HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-7-6, Page 1„
‘014.11•11111001111111MILM 611111MIKOMMIt
We are at the front again this week with a bargain list that will meet with your favor
look ove,r this list carefully and come prepared to get lvhat you find printed in this space
Wash Goods
In all the new times • tuni materials
used this season. prices 5 to 15e Per Yd.
PIQUE for waists, skirts or both, in
.differeut \eideli stripes, running either
evey, price 12e.
WHITE MUSLINS in cross bar
-.stripes wad check e at 10 and 12ec per
Fast black cotton 'hose,. all sizes ab
.10, 12e, to 25 per pair.
Lathes' vests without sleeves just the
, -thing for now ab 5, 9, 12 1-2
The newest things in Ladies' ties are
,here at from 25 to 75e.
Give us a call in this department
anything we handle is strictly right iu
,quality and price.
Crown Quarts 50e doz.
Imperial quarts 65 doz.
One-half gallon 75 doz.
Try one 25e teas, best in the market;
special in canned goods. .
Shirt waists
Special line shirts waists worth 35 5c.
-Don't forget that summer corset we
are selling at 35 worth 50.
Ladies Linen collars all sizes 10c or 3
for .25c.
Special in Ladies hemstitched hadkf
selling regular at 5c while they last 7
for 25c.
The balance of our stoek are marked
so as to make quick selling. Come
early for first choice.
Ladies Crash Skirts, nicely trimmed '
and well made from 98c to $1,75. I
Metes fast, black hose, regular price
15 this week 3 pr for eti.
Nees Crash hets at clearing prices. .
20 dos Men's braces moth this week
at 5c pr.
Special in Mens four-in-hand tiee at
8 for 25c.
Special sale neens shirts at 50 and 75,
still on this week.
Gents four ply linen collars,all shapes
and sizes from 10 to 20.
Again this week gents large size lin-
en hdkfs special at 7 for 25.
Ready-made suits for men and
boy's at prices thee will bring you here
for your next snit.
Hardware Talks!
Headquarters for the celebrated Plymouth Binder Twine, We have twine from 8c a
-pound up, Call and see us soon, as our prices on the goods make quickselling.
SCREEN DOORS, I A large aasortment at low prices
A larg e stock orCements, Portland and Thorold Plaster Paris, the best New Bruns -
ick. Eavetroughing and furnace,W0fli-at lowest figures.
Highest price for butter and eggs.
H. 'shop tes Son, Exeter.
St. Marys
BRIEFS,—Messrs. Patterson & Ellis
.who have been engaged in town for
-the past 3 months in the manufacture
I Goclerich, Mrs. H. Collins, Kincardine,
Bayfield • and Miss Lizzie Logan, are the child-
BeeEns.—Mrs. Fair and family, ofren of the first family ; Dr. Chas.
Clinton heve moved into the'r s : Logan and Mr. Sam'l Cleave of the
of dram tile left yesterday for Exeter mer cottage here for the season. They .
where they will set un their plant and haye leased, one of Mr. Mark'.—H. C. 'ducted by Revs. Jennings and Shaw
further engage in the same business._ Brewer, Manager of the Molsons bank, ntook place at Bayfield cemetery on
The Manhattan baseball club of Lon- Clinton, is going to occupy the cottage t Tuesday afternoop and was largely at -
second. The funeral wh•ch was con -
don journeyed to St. Marys yesterday
„ morning for the sole purpose of en-
gaging in a game of ball with. the
Y. M. C. A. club and defeating them,
but in this they were sadly mis-
taken for the above „mentioned ag-
gregation from London never play -
which be has rented from Thos. jowebt . tenaeu
e ...
this week. The White Oily will soon I Grand Bend
be inhabited once more.—Geo. D. Mc- ,
Taggart, banker of Clinton, and family BRIEEs.—Miss Lou Cunningham left
are now comfortably settled in their for her borne in Port Albert on Mon -
handsome summer cottage, at the
White City, Bayfield's charming sub- : day where she will spend her summer
. i , holidays.Mr. and . Mrs. Edwards, of
‘ed ball with a more scienced and ur . This s a beautiful seven -roomed • Linton, are visiting at the home of W.
tenacious team them when they cross- housebrult to order by Mr,,Towett and ' Mollard.—Mrs. Ferguson and family
.ed bats with the Y.0...4. 's The gane
was a good one throughout, some ex-
cellent playing being produeed on
both sides. • McLean twirled for the
'home team in. royal style allowing
erisitors but occasional scratch hits. At
supplied with waterworks and. every
convenience. if you don't see what of London, are outing at the Bend,—
Pres -
you want at Bayfield all you have to , Rev. Mr. Baird preached in the byterian church on Sunday last in the
do is to ask for it.—Rev. J. F. Parke, absence of Mr. Carriere.—Miss Green-
Clinton,and Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins, ' way, of Manitoba is camping herewith
Seaforth were here on Saturday pick- : Mrs. Dr. Rollins. —Miss Hunter left for
the finish of the game the score stood.
cottage for the summer.
her home on Wednesday after spend -
.5 -19 if fa,w--
er of St. Marys. --Wes —A. O. Pattison, station agent, Olin-
ing the last few weeks at Rev. Mr.
.Jefferson who was so badly injured in ton, has seeured one of Mr. MarksCarriere's.--Mr.Berfett andfamily have
the recent lacrosse game with Paris is cottages for the season. We underpeeved to the Bend for the suenmer,--
=improving nicely and will soon be as stand the cottages are alrnost an taken me. Dickson and wife,of Parkhilehave James Kelly en the townline between
well as ever. Wese says he will be now.—Principal Houston, of Clinton rxioved to their cottage for thesunamer. Biddulph and Usborne had the mistor-
'hot in the game When St. Marys meets Collegiate was house huntinghere on --Mr: Quarry, of Grand Rapids, Mich., tune to lose a horse valued at $150.
Paris again. '. Saburday. He Pe ieves their is no es here campine.----On the 1st of July
mail Usurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal dean
instead of at the nioun rein as in for- 310tintesy tooargulnloynle.orarriestaateti arteloosiornta,abtlees' ractette
iteiresxt.. DO.filccoeclatEth.e Post oce,Rensall.
oromar6,+ Hen8all.
13teenne. -The annual pienic of the
Presbyteilan Samitter. 4011001 was held all; Souotmhomriiasgne.Nr,ottuere PIneseulreIceCoausveenyt
on the first, in N. Dereellar's busb,
mer years. The clay Tee fine end a
good crowd was in atteaance and the
managers are well pleased and have a
ince surplus which wth he devoted to (Late with Garrow Proudfooti Barrister
the library fund,. of the sehool.—R. S •
y ensall, On.
.a. Sonory, L, D. S., D. D. S., Honor tee•adu
•ato of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth
extracted without_pain or bad effects. Of/ice
in Potty's Block, Heusall, At Zurich every
/VI d „
Hoggarth's 3V.srriot improving
much, haying'ha etgeolelergo another
operation to take thetuld off his lung.
Jas. Miller is still living, but very low.
—Ned McKellar, Sr., had the Imam,- g 'w •
tune to fall from a tree, a distance of Coereere& STANEPAL—BarriSters Cov y -
about 10 feet ; he re laid up as a conse-
quence.—Haying is general here this
week, althdegh some have been at it
for over a week,—Your Stella corres-
etondent saYe there was a grand rally ell being so besilY engaged. —IlaY is
ancers, Notaries, etc., Exeter Ont. R. 'di -
lin, mai J, G. etenbury Pe, A, ante with. mo-
Carthy, Osior, ec Co, Barristers, Toronto),
13nenes.—Trade is somewhat quiet
in our village at present, the farmere
of the Staff& Epwarth League in the
Fiend's church, Gowrie, Now What
ire the facts. The Seale society was
not 'represented by any delegate and lefurciock has returned from attending
as far as known not a Member of the the. Conservatory of Music at .Tor -
society was present, so it remains a onto, Wbere she passed with honors,
mysteey to many of your readers how
your correspondent cells it a grand
eally of the StaffaLeague, as only for
the other societies of the tewnship it
would have been a failure. --A few
from here spent a week camping at
Grand Bend. — Afiss MeNaughton,
Bressels, is visiting at D. McLachlans.
—F. R. Hamilton and Jas. Scott, tgok
in the Motherwell picnic on the first ;
they saw a, fine an cl exciting game of B.
1)011 between a team frotn London and
the home team, London winning by
one run, score standing, 11 to 12 in
favor of London.
not going to be a heavy crop this year,
the cold weather early in the spring
isa ving stented its .growth. ---miss Amy
Collins and Stanbury,—Bartisters, Convey-
ancers, Notaries. etc., Exeter Ont, R. H. Col-
lins and J. G, Stanbury B. A. (late -with Mc-
Carthy, Osler &- Co. Barristers Toronto).
SCROOL REPoRT.—The following is
the monthly report of S. S. No. 2,Tia,y.
for June. Names are in order of
trierit.—Fourth, Alice Dongall,Blanche
Ballentyne, Gertie Harvey ; Sr. Third,
W. E. O'Brien,' Luella Munn, Cora
Munn.; Jr. Third A, Daisy Online. J.
R. Munn, R. F. Northcott ,• Jr. Third
B, A. W. Johnston, )3ertie Northcott,
W. Russell; Second, Albert Carroll,
Mary Johnston, Evelyn Gould; Second.
Part, Wesley Coleman, Edgar Munn,
Roy Todd ; First Part, .Willie North-
cott, Tommy Ballentyem, Herman
Todd. The best spellers in the month-
ly spelling matches were :—.Fourth
Ali,ce Dougall ; Sr. Third, Willie
O'Brien •, jr. Third A. Daisy Dining;
Jr. Third B, Mabel Doug.4.11 ; Second,
Mary Johnston ; First Piet, lelermart
Todd. v,
COUNoix..--0Ouncil met on Silly 3rd.
All present, By -Laws Nos. 5 and 6,
were duly passed. Provision was made
for the borrowing of funds for current
expenses, until the taxes are 'coining
in. The following, accounts were duly
passed and ordered to be paid • —Eli
Henhoefer, drain C. R. $2.13 •W. Jen-
nison, lake gravel, $-L00; Hy. Rupp,
team for grader, $2.75; F Schuettler,
hauling tile, 31.00: H. Bender, Can.
Co., statute labor $10.40 ; H. Magee
working grader $11.50 ; A. McCormick
bridge and work on con. 6 and 7 $45. ;
D. Grigg, bridge con 13 and 19, 315.00;
J. A. & Coeflour for indigent
$10.60 ; F. W. Hess, printing $5.75 ; G.
and has resumed her music class.—
Mrs, Gray eting her daughter,
Mrs. Sine' Rumbell
and sou ante uteugti„er, of Lonclopare
visiting Mrs. M. McGregor, of Sex -
with, Mrs. RumbelPs mother.—Miss
Jennie Bell, youngest daughter of Mr.
James Bell, of this village, is in Mc-
Bride, Mich„ visiting her brother, Dr.
Bell. —St, Paul's Sabbatb School en-
joyed a very pleasant annual picnic to
the lake on Wednesday last, and all
report having spent 0 very pleasant
day on the banks of Lake Huron at the
picturesque village of Bayfield. --Mr.
R. McCracken and Mr. C. H. Dodds,
both of Brussels, spent Dominion Day
with friends here, ---Miss McQueen, of
Ottawa, and Mrs. Rose are home
spending the summer vacation with ,
their parents, Mrs. and Mrs. John Mc-
Queen.—The dwelling of Mrs. F.
Grigg, on Mill street, Gilchrist, Survey,
was struck by lightning on Monday
night last, knocking down part of the
chimney and tearing some of the
plaster off the ceiling upstairs; apart
from this no further injury was sus-
tained to the dwelling. The family it
is needless to say were very much
startled, and all the more so as Mrs.
Grigg is from home on a trip to the
Old Country.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Palmer, of Blyth, accompanied by
Miss Young, spent Dominion Day
with Mr. Palmer's puerile.-- Miss
Hilda Beek was in Londesborough last
week visiting friends. ---Quite a num-
ber of our villagers attended the ex-
eursion to Detroit on Thursday, some
as delegates to the Convention being
held there and. others to visit
relatives and friends in that city.—
The Revs. J. S. Henderson and W,J.
Doherty left here on. Thursdeytto-day)
to attend the convention held in De -
E. Dignan, of Exeter,
was visitepg her brother, Chas. A.
Redmond of the township of fla,y.--
Bernard Thomson had the misfortune
this week to cut his hand so severely
while sharpening a scythe that he will
riot be able to do any work for several
weeks.—Duncan elcEwen, of London
road had. a barn raising on Monday
afternoon last. Mr. McEwen bas re-
cently been very ronch tinproying his
out buildings.--eirs. James White is in I
eeetroit, Where she intends spending a,
Warner, rep cul con. 9, cc. ; J. Mc- week or two with her son Samuel and
Donald cul and teaming and cedae, daughter Mrs. (Dr. McLecid. We I hope
$2.00 • R. Luker, drain across road healtin—Thomas Murray, High School
82.75; Wm Coleman cul con 4 -and a the change will improve Mrs White's
$5.00 I Sam. Rennie, lumber, 348.78 ; is spending part of his vacation, with
con an'd 5 $5.00; Ed. Troyer, gravelling Teacher at the Owen Sound. Collegiate
F. Hess, sr., part salary $35.00. -Corm- his parents of this village.—The. Rev.
cil will nieet again on Monday Aug. Mr..Teevett preached in his new circuit
7th at 10 o'clockeeinewheo requistions here in the Methodist chinch on Sab-
a School Trustees must be sent in. bath morning and evening last, deliv-
F. liEss. so, Clerk. eying able sermons on both occasions
• 46'
to large congregations --1. A. Kruger,
Zion merchant tailor, has removed from J.
Boanes.—S. R Horn had the misfir- W. Ortwein's premises to the shop
Lune to fall and dislocate his knee er lately occupied by F. 0. elcDonell in
as a result is off work fax some time.-- Miss Carlisle's block.— Saturday was
duly observed a,ncl celebrated here as
ona WEZITE & $ON6',
Publishers and. Proprietors
.Snezes.—The nein Methodist Minis
tee. has been iestalled in his new field
of labor. The reverend gentleitian
preached a very eloquent sermon on
Sunday evening last. eieee trust tha
he will be a' person Who will stilt al
and everybody, %snatch meane a great
deal, and be able to remain with us
the full term, of years —The public and
also the high scheol teachers have left
for their. respective homes. Miss Lill-
ian, one of the high school staff of
teachers, has resigned, And before leav
ing the Liman scholars presented her
with a beautiful silver tea service and
a very touching address. The Ailsa
Craig boys did not forget Miss Hillan,
they having preseneed her with a gold
Just eceilte
1111:10TS AND StIOES
Best value ever showp in Exeter,
ip Ladies', Misses and Mens wear.
Also a Complete hueof
ware a Cull range of
Nevy PrintS
chain and charm, This speaks well
Lovely Patteens.
for Miss Hillan, and. shows the esteem
in wthihich prah eac siciee,phf tertkwciai segrehene lyidttlaheyreasnicahot nroszt.
for a long trip, no doubt a business one
as Jim is a hustler. Before returning
he intends to see olo. Scotland, hie
father's and mother's native soil. We
wish him a prosperous trip and safe re-
turn.—The Methodists held their an-
nual tea on Monday evening, it prov-
ing a, success, the crowd having gath-
ered before the storm came on. All
appeaved to enjoy- thenaselves.—The
Collegiate Institute boys, of London,
The London boys ha,d the best of it.
Lucart don't like to oe defeated, but
they museit forget there are "other
pebbles on the beach,"—Mrs. J, Alcoba
(nee Miss Sadie McIntoshe of Chicago,
who has been visieing her sister, Mrs.
Horn, for the past week. returned to
Exeter to remain for a few days be-
fore returning home.—The exams. are
now going on at the high school, Mr.
Amos of McGillivray, presiding. The
Commercial exam. concluded on Tues-
day evening, when the pupils of the
third class commenced their test. The
second class candidates start on Fri-
day and will continue: for one week. --
The ,Merchant's Bank of Canada
on Monday opened a branch at -Lucien
in the premises so long occupied by
Messrs.11. H. O'Neil & Son 'Private
bankers. Ownig to the iInhealth of
Mr. F. A. O'Neil the managing part.
ner, Messrs O'Neil & Son decided to
retire from business after a. success-
ful and honorable career extending
over nearly a quarter of a century.
It is hoped that relief from the cares
connected with every- banking busi-
ness will -soon restore Mr. F. A.
O'Neil to his old time vigor. --Several
of our big guns went to Ailsa Craig on
Saturday last. They celebrated it in
grand etyle, so we are. eold.--Note
might here be made of the sidewalk
on Alice street. Some of it bas hedge
of full-grown burdocks on both sides,
and in other parts the boards are loose
and make it very disagreeable for the
pedestrian. It would be wise to have
an electric light or some other kind of
light on this street, for the weeds are
so high in places that it looks like an
army that one has to pass through.
Where is our Mayor, or the party who
s supposed to look after our streets ?
J. P Ross
—The worst storm that has visited the
northerly portion of Middlesex in
yeas swept over Lucan and vicinity
about 7 o'clock Monday evening, A
terrible windstorm was followed by a
downpour of rain and hail. lleany of
the hailstones we over an inch in
diameter. The storm came from the
nothwest,ancl scattered rail fencesetore
up tvees, levelled barns, smashed hun-
dreds of panes of glass and damaged
crops to a considerable extent as fan
south. as the fifteenth concession of —
London township. The wheel crop
suffered most, as much of it was head -
out. Mrs. D. Oollinson, living on the
Roman line, near the London Road,
had a new barn levelled. A hank
barn, belonging to William Brownlee,
on the fourth concession, near Liman,
was, also destroyed. One hundred
lights. of glass in the Royal Hotel,
Paginfield, were broken, and so were
numerous lig,hts in the Enterprise
office, Liman. Many -chimney fwere
blown over. During the storm the
temperature dropped. several degrees.
—Work has began at the new milL
Bawcien Bros. have the contract for
the brick work, and they are hustlers,
so before the snow flies again we ,
have an oatmeal and grist mill,—Miss
Nia Stanley was united in marriage on
Monday to Dr. Campbell, of New York.
The nuptial. knot was tied by the Rev.
Thomas in the presence of a few of the • e
most intimate friends of the bride... '
The happy ceuple after partaking; of a
wedding. breakfast left by the nine
train going east for their home in New
Twenty buildings were destroyed by
fire at Bothwell, Ont., Sunday. Loss,
A fine base ball match was played. at
Clinton Seturday between the Ore-
gons, of London, and the Dohertys, of
Clinton. Score 6 to 10 in favor of Clin-
ton. Only six innings played as visi-
tors had to catch the train.
tio Now a a
are StOr0
On July 15th.
Mrs. Edward Avery has been under Dominion Dayand. quite a large num- shell alla
the doctor's care the last, week but we ber came into tbe villacre to see the
are. pleased to hear is improving.— spores, the committee Tied Provided,
but the attendance was not as large
as had been hoped for which no doubt
was partly due to the fact that Hensel!
had te large celebration here only a lit-
tle ovee a year ago, we refer, to the
Orange Celebration and the fact also
that so many prefer and look forward
to a day at the lake on the 1st of July.
A Celebration held on the 2-ith of
'day would be better attended as there
is not the same attraction at the lake
place like teer own picturesque village I while out bathing J. Laaghton's little
There are many- foetus of nervous . for a surnTer's outing. boy Paul, aged 10, got beyond his
.elehility men that yeild- to the use DOMINION DAY, -- The adornment depth and before any assistance could
of Carter's Iron - Those who are 1 which a boonteous nature bestows be rendered he was drowned, after six
-troubled with nervous weakness, night was the only attraction which the or seven hours search the body was
:sweats, etc., should try them. thousands of holiday visitors had. to recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Laughton
have the eyrnpathy of the entire com-
munity in their sad bereavement.—
The 1st of July saw alarge crowd here.
Boating,swinaming,dancing and games
veeee the amusements. The lacrosse
match between the Exeter and Park-
hill Junior teams resulted in a tie, the.
Score standing 2-2. The game was,. a
keenly contested one.
SMOOT. REPoRT.—The following is.
the correct report for S. S. No. 3,`
for' the month of June. Names are
given in order of merit.—Sr. III, Her-
bie Ford. Vera Sanders, Roy Parsons,
Homer Bagshaw Iva Box, Asa Pen -
hale ; Inter. III, Elsie Handfeed, Viola
Perthale, Laura Jory, Sadie Willis;
Hattie Willis ; jr. 111, :Terinie Sanders,
Minnie Sanders, Alonzo Ford, Willie
Triebner, Nelson Sanders ; II, Eddie
Willis, Mitchell Willis, Lizzie Sanders,
per cent. and is of greater t' h
- •
The Central
. induce them to make Bayfield their
popular selection for a loyal celebra-
tion of Canada's Nittal day. We had
no catalogue of sports from which to
choose, but one and all, young and old
1( g
lele • )_, 0 had all they could manage here, and
t e band waggons full • to take home to
those who had been foolish enough to
see". go elsewheee. There were no races in
the bill of fare, but the galloping
This is to certify that I have spanking breeze made the rnoiteeenit-
'used ENGLISH STOCK, FOOD ,mg of '"•°,0;frtm•'"IlY''111"1*.ib4411iltil
miciniglat As it §pea along. 'the .fleet,
Inanufactured by C. ',Ltitz, for winged epleaeuee-yechts with their
,calves, rnilch cows, and voting laughing,. singing happy cargoes of
delighted excursionists, licael and.
pigs and in all cases have found park, beach and benk were 'fined with
visitors, admirieg the picturesqueness
of our scenery or rejoicing in the tn.:-
equalled bathing grounds which a.
gently sloping beach affords. And
when night came on, Many evere the
sighs of regret that the pleasure of the
day had specl so rapidly, but tit the
it, most satisfactory. The calves
'have grown faster and done bet-
Tter than ever before, the milch
,cows have improved in, Condition,
Tthe flow of mink has increased 20
1 D V re le p easel] Edith Parsons Rerine Beaver, Herbie
. .
ic same tune rr a y ee tl I t
Iness. The young pigs have done memories stoved tievaY to brighten, prearing LSI.. Pt. fl. Harry Parsons;
lbetter on ENGLISH STOCK a melancholy hour and many were the Jr, Pb. frrOmmy. Sanders, Annie
at Ituron s Great Safe Watering-
), ay Sanders, Garnet Craig, Ralph Willis,
Gladys Bissett, Lillian Stanlake,HarrY
'FO th I plans that were laid for anotl r
an ever new thern
do before. English Stock Food l'ittee•
o est residents
s ouid be used by of 13ayfield paseed away on Monday of
11,st 6 h
lis TTIOSt excellent
tstoc requires.aII elt t e person of Wm. Logan.
be given a .1r: Logan was born 82 years t
and valuable DmiaTtr.—One of tbe
ia.rticle and h
trial' ;n order t6 Bilin, Aberdeens Thg°
„cittiseampnereist:,asacnoo:nther idnerkt ee' 061- ge ra ar et e edf taOget.bitehoelrortnierhattie8;°•wthialnd'hah'01,14,
4,004 I Pare with ether ed Goamah e 'Y'Years e
8 have
cos re te,Was Most Stle-
h much Pleasure ill srullibihvecttht: Beitayttiffi:lcgl, ebnirolynteegs haonteti rt,...,tiesoiatrotsc,e) ),.,8hoe,i:nisacriblV60111.xis,e..opAerstagoe
recommending it to stock raisers. fttet'l
Triebrier ; Ste Pb. I, Fred Beitver,
Cicellia Ford, Vinnie Cookson, Sain'l
Seanlake ; ji.. Pt. IF Torrany Penhalef
Victor Sweet, Bari Parsons, Nelson
Stacey, Pvisecator, Sherman,
Willis, May Sanders, Spelling
matches ; Srd classes, Vera Sanders ;
2nd classes, Minnie Sanders ;Pt, 11,
and Sr. Pt. I, Annie Sanders ; Jr. Pt.
EAR INC ofrhis)efsPaeost .Years the high esteem August 2/86'
ABRAHAM citizens, anaid the coin- N.
ijancilr' Teach°
fortable surroundings in hy his The death of Rey. It. IL 0141 of the
04.0•0 honesty and industry. The deceased Nile, took place Thursday ItiOrn-
WAS twice married his d 1-• M *1' 4` 4
0 LUTZ eilrVI eon W.,0 /fag, parsomge .11
'Mg Int xt., A. P. McLean, that village.
They were busy drawing in bay when
the load upset and the horses ran away
to the woods where one gob killed.—
John Peart delivered a horse last week
at Seaforth which realized the hand-
some sum of $150. The horse broke
out of the field and returned as far as
the Farquhar school before he was
captured. No doubt be hated to leave
his oral -loom and was anxious to see
Dick again.—The first was very quiet
round. here as over 60 Zionites attend-
efi. the Elitnville picnic. We learn
leceo one of the representatives of
'Elitheille that 24 of their inhabitants
attended the tea here, so all must be
0,41. as they are more that overpaid,
teneCi over. — Several of cam young
ecrtiples went to the Bend. Electric
Tom was driven home so slowly that
it will be hard to get him back to his
gait again.—judging by appearances
of late the incoming pastor will reap a
rich harvest before his term expires—
The new pastors 11/14VP arrivedIancl took'
their respective work last Sunday.—
League service on Friday night as
usual. Mr. Philips is expected. to be
present.—Haying is the order of the
clay,eed all are busy between showers.
A very 'heavy rain accompanied by
lightning: passed over bete On Mon-
day evening.—Mrs, Henry Squire and
her daughter Harriet Attended the
wedding on Wednesday last or her
niece Miss Lottie Cook, to Mr. Saim-
dere, a wealthy young farmer of Ray
Township. Soma of our young men
have had the blties ever since...ale/Tee
Harrist daughter -in hew and grandson
were visiting at Mr. Squires, the first
of the week. --.T. G. Name) of Lon-
don, Called On William and It Taylor
on the first.—Williatri Brock has erect-
ed a new drtVeholise,
WienieTleD We1f$11.81iLOws
ij, is as/goal that the trail” 15 corning end if you
aotet get ofethe traek w/11 run over and kiii
you. When you cringli. It is a, siral that can -
pi% ho way to stop densunittion is tb 0,013
suniqkon is eon/him and you ilk better look -
the cough, The 'Wait' to stop he cough is t�
take Shifolea Cough 41,1141 0011140111110611 Otte
ate. 50 ets, and 41.00 a bottle. Mtieee to -
funded If it Milt/ to Ore.
Bnig.s.—On Wednesday
June 28th one of those. happy events
in which two hearts are rnacle to beet
as one, was solemeized at tee M. E.
church, Constance, when Robert San-
derson a prosperous young fernier of
Bayfield and Miss Lottie Cook, only
daughter of W. Cook, were joined in
wedlock by Rev.' Musgrave, of Win-
throp. The bride looked charming as
she walked up the aisle, leaning on the
arna of her father, to the strains of
MendelssOlins' wedding march played
by Mr. De Lacy of Seaforth a,ccom-
penied by Mr. Daly, also of Seaforth,
on the violin. The in•Icle Was dressed
in white silk, bvidal yell and orange
blossoms, and carrying a bouquet of
whiLe roses, located 10Vely4 Miss ,Ten -
Pie Simpson of McKillop also dressed
in white, assisted the bride, while
William Sanderson, of Londesboro,
did duty as groomsman. The little
maid of honor, Miss Ivy Coetee, look-
ed very sweet. Atter the marriage
the happy couple and guests to the
n m her of 250 repaired to the hand-
some residence of Mr. Cook, where all
sat down to a sumptuous repast, of
which the hostess knew so well how
to prepare. After tea, innsie, games,
and dancing filled the remainder of
the evening, ihe presents were mon,
sind costi al y, low tig tI esteem
in whith the bride was held, among
fleavll Hardware,
Faints, oils, Glass,
St0116S, Tindr, Et6.
We were particularly fortunate in making heavy
purchases of 13nilclers' Hardware, Nails, Barb Wire,
Binder Twine, Ropes, Harvest Tools, Paints, Oils,
Glass, Etc., previous to the advances made early in
the season, and as every dollar's worth of ortr stock
was bought for spot cash,
We Intend Giving Our Patrons
the benefit of Our Close Buying.
Having made arrangements with some of the
largest Canadian and Foreign Wholesale Houses for
buying goods in quantities, we will at all times be
able to furnish our customers with best quality goods
at :Rock Bottom prices.
For the first ten. days after openingw
twine, harvest tools, rope, nails, barb wire,
er than they can be bought wholesale.
The season is now on for Binder Twine, mil after to-
morrow we will ask you to call and examine our stock, vItkh
we know will 'p
eolis lease you, and the prices right,
will sell binder
lass, etc. cheap.
thern being it handsome upright piano WE SOLiCirr Y°Urt
the gift of her father, Vire congratu,
hitellt, Sanderson on 8ectiving one of
the fairest and most popular of Rio -
burn's daughters, but our loss will he
#.,i1001" the. 1