HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-7-6, Page 5MONEY TO L06.N.
at from 4l to tia, Apply to '
i Darristers' Solicitors* &e Male St Factor
‘1 a NION1.4ni0 1, Y 1LOAN.
1 We llaVellnlillInea laiYAIOttllids for invest-
-3 latent eapn farm Or vi lage propertY at lowest
1 rates or interest.
-- '
-a-aP11. A. It EINSMAN, L,
p, S D. D, S., .Honor Graduate
of Tarmac) Umversity, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without .pain or
bata after effects. Gine° in Fan -
eon's block, West side of Main street, Exeter.
Dil AllOillSON, CD D, SI 0- 8-)
Graduate of the Toronto Ileiversity,
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, AllBridgo work, Crowns and Plate
work done in the neatest possible manner. A
seariniess aneastheac for paanioss extraction.
The strictest attention given to the preservat-
ion of Lae natural teethe Office, opposito Con-
tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont,
A HOOPER,Licensed,Auc-
tioneer for the County of Huron, Sales con
ducted in all parts, ant for convenience can be
arranged for at this office. San efoation guaran-
teed, Charges moderate. Exeter P. 0.
That anost desirable piece of laud ecnitainiaa
about 27, acres, being part of farm lot Igo, 20 in
the First Concession of the teweship of Ste-
phen. This land adjoin.% the Corporation and
as splendidly situated. facing the London road.
Also the following Village lots in the Village
of Exeter ;--
Lots Nos.15 anc1 46 on the east side ca Main
Street, and immediately South of the residence
of E. Franck, Esq, _
Part lot No. 21 oil the west side of Main
street immediately South of the residence of
Clueles Rowe Esq.
Part of lot la on the east side of Andrew
Streetalmost opposite the Main Street Metho-
dist Parsonage, containing nearly ono acre of
land and known as Om Old School House Prop-
Lots Nos. 162 and 161, North West Corner of
laud being part of same farm lot but West of ir or lasgn
'Victoria and Carling; Streets.
The land now used as recreation grounds,
the land innnediatoty North thereof and the
the London Huron 3.5 Bruce R. Re containing
ui all about ,I0 :toms. Thisland is admirably
situated and faces on Huron, Carling, and
Sanders Streets.
The and on either side of the Station Road,
'being part of Farm lot No. 23 in the First Con-
cessian of the township of Stephen and now
varveyed into lots and streets containing 27
These two last parcels of land will be sold by
the lot or acre to suit purchaser.
For further particulars apply to C.A,RLING
BROS.. Merchants,. or to DAMSON & CAR -
Barristers, So. Exeter Ont.
AM -WAS, -We are hevieg wine bean-
tiful shower e oflate which will gladden
the hearts of the farmers also settle the
dusb.---Our band attended the straw-
berry feetival at Centralia On the lata
which edded greatly to enliven the
PrOceedings, Several of our citizens
atteeded the concert there in the even-
ing giVen by the Imperial Quartette
and Were delighted with the program.
Albert Zwicker ana Fred Youug left
for Detroit MondaY morning, -J. H.
Holtzman and his two daughters left
for an extended trip through Mich.
and other parts of the States. -- Child-
ren's Day was observed in the Evangel-
ical ehurch on Sunday last and was at-
tended largely at both services in the
afternoon and evening, The children
of the Sabbath School took part in
both services aided by the choir. -The
Rev, Hussar was Linable to take his
work on Sunday last owing to sickness.
The evening service was taken by Dr.
Rivers, who delivered an eloquent ser-
mon, --Tom IVIorlock and his sister
Emma left for Anvoras Ill., On Wed-
uesday morning, TOM intends going
back by his old route "via Sarnia,"
where he intends to lay off for a few
weeks, Time is no object to him as be
is about to enter his inatrimonial ca-
reer. Ms many Crediton friends wish
him success in his new venture and
hope he may have a loug and prosper-
ous journey through life. Particulars
later. -J, G, Young & Son have given
their store front a fresh coat of paint
which adds much to its appearanoe,-
Geo. Bloomfield and wife left for Li el -
don, Detroit and other points. We
trust they will have a pleasant vaca-
tion.-Sanmel Brown has gone on a
visi t to friends in Michigan.--Dr.Lewis
had a innawav last Sunday morning.
Besides beleg badly scared and shaken
up he was none the worse for his thr 1 -
ling experience. The, buggy did not
fare so well.
I Da -I
-, LOCK,
Tenders wM be received, up to July Sth. 1399
gor tbe_purcbase of five shares et stock of the
eas..ETBR SALT COMPANY, par value $100
per share, tenders to be addressed to the under-
signed. •
00ItPORA0I0Nneor. Youge and
Colboraie Sts, Toronto.
Earser SoLE.-The farm advertised
to be sold miclei.• mortgage, being lot
_ ,eautesses-5, con. 15, was sold on Monday last to
ar,.. W. Herding, for $3,550. It contains
98 acres. Mr, Ilardingiwill start a
brick and tile yard on the premises.
Pat Bolan purchased Mr. Harding's
fame which adjoinshis own also on
the 15bh con.
• &alert weed and Belladonna, combin-
ed with the other ingeedients used in
the bst porous plasters, make Carter's
'2. W. & B. Backache Plasters the best
'in the market. Price 25 cents.
Winslow's,Soothing Syeup has been used for
aver fifty years by millions of mothersfor their
ehildren while teothina, with perfect success.
n.soothes the child, sottens the gums, allays all
vain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy
-for Diarrhoea. 11 10 pleasant to the taste. Sold
by &negate in every part of the world. 25
• ;cents a bottle. Its value is iucalculable. Be
.bure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
'Syrup, and take no other kind.
, reassiwalsill
he frhe
if you take Hoffman's Headache
Powders. The first powder seldom
fails --the second, 91CV01% For any kind
of headache, from any cause. Posi-
tively harmless- disagreeable efrects
never follow. The surest, quickest,
best headache remedy ever prepared.
Are sold in foe. envelopes and 250.
boxes by druggists everywhere.
The Hoffman Drug doe Dralgeburg, Ont.
Sensations, exist for our guidance.
' They are Nature's warnings.
Over-worked 'eyes demand rest
Eyes that tire easily call fOr help. '
• Properly adjusted glasses afford the
•only assistance possible.
We make a' specialty of relieving
tired -,eyes and guarantee sa.tisfac-
so ri!tt0110
.. AT .
FittOn's Jewelry Store
hr Appe.al te the Suffer
Ng and Diseased
Paine's Celery. Compound
At this time we desire earnestly to
appeal to: men: and women who are
ailing and in a Raw condition of
There are thousands of sick people -
disappointed and now almost helpless -
who have ceased to 'China of their dan-
ger, imagining they are incurable be-
cause them doctors have failed end the
yast varieties of medicines they have
ueed have produced no good results.
Courage once more, suffering broth-
ers and sisters!
Rekindle the almost dead embers of
hope, you sadly deceived and disap-
pointed ones!
Freedom from disease and suffering,
and a new and happy life will be your
portion if- you have faith enough to
make trial of Unit life giver and dis-
ease banisher, Paine's Celery Com-
pound, that has in the past rescued so
many from the grave.
If Providence and our advice should
inspire you that there is life in 'Paine's
Celery Compound, your efforts must
be proemb and honest. During the
present heated term of summer, it
is perilous to neglect your-eiches, pains
and sufferings. Inaetion' aud wilful
neglect for one day may result in
If- you suffer from nervous prostra-
tion, liver disease, kidney complamt,
dyspepsia, rheumatism, neuralgia,
headache. impure blood and digestive
troubles, you should derive instant
inspiration from the army of men and
women of the best families of Canada
who have given their written testi-
mony in favor of Paine's Celery Com-
pound, and be further encouraged by
the recommendation of the most- emi-
nent medical men who prescribe
Paine's Celery Compound regularly.
With such testimony and the indor-
sation of medical men, is it wise or
prudent to neglect the use of earth's
best medicine ? He or she who re-
fuses life and health is surely worse
than a skeptic. Bear in mind that
Paine's Celery Compound cures even at
the eleventh hour.
BRIErs.-aliss Vail has returned to
her home in Newbury. -Frank Hicks
was visiting his parents on Dominion
Day,we are glad to see his genial, gen-
erous face once more. -Miss Salton ie
visiting in Detroit and. attending the
great Endeavor Convention. - Five
travelling Methodist preachers called
at the parsoeage during the last week.
They were on their way to new fields
of labor.
FEsedvAL,--The great festival has
come and gone once more. All unite
in saying that it pas one of the most
enjoyable ever held on the grounds.
The attendence as usual Was large.
The addresses given by Eilber, and
V. Ratz, members of parliament were
very much oppreciated as well as the
eloquent, remarks from the Revs. D,
• "%smut and O. Brown, The Crediton
brass band excelled themselves in in-
spiring tensic. The colicert in the eve-
ning given by the Imperial Quartette
of London was without queetion the
best ever given in our village eath
number elicited an encore which was
cheerfully eesporided to by the genial
apartette cOMposed of the following
gentlemen McDonald, leackbart,
and •Carpenter. The church
was crowded and all went home per -
feebly satisfied with the day's holiday.
The receipts were in the neighborhood
of $150. The following is the liet of
the Prize Wirineae in tile sports. Prize
Winners, Bests race, matter 10 Eddie
Down; Grir18 rttee, tinder 10 Alve NV -inci-
sor ; Says, wider 15 Homer BegshaW
Girls, under •1.513, Smith ; Vat tiaras
race, Jam. Oke ; Metalled than%
Huston ; Ladies race, Olive Down ;
NoOdle rade, Wia, Cueniegham ; 'Rae -
le race. B. Bee -Well ; Saair Mee, T.
Ward ; Banal reee, 'W. abeke ; Three
legged teme, C.Haggith arta W. Plias;
Plop stela and jetep, T. wftra, ; Youths
running Jump, E Boswell; High jump,
E. Boswell ; Retelling jump, E. I3os-
well ; 131eye1e tneu'a Mitehell ;
Ladies' Ineyele race, !Attie Ifandford,
.3(eter. IViunicipal Council.
Council met at call of Reeve to Towu
Hall, July 4. All preeent etefpt Mr,
Minutes of previous meetine read
and confirmed. •
A petition signed by two thrds ef
the owners of real property on tie east
side of Main steeet 1:rom To tnesstreet
to North street, was preseeted,priying
the council to beve constructed a aran-
all le pavement between .Tames lord)
North et., on the east side of Malta sreet,
the Corporation of the village tA de-
fray 4.0 per cent of cost of same and
the other 00 per cent of costae be lerne
by the owners of real peoperty in tont
of which the said walk is to be laie, It
was moved by J. Muir, seconded. be L
Armstrong that the prryer of tbe pet-
itioners be granted, and that the Clun-
cil take the necessary proceedinga,fot
the completion of seine as spedily
as possible. --Carried
Armstrong -Muir - That the c irk
request F. W. Farricornbe, Esq. of
London, to make survey and prepare
plans and specifications for pavement
and drain, -Carried.
Moir--Armstrong--That Mr. Taylor
and the street commissioner be appoin-
ed euperintend the construction of
Armetrong-Muirs-Tnat council ad-
journ to Friday July 7, 09 at 8 o'cloek.
G. II. BISSETT, Clerk.
• Exeter Public School
REPORT.-- The following is a com-
plete list of the successful candidates
at the promotional examinations held
in the Exeter peblic school on Wednes-
day, Thursday, and Friday of last
week. The names are arranged ha or-
der of merit.
All pupils were required to -make .33
per cent on each subject and. 50 per
cent on the total. Writing aud Draw-
ing were judged from the quality of
the work done in the books during the
term. The joint staff formed' the
Board. of Examiners and no slip -shod
work was accepted, .
The promothans in rooms 1 and 2 will
be announced when the County and
Provincial Board. of Examiners have
completed their work.
Roont 2. -Promoted from Jr. IV to
Sr IV: -Millie afartin,Ettie Kerslake,
Beatrice Luker, Winnie Howard,Ruby
Davidson, Jenny Murry, Lueretia
Werry, Ruby Werry, Vera Snell,
Maude Taylor, Wilbert Mai tin, Arthur
Wood, Sandy Bawden, Harry Bissett.
. A. V. TEmseaa, Teacher:
Room 3. -From Jr 3 to Sr 3:-Gertie
Trevetbick, John Gardiner, Roy; Far-
mer, Edna Dow, Gertie Smith, Bezel
Browning, Off e McPherson, Milton
Hicks, Edna Follick, Grover Bissett,
Violi Davidson, May Qaunce.
From Sr 3 to jr. 4: -Jessie Cameron,
Mary Parsons, Alvin Brintnell, Ethel
Farmer. Louise Carling, Harold Bis-
sett, Wesley Snell, Della Treble, May
Snell, Freddie Bowden. • •
mAy GILL, Teacher.
Room 4.-Prinnoted from Sr. 3 to Jr.
4: Euclid. Collins and Clara Ross
(equal), Harry Zinger, Willie Murray,
Georgie Ilyndniau Olive Elliott,
Frankie Weekes, ithel Armstrong,
Veda Handford, Vera Rowe, Tommy
Hunkin, Frank Samwell.
Jr. 3 to Sr. 3: -Annie Reid, 011ie
Quance, Martha Carling, May Jones,
Mary 'Murray, Lily Acheson, Maud
Quance, Gerty Gould, 011ie Prier, Elsie
Sutton, Charlie Dyer, Willie Howard,
Pearl Levitt, Earle Browning, Ida
WAratorio, Teacher.
Room 5. -Mid. 2' to Jr. 2: -Lillian
Towle, Winnie Huston, Seldon
Maurice Bobier, Annie Ford, Frank
Jr. 2 to Sr. 2: -Dyer Plurdon, Roy
Ford, Stella Spackman, Wesley Phair,
Ethel Piper, -Beattie Martin, Eddie
H. D. PRINGLE, Teacher.
Boom O. -Mid 2 to Sr. 2: -Charlie
Drinkwater, John Kydd, Fred Smith,
Wellington Hex•n, Forest Crews, Cbes-
ley Evans, Hugh McKay.
Sr. 2 to Jr. 3; --Alice Howard, Flor-
erence Kydcl, Netta, Frayne, Willie
Bissett, Arthur ' Snell, Jennie Welsh,
Willie Drinksvater, Ena McPherson,
Richard Gidley, Clifford Spackmap.
IILLrAN MAY, Teacher,
Room 7. -From mid 2 to Sr. 2: -Ma-
bel Piper, Etta Powell, Barry Renclle,
Irene Handford, George Barkner, Ste-
phen Thonipson, Willie Smith, Mabel
From Sr, 2 to Jr. 3: --Irene O'Neil,
Elsie Wilcox,Haivey Gardiner,Arthur
Cann, Dorothy Davidson, Viola Sut-
ton, Alfred Wilcox. •
A. W. BALL, Teachers.
• 1 11 CA re n 0 ry for
('WCIT pa\
4? •
ektgoP /I -4A
4 0 NE. te.2 A
1,$) LI. oiek:4-
IIYInIng, Middle Aged & Old hien
. _
.. 1 E. you are suffering from any coplica.
fft nal Decline, and make marriage possible. 4
twit of the Sexual System, Bladder, j
j. XidilOYS, n100(1 or Nerves, coesult us
6 at once. We curd all weakness, Nervous 442
Viraste, Secret Losse, Viett17 Drains, Sex- 0
giuca or Poor -One Dollar.
re, We guarantee to curt -VaPicilcele, Ernis,.
e sions, Stricter°, Mot, eyohilia, Imeoterioy, i
thmatinhal Discharges. all Privee t NerWitis and
a i
' Delicate DiseaseS of Men and*otheit. %AM. 4)
" dietetical ere°, Question Lit(o Wane:Treat- ia
'i merit Free-Beoas Free.
. 1)0111111 000T011g, 47 MOAT, tare' ti
ill', polecat° nt Ottawa Will Re,
bast) op niom.e4le Veltman oi Acerenza
Ottawo, July 5. -Tim creation of ati
Apostollo Delegation in Canada, and the
appointment of the delegate will in a feve
daye be offieially announced.
The delegation was creetea d
recent vigit to Rome of Cardinal 'Veligh-
an, Bishep of Westrainster, and will be
established aocordingly at Ottawa, The
English Cardinal returned to his oven
country a fortnight or so sine% and al13911
his departure from Rome the news Was
apoWed to become known to the exten-
sive colony interested ba American
An archbishop has been chosen dele-
gate, ana the appsiatee is a man of Con,
siderable experience a American life. He
is Monsignor Diomede Faleoni, Arch-
bishop a Acerenza and Matera, Italy.
He is a Franciscan (order of Frlara
Minors). He is not young, being close
upon sixty years, the first ten of which
were spent in the United Stateslie is
an Italian by 'birth, but bis experience
has aequainted him thoroughly with
western Ideas. Monsignor Faloni was
called to Rome during Cardinal Vaugh-
an'S visit, and the two prelates cenferred
with the Popo. Upon being requested to
accept the Canadian office the Franciscan
nrornptly accented, end left for his own
diocese without delay to bid adieu to ilia
flock, who were strongly bound to him by
national ties,
Ho will return to Borne again and
take his final departure for the Dominion
about the end of July. Pope Leo, who is
said to be greatly interested in the
Catholic propoganda in Canada, will
personally give the delegate bis final
Monsignor Tattered is reputed to be a
man of wide learning and deep theology
as well as Modem) opinions. Upon his
arrival in Canada he is likely to spend a
mouth or two in Quebec, and Montreal
before establishing himself in the Domin-
ion capital.
Richer Doman& 820,000.
Ottawa, July 5. -An action for $20,000
damages was entered in the High Court
of Justice yesterday morning by Napol-
eon Richer, tho defendants being the
Ottawa, ArpriFr & Parry Sound Rail-
way Company. It will be remembered
that Richer was the coachman who was
injured in the accident at Ottawa East
on June 7 last, when County Treasurer
Cowan and his son, Holmes Cowan, lost
their lives. Richer was laid up at the
Protestant Hospital for several months,
and as a result of the accident had to
have one of his arms amputated.
Another -Live wire Case-
HaMill011, July 5. -John Andrews,
Bredalbane street, was nearly killed this
evening by coining iia contact with a live
wire while working on the Oak Hall
building. His b ok and hands were badly
Young. ;flan Drowned at Montreal,
Montreal, July 5,-W. F. Milne, the
20-year•old son of Alex. Milne, a traveler
for W. T, Benson 4.% Co.' ran off the
Lachine Wharf last ' nightand was
Wheat, white, 72;a to 50 73
Wheat, red, bu 723 73
Wheat, Fife, spring. bu, 57 69
Wheat, goosa ban 6711. 68
Barley, bu 4214
Peas, bu 60
Oats, bu35
Rye, .bu..... .., 50
Buckwheat, Ina ..... 55
• Eigeter jets- Bit, 389.
Wheel', per buehei , 66 to
.. 2t3 Le 29
Berley,,... ' 40te 45
60 to 60
,Butter,.„, te, JO
Eggs..,.•• 01••••••, A1•410 to'
Turkeys 6 to 5
Wsiar," - - ' -. 13 t i
„. . ..„„ ...„ o le
.... to e
Dried Apples::" ,. .. .. .. 0 to , (.1
Pork dressed a . „...„ $4.65 10
Rork uve weigill..'.... .,......, 0-40 to kt.0.0
01°4j3r°f,'T''''''" - - - ' 3,i9 to
4 0 to sake
Aleike eTC:ve.r...', ......*,'...: ':....7.', . ". ; 3.5i) to $3;5a
Timothy sed ..„.•. ...,..., ...... 1.75 to
y/imat per bustle ,• • • • - • • ..7406 to o 4873
....33 to 31
,..,39 to 39
6515 too 7(100
4 too 1,164
. 60 tb
: 190 tt oo 1120
... . 50 to 75
80 tc41.00
Hay per ton . XQ
,e 6.00' to $ 7-50
Pork nor cwt.. •. ,„ S1.50 to 25.00
July 0th, 1.898
• Barley:.
Beans . „
D 1KS.
Turkeys' pia;11).
G cies() per •
A Man s always in the
If he wears one of W.
JOHN'S neatly fitting
Be is a sure fitter.
His priceare away down.
Hie 'goods are the best.
444-kicortoloiramr+0-1 Ismorork-ttfors***4014#
As soiue are Today,
Pinch you feat in wrong, ,shaped ,sliettee
you .nervous, irritable, ; Spoil 'year ,,tulper.';',
your conceutretton. ' , • . .. ' . .. ' ' I '
way ilia shoe:taat cripples,
, Yee can't expect to go the even texmaeOf your', i
"Slater Shoes" are, made to at feet -to 4°vPr.
every tender joint eomfertably,-nialee ylan target:
., s•
, Taey 'Et the Arst.timg.they'rp, were; and,eaer:•:..e.
,after, because thesiTetele Mid sheink. line. 'beall' for::
ever 'telten out cif, theta While lai4: days ori the lastS.,...3
, . , • , .. . „ .
Twelve .shapes, ell sizes, eta' Widthseall. colgee,''',. i,' ::',:..':'.,,
- aasseame..44-4-.easseaseelssaseesesee-40-assameseases' ' ',Seansaisaa.aa ,e,,,,,,,,,noanaji, • ''',.•
. name wed price, $3.S6 and teso, .. , a ' '..... a .' , .. ,''. •. .. . '. ea: ",',.;,•,,,', .e. ...
. .. . Goodyear welted, steal:Ted on the., solea , With, .•• 1.,':..,';,-a,',a,a•a":,;.
styles and. leathera . -. ; ' '''.....; :. 'a... ,''•,a,-,
.., . . ,•,, ' ..,1
. . : - , ,. . . • : , . ;•'
E. J. SPACKNIAIN. Sole Local....Aaent.-',',':;.':1''''..•••••.;:::':(,.::,''.. '...•''';''''
• •„, . . .., . , . . , . .,
P.4......-...r.r,men. A.......*,..,
.,, .
.,,,, ...,
iiie - ..--,,,--,..„‘„, , eTi.reee d.!,e4 at the Asliftel.d.liatco-lage. ,
Lucknows , en ' ' e nesal aa evettt. F,
June 27th, Hilth An ie-na-a, rem -Yew -a seraa ....se; a
of !lie Rev. E. Olivant ie 'the . POW. I- a
year of her age. Sotate ten years ago ' , H.,' , a
Mrs.' Olivitnt had it cancer removeela , •
apd it few years later went throe& ,
another operation from which, ehe
n eve E. frd ly z ecovered •
• to fit you out in the finest style. BeSt .quality
BLACK suit yery MEAN
You require a
often at this dine of the year. We are prepared
COOdS closest -prices. Nteat Market .,,•H
Call and examine bia goods before Wedding Suits a Specialty
buying your
The Tailor
Finds Laxa-Liver Pills a perfect
euro for Sick Headache.
Fully ninety per cent. of the women of
this country suffer from sick headache.
Liver disorder and constipation are at
the bottom of the trouble.
Laxa-Liver Pills cure the headache by
correcting the cause.
And they do their work easily and
perfectly without any gripe, pain or
But the Hamilton ladywe referred to -
Her name is Mrs. John Tomlinson.
Her address is 107 Steven St. North.
This is what she says :
- "-Buena- troubled m-iisb. sev‘kro-head-
aches, I was adVised by a frien71 to try -
Lase -Liver Pills. a only required to
use half a bottle when. the headache
vanished and I have not been troubled
with it since."
Laxa-Liver Pills 25c., all druggists.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is
the simplest, safest, quickest cure for all
coughs and colds of ehildren or adults.
Price 25e.
Hay, tbnothy, per tan..$9 00 to 811 50 7512
Hay, clover, per ton,. . 7 00 8 5)
Straw, sheaf, per ton_ 6 00 6 50
Straw, loose, por ton. „ 4 00 5 00
Butter, lb. roll; 50 14 to 50 18
'Butter, large „ 12 18
Eggs, new Lela. 11 • 16
Chickens, per pe11:$0 50 to t 0 90
Turkeys, per lb . , 10 11
Spring clucks, per pair.. 80 1 00
Turnips, per bag .50 35 to 50 50
Potatoes, per bag....... 90 1 00
Toronto, July 5. --Receipts of live
stook at the Cattle Market here yester-
day were fair -00 carloads. all told, com-
posed of 1,000 cattle, 500 sheep and
lambs, 1,200 bogs and 60 calves. • The
quality of all stall -fed cattle was general-
ly good, while thee° were a large number
of grassers of inferior quality being"
offered, Trade fair and prices well Inaba -
tabled for 01 first-class • cattle, both
butchers' and exporter% but medium to
infoalor grades were dull and slow of
sale. Stall -fed exporters, that have been
on grass, being fairly well finigheci, sold
at 54.90 to 55.10 per csva, The quotations
given below are for stall -fed cattle, but
it must be remembevet1 that there were
a large tembea of grassers on tha
market, which gold at 350 to 50c per cwt.
less than times quotations, and the market
slow at that.
Total receipts for last weak: Cattle
2,787, sheep 3,008, hogs 4,307.
line, fresh fresh and
bright of
and every . School re-
, quisite at
Export cattle, choice.. ..$5 00 to 55 25
Butchers' Cattle,pkil lots 4 be • 44 7005
Expor.b cattle, light, 4 75
BUtchers!, good, , 4 45 4 60
Butchers', inotlitun 4 85 4 50
Buteherea common 8 85 4 10
Butehersa inferior, , , 8 50 3 75
Mitch eowa, each._ „, , 30 00 48 00
Bulls,hvy expagood rilty 8 871.4 4 So
Bulls, medium export3 60 8 80
Lds gt1 but, and ex.. anxcl 4 65 •4 80
Stockers and, ewe. thgd 5 00 8 00
Feeders, heavy „ 4 40 ' 4 60
Calves, eaoh ,„ 2 00 8 00
Sboop, pee ewe • 60 • 8 40
• Spring lanibs, each 8 0/ 4 00
Hogs, 160 to 900 lbs.,. , 5 00 ,
Hogs, light fees ... „, 4 25
lioge, heavy fats„ „ • , 4 25
ttngs, sows , . 8 00
30.1AST Istflell'A.T.C: CATTLE eteatifaEla
test BliVole, nate, July 0. -Cattle --
There wore n� fresh receipts yesterday,
but a few ends left eVer froin hieitlay
weed sold at oboist steeds). priees, A few
head ef °Alva said en the olosing basis
of efoadtty,
Shoop mid Isaiths--There was pantie -
ally DO merket, there ben a, oni:‘
loaleft OVerAnd to frogh
liOgs-Rert )) $4.00 to $4.25; Inixerl,
$4.DO to $4,0' Yorkers, $4,20 to $4,0,a)41
pies., ate() tough% *asp td
Where the Scholars are
always used well
Meat Market.
For first class
A fine selection of .
and all kinds of
Fresh and Salted Meats.
on hand.
Note the address, one door north of
The R. Pickard Co's store.
--- -I went to W. T. Strong's drug store
DR WOOD'S and got a box of alilbuan's Heart and
Nerve Pills, which she tea, and. derived
so much boneflt from them tlaat 'bought
1 another box -for her. They have done her
a wonderful lot of good, making her
nervous system much stronger, giving her
,• restful sleep, and removing many other
symptoms which previously distineseel
• her.
"I can truly say that these pills are a
great remedy for any one suffering from
weak nerves, general debility, sleepless-
ness or heart trouble."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
50e. aboraaaPeareaatearre asasall druersiete.
The undersigned has opened up a
new meat market one door
where be will keep the choicest of •,
meats constantly on hand. •..,
Refreshing Sleep
Milburn's Heart
and Nerve 1 $
Miss Margaret Brown, 627 Colborne
St., London Ont., says :-"My mother
has been nfflieted -with nervousness and
general debility for a long time. She
suffered a great deal with insomnia, and
found it almost impossible to sleep.
A positive euro for all Throat, Lung
and Bronchial diseases.
Healing and soothing in its action.
Pleasant to take, prompt and effec-
tual in its results.
Mr. Chas. Johnson, Bear River, N.S.,
writes: '` I was troubled with hoarseness
and sore throat, which the doctor pro-
nounced Bronchitis and recommended me
to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
I did so, and after using three bottles 1
0 was entirely cured."
; Take a Laxa -Liver Pill before retir-
ee, Ing. 'Twill work while you sleep with-
out a gripe ot pain, curing biliousness,
constipation, sick headache and dyspep-
sip, and make you feel better in the
morning. Pries, 25e.
From his feet to his body,
and ran a blood tinged,
irritating water.
Mrs.A.Keirstead,Snider Mt,
how her little boy suffered, and how
BASAL cured him permanently.
;• stead, et, .a
ofSnid •Mt
ease in any form but
will thank Mrs. geira
faring: from skin dis-
mother in this land
who has a child sef-
There is not a
N.I3., for telling of
he remarkable m an-
ner inwhich her boy,
Freddy-, was cured
rittnav kitisSTEAD. of one of the sever-
est and most tortur-
• ing of skin diseases
by the also of Burdock Blood Bitters ; and
• not only relieved and cured for the time
being but, mark you, after eight years
the O'1,4a.50 has shown IZO Sign Of returning.
The following is 1\ irs. Heirstead's
letter :-
„ We are in the van with all
that is desirable in the line.
Let us show you our stock of
$17.00 Fancy Worsteds in all
the newest colorinos.
Remember we put ttp the
best suit for $10,00 that can
be bought in the oounty,
111 Crieve
• "With gratitude can testify to the
wonderful curative powers of Burtlook
Blood Bitters. tight years ago our little
son, Freddy, Was afflicted with salt rheum
and was in a. dreedful condition, His legs,
from the soles of his feet to his body, were
entirely raw, and ran a. bloody water,
whieh appeared to burn arid itch entil be
was often ifi great agony,
" After trying several remedies, We re-
sotvl to gtve. B,13..B.
dati t der 1 t
and gtatitucle wo saw air boy' erairely
Gated after using One bottle and part ef
the eetend. We gave him the reraalsider
ef the ectorid bottle, and &Ott that, tittle
till the present be luxe titver }IAA a sign of
salt rheum Or a. sick tley. You need tiot I
o d th t tl" tio other ,I
ntedi eine ean ogehl Ourdoek Mood Dittore
to eerily the blood build tip the health
9 .
, • • • `• l• •
You will find at Bissett's Viaareroona
the loll ow Ira lir e of A grim)
tural Implements-
• STEEL SULK 1T 14 $
A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators
Disc au d Diamond Harrows
Plows, and Turnip Drills.
The celebrated. IKnoll Washer
Raymond sewing and evringees
Gurney stoves and furances,
The (lhathana ViTaggon and a full
line of the celebrated MeLarighlin
Buy Th Best
iguere The Rest.
In the end you will Pnd
it cheapest, _ :Purnisli that ,tra,•,..
cant room with ono of our
Bed ROQill Setts, • liable
Chairs, Etc.,
Oat Something tilea-'Wo 44-
hq,ve it, you want it
Take a look at our full line o
find what yo
• . • • • •
• .• •.•.:L.•• •••
„ . ,•
• • .