HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-3, Page 3TRE. EXETER, TIMES Summary. * Recont Happenings Briefly Told0 cA.NADA. fiorets, welch are tiow sad 40 frar t to. Ashdown ha's been eleetedMayoe be eeeePted 00 the Sundae' ()are. ee Modern, Man. GREAT BRITAIN. Miss May Snalth 0oramitted guicide fa Loncien a. fereat M1a egg hee lee Staley Mountain, Man. sold for R300, a record price for an eg 'Mrs. Gladstone was thrown from her pony oarag at tawardeu, and Wei badly shaken up. • Great Britain expeets an average yield of wheat and barley, but a Short- age in the oat crop. The Rev. Charles Graves, 1).D, D. L„ Bishop of Limerick, eied Mon - (ley, in his 87th year. Twenty-eight battleshipe and cruis- ers have Lett. Portland harbour for Belfast to take part in the manoeue vres. The Rev. lerederick W. Macdonald, uncle of Rudyard Kipling, .has been elected. president of the Wesleyan Conference at London, Eng. Emperor William will give a cup and other prizee for it handicap race for cruisers during, the Cowes yacht- ing weelt, It is rumored in London that a bat - teleran of the ecols Guards and a battalion of the Grenadiers have loam ordered lo the Cape. Unprecedented heat is prevailing in England, the thermometer registering 87 in the shade. Fatalities have oc- curred, and sunstrokes are numerous. The London Electric Cab Co. has dismissed its employes and closed its yard, chiefly ia consequence a the dif- ficulty it has had in finding drivers for the vehicles. Mr. Henry Plunkett -Greene, the well- known baritone, was married in Lon- don to Gwendoline, daughter of Sir Hubert Parry, Director of the Royal College of Music. . reeton has voted to raise e15,000 for ik nee eleotrie light plant. The Gaepesia has eeen sold in St. aehnes, Nfld., for salvage exPenges, Robert G. Ingersoll, the wellernowa free -thinker, died seddeuly yesterday. William Mullen, aged twenty, wae drowned in the Thames near Loadon last night. The losses of the insurance oompan- ies by the recent Quebec fire amount to 059,000. IA returned Klondiker at Montreal §ays that e12,000,000 will bei taken out Of, the Yukon this year. The Manitoba. Legislature has de- fetated the bill allowing Winnipeg to tae a Sunday eb.r vote. IL Hall, a well-to-do farmer of Palgrave, conamieted suicide by Shoot- -lee himself, near Georgetown, Yester- day. An English boy named Thomas G -ray, employed on a ranch near Wapeela, Manitoba, accident ally PolsoneThinleelf on Saturday. ,Tho Gurney -Tilden am" D. Moore & Co. works in Ilamiltou have given their stove -moulders a. 10 per cent, in - Grease in their wages. The Manitoba :Legislature has passed the Second reading of the billto per - Mit Winnipeg to vote on the; Sunatty street car question. Crop forecaets wheal' have begun to appear in Manitoba shosv that wheat is heading oat well, and conditions generally ara favorable, The Elder-Den:meter "Steamseip Co,, as reeeived the Government contract to carry the mails. Queenstown will be used instead of Moville. Miss Ada IL Patterson, of the Grady Hospital, Atlanta, Ga„ has been ap- pointed lady superintendent of the Winnipeg General Hospital. Several merabers of the Dufferin Rifle:: who failed to attend camp at Niagara are beteg prosecuted therefor at the Brantford Police Court, A Cardiff depatation is in Montreal on a visit to Canada to encourage trade with Canada, They will visit Toronto, Ottawa and other, cities. elietaphrey Guest, the 78 -year-old - thief who has spent 42 years in pre eon ryes sentenced to three years in penitentiary at Belleville yesterday. Mr. john Robinson, principal of Dar- ling street school, Brantford, has re - his position, to accept a simi- let one ander the Hamilton School Board, Owing to the difficulty in, procuring iron girders and columns, work on the USW Grand Trunk general offices in Montreal has been discontinued until next year. Halifax Board of, Trade. has asked the Dominion Government to place ae .whistling buoy at the. entrance to Hali- fax ha.rbou.r and. a lightship off Sam- bre Island. As soon as the street railway and, railway deals at Hamilton have been completed by the Cataract Company ,Syndicate, it will turn its attention to the line to Guelph. The will of W. W. Turnbull, of St. 'Icahn, N. B., disposes of an .estate of §655,e00 personalty. St. John Will have a home for incarables. to cost $100,000 out of it. The Governor-General and Lady Minto' have been invited by Carlyle Camp, No. 82, Sons of Scotland, to attend their Caledonian games at Chatham, on Monday Aug. 14. A gallant railway laborer saved a disaster on the Canadian Pacific Ry„ teveks at Kamloops by swimming twice amt.% a stream to warn approaching trains of the destruction of the bridge by fire. The harbor Commissioners at Mont- real are now making the necessary im- provements in readiness for the expect- ed increase in traffic, arising from the deepening of the canals which will be completed this fall. La-Gol. Holmes, D. 0. C., has re, quested the City Council of London to bay $2,000 as an advance towards the payment of the expenses of the militia called out in conseq,uence of the street car troubles, Jennie, the little daughter o Mich- ael Blaktearey, of Halifax, while at play ran a rutty nail into her foot. Blood poisoning set in and ultimately lock- jaw supervened, from which after ter- rible suffering she (lied, The manufacturers of Brantford, in- cluding the., Cockshutt Plough Co., Massey -Harris Company, and Water- ous Engine Company, have offered to donate the city e2,500 towards pur- poses of, flood prevention. It is stated that the Bank of Mont- real paid $120,000 for the properties of the Canada Paper Co., and of the Boxer estate adjoining on Craig street, Montreal, which it bought a short time ago for the extension of • its prenaises. elti,ghes, a Karisaseman, trapping in British Columbia, quarrelled with a quarter -breed over the division of some skins, and shot him fatally. While the man was dying Hughes regtalarly on him, even digging a grave beforehand. He is under ar- rest. • " The Duke of Westminster has pre- sented the 10,000 sovereigns won by Flying Fox on the race for the Eclipse Stakes on Sundown Peek on Friday to the Royal Alexandra Hospital at Rhyl. teeputetions from the Obstetrical So- ciety, the Queen's Jubilee Institute anal teeny women's societies wet wait on the Duke of Devonshire to urge legislation for the beaeiit or mid- wives. Sir Jas. Vaughan, the well-known Bow street magistrate, annouuces that he is about to retire, after 35 years' service in the principal London peace Curt. Althou,gh. 85, he is still rigor- ous. A London paper says that Emperor William wished to attend the Queen's birthday celebration in England, but the British authorities considered the time inopportune and the . Emperor took umbrage. It is said in London that Parliament will pass the Pacific cable scheme this session if it receives in time the de- dieion of. the- Australasian Govern- ments on the new proposels made at the recent conference. • In the British House, of Commons yes- terday Mr. Gosehen, First Lord of the Admiralty, stated that the Government would maintain the strength of the navy on an equality with that of the combined French and Russian fleets. The British naval manoeuvres will in- in,volve a test of torpedo-boat de- stroyers against torpedo boats, and an attempt on the part of a supposed enemyto intercept a convoy of provi- sion ships coming froln Canada to Britain. Hun, Charles Gordoa, nephew of the Marquis of Huntley and an officer of the Gordon Higheanders, called et the house • ce his cousin at 1 o'clock in the morning, and, failing to arou.se him, clanbedeto the roof by clinging to the waterspout. • He lost his hold, fell to the ground and was killed. In recognition of his services in the cause of Imperial penny postage, Mr. Henniker Heaton, M.P., has been pre- sented with the freedom of the City of London, as well as a. gold casket, upon bne end of which there is a fig- ure representing Britannia, and at the other end an allegorical figure of Can- ada. In the British House a Commons, Mr. George Wyndham, Secretary for War, said that the three batteries of artilfery ordered to Africa were go- ing as reliefs or reinforcements, but, should circumstances require it, the batteries already there might be re- tained and the reliefs would then be- come reinforcements. UNITED STATES. There is little change in the street car strike situation at Cleveland. Chicago re.stanrants have advanced the price of steaks. A Chicago fireman has an invention to, prevent hydrants freezing. Clara Barton of the Red Cross So- ciety, from Cuba, has returned to New York. General Alger has resigned the Sec- retaryship of War in Mr. McKinley's Ca bi net. Further trouble amone the Pathane on the northwest frontier of Indian is reported. A herd. of twenty-one cattle effect- ed with tuberoulesis, have been killed near Syracuse. Independent telephone ,cotupanies in the United States are consolidating to fight tiae Bell. At rudiapaPolis. Monroe Hedges, aged; 100 years, wailoped. b4iteet Hi- ram Hedges, aeed eeitentY, eecapse Hiram eame home liquor an abas- ed his wife, A Waseington erineori; says that out of ee bffieere and 1,31() menof the Seemed Oregon Rage:Mut Only e9 Were •ktfled in battle or died of disease za the Ithelippines. Fred Rie)lmeu, ot Otisoo, Ye has hefie fined .14) for hitching a, horse by ite tongue to a traetioe en- gille and then starting the engine, The aeimal reared!, tearing out five inclaee of its tongue, The reciprocity trett ties negotiated be the United. States with Bermeda and other Britisb. West Ladle colonies were signed on Tuesday at Washing- ton by the representatives of• Great 13rt- teen and the United States. Senator Faireatike, chairman of the joint High -American Canadian Com- mission, still expresses confidence tbat some arrangement may be nettlo whieb will result in a resumption of negoti- ations on the Alaskan boundary. . The Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Spaaiding, at Washington, has remitted the penalty of $3,200 ha - posed on the Canadian steamer Com- fort for violation of the law forbid- ding the carriage of coastwise pas- seagers by carrying a Fourth of July party from Marine City, Mich., to an- other point in the United States via a Canadian port. George M. Valentine, • cashier of he Suspended Middlesex County Bank al. Perth Amboy, N.J., was sentenced to six years in the New Jersey Peni- tentiary. He had pleaded guilty to the charge of larceny be connection with his nalsapproptiations of about 200;- 000 from Lhe efidtllesex Couaty Bink. The ful amount of the defaloation has not been ascertained, but it is under- stood that it exceeds $208,000. 'GENERAL. Storras have devasted Chili. Forest fires are raging in Sweden. Drouth is causing distress in Cuba, Tobacco is a drug on Havana mar- . The increased trade of. the Don:an- ion Bridge Co., bas decided the man- age/neat upon beildiag an addition to their works at Lower Lachine, The acidulaten will give the company an increased dapacity from 7,000 to 8,000 t0118 per year, oe abottt 90 per cent. in- crease in their present output. In the Manitoba I,egtaiature Prem- ier Greenway. said: It is not the in- tention of the Government to intro- duce this session a measure probibit- ing tele sale of intoxicating liquors to the full extent of the powers of the neroviece. Ib is the ihteution to intro- duce sueh a measure in the first Ses- sion of the next Legislature, Oteatva it Couecil has accepted the propoettl of the Street Railway CO,. that, conditional upon being allowed to eat Sunday cars the mileage paid, to ilea city should be increasecl.ptie- ' tavern)), ueven tickets should be sold for 25 ceets, and that school ohildretVe .The boiler of the Austrten torpedo boat Airier exploded, killing a lieuten- ant and four men. ' Mr. Elihu. Root of New York has ac- cepter' the Secreteiryseip of War in President McKinley's Cabinet, The 13aule of Might -ad is in difficul- tiee--not the, "old lady," but an insti- tution at lYfanchester, N.11. It ie understood that Elihu Root of NeW York will suoceed General Alger as United States Secretary of War. At Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Greekege Bur- gess, a eivil engineer taut ofeWork, •is go,therieg driftwood 'on the Hudeon to sell, Alt order has been received be the Na Lionel Electric Co., of Milford, Conn., for 60 eomplete sate of eleetne bells eat], fire alarm boxes for Wlndsor Cas - ket. There is more reported fighting in Samoa, Lord Curzon, Viceroy 'of India. will tour Central India in October. . The "United States system is replac- ing the Spanish In the Manilla courts. Recent, rains have flooded Manila. They are moving about the streets in boats., The Pope has resolved to conduct personally the religious ceremonies opening the century. ' Cuba s crops, especially sugar, are suffering from lack of rain,• though this is the rainy season: , A. French menagerie proprietor has accepted a Spaniard's Challenge to . . match a buil against two lions. Hundreds of Spanish laborers engag- ed by the naval contractors at Gib- raltar, are on etroke and threaten riots. NEIGHBORS SIWELT SMOKE; The elltiege againet the prisoners at- :reenne time ago in joliantiesburg (re the Transvaal anthoritiee has beert reatteed front high treason Co to.ustag disorder. The British cruiser Bonaventure, re- ported ashore in a bad'position et Cornifov. bas beau ;floated. to 'Hong Kong. Tee Indian Government has annex- ed Nushki, in Beloochistan, paying an annual rental for the territory to the Khan of Kelat. They are peedictin,g Gen. Pellieux s dismissal from his comnaand in Paris He is now charged with lying to the Minister of War. Naval Lieut, Boissman, the late Czarewitch s Companion, shot himself when upbraided by the Czar for allow- ing the Czarwitch Am go pycling alone. The Newfoundland .Supreme Court has reduced ro 46,00 the salvage for rescuing the Canadian liner Gaspesia from the ice. floes in St. Lawrence Gulf. A Melbourne despatch says that *the Eastern Extension Telegraph Cola- pany has made an offer to the 'Vic- toria Government eo lay a cable from Australa to South Africa, without cost to the colonies. A MONTREAL MAN'S NARROW ES - CAPS FROM DEATH BY BURNING. iyas Fonuti In z PlaU SulToettled COnd I ION.. & despatoh from lefeniereal, saysi- Joseph Paquin, living at 97 Chauffee Street, had a • narrow eseape frone death during Suadaer night, At 2 a.m. the people living la the 'armee above him was aroused by a smell of smoke. Investigation ehowed that .Paquie's (dwelling was on fire and filled with amoke. The Imuee was entered, and Paquin himself was found in bed ap- parently euffocated by the smoke, The firemen were called, and although tee nearest box is about a quarter of a milawate, they were on hand in time to save the house from total destruc- tilon. , Paquin wee resuscitated with great difficulty. He heti a -very narrow es- cape frorn death. It is believed thee in lighting a lamp when he went to bed a. piece of the brimstone or a piece of the burning match must have fallen on the table cloth, which is said to have scomaraunicated the fire to a cradle near by. The clothes a.ppenent- ly sraouldere.d until the outbreak was discovered jut in time to save Pa- quin's life, .A. terrific 'tornado in elee Russian province of Pensa, almost destroyed the City of Nikolaajewshoje. Six- teen bodies have been taken out of the ruins, and it is 'believed that the loss of life will reach, nearly 200. The closing of the Newfoundland Legislature was marked by the pres- ence of 1,000 British seamen and ma- rines. A peateful settlement of tbe French shore difficulty was foreshad- owed in the Governor's speeoh. The International Peace Conference yesterday passed resolutions in favor of the prohibition of the use in war of expandiag bullets and also of asphyxi- ating projectiles. The British and Matte(' States delegates voted against the proposition. „ Work etas been begun on the con- struction .of a passage from the cell. of Capt. Dreyfus to the hall in which the court-martial. before -which he is 1,o be tried will sit. This will enable the prisoner to escape the annoyauce of observation by the curious. A triple murder af an, American named Ward 'and two japa.nese wo- men at Yokohanase the supposed cause being jealousy, brings an Am- erican sailor named Miller under the Japanese taw as the suspected mur- derer. This is the first case under the new treaties. e Negotiations by an United States - syndicate bave been'closed for tee sale ok Popocatepti volcano, Mexico, and $500,000 in gold, the purohase price, has been paid to Gen. Gasper Sanchez, who owned and operated the sulphur deposits in the crater of the volcano for the past 25 years. , A mysterious epidemic Which has been prevailbag recently atnotre the cattle on the Swedish Island of Gate - land, has spread to the human beings in the disteict, and a large number of patients have been admitted to the hospitals. Some of the cases are aX- tretnely difficult to' diagnose. Cattle are dying by hemdreds throughout the Islandas a result of ine epidemic. BURNED WITH HIS HOUSE. Tetrible Itenth el it 'Wealthy Nava Seellaa. A. despatch from 'llatifa,x, N,S„ says: ,-The dwelling of Sohn McIntyre, a rich and aged resident a Lawrence., town, Annapolis oounty, was destroy» ed by ire an Saturday night, atia the °senor, who had livedthere alone for 4.5 years, was boo:rued to death. FOUND HER BED, OCCUPIED. In oxfore County chi plea 'suddenly event shuck. ' A despatelt from Wooestook, Ont„ se ys:-Miss Jane Grier, 21 years old, daughter of Mr. Grier, of the ltla con- cession, East Oxfged, died at her home on Monday afternoon. A few weeks ago Miss Grier went to stay with a friend of hers in Dumfries. She was en- joying the best of health. One even- ing on retiring at the usual hour, as it was not very dark, Miss Grier did not take a light to her room. The apart- ment- only being lit by ehe expiring twilight, the objects therein were not plainly discernible. The young lady removed her apparel and proceeded to get into bed, bet as she rea,claed but SPECULA:UR IN STOCKS, remit Ilan Detectives, en lite eookone At Chleago nownoiittot. A despatch from Montreal saysea The Montreal deteetives eaVe been &sign ed to be op the lookout fax William Al- extietter Stewart Graiaam, of Chicago, defaeltere it le alleged, to the ex- tent of about e7a,000. Gre.eani ie a Canadian, tore near lYlontreal, and it is teouget Wet he way be captured at either iYIeatreal or Ottawa, He was formerly sehool agent in Chioago, as well as clerk and seoretary of the Board of Education. lie is charged withteme beezlieg tee eonds of the boerd. Gra- ham confesses to a shortage of $23,- 000, and in an open letter written af- ter Ids fiight, and given to eis tette, offers property worth e2e000 to cov- er the seortage, lee has Jost, all his sav•- inge and the sebool funds in stock spec- ulation, and in the attempt to make a fortune in a short time. MINERS STRIKE AT SUDBURY. 900 INIIIIIloyes • Of Cn aadian Copper Co. , Idte-ITant Increase of Wages. A despatoh from Sudbury, says:- Quite a sensation was caused here by all the ram, erneloyed in the mines of the Canadian Copper Company, about nine hundred, having gone on strike Lor bigher wages. The men in the s,meiters wilt. also. go out to-night'.The wages of the miners and surface men have been, out down twice in, the past ten years, fleet by 10 per create awl the second time by 5 per rent, The men .now demand a raise all round of • 15 per cella, or the wages paid at the start. The cost of living, they claim, has increased, with schools end churches to keep (up, and men of ram - lies especially find it hard to live de- cently on the ecale of wages now paid and keep out of debt. There is no distu.rbance, and negotia- tions for a settlement of the trouble are going on. STABBED BY A PRIGNER. men treat OMeer • Reeelres a Sertous W011.11 d. A despatch from Montreal her hand to turn down the bed clothes Stags sell tee 2c per lb. , says:- it came in contact with a face. Acting Detective Richard, of the city Store will not sell': fell . startled suffering from a dangerous knife uFotiaitt:_ enelse back inseesibleHer cry - Cattle. is the range of current With e piercing shriek Miss Grier police force, is confined to his home cle ,wreinin MARKETS Gil THE WORLD. Prices or CIF3,111, CP.ttle, Chet)se, in the Leading marts. Toronto, ;filly 28. -AL the cattlemar- ket to -day we had 4 total of 65 loads, sett being that kteveral loads were forTh:xpeoal,ttleantraac4tew.:TIv:it-4.y-ifd,ultib,eborteb.. °aril I lani up6bk: oWol:o.:msz bg:i The enquiry for shipping cattle is qaiet, principally on accotint a the London and Liverpool markets, where vioawluespr,ihceasirewbheiett4h faarxe aplieeywaildainygs isnomtle„.le thing very like demoralize!". We had emee good stuff tare this meeningi but quotations renged from e4.50 to $4,80 per cwt„ wita e5 as about the limit fax prime cattle, a lot or two of selections Were said to have fetceed a yYork aS05hw. i wilaittsginmore; but aanryeiTreileigenbtae- Th- tive figure. e trade is. iu bad ehaPe juo Butcher cattle was also dull, aud all grades -except a little extra el:vol00 stuft-sold slowly at from, ea to $3,75; and for tee best el to e4.25 1-2 per cwt. At the close some cattle was Un - Stokers and feeders are unchanged. Gaod bulls are worth from. §3,50 to $4 per cwt.; tee engairy was slow to - Milkers range from $2.5 to 417 each, and a few choice cows aie. wanted. Calves, were easy et from $2.50 to $6 each, but 3, few choice calves w,1l sell We'Sikii:ere was a fair demand far ship- pingeseeep at steady unclaanged prices, but interier grades were a shade more easy. The best isheee said up to 43.60, per cwt., as a top figure. Lambs fetch about six cents per lb, or from e3 to $4.50 eacli. Choice larabs are in fair den:tante Too mealy light hogs continue to come ferward, but we had only a email run to -day, and prices are eteady and unchanged. Prime hogs) scaling from 160 to 200 lbs, 5 1-8c per lb. was paid; for light, fat and heavy fat the price is 4 3-40 per lb., but poor, leen togs are not eetohimg moire than 40 per lb. Sows are fetching 3c per lb. the inmates of the house, who rushed wountl, inflicted upon him while in the 1ShiPPers' Per ewl" • ' • $425 8- a to her room to find her In a swoon, discharge of his duty on St. James from which she only partially recover- ed. It appears that she had previously street at an early hour on Sunday occupied the spare ereene by herself, and morning, and Michael Lafleur, a on the, night referred to a neighbour's child, who was.stopping at the house, labourer, has been arrested. on a was put into the bed unknown to her. charge of inflicting the wound within- Misssok. ai Grier never recovered frothe tent to kill. Lafleur and a number of b 'friends were coming out of a saloon on St. James street shortly after mid- night. The crowd was noisy; and see- eral officers, including Richard, who were near by, attempted to disperse the crowd. Lafleur drew a knife and stabbed Rishard in the stomach, The wounded man was taken to the hoi- pital, and hopes are entertained for his recovery. - WILL DEPORT CANADIANS. Washington Authorities Slaking' an In. vestlgattott at Niagara Falls. • A. despatch from Niagara Falls., N. Y.. says :-Inspector Estle, of Wash- ington, and ponunissionef Silver, of Buffalo, came here, en Wednesday arid issued 13 subpoenas for as many em- ployes of the Oneida Community Com- pany, Limited, thee making puha° an intention to begin( an investigation of the Canadian alien contract labour question at this port. For some little time there has lbeen a strike among the employes of the company referred to, and the ousted, union men have made complaint itt regard to an alleged viola- tion of the law. The 'company have engaged Attorney Eugene Cary to guard its interests at the investigation wehich commenced this afternoon. , which commenced this ,afternoon. RAN DOWN AN ICEBERG. BrItlf;h Steamer 'teaches Newfoundl Badly Damaged. A despatch from St, John's, Nfld., says: -The British steamer John Bright, Captain Keene, from Batuscan, via Quebec, july 14th, for London, with lumber and general cargo, has arrived here with bow stove in by collision with an iceberg in the Straits of Belle Isle. She has a huge fracture in the fore -compartment, the hole being many feet wide and extending from above the water -line to the keel. It will be neces- sary for her to go into, dry-dock and make extensive repairs before proceed.- ing. A TREMENDOUS EXPLOSION. Slue Men killed and Four Injured In it British Torpedo Boat Destroyer Ex- plosion. • A 'despatch from London, says: - During her trial to -day on the Solent, an explosion occurred on board the torpedo-boat destroyer ,13telfinch, kill- ing nine and injuring four of those on, board. It was the worst naval acci- rdent of this nature that has occurred, in, the British navy in 20 years. The victims were terribly injured, steam ane boiling water filling the engine - room. Th,e Bullfinch is one of the latest - designed, 30 -knot torpedo-boat de- streyers. While the Bullfitch was running at her full speed of 80 knote the connect- ing rod of the etarboard engine broke, and, striking the cylinder, knocked off its end. The engine -room presented a terrible sight- The irajured were groaning in agony. One man, who had apparently been struck by 'some fIying metal, had his head nearly torn off. MANY SEE BALLOONIST DIE. Italia Front Attshial III Presence of One Thousand People, A despatch Irom Cleveland, says: -S, tril, Hawkins, an 'aeronaut, was killer" in a balloon ascension at Euclid Beach park this evening. After ascending 806 feet he was knocked from the tra- peze, and fell to the ground, reCeiving iniarieS from which he dled at hour later. The accident, was witnessed by nearly 1000 people. BUGS CLOGGED THE LAMPS. • - Experiments With Electric Lights It orolsh Qulana Irasneeessral. A despatch from Kingston, says:- T;he city of Georgetown„ British Gui- ana, has receutiy adopted the electric light. The arc lasieps became cen- Butcher, cboice do. . . 375 4-25 Butcher, med., to good. 320 850 Butcher, • inferior. . 3e0 325 Sheep and Lambs. Ewes, per cwt, . 3 25 3 Ger Becks, per ewe . . 2 50 275 Spring lambs, each, . 300 450 , Milkers and Calves. COvirs, each. . . . . 25 00 4500 Calves, each, . . 200 600 Hogs. Choice epee, r cwt. 475 5 121-2 Lighthogs, per owt. . 425 • IZe7 Heavy hogs, per cwt, 425 • 437 1-2' Dyspepsia and. :Indigestion, common disea,ses, but hard to • cure with ordinary reniedies„ yield readily to Manley's, Celery -Nerve Compound, Buckingham, etre King St. 'east, Hemmen, Oat., say -"I waslroubiso with Dyspopsla end hongestion for a long time, and , °could get no relief until I Ititld Manley'. Celery -Nerve Compound, which cured me, and I cannot IS pad( too JghIy in its praise." AN ATTTOIVIATIC TRAIN-SroPPER, Among recent inventions is a devioe by wheal), the air -brakes of a railroad train can be applied from the track, as the traiit passes, without tee interven- tem of the engineer. The air -brake system is connected with a lever con- trolling a vent in the train -pipe, and attaollea to the truck of thepone vvimels close to the track at the for - ware end et the l000motive. On passing over an obstruction, Placed, ont the trek for the purpose, the lever is tilt- ed and the vent opened, thus letting the air in to the brakes. The engineer oan reset the lever from his place in the cab. Buffalo, July 28. -Spring wheat - Steady. No. 1 Northern, spot, 750; No. 2 Northern, 70 3-ec; No, 1 hard, spring, 75 1-2 to 75 3-4c. Winter wheat -Dull; No. 2 red, new, offered at 73 1-2c, on on track. Corn -Quiet; No. 2 yellow, 38 34c; No. 3 yei.low, 3,3 1-2c; No. 2 corn, 38 1-2c; No. 3 corn, 88c. Oats- Easier; No. 2 white, 290; No. 3 white, 28 1-2c; No. 4 white, 27 1-2 to 28c; No. 2 mixed, 27 1-2c; No. 3 mixed, 26 1-2c. Rye -Nom- inal. Canal freights -Quiet, easy. Flour -Steady. . Deteoit, Mich., July 28. -Wheat clos- ed: -No. 1 white, cash, 71 1-2c; No. 2, red, cash, and July, 71 1-2c; Septem-, tees et attraction to cockles, a series , ber, 73c. Milwaukee, July 28,--Wheat-No. 1 Northern, 72 1-20; No. 2 Northern, 71c. Rye -No. 1, 53c. Barley -No. 2, 401-2c; sample 35 to 40e. Minneapelia, July 28. -Flour and bran -Unchanged. Toledo, Ohio, July 28.-Weeat - No. 2, cash, and July, 701-2c; September, 72 1-4c bid. Coen -No. 2 mixed, &11-10. Oats -No. 2 mixed, 253-4a. R,ye-No. 2, cash, 75c asked. Cloverseed-Prime cash, new, §3.95; October, 08.47 1-2. Oil -Unolianged. Duluth, July 28. -Wheat -No. 1 hard, cash, "/,2 3-4e; July, 72 3-1c; No. 1 Nor- thern, cash, 70c; July, 70c; Septeraber, 69 5-8c; December, 70 5-8c; No. 2 North - at small beetle wbieth swarm in my- riads along tee coast and river shores at the commencement of the Guinan rainy season, and each lamp was speedily filled vo the brim. 'file front ranks ot the inseots then (mule in con - tape with the current, which set their bodies an lire. The immediate result was that the lamp( were rendered use- less for illuminating , purposes, and vest clouds of intoletrably noxious bibles eina.nated from them and float- ed into the neighboring houses, the inmates ol svhich were driven nearly frantic,. , FIRES IN CROW'S NEST PASS. C. F. It. Loses litany Th011Sillid Feet of Cu Logs on It. vvr Bank. A. despatch from Winnipeg says: - Serious bush fires have been raging along the Crow s Nest Pass :railway from below Miehael to Coit Cree, The o.d town or. Fernie and other settlements wrer only saved by the strenuous ef- forts of the men, who retnainite on guard night and day. Five houses were burned near the coke ovens at Fernie. The C.P.R. have lost thousands upon thou.saads of -feet of cue logs along tett river bank near Hasmer, and viell probably Lose a great deal more be- fore the fires barn thenaselve-s out. Millione of feet of fine standing tim- ber have also been destroyed during' the Inlet two weeks. HOT RATTLE IN A POOR-EOUSE. Four Hundred ironsit Ilumales Attack Attendants Wein tiniveN and Cita bS., ,A. deepateh from Berlin, says: -At the poor -house at Sehrianni, in the Pro- vince. of Posen, on Friday last, nearly 100 inmates, most of them Poles, at- tacked the, attendants and overseers with knives and clubs, The police were summoned and were attacked by the rioters arid were obligedto use ,their weapons in self-defenee. Several of the rioters we're seriously wounded, but finally the ringleaders were ar- rested and order was restored.. LION 13I1ES, The lion is the King of the Beasts, true enough, but it has been found that his bite is not as dangereae as the bite of a dog, and the out matte by hie great teeth Will heal up quick - "JACK, WHERE BE YE?" cruet Game FIttied 1 it the Cantpi of the Lumbermen. So full of peril is the lumberman's life that even his sposts must be spiced with danger or they pita on his tastes. On the long winter nights a cruel game called. "Jack Where Be Ye?'' is sometimes played. The middle of the largest room in the camp is cleared, Two men are securely blindfolded, and having previously drawn lots for the firet "whack," they kneel on the floor. In his right hand each man holds a stout leather strap, at the end of which lea), heavy iron buckle. In the left; hand of each manes held, by the end, Another leather strap or rope. The left hands must either be kept on or very near the floor, and the strap that is held between them kept taut, This guarantees a uniform dietitian between the combatants. They are quite near enough to hurt each other severely, sometimes fatally. " Now the man who has bees 'Lucky enough to draw the first call sings Out; "Jack, where be ye?" to which his opponent must immediately answer, "Heret be," Then the first mean strikes where he imagines his opponent to be, with the heavy leather strap. If be hits bis mare he is mite Led. to (moth- er blow; may call mat again. "jack, where be ye?" and the other must an - ewer, "Here I be:" This may be bon- tinuecl until the Hest man misses, When le must take hie turn at being struck. The others form a ring around the two fighters, bets are made and. each factiou eneourages ;arid apelauds ite chosen eighter. There are regular rounds, and the game is asually kept up, untiltone or the other is earried otf tilA scene seriously wounded. Hard Jaeade can stand k.ftocks and volunteers fax the eruel sport are easily found. A.t the beginning there is usually no malice. A, hard blow is struck - it is expreted, betause it is the game. tatt it not infrequently happens that the game develops int( a fierce duel. SECRETS OF THE TRADE, We make our own ice cream, said the restaurant proprietor. Consequently we know just what it contains. You do, replied the patron, but' I don't. 19.0141422.911:e ,amistwanicsamoro, OSAK AND %IMAM( WOMEN FIND* SW, Pranoln IN *WON ANINRIOANNIINVINN. IORNIAPS he was it ethic, but some Op has said that in thil age there ere no heitithy women. The age has many Ito . - mien, strony and noble physically, as and morally; Dat they are ',tally Is true nevert eless, that a • Ierge per- centage of the wo- o l the country suffer from nervous- nerre and general de- bility. They dreg out a weary' existence, and each day 1$ a day of pain and Buffering. This vva$ the case with Miss Annie Patterson, oA SackvIlle, N. B. She suffered terribly from Indigestion and nervousness. She was influenced by some one, ,somehovr, to Ory South American Nervine. Of course, it was like 110P114 against hope -another patent medicine. But she had taken only one bottle when ber system began to take on the health of earliest years, and after using three bottles she Was completely *tired. No wonder she is strong in her conviction that there Is no remedy Itee South .A.mere can Nervine. -29. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. &K K.8c K K 1111GIS OF,S111 A Book for Young and Old. OUR = RECORD Estl 1874 25 04, a DISEASED- . MEN CURED 250,000 CURED YOUNG MAR Rarater when ignorant of e terrhee cage' eo were committing. Did you only mender, the faseinating allurements of this evil habit? Whentoolateto avoid the ter- rible results, ware your eyes opened to your peril? Did you Iatee on in teen - hood contmet anyPRIVATE orDLOOD disease? Wereyoucured? Doyounow d then see some alarming symptoms? Dare you marry in your present CM, dition? You know. "Liet-e, FATHER. LIKE SON." If marriedeftre you con- stantly living in dread? Is marriage a, failure with you. on account of any weak- ness caused by early abuse or later ex- cesses? Have you been drugged With mercury? This bookletwilipointoutto you the results of these crimes ancl point out how our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT will positively cure you. It shows how thousand s Imre been saved by our NEW TREATMENT. It proves how we can GUARANTEE TO OURE ANY CURABLE OASE OR NO PAY. We treat and cure -EMISSIONS. VARICOCELE, SYPHILIS, GIEET, STRICTURE, IMPOTENCY, SE- CRET DRAINS, UNNATURAL DIS- CHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDER diseases. :-Let CURES GUARANTEED • "The Walcott of Sin" sent free by enclosing 2.3 stamp. 00NS1TLTATI0N FREE. If unable to call, write for RETTZNNT.131,ANK for HOME KENNEDY & KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. DETROIT, MICH. K.84:4K-"Atta• • 4 ii'Jcii!,!;ziltiiiI4ittF1 4,1F tiEttcr Feet te Cie eeTtSsAtideet * • ••• . I. 0,1 qra.W. litebelkeleWbettelieWeeiglesea ALWAYS KEEP ON NAHA THEM!: IS NO MO OF PAIR OR AC14E0 INTEBRAL OR EXTERNAL, THAT PAM-MI.1.ER WILL NOT RE- LtEllt. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AN SUB- STITUTES. Ilia GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME PERRY °Avis & sok, teltesivywavoltylmii/V&A& THE XET TILES Or An