HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-7-20, Page 3ews Summwiy. 0 0 Recent Happenings ,th,friefly ToM. CANA.DA., 1 with the propotied Imperial Pacific tkaguat 1.7 Is Winui.megee Civic Halle °able acheme. The Buglish Royal License Commis- IlaY as being shiPPed froln. Kingstou 1 elonere recommend a large ret1e/n(10a in the number et licenses, ao Fort William, Crop reports from ehe North-west Kele. My Wright Sewall bas been nre most favorable. i elected presidelet ot the internatibnal f it Hamilton is worried over its finan- Coag•ress oA •ces, and may out dn owseveral aLady .berdeen- Women n successton e ppro- The offer of mr, 3, Pierpont Morgan ,priationa. Considerable damage has been. done to Pay for the indentation of eleetrie by the breaking of the delta dyketat 11-ghts in St. Paultl Cathedral, has been Ladner, B,C. accepted. Last week more than a thoutand tons Dr. J. O'Connor,. Stratford, has been setaae train.maeter for the northern a fodder and war material were for - district, G.T.R. warded from the Woolwich Dookyard The union beads have possession of to South Melee. The British Governraent has agreed the streets of London, the cars still being tied up. to subsidize a fortnightly line of fruit and paseenger steamers between ja- The City of Nelson hes sold $60,000 raaica and the United Kingdom. .6 per cent. public works debentures at remium of 7 per cent. In the Imperial Parliament the issue A p of £865,000 from the consolidated, fund Alfred Couture, railway conductor, ia was authorized for the purpose of ac - dying at Quebec of blood poisoning quiring the Niger Coes Lerritories in caused by the bite of a fly. West Africa. The Bank a Montreal has purchased An official message has been receive property on Craig street, Montreal, for edi at Ottawa announcing the decision titt addition to the head offices. of the Imp.erial Government to assume Dr. F. A. Seundens, of Ottawa, has eight -eighteenths of the cost of the been appointed instructor in physics at Pacific cable, Ueverford College, Philadelphia, Capt. ,Tessop. of the Cambridge The SS., Gallia, which was grounded cricket team and two members of the In the St. Lawrence for some time, is Oxford team were arrested hi London being examined by divers at Quebec. upon a charge of rioting outside the The City of Winnipeg is asking'pow- Empire Music Hall. ' -er from the Legislature to tax cir- oases from §200 to Imo per day license Mrs. Coleman and her grandson, William Davies, who had been pas- tes. sengers on the Majestic, were as- ,' kt Hamilton, E. B. Greening, was playxiated at a Liverpool hotel on Wed- firteid $10 by the Police Magistrate for nesday night. .hooting a dog that was bathing in An important delegation of Welsh his fountain. merchants has just left Cardiff to Miss Amy Servos of St. Catharines visit the leading rammercial centers of weot to bed in good bealth, was found Canada, with the view of diseu.ssing unconscious during the night and died the beast measures to be taken for de - before mornin.g. veloping and increasing trade. The Dominion Steel and Iron Com- The, British House of Commons re- pa,n.y's stook in Canada, $5,000,000, has *tad Mr. Courtney a amendment to been almost entirely taken up by men the London government bill permit - in Montreal and Toronto. ting the election of women as council - In the Manitoba Legislature Mr. lors, and agreed to the Lords amend - Siren introduced a bill to provide a meat excluding women from that of - hail insurance fund of $120,000 annual- ,fice. ty, by taxing twelve million acres one The Cancer Society of London has cent per acre. commissioned Dr. A. L. E. Duffy to The Canada Atlantic Railway Com- proceed to tlae United States to collect pony, owing to its inereasing traffic, data, to investigate the operations of will this fall cominence the erection the Buffalo laboratory, and. to offer 4:•E large car shops in addition to those a prize ot £10 for the best original already put up. essay on. cancer science. Donald McDonald, brother of Alex. Keen interest is felt at the Ad - McDonald, the Bonanza Xing, and T. miralty in the development of the II. Trotter, two fortunate Klondikers, torpedo-boat destroyer Viper, which have returned to Vaneouver with $80,- will be launched shortly on the Tyne, 000 in gold. dust. The Messrs. Parsons are fitting her Francis E. Brooks, a rnachinise at teeth the turbine s•ystem of engines, E. Leonard and. Son's foundry, at and. they believe that they will enable London, Ont., hes been informed that her to make 45 ranee an hour. out in California there is a fortune of Prime Minister Salisbury, who is an 07,000,000 waiting for him. ardent devotee of chemical science, Premier Greenway has introduced a has, according to the Medical Press redistribution bill, not a general meas- and Circular, discovered and complete ure, but to give the increased popeaa_ ed an important chemical process, tioa of the north of Manitoba one which will be communicated to the mare member, the total dumber re- world at a forthcoming meeting: of enabling as now. one of the learned societies. Margaret T. Cowan, widoW a the. UNITED STATES. late Holmes Cowan, killed at .he Ot- A V5,000,000 coffin trust has been taw -a East crossing of the Parry Sound formed in the States. , Railway last January, has issued a writ a.gainst the railway conapa.ny for Mr. Robert Bonner of New York, the $20,000 damages. fa.mous horseman, is dead. .An immense fire devastated. the heart of Memphis, Tenn., Monday. Brigadier -General Joseph Wheeler has been ordered to the Philip- pines. Robt. Bonner, publisher of the New York Ledger, and the owner of fam- ous horses, is dead. The propoeed strike at the Home- stead plant of the Carnegie Steel Co., has been abandoned as inopportune. London old boys in Detroit, of whom there are about 150, will have an ex- cursion to the Fqrest City on .Aug. 5. A car on the big switchback roller coaseer in Schenley Park, Pittsburg, jumped the track and eight people were badly -hurt. The Nebraska, Pennsylvania and Utah troops, which have been on duty in the Philippines, have started) on their homeward journey. Dominick Buffunni shot and killed William Barry, at Pittsburg, because the latter interfered when the Ital- ian was beating a small boy. Raffael Greco, while swimming in the Monongahela river, was seized with cramps. His companion Carmillo Andiaone went to his assistanc,e and both were drowned. Senator William E, Mason of Illinois, John Devoy of New York, and George le. Williams spoke against expansion and an allianc,e with England at a Clan-na-Gael meeting in Boston. Miohigan's divorce recqrd for 1898 shows tint there were a total of 1808 divorces granted during the year, the wife being complainant in 1,66 caees and the husband in 472. The United States transport McClel- lan arrived, at New York from Santi- ago, and was deta'ined at quarantine, because three of the passengers have yellow fever. One is /Miss Clendenning, daughter of the surgeon, in charge at Santiago, whose death from yellow fever is reported. • Willie, Porter, 9 years old, of Coats, Ks., was playing soldiers with a pis- tol he found in the hired man's room. "I'LL shoot you," he said to his baby sister, who was ha her mother's arms. Than he pulled the trigger, the bullet passing through both the baby and the mother, killing them instantly. The Michigan Suprera.e Court has deeided the case brought to test the validity of the Mcleod law, which authorized the appointment of the De- troit Street; Railway Commission, whose object was the purchase and munici- pal ownership and operation of street reilways of Detroit, The decision is that the law is unconstitutional. In McDonald's saw mill at Mon- tague, N.S., Thos. Hume, aged 22, was drama under the saw a a shingle machine. One leg w -as out off and he was otherwise so badly injured that he died in haat an hour. Adolphe Martin, aged. 18, resident in Hull, attempted to commit suicide be - anima his mother will not permit him to( marry the girl of his choice. Adol- phe stabbed himself with a penknife over the heart, but may recover. Mr. 3. W. Tyrrell, 'the well-known surveyor and explorer, has been in- structed by the Dominion Government to renew his explorations in the coun- try west of Hudson Bay, and he will leave for the far north next winter. ' Robert 'Meilen. of Sumach street, Toronto, while attempting to board. a freight train at Paris, got both feet under the wheels, and his toes were -crushed, necessitating amputation. He was afterwards removed to the Brant- ford Hospital. While a carriage containing two ladies was -crossing the railway track near Glace Bay, C. B., it was struck by a locomotive. A married woman, named Adamson, was dangerously in- jured, and her sister, Miss Maud Mac- Aulay, had several ribs broken. The Dominion Commercial Travel- lers' Assn Lation has started a move - meat for the improvement of hotel accommodation by addressing to every hotel proprietor in Canada a number of questions regarding food, sample rooms, bedrooms, ventilation and sani- tary conditions. IL Wolff, a Galician. from the Drift- ing River settlement, in Manitoba, took a rope and tied the hands and feet of his wife, then beat her unmercifully with a club. Not content with this, ehe brute also usett the club on a daughter who Luterfered on behalf of the mother. The magistrate sentenced hum to two months in jail at herd labor. The amount, of duty collected at Winnipeg for June 1899, was $109,- 731.56. In, June, 1898, it was $79,684,a6. The duty collected at Winnipeg for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1899, was $1,140,000.96; for the previous year it was 0907,053.24, being an increase for the past year of $231,091.72. This is the first time Winnipeg has gone above the million dollar mark for eus- tonts. Dr. MOntizambert, Canadian quer- attine officer, is considerably commis - ed over the appearance of the bubonte plague in China. In this regard he sald:-"It is necessary for us to disc infeet every immigrant who comes from China or Japan, and. last year 10,000 Were put through this process alone. Those immigrants are mostly employed ii the Salmon canneries on the Fraser River. All the mailthat are from Obi.n.a or Japan are also dis- infected. We take every precaution to disinfect new arrivala from the Flotvery Kingdoitt." GREAT BRITAIN. Vela:11)1e deposits of iron one have keen diseovered neer Dover, England. Everybody 16 England is pleased • A Marvellous surgical operation is reported treed Binghampton, N.Y. A butcher named Ginzbury was stabbed in, the bread, and the knife penetrate ed the heart one-miarter of an inch; Dr • L. Yorker, foun.d the man pulse - lass and nearly dead from loss of blood. He kept up life by 'ejecting into the rabbi's body a saline solutioa,„ then cut open the man's side and stopped the flow of blood by taking three deep stitches in the left ventricle of the heart. Disturb Barcelona Romero entirely r An ina dispersed Vienna. At Car llo/Y beh tramway The Pe that arbit compute° Aguinal prisoners, been mad The Cob of Alban Coburg. a The sla to have court of i penult:oil Spanish friars in A. cat, killed tw- tiring one The Fr tained by prorogue Col. Pi of honor pest, Hu him. M. Gru agents w in the co suddenly. poisoned. A Jarg ticians, 111 novice, h tion with King MU TbeEm dent Lo telegram former at Ing ship A. rain at Bandr eloped w Durb.ern killed the General removed Governor i:nander Faure Bi him.. Soeialis emadenine in Rome as a ring 1898, has a civil co Heron naturalist ruined as involved F. J. Baje ing to $ The H sure req. per cent. ried men five ma unless th poses. A male laic narrow SAD Toronto .I A desp J. 3. Wa man in t Victoria Glouceste accident alighted moment the statio aboard a the care, and fell, of his le sitating The patie hotel by is doing Mr. W from his to Miss ed at Our of last CAM 50 Troops in A desp has been constant" try along lines is li are suffe Thirteent Pasay is practical' bridges t supplies some of ated by s cases the feet of which a.r The coca the meal Some of are seam fields on A high s of the Se Manila tion by e' no vesse The Tani nial is re with disc ter have all day, for a 1 steanaer, other st city sire ered with ,t,, despatch from St. Paul,. says :_,,, e ar ,t1.- ele as 0, Captain, . im - Deceit is the false road to happiness. ' gPMIC'Yii de Hartley, of 8tockton., Ced- Eight lives are reported lost at Cooks- say, of 1,34•1 tons .net register, left the - ' . all the joys we travel through to Clyde Mn rch 21, , for rreinantle, neer and. 'DAVIS A.LAWROCk CO., , Me Nvitre married while t -d mueh d ea a, all , .., . on, an m e , a age one , ailleiten MUTUAL She was .viee, like antiques, vams tv, en P •th Western,A. t -1* 81 viso, fairy1 . I. ' ' h h ' a Union line street ,car, as ,,,,, through' the Rea Bayer valley b last el' ' ' tls " la' &worn 0 imitations , ,d the Krug park loop, this - ' b , ' . -a , . Y „., built in Leaden, in 1868. . we touch thete.-A. Hill. , ilig t 8 storm. The 0121Y report taus r* ish i ' it of Nr .I, I • ''. ' ' dff onnImieemlesnimmokeeirome., , . The Purpose of the YmIng far hag been reneived trona $t. Cloud, The B it eh P 0 Y e -01 - las Consolation, indiscreetly pressed up-. Ft - id. his htide in befog marric basting reached that point by train. been wrecked off Rod test Island. Fit- ,,,,„ e, „one, „,..„, ee, tenceen,e, eeeet en h a peettliar • plaee waS,4 de- 1,60en members of. the 'Crew, including ,'ttt ',"" "'ate"' "` ? a"''':" ''''''''' '''' THE nov MAIIR Ajdespr Rev. W. MIAS Lis, as count riding on it round dternoo minister ed. in See Sire -'for groom A as the s GTIlMtAt.,,A woes have been, reSuMed in 1 and. Alloante, Spain. - • c Francis Josepla bas elnioet BooYeeed from his illness. lens° Socialist meeting Was hy the police last night in , a twenty rioters were pub- edetl or deelrVing eleetrie cars' toe neueereuee has decided rattan shall 1?e• optional, not y, . do has released, the SPanish but the terras haver> not s known, ' urg Diet has made the Duke heir to the Dean of Saxe- ad Gotha. rers of General Luna are said ieen 'acquitted by a Filipino tavestigation. . do agrees to release his sick risoners, but will keep the hope of rich ransoms., • at a village near Leiesie, n babies Wednesday, sneoth- and gnawing the other. snob Government; now sus- an immease majority, has . Parliament for the nnamer, quart /Ms declined a stvord rhich admirers of his in Buda- .gary, desired to present to snee, ooe of the detective io testified against Dreyfus art -martial in 1894, has died It is ranored that he was • e number of Servian poll, .cluding ex -Premier Tameha- .ve been arrested in connece the attempted.neurder of ex- ta, • , peror Williani 11, and Presi- abet have exchanged friendly arising from a visit by the Bergen to the French train- Lphigenie. • ' ay engineer named Gregory, ire India, whoee wife had th Capt. Tremonger of the Regiment, shot the captain, woman and' then suieided. Zu.rlinden, will probably be from 'the -post of Military of Paris and made come if an army corps. General ; lost will probably succeed : Deputy Preseetti, who was d by the military tribunals to ten years' imprisonment leader in the bread riots of just received a new trial in trt, and was aoquitted. Nordenskjold, the Swedish . and explorer, is financially the result of his becomingIli nith the publishing house of e. ALI of his savings amount- I0,000; are swept away. salon Diet has passed a mea- tiring bachelors to pay 25 more income tax than mar- It has also placed a tax of etas per annum on bicycles, ey are used. for business pur- proposal to double tax fe- relises was defechee. by a iajority. . . MYSTERIMS 0.111MNTA --- • i ' " Y41404.8 0 UnOt POIVIS Hese IDeeeserea , e,„ one, ' A. desPateh feare Eatneleth, aa.Yei-e- n 3 • t d t .4.- 1:- . „ -UtP ruU ell en ' l"etle (4 tlle Wreek' in conapanieis gave a representative- eof the Adocieted Peees tocaay a con- tribletion of a etartling aettereeta the contr_ °verse aiseseo atheeicanlidase: '1,01 webrecii' ke on the Manae . , .- .n ee, a- 028,,t4e parte to ,a,tmeath etw I:tern:me ly eecaped a hig Manaele rock. It.was ebb', tide,With a northeely wind blow- ing, which would naturally take tae Ifeesel south, but we foand her get- ting nearer and nearer the iManaeles, until withia fear hundred, yards of (been; tvhereas we ought to bare been a mile to ehe southward. Things lookediqueer for 'a Vine, but we alter- en pm. eactics and, cleared the rocks. "Froinl what 1 have seen clueing the pestsix weeks, I am confident some mysterious current draws the vessel towards the roeks. While working on tlee Perie, we warned numberless yes- seas of the danger we were in." ' Oa entering the tidal harbor to -day • . . the Paris ander the Influence of the - ' - wind and tide, became temporarily un- manageable. Her etern swung round andner? istruck the end of a wooden per which 1 ' ' i'ltlIall a arge are evd ot people had assembled. '11he pier shook from end to end, the spectators became panic-stricken„ and made an ugly rush for escape. Ultimately control of the ship r regained d she - safely ' p ,wae , an was •anehoredi PARALYSIS STRIKRS IlIR. IVES Yee atetnenthe Front West, -E41111111 ilk the $0091,10; cemperkelent by the reeler thu a; _IL irlle:".°4(1!'"18 1°4'o°' ' 4, ..Piaillid.TOri grOra Ottawa BaYS:- w ' ' hen the ttstbs'alla IMPerial litaitea • a"t"tt, In Ottawa thi • 3 e4era°°° it was learned that '11°h" W. 13' Ives, Itina'xe,etTein' tf°01-1,,` iShheeritbrri°v°vIrca,(godu, wfoarsMoen-i .board , in a stat of ; e onoonsnolisneee. Ifr" Ives vVss r•eturPing frola the I)e°1- fie cease, ale had bretikfteat at North Ba,y' and'. was spoken to by frieuda at ' the' tina•e, end was aPParentlY la good health. Mr Ives returned, to the awes -ping ea'r', emit shortly atter, the t, • e • - - ' . • l'alu Puthad out " 't"rth Bay ne was ford in the eMoking compartment by • the 'Porter in an almost ..-.11neansoiMis state. ' A telegram was sent from the next station to Mattawa to secure a elector, but it was not until the train reached Pembroke .that the services of a medic' eat aitan were procured. Mr. W. R. White, Q.C., was ceming to Ottawa, and he asked Dr, Dicksoe, of Penn broke to accompany the stricken man to the 'eapital. Arriving here Mr. Ives was at, once conveyed. to St. Luke's hospital by his brother-in-law. Mr. Rufus Pops,MP • • ' ' ' Sir Charles Tupper, Dr. Roddlek, and other medical m,en. immediately visited the hospital ' and consulted with' Dr. Dicksen and Dr. Powell, but they tumid do little to relieve the sufferer, who has been stile paralysis ' ' f' th , r c en with. o e brain. The patient is in a very dan- geroue.. condition) and his' me is des_ aired 'of. t P ' ' ITA11KETS OF THE 1/111ILD eeeeen Dyspepsia need' IndicrtIstion COMM= diseases, but hard to 1 . :,,, 4 , cure Witte Of -Canary remedies • yield readily to MatileY's t • . , Ent10eS of ' Gpalne Cattle, Chess, ,to In the Leading! IVIaatte. ...en-- ' TOrouto, July' IC -Business oon- tta'ae4 '°'"-eePtl°-ttallY g°01- salPPliee are' , . 'Ca41)r liberal, bit in aortae distriate grepoinaebisealhieedslYouvei,rtitettla:, a.1111,daspatbeerirrileel„ t 1 ' 'e - A ' c A. 1,' ,.; ! ' ' ' are a). •arge eneaciam oi.raweineees are' nearly overoWatermelona are aelling welt; aleo eueumbere, .potatoes, and. wean, •pnnes. are steady, . Current quetatiorts are .as follow's': , Leenone' , ' e.' 'Extra ''-'-an-",5,, 369s, 8604,§3.50 4'00 . Feney, 300s, 360s, . ., 3 00 325 Extra cboiee 300s 800s,. 250 , 275 sandries-' ', ' Bananas, per Miami( „„ 150 : 200 Cue white beans, bush. 000 100 Hallowee datea, Per lin 0 0534; 0 00 Rae/berries. • • • • Q07 010 Cherriee, eeting, basket, 070 125 Cherries, red, cooking. 080 100 ga°seberries• :: - 025 050 ....abhatge, per bble, . r`ta 00 nteei, Toatoes, crate. • ' ti 70• A V' Californiaipeaches, box, 125 175 California Pima' ' ' 200 1 275 New potatoes, per bush. 080 110 W,atei_trraeloas, each. . 018 . 022 eenee- Terragona. , almonds, . new, lh• • • • • • 0 00 015 Roasted peanuts, le, . 000 010. Grenoble walnuts, . .0 11 1,12 Peanut, Per sack. . 0 07 1-2 0 08 14 Filberts, Sieily, lb. . • 0 09 ala ,,, , r (mans. . . . . . 0 10 0 11 Peanuts„ shelled, lb. .,0 09 ' 010 Shelled walnuts, lb.. ... 0 21 022 1 Butter -Market keeps steady. Stock is not arriving 1. very good Aviv:, but or all phoice pa.ecels there is a gdianod. demand. This applies to both lay and creamery. Quotations are: -Dairy, tubs, strictly dimice, 12 to lac; small dairy, lb. prints, Omit 14 to 15c; crea,mery, tubs, and boxes, 17 1-2 to 18c, pounds, 18 to 18 1-2c- , Cheese -Market quiet. Quotations are :-New, 8 1-2 to 9e; old, nominal, at 11 to 12e. DRESSED HOGS' AND PROVISIONS. An increasing demand. for smoked meats, Prices in all lines are firm, de - very ' and likely to advance. The is greater for mend from all points this season. than it has been in many years bade,. Dressed. 'hogs are scarce. Light hogs, on. the street market, sell at $6.50 to butchers. Quota.tions for provisions are as fol- lows: - Dry salted shoulde.rs, 6 1-2c; long clear bacon, car lots, 7c; ton lots 8aend case lots, 7 1-1c; and becks, 7 3-4 to ' Smoked meats -- Hams, heavy, 10c; medium, 11c; light, 11c; breakfast bacon, r1loutoballcon1-208; 1122,iconio:Abirsm,ea7ts3-loneto 80cf; • ' ' - pickle, lc less than prIces quoted. for smek.ee.. meats,.... Lard - Tierces' " 63-40; tubs 7e• pails 7140; compound, 51-2 to 5 3-4c. ' Montreal, guly-14.--Snecial - The • ' • • • - - gram market is quiet Oats are quote ea.at 31c, peas at 76e, afloat; andbonk- wheat at 60c. Flour is quiet anasteady. Winter wheat patents, 53.75 to -$4; straight roller, e3.40 to $3.50; in bags, 01.65 to $1.70. Manitoba patents 54.20 ' , to 01.30; stronbakers' $3.80 to$3.90. The demand fogr rolled Oats is slow, and the market is quiet; quotations are $3.75 per bbl; and e1.80 per bag Feed. is • t; b ' . t It-01.;eOntario ran, inbulk, 513.50.o and shorts, $15, per ton; Manitoba bran $12 to 512.59; shorts. $14; moult- lie, 018 to $25 per ton, inducting bags. . is Hay s active and firm; choice No. 1,57.50 to $8; No. 2, $5.50 to $6; and clover at 84.75 to $5.25 per ton; on track: Cheese is firms at 8 5-8 to g 3-4e for Western, and 8 3-8 to 8 5-8c for Eastern. Butter is dull but firm at 17 1-2 to 17 3-4o; Western dairy, in b • boxes, is quoted at 15c ; and in rolls at 14 to 14 1-2c. Eggs are ' steady; choice candled ssold at 14c; o dine y t 12 • d N 2 9 • r r a c , an o. at to 10c per dozen. Maple product is dull. Syrup, in wood, 5 34 to 6e per Da., and at 65 to 70c per tin Sugar sold at 8 1-2 to par . is quiet, but prices 90 lb Honey.' • ' b ' are very firm; white clover comb,in one -pound sections, 9 to 10o; dark, 7 to 8c; white extracted, 8 to 8 1-2c ;- and dark at 4 to 5c. The demand for beans is only for small quantities, and prices are steady at 850 .to $1 per bush. Buffalo, July, 14. -Spring wheat- Nothing doing • steady; No 1 North - ' ' ern, 77 3-4c; No. 2 Northern, 73 3-4e. Winter wheat -Offerings light ;strong No. 2 red 77c.; No. 1 white, 76 1-2c. Corn -Steady; No. 2 yellow, 38 1-4 to 38 1-, 2; No. 3 yellow, 38c; No. 4 yellow, 86 1-4 to 30 1-2c; No. 2 corn, 37 3-40; No. 3 corn, 37 1-4 to 37 1-2. Oats -Dull; of- ferings liberal; No. 2 white, 30 3-411 ; No. 3 wbite, 29 1-2 to 29 3-4; No. 4 white, 28 1-4o; No. 2 mixed, 28e; No. 3, 2 mixed, 7c. Canal freights -Steady. Flour -Steady. 1)etroit, July 14 -Wheat --Closed- No. 1 white, cash, 740; No. 2 red, cash, and July, 74 1-20 ; September 76 3-4c. Duluth, July 14. -Wheat -No. 1 hard _ cash, 7o 1-20 ; July, 75 5 8o; No. 1 North- ern, cash, '7c; July. 73 1-8e. Septem- ber, 72' 5-80; No. 2 Northern, 68 1-2c; No. 3- spring, 66c. Milwaukee, Jtr1.3r 14. -Flour -Steady, 'Wheat -No. 1 Northern, 74 3-4 to 75c ; No. 2 Northern., 72 3-4 to 73 1-2c. Oats -27 to 28c, Rye -No. 1, 59 to 60c, Bar- ley -No. 2, 42c. Minneapolis, July 14. -Flour -10e lower for patents; first patent, $3.70. to 53,89; second patent, $3.50 to $3.60; first clear, to 52.70 to 52.80. Bran -In bulk, r$10,75 to 811. • Toledo, J'uly 14. -Wheat -No. 2, cash ' and July, 73 1-2e ; September, 75 3-8c. Corn -No. 2 mixed, 35 1-20, Oats -No, 2 mixed, 25c. •Rye -No. 2, cash, 58e., nominal, Cloverseed.- Pritne,, cash, Pew, $3,97 1-2; Oetoben $1.61 1-2, Oil -Unchanged. celery -Nerve Compound ' ' • • . ' , ,04'14.fltil:icilktiolene,lioaMaLe,ellayizt.". *Oi troubled with D s 0 ele. aid ' 11 di a tr Y IP P enciairser i:ers"IfeirlifattiiIinte't:ine: ' . . . IVIsaterecelera-Nerae ColaPeena . . which cured mo,' and I, comet .4"4*°°-'hig• MY In "3 era,i3e'''' ' T.' ugEs,' R. ,' 75eBit,g nrtilt mo/tEmte,, - • ' 'Tb -e atrongest• aeuti•Ment of Ale ( Turk. le Ilia rever.enea or his .raetber. He alwe-Ye etende qi her Presenee Ian' til invited to sit down -a °tenpin:am/A he ye to no one else pa- . -----, ' TAB ONtjA1'1NESE WORICMEM, japtineee Workmen are obliged. t( wear on their caps, and, backs an in Beription stating their enseeess an tbeir employer's name. HIS OPINION. . What iis Yoler iden of a silent part- was asked of a Mistimes .oracle on the board of trade. Bea the fellow that Puts his rnmasT into a firm and keeps /ais mouth shut while it Is being spent. RussrAN SCEPTER. nascepter • is _ of tsgold The lasien _ olid and oontians 268 diamonds, 3e0 rubies and 15 eirneralds. , FOUR MEN SE.RIOUSLY INJURED. ____ Timbers en i , t ,, c a iie ems' i1 ii,„,.. b OW l a la •t„ n- aising.—Sonte Cases May Be Falai. A. despatch from Markdale, says:- , One of the worst • accidents that bas ever _occurred, in this parte of the collet- r try: happened' this afternoon at Nem. Douglasbarn-raising, whose farm ad,- ' itans this village. The first bent hed been raised, but; owing to the insuffe- ceathe m lt propping, heavy timber came crashing down, carrying everything before it, and oruishing four men, prob- ably in two or three cases fatally, The injured are :- • M'INTYRE. Duncan, broken collar- berm, shoulder bruised; and chest hurt internally. D'I'LAUGHRY, Henry, ribs broken, la' a • ' hip injured, an severe internal in- 'juries. , -• , Fred severe blow on the BROWN, ' . - - • • ' - . • - neaa, Injuring the Dram, probably fa- , 'a• • PALLISTER, To severe out on the iside of the head. - When found almost the entire weight of the • bent was resting on Mc- Intyre's chest. The great wonder is that a nunaber were not instantly kill- ed for there were over 100 men at the t - . raising. • Drs. Ego and Sproule were immede, ately on the scene, and the injured are receiving all the attention possible. At t he• last report they are doing as well as could be expected. '.- THE ENGINEER WAS KILLED. •• Grand. trunk Train wrecked at Delia '1)Y the Dropping oe liae-e Inery. A despatch from Delhi, Ont., says: Grand Trunk -westbound train No. 89, . ., engine No. 67, was wreckea at 1.45 this morning, about two mules east of this , station. Driver Frank Bowen was in- stantly killed, his body being found lying between the engine and tender, covered with ties. anFireen Perry and Brakesanan Hickinson were badly hurt. Conductor Griffin and the other brakes- man, who were in the back coach, es- caped unhurt. The engine cab was c,om- epletely demolished, and the remainder of the engine was hurled into the ditch upincle down. The tender was turned' completely over, and four cars were tied u • front' f the ' d p upe. e engtne an four behind, all being completely de - molished. The track was torn to pieces . and the ties were made into tooth - • , Incites. The cameo of the accident is unknown but it is suptiosed that some part of . the engine dropped, causing the en- gine to belifted clear off the track. The condition of the track shows that something had dragged for nearly half a mile. Botven's body was brought to the Delhi, etation where Undertak- ' er Church was called. Bowen, lived at Bridgeburg• and leaves a widow and family to mourn hie sad and horrible death. An inquest is not deemed ne- °weary. When the crew which was left un- hu.rt found Fireman Perry, he ex- claimed :--" Never mind me, find' my raate m Dr. R. B. Wells attended the wound- ed. He reports them as in a favour -unconsciously. able condition. The wreckine crew from St. Thomas was quickly at=work clearing the track, and everything was cleared early in the afternoon. - b, , ene-te • (1 tn N , - ' \\ \ , an „ - - • eaves Thousands of Llirtse. Four years ago Jacob Dewitta of Hite I ' - land, was dragged to the verge of death by dreadful heart disease. 'He war given up to die. From, vigorous manhood he had gone to a broken ..despondent wreck, procured Dr. Agnew' s Cure for the Heart used it faithfnl y, and to -day' • et weigue 218 pounds, and llive to bless the day the great remedy was a recommended to hoilnua byrter.crie,uvetaz,inEx3.0etmeri.nutes.-24. - ••••-•-• •••., • e e. 'a .. , li. DRS 5 ' . - M IT The Leading Specialists of America, & 20 Years In Detroit. ,o z 250,000 Cured. ., , tND TO WEDDING TOUR. — In Fell Between Moving Cars and Lost a Leg. itch from Toronto says :-Mr. Lab, a well-known real estate he city, whose office is at 39 street, and who lives at 63 r street, met with a serious last night at Strathroy. He rom the Pacific express for a :o take a drink of water at n, and in the act of jumping lain swung himself between which were then in motion, the wheels passing over one s, crushing the ankle, neees- .mputation below the knee. nt was taken to the Queen s the medical attendants, and t.s well as can be expected. .1sh was doubtless returning vedding. tour, as his marriage 'atharine Coffee was celebrate of Loerdes on the 19th . Loath, , .' et. T. e ' • %ark. ;ME ST RI CT UR E '..: Thousands of young and middle-aged menare troubled with this disease -many . They may have a. smert- ' a. ing sensation, small, twisting stream, sharp cutting pains at times, slight c „ ee. organs, emissions, charge, alienate in commencing, wee and all the symptoms , of nervous debility -they latve STRIO- e T17RE. Doretlet doctors experimenton e ' you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing ;--• you. This will not cureyou, as it will re- r„ sWthl‘eig NiEturnIkTOuarbsoNrbE sItHrie0tDureTRtiessauTe-. henceremoves the stricturepermanently. : It can never return. No pain, no suffer - ing. no detention from business by our . ' method. The sexualorgansarestre gth- ened. The nerves are inyigoratee, and . the bliss of manhood returns. ' CURE GLEET • e - Thousands of young and middle-aged .. ' men are having them sexual vigor and -"„ vitality continually sapped by this (Its- - ease. They are frequently uneonscious i of the cause oithese symptoms. General t. ' Weakness, Unnatural Dischaiges, Pail- ingLady IVIanhood Nervousness Poor rem ' • •• • — • ' ory. Irritability, at times Smarting Sen - sation, Sunken Eyes, with clerk circles, I'Veak Bach, General Depression, Lack , 0._ Ambition t 1 anomie, Shrunken Z Parts, eto. G EET and STRICTURE :- ratty be the cause. ' Don't consult family , doctors, as they have no expeiience in special diseases -don't . allow , Quacks to experiment on yen: Consult ' Specialists, who havemade a life snide of Diseases clIferiandWomen. OorNI,'W : METI101) TREATMENT will pose.' tively cure you. One thousand dollars • for a case we accept for treatment and.: cannotcure. Tormsmoderateforacure. ' g ' CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure: EMI8SIO1'tS. . VARICOOELR, SYPHILIS, GLEET STRICTUR13,IMPOTENCY, SECRET ' DRAINS.IINNATURAL DISCHA.RG- ' en. ES. KIDNEY ana33LADDER Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS , FREE. If unable to call, writ for :1111TTIETINTB. LANK for DOME 6, KERGAN. KENNEDY .e, Cor. Michigan Ave, and Shelby St. a DETROIT, ANION. - SLIGHT ATTACK OF PARALYSIS. — tatty &mammy, Wife of Britain's Prime Minister, the ,vietim. ' A despatch from London says: -The Marchioness of Salisbury, wife of the Premier and Minister of Foreign Al_ fairs, had. a slight attack of paralysis in Wanner Castle. She rallied well - and is now improving in health. Lord Salisbury was obliged to curtail the • • • diplomatic' reception at tbe Foreign Office, immediately after the receipt of the grave tidings, and took a spec- ial train to Weimer Castle. The Marchioness of Salisbury is a daughter of the late Sir Edward Hall Alderson, a Baron of the Court, of Ex- chequer- She was married to the Mar- • f Salisbury quiz o in 1857. They have five sons and two daughters living. T eldest son is Viscount Cranborne. he el Widmer Castle, Ke.nt, es the official residence of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, an office held by Lord as built by Henry VIII. Salisbury. It w . . . in. 1539 and commands a splendid view ' of the sea. The Duke of Wellington died there ia 1852. TORONTO.VICTIM OF YUKON. — Man KIM 1 . I A , tat I iir ter on Ills Way Koine, rrobaely to Die. A despatch from Victoria,-B.C., says: steamer Queen, from the -The see Q fnorth, ' ' -WE brought down a sick passenger, H. A.. Parker, who is going horne to Toronto, probably to die. Paratna is one of the disappointed and financially broken adventurers who went to Alaska last year. He is travelling in the care of Mr. Boyd, who iis undertaking to see him back to hes home. The kind-hearted passengers of the Queen, learning the sad story of Mr, Parker's experiences, generously raised a purse of money for hien and on to- , morrow's Imperial Limited Mr. Par- ker will be installed in a drawing -room by himiself, in order to make the trip- in comfort. . , AIGNING IN THE WET. --- .these. the Philippines Are Suffering Great lib:coin fort. etch' from Manila, says :-It raining and storming almost 7 for, two days, and the coma- the American south and bay terolly fiooded. The soldiers ring great discomfort. The h Infantry Regiment - at in the worst position, being y surrounded by water. The hat were used for getting lave been, washed away, and he comptinies are now separ- :reams six feet deep. In many men are sleeping with three water beneath their bunks, 3 elevated on cracker troxes. any cooks, when preparing' 3, stand knee deep in water. t•he roads leading to Pansy .y impassable, and the rice ell sides are one great lake, rind blew over several tents cond Reserve hospital, ther launches or canoes,bay is impossible of naviga- and Is are leaving the harbour. :ed States transport Centen- a.dy to sail for San Franeieco barged soldiers, but the late to sit around the water front trenched to the skin, waiting Lunch to take them to the and alt The River Pasig ath eanis are swollen and the ,ts at all 19w points are cost- water- ' ---' STORMED THE TRAIN. --- Striking, Glass • Blowers Make Things , elven-. A. despatch from Bridgeton, says- The arrival of 15 non-union glass -blow- ers here was the ca.use of an otitb reak on the part of the strikers, and the resid.ents are apprehensive of more serious trouble. The strangers came - from Indiana on a train over the New Jersey Central road, and two women accompanied the party. They were met at the station by a large crowd, of strikers, who immediately stormed the train and captured the non-union men. A lively fracas ensued, during which many blows were exehanged.. Manager 0, GeKing, of the Cumber- land glass works, who was in charge of the new arrivals, was hie on the head with a brick and badly injured. oThe glass in the doors and windows of the Sae in which the non-unien men were riding wae shattered> and a haek wait- ing at the station for the mail was struck by the strtkers in the belief that in was to take Manager King to the works, The non-ers ntemen were final- sr in du d ce • to I ' accompany the strikers to the latter's headquarters where an , attempt is being made 16 force them to leave town. ' , FOUND WARDE'S SKELETON. ' --- Discovery -in a Manitoba 'tillage Causes a sensetton. A des,patch from Ninga, Man., says: has . Warde , of this place , , disappear- -T • ed' five or six years ago, after selling his farm for $4.00. Many thought he gone o e , n on ay had • t th States. 0 M et f a ravel a .skeleton was du.g out o g pit. The teeth and jars were exactly ' those of Warde, and the finders went to inform the police magistrate, intend.- ing to complete the exhumation next morning. The news raised. quite a tstir in the town, but the commotion was increased in the morning, when, to the; surprise of everybody, there was not a trace of the .skeleton, although it was easy to see where it had been. Foul play was hinted eti when \Verde, disappeared, and it is thought the party responsible for ais disappearance then removed, the skeleton now to pre- vent id.eatification, . . Ki+5,, IC - :10.Clic.,,:. ette-K . • -- iikAD-iiiiAKEVE -32'7.11LAISM NEVee felieee eille 61TISFA0111,1 stem 1r, 900,4 47 4 viv --,,, .0. ; - is MEnillOL Tiro p inn. ' . DAL . Tr ,Ire guarantee that these Plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other. Put up eel . i z5c.*boxesan4stoo . yard tails. The letter allows patio an the py .4ic ize. 'am flv i Every .family R should have owa ,.. .... really for SS setterai n THE CREW PERISHED ' the . Vi ree't of e cariisio. lensa.. PO 41 Stella* °°. ""cli ingeam, western' Austraita. A clespateh from Perth, Western, : Australia, Says :-The British ship Cerliele Castle was lost in a storm yesterday off Roekingleann The crew , perished, We ehould do by our cunning as we , do by our courage -always have It ,, , _ 0 e . , e ready to detend urs Wee, never to of fend others. -Greville. . ED ON A STREET OAR. doh from St, Joseph, says:,, B. Alabury, of St, Lotus, and EIGHT LIVES LOST.