HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-7-20, Page 8:CaSh. i Store
assemsnarnatansanasecnansannattan swsrmazinasattersaiamsas
Soinething very swell in Men's New
pearl grey Fedora, hats. — The latest
and most stylish shape in trade.—A
Leader Only $L50.
Men's And boa's Crash Linen
Just the thing for these hot
Clearing at 19c.
• Yes the carpenters and masons have possession of the
Big Cash Store. Dirt, dast and confusion on. every side
but business goes on the same as ever. The only clifler-
enee being bigger and better bargains than ever.
This store closes at 6 30 p ntl; except Wednesdays and Saturdays
PAxx, a Toronto; also for the PEECOUX FIRE
xstraaxca COMPANY, a London, tnesand
the Musa/son INSURANCE Cosseansr, ot rag
IFor Marriage Licenses,
So Many
New. Faces
Are seen in our store these
days hunting for bargains in
STATIONERY that we feel
like congratulating Ourselves
on the wonderful success of
• our sale. People come, in
many cases, because advised
to do so by friends. They
all buy „
at the
THURSDAY. JULY 20th, 1899
Mrs. (Rev.) Millyard is visiting rela-
tives in Toronto. '
It costs London $400 a day to main-
tain the soldiers that have been called
Leamington has let the contract for
laying about one and a half miles of
pa,vemen b.
Masonic Excursion to Kincardixte
Aug 3. To miss it will be to miss the
best of the season.
Mr, and Mrs. S. J. White returned
0 Detroit after a pleasant visit with
riends here and vicinity.
the E'beBsitshbuinPde4r twineononthink they
and telt them what you think.
Don't forget the lacrosse match o
iday evening between Excelsiors
of Mitchell, and Nationals of Exeter.
Wilbur Cudinore, who has been
working for Straith and Manning, of
Harrrow is borne holidaying for a few
The increased postage rate on news-
papers werib into effect on July 1st.
One-half cent a pound is now the
One of the largest passenger boats
secured for excursionists. Kincardine
Aug, 3rd, Civic holiday. Masonic ex-
cureion. Round trip $1.
P. T. Halls has purchased from J.
W. Broderick his shoe store God-
erich. Mr. Broderick will continue
his business on Hamilton street.
Prospective brides and grooms will
welconse the announcement that the
traditional shower of rice is no lcmger
considered good form by fashionable
Bishop & Son, are showing a new
thing in granite iron Ware, in preserv-
ng kettles, stew pans, tea and, coffee
pots, drip pans, sauce patia and dis
pans. Don't fail to see them.
On Friday last svhile Mrs. Tinclale,
sr. of near Clinton, was 'walking back-
ward on, her son's barn floor, she fell
through a trap door, some nine feet.
She received a good shaking, and is
now under the doctor'a care.
W. T. Whitley inland Revenue
Collector, at Clinton, died on Monday
at the age of 62 years. He had been
ill for some time. Mr. Whitley was
a former paetnee in the ownership of
the (Jhn Lan News Record. The fun- t
eral took place on Wednesday. b
Snie Posnratts.— Magmata, Excustts, d
to _Kincardine Aug. 3rd, Civic holiday t
round trip $L 1
Wedding 11;aings,
Wentchies, Clocks,
Spectescles. Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
August 8rd will be Exeter's civic
A, Q. Bobier shipped a car load of
creamery butter on Wednesday.
A. new portico has been built in co n-
• nection with Main -street parsonage.
• Quo VADIS ! —To Kincardine Aug.
rd, Civic holiday, Masonic excursion,
ound trip $1.
The apple buyers are on the alert for
fall business. The crop is light in th'
section, but the quality good.
. Bishop & Son are clearing out the
balance of their stock of screen doors
and windows.at prices away down.
Miss Mildied Bearner daughter of
the 0. P. R. agent at Winghans, is
visiting at her grandfather, Wm, Rey-
nolds,of Sarepta.
The Council met on Tuesday and ac-
cepted the pronle f or the proposed new
sidewalk. From what we learn there
are barriers ahead.
Some are driving, others wheeling,
but we would ad -vise all to take the
rain to Kincardine on Aug. Srd, Civi
liday. Round trip $1.
Owing to no fax having been sowed
in this section, the people depending
on that industry will ' he deprived of
a considerable income this fall.
$150 will be given in prizes for horse
racing in connection with the' Exeter
fair in September. There will he some
keen contests, and the attraction of-
fered will be especially inviting.
W. Cunzhorse ran away on "on -
day from his residence. It ran as far
as W. Drew's residence, where it col-
lided with a tree and came to a. halt.
The waggon was considerably broken.
A surveyor was in town on Monday
taking the levels for the new sidewalk
and sewer to be constructed at once on
the east side of Maia-street. The iin-
proveruent will be material to the
The R. Pickard Co. intend remodel-
ing the plate glass front in their store,
and putting in one of the latest de-
sign, with =ham: back ground. E. J.
Spackman also intends putting- in plate
glass fronts.
Messrs. McDoneil & Bawden and T.
W. Hawksha.w have their trotting
horses at Winghani this week. John
Snell, A. McDonell, Dr. Tennent, and
T, W. Hawkshaw are also attending
the meeting.
• J. A. Stewart has removed the old
front of his store, as also that of the
one recently acquired, to have them
replaced with one solid plate glass
front, the two stores being made into
one, which will he the largest in the
county, and used as a departmental
The `Underwriters' Inspector was
here yesterday and called the Firemen
out about 7 p. in. They responded
promptly, and by the time they had
reached an adjacent tank, raised steam
ancl threw a stream, 91 minutes had
elapsed, two minutes longer than the
last test The Firemen experienced.
some unforseen difficulties at the out-
The county is being done up by a
ang of slick -tongued agents taking
rders at from 50 cents to $1 for what
hey call crayon portraits. Upon de.
livery the pictures turn out to be elec-
tric light printed enlargements and
are sure to fade or discolor. When
will people learn that they cannot get
something for next to nothing.
Grand Bend has been selected as the
place for the first summer camp of
Stratford Y. M. o. A. members, It
was opened on Monday and will con -
thaws for two weeks. The party num-
bers twenty-four. Careful provisos
has been made for the cOnsfort and
convenience of ali, Igo that a solid, good
ime is looked for. The wheeling mow-
ers pasSed through Exeter on Mon- )
ay morning, while the others went on,
he 8.20 train to Parkhill thence by
• atX...:B.TB .19„
• Joseph Davis is holidaying,
Dr. Luta was iu London on Tuestlity.
:Was Annie Mills is visiting frienas
• in. St. Thomas.
Miss Rogers, of London, is visiting
Mrs. A. E. Follick,
James Tom visited his son. J. E. Tom
itt Goderich last week.
Miss Holland and -Miss Brown` axe
• visiting friends in St. Masys.
.A. E. Stewart is about to establish
a milling business in Winnhani.
D. Blacken, of London, was le town
yesterday looking at some horses.
Miss Alma Dempsey is visiting re-
latives in London and Port Stanley,
Ross Jamieson, of Mt. • Foresn is
visiting bis uncle, Rev. W. Martin.
Mrs, J. I). Sanders, of London, is
visiting friends in Stephen towhship.
A large number of Exeterites attend
ed the celebration its St. Marys yester-
Miss Menzies, of Toronto,' spent the
past week 'visiting her Ana, Mrs. R.
Hicks. •
• Miss Urquhart left this week for her
thioonnt.e in Oshawa, to spend the yam -
Chas. Senior has returned to Bien-
ghliineiryto. take Charge of his photograPb
Mr. and Mrs, George lIodgitii left on
• Monday to yisit their son in Winnia
peg, Man.
Mrs. L. Thorne visited friends in
• Clinton Ittat week, returning to town
on Tuesday.
Miss Lena Howard left on Tuesday
for Brantford. where she will visit for
%few weeks.
Ed. Pickard, who is attending Col-
lege in London, is spending vacation
with his mother.
Miss Hogarth, milliner, is spending
the vacation with her mother in Ste-
phen township.
Miss Hutchinson, of Chatham, who
has been visiting Mrs. J. P. Ross, has
returned home,
Miss Ida Johns has returned home
from a pleasant visit among friends in
Orillia, and. Sarnia.
• George Willis, who has been some-
what indisposed during the past few
• weeks, is convalescing. •
Rev. Dr. Fletcher, of Hamilton, is
• preaching in Thames Road and Kirk
ton chunches during Slily.
Mrs. E. J. Spackman and family and
Mrs. Powell and family, will spend a
• few weeks at Grand Bend.
A short letter from H, E. Huston
who is touring Manitoba and British
Columbia, appears itt another column.
• The three children of Reg. Elliot, of
Norwich, are spending tbe summer
• months with their grand -parents here.
• Fred. Rollins has returned to De-
troit, and in a few weeks will open a
business for himself in Rochester,
Mrs. Dobler and family, Mrs. (Dr.)
Rollins and Miss Greenway, have re-
• turned front a pleasant outing at the
Ws. Mitchell left this week for
Dauphin, Man. wbile Chas. Down left
for Langden, Mao.,
to seek their
Miss Gertie Hicks is home from
Niagara, where she visited Miss Hattie
White, Miss White has also return-
ed home.
Mrs. T. 13. Carling leaves this week
in cninpany with Mr. and Mrs. George
Ranton. of Toronto, for a trip up
the lakes.
Luther Howard, who has recovered
from his slight illness, returns this
week to resume his position as machin
ist in Galt. •
Miss Amy Johns, who was accident-
ally shot -in the knee last week, is pro-
gressing nicely, and no serious results
are anticipated.
Mrs. Dickson ;And Mrs. Bennet and
children, and Mr. and Mts. O. A. Mc-
Donell and child, are spending a few
weeks at the Bend.
Mrs. Ed. Dyer returned home to
Brantford this sveek, acconspanied by
her sister, Miss Carrie, who will visit
her for a few weeks,
W. J. Parsons was in Montreal this
week for a few clays disposing of two
car loads of Manitoba butter, sent from
one of their western branches.
Rev. John Currie, B. A., of Belmont
will conduct the services in the Pres-
byterian cliurch next Sunday. Rev.
Wm. Martin will preach in Belmont.
Miss Eva Carling, who is attending
College in Brantford, arrived home on
Saturday to spend the vacation with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Cat-
Rev. Ten Eyck has returned from
his two weeks vacation in Detroit and.
Essex county, and on Sunday last oss-
cupied his pulpit, in the Trivia Mem-
orial church.
Mrs. Tremaine is spending a few
weeks in Goderich, while her son, R.
0. 0. is in Toronto. Upon' their re-
turn they will tnove to the residence
on Williamatreeb, leased of Dr.Brovvn-
The sympathy of the community
goes out to air. and Mrs. Wm. Uunz
in the death of one of their twin child -
ran, a bright little son, who succumbedto an attn.& of brain fever, brought,
on as a result of illness through teeth-
H Bishop and wife left on Monday
for Hamilton, and after a brief visit
there they will proceed to Ocean Grove
to spend a few weeks in the interests
of Mr. Bishop's health. We joie a, host
of friends in the hope that he may re-
turn fully recuperated.
Miss Cora McPherson, daughter of
Alex, McPherson, of Exeter north, at
the recent Entrance examinations, ob-
tained thehighest aggregate marks of
Any candidate iri the county, viz. 850,
while Miss Nina Carling' and Nettie
Walters, both of Exeter, secured the
highest number of inarks in arithmetic.
Rohn_ Kytld has returned home from
Muskoka, where he and Mrs Kyg4
have spent the past naorith, in the in-
terests of Mrs. Kycld's health. .Her
many friends will be pleased to leaan
that she is fast regaining strength,
and that before the end of the season
she will have been restored to her
wonted, health and strength.
Fum----The tire alarm was sounded.
about 5.l() o'clock Monday evening
The scene of the are was theFoundry.
but their services were not required,
The firemen were soon ready for action
the blaze baying .been extinguished by
the workmen. it. appears .the mould-
ers were busy casting. and when pour -
nig the molten inetalln to the moulds,
an explosion occurred which threw the
red hot iron about the building, igna-
ing the roof. No serious damage was
done. '
Acoinnaa.—Saturclay evening whett
abont to quit work, Win. Howey, an
employe of Ross & Taylor's planing
mill, met with an, accident which bas
since caused his remaining at bonze.
• Ile held a heavy piece of iron in his
hand. When the maxillae stopped the
rollers continued to revolve rapidly,
andthe loose piece of iron coming in
contact with them was thrown with
great force, striking Me. Howey in the
alidathen. He • was ,rendered uncon-
scious, and had, to be conveyed home.
Though stilt Weak be is recovering, ,
. WHAT EXETER WANTS.— We are all
woundup as to the snperior advent -
ages of Exeter over other towns, lint
still there are a number of matters in
which improvements could be made
which would add to the comfort of the
residents of the town. Here nye a few
,suggestions ; enetw resident way add,
as naany more as he pleases :—The inn
propel:omit of the water supply.—The
illumination of the town clock.—More
,attention paid to the roads—taking oft
the stones, filling up the boles, making
• boulevards and afterwards proteeting
Hams liss Comsat Boan,—Mon-
day while Obester Prouty was return
ing home frona Exeter, he met with a
bad accident. He was overtaken by
Mr. Tiedeinau, of Dashntiod, and giv-
en a ride. They had riot gone far
when a cow ran onto the road in front
of the. horse. • The animal suddenly
jumped into the ditch, throwing the
occupants of the• buggy into the ditch.
Mr. Prouty sustained, a fracture of his
collar bone as tvell as internal injur-
ies, while Mr. Teideman escaped un-
injured, Mr. Prouty is over 80 years
of age and. his injuries may prove ser-
ious, •
man, of London, has opened a new
hardware store in the handsome new
buildingajust completed, and situated
north of the R. Pickard Co's store.
The building is modern throughout,
possessing every feature calculated to
save labor and add to the attractive-
ness of the store. It has handsome
plate glass windows, with the interior
finished in the natural wood. The
stock, which is all new, is conveniently
arranged in handsome drawers placed
in the shelves, each drawer having on
its face a sample of the contents, thus
aiding the customer hamaking a selec-
tion of the article he wants, while the
clerk saves time in • hunting through
the stock for a given piece of hard. -
ware. Everything is finished to the
perfection of first-class furniture, and
• with the glosv of the many electric
lights, the glittering samples of hard-.
ware exposed to • view, togetber with
the bright etfect of the interior fur-
nishings, presents an appearance which
vires to be seen to be appreciated.
The proprietor is a yonng man of ex-
perience and good business tact, and
with the assistance of W. H. Moncur,
will soon command a share of public
patronage. .
ced in these columns last week, W. M.
Martin, B. A., eldest son of Rev, W.
Martin, has reeeived the appointment
to the .0Iassical Mastership a Harris -
ton high school. Mr. Martha is
bright, clever young roan, and will fill
tke position in a manner which, will
bring honor to the Institute with
which he is about to be connected. His
career, both at Clinton Collegiate and
at the University, bas been a consist-
ent course of successes, not alone as a
student, but as an enthusiastic athlete
and as a fellow popular arnong his fel-
lows. Iu 1804 he matriculated into
Toronto University with honors in
Classics, a, standing which he main-
tained throughout his course. In his
2nd year he took, in addition, honors
in Political Science. • Mr. Martin was
specially prominent in sports at, the
University, and held 'many of the high
est positions in the gilt of his fellow-
stadents. He was Athletic Director in
1896 7 and 1897-8 and secy-treas, of the
Athletic Association in 1807-8, at the
same time being Captain of '1, easily
Football Team. In' securing the ser-
vices of Ala Martin we are certain that
Harriston has done well, arid We com-
mend our young townsman to the peo-
ple of the Northern town as a man of
abilityof ste•rliag character,. and of
every quality. which makes up the true
gentleman. ••
A. Russell, B, A.,of ThamesRoad,who
was announced last week as having re-
ceived the a,ppointment of Fellow in
Political Science at Toronto Univers-
ity, a position much coveted not only
fca its niestuniary value, but for the
high honor which it bestows, is one of
the most brilliant students that the
County of Huron has sent out. He
had a number of strong competitors
for the position, and the fact that the
University Council chose him above
them all, speaks volumes for the posi-
tion he occupies in their estimation. At
matriculation Mr. Russell took honors
in Natural Science and Mathematics
and followed this by taking honors in
Classics its his lst, 2nd, and 8rd years,
at, the University. in addition he took
Political Science in his 2nd, 3rd and
4th yearasecuring the Alexander Mac-
kenzie Scholarship, worth $60. This
past year when he graduated he had
the marked distinction ' of standing
at thehead of the lists in* his depart-
ment. But Mr. Russell proved himself
to be no book -worm, for in athletics
and Oratory he excelled equally as
well. Besides being Secy-Treas.,of the
Athletic Association, for which he was
granted a berms of $50 by the Univers-
ity Council. He held many minor po-
sitions a honor among the students
and was member of Varsity 11 Rugby
Team, svlio won_ the championship of
Casten) last fall. In debate he was
several times pitted against represent-
ative of other Colleges, notably last
winter. When be assisted it winning
the Championship a the Inter -College
Debating Union for the University of
During the balance of the sea-
son we will clear out everything in
the above line without regard to
profit. We have had a most suc-
cessful season and can afford to
sacrifice profits in the small bal-
ance of stock whiCh is left.
M .
. 1.I •
• We have had a tremendous rush
on this line of goods, but we anti-
cipated it when we were buying
our snmmer stock. We have them
in great variety, and to he sure
the prices are right.
White Swiss Spot Muslins, fine
• quality, various designs, lovely
goods for the money, pr yd 12a
Fast colored Anaerican Muslins in
taking designs really band-
• some goods, per yard •10c
Beautiful Organdi Muslins, a love-
ly collection of patterns, very
fetching goods, pr yd 25c
Wilitc and Fd11611 Pima
• These goods are having a trem-
endous run. We imported our
stock direct from Manufacturers
in Britain, and are offering espec-
ial bargains.
width white pique, amazing
•• quality for the money •lbc
Fine quality white pique in new-
est stripe, a beauty for • 15c
Extra line quality in light and
heayy stripe, a great selling
• line, per yard 20c
A great line of spotted. piques in
various colors or white, a snap
per yd •15c
Ladies' Skirts
We have just opened up anoth-
er lor of Ladies' Fancy Skirts.
This was a clearing lot from the
Manufacturers. • You may have
them a third less than their regu-
lar value.
Ladies' mercerized Metallic finish-
ed skirts in assorted stripes,
• regular $2 for
Ladies' Mercerized Fancy Metallic
finished skirts, in lovely shad- -
• ings and patterns, heavily fril-
•led, regular $3.50 line for •2.25
Ladies' black skirts, heavy flounce
and frills, and piping silkfinish
it beautiful garment, regular
$3.75 line, youmay have them
now for • , 2.25
Geloliratal Glothinu.
We are the Sole Agents for
Exeter for the above line of Cloth
ing. Don't be mis-led by the
statement that other makes are
just as good. Buy Shorey's an
get the best.
Ask to see our speciai Tweed Suit
of the above firm's make, fully
guaranteed, at $5,00
Ask to see our special Blue Serge
suit, special linings and trim-
• mings, Shorey's snake, • and
• fully guaranteed, at • 6.50
Ask to see our special line of black
Worsted Suits, extra speciallin-
ings and trimmings, and fully
guaranteed, at •• $10
• A written goarantee goes with each
garment of Shorey's make.
SIII1111161a. Gorsets.
Have you seenour special
line of extra re-inforced
summer corsets at
Fruit Jars,
We have thebest make at the
right price.•
Direct Importers.
IL: UR r 15111
We have just added to our Gent's Furnishings stock
over five hundred neck tics, a quantity of white and colored
shirts, collars and cuffs, underclothingr,umbrellas and tweeds.
Boys white laundried shirts sizes 18
laa and 14 at 75s.
Men's white laundried shirts with
band, sizes 14 to 16 1-2 at 75c
Mens white laundried shirts our best
with sniffs or bands sizes 14 to 17 1-2 at
1.00. •
• ?ens flannelette and colored cotton,
shirts from 50c up.
New shapes in Gents collars 15 and
• We have just placed in
Gent's neck ties direct from th
the newest shades and shapes
• Mens Balbriggan shirts and drawers,
one's 25s.
2 piece bathing suits 75e.
Gents umbrellas, steel rod,altuninunt
tinned, guaranteed fast black 1 00,
Gents standup or turn clown collars,
2 for 25c.
• stock over 500 Ladies' and
o manufactor, among them are
in neckwear.
Toronte..Mr. Russell is a clever young
man and we bespeak for hiro a brilliant
filture. • •-
Robt. Sanders is attending the races
in Detroit.
Miss Mildred White is visiting in
Detroit and Windsor.
Miss Eyelyn Gill is visiting nt Jas.
Martin's, near Constance.
Wes. Snell shipped two car loads of
export cattle to Montreal this week. •
Masbnic excursion to Kincardine,Aug.
8rd, Civic holiday, round trip .81.
Miss Treble of Exeter North a dres
maker with Miss Tait, sprained her
ankle yesterday and had, to be driven
• In tbe results of the Normal College,
Hamilton exams. published Wednes-
day appears the name of W. M. Mar-
tin,B. A. as having secured a Special-
istCertificate in Classics.
Dr. and Mrs. Anderson and daugh-
ter Muriel are away taking a weeks
holidays visiting relatives its and
around Lindsay. They will return
on Tuesday or Wednesday of next
Institute, has been . H. Hogarth, B. A. formerly
mathematical master. of the Whitby
moted to be principal there. His pre-
decessor has .been appointed Public
school inspector for South Ontario.
Qnite a large number turned out on
Friday eyenmg to listen to the band
concert given on the Central Hotel
balcony, and several were heard to
express appreciation of the selections,
which the musicians are getting
A bridge on the C. P. R. on the
Cherry Creek section, B. O. was burn-
ed on Sat. night, A serious disaster
was averted by the heroic act of H.
IHoney, watchman, who swan'. across
the swollen stream to the flag, station
and signalled the train eastward bear-
ing 400 American journalists in charge
of W. J. White, son of Sohn White,
of THE Txarns, which was approaching.
the scene. Mrs. Honey signalled the
Limited from the east.
Particularly noticeable among the
banners carried on the 12th of July at
the celebration here WAS one carried by
the L. O. L. No. 833, of Goshen Line
Sta,nley. The banner is composed of
royal blue merino on one side and red
on the other, with the Prince of
Orange mounted on a winte horse and
has 147 letters and characters on it.
The banner is the work of Miss Gra-
ham. of Clinton, and displays great
credit on her undertaking.
Professor TImbach of the North
Western College Napierville, Illinois
and Dr. Papoon, of Chicago, are on it
botanical trip through Ontario, says
the New Hamburg Independent. They
are at present staying with the Pro-
.fessors father Rev. Jos. Umbach, and
searching the woods and swamps for
specimen. The Professor deserves
well of the people of New Hamburg,
for he presented the public school with
1,100 beautiful specimens Of wild
flowers. The gift must have cost him
an immense amount of labor.
Fon Sanas CAP.—Shelving anct
counters for it general store. Apply
to W. H. LEVETT. •
WAGGON FOR SALE.—A one -hors
-spring waggon, nearly- new, for sal
heap. Apply to jOHN MCINNIS.
adies Cob
Blouse Setts
Just to Hand
In the lacrosse match at St. Marys
Thursday night, tbe Alerts defeated
Woodstock by 6 goals to 0. •
.A.ssessment rolls in La,mbton county
will hereafter only have to be return-
ed once every three years instead of
once a year.
Wholesale & Retail
• Barley, Peas, Oats, Corn• "
Big Stock on Hand
Prices Right.
Is the cheapest place in town. to
• buy.
Granite preserving kettles all sizes
and glass fruit gems,' at very low'
, prices. We carry a full line of tin
and Graniteware, Granite•pie dishes,
pie plates, sauce pans, dippers tea and
coffee pots of all kinds. ••
New English and Canadians goods,
to hand, meat, • trays, salad bosvls,
berry dishes, plates, trays, table setts,
and the new Canadian National goods,
a piece of these goods should be in
every home. •
The latest in covered creams and
sugars: Flags and fireworks for 12th
Candies, Fruits 'drinks, and Ice cream
Agents for Parisian Steam Laundry,
of London, first class work done.
Levitts' Fair
W. 13. Parsons is rushing the
carriage trade of the town, and do you
wonder when be selling the well-
known. Brockville buggy so Cheap,
beautiful in design and for workinan-
ship second to none, with steel corn-
ers to body, and steel bottom spring
cushion, a suitable buggy for young
and oldcan and see his stock.
Remember the stand 2 doors south of
Town Hall, and one door north of
Trevethick's Grocery. ••
Horse shoeing and general
jobbing promptly attended to
W. H Parsons.
4 tons now in
Do you Ittiow our flour tra,de in-
creases every week , it does because •
we hoverIE