HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-3, Page 8THE EXETER TILES .ts1i Store. alisamour wessigssafsessionatossmstramansummitessaM..1 We aro pulling down and rebuilding, enlarging our store for greater business but everything is in ship shape in our present store no dust nor dirt there and we are giving very close prices on lines, we are clearing at quick -selling prices. Best quality German print, Indigo dye, guaranteed fast colors nee yd. Teunks, travelling bags and tele - Scopes, stock large and complete. Trunks from 2.00 to 5..00 Travelling bags from $1 tu $4 Telescopes from 450 to $1.50. Get our prices on .Tetu Jam Crowe. Brand, improved make, IL will pay you, , Quick selling price on musliee and !Organdies. The balance of our stock II of choice in nelins and organdies to be cleared at 10e. yd, our former prices I were 12, 15, 17, 20 25c, your pick now " for 10e .1 p.eices Goblin Art Draperysuit- able for draperies and coverings, regu- lar price was 25c, very special at 12Se y 1 Dinner plates best quality wheat I pattern for gale& selling 69c cloz, BOOTS & SH ES Excellency a qeality. The best goods by the best makers The John Mc- Pherson & Cc.% and the J. D. Ring Oo„ are second to none and better than most. Just received, al large shipment a new and nobby shoes of all kinds button and lace. Ladies, 1Viisses and childreusnew styles and new shapes, if you have a shoe thought come and examine our stock. DOING BUSINESS FOR CASH. This store closes at 6 30 p m; excent Wednesdays and Saturdays J. A STEWART INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN AssurtAxm con- eANy, of Toronto; also for the PECEINIE FIRE wsultaxm Comporr, a London, England; he ..,41,ITANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Eng and. So Many. New Faces iFer censes, .Are seen in our store these days hunting for bargains in STATIONERY that we feel like congratulating ourselves on the vi;onderful success of our sale. People come, in many cases, because advisedj to do so by friends.,, They all buy, LOW PRICES DOES THE BUSMEN at the MAIN STREET. je GRIGG, EXETER, Wedding Rings, Clock, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ON R. FIIICICS Watch Repairing a Specialty. D. McCormick has sold his hotel in Zurich to Mr. Rau. Both Liberals and Conservatives are looking up names to place on the voters list. Council meeting on Friday evening when contract for new.sidewalk will be awarded. The congregation at Maid st. church on Sunday fast was the largest for some time, and Rev. Millyard preach- ed two eloquent and impressive ser- mons. That summer corset advertised las week at 29c, should have read 22c. Come and get them at this price and you will get a bargain. H. BISHOP & SaN- The farm of the late Andrew Hunki near Farquhar, consisting of 65 acre was put upby auction last Thursday and sold to Mr. Alfred Hunkin for $3,205. Juet as we said last week, screen doors aid windows at half price, and will keep the files out just as well as when the price was double. H. 131s- oe & Scree Ir. A. Carter of Blyth and Mr. Low- ery of Brussels have started a livery in Blyth they having rented the stable from Mr. Mason, the one Dr. Perdue bad for a stable until recently, The annual. Epworth League Con - THURSDAY, ArGUST 3rd, 1899 vention of the Exeter District will be held. in Hen.sale on Sept. 12th. The programs have been issued from this office and will shortly be distributed. Principal .Boyd at the recent depart- mental examinations succeeded in passing all his eandidates, while Miss Jeckell passed 23 of a posssiblentimber of 24 candidates this is creditable work. A boon to the afflicted. He is coin ing again, T. P. Smith will be at the Coromercial Hotel Exeter—Friday and Saturday Aug, llth and 12th. If your sight is afflicted don't fail to call and nsuIt hide LOCAL HAPPENINGS The turf club will declare a dividend of $2.17. London has paid the $3,400 account for militia to Col. Holmes, D. 0. C. Wes. Snell on Wednesday shipped two carloads of export cattle to Mont- real: On Saturday while Mr. Ross' so Londesboro, was playing on a stack o hay he fell and broke his leg, Prof. R. L. Carleton, Toronto's well- known eye Specialist, sviI1 be in Exeter Aug. 7th. See advertisement elsewhere. Dr. J. W. Browning has received, a car load of quarry stone with which hitends to build a new foundation to,his residence on '‘-Villiatia-st. Elijah Tory, of Stephen, fell from an apple tree on Friday last and injured his head and back considerably. He was unconscious for some time. John. Barnes, of whose accident men- tion was made last week is able to sit up though suffering much pain. His hip &Vele° his shoulder, was badly in- jured. Te -day (Thursday) is civic holiday. A great many will go to Kincardine en the excursiors while others who will notrenaain at home, will spend the day at the lake. We are requested to call the atten- tion of the township authorities to the fact' that cattle, etc., are alldwed bo rosin the concessions of Hay township in defiance of a by-law made and pro- -aided. Wild mustard is easily the king of all noxious weeks, and how to destroy it has long been a a vexed questicei., The mystery has at last been solved. Pref. Doherty, of the Ontario Agri- cultural College, recenbly made an ex- periment, choosing a plot of a quartet' of an acre badly infested with the mus - tar .- This he sprayed. with a two per cent solution of sulphate of copper. The.. result was entirely satisfactory. The mustard was lolled and the ewe was not at all Injured. Being an annual the mustard destroyed at this Season of the year is destroyed forever. It is ' estimated that ten cents worth of this cheadeal will spray an acre. If this test indicates an easy and effective method for the eradication of wild mustard, Prof Doherty has eertairily sworn pl isheal great things for the farm- ing community. I • Sidney Clark, north of Winchelsea, has sold his farm of 50 acres to Wm. Trequalr, of Tuckersmitb, for the sum of $3,250. -Mr Jatnes Garret has bought 70 acres of the Nagle property for the sum of $3,150. Collins and Stanbury, barristers, have had a very attractive sign paint- ed and swung over theiadoor. It is done in 18 K gold letters on smelt back ground and is a tasty and artistic piece of work. The schcol children need hardly be reminded that they have one month of holidays yet, though strange as it may seem, quite a number of the chil- dren would give anything to be back in school again, as a solid month of doing nothing has proved quite suffi- cent by way of relaxation. Richard Stanlake, father of John Sta,nlake and Mrs. Peter Elawden, of this place, died in Clinton on Tuesday, of the infirmities of old age, he having attained 83 years, 1 month. Deceased was a native cf Fengle,nd, and was a pioneer resident of this neighborhood. he Was one of the sturdy farmers in his younger days, and was widely and favorably known. His remains were interred in the family burial plot in the Exeter cemetery, on Wednesday. John Vale, of Exeter North had a narrow escape from suffocation in a, sewer that is being constructed on Main Street. He was engaged fitting the tile at 4 depth of 11 feet, when the earth began to cave in. Spectators watchieg the operation noticed the large body, of earth going in and alarmed. Mr. Vale. He dropped his tools and escaped death, but as it was he was buried up- to the neck. He was released, none the worse for his partial burial. A few seconds later and he would have beat Suffocated as the sewer filled with day to within two feet of the top. Woodstock is to have a :street ear ine. Personals / Miss Via White has returned to Lou1 1111 I( - don. Mrs, L 9.'horne is visiting friends in Loudon. Richaeci 131seett bas returned to London. n. N. Creech is visiting friends in Brantford. David Jacques is rusticating ab Grand Bend, jaines Bissett, of London is visiting friends M town, Miss Gertie Derapsee is visiting friends in Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bishop are expected home on Friday. John Pike, of London, spent Sun- day at Geo. Hill's, • miss Latin3er,of Seaforth is the guest of Mrs, T. G. Grieve. Ed, Crocker, of Toronto, is spenditig his vacation in. town. Miss Bell, of near Zurich, is visitiog at Enoch Rowcliffe's. Miss Mortiock, is visiting at Rev. Sbeele's, Port Stanley. Miss Cora, Prier is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sweet at Denville . - Fred. I. Hill, of London, is visiting under the parental roof. Master John Leathorn, of London is visiting Weeds in town, Miss Wooster, B. A., of St. Thomas, is visiting at H. Bishop's. Sirs. Manning and Miss Harrison are visiting friends in Clinton. 'W. F. May, of Mitchell, -visited friends in town on Monday. Miss Jennie Deacon is visiting her parents in East Wawatiosh. Messrs. A. Kemp and P. Hemming spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Rev. and Mrs. Ball, of Kirkton, vis- ited at Thos. Prier's last week. Ed. Bishop is home from Toronto Varsity to spend his holidays. W. W. Butcher, of St. Marys, called on friends here on Friday lase. Mrs. Switzer and. family. of London, are the guests of Mrs. J. P. Ross. Miss Ellen Brown has returned home frotn a pleasant visit at Taylor's grove. Miss Jennie Smith, of Detroit, is y is- iting her cousin, Miss Edith Sanders. Nelson Cobbledick is spending his holidays in Toronto and other places. Mrs. Tremaine has moved. to Dr. Browning's residence on Huron street. Miss Nellie White, of St. Marys, visited at Mrs. T. M. Kay's on Friday last, Miss Lillian and Master Willie Amos are holidaying with friends in McGilli- vray. The Misses Ida and Mabel Newton, of London, are visibing at,Toseph Baw- den's. Mrs. Alex. Tait, sailed. from Liver- pool on Saturday for her home in Exeter. Tallies Green and wife,of near Zurich, spent Sunday renewing acquaintances in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and family, of b. Marys, are visiting, at Mrs. Isaac arling's. The Misses Wilson of Greenway, visited. their aunt, Mrs. A. Hooper, this week. Miss Rutherford and little brother, of Peterborough, are visiting Miss Benit Lang. Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Bobier leave on eturdity for a trip to New York and lined& p hia. Two sons of W. F. May, of Mitchell, are visiting at their grand -father's, Thomas May. The Misses M. Christie and A. Mc- Laughlin, have returned from visiting at Grand Bend. Principal Boyd was in town on Sal- er ay malting pteparatlons to move his family here. Mr. Oarr, of London, and Dr. Ken- nedy of St. Thomas, visited Arthur Kemp on Monday. Mrs, Dickson and child and Misses Eva and Hazel Browning have return- ed from Grand Bend. The trustees of No. 4, Usborne, ad- vertise in another column for a teacher to succeed Mr. Duncan. Mrs. Bobier, mother of A. Q. Bobier end Miss Vera McKellar,both of Chat - am, are guests of Mrs. Bobier. Revs, Ten Eyck and Doherty ex- changed pulpits on Sunday, Rev. Ten Eyck preaching at Hensel]. and Stalfa. Dr. Williams and 3. A. Readian, of London, spent Monday guests of W. J. Heamen on their return from Grand Bend. R. E. Pickard was in London on Fri- day on business, and making arrange- ments for changing the front of his store. Misses Hueston, Kemp and Smith, together with Mrs. Geo. Kemp left yesterday to spend a few days at Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. John Parkinson, of Nebraska, are visiting the former's brother, James Parkinson, and family after an absence of 10 years. Wilbur Handford, who has been visiting his parents here, has secured a situation in Toronto as photographer, and left for there on Wednesday. Messrs. J. G. Jones and H. Huston, who have been melting a tour of Mani- toba and British Columbia are on their way home. and expected here in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Thornes Cameron, of Farquhar, lefb on Saturday for a visit with friends in Winnipeg and other pacts of Manitoba. They went via boat. . Mr, and Mrs. Fred Either and family - of Crediton, together with their sone - in -law and daughters-in-law, were in town on Monday and photographed by 3. Senior. • Mr. and Mrs. 3. D. Graham, ot Toro- nto, visited at John White's on Friday last. Mr. Graham purchased a hand- some horse frora T. W, Hawkehaw for for the sun) of 5200, Mr. A. Jackman, of Port Erie, to- gether with his sister, Mrs. Welsh, of London are visiting their mother, Mrs. Mooresheacl. Mr. jackman basbeen. absent from Exeter for a. nittnV•er of years, OEN This Store is the Headquarters of the Society for the Encourage- ment of Wearing Properly Made Clothing, TO PROMOTE OUR CAUSE WE SELL EY Rul11-Talloral "ifikaw5'` We have just added to our Gent's Furnishings stook over five hundred neck ties, 'a quantity of white and colored shirts, collars and cuffs, underelothing,umbrellas and tweeds. Shirts Boys white laundried shirts sizes 13 I3e and 14 at 15e, Men's white laundried shirts with band, sizes le to 10 1-2 at 75c Mens white laundried shirts our best with cuffs or bands sizes 14 toll 1-2 at 1,00. ig ens flannelette and colored cotton, shirts from 500 up. New shapes in Gents collars 15 and 18c. Underwear illens Balbriggan shirts and drawers, each 25c. .• 2 piece bathing suits 7fic. Umbrellas Gents umbrellas, steel rod,aluminum tinned, guaranteed, fast black 1.00. Gents standup or turn doevu collars, 2 for 25c. We have just placed la stock over 500 Ladies' an Gent's neck ties direct from the manufactor, among them fl.T.0 the newest shades and shapes in • neckwear. CARLING IROS Our Society is so sure of its premises that we give Guarantee with each Garment, which means. Satisfaction or Ito r IVIoney We are looking for New Members. Cali and See Us he R. KARD THE EXCURSION OE` THE SEASON.— 1 Milburin's sterling headache powders Masonic excursion to Kincardine,Aug. I tire the worst headache in from five "rd, Civic holiday, reund trip $1.. to teventer minutes, and leave no bad. latter effect. One powder 'ie ,3 powders 1‘ Quarterly Serwices, Love feast 10 a. m. ALIVA-YS READY Sacrament after preaching in the even- ing. Everybodv welcome. Preaching 11 a. m., Subject "Confes- sion",• 7 p. m. “The Unchangeable." FLOUR a, 8 -spring waggon, nearly new, for salej cheap. Apply to Solari MalieNes. ' 1110c., 10 powders 25c. OLLER PI ILLS , MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH. — TENNIS. -0 LI Saturday afternoon a Wholesale & Retail friendly game of tennis was played at Hensel!, between the expert players of that enterprising little village and. an equal number of the Exeter Tennis club. The wheeling party which con-. sistecl of Rev. Ten Eyck, R. 0. 0. Tee- n:mined'. G. Stanbury,W. A. Millyard, G. A., Ferguson and Collins, found a hearty welcorne awaiting them and after a pleasant afternoon and even- ing of spoet returned carrying ;with them the spoils of victory and many words of praise for their hospitable hosts. 1 OR SALE OHEA.P.—Shelving and counters for a general store. Apply to W. H, LEvETT. EXETER Miss E. Meyers is home spending the holidays. Miss Edith layndman, is, visiting friends in Southampton. Miss Ella Howard, of London, is visiting at her hbnie here. Miss Maggie McLean is the guest of Miss A. Beatty of Clinton. i Miss Maud Willis ancl Mrs. 31cTurk, j of Luean, visited at James Willis' oni iFssmeditasis3ye. MinnieCrowley, of London, *eek. Mrs. Bowker and child of Min- neapolis are the guests of Miss Susan Tait. Miss Olive Quance is visiting in Lon- don West, the guest of her cousin Miss Perkins. Misses Jennie and Lettie. Smith, of Clinton, are visiting friends in Kirkton and St. Marys. Miss Mary Sanders, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, here, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sanders. •. George Davis fell from a step ladder on Friday last and gave his ankle an ugly wrench. Messrs T. & M. Moir, Dr, N. R. Ford and Charles McLean of St Marys spent Wednesday in town. Dr. E. Rs Kinsman has returned home from Sarnia, where he has been assisting his brother. Miss Maria Seldon, of 'Ingersoll, is spending a few weeks visiting her grand -mother, 14trs. Geo. Samwell. Miss Maggie Murray, of Detroit, vis- ited Miss Lily Hardy the forepart of this week, $be left for Blyth on Wed, nesday. Say:01 Banal°, of the tovvilsitip ":+f Hay, this vveek sold 100 acres of tim- ber to the Sutherla,nd-Ines Co., for a good, sum. St. Thomas Journal, July 31; Dr, Kennedy, dentist, has gone on a ten days trip to St Marys, Exeter, and Grand. Bend. Frank Willis, of Toronto4 who has been holidaying at Port Elgin, called on bis parents here this week, on his way to Toronto. Rev. Jasper Wilson aed son, of Godes-lob, who were enjoying a wheel- ing tour, called on Exeter friends Fri- day on their way home. Rev. Millyard has mastered the bi- cycle, and can now make greater pro- gress in visiting members of his congte gation who reside in the country. 11. P. Rose, who for the past month has been looking after the practice of Dr. McLaughlin, of Dashwood, in his absence, returned home on Saturday. Miss Hontoon, of Lowell, Mass., is the guest of the Misses Holland. for a few weeks. Miss Hill, who had been visititig at A. Holland'a has returned to her home in London. Miss Jessie Robertson, who resigned herdepartment in the Exeter public school last year to attend the Normal Miss Armstrong is ill of appendicitis. Misses Friend. of London, are visit- ing at Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunt. Mr. Latta, of the N. W. T., whose sudden death was announced last week, died of fever. Messrs. Sweitzer, Irvine and Hill, of Stratford, wheeled over Sunday and spent the day with Mr. Render. Thos. .A. Russell, 13. A., of Thames Road, is in Toronto at present, prepar- ing to compete for the Ramsay schol- arship in Political Science this Fall. Wm. Hicks, of Stephen, on Wednes- day sold a horse for $180, which in the spring: cost him $110. It was four years old. Mr. McMahon of Seaforth was the purchaser, Fred Kessell the stave cutter in the Sutherland, Innes & Co.'s mill at Bryanston, did a big day's work on Thursday last, in cutting 62,000 30 -inch elm staves in a little less than ten hours, Rev. Mr. Gauld, wife and family, of Formosa, japan are home on a year's furlough after having spent some six years in missionary work on the island. They are visiting Mrs. Gauld's parents Mr. and Mrs. Mellis of Kipper). Thos. Statton, an erstvvhile resident of Exeter, is in town consulting with authorities as to his admittance to the Huron House of Refuge. He has been residing in Listowel,but not sufficient- ly long to entitle him to such privie lege there. This he claims as his na- tive county. ClearinPd Sale 41# CF Summer Dress Ong° Great Reduction sale of Sum- mer Goods until August Sist, Come Right Along. Our counters will have, for the above sale the different lines of Colorea ,IVIuslins, Ze- phyrs, Organdies, White Muslins in checks and stripes SPotfed Swiss Muslins with green spot and pink spot, All of the above lines I are choice goods and will be offer- ed without reserve at half price, All goods will be , marked with present prices andas hitherto sold. the season is passing and we want the room, Now is the time for you to secure a bgain—don't ' as nassed a very successful em xaidelay' na- ,T, tion at that institution, Ottawa. ' we Want the very best butter Miss May Livens has resigned her you can rna.ke, price in keeping . , with it. position as teacher of Centralia school and has Mitered on a term of study at the StitHigl school, We wish her sue- eess, Mr. UM BagSIRIAV will take charge or both records., J. P. CLARKE AOGON FoR SALE. —A one-borse EXETER • • CHOPPED FEED. j Barley, Peas, Oats, Corn Big Stogie on Hand Prices Right. WARNINO TO PATIOIASTERS. — Path in aSterS in the various divisions in the townships should see to it that all weeds and thistles in their respec- tive. divisions are cut this month. The pathrnasters are liable to a fine of $19 if this is not attended to (luring many divisions, have not attended to see that it is done at once. who is in danger of having the seed blown on to his property can prose- cute. As this matter, the various councils should the pathrnasters, in great the month ofSuly, and any farmer Miss Susie Weekes, who has been engaged in one of the large millinery stores of Guelph, returned home on Monday. A Montreal exchange says :—Mr. C. Vallee of the Queen's Hotel, has re-; turned from a fortnight's trip in the I Muskoka district, during which he I completed the purchase of the hotel, I St. Joseph, on Lake Huron, and. some 23 miles from Godench,Ont. The pur- chase includes a large tract of land, wild and improved. The price paid far the whole is $50,000. A new wharf is in process of construction at St josepla and railway communication is contem- plated. When these are completed, St. Joseph, it is anticipated, will be a very popular resort. Word was received Tuesday at thei Provincial Board of health offices, of the death of four head of cattle front anthrax near Listowel. A bacteriologi- cal examination ol the spleen oft one of the cattle had previously denion- steeled. 1.he muse of death, and subse- quentlsothe announcement came that anthrax had proved fatal to four ani- mals. The local officials ;ere being re- lied upon to take precautionary mea, - sures. The disease is well knnwn in European countries, where in the past ages, its ravages have caused innumer- able deaths, but in Ca,nacle it has al- ways been kept under control. It o0-1 curs usually in the neighborhood of wool factories or tanneries, and is sup- - Posed to be due to the germs from dis- eased wool or bides. It was from the study of this plague that Parteur evolved, the beginning of modern bac- teriological science., ChikriiOPy for CASTOR IA. CARLETON, PROF, It 8. , TORONTO'S WELL-KNOWN EVE SPECIIALISV and President of the Canadian Ogle h al to ie wilt visit Exeter on MOildan9, -flilutist 7tli All visual imiterfections, weak and cross eyes staccessfuny ti& Ated. G gpelicieits4. fitted, elle() 110-0tases Private office, OliTRAf OTEL, Home, 9 a. tn. to p. Studeots ere reqeeeted to call tor annoticementsteteoe, etc, Lor class commence eg Oct), 2n4., 1809 JOSt:PH COBBLEDICK 9 1LEVITT S FAIR Fruit Gems, Fruit rillere, just the thing for filling fruit gems. Chair seats, Fly Traps, Wire Meat, Covers, Pie Lifters, Market, Lunch, Work and Lamp baskets. Stationery and Smallwares. See one new striped 4 peice setts and Fruit Dishes, Baguet holders, Out Flower Receivers, Water Glasses and Tumblers. Soda Biscuits, Iced Sultana, Jam jam Cakes. Best Mixed Gandy 8 cts lb for this week only. Agents for Parisian Steam Laundry, of London, first class 'work done. Levitts' Fair ugcries! Buggies!! Buggies!!! We Are clearing out our stock of -Brockville buggies at greatly reduced prices, in or- der lo make room for our fall trade of cutters, Just three 13roc1.ville buggies left and they are very fine indeed. We have a couple of second band buggies in good order, which we offer cheap. In addition to our horseshoe- ing and jobbing trade, we also re -cut axles on old buggies which do away with se many washers and makes an old buggy iun smooth and slick again. Call and see our stock; this, is our last offer for buggies this season. The largest car- riage dealer in toWn. W Ht. ParP91!_s/ UY YOUR INDING T INE FROM TrovethiG 4 tons now in GOLD MEDAL, s'L'PE .sptciA,L, AT nion't PRICES - Do you know our flour trade fee creasesevery week j cies because' we have THE BEST, TRY IT., Trevethie