HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-7-20, Page 1• TWEliTY—SIXTH ,YEAR NO: 49. •••0•AZET..T.K';. EXETER,. ONT, OA.NADA,. THURSDAY MORNINGJU[4Y 2001 189.9. 4•0011Wwwirs:minnsimiser • IDSUMMER StiLE For the next twO weeks we will clear out at greatly reduced prices the balance of our stock of Ladies' Summ.er Corsets Vests,Hose,ShirtWaists and CrashSkirts. CRASH SKIRTS 5 onl crash skirts, nicely trimme regular price 2,00, -midsummer sale price 1.25: 2 only ladies' dark bine duck skirts, reg price 2.06, midsurnmer sale price 1.10. .LADIES' CORSETS -• • 5 doz summer cor- • sets 50,Midsummersale„price , 35c Pr, ;LAD1ES' HOSIERY Ladies' fast black cotton hose, ribbed or plain,rnidsnua- mer sale price 5,7,9,12, 15 and 25c, per pr. 'LADIES' VE STS • With or without sleeves, regular value 8,10,12 and 15, midsummer sale price 5,9, 11, and 12, per pair. OP OT NETT for Ladies' wash ties 36 in wide 25c yd. WHITE LAWN special at 12,i., 15, 18 and • 20c. SHIRT WAISTS 15 only white lawn waists, regular price 75c,undsummer sale price 61c each. 20 only good print waists, still selling at 25c. 2 doz ladies' black sateen waists, white collar and cuffs reg price 751„and 1.00,midsurn- mer sale price 65g. WHITE MUSLINS Swiss spot muslin over check muslin and striped muslin at 10 and 1:4 per yd. BOOTS & SHOES What we told You last week. We tell you again that the J. D. King Shoe is the best on earth for the money. We have them all sizes and prices. GROCERIES Sugars 21 lbs for 1.00 Jem Jars 50, 05, and 75 pr doz. MEN'S FURNISHING The Kipling is the real nobby thing in neckWear. Col -no in • and see the range we are • showing. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's shirt, and drawers in light summer weight,good value at tiOc per suit, our price 50cIper suit. MEN'S SUMMER SHIRTS Soft body, cuff attached, collar detached, good dressy patterns, selling at 75. BRACE'S, Men's and boys brasses. again this week at 50. MEN'S HOSE Mens half hose ribbed top good value at 15 pnour price 3 tar for 25. MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS • 3 ply bosom and bands, regular price 75, cur price 50. MEN'S COLLARS in all the American shapes 2 for 25c. HARDWARE -Wehave the well know brands -- Gold iledal Golden Sheaf Plymouth Specia. Binder Twine • ,Hae you seen th results of' the tests given it. Be sure and try this twine if you need any more All we ask is comparison with other twines. We have twine from 8c per lb up. Harvest Tools, Big Stock, .Small Prices. Cements, Englisli.and Canadian. Work guaranteed. We supply an experienced man Furnaces, all the best makes, get our prices. Eavetroughing and Iron work a specialty. We have a few screen doors and windows which will be sold at cost. Highest price for butter and eggs. He BiSIHOP & Son, P. 5.---Htsve you seen the new Granite ware, they make the best preserving kettles. aelmensammesszomemastur Exeter. mmumamemmulessommons St. Marys' BRIEFS . -At last the fat men have , been successful in defeating the Leans• ' at lacrosse, the winning game being. • played Friday evening on the Athletic ;park befcre a very large number of •people. The Leans apparently were • not in the •game from the start for 'their heavy opponents seemed • to be able to secure the ball, even if :they had to pick it up withtheir hands at will. The Fats truly have made a . . wonderful ruprovement in the line of -sport since the last snatch, for thew tstick and combination was ahnost per- -feet. When the gaane was over the IA core was 5 to 1 in favor of the favor- ites, the Fats. -Miss Lottie White, of • Detroit, is spending a few days in town visiting friencis.-L. Howard,of Exeter -visited his brother, Lockie, Sunday. - O. Dusty, of Hagersville, is here re - :slowing olclacquaintances. He will re- • main until after the 19th. -The A. O. • F. attended Knox church Sunday •'evening and listened. to an excellent -sermon delivered by the pastor, Rev. Alex. Grant. The church was crowd- -0 by a very large and interested •con- sgregation. • About the 15th of next month a new .day goods store will be opened up in the Wiseman , store Clinton, by W. 'Newcombe of the firm of Ford & New- ibenabe of Petrolia. This firm is dis- solving partnership, Mr, Newcombe vretiring to open up in Clinton with his • 'brother. •11110MATIO EXTRACT of 13.1..ACKBERRY , Will be found a safe and pleas -art cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentry, ,Cholera 1VIorbis, etc. " This reme- dy contains no opium, is pleasant to take arid has prayed itself the Crediton BRIEFS. ove y coo a ves wea ther, thus.our farmers are hustling in the gran. -Berry pickers are improv- ing the time. Luscious butt comes daily to town. -Flax pulling is now in fall blast and a jolly crowd comprising, men, women and children resort to the fields every fine morning and spend the day harvesting the flax. Good re- turns to the company is predicted this year.7-Chas. thlber (Jr.) and wife of Michigann are visiting his parents and friends here •this week. -There is a rumor going the rounds of our village to the effect that the residence of our popular and efficient banker, Jas. Hill, (sr.) was burglarized on the night of July 12th, and a sum of money taken from the bed room where Mr. and Mrs. Hill were sleeping. This is a dastardly i piece of business and if the offenders are found out they should be punished to full extent of the law, that the peace and property of our citizens be not rnolested in the future. -Many of our citizens attended the 'Glorious Twelth' celebration in Exeter on Wednesday last. The Orangemen of this district have no reason to be ashamed of their worthy master, after the rousing ad- dress which he delivered upon that occasion. --According to announ cement on Sunday evening last, Rev. Hussar preached from the "Golden Rule" as applied to industrial life, incidentally touching upon the strikes of the pres- ent day. It was a thoughtful and able discourse. The Rev. gentlemen be- lieves that "profit sharing" with the laborer Is the true solution of this vexed probIena.- Rev. W. A. Smith B. D., and his sister, Miss Bella Smith, of Wilkesport and Rev. A. E. Lloyd of Chatham were guests of their friends Dr. and Msg. Rivers this week. They were entente for Brussels. -Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Eilber and family of Colum- bus, O.,. are the guests of his father Fred Eilber.-Geo. Bloomfield spent the Sunday in village as didalso Mr. E. Simpson. Mr. Dudley, sr., of the fitm of Dua- 1 . inost r e l ia b l e remedy, for summer leY & Sons, Colborne, Ont., passed .cornplqnts in the market. Pried 25 eenps. Sold by C. LUTZ, Druggist, Exeter. 'When the Stottach and Liver e out of order, a dose of DIX TTTLE LIVER PILL'S will u ward, oft an attack or Diar. DYseritery, Cholera. Morbis throngh Godevich last Friday on his retinal trip from visiting the orchards around Meaford, Owen Sound, :Luck - now atICl other p aces north, and reports that the prospects for the pre- st, crop of tipples is quite up to what it iyas last year all up thatNorth coun- try, Sohn Nevin, While engaged in shunt- ing in the Stratford yard.IVIonday, Met With m Very painful mishap. In an unknown Mariner he managed to 'get Caught While in the act of Coupling, awl had the misfortune to have the thumb of his right hand So badly in, LUTZbe tianpU 0. that La top Pottier' of it had, to Bayfield Bansss.--Malcohn Bremner and wife of the London Free Press are spendin,V their vacation at Ontario's leading watering place. Mr. Bremneesays he couldn't be enjuying his visit better, and in conversation goes into ecstacies over the exhilarating atmosphere, the beautifully wooded banks and the charming, restful, quiet, of our little village. He is enthusiastically in favor of the new proposed railway from,Lon- don to Bayfield. which is anxiously looked for by the people of London so that they can more conveniently take advantage of the proxi tnitY of Bayfield. --Rev. Arch Deacon Davis, of London, who is holidaying here assisted in the services at Trinity church on Sabbath. -Mrs. Glass. of London, is a admirer ' of our healthful and picturesque resort. She is stopping at the River House. - J. G. Emigh, wife and three daughters of Blyth, and Miss Eva M. Boles of Ingersoll, have been guests at the River House, but retnrned home last week. -Miss Eastwood13. A., of Whit- by is the guest at the residence of Dr. Stanbury.-Miss Anderson of Blyth, is visiting her aunt, Miss Galbraith, Front Road. -The Misses S. and N. Macklin of London are guests at the River Hotel. -Mrs. F A. Campbell and daughter, Mitchell, have been stopping at the River House. -Rev. T. G. A. Wright, Anglican minister of Mill- bank, with his wife and Mrs. For.ster of the same place has taken one of Mr. Marks' cottages for the season. -Mrs. Shannon and daughters, Clinton, are beautifully loJated on the brow of the hill in one of Marks' cottages.- Mrs. and Miss 13usnell and Mr. Smith, of Detroit are enjoying the sumixter here at Mrs. Geo. Erwin's.-Mr. Backing - ham of Stratford and his sonnat Barris- ter of I3oissevaine, Man. are suirtmer- ing here. They are stoppingnit the Queens. -Mr. Bosworth, Stratford, is seeking health in the invigorating breezes of Lake Huron at Hayfield. -- Miss McLaren, Brucefield, is a guest for the season at Mrs. Geo, Erin's comfortable eottage.--Mrs, Dr. Wright of Totenham,is visiting her parents Mr. and Mr. Thos. Jowett at present. - Chas. Stewart, Goderich township, lettVes this week for Dakota where be will spend the summer and autumn. - Mr., Keys and Nvife of Tennessee are the latest arrivals from the American side,. Slimly it trumpet blast must have been sonuding the faine of Bay- field as it summer resort. -Mrs. T. 0, 1tet4bp and family of Seaforth, have taken up their uslitil suinnier quarters at the White Oity.-Williarn Pickard and family, Seaforth, ate beck in theit cotttage in the White City, Thwett,s Hovey and faintly, Olin - ton, have taken a cottage for the stun mer.-Iletweeii MO and 400 Clintonians attended Willis Church picnic here on Tuesday of last week, compartied by his wife,-.A.rthnr Allister; whe is attending the tOUL- ancor, Compaissiener, Fire Insarasice agent simmer vexation with his parents and and Unites oe Marriage Licenses. nasal (loos brothers in the township of Hay, monts carefully drawn at reasonable rates Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in • terest. Office at the Post offiee, Ronsall. X. D. COOKR, BRIBVS,-Again we hear the noise (Late with Gamow Prouslfoot) /3arrister in this vicinity have finished cuttifig G. J. Patnerlana, Notary Convoy ate at Clinton, is honie /Spending t e Winchelsea of the binders as most of the farin6re Sellery, L, D. S., D. D. S.. Ironer Gradu Sonatas, Notary' Pablic,, Rensall, Ont. F•ato ot Toronto. trnivorsity, Dentists. Teeth their 'wheat and harleY; theY report extracted withoutirin,or bad effects. Office, a fait crop.-MisS W. J. :RoY very. in Petty's Block, mean. • At zillion eVCrY ill at tiMe Of ,wribing -Richard Cock - • .1.011N' WUrat PetalitherS• and Pro sexsmith COLLINS & STANISUItY. silarristers,Convey-1 •lli aueors, Notaries, otos Exeter orit, it. IL cot- 1 Hue and .T. G. Staiihery B.. A. nate with Me- us ecei if e Cattily, osier, 4' Co. )3arristersaorozaol, 1 and family are spending their holidays A FUlds Srl'OOK OF with their parent's in Ashfielci.-Miss , 1 BOOTS AND SHOES Bi......_ Dir. and Mrs. Johnston Sarah Northentt is at present spending tisfew days with friends at Thedford. • --Bert Hudson, of Usborne, called on BeSt Value ever shown in Exeter, 0- Northcott on. Sunday last. -John in Ladies', Misses and Mens wear - Campbell bad a couple of bees lest week, hauling. brick for his new house ' tOr • ,BitinEs.nnpienios'and . (ss,ntil bhas lurehAased ,new feGartdben 0.t. the Bronson Line called on their GROCERIES, 'OROOLERY GLASS (tamping par- Y. ,P • from St. Yoseph.-IVir.arid Miss Melick, Also it Complete line of , Monday, conainenetne May 30t11. y leva sea many torn Is ties at the Lakeside is now the order i . vicinity attended the Firernan's Tour - of the day with our citizens of leisure nament hem in st Marys on Ttrednes. while with the farmers it is the very day,_mr, J. senior photographer of busiest season of the year, the show- Exeter paid us a visit on Tuesday and erY weather of the past week or so took a snap shot of our Batter Factory, cwleiliaeratinigs ih.ealdlyngfoopetthaetiobnins divelitile fall The , other. -P. W. Brown spent Sunday and. employees, -milk drawers and yield of timothy and 'wheat is good under the parental roof. -Chas. Del - with a" few exceptions, but clover is 1 bridge is on the sick list this week. - poor on account of the severe winter. iMr. Ernest Bell of London is spend- -W. Whitesides continues seriously ing a few days with his brothers .T., C. ill and is becoming much weaker. - and A. Bell. -Miss Sarah Clement one Miss Verner, of Stratford, is visiting Miss Belle Tayler fop a few weeks. - The delegates to the" local convention of Christian Endeavior as recently held of aur enterprising young ladies leaves us in it few days for l'slew York where she will serve her apprenticeship as a typewriter; we wish her success.- Miss in Exeter and niorehnecently the con- Etta, Fletcher of Kirkton was the guest vention held in Ddtroit, gave very of Mrs. Wm. Sawyer on Saturday and interesting taccountS of the two con- Sunday lasts -W. J. Roy spent Tues- ventions on Sunday evening last at day in London. the Endeavor roeetine• held in Cannel Church, at the close of the regular service, and in the Methodist nhureh on Monday evening at the Epworth League meeting, a very interesting report was there given also by the delegates attending from the several congregations. -On Monday W. Goetz Hensalrand John Heywood, of Exeter, while driving down Main st,had quite an exciting experience. Theyweredriv- ing Mr. Cation:lore's horse, it spirited colt, hitched to a light' waggon, and when nearing the post office from the East,they were passed by sonae parties in a buggy, who thoughtlessly gave a loud crack •with their whip, which frightened Mr. Cudtnore's horse. It dashed off suddenly and ran into the ditch, the waggon coming in contact with a telephone pole. The hose be- came detached from the rig and went out of the harness, even' pulling the collar over its head and smashing the Zion brother John Melick, last Sunday,- Wrn, Carroll: who has been working with a gang of framers is home again.' with her parents here. -Mr. Wm. -Miss Rec,Isie Northcett spent Sunday Russell entertained a couple of nieces front Toronto for a few days lately. - Peter Munn is building an addition to his house. -The masons are busily en- gaged at John Campbell's new house. -Sexganith, congregation is on the in- crease. the shed being large enough for only about half the rigs one Sun- day, lately. -Jas. Carrick called on friends in. Sodom on Sunday last. Ib is reported that Artimus Bice, of Olandeboye; has purchased twenty acres of land on the outskirts of Lucan jaseopposite the High school. • W. Doherty, of • Clinton, has pur- • chased from D. Reynolds, of Hallett, a fine three-year-old dray mare. The price paid was $160. William Gray and A. Lindsay were buried by a caving in of a sewer at Brussels the other day, but were gotten out none the worse for their smpleas- an t experience. • Thursday, July Oth, was the ninety- third anniversary of the birthday of Mrs. Holmes, of Halmesville, mother of Dr Wm. Holmes, and Mrs. R. W. McKenzie, of Goderich. Mrs. Holmes is one of the intetesting personalities. of Goderich township. The 100 -acre farm of the late Wm„ Dougall, an the 2nd concession of Hay township, was sold by auction on Sat- urday last, the purchaser being Mr. Wm. Dougall, jr., and the price paid $6,000. This is one.of the finest farms in the county, and has excellent build- ings on it. • Mr. Ardagh is busy developing the peat deposits in Ellice. Hellas a gang of men at work on the Canada •Co's property on the 135h conce.ssion, and has got out about 1,500 tons. The compressing machinery will be put in as soon as the G. T. R. gets its siding construtted, which will be very short- ly. It is nonfidently expected that ipeabefote ftliwill be on the local market BRIEFS- -The officers and directon On -the ,eyezaine• ,ef; Wednesday, July of the AgrScultural Sedety had * a 5th nearly 250 invited guests assembled at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mills, Mount Pleasant, Hullett, to witness one of the most fashionable weddings of the day, and also an event which sends a young couple forth on the voyage of life as, one. The pviuci- pals were Miss Amelia Mills, second daughter of the host, and Rev. C. C. Keine, of Bethel circuit, London conterence. COLLINS& STANBURY.-Bari isters,Convesr- ancers. NotariPs. etc., Exeter Ont, R. R. Ca- nna and G, Stanbury B. A. (late with Mc- Carthy, Osier &s Co. Barristers Toronto). BRIEFS. -Miss Holland was visiting at H. Squire's during the past week. - Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hanson, Fullerton, called on friends in this vicinity dur- ing the past week and Mrs. Barr, and son, also of Fullerton, and Mrs. Abbott,. Mr. Horton and daughter, of Exeter, called on friends during past week. -Dr. Hytailman and Annie Mills of Exeter, called on Mrs. Manning, be- fore she leaves for Toronto. She leaves this week for Toronto to consult a specialist. Her health is not improv- ing as rapidly as might be desired by her friends. Mrs. S. Peart accom- panies her to Toronto. -John Cornish is improving nicely at present. -S. Jacques raised his barn last Thursday. waggon and breaking the harness. Mr, Goetz bravely -held to the lines -Everybody is busy harvesting, haying is nearly completed. The late showers and controlled' the horse until it was and have wonderfully improved the spring captured, it having dragged him craps of late. --League service On Tiles - the waggon by one tug a considerable day night, Sacrament of the Lord's distance on the ground. Fortunately Supper administered at Zion on Suns neither occupants of the waggon was Sun - injured. -Mrs. White, who was in De- day, Quarterly collection also. troit for a couple of weeks, visiting - her son and. daughter, returned home Mitchell on Tuesday evening last. -The DElsses Harvey, of Stanley township, were in the village a few days visiting Mrs, J. H. Beek and Miss Beek -Thos. Welsh through G. J. Sutherlandnis his agent, has sold his neat dwelling now occu- pied by T. J. Berry, on mill street, to Wm. Chapman, of the township of Hay, who intends retiring from farm- ing about the first October and inov- ing into this village. We always wel- come good citizens of Mr. Chapman's stamp, as also his good lady and fam- ily. -The result of the Entrance ex- aminations for this school can be found in another colunan.--Miss Mabel Falton visited. in Exeter during the paskweek. -Mr. Gliders, of Goderich, WAS here part of last week and this, visiting his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and MPs. Joseph Ellis. -E. McMorran, has been in Hensall during, the past week re- newing acquaintances and visiting re- latives. He is a brother of Mrs. J. White. -G. C. Petty has leased some land at the north west of the village for the erection of a large evaporator. - Wm. Bell, railway agent at Milverton, accornpa,niecl by his wife and children, have been visiting Mr, and M TS. James Bell, Mr. B's. parents, the past few days. -Miss °Armin, of Detroit, was in the village part of last week and this, visiting her uncle, j. W. Ortwein general merchant. - George 'Trott, photographer, who has been tanning a branch at Zurich for the past two weeks, intends spending a few weeks at the Bend. -Miss Lavine Cook has been spending the past week at the Bend. -B. Thompson, accom pan ied by his daughter,veas in Mitchell and vicin- ity last week, visiting -blends, and in- tends this week renewing acquaint- ances at Whitechurch. -Miss Jennie Murray has been engaged as teacher for the school section, known as No. 10, Hay township, and commences her duties after the belidays. The new School is being erected on the" corner of John Elder's farm,'2i miles south of She village and is a neat modern struc- ture. Miss Murray- is an experienced and pains -taking teacher and the trustees have made itgondchoice.- Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Robinson, of Den- field, and daughter, have been visiting Mrs. Robinson's parents, Mr. and Mts A. McPherson, the past week.-Mrs.J. E. Demean of Plymouth, Mass., is vis- iting her brother, W. Pfile. -- Miss Sproat, ot near Seaforth, bas been spending the past week week with her cousins, the Misses McLean, of this village. -Mrs. J. 0. Stoneman is visit- ing her parents. in Lambeth, neer Lon- don. -D. Urquhart has during the past week made some large shipments of lumber. --Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Arnold and family, Mr. and Mrs, G. D. Arn- old and Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Macarthur and family,were all at Grand Bend for a few clayd this week. -Rev. R. Weir and wife, of Copleston, have been spending the past week with Mrs. Weir's brothers and rsisters in this nei gh borhood - Mrs. (Dv.) McTaggart, of Detroit, was in Hensall on Tuesday accotopanied by her son, on her way to see her husband Dr. Satnes McTag- gart, who has for some tinie been stay- ing at his &tiler's at Chiselhorst, in the interests of his health. We regret to say that he is eery seriously ill, but his many friends hope for his recovery. Mrs. :11o0Ver and 'Miss Murdock* of Clinton, Were here en Titesday visiting their brothets,ThoinSon and Alexander Murdock, -Mrs. G ilchrist, and danglitel, Miss Martha' were in Seaforth last week visitingrelatives.,11 P. Panlin, of Winglittin, formerly of this village, was visiting friends here akts week, ac meeting on Saturday to appoint com- mittees and judges fix the prize list and other business in connection with She fall fair. They want to have a good exhibition this • fall. -Stratford got off very well with our rink of bowlers on Friday last,. If the vete- ran rink, composed of the two doctors one colonel and the merchant • had gone, they would have beat Stratford so badly that they would have plough- ed up the ground and sowed onions on it. A Toronto rink will stop off to -day for a rnatch and to -morrow and next day the touruament at Seaforth takes place. -A lot of livebogs Came in Mon- day morning for which the farmers re- ceived the usnal price, 1 1-2 cents. -A new captain for the Salvation Army has errived.and commenced work on Saturday. evening. The Army does not .succeed in 1Slitchell very well though they have a few faithful). mem- bers.- Our bakers; are very moveable. Mr. Saunders who came a few.- weeks ago went to Hanover on Saturday, so he had to hand over his work to others and leave. -George Haynes, of the State oflowa, was in town on Satur- day. • He came hack to attend the ' funeral of his father, John Haynes; of Fullerton, an old settler, who had at- tainecl the good old sage of eighty- three. -Another of our old settlers de- parted this life on Friday. Mr, Adam Becker who has lived here for many years and had attained seventy-five years of age, died. He was one of our quiet citizens, respected by his neigh- bors, and belonged to the Methodist. Church. The funeral to that ceme- tery took place on Saturday afternoon. Rev. R. Whiting conducting the ser- vices. ware a full range of ew .1F'rintS, Lovely Patterns. READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING, J. P. noSA • • The hail storm that passed over Prospect Hill on Monday week mow- ed a path a mile wide through the grain on the farms of josepla Lindsay, W. T. Wilson, R. Wilson and Wm. Draper, utterly destroying it. • Do not despair of curing your sick headache when you can so easily ob- tain Carter's Little Liver Pills. They will effect a prompt and permanent cure. Their action is mild. and natur- al. John W. Barr, of Milverton, lost through thumps, the most valuable horse he had. in his stable. The ani- mal had been out on the road, and was noticed to be unwell coming hoxne a,nd died. in a few hours after reaching the stable. A by-law to raise $200,000 to page the streets of Windsor, Out., with macadam was yoted on Monday re- sulting in a majority of 59 in favor of the by-law. The total vote for was 311, against, .252. Total, 503, out of about 1700 ratepayers in the city. Irfrs. B. B. Keefer, the divorced wife of Rev. B. B. Keefer, a formet of Winglaam Methodist church, has taken unto herself another husband in the person of Dr. John, MacLeod, of Martin, member of the Royal College ot Surgeons, 'London, England. The frequent rains have bad a bad. effect on the crops in the vicinity of Goderich. Rust is showing in • the wheat, and. the 'peas are turning yel- low. Hay that bad been cut and left lying in the fields was damaged by the rain, but not znuch hay has been cut. Charles Glew of the Huron Road, be- low Stapelton, lost 11 sheep the other night. During a storin they were hucl- dled in a heap, seventeen in all, when the lightning struck at a point tenerocls distant it strand of barbed wire which ran on top of rail fence. •The current ran along the wire to the sheep and killed eleven of them. They were in- sured in the McKillop Company. Elimville ----- BniEvs,-Chas. Andrew left for his hoine on Monday evg. He expects to leave for Yorkton, N. W. T., about Aug- lst, Ellattlalls return- ed home last week bona attending to League convention in Detroit. -The Messrs. Geo, Hawkins of Rogerville 'visited with Joseph Hawkins on Sun- day. -Rey. A. E. Thompson, called on friends around the village on Tuesday. Joshua johns has erested a fine large driving shed. --By Jove! times tnust be looking up, William Coultiee baying purchased a beautiful cariole for him- self and family. -William Sleaman claims to have 17 loads of hay off 7 acres. A good crop William for this year. -Frank Veal of Detroit visited friends' here last week.-Seyeral of the boys took in the sports at St.. Marys on Wednesday. -William Robinson's hired man, Wm. Taylor, thought he was a little tired and left on Monday, bnt returned again on Tuesday after- noon, and went to Work again. -Geo. Deitz and wife of Pt. Huron visited at Mrs. Deitz's father, :fohn Pout last week. --- • The: Misses Davidson of Exeter, are the guests of the Misses Hall this week, -Quite a 'number drove over tO Zion to attend the grand rally of the 'League and hear Mr. Emerson, The boys say Will looked happy and had a smile on his face. -Rev. Smith and wife, a ode tinle minister on the El le appoin titan t bti t noir itt the Tr- S. called on friends around the vil- lage this week, and at the borne of Mrs, S'S fat,t6t, Wm, (Morrell of An- dealt's:sr:4;n o. Car,Sert, 0- tt, .; r ill itt,presen6. is vet. HEAMAN'S • New ',VC..-'.'-:.'it2Earg5=11106"1211L'.rdatf06t, ardware • Store We have now got our stock in shape and are ready for bus - ness. We most cordially thank our many new friends who have already given us a call. Our aim always be to give our patrons`good honest value for their money. We are very careful in making our.purchases and the public can feel assured of ge ting the best values the market affords at all times1 •;.'04 Just 1 46 10' lines:— low we are Making a specialty of the follow - Cutlery, Granifeware, Paris Green. riiarvest 'Tools, Threshers Supplies Binder Twine In Ready mixed paints we ea, ry thewell Jnown Elephant brand,notle better. ITEAMAN, Exe First door nrth of the Ti Pickard Co' Sto „