HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-8-3, Page 1TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR NO. 51.
7!"1 -
CANADA, rrifclisDAY MORNING AUQTYST: '.34„: 1899..
Tim StriKo Still
Did you get a slice of last weeks bar-
gains, if not why not. For you benefit
we will continue our midsummer sale un-
til lines advertised are sold out.
LilaleS' °MVOS &
G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey
armor, Commissionpr, Fire Insurance agent
and ssurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal doou"
ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates
Money to manor), real estate at low rates of in.
tercet. Ofnee at the Post office, Hensall,
. •
(Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrister
Solieitor, Notary Public, Hensall. Ont..
S,. Honor Gratin
'ate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth
extracted without air, or bad effects. Office
The balance of our stock of Ladies' gloves .
1 ensall. At Zurich over
and mita, the reaular 25 and n5c kind for 18 / 111 ' et" Bli"..C'
e •IVTonday, oommencinglYlav 30th.
b ° )
Bnews.-Sixteen young ladies of the
' 'rho balance of our stock of Crash Skirts, regular $2 village held. a, picnic. at Grand Bend on
'tdC11C8 Grasli Slats kind, nicely trimraecl, sellina for $1. .
0 Wednesdey. Pity this is not leap
yea,r.-G. J. Sutherland. was la Bay -
The balance of our stock of Ladies Shirt Waists in
td(I16. Silirt iNdiStS
- 9
white lawn. Black sateen and fancy muslins, regular
75 and 1,00 kind, clearing at 50c.
LASS 511111111er Gorsets
LNICS Gottoll floso
This is a good thing, our regular 50c summer,
corsets, good honest values at above price, now
selling at 2.2e pr.
Ladies or chilcirens cotton hose at cost. Prices no good to
you in this case. Come and see for yourself.
We have the new Kipling Tie, the new thing in a summer shirt, the natty
hat, the stylish suit
All the latest and best in gents furnishings at a small cost.
field on Monday. --Mrs. Robt Patter-
s li, Jr. is Visiting friends in Exeter.-
Fr. Scott, a Strathroy, is in the vil-
ge this week visieing friends, -R. N.
Creech, visited friends here on Satur-
day. -Mr, and Mrs. ,Tames Sparks, and
I son, Eldon, who have been visiting
friends around.13a,yfield and Dashwood
have returned. -Miss Clara Thompson
of Blake, was on Saturday and Sunday
last the guest of Mrs. Sparks. -Reeve
Urquhart and councillor Arnold were
in Mitchell last week inspecting a
watering cart for sale. They, were
favorably impressed and it .is likely a
purchase will be effected. A long felt
want will then be filled. -Mrs. Wm.
Bell who has been visiting her father -
hi -law, James Bell, returned to Milver-
ton last week.-Robt. Eacrett was in
London the forepart of this week visit-
ing his brother. -The annual conven-
tion of the Epworth Leap° of the
Exeter District, vvill be held here on
Sept. 2nd. The programs have been
issued and will be mailed in a few
days to those entitled to receive them.
-Benjamin Smillie and wife, of Iowa,
are in the village and neighborhood
visiting relatives. Mr. Smillie intends
studying medicine and -will 'attend the
Ann Arbour Medical college. -Mr.
Contine, of St. Joseph, was in town
this week, disposing of large quantities
of sugar to our merchants, he having
purchased it at a price enabling him to
sell it far below wholesale price. -The
foundation for Thos. Welsh's new
brick block has been completed. It
will be a fine building when complet-
ed. -A. Grigg, who has been in Eng-
land during the past two months, has
sailed and is expected home this week.
-Psi,. Mr. Ten Eyck, of Exeter, ex
changed pulpits with Rev. Doherty
an Sunday last, and administered
sacrament at Staffte and Hensall.-Rev.
Mr. Jewitt, on Sunday last held Har-
vest Home Services in the Methodist
church. In the morning it was cast-
ing in the sickleandin the evening,
gathering in the rvest fruits. The
choir rendered apteropriate music for
the occasion. The attendance at each
service was very large. -W. 0. Mc-
Taggart, of Toronto, was in the village
this week, and visited his brother,
Dr. MeTaggart, of Chiselhurst, who
continues ill. -J. G. Seanbury, of the
firm of Collins 85 Stanbury, of Exeter,
was in the village on Tuesday. -The
tennis team will have to practise more
faithfully in future. During the past
week they have lost two games at the
hands of Clinton and Exeter. -Miss
Lovina Cook, who has been holiday-
ing atGrandBend for some time return-
ed this week, after a pleasant visit.
-Miss McKay, of Oxford Co., was in
the village OD Tnesday renewing ac-
quaintances. -Thursday (to -day) being
Civic holiday, a number of citizens
took advantage of the excursion to
Kincardine while others spent the day
at the lake shore. -Rey. J. S. Header:
son accompanied by Mrs. Henderson,
left on Tuesday on a month's Va-
cation to Courtwright.--Coleman Mc-
Intosh, formerly teacher in S. S. No.
14, Hay, who has been attending Nor-
mal school in Ottawa. is in the village
visiting friends. -J. E, Troyer has
been engaged as engineer of a thresh-
ing outfit for Mr.Thirsk,of Blake. -Mr.
and Mrs. D. McAlpine have returned
to Glencoe, after a pleasant visit here.
-D. McColl is suffering from a very
sore eye, the result of grain getting
into the optic some time ago. He had
an operation performed last week. .
Fall goods are arriving and we are compelled to clear out Summer Stock to make room;
Here are a few of the goods that will be sold during the next few weeks at prices that will.
_clear them out.
C)F1 BEN DOORS All kinds in regular sizes.
1.door varnished, natural wood, very handsome' .reg 1.50, now LOO.
2. e • natural wood. varnished suitable for frontdoors 1.25, now 85c:
8. n painted, strong and durable, reg 1.00, now 60c.
SCREEN WINDOWS, all kinds and sizes, your choice for 25c..
HARVEST and We have a very large stock of these in all kinds and all prices.
THRESHERS See our new warranted Buckskin mitts, they are best Binding
Ct. VES mitts 20c; up.
Ma6liillie nil Why wear out your machine by usin.gpo or oil, We can give you the
WI highest grade at very low prices.
HarstTAll we ask in these goods is comparison of' quality and
veools prices We have the quality, let us surprise you with the prices
'Highest price for butter and eggs.
H. !shop it Son, Exeter.,
Kirkton Luoan.
guerite Ward of this village, was bad-
ly bitten by the prevalent kissing bug
ILCOLLIN-S STANHURY.-Barristers,Convey-
:timers, Notaries. etc., Exeter Ont. R. H. Col-
lins and .T. G, StanburyB. A. (late with Mc-
Carthy Osier & Co. Barristers Toronto)
BRIErs.-E. Davis is on the sick list
present. -A number of our citizens
spent Sunday at Grand Bend.. -Samuel
Doupe and E. W. Shier returned home
,from Port Elgin, on Wednesday. -R.
Dawson has started in the employ of
.Mr. Crozier. -Misses Frankie and Bes-
sie Cameron, from Detroit, are spend -
;hag their vacation at Kirkton, at Mrs.
Kirk's.-Miss White, of St. Marys, is
ethe guest of Miss Lena Jameson this
week. -The baseball team of Kirkton,
will be renewed this fall again. -Quite
At number from our town .took in the
.excursion to Detroit on the22nd. They
all enjoyed the trip very much and
would. like to spend a week there. -The.
garden party at Rev. Mr. Ball's was
well attended' An enjoyable evening
,was spent. -We are glad to learn that
David Hazelwood is on the raend.-W.
Brown purchased a Crescentwheel last,
Saturday. -J. Finley spent Sunday
with W. Elliott.- Harvey Robinson
has traded his old wheel for anew Do.
;minion with W. Stone. -S. Mc -Vickers
leas started his threshing route again.
---j. Elliott has purchased a new Ores -
cent wheel. -A number of people from
Kirkton intend recruiting at Grand
13end this week.- Misses Lettie and
Jennie Smith, of Clinton are visiting
ifriends here at present. -Two of .our
tes in the near future.
girkton boys intend going to the
BRIEFS. -Fred Legrice, of Dresden,
is visiting his sister, Mrs. Wm. Slea-
man and also his mother. -M. and.
on Friday night on the right side of Miss Higgins, of Exeter, visited friends
•her face and it is swollen so badly here on Sunday. --John johns re -erect -
that the eye is completely closed and ed his barn on Monday evening. sides
the pain was intense during the early were chosen by Richard Johns and
hours of Saturday. This is the second. Wm. Veal. The race on the home
case of the kind within a week. The stretch was a close one, Richard's side
kissing bug is a large sized beetle, and winning by about half a initiate. Three
is becoming prevalent. The bite is of the clerical gentlemenlwere there
very dangerous. and used their muscle to good advan-
Barnas.-The mason work of the I tage; Everything event nicely and no
injuries ocurreda-melville Skinner has
new oat meal mill is being rushed quite
rapidly. -Mrs. G. Stanley has returned purchased from R. T. Johns a hand -
from the Grand Bend where she spent some new Winchester bicycle with a,
a few days va.cation.-Misstfutchinson of high gear, so look out for scorching
London, has been the guest of Mrs and now. Miss Wiggins, of Goderich, is
Mr. 'Harrigan, the past week. --The the guest of the Misses Halls. -Mrs. P.
Lucan Greys Base Ball team played a T. Halls called on friends this week
ame with a St. Marys tearn on Mon- prior to their leaving for Goderich,
where Mr. Halls has purchased a Boot
& Shoe Store. -Mrs. 1. Cudmore, of
Manitoba, (nee Harriet Johns) is visit-
ing her parents and brothers and will
remain for some time. It is nine years
since she visited the old home and
ay, the game in favor ot Lucan.:-Mr.
and Mrs W. Reid spent' Saturday and
Sunday last at the Bend. -Rev, Shaw
was in town on Friday la,st all were
pleased to see Mr. Shaw again he bein
a former pastor. -Mr. Quigley. Esq. an
Mr. W. Ward, attended the ball match1 notes m -- any changes. Patterson &
at Craig last Saturday, and had a hur- Ellis,. of S. Marys, are making cement
rah time. -Mr. andMrs, Shea, and Mrs. tile in. R. Herdman's . gravel pit. -
McDonald, all of London, were the Threshing will now be the order of the
guests of Mrs. Harrigan, on Sunday clay. The johns Bros. being the first
last. -Miss Katie Hobbies wheeled , to start on Tuesday, their new separ-
from London on Saturday evening , ator startecl,off in good shape.-Robt.
last. -Mrs. Robinson and family of Herdman has purchased a new buggy
Goderich are visiting friends in midland times must surely be looking bet -
around Lucan.-Bicycle riding on the i ter 4 noi
lessthan w four nebuggies are
sidewalks is prohibited in other towns, ion the line n 2i miles. -William Horn
but Lucan don't seem to have any has started his new Traction Engine
Dr. Laing and Dr. Charles perform- prohibitory laws for such; your corres- and will doubtless make things hew
.ed the second operation on Mrs. Pea:- pondent with others trusts that some this Fan. But sorry to say James'
cock's lung, of Prospece Hill, on &Our- one will look after this nuisance and smiling face is not amongst the gaeg.
day, and also opened the leg of Mr.
Draper's little son, which was injured
iby striking a bed pest some time ago.
• -F. Fanton and bride, of Lambeth,
are the guests of James Halls and fam-
ily. Mr. and Miss Cudmore, of Beth-
esda, were the guests of Sohn Johns
1 1' County Detective Ward received a , on Sunday. - Miss Alice Woods, of
clue from Chief of Pollee Dodd, of ;nere•
. Hensall, visited under the parental
Strathroy, Monday, in regard to the 1, _ _
whereabouts of the cattle theives who I ' H ibbert roof on Sunday. -Mr. and, Miss Stone -
have beenoperatinin Lobo recently. man,of Hensall,visited at Robb. Woods
cause a stoppage of riding on sidewalks.
-Miss Browxilee, of Detroit, is tinder
the parentalroof.- The Misses Tracy,
of Detroit, are also visiting their moth -
Two en on bicycles were seen neari BMWS.- Wilson Allen, whoSniallaombe and friend visited friends
has aed the parsonageon Sunday. -Geore
the Decewned Lands on Lake Huron,
in the vicinity of Port Franks, driving
a large herd of cattle. He left at once
in search of the cyclists, who, is
thought, are the same men who oper-
ted in Lobo.
been teaching several years in the
Northwest, is spending his holiday , at
home. Mr. Allen looks well and
speaks well of that new land. -Dr, and
Mrs. Tufforcl,of Stara, spent) last week
with Mrs. Tufford's parents, Mr. and
------ Mrs. Hugh 0=0e...7 -Mr. Wm. Hog-
gartb, teacher of Ciromarty school,and
hispupils have been making an en viable
in the village also Miss Ferguson, of
Exeter,is the guest of Mrs.B.Willianis.
-What's the matter boys? We notic-
ed quite a number of young gents
from other places looking after our
Fair Sex.-Itobt. Tinny spent Sunday
with friends at Bethesda. --Will Tay-
lor is getting to be quite a profeSsional
actor' hiS bicycle. -John
reputation for themselves at the re• conebe, who has been quite poorly for
re/1‘11... cent entrance and public school leav- some time is we are Sorry to say no
ting examinations. His three ent
vot`e all that were in the class PT:el bere4-
St lielVint..c!IiiLdaboltirsirNienet illienuenr1
the examination successfully,
marks 1,eachieg 058, 682 and' 710. The
their day evening.- Miss jennie Coates is
visitin un er the arental roof -Miss
What W. G. Bissett. says Of
Hall's &Dish, Seven Mixtures.
I have used “Hall's British Seven
Mixtures" for a number of years, and
"am never without it in my stable. It
invaluable as 4 dressing in all euts,
wounds, and calks on horses. Also he
litiiment for strains, swellings, lame,
riess, tore throat and influenza, it can.
neit be surpassed. 'W. G. 13/8SETT.
Marnitacttiretl and. sold. by Oh Lutz,
two public School leaving, all that SarahlIalls went to Chicago on Fri -
were in the class, also passed and got day last. -Miss -1,, iolet Hinds is vieit-
the two highest marks of those that ing friend§ in steatenee,_Gen. iiiliders
tried id Mitchell. These last two jdst, leaves on AAgnst 15 for Branclon,Man.
passed the entrance last year. A.1,.1 and other points west in search of a
Candidates from this school passed
lase year also, and all but one the year position in the mercantile line, success
Geo. -Jas. Smith intends renewing ac -
before. ,.These are Mr. Hoggarth's
tlireeet"Me * th' school.• quaintances in Hainlobee Me,n.--Quite
a number. from around here intend
taking inthe exctitsioini:0 Kincardine
To be free from sick headache, hill
oneness, eenstipatien, etc., uselCarter'e
Little Liver Strictly vegetable.
They gently' Eiticatilate the heoet arid
tlothwell, foe 88 years principal
Science Hill
BRIEFS. -Miss Lottle Hubbard is the
guest of Mrs. Jas Barnett. -Mrs. Geo.
Chapman of St Marys, attended ser-
vice at Zion on Sunday. -The bulk of
the oat crop will be harvested this
week. With favoreble weather har-
vest will practically be finished next
eveek. -Hugh Kirk, of Kirkton, is en-
gaged to teach S. S. No. 9. We hope
to find Mr. Kirk a pushing. energetic
young man, and as this is his first
school he has.a reputation to make. -
Wm. Nethercott's new barn is at last
ready for the harvest, Mr. th ercott
has a commodious building.
Central ia
Baeaase-aWm. Ilaggith, who has
been attending College in Woodstock,
is at home with his parents for a few
days before supplying a pulpit vacant
for the holidays. -Miss Robertson is
likely to be Second teacher irt the pub-
lic school, evh ich position has even made
vacant by the resignation of Miss
Livens. -Large crowds continue to at
tend the Methodist chorch, several
from Nursery and Olandeboye attend-
ed last Sunday. - Quarterly services
will be held in the above named Church
and at Eden at 2.80. -Miss Grace Salton
has retained fecnn attending school in
Lucknow,aralMiss Pearl Cohleigh from
Parkhill. -The Epworth League of Lhe
Methodist church have arranged to
give the old people of the church a
grand teception ,and social in the base -
merit of the church on•the I5th. The
Eden league is to be invited also. - S.
McCoy is putting up quite an addition
to his holm in the shape of e neW kit -
ellen. -Mr. and Mrs. Weber, of Gode-
rich visited friends in Devon ,,on
day last. -Mrs. Thos. Neil's sisteris vis-
iting her froni Lohdon, also her father.
-Mrs. Sheardown is up 'and around
Again. -mos /twill still cOetin nes quite
U s borne Biciclulph
The death ot Mrs. William Blatch-
ford, of Usborne, occurred on Monday,
after a somewhat protracted Mimes, of
tuberculosis. Deceased's maiden mime
was Ettie Woods, daughter of the
late James Woods, and was in her 31st
year. She was an estimable lady and
her death in the bloorn of womanhood.
is mourned. by a wide circle of friends.
The funeral yesterday was very large-
ly attended, and. the sympathy of the
conimunity gees out to Mr. Blatchroecl
in his irreparable loss.
COLLINS & ST$N33URY.-Barristers,Convey
tumors, Notaries, eta., Exeter Ont. R. Ef, Col-
lins and 3, G. Stan:bury B. A. (late with Mc-
Carthy, Osier, 8t Co. Barristers, Poronto).
SUDDEN DEATEL-George Geiser, a
progressive farmer of this neighbor-
hood, died suddenly on Saturday. He
went to the field to work, when sud-
deftly he fell faint to the ground. Re-
gaining strength he returned to the
barn, and while in the act of unhar-
nessing the horses, he expired. Mr.
Gaiser was about,45 years old, was a
very industrious farmer, and highly
respected by a wide circle of friends.
Heart -failure was the cause of death.
His bereaved widow and family have
the sympathy of the conaniunity in
their sore affliction.
13neues.-Miss Edith Falconer of
Hayfield Public School took the
highest marks in the Inspectorate in
Drawing. -Miss Marion Mattice of the
Hamilton Art School is here visiting
at the summer residence of Dr, and
Mrs. Bruce, of Clinton. Miss Mattice
is spending most of her time in sketch-
ing the picturesque landscepe yiew,s of
this locality. -A picnic party from
Exeter, Hensall and Clinton spent,
Monday at the River Hotel park. -The
church of England are holding a 'gar-
den party this (Thursday) evening.,en
the parsonage lawn. - Rev. Rural
Dean Hodgins, of Seaforth, who with
his family has a cottage here conduct-
ed. the services at Trinity church last
Bnims.--.Mr. and Mrs.Tufford left last
. week for their home in Honeywood,
accompanied by Miss Currie, Cromarty
and Miss Bain of Motherwell. -Mrs. J.
S. McIlraith and family are holiday-
ing amongst friends .at Mothewell.-
Rev. Mr. Scott arrived home Eriday
last, accompanied by his mece.-An-
I must be p'oor poli?ricia,ns as they never
other of the old land marks has passed Iuuu •
away in the person of Mrs.•John Dan- 0 -et a,r, of the 0- od thin '
lop, at the age 75 ; ber husband- drecl it aottiatio.neaf.‘p. l'a._s.--Nr. 'thi,n,ran mid
few- years ago. She has been it very wife and Dr. Anderson itnd Wife left
severe sufferer for a long time and in Tues'day moining for Toronto to go
early spring her eyesight being dim down the St. Lawrence on the steamer
she fell down the cellar and had both Persia, for'a three weeks holiday. -Mr.
her arms broken. -George Leery had a French and family left this morning
narrow escape from gas on Saturday for Oshawa where they will reside
while digging a well for Mrs. Chappel; this year. He was the recipient of a
he was overcome by the gas and was
with some difficulty brought to the
surface. It took nearly half an hour
to recover consciousness. - Dame
rumor says there will be a wedding in
ter than anticipated at one time,about
80 bushels to the acre. -John Gilmour 1Just Received
BEIRES.-WiAeat is turning out. bet -
bas gone to work fer Mr. Reid, of I
Coursey is at present in A FULL STOCK. OF
Montreal in charge of a car load -a •
Church, Biddulph. have decided to
cattle. -The congregation of St. James BOOTS AND SHOES
erect a manse for the Rev'dMr.Brown. !
les, Weir pastor; they have commenc- Best value ever shown in Exeter,
ed making preparations to build. -• Ladies', Misses and Mens wear.
George Lee and George Faulder, Mn•
Gillivray, has just completed two fine
brick dwelling houses, also Andrew
Erskine a flue brick house.
BRIEFS.- Mr, Micklejoho, having
been engaged as teacher elsewhere,
the next choice was Mr. McRoberts,
who has accepted the position. Ile
should be good, as he is a -IVIethodist
Tory.-.7ohn Coates, who formerly
lived here, but. is now located in the
Northwest, was town seeing his
many friends. -The St. Marys Juven-
iles came up en Tuesday evening to
playlacrosse,and got beaten by tOgoals
to 1. -Mr. May and family moved out .
to Grand Bend this week for the fected. He has had rheumatism for a
long time. It is hoped he will recover -
get back to good health again. -
Freak James has secured a situation
as teacher Manitowa,ning and leaves
shortly for his new va,cation. Frank
is a fine lad and will be an example
for the youngsters up there. -There is
no word of James Wilson who went
away a few days ago. Some think he
Also a Complete line of
ware a NI' range of
New PrintS
, Lovely Patterns.
J. P' Ross
month a August. -Rey. Henry Irvine,
of Listowel, was in town on Tuesday
ou his way home from Kipper, where
be had been attending a funeral. -Mr.
Stoneman of the Oxitario house, has
gone to Grand Bend for his summer
holidays. -The funeral took place on
Monday, to the Methodist cemetery of
Thos., eldest son of Mr. John Woods.
of Logan. He bad been sick for ten has gone to the old country- and he
weeks, commencing with appendicitis will send word. on his arrival. -Death
but alt the attention a,nd care did not has entered the home of William Firth
seem to help him and he gradually got and. taken away his wife who died on
worse till death came. He was only elonday afternoon aged 67 years.
22 years of age, and a large circle of Mrs. Firth has been a; sufferer for sev-
friends sympathize with his parents , eral years. Although sometimes a
in their bereavement. -Messrs. Hill & 'little better she never got well, not -
0o., have received the contract to withstanding all the care and treat -
build an iron bridge in the township ment she has had, Besides her sor-
of HuIlett.-Richard Babb, jr., of Chi- rowing husband she leaves two sons,
cago, was home last week for it short one residing in Sinacoe and one in
holiday. Like a great many Mitchell- Woodatock.
ites he is doing well in the big city.--
Tli public h 1 b t
e sc oo trustees Ine -a ou
70 ladles and the seceetaty of the
Board to a lot of trouble' advertising
for a teacher when very properly they
intend giving the appointment to a
town young lady. It shows the bene-
fit of advertising. -Miss Alexia Davis
leaves this -week for Jamestown where
she will spend August with friends at
Ohatuauqua.-It is said. to he sweet to
die for one's country, but it must be
pleasanter to be appointed to an office
the near fidure.
St. Marys
BRIEES.-A very nice and pleaeing
exhibition of lacrosse was played
Wednesday, on the Island, when the
Jr. Alerts crossed sticks with a team
from Ptirkhill, our boys put up a 13W-
nificent game of hall and by superior
playing and stick combination coni
pletely shut the visitors out. Al though
Parkhill suffered themselves to be de-
feated yet they put up an Odra strong
game, but our juniors who apparently
were the aggressors throughout the
match were a little too much for their
opponents and eueceeded in defeating
them by a score of small plaze
was started in some unaccount-
a,ble manner Thursday evening
about 7:80, in the rear of W. C. Box's
grocery store. The fire was discover-
( ed before any headway could be made,
and extinguished.- The Bright vs.
St. Marys lacrosse game played Thurs-
day afternoon on the flats came to a
successful termination, the home team
winning by 5 goals to O.' There was a
large number of lacrosSe enthusiasts
present, and all were very xnuch pleas-
ed to witness the downfall of the
Stars. The home team put up oue of
the best'exhibitions of this game, seen
here for many days,andavere fregaente
ly applauded by the many spectators
for )he excellent work done. -W.
Haeileshaw & J. B. Wieclethold left
Saturday morniog for a week's out-
ing at the Grand Bencl.-The Town
Council held a meeting last evening
in the Council Clhamber for the pur-
pose of selecting an engineer to super-
intend the construction of waterworks
in town. There were a applications
presented for the work but the, appli-
cation of Willis Chipman, O. E., of
Toronto, appeared to be the most suit-
able te the 0ouucil and was accepted.
-Geo. Graham of Toronto, ie home on
a two weeks vacation. -The Mayor and
Council have proclaimed August llth
as Civic holiday for St Marys. -There
was a fair sized crowd no the Island
last evening to see a choice game of
baseball between the tailors and hotel-
men against the moulders, L. Howard
twirled for the former and G. Dormer
for the latter and during the game
sticceeded in getting in some very
pretty work. After playing 4 innings
the match was awarded to the mould-
ers by a score Alta"
The Ontario Groverament now looks
remarkable foolish, in view of Sir Wil-
frid Laneier's abandonnient of the
Senate Reform movement which Hon.
A. 8. Hardy Was instructed to inaugur-
Recently a printer found himself in
hard hick and on being offered a post -1
tion as chore boy on a farm gladly ac-
cepted. One day the farmer's wife re-
quested him to set a hen. He ;alined
by asking her how she wanted it oet-
Waded, or solid. Sea 0 1 for Cattle.
free the stotnach from bile, of Listowel Public Schoobhas resigned, ill.
present from a few friends before de-,
parting. -John Beggs had the misfor-
tune to have a paralytic stroke on
Sunday night where by one side is
Miss Hannah. Martin is visiting
friends in Winghaen.
Miss Mary Knight, of ,lIderton, is
Richard Header is taking a few- holi-
days at St. Thomas.
A. man named Foot died at the
House of Refuge on Saturday,
Mrs. Sias Handford left on Wednes-
day of last week to visither danliter
in Hebron, Wis.
Vancouver Aug. 1. -Hon Joseph
Martin's safe was blown open la,st
Thursday and $200 and some valuable
papers stolen. Some papers relate to --
the Dead Man's Island deal, and it is
said the loss is causing it gieat deal a
anxiety to Mr. Martin who has em-
ployed detectives on the case. Mr. Mar-
tin says he has not resigned his seat
in the House, but challenges Mr Cot-
ton to resign with him and go to the
people, saying Cotton would lose his
deposit. He intends to devote himself
to his legal practice in the city but has
no intentioa of dropping out of politics.
Ne Ne
Is NOW 1
ar w re
Sole agents for the El/wood Wire. Fences, -ter lawns,
parks, fields, etc.
The balance of our Binder Twine, Barb Wire and
Harvest Tools at cost.
Both Canadian and American
Coal Oils always in stock.
Sole agents for The
None better. A. full line in stock. Prices Rightt
In ready -mixed paints we sell the best, .the Elepha,nt
brand also the Elephant Pure Lead, use no other.
No trouble to show goods..
Call and see us,
ist door north of R. Pickard Co's Store