HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-3, Page 5EXETBE '111XES
frc»u o5%. Appiy
Barristere » Selleitors. 8e0., Main St. Exeter
bar) uplimited private Riede for inyest-
lir Upon, farm Oe velem) property at le west
ra es of Latereet,
•••-••• DR, A. R KINSMAN, L.
\D. S D. 11 S, Honor Graduate
of Toroeto 'University, Dentist.
reeth extracted without; pain or
_bad after effects. Office in Fair
sort's block, West side of Main street, Exeter,
D. ANDiRSON, (O• R•.• S.)
'Honor Graduate ofthe Toronto University=
.and Royal College of Dental Surgeons a
Ontario. All Bridge work, Crowns and, Plate
work done in the neatest; possible manner. A
harmless ancesthetio for painless extraction.
The strictest attention given to tbe preservat-
ion of the natural teeth. Office, opposite Cen-
tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont,
A IIQOPER,Licensed Auc-
tion= for the Couuty of Huron, Sales COD
ducted in all parts, and for convenience can be
arrangecl for at tins oflico. Sittisfection guaran-
teed. Charges neoderate. ExoterT. 0.
That most desirable piece of land. containing
about 27h, acres, being Part of farm lot No. 20 in
the First Concession of the township of Ste -
hen. ThiS land. adjoins the Corporation and
as splendidly situated, faeing the London road.
_Mao the following Village lots in the Village
,of Exeter • ,
e Lots Nos. 45 and, 46 on the oast side of Main
Street and immediately South of the • residence
of E, Penick, Esq. • . ,
ePart.•lot No. '21 on . the west side of' 1Vlain
eet mmediatelySouth of the residence of
Charles HONVO Esq.
' Part of lot on the east side .02 Andrew
Street almost opposite the Main Street Mettle-
ort y.
. dist Parsonage, containing. nearly one acre of
and and knowa as the Old School House Prop -
Lots Nos. 162 and 161, North West Corner of
Victoria and Carlitig Streets,
The 19.1.2d 1111W used as recreation grounds.
the land immediately North thereof and the
and being part of same from lot but West of
the Loudon Huron 8:-. J3ruee R. Re containing
in all about 10 acres. This land. is admirably
situated and faces on Huron, Carling, and
&adore Streets.
The land on either side of the Station Road,
• being part of Farm lot No. 25 in the First Con-
• cessian of the township of Stephen and now
surveyed iuto lots and streets containing 27
These two last parcels of land will be sold by
the lot or acre to suit purchaser.
• For further particulars apply to CABLING
BROS., Merchants, or to DICZSON & CAR-
• LING- Barristers, ecc. Exeter Ont •
For sale, lot li, South Thames Road, con-
taining 100 acres, 95 acres under cultivation and
.5 acres of good wood. Good brick residence,
-with brick.lcitchen and woodshed, and large
hank barn with stone stabling, and good dm,'
leg-. house, All well fenced, under -drained with
' tale anti in first-class tace of cultivation. There
is a goocl orcharcl of choice fruit, and the -
grounds are well set out with ornamental trees.
, :it is within four iniles of EMter ; adjoins two
elitteches, Methodist and Presbyterian, and, a
• • school within Evil -111e. There isplenty of water
st both house and stables. •Also a windmill for
eoureping, grinding, etc. This is one of the best
farms in the county of Huron, and le it first-
class shape hi every -respect and will be sold'on
reasonableterms, as tho proprietor . desires to
retire. .Apply on the premises or address
Thames Road P. 0. D. MeIN.NIS. • .•
Jy, lath tf..
Municipality of the township Of Hay.
County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that 1 have trans-
mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned
..in sections 8 and 902 THE ONTARIO 70T-
ER'SLISTS ACT, the copies required by said
sections to be sceransmittecl or delivered of the
List, made pursuant to seid Act, of all persons
appearing by the last revised Assessmout Roll
• of the said .Munieipality to be entitled to yotein
the said Municipality at Elections for Members
ot the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal
Elections, and that the said List was first posted
• lap at my office at Zurieli on the eighteenth day
,of July, 1899, and remains there for inspection.
Etcetera are called -upon to examine.the said
list, and if anyomissions or any other errors
are found. therein, to take immediate proceed-
ings to have the said errors corrected according
Ln law. •
Clerk, Township Bay.
Dated at Zurich July 18th, 1899.
The undersigned will receive' applications
for teacher for S. S. NO, 4, Usborne; on or
before August 19. Duties toconnnence first
of year. Teacher will bo required to, light fire
• and. ,keep. school clean. For particulars
-uPPIY to the uudersigned.
FRED 1.11./XTON SeCraftry, •
Devon P. 0.
DAYeetn ExeteF; on the 30th ult., the wife of
Louis Day, of a daughter.
. Exeter, on the 26th i nst, the wife of
• John Muir Jr., of a daughter.
DAVIS-In Itegerville, on tho ist inst., the
wife of Geo. Davis. of a on.
.JORDAN -In Goclerich township on July 46th,
the wife of Edward Jordan of a [laughter.
'BEACOM-In Goclerielt to wnship, on July 251h,
. the wife of Mr. 'John Beacom of a daughter
WILLIAMS-In Usborne, 6th con., on, the 271h
inst., the wife- of Beni. Willianie, of a
SIMP,8027-NEVIN-On the 111h July al: the
xesideece of the bride's mother, by Rey. 8.
Acheson. Mr. R. G. Simpson, to Miss Emilia
Re Nolen, all of Bruccaolil.
STANLAKE-In ,Clinton, on the Met ult„
Richard Stanlake, aged 83 years, I month.
-33LATCHF013D-In Usborne, on the alst lust.,
Ettie Woods, wife of W. M. 13Iatchford, aged
.30 years, 9 mon Les and 11 days.
• An ULD AND WELL -TRIED Ileetenv.-IVIrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has boil Ilse& for
; Over ilfte years by millions of motheesfor their
,children while teething, with perfect success,
It soothes tho child, softens the gums, aliens all
. -pain, puree wind colic, and is Lila best, remedy
• troiDiarrhcca, It is pleasant to 'the taste.
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
eants a nettle; Ite value is incalculable, Be
ours: and ask for Mrs. Wins -loves Soothing
' SY:Me, aed take no other kind. '
Councils cannot ball,)t the •a,r-
pointinent of officers, The act road
*Whenever a division •is• la ken in a
niunicipal Of thee upon 1119 Ap-
pointment: of an officer ,fif the corpora-
tion, the election of a wardeo or or her
• presiding officer of the council or upon
a by-law, reSOttniOn ror ;1,1)).
• purpose, each ineinber o C IP et )0 0 eil
!preset)9 YOti ng shall ann ou Ws vote
• tripoli the qiiestion openly and individ-
• ually in the coancil, end the elerk
shall recor(t the same ; and v ite
shall be taken by ballot, or by 11113»
•other method of secret voting hi any
kinhhieipal council, mid "every teete eo
taken shall lie void and of no ofrod,,,
• rev. A. E Miller, of nattiiitelie is
suffering fro -.n a fractured knee cap,
Who Cablea Were ..T4owor, Consequently
Citionigo Dropped neeent Advance
-Tip) Latest prices.
go Aug. O. -Wheat cables wore
lower yee2erd43» and wheat here Wag
and week, with onlY light .trading,
•T.40.4.0114G WHE..A.72, er,ertiewes.
Following were the olesing prICE1
inipertallt centree yesterdays •
'Cash. Aug. Sept. Deo.
Chicago „ , $ , . • , 5 69yg $
New York. • .. 78% 74% 76
Milwaukee, , 71
St. Louis..., e9ee ei3ee
floletio .„ , 69% 713/ irs's
Detroit.. . 70% 72% 74%
D'aluth, No.1
Northern, . 69% .. 66% 694
Blinneanolfs. 674 05% , 6734
TorwarTo ST, LA. vnEson exeenrcier.:
0321120, -
Wheat, white,1)22........50 71% to
Wheat, red, bu, , , , , 70
Wheat, Fife, spring, bin 66
Wheat, goose, bu... , 66
Barley, bu. • 40
Peas, bu........ ,, . ,, 60 '
Oats, Mt.... , „ „ 36 •377
Rye, bu, , , 59
l3uc1rwheat, bu 55
• Han .eXe Senew.
Hey, old, per ton „ $11 00 to
Hay, new, Per tmle • 7 50
Straw, sheaf, per ton, .. 6 00
Stray,: loose, per ton . 4 00
Menn' 1,R0DIJOT5.
Batten lb. 15 to 50 20
Eggs, new laid. „.. „, 16 17
Chickens, per pair... , . , $0 40 to :0 80
Turkeys, per lb. • 10 11,
'Ducks, 'poi' . 50 80
Onione; per bag $1 00 to $1 25
' P,otatoes, per bag... 75 ' 80
Toronto, Aug. 2. -Receipts of liv
stoc1e. were the la gest of any day thi
season yosterday--97 cerloads all told
compo sod of 1,400 cattle, 1,200 sheep and
lambs, 1,000 hogs and 50 calves. The
quality of fat cattle Was fair. Trade only
middling, with prices for extmet cattle
a shade easier, the bulk of which sold at
$4.50 to $4.85 per cwt. Prices for butch-
ers' cattle were also easier, the better
elass selling at $4 to $4.25 per cwt, with
a few extra picked lots at 123o per owt.
more. •
Total receipts of live stook for last
week.: 3,121 cattle, 3,739 sheep, 31911
hogs and 185 calves.
Export cattle, choice., $4 75 to $5 00
Export cattle, light 4 50 4 05
Butchers' cattle,pkd lots 4 25 4 40
Butchers', good. .... 8 80 .4 00
'Butchers'. medium, , 3 40 3 65 .
13titc1)ers', conunon 3 25 3 40
Butchers', inferior. • 3 00 ' 3 10 ;3
Miich.coles, each:: 30 00 45 00
Bulls,hvy expt,gqpd.qlty 3 80 4 60
Bulln medium. export, 8 60 3 80.
Leis gd but. and ex- nixd 412;41. 4 374
Stockers anti med. to gel 3 00 3 40
Feeders, : '3' 40- 3 60
Calves, each.. 1 00 00
Sheep, per cws.. , 3 50 ,. 3 75
cobs, Per ewt... 4 50. 6 75- '
Hogs, 160 to 200 lbs5 25
Hogs, light fats 4 50
Hogs, heavy fats 1 50
Hogs, sows 3 00
8 50
6 66
• •
East Buffalo, Aug. 2. -Cattle -There
was part of a load on sale yesterday, and,
about the usual Tuesday demand.
Sheep and Lambs -With only two loads
on sale, there was no quotable change in
the 3narke2. One load of Canada lambs
was sold on the basis of 6c.
Hogs -The market openea 10c to 15c
lower; .heavy, $1.75; mixed, $4.75; York-
ers, 54.75. to 84.80; pigs, $4.75; roughs,
53,75 to 54. The close was about steady.
. .
Liverpool, Aug. 2. -Prices .closed at
these figures yesterday: Wheat, spot dull;
No. 1 Cal., (is %d WalIa, 5s.105; No. 2
R. W., 5s 86; No. 1 Nor., spring, 5s 103e'd;,
No. 1 Bombay, 5s 96. .Futures steady;
September, 5s 33.45 ; December, .5s 9%5.
Maizo. spot steno, ; mixed American: 33s
33»c1,. new: 8s 41e4.6. old. Futures quiet;
September, 3s 39,45; October, , Os '461.
Flour, Minn., 17s 9d.
"n-Aotti•020 TUE'
Ainerleans and. Alex:leans WOre
Torres Reported
St. Louis, Mo., Aug, 2,-A speciii1 to
The Globe -Democrat from Ortiz, Mexico,
says: Any doubt that the Yaquis aro on
the warpath ineciarnest was dispelled yes-
terday, when news reached here that
several Ainericaes and Mexicans had
been killed in the Yaqui River Valley,
east and southeast of this station.
The courier who came in with the
noWS of tho slaughter declares thee he
saw a desperate light at a point 40 miles
southeast of Ortiz, and that he has posi-
tive evidence that , .7. F. Remley, a
merchant of Hermosillo, and E. Miner,
a' photographer in his employ, were
among the killed.
General Torres, commander of the
firet military zone, Who was in the ,fleld
with the 1221) Regiment, is reported
• aniong the slam. No information is ob-
tainable as yet of the number of fighting
Indians under arms, but if the otobreak
is of the proportions of the war endscl in
1807 the number may be placed at be.
tWeea 8,000 and 4,000. This oefibreak is
o srapriSe to the Stiito ofileials. '
' It la impossible to wive accurate
figures as to' the total mnnber killed to
(12 to, Irn t the estimate of 50 anerteh
side 10 not considered excessive.
• Eninneination nay at 013 11 111.
Ohattlan11 Ont., Att. 2. -The morn-
ing dawned fair and bright upon the
11/110.11 celebration which was • given yes.,
terday by the colored citizens under the
auspices of Wellington Lodge, No, 1005,
Grand United. Order Ockl Vellows,
rovinclal Conntandery,' No. 1, 'Knights
'1-emplar, and Mower Lodge, No, 3,
Knights of Pythias. The visitors )vere
receivetl at the Grand Trunk statim at
eleloolt by Chathau. officers and, were
'welcomed to the eity. Afterwards they
were conducted to the lodge rooms.
, The District I.,oclge,was
then opened and routine busir,ess irans-
aoted, The sessiot lasted all MOrning and
will continuo to -day. Sports and 4 889008
parade comprised the remainder of the
day, and thoy were much, enjOyed by
those present.
Windsor, Aug, 6.-Yes8erdey WAN
inanelpation bay end Neincisor's tolored
opuletion was an dress- parade and eile
oying iteelfhz tlio oot02 waY',
tilo testi t of a et I on tlie pavement. p
Sir jae. Speaker of the House
• of Oononoes, died at his residence,
Toronto, Monday evening, at six
b'elock, Ten days ago Sir James left
Ottawa at the request of his physicist:Is
and on bis arrival borne, sebmitted to
an operation, which resulted 10 the re-.
moval of a stone frene the bladder,
Sir • James rallied for a few days after
the operation, and Drs. IVIcPbedrian
and Cameron, his physicians, express-
ed the belief that if hie strength would
enable him to hold out for a few days
the chance of recovery was geod.
That, °pin ion,however, was abandoned,
and Sir James sank rapidly during the
afternoon, dying at six o'clock, sur-
rounded by the members of his family.
The Speaker was the only son of the
late Jas, Edgar, of Lennoxville, Que.,
and Grade Fleming, his wife, He
came of a well-known Jacobite family,
a member of which, James Edgar, was
private secretary to the Chevalier of
the father of Prince Charlie, Sir
James Edgar was born at Hatley, in
180 ; educated at Lennoxville • read
law under the late John Hillyard
Cameron), and was called to the bar
in 1864 at Toronto.
The death of Sir Jas, Edgar makes
four. rneinbers of the CornMODS wlio
have died since Parliament assembled,
making this session's record Of death
the largest • in thirty years. The
otheis are Messrs. 'Wood, Ives and
G eoffrion.
The Privy Council met atnoon Tues-
day and rose shortly after one o'clock.
They appointed Mr. Bain, of Went-
worth, as the new Speaker and bas as -
summed office:
Nervous Dyspepsia.
She Suffered 'Untold Agony From
Steniach Troubles and Sick Head-
• aches -Dr. Pink Pills
Cured Her.
From the Courier. Trouton, Ont.
Some years ago we reported the case
of Wm. Pickering, Trenton, being
cured of lodomotor ataxia. He was
not able to Move and was confined, to
his bed for weeks. -Upon 'advice he
tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and im-
mediately obtained relief. He is still
free fromthe terrible excruciating
affection, rind 'enjoys ' active, robust
. health. We have jest learned of an -
.other positive cure throngh using Dr.
• Williams' Pink Pills. It is the case of
Miss Cassie Way, who had been, an
acute sufferer from that nonillion foe
of. humanity ,and ,2130 foundation
'for. many • °tiler ills, dyspepsia.
For nearly eight years, Miss Way
-suffered untold agonies with sick
headache and pains in the stomach.
• She tried -several doctors without any
material benefit. A year ago she came
to live with a friend in Trenton, Mrs.
W. L. Derbyshire, and was so reduced
that she conld not sit up an hour. She
feared her trouble • would drive her
crazy. She was advised to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. She replied t•hat
she had used a box before" and they
had done her no good.- It was urged
that she could not hope for relief
from one box and she commenced
them again. She continued using the
Pills throughout•the year with the re-
sult that she has completely recover-
ed her health. Her appetite is good
she has gained .flesh rapidly, and is
able to attend to all her 'household
, cliities.- She voluntarily, offers this.
testimony as a tribute of gratitude for
tbe benefit she has 'derived with the
hope that others suffering as she has,
may,tie induced, to try this health re-
storing remedy. Mrs. ,Derbyshire
adds her testimony to the correctness
of the statements of Miss Way. •
• Allow Inc to add. that for four or five
years the editor of this paper bas suf-
fered from,an itching rash that attack-
ed all his joints and all the ointments
within reach :failed to banish it. He
took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills last -year
and'is nearly well.. .
Dyspepsia, rheumatism, sciatica,
neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor
ataxia, nervous dieadache, nervous
prostration, kidney trouble and dis-
eases depending upon humors in the
blond, such as scrofula chronic
pelas, etc., all disappear before a fair
treatment 'with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. They give a healthy glow to pale
and sallow, complexions and build up
and renew the entire System. Sold by
all dealers or sent postpaid at .50c a
box or six boxes $2.25, by addressing
.the Dr. TV -Whims' •Medicine 00.,
Brockville, Ont. Do not he persuaded
to take some silt:saute,
The majority of 141 in favcir of put-
eng in a system of waterworks for St.
Mn rye on Tueed ay shows the goodcom-
mon seose of the property owners, and
a spirit of enterprise that is commend-
able. The amount' that the by law
provid ea fOt' is $40,000 WI rich has beeh
estimated by two or three engineers
to be sufficient for the purpose.
if you take Beflenan's Ewe:pew
Powders. The first powder sehlore
f0118-tho second, 7t011er. For any kind
of headache, nem any cause, noi
tiVely harinlesa'-,d1Sagreeable etter;.
never follow. libe eurfaSt,
best headaelio remedy ever props'',
ed -1 tn
ItIv4, , J
p 0wd
Are sold !aloe, etiveleries and Mc,
• bo*ett by elrugStsta everywhere.
ke &Mem Drug Coe , Ilrldgeb erg, 082
Perth county Notes
0o Thursday INTITT-ornbull, ef Galt!
and MiSS Moore, 2 Sb. Marys, Were
married at, the borne a the bride's
• A quiet wedding took place at tbe
residence of Mr, Wm, Stervitt, River
Bead, Fellartor, near Motherwell,
WectnesdaY • 'Morning , when his
daughter Jennie was united in mar-
riege to Mr. William Forrester, of
Emerson, Manitoba,
• Stratford Herald :-Poor little Sid-
ney Ingram, son of ez-Ald, 0. F. In-
grain, was yesterday' the victim of a
west distressingaccident. He Was
engaged in cleaning a bieyele and his
labors were almost done. When finish-
ing up the sprocket of the hind wheel
his little urother gave the front one
a spin, with the result that the clean•
ing rag was drawn in and wound
round, and with it the boy's right
hand. The brave lad released himself
with great difficulty, and ran scream-
ing pp and down in great agony. His
nether, attracted by his cries, hurried
to the spot, and found that the mach-
ine had molly mangled three of hia
fingers, indeed, had lopped the tops of
two of them entirely off.
It was announced Friday, that Mr.
William Cavell Moscrip, ex -k[. P. P.,
barrister, St. Marys, bacl been appoint, -
ed Local Registrar,Clerk of the County
Can't and Surrogate Registrar of the
ounty of of Perth, in place of jams
Macfadden, sr., who has held that
position for the last forty years. W.
C. Moscrip was..the Liberal candidate
in the provincial general election of
102 March 1898, in the riding of South
Perth, his opponents being Messrs.
Monteith, the Conservatiye, and Geo.
Frame,, the independent candidate.
No doubt the appointment is Mr.
Moscrip's reward. for his pertinacity
and to soothe his wounded .feelings in
being turned down so cften by his
own party. The position is worth
anywhere between $2,500 and $3,000.
and no doubt there are some in Strat-
ford who had looked upon it with
longing. James A. McFadden, who
has been associated with his father
for many years and latterly had dis-
charged all the duties of the office, no
doubt had some very natural expecta-
tions, which are of course disappoint-
ed. James Macfaciclen. sr. the retired
official, is dangerously ill. ire has been
Lot 151 con. 15, McGillivray, was
sold recently to T. W. Harding for
83,500. It contains 98 acres, Mr. Hard-
ing will start a brick and tile yard on
the premises. •
Capt. Thomas E. Robson, County
Clerk, of Middlesex, has purchased
three valuable heifers of Premier
Greenway's shorthorn herd, paying
$500 each for them.
Meat Market
The undersigned has opened up a
new nieat market one door
Soutli of Garlino's Store.
• where he will keep the choicest of
Meats constantly on hand.
Sensations exist for our guidance.
They are Nature's warnings.
Over-worked eyes demand rest.
Eyes that tire easily call for help.
Properly adjusted glasses afford the
only assistance possible.
We make a specialty of relieving
tired eyes and guarantee satisfac-
S. Fitton.,
.. AT . . .
T. Fitton's Jeweiry Store
• gzeter Aueest en6A.189'.
New Wheat per bus. ..„, 4f° at
vvuov.t pci b 'h I '
BarleYe , ...o ,PP.A•
Turiroys .P.
Chickepe per lb = .
,POrlr dressed ,
to 60
tato 40
to 60
...,. -10, to 12
...... 11 to 51
!POPP.* 9 to 9
6 to5-110 8
,... 72p 7
18 to 15
5 to 5
54.05 to 5.00
London, August 2116. 1899
Wheat per bnshe
Oats,- .
Beans .
Butter . • •
Eggs .
Turkeys per 32..........
0005e perm--
Chickens .
Potatoes per bag...80
Ray per ton ...$ 6.00 to
Pork per cwt,, .. 81.50 to
• 60
... . , 10
to 7,1
co 3e
to 011
to 5.=
to 4.=
to 3
to (3
to 7
to 1
to 7
to 1
to 1
to '7
to 1
tol 0
$ 7.5
One Laza-Liver Pill every night for
thirty days makes a complete cure of
biliousness and constipation. That is
just 25 cents to be cured.
Hagyard's yellow oil cures sprains,
bruises, sores,wounds, cuts, frostbites,
chilblains stings from insects, burns,
scalds, contusions, etc. Price25 cents.
Meat Market.
For first class
A fine selection of
and all kinds of
Fresh arid Salted Meats.
on hand.
Note tbe address, one door north of
The R. Pickard Co's store.
You require a LA _e K suit very
ofteu at this time of the year. We are prepared
to fit you mit in the finest style.. Best ;quality
COOds closest"prices.
Wedding Suits a Specialty
, A. .full line, fresh and
bright of
and every School re-
quisite at
Where the Scholars are
always used well
1?" 44'. 0 NI t qtec.
9) '
4'/I.11O)gii MIddle Aged a Old MeIl .
/ v you ate stifferlug from any temp-Ilea-
Kidneys, Bloticl er Nerves consult us
... e e'en of the Sexual System, Bladder, I
22 once. We eetre all weetiateee, Netvt
' es 0
eriteke, Sect•et Lasses, Nightie Drains, Sex- 0)
,.;, eel Decline, and make marriage possible. w
izleit or Poor -One Dollar. ‘
54 - •
we retnirantee to Ci11'e-411riCOCC113, Entis- se
re saltation Fret, Question List ler uer,.0 Ttee,, io
,Aerm, Strieture. Glatt, Syphiiis, Impotency. N
(b bratatuIni DischargestAll Privete, flOr•nliti and 0
0\ ()Skate Diseases of men and Women, etin. • .=
(43 meet Fret -Beek Fne
g1101111R PRIORS, 47 metIndr tilt's' $
13'tte4e.444.01t4iete84444e,s' e't.,:e;agA,
We are in the -van with all
that is desirable in the line,
Let us show you our stock of
$11.00 Fancy 'Worsteds in all
the newest colorings.
Remember we put up the
best suit for 810.00 that can
he bought in the county.
ao•skillaRewil:1-040.21 ek*zeow0/Namwtiplaivo.lmmelttillmoote
pinch your feet in wrong sliapecl el*" ; 41414e
rtahle ; Spoil your tm
eper loso
YOU, CaA't expect to go the even• teller Of Yonr
11113 way in shothat cripple& "Slater Shoes" are male te fit feet -t< cover
every tender joint comfortably -make you forget
you have a pa.iny foot. •
They fit the first time they're 'Worn, and ever
144 after, because the stretch and Shrink bas been for
ever taken gut of them wile eix days on the lasts.
Twelve shapes, all sizes, six widths, all colors,
• styles and leathers.
Goodyear Welted, Stankped on the solewith
name and price, $3.50 and $5.00.
E. J, SPACKIVIAN Sole Local Agent
• It is said the West Elgin by' -elec-
tion will be held on Sept, 28,
The body of Duncan McMartin, for
25 years iturnkeyof the jail at @ern -
wall, Was fond unn the Black River.
Contractor Grant, of Toronto, liaS
Justice Osler has granted an ordeg
;for the inspection of the ballots cast
in the North Waterloo by-election.
, The inspection will take place on Fri-
day or early next weelc.
secured the contract to build the on -
don waterworks dam ata cost of r
$44,000. '• , wn rn nr n inn
An electric light wrde fell upon the Flu la In a Ica
0: P. R. telegraph line at Brantford,
and burned. out all the wires runnine-
east to Toronto.
, Tell How Milburn's Heart, an Nerve
S rofu 1 a
Pills Make Weak People Strong,
Another permanent cur
by B.B.B. after. two
doctors failed.
Ask any doctor and he Will tell you
that, next to cancer, scrofula is one
of the hardest diseases to cure.
Yet Burdock Blood Bitters applied
externally to the parts affected and
taken internally cured Rev. 'Win.
Stout, of Kirkton, Ont., permanently,
after many prominent physicians
failed; Cured Mrs. W. Bennet, of
Crewson's Corners, Ont., perman-
ently, when everyone thought she
Would die. Now Mr. 11. H. Forest,
Windsor Mills, states his case
as follows:
"After having used Burdock Blood Bit-
ters for scrofula in the blood, I feel it my
duty to make known the remits. I was
treated by two skilled physicians,but they
failed to cure me. I had running sores
on my /lends and legs which I could get
nothing to heal until I tried B.B.B. This
remedy healed them completely and per-
manently, leaving the skin and flesh sound
and whole."
- I
On the first indica- ;
MRS. ELIZABETH Basemen Brittania. St.,
says: "1 speak a good word for Mit.
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills with pleasure.
They proved to me a most excellent
remedy for nervousness, nervous debility
and exhaustion, and I can heartily recom-
mend thern."
Mas. Por...men, Brunswick Street, says:
." My husband suffered greatly with ner-
complicated by heart troubles.
ligutTs eart and Nerve Pills have
cured him, and he now is well and
Take meat night be-
fore retiring, 'Twill
work while you sleep
without a grip or
gripe, curing Biliousness, Sick Headache,
ConstipationandDysp.epsia, and make you
feel better in the morrung.
, A Man is always in the
If he wears one of W.
JOHN'S neatly fitting
tion of Diarrhcea or
Dysenteryafewdoses i
BERRY will promptly
check the advance of:
these dangerous dis-
It has been ever 4.0 years ,
n use and has no, equal for
he cure of bowel complaints
of young or old. There are
many dangerous imitations
on the market, SQ it W01.11d be
wise to see that the full name,
Dr. Fowler's Est. of Wild
Strawberry, is on every bottle
you buy,
Sprains, Strains and Injuries of the
Back often cause Kidney Trouble.
Here is the proof:—
Mrs; 5. Horning, Glasgow 5treet,
Guelph, Ont., says: " Doan's Kidney
Pills are grand. I have not been ill since
taking them, which was over a year ago
last winter, and can give them my warmest
praise ; for they restoredme to health after
25 years of suffering. Twenty-five years
ago I sprained my back severely, and ever
since my kidneys have been irt a very bad
state, The doctors told me that my left
kidney especially was in a very bad con-
dition. A. terrible burning pain was always
present, and I suffered terribly from lum-
bago and pain in the small of my back,
together with other painful and distressing
symptoms, common in kidney complamts.
I could not sleep, and suffered much from
salt rheum.
"When I first commenced taking Doan's
Kidney Pills I had little or no faith in thein,
bot I thought I.would try them; and it
proved the best experiment I ever made.
I had 'only taken two boxes when the pain
let't 11237 back entirely. Three boxes more,
Or five in all, made a complete cure.
"After 25 years' of suffering from kidney
dlsease Tam now healthy and strong again,
and will be pleased to substantiate what I
have said, sheuld anyone wish to enquire,'»
taxa -Liver P1 XiS aee the most
perfect remedy known for the Cure of Core.
stipation, Dyspepsia Biliousness and Sick
Headache. "fliey work withott a gripe
er pale, do not sicken or weaken or leave
ally bad after efl'ects.
Re is a sure fitter.
' His prices are away down.
His goods are the best.
Cad] rii,d examine bis goods before
buying your
The Tailor.
f You will find at Biseett's Wareroom
the follming line of A grim.:
tural Implements -
A full line of Sesd Drills, . Cultivators
'Disc and Diamond Barrows
Plows, and Turnip Drills.
The celebrated l Knoll Washer
Raymond sewing and wringers
0 -limey stoves and furances.
The Chatham Waggon and a, full
line of the celebrated McLaughlin
Buy The est
a nd—wria----
ignore Th Rest.
In the end you will find
it cheapest.. Furnish that va-
cant room with one of our
Bed Room Setts, Tables
Chairs, Etc.,
eet Sometkin Hice--"*to.
We Im,ve it, you want it.
Take a look at our flirt line o
FURNITUlth and you will
find what you are looking:for.
•0101,181i & SON
Opera HouSti