HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-10, Page 1TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR NO 32.
Cf. J. Sutherland, Notary peeee noavoy 13,n•IEVa•--nusauslMrs. jam
aneer, Corieniesioner, Pun Insurance agent Oen
Moeee to lean on real estate at low rates of
• and essurer ee Marriage Licenses, Legal dive
merits earetelly drawn at rcesoniono rates
embroiaorics D. COORie.
eereet OiTice at the Post oince.Reesall.
HURON & 1V11
5,11.1rt Waists
Stiniicr Skirts
Glovcs hilts
Shirt IlTaists
Clearing sale of
Shirt Waists at 50c, worth 75
to 1.00. -
Crash Skirts
their 12011443'
gone to the greet Falls of
We hope Jim will nob lose hi
heed bet ratan/ safelye-Rep
• A Mr, Doupe, of Kiele ten, has
Gilfillen's stock of dry goods
eries,and intends to do bush).
Success. -Mr, and lire. O. Qiti
away in London this weele,-
aaciclent happened on the G. T
Craig on Tuesday, Two frieo-
e 11'
ChoiCe of our
Crash Skirts for $1.00. These
goods were selling at 1.75.
Clea.ring at $1.00
Gloves\ & Mitts
In Omani, Tam
Dark Brown and Black, for
leer priee 25 to 35e, elearepg
at 18.
LaGes Solicitor, Notary Puelic, ont,
{Le -to with. Gerrove Proudfooe Barrister
1N6 .Wd8i1 000aS
Soliery, L. D. S., D. D. S,. Ronal. serene.
In swiss or lawn
all widths and goods seetterns
at price from 3c to 20c.
. Lace edgeings, Lace
insertions, any kincl of lane at
all kinds df prices from 1 to
• Wash GoodS
&1Ishads in that
popular in stripe, for ladies'
waists at 12ec.
Men's Furnishings.
We can boiler you
for 12ect, and cuff you for 20c, '
in any style.
Men's .Shirts
Soft bodied shirts
in small checks and stripes,
cuffs attached, collar detach-
ed, selling at 69c.
Unlaundried Shirts
This shirt is worth,
75c ems linen bosom and bands
reinforcedfronts and bitckseen
double stitched,speciel at 48ce
Fall goods are arriving and we are compelled to clear out Summer Stock to make room.
Here are a few of the goods that will be sold during the next few weeks at, prices that will
-dear them out.
:SCREEN DOORS All kinds in regular sizes.
1,door varnished, natural wood, vexThandsozne, reg 1.50, now 1.00.
2. natural wood. varnished suitable forfront doors 1.25, now 85c
3. tf painted, strong and durable, reg 1,00, now 60c.
-SCREEN WINDOWS, all kinds and sizeS, your -choice for 25c.
'HARVEST and We have a very large stock of' these in all kinds and all prices.
TH RES HERS See our new warranted Buckskin: mitts, they are best ..Binding
CLOVES mitts 20c up.
Why wear out your machine by usingpoor oil, We can give you the
highest grade very low prices.
Harves Tools
Highest price for butter and
All we ask in these goods is comparison of quality and
prices. We have the quality, let us surprise you with the pric es.
Cgg8 Bishop it Son Exeter
9 3
St 1VIa,rys Staffa
ememewee eneemeeeesameneneene,
BRIEFS.- Wednesday evening the I 33erans.--During a recent electric BRIEFS. -Council met
with the Y. C. A. club, on the island,
and succeecled in defeating the home
team by a very substantial score. On
both sides, during the contest, consid-
.erable ability was displayed. in playing,
but a combination of Ailsa Craig„ . rs. es. Hamiltore-The ann-
Lucien and Orediton was a little too i nal fall fair of the Ilibbert agricultural
much for our fellows, consequently societyewill be held in this village on
the match was awarded, in favor of • Monday and Tuesday, September ,25th
the visiting team. The reenre meta land 26e11. --Miss Janet Smale is at pre-
-will sent suffeeing from an attack of
-will shortly be played. in Orediton.
I pleurisy. We hope soon to see her
sexs rn ite out age -tire -Mr. and Mrs. John Miller
_._ are re.joicing over the arrival of a
BRIEES.-Miss Nettie johnston, of bouncing baby boy. -Mrs. James Bar-
'Rogerville, is engaged at, Mr. A. wilds , Lour had the misfortube to step on a
Long's for a short time. -There was no '} rusty nail on Sunday last and has since
service here on Sanciay last owing to been confined to the house nursing a
the Quarterly Meeting service in Main i very sore foot but it is hoped she will
St Church Exeter. -Miss 13. Warren is soon be able to use it again.
Orediton baseball club played a gctrue
- -
, i Jeffery had one of his fine and transactecl considerable business.
colts killed by lightning. ---Mr. J. Norris -The voter's list for the township has
M. A is spending his holidays with been completed and is the most cdr-
his friends in these parts. -Miss Gor- rect issued for years, very few names
don 'of Se Marys. Mrs. Davis and being omitted. There will not likely
daughter, of Toronto,are the guests of ' he anY appeals this year. -F. Seigner
If . • it is rumored intends starting. a hard-
ware store in Orediton. - New fall
wheat has turned out well, some ex-
cellent samples having been brought
to the mills Geo. Dewar, of the Sateble
line north delivered a load the other
day which tested 62 pounds to- the
bushel.-Itenry Pfaff threshed 700 biesin
els from 20 acres. Other yields are
equally good.- The fall fair will be
held on 20th and 21st Sept. --Major
Johnson is improving, though still
confined to his room. We hope to see
him out soon. ---The Railway Company
in London intend. a It`
home from Mr. Jas. O'Brien's and
Miss Mary Northcott has gone to fill
the position. -The Misses Sickle and
Sarah Northcott have returned from
ford. --The carpenters are putting the
their positions he Orediton and Thed-
yell of fire • eervnaepeoBros. n -
roof on John Oripbelrs±7 house. di t iteu e ear at quite a ! f.
ld b h d tend sTtaieting
t this
s auce. seerns the boys who are! a . us will be a long fele want
g e respec-
nye Municipalities through which, the
Elimville I proposed road to Goderich is to run,
!Oat; abebOsleleilLS;rtb
FIRE. - On Sunday. about 11.30
smoke was seen issuing in dense clotsds structed. The Governrnene refused
near William Woods been • d h hen t "
large enough to have known better, suPplted.--1VIonsieur Owounhtin! is supply.
Central i a
--, were trying- to set fire to some butter - ing tolciestiest ships ing with Mrs. Bowslaugh.-Mr. Wm, e
Munn -Mrs. Sabine, London, is visit-
. iii es on a shock of oats, and the result tires gtohoadassivnhoel:rileotsp.ricTeig.le ordinary
wdas nearly two acres of oats were burn-
last Sunday in the Methodist church. e . .
Haggith preached an ev'ellelit sermon Had the wind been more west the re -1
ere the fire could be extingtiished, ! wwahsolaeshalegrestilaeretktna jihoseitp.i" onTle.ext
1 cl.t
-1Veisses Lillie and Ruth Rollins, of sults align t have been woes 1 ti cl. '.4
Exeter, visited their cousin, elm A.
Hicks, on Thursday, of last week. -
The Woe:tans' Missionary Auxiliary
had a good attendance on Tuesday, at
Mrs. H. Wilson's. -Next Sunday is
"Old folk's" day. A special sermon
-will be preached he the evening to the
old people by the pastor, and oh Tues-
day evening the old folks will be enter-
aained. by the League. ,Let all old boys ing soon -John Brima- loyally by the prozenter in all his en -
Martin and wife of Kinburn, were the suPPort ht. T. wod SO bP P
nigtis. our millionaires from
Banors._ _David Rowoiffe met wibb Montreal were inet at Seaforth, by Mr.
quite a bad accident, at 1Vm. Row- Contine and several other gentlemen,
cliffe's threshing. last week, by sieving and driven to the nesv city in great
a pitch fork run nearly through the estate, headed by the 'Zurich Jubilee
palm of his hand -Win. Chovven, of, band. There was it large crowd pre -
Anderson, and son-in-law Rev. C. sent. Speeches were made by the
Smith, of Illinois, were the guests of visitors from. the, first, story of the
MT. Skinner on Sunday.-Lietenl did I large hotel, in which they aeged the
hear some one say there was going to people of the nei hie h d
,ancl girls fronl far and near, at cons be still continues very loiv.-jas, 'terprises and iflitel is given the ro er
b •
o stand
Mr. Mary Cantelon, late of Clinton,
who has =imaged the Coyne Houee,
Mt. Forest, for the past eceiple of years
has sold out his lease and given up
possession. He perposee, however,
eertgaging in the same business else -
- once, e as it. will seve trouble W
, oseph Hawkins laee week ___ oae of the greetesb distributing centres
ft is reported that Wien Robibson has .; on tile face of the earth. Th-ose pre -
on ecome
rented John Kella,nd's farms, north of _nseee report having spent a ood eime,
Kirkton, for a terna of years. --We beg w
to inform the public that the rumor
that was circulated on Our boys who
witnessed the sports in Ste Marys on
July 10th was it 'very false one. It
will be well ie the parties correct it at
A. Rate oe Tepees° ienivoreite, Dentists, Teeth
extracted Without pain or had effects. Otlice an quite a sinasham
:0in Pettees Meek, Rename at Zurich every __et is oar sad day tins anon to env)
1Iva:it: artyni 11,rei.nzies:tilostittneee:eLinseg0.1111:7i na,rnoetsr„ i vx3: icle the death of one of our to
worth.- Minnie Westaway left here irtpalhget,is: IsideaymbeoLfo.vjaeAsdtrenowviieftee4kg,oef,atjefoattliiin,velAvdhrinoci
on Wednesday to visit het. brothers was the cause of her death. Tee d
, she in Leeds remaining for some time.-- -3
and sisters. in Bearitforil and where ceased had been up on a tame paperie
of leensall, speub the Past few deers in
'i Prise Ida Hallam of 'Mitchell, formerly eine a mis-step caused her to fail 1
such a manner as to cause' death
. 1 this village, renewing acquaintances, last, despite an that medical aid an
1 --,Quarterly service was held.at Beth 'Which took plaee on Sunday evenin
!mitt on Sunday morning lase quite, were taken to Brinsiey on Tues
kincl hands could do. Her r
a number from. the village attendieg. interment. . The bereaved e
There wae no service in the Methodist has the sympathy of the entir
chetah here in the rnorning.-Miss nmeity, as he is left wieh. two
Martha Hunter is in ()Hilton this week children to battle -Wall the
visiting' ' friends.s-Miss Minnie Cox- Deceased was a daughter of Mr.
worth and MISS WeStaWaY were in London road,
Seaforth oe Monday last. -T. M. I-Iig.-
gins, barrister of Toronto, accompan- le/sad/ton
ied by Mrs. Higgins, visited his sister
. Mrs. W. C. Davis for a few days last COLLTNS&BTANTB--IJRY.-Burristers,0
week.-Robt, Carlisle, of Ripley, is in rinncsearnedNsotaar,isesta.ieitteueryEBxe.teionpht. teR,.svuti wre.
friends. Ile together with his partner
the village visiting his parents and earthy, Osier a co. Barristers) Toronto.
have sold their beakless in Ripley and One.° HoLmAv.--Tharsclay, Aug. 17
intend stereing hardware business in has been proclaimed civic holiday for
Manitoba. --The flew watering cart the village. The day will be spent at
purchased by the council, was tested Gra.nd 13end, NV here a progt.amaie of
on Tueseaye R works satisfactorily but games will be provided and liberal
the next queseion is the water.-eirs. prizes contested for. Also a ba,seball
3 -ernes Beattie. of Clinton is visiting match between the single and married
her sister Mrs. W., Bee MeLean.---L. men. Credit= band will enliven the
Harold, wife and family are spending proceedings. Everybody, farmers and
a few weeks with friends in Toronto all, iuyited to join in spending a jolly
and Buffalo. ---Miss Petty, of Toronto them at Lake Huron. Remember the
who was home visiting her mother date, Thursday, Aug. 17th, and tell
has returned to the city. -G. O. Petty your friends.
made a business trip to Winghain this DBATU OF MRS. GLeavreLne-Sara.h
week.-IVIrs. W.13. McLean was recent- B. Afartyn, wife of Richard Glanville,
lY Presented with a life membership
day of this week, at the age of 02 yrs,
of the 11th con. Stephen, died on Tues.
to the Hensel' Auxiliary of the Foreign
. .
after an illness of about two Missionary Soceety.-eliss Forbes, 0 weeks.
visiting her parents,
Seaforth was:in the village this, week or some time she had suffered slight -
Mr. and Mrs. teleramfreonamoarestoroaeh trouble, which he-
iJsclIvnisiMtlentihisetrer'a";116etrskeFs. 'freeleceDnoist: 1..clo'f expected death. Mrs. Glanville
acute, ause her
of Exeter visited friends here this week.
Teippeu, this week. -The Misses Zinger thieiles'neiuntuOitnrrynwwaiitIbBbnegre ptanraeutesanew
-Miss O. V. Smith, very pleasantly quite young. They settled in Darl
entertained a number of friends on tea township, and. where she mar
Monday evening lase -Mrs. J. D. Dick
(nee 1Vliss Carrie Chapman) of Clarks- nlvii.to%-yGedlawnevslitletoilithtehetoYvvenals.hilro5i ST
burg is visiting her parents Mr. and hwebnicihn t1h8e°y1 ahnacivtusrincli:esezelesaidfeekin,
Mrs. William Chapman. --Miss Sellery
of Kincardine, visited her brother, Dr. was highly esteemed by a large ci
Sellery this week. -James Bonthron is of eriends,who toeether with her
absent spending a few weeks vacation. eaved husband and nine childr
Will Elder is taking his place in me- mourn an irreparabl 1
Donald's hardware. -Mrs. Mowbray is
visiting her daughterin Wlaitechurch.
--Mr. audeIrs..Tatnes Murray,of Exeter
visited Mr. Murray's parents Sunday
last.-MissFord of Duluth formerly of
this neighborhood is here renewing
acquaintances. -A fruit evaporator is
about to be started in this village at an
early date.
i and eigned by Reeve and Clerk. Colin- I
cil adjourned to nieet in the l'ovvnEfali
ee Ander- Orediten, on
Septembe • 4 -
S having
s hat or
ort says,
bought Y.
encl groc-
ees here,
gley are
. le.near
ht trains
Ralln. Emmen, Oieric tiSt eCelVe
ConNOIL.-Council met on
the 7th day of August. All present.
An application of 8. S. No. 10, for the
issuing of two debentiires of $2e5.00
each with interest at 4,1 %, was pant- Best value ever shown in Zxoter,
ed and e bye-law ordered tq be pre -1 in Ladies', Misses and Mens. wear,
pared by the Olerk for next ineetin
resulted. , of 0 The rates for this year I, Also a Complete line of
atc.N11 New PrintS
GRoomirs, oRooLER7, GLASS.
ate, .
Hs;ware a fell range of
Lovely leattetae.
J. P Rosa
re- ' were struck as follows :--For Coe
o- purposes $20e1, rate 1 15/100 mills ;
le Township perposes $3550, rate 2 mi
n for general School purpoees, $2289,,r
b 1 3/10 mills; 8 8 No 2 $225, rate 2 mi
e- No 10 $285; rate 1 8/10 mills ;
a No 145150, x.ate 0/10 U $
a 18 885.30,rate 2 rnills;S 8 No 3 $150,r
, 9/10 mills No 6 5100 rate 9/10mills;8
S No 7 $450, rate 2 ; S $ No 9,
$92,75, rate 1 8/10 ; 8 NO
emains 5201.70, rate 2 mills ; 8 No 8 $123,
day for rate 1 1/10 mills ; S No 1 $125, rate
usband 1 5/10 ; 8 No 12 $145, rate 1 3/10
e cow- mills ; 88 No 1 $91 rate 25/10 znills;
small U S $ No 15 $87.10, rate 7/10 ; S S
world No 11 1
$ 00, rate 1 2/10 mins LLlljjS ; separ- beenes._
smith ate S S No 1 $217.00, rate 1 1/10•
A special rate of 2 mills on the Assess -1 Wood learn
Orders were° issued on the treasurer
went of tbe Police Village was levied,
for the following amounts ; 11. Miller COLLINS & STANBT.T,111'.-Barristors,Convey
freers, Notaries ete.,..hxater Ont. R 331 C
°aver' centre t S•
R. Col -
.1(0 ; Th, Tiunbull
lake gravel, $5.00 Magel working
.grader, 57,63; Galster work C re,
$1.25 • W Gram cleaning road 0 le,
$85.75'; /Hildebrand stone 0 R, $3.00;
F. Signer cutting thistles 0 R, 52.00;
A Tieclinan expeuses re 33, ot Health,
$7.05; P. W. Faencombe expenses re
O'Brien and Becker awards 557.25; P
Etess, sr., registering B M and D,
$14.20 • Do postage $9.17 ,• Ortwein
rep cui con 13 50 ce t • J
. , . G. S anburr B. A, pato with Me-
Carthr, Osier, 84 Co. Barristers, Toronto),
Mr. David Gadke, of Seaforth, spent
Sunday lase with his brother, Fred.
--Miss Porter retureecl to her home in
Se. Marys, after spending a week with
her friend, Mies Annie Abray.--A good
congregation attended the Quarterly
meeting service on Sunday .n-,iornin,,,e-
Ie.st.-Mrs. Major, of Mich., is the
guest of Mrs .Tohn Oo eland this week.
-Mi', aecl Mrs, ,To,s. eaver and Mr.
e Ismer Geo. Beaver returned to their home in
repairing grader $3.75 ; S Jacobie St. Marys on Monday lase, after
graveling Goshen line $12.50 ; O. spending a'few days with Mr. and Mrs.,
Beachler graveling Goshen line $12•50; S. Ford,- Mr, Jno. Prowse has greatly
TA Curry rep cu.1 eon 6, 50 cents' E , improved the appearanee of his ho e
Troyer culyeet 6 9 r
D Nichol
graveling con 2 & 3, $12.60; S. Rennie
lumber, 512.130; Do grading and two
culverts and spikes, $10.25 ; J Sehilbe
Plowing sideraad $1.00 ; F. Hess
printing $1.50. Council will meet
again on Monday the 4tb day of Sep-
Lin-tember at 2 o'clock p. ee. Contracts
for gravelling centre road will be let at
eerease the township hall on Friday Aug. 25th
lig at 7 o'clock p.
lege Fetki HESS, Clerk.
hey Gra.nd Bend
Bnenns.-Threshing is the order of airtenre speonindienognaTwheuerksawayitohe flatisetund•seeikn,
sKe`-` the day, the farraers count on a good Stratford.ng to unavoidable cita
i;serl!,11 was visiting friends in thie vicinity.-- I ests of the C. 0.-F has been postponed
year', -Ge A. Postereeof Carmel:1,141am, cumstances the sermon' in the inter -
en, i It is our sect duty, this week to record -Messrs A. J. and Alfred Ford whea-
1 the death of Luther Statton who
y le eeection of a neat picket fence
across the front of his place.---Alise
Manning returned to her home in
Steatford on Satnrclay last, after a
weeks vacation with her friend, Miss
Nettie Switzer.--1Vlis Lucy Nixon, of
St. John's, is visitiug her aunt Mrs.
Robe Edwards. --Mrs, Tames Swallow
left last week for Clinton, where she
will spend a. week or more visiting rel.
atives.--Robt. Edwards has the con-
tract for the new Methodist elmrch
Bethel appointment, Grant= circuit.
-Mrs. Jno. Swallow and Moyne re -
• .Bninns.- William Davidson, who
went to tbe Northwest in bhe spring,
is returning borne cm the account
of ill -health. --One by one the old set-
tlers are being gathered to their re-
ward. On Wednesday evening Mr.
DeCoursey, sr., died at the residence
of his son, Daniel, in the township of
Logan, having attained the aood old
age of 85. He had lived in the town-
ship since it was first settled, end was
respected by alarge number of friends.
-On Tuesday evening the residence
of John Jordan, on the edge of the
town, was burnt to the ground, with
all it contents, as there was no person
home to give the alarm. It is very un-
fortnnate for Mr. Jordan, as not even.
the family's clothing was saved._On
Tuesday evening Peter Gallney, on
the 12th concession of L
. er re-
mains will be interred in the Exeter
cemetery on Friday. Deceased was a
sister of J. B. Martyn. •
BRIEFS. --Benj. Eilber, of Ubly,
Mich., and Mrs. Scott end family of
Philadelphia., are guests at T. Eilber's.
Eilber, M.P.P. is in Niagara Falls
attending the High Court of the I. O.
P. as a delegate of the local lodge._
Dr. Rivers is in Montreal, with Mrs.
R. Walker, wbo is unclergoieg an op-
eration in the hospital there. Mrs.
Walker has been very ill for some
time. We hope she may be benefited
therehy.--3eliss _Masterly, of Albro, is
visibing at John Wein's.--The flax
mills are in full operation, some 40 In-
dians beng engaged pulling flax. -W.
Clarke's new residence has been en-
closed. -Rev. Ila,uch, of Berlin, a fut-
ure Missionary to Japan, preached in
the Evangelical church on Sunday
ruorning last. His discourse was liigh-
ly-pleasing and interesting.
The Connell convened at the Town
Hall, Orediton, on August 7th. All
members present. Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved. Resolved
that the Reeve inspect certain drains
_, the put in by .T. V. Taylor on L. R. E. and
contents destroyed by fire. Although
misfortune to have his nevv barn and { the council. Resolved that the Reeve
L R W b - '
, ie next meeting of
' a,nd Councillors 3rearle and ' er
there is an insurance of 51,701) o theinspecb the 8rd side road between lots
tevproperty the loss will be serathas. One 20 and 21, con. 11, and let such gradin,
erifitherok;Eloliws aitrricsointrzeinngo,edtoiseautnaoyi;t: contrant as they may deem advisable.
is the name of the gentleman that has
eery. -Wesley Waite, of Woodstock, paid for part burial expenses of Mr.
Willera-Hicks-that eight dollars be
purchased Mr. Cameron's basin .
. Carrick. -Carried. Yearley--Sweitzer
e will wale and see what' kind of' a, culvert at 8hapton's corner, and the
-levet 0 ' oi Hick inspect the
weight he is. -On MonelaSe evening Sauble bridge, on Exeter s'd . cl
about 10 p. mu., the fire alarm sounded.
Mr. Burgess, who lives ne.et door, no-
ticed fire in the residence of George
Mathiesore anceeave the alarm. The
fire department were soon on hand,
and with plenty of water had the fire
out in a few minutes. It is Et mystery
how it commenced. --The Stuart alin-
ing Co. raised the addition to their
mill on Tuesday- evebing.---Mr. 13eggs
has improved since be had
the have all necessary repairs macle.---Car-
, n
ried, Hicks -Yearly -That Gottlieb
Braun be appointed collector of taxes
for 1890, at a salary of $90, and that a
by-law be pissed confirming such ap-
pointment. -Carried. Resolved that
the clerk and Mr. Hicks make plans
for cedar culvert on London Road op-
posite lot IL and thnt the clerk aciver-
p tis e for tenders for the coneeruceion of
niYottichsel'roakblee0ntojliti°e6dartrYound again for Passed:-Ableinson Bees.. gradingLon-
last, but win adnral eeea":e,..cekhsoofno12ionwdiSn.gRo.rd'e'Srsauwbelree''
some time.-Alr.and Mee. Ilurritt went doe roac1 $8 ;IT McKeever, culvert S
to Brantford on Pride, ft • 13, $2.75 ; Cobrad Walpee, Culvert,
13, $4; eibraltam culvere
5 con, $5 ; Rhode and O svotk on
4th S. R. 510,75; John Rhode, road
allowance $10 : Thos. Kesele, gravel
con $11 ; Fred Koehl, comm. N. P.
$2.50 :Handford, gravel contracts,
$59,45;11,. Habdford, week on boundary
between 131c1clulpb and Stephen, $0 ;
W. nueton gravel $17.01 ; W. D. San -
dela gravel 865 ; Grigg & McOoritick,
contrete N. 13. $11 . Geigg & McCorna
gt ve rontrat. , bloeke 10 a,ba
$16.4'7 ; C. Finkbeinee, rep culvert,
con 10, $2 ; P. Dislarcliee Nvork on A.
and R. eon $3.80 ; J, Tenant emnin Ise
s. ; 'eVrn. curvert and
o o
and other re reehments visit at Mr. Verity's rrmn there
were in strong evidence, as Was also theY go to Mnekoka.-Onee more
big heads the next der. St. Joseph is 'death claimed one of our citizens.
bound to advance, -0-. Fritz hes added [ Looisa wifs Of Mr, Parley died
another line to his "stoek. Charlie is VridaT ninrnieg at 1()nelnek She had
Appel has puts. been siek for a number of yeare and
chased beef intevest i.0 'Zeller's hard, lint ahie tn he nuP1 13e -
are sorry to say they were of the ware, and the firtn Will hereafter he sides a sorrowing husband, three
fairer sex.-- George Miners went to known as APPel & Zeller. We wish enng are left--Georgee the Novtle-
London last Fri ay and returned t_lie new firm every seceess. -Elder we - -
eithe oniceen faiet4n near Mitchell,
toi'e I again on Saterday evening.; he tepotts) ganelie ef Chicago, preached a splend anc enry In '1.011in o. Mr. Berley
a pleasant trip, aid;.hot time still no- miselonary sermon in the Methodist lived AA a fArril about two miles from
What W. G. BisSett says 0
'Rail's Eritigh Seven Mixtures,
hieve eased "Flail's British Sesiett
ing le the city Oyer tile street rail- I' ehOrell SunclaY last --Ma lie 13
-Mixtures'. foe it number of Years, and
ate Levet without it in tny stable., It
is invaluable as a dressing in all cots,
Brinker plank and rep culvert $I ; .1, I
Joseph on Saturday, their teem ran fl.4endS on SatnrdaY hist.
'wounds, and eitike on horse, Also AS away', considerably injuririg the ri - • - - Daleiel geavel $10.58 ; W. R. Essery, ,
ti, nutmeat for strains. swellings, lame' women who Is Week, nervous and is supposed that It "Wad" fell out of elle , se nne especially to her husband, but it I man, gravel contr;tet 510; .1. It John,
bet the . p s escaped ittiliete. i A trian's \We shoold always be the comm IetS, R. $4.75 ; George Iteller. i
,IleSS, sore bilme'..t an.,,,,cl W. G. can' sleeplete, and'Wba has cold hitnds and /rig onto the horses' heels, causing the ; she is Weak and nervaus, and AS6S Car- I eton,statate label? refued $6 ; $.8weits
no_t be snrPaSSeelo r "Ts fIce°,...."..T. feet, earmot feel and act like a well team ta become frithtened, with the ter's Iron Ijills she tannob he for they ter rep culvert $1.50. By -his wIV 8
. 0
elatultaetnrea and sola by L''' litir4 peeeon. Carter's Iron Pille eqtudiee above result. 14ft. ". should un- I make her "feei like a different person" and 9 for appointing a collector atict
on ick a, 1 ti 11
way s Atideew and sister,
Mies Laura, of Clonstauce, visited their
brother and relatives on Saturditer and
Sundays Chas left on Tuesday, Aug.
86h, for the 'Western country,going by
boat via, Owen Sound to Port William;
be expects to go as tar west :is 'York -
ton, N. W. T., and call on john A.
Gregory an old time friend,
••,• 4.••••144,01..
r os-
senberry is out. harveeting these days.
--elm. F. W. lIess and sister, left last
week for t110Ath'S visit With friends
111 Ramitton and other oi
three year, ago, when
they moved. to town. --john ahappel
from I.Urkton WaS in town seeing. his
friends on, Sunday arid liEendev.-Mrs.
DOegherey and farnily event/ to Gertricl
Berl I
RBNAWAY.-While 0Ontine, Of t a'Y ruo(Tal Fe.° atiwtis grading con 12, 0, 8, 3 and 4
nem -- 'xi
St, Joseph fame and several Capibith Pe an e 50 ; n. Esseen (advert 1st S. R. 83 a.
ists, of montrea'1, were driving to St. from Wincheisea Were 111 tOV41 Frilt,SY, initial for Mr. Carrick $8
ditch O. R, $7 artist and others,
he circulation kOnietrVe E0tVtitiSTOSS8 ICIat104
0 LUTZ iota t 46h d r 6 h6,1i
gt es Pe g an es
in Zurich, and the accident ten they all say,,and their hue-bandconodurig ievyib$, tura for 1800,ave been ayetted te bon. s aity being teadthe tune WAS passed oeal Oil for Cattle
peacefully away Motida,y. i ect ,oveekvetro osee0tehcleiirtonfr,ioenndk;rDidrayRoifvelarsst.
Parents and feniely have our syn- !They say the Dr. has a splendid prac-
pathy.-Miss Beatrice Robinson, of 1 tise and is as lively as ever.. -Arrange-
Exeter, is the is
of Miss Allie Mol- I raents are being made to hold a series
/excl.-To-day is OlvicIloliday of Park- I of Tent nieetino'S in B. Beaver's grove,
hill, Dashwoocl and Grand Bend. commencing-, .tuga 27, Partict 1 e
will be given later.
Deputy Farr voted for Holmes in
On Monday at hie residence, in Gocle-
rich, there passed to his rest at the ad-
vanced age of 82 years and 6 months, mon times. This is surely
William Walter.
wort 6 a registrarship.
Sole agents for the Ellwood Wire Fences, for lawns,
parks, fields, etc.
The balance of our Binder Twine, Barb Wire and
Harvest Tools at cost.
Both Canadian and American Coal Oils always in stook.
Sole agents for the
None better. A full line in stock. Prices Right,*
Iii 4 •
.ready-lnnted paints .we sell the best, the Elephant
brand also the Elephant Pure Lead, use no other.
No trouble to show goods.
Call and see as.
W. J. IiJEAi1AN,