pig shanks
cam be had at the Packing House,
Mondays and Taesdays of each week.
Also a full llue of sugar cured meats,
breakfast bacon and haws at all times.
J. G io _ A. boon to the afflicted. He is coin-
MAPs STREET. ExEnrimEz g again: T.: P. Smith will be at the
Comesercial Hotel Exeter -Friday and
Saturday Aug llth and 12t
TL[URSDAY, AUGUST 10th, 189g
The sewer on Main street has been
At °Cleveland the Canadian pacer,
Ace, paced the fastest mile of the year
in competition, going the distance in
2.05 1/5.
Potatoes promise to be a great crop
in this section, Last year the frost on
the night of July 10 destroyed the crop
in this locality, consequently they were
St Marys and Mitchell lacrosse
teams crossed sticks in a friendly
game of lacrosse at Mitchell, Monday.
The game resulted in a score of 6 to 1
in favor of Mitchell.
The 0. P. R. Company announce
that they are advised by agents along
the western division that 0,000 harves-
ters will be required to handle the
crop this season. Th s estimate is
based on the splendid outlook of the
enormous yield.
Mr. Kidd proprietor of the Arling-
ton hotel, Listowel. was rather seri-
ously injured at a barn raising on the
farm of Mr. Qaater's, six miles from
the town. A scantling fell and struck
him on the back of the head and also
broke his nose. Mr. Kidd is now suf-
fering from concussion of the
There is an interesting fight ahead
betaveen the druggists of the Province
and the liquor license holders as to the
right to sell extracts of Malt. The
Council of the Ontario College of
Plia,tanacy, now in session at Toronto,
has received a letter from the License
Holder's Association, stating that the
extract is an intoxicant and used as a
beverage and that the license holders
will make application to the Provin-
eial authorities to so change the law
that the sale of the extract will be
brought ander the regulations of the
license department.
It was recently stated that the de-
lay in obtaining the general. service
medals was due to a change in the de-
sign Of the medal. The facts are that
the non -issue of these medals was
'caused partly by delay at the Royal
Mint in enanufacturing them and part-
ly because at the eleventh hour the
order for using the Northwest cam-
paign ribbon for the new medal was
changed and another ribbon of a dif-
ferent design authorized. Seven
thousand S6Venhundred clasps are
iloW in Ottawa, but he ribbons have
vet been received, and no issue will
take plaee until the ribbons have been
h. If your
sight is afflicted don't, fail to call and
consult him. •
If you are bitten by the kissing bug
and your lips swell up,clon't get fright-
ened and think you are going to die.
Prompt application of ordinary house-
hold ammonia will relieve the pain
and obyiate all had effects.
Out of about eighty applications,the
Listowel Public School Board select-
ed Samnel E. Beckett of Huron cc un-
ty, for principal of the School, at a sal-
ary of $575. Mr. Beckett holds a first-
class professional certificate.
Mr. A. W. Wright has been appoint-
ed. Conservative organizer, under sal-
ary, for Western Ontario. Mr. Sam-
uel Baker, of Hamilton, retains the
honorary position as general director
of organization work for the whole of
The choir and Christian Endeavor
of the Presbyterian church will picnic
at Bayfield on Tuesday next. Persons
wishing to attend may leave their
names at Miss Horne's, M. Grieve's
or S. P. Ross', Bus to leave stable at
5.30 a, na
Last Wednesday night while the
lightning flashed and the thunder
rolled, Mr. W. Wiley's barn, impIe-
naents and crop of the Parr Line,Stan-
ley,was consumed. The loss is partly
covered by insurance. Mr. Wiley has
the sympathy of friends and neigh -
The fall wheat, has been garnered
and threshing is now on so that some
estimate may be made as to its quality.
The yield of wheat from what we can
learn is better than expected and is
turning out verywell. he barley
svillbe a splendid yield though the grain
is a little dark, caused by the heavy
dews. Peas also are good.
The Council of the Ontario College
of Pharmacy has arrived at the con-
clusion that under existing conditions
the druggists were in no Wise respon-
sible for any contravention of the li-
cense laW Incurred by selling malt ex-
tracts for Medicinal purposes. The
Legislature has made no provision for
compelling manufacturers to record
the percentage of alcohol used.
We hear Much aboutgrowing times,
but one of oat citizens can break the
record. In one day his household -
domesticated and do:nestle-increased
With utieenlmen rapidity. At 5 a. ne,
tWo canine beauties yelped their way
itito the world ; at 5.80 his bovine pr&
soiled him with a prize winner, while
at 6.80 he WAS Made the father of a
bouncing boy. Congratulations are ,
being showered upon him.
Mre. Beer and son are at Grand
Barnld StancoMbe left on Friday fOr
Mee,R N, Rowe, is visiting friencle'
in Clintoa, '
Use, jonee is visng in Denfield,and
l'vraple Lodge,
W. A., MIlyard is studying dentisty
With Dr, Anderson.
James 13onthron, of Toronto, spent"
Sunday with R. H. Collins,
Miss jennie Anderson, of Anderson,
is visiting Mr. and Mrs, John 'White.
Dr. L. rollick, of St Marye, spent
Sunday here under the parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs, Luther Braund, of
Brantford are visiting their friends in
Miss Horne, milliner, is taking holt.-
days and visiting her friends in Strat-
Russ Howard, of St Marys, is holi-
daying at his home here for a few
Mrs, Fulford of St LOUIS, M0_, is
visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt
Richard fleuder has returned from
a pleasant visit with friends in SG.
W. J. IIearoan spent Sunday in Lan-
doll attending the Old Boys, demon-
Fred Treble, of St. Marys, spent the
forepart of this week under the par-
ental roof. •
Mr.Lovlace, Baerister,wife and chit d
of Muskegon Mich, are visiting at Mrs;
R Pickards.
Fred Hill returned to London on
Monday last after a; holiday with his
friends Isere.
Miss Ida, johns sang a solo with goOd
effect in Main St. Methodist church. on
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oke, and two
children, of 'Toronto, are visiting
friertds in town.
Lacrosse match Friday evening at
6 p. m., Junior Nationals, of Exeter,,
vs Beavers, of Seaforth.
R. E. Pickard, wife and family in-
tend spending a few weeks at Milford
Bay, Muskoka, shortly.
Mrs. Hemming, of Meaford spent a
few days with heason.-Mr. 11 Hein-.
ming of the Molson Bank.
• Mrs. Bolger returned to her home in
Dresden, after a few week's visit here,
with her son A. Q. Bobier. -
Messrs.D.McDonald and M. G. Clam-
eron, of Goderich,were in town yester-
day visiting R. H. Collins.
Mrs. Milyard was called to Toronto'
on Friday of last week owing to the
serious illness of a relative there.
Harry Browning has returned:home
for holidays, from Markham, where.
he has been attending College.
Mrs. Richard Seldon and Miss Annie
Seldon, of Ingersoll, are visiting Mrs.
Seldon'snioth er, Mrs. Geo. Samwell.
Mrs. Ed. Harwood and child, of To-
ronto, are guests of her mother, Mrs.
Down, anclsister,Mrs. Wm. Davidson.
Miss Hattie McCallum left oriFriday
last for Toronto, Barrie and Allendale
where she will spend a month's vaca-
Miss Susie Weekes is visiting her
brother in Watertown, N. Y., and will
visit friends in Montreal before she re-
Hortan Hodgins Miller and Fred
Simpson, 3rd con. of McGillivray spent
Sunday last with friends on Simcoe
street. •
T. H. McCallum left last week on a
two weeks trip tc, Allandale, .and
• ifferent points in Maskoka also Geor-
iari Bay.
Word has been received from Allan
McDonell, who has arrived safely in
the Old Country with a consignment
of horses.
Dr. Clinton McCallum after a yaca-
tion of two weeks, spent here and at
Grand Bend, has returned to his prac-
tise in Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Bobier and Miss
Norma Bobier, left on Monday, for a
trip to New York, Philadelphia and
Atlantic City.
T. A. Russell leaves slidrtly for the.
Old Country to bring out the Thorn'
bred cattle which his father recently
purchased in Scotland.
Rev. Millyard prea.ched the 'prepara-
tory sermon in the Presbyterian church
on .Frida,y evening last, and on Sunday
the sacrament was administered.
Mrs. Crocker and dasig,hter. :Miss
Della, who have spent a pleasant vaca-
tion • with Mrs. D. Johns and. family,
have returned to their home in Sa
Marys. • .
Mrs. Thousas intends moving to St.
Marys to reside. They will leave in a
couple of weeks. We are soreyto lose
this estimable lady and family, as citi-
zens of Plceter.
Mrs. R J. Campbell and Master Har-
old Carnfibell, of Hamilton, and Miss
Edna Blanchard, of London, were vis-
iting the Misses Balkwill, of London
Road, the past week.
Chas, Southcott, of Toronto, and
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Spackman, of
Blenheim, were in town on Friday last
enroute to Grand Bend, where they
will spend a few weeks.
mrs, Roger Crocker, of Toronto, who
has been spending the past month with
her parents,Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Treble,
returned to heik home on Monday
evening. Mr. Crocker also spent a
few days here,
Miss Annie Mill has returned home
from a pleasant visit with friends in St
Thomas and Fingal. Her cousin,
Miss Edmunds, of the 'latter place, ac-
companies her, and will remain here
for a few weeks.
Miss M. V. White left on Monday
for 'Toronto,where she themem-
bers of the press in their excursion
to the Pacifie cera,et. They will be ab-
sent 25days,and will visit all the points
of interestin Manitoba, the N. W.
and British Columbia.
Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Campbell and
children, of Alpena, Michigan, who
have been vielting their mother, Mrs.
IL Atkinson and -friends around rxet-
Luean and vicinity, returned to
their home on Wednesday morning,
accompanied. by their sifter Miss Rate
Atkinson, Who will visit around Al-
pena for a short time.
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Mrs. Wes. Snell is visiting, friends
in London.
• Miss Pearl Levitt is visiting friends
in Granton. • -• • •
Miss Hersey, of London, is visiting
friends in town. •
Mr. and Mrs. Senior spent yesterday
at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoskin. have re-
turned to Brantford. • •
Miss Fitzhenry, • of Detroit,' is the
guest of Miss Ethel 'Farmers ,
Miss er y Hicks and Hattie White
are boariing at Grand Bend. .
• A shower of rain yesterday laid the
dust and refreshened the air. ••
J. Q. Jones has reterned. home from
his trip to _British Columbia. He re-
ports a pleasant trip.
Rev. millyard on Sundaylast admin-
istered Sacrament Lb a large cungrega-
tion itfMain St. church. •
Albert Heaniask, of London, spent
Friday visiting his brother W.. I. Ma-
nual, hardware merchant.
W. Levitt and daughter, Miss Verda
spent a few days of last week visiting
Mr. Levitt's father Granton. • .
David Mill is •at Niagara, Falls,' at-
tending the Grand Lodge of the I.O.F.
as delegate for the Exeter Court.
H. E. Huston has returned home
ROYAL TEMPLARS:-A pleasant and
i profitable time was spent in the hall
of the above society a few evenings
' ago, when an open meeting of the Or-
der was given, presided over by the
Chief. Officer, M. Vincent, who filled
the chair admirably, and with his
I bounding vigor and becoming words
I svelcomed. all present: He then ex -
I claimed the benefits of the society," its,
1 objects, what it had aceouiplished for
' him, his fidelity to its principles and
\his. purposes for the future ; all thismil
being. said under his sing scoun-
tenanee made all feel . that great
1 changes had been wrought in a few
passing months, to which change he
felt • indebted to the Royal Terriplars
Society. A good program was after-.
wards preseuted consisting. of recitaa
tions,, singing and an excellent address
by Rev. C. W.' Brown, of James st.
claurch, after which ice cream. and
bananas were served to all. A siwiliar
meeting will be held Aug. 21s1.
BAGSHAW—In Exeter, on the Oth inst., the
wife of A. Bagehaw of a son.
GLANVILLE-In Stephen. on the 8th lust,
Sarah E. Martin. wife of Richard Glanville
in her 62nd year.
front Manitoba and British. Columbia, •
after a pleasant visit among friends.
Mrs. E. J. Spackman and Mrs Fow-
ell and families, have returned from a
plezisaut season in camp at the Bend.
S. A Poplestone is in Toronto at-
tending the Grand Lodge of the Qdd-
fellows, as a delegate of the Exeter.
Messrs. Melville and Alex. Martin
leave this (Thursday) morning for Mt.
Forest to play in a match with the
lacrosse team of that town. -
Mr. and Mrs IL Bishop have return-
ed. from their pleasure trip East. Mr.
B. is greittly improved in health,a fact
• whith his many friends will be pleased
Miss Bella Ileaman, of London, but
. .
who i spending the summer with her
parents at Grand Bend, spent t few
days of last 'Week visiting her aunt,
Mrs. Pickard,
On Wednesday night of last week,
Mrs. John, Watson,' beloved wife of
the township clerk of lVIornirigton,
passed, away after a lengthened illness;
in ber 00th year. Deceased had suf-
fered from a stroke some four or five
years ago, and since that time has
been in declining health. She Was one
of the early settlers: of MOrnington,
having "beers a resident of the, town-
ship for upwards of fifty years. Her
father, the late Hamilton Dowd,, of
County Monaghan, Ireland, tame to
Canada with his family in 1847, and
shortly after their arrival took Up
land in Moralaqtera The deceased
Mary Dowd. married John Watson in
1858, and they have continned to re-
side on the Watson homestead ever
e nn
Summer Dross Goods
Great Reduction sale of Sum-
mer Goods until
August 31st,
Come Right Along.
S le
Our counters will have for the
above sale the different lines of
GinghamS, Colored .1VIuslins, Ze-
phyrs, Organdies, White Muslins
iri checks a.nd stripes, Spotted
Swiss Muslins with green spot and
pink spot, All of the above lines
are choice goods and will be offer-
ed without -reserve at half price.
All goods will be marked with
present prices andas hitherto sold,
the sea.Son is passing and we want
the room. Now is the time for
you to secure a bargain—don't
We Want the Very best 'putter
you can Make, price in keeping
with it.
We have just added to 011r Ge-nt's Furnishings stock
over five hundrecl neck ties, a quantity of white and colored
shirts collars and. cuffsy unclerclothing,umbrellas and tweeds..
Boys white laundteed shirts Sizes 18
13 and 14 at 75c. .
Men's white laundriecf slfirts with
band, sizes 14 to•16 12 at 75e
Menti white laundried shirts our best
'with cuffs Si. bands sigcs 14 to 17 1-2 at
1.00. ' •
, ''ens flannelette and colored cotton,
shirts from 506 up, ' •
New shapes in Gents' collats 15 and
Kens Balbriggan shirts and drawers,
each 25c.
2 piece bathing. suits 75e.
• Gents mnbrellas, steel roclailunainum
tinned, guaranteed fast black 1;00.
Gents standup or turn down collars,
2 for 25c.
• . We have lust placed in stock over 500 Ladies' and
Gent'.s neck ties direct. from the nianufactor, among thein are
the newest shades. and.shapes in neckwear.
Feu : SALE CliTIAP.-Sixelviog Ind
counters:for a- general. store. • Apply
to W„ LEVET-T. ,
kerG %FOR SALMI -A one -hors
8-spriug wa,ggon, neaely new, for sal
cheap.' • Apply to Some AtcheNis.
Lor. -A gold forgetane-not stick
pia on 'Main st. Finder.' will be l'e-
warded by leaving: at Trams office.
• AT THE STATima.-•!The Sutherland -
Innes Co. this week made their .first
shipmenthf 10 car loads of staves and
headings, to .New York. -Prior and
Armstrong ,shipped bogs, H. Willert,
lambs to Buffalo,, while Wes.' .Snell,
:shipped three .car loads, o'f cattle to
Montreal. Veryalittle grain is coming
to the -elevator.,
*TAMES ST. CFrOTECEL - Quarterly
meetingservices• will be beld in James
st, church next Sunday morning.
The Love -feast in the schoolroom will
begin 'at 9.15.- Preaching service '
the usual hour 10.30,' followed by re-
ception of new'members'and the Sacra-
ment of the Lord'e Sup es. In the
Isilburres stetting. headache powders •
are the -worst headache in from five'
'to twenty minutes, and leave no bad
after effect. One powder 5c„3 powders
10c., 10 powders 25c.
Wholesale & Retail
i /
Barley, Peas, Oats Com
• Big Stock on Hand
Prices Right.
evening tberastor, 13rown, B. EVITT S FAIR
D., will exchange pulpits with the Rev .
R. Milyard of Main st Church.
THE ICISSIN6 BUG. -The scare that
hes -been' eveated about this kissiug
bug is basedon neieconception The
scare'seems git.:itest among the ladies.
There is really no'fie,ed.fpr feaa, as the
(henries are that notone 'in ten thou-
sand will ever see a kissing bug. much
less exPerience uniels barn' from a kiss
by one. The dreature is not a, new
thing. ft, has long been known to na-
turalists and it is not at all likely it
will ever over run Canada, like the
potato beetle. The creatuae is not poi-
sonous. What it 'istooking after is a
place to deposit its eggs, so as to con-
tinue the race. It likes to put an egg
here and .there in bernan Muscle, and
generally takes the. night to perforni
this act. The eggs thus deposited
cause the paia and swelling. Many
of the so -celled cases of bug kissing a :e
imaginary the bites have beau by
mosquitoes or other insects.
FOUND HIS CIIAIN.-- Some months
'ago while lawyer I. R. Calling was in
the Stephen swamp bunting rabbits,
he had the misfortune to lose hischain.
Mr Carling prized the chain as it is
a valua,ble one given him by his fa-
ther, and he searched for days to find
it. Finally he' advertised it in TELE
TIMES, offering a reward of $20 to the
finder. Hearing nothing of the chain
he gave it up as lost. A few days ago
while John Ressler aucl his sop, a
small boy, were passing through the
swamp, the hoy in passing scale un-
der -brush, felt something strike him
on the face. He thought it was a
. snake, and called to his father to kill
it. Further exanamatioa revealed a
watch chain dangling from a small
twig, which no doubt had caught and
tore rt from 14r. Darlings yest. • The
boy remarked that it might be Mr.
Carling's chain which was advertised
in the EXETER Tpans some time ago.
Mr. Ressler brought the chain to Ex-
eter on 'Thesday, and received the $20.
This is the moral to advertising in the
'Tams; once read never forgotten.
' The Main st. M eth; church choir
will join with the Presbyterian choir
and Christian Endeavor, in a -picnic
to Bayfieldgin Tuesday nexta It is ex-
pected the choir from Goderich, un-
der the lead ersh fp of Mr. Bi oclerick,
will also' partittipate.
Exeter Municipal Council.
Council met pursuant to a djourn-
ei t, at Town Hall.
Manures of previous meeting were
read :sad confirmed. .
uir-Armstrong that tenders for
theapa,yement be laid over for further
consideration. Carried.
Evans- Muir- That the following •
natounts be passed and ordees deawn
on Treasury for same, viz :- J. Creech
part salary, 300; W. Ford stone, 350;
J. W Creech labor, 31250 ; Walter
Westcola labor, $10 ; John Veil labor,
$12.50 I Chris, Smith labor, $12 50 ;
Thos. Hatter, sr., labor $10 ; Rus-
sel labor, $12.50 ; Ed Runt labor, 32;
S Handford labors $4,50 ; Thos, Wels-
ster labor, $10 T Hatter, Ir.. la hoe,
31.90; Wm. Young labor, $L50 • Thos
'cVelsh labor, $5 ; Heywood labor,
$2 Geo Codniore boa $10 : Jas
, ,
Taylor drawing tile $7,50; 5 13aeker
street -watering $18; Electric light
and Power Co., lighting to Ang. 1st
• $78.96 ; Sas Creech charity to Mrs.
Sutton, .
Taylor - Armstrong That the
ReeVe and Treastiver he eurpoWered to
borrow for cutrent expenses requir,
rd to the amount of $1000. Carried,
Evans- Armstrong- Council ad-
jonrned to call of Reeve. Carried.
G Ei 01
• . e
Fruit Gems, Fruit Fillers, just the
thing for filling fruit germs.
Chair seat ,s Fly Traps, Wire Meat
Covers, Pie Lifters. '
Market, Lanchg Work and Lamp
baskets -
Stationery and Smallwares.
See our new striped I peice setts and
Finit Dishes, 13oquet holders, Out
Flovver Receivers, Water Glasses and
Soda, Biscuits, Iced. Sultana,
Jam Jam Cakes,
Best Mixed Candy 8 cts lb for this
week only.
• Agents for Parisian Steam Laundry,
of London, first class work done.
Levitts' Fair
---- -
We are clearing out our
stock of Brockville buggies at
greatly reduced prices, in or-
der to make room for our fall
trade of cutters,
just three Brockville buggies left
and tbey are Very line indeed. '
We have a couple of second band
buggies in good order, which we offer
cheap. In addition to our horseshoe -
leg and jobbing trade, we also re -cut
axles on old. buggies which do away
with so many washers and makes a,n
old buggy rim 8mooth and slick again,
Call and see our stock 'this
is our last offer for bilogies
this season. The laruest car-
riage dealer in town.
W. H. Parsons.
4 tons now in
Do you know our flour trade in-
creasee every week , it does beeause
NVO have
W. Trevethic