HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-6-28, Page 8CAt
C sh tore.
Our great enlarging sale is stil on we are offering some
special imlucements to close cash buyers our stock must be
reduced to make room for Workmen. Now is the time to
buy your needs at special prices
Si. pieces summer dress goods flowing end ties in the new check
small ter eecl effects, regular 15c for 10e pique and satin puffs, just receivr- "
Mercerized black sateen, look ed 15n to 50c.
like silk, guaranteed fast black,
very special 15c... .. ..15c.
Four pieces fancy linen brodie
fast colors,regul tir price 15c,clear
ung .t. .. ..,...•. ........10c
Fancy niuslins a big range that
were 11?i,'12 and 15e,. all at.. .10e.
Ladies' fancy and plain 'bows,.
Fancy mercerized nnderskirts,
black and white stripes, and fancy
colors, special at;
Insertion ernbroideryin cambric
and Swiss, scarce goods from 5c to 15e.
Our stock of fancy white Mus-
tins is very large'we show beaut-
iful designs at 10,12?; 15; 17 and 20c.
We are offering special values in Crockery and Chinaware.
Colored cups and saucers odd 58o doz. Dinner plates whea t
pattern reakins girsts 69e doz. 44 piece tea sets ver y
special $2,25 per set 10.pure gold decorated toilet set sloe c-
This store closes at 6 3o p rn; except Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Age,' teethe WESTEIiN Assua2vXcic:40011*-
Are s'gdn'ili".'eitisi-'§eififee'uttig
days fiuntriie6Olbirgiiiis.C1rP
like 611;wit.".atnIctlilr,drixs.teI'Veg
our ..s:yie%in'APtocipie. -t/Glime, tin;
to do so by' illiel;fa,
For Marriage Licenses,
Watcli-se, Clocks,
Spectincles, Etc
.12. HICKS
First Quarter 8. m.
theceircus in Lohdon to -day (Thurs.
rlanil ,t
last week.
A „. Williams, of Zurich, was in
town Monday.
Ileainan of London, was in
town Monday.
Mi.ss Ethel Sweet, 3/Milner, is home
spending vacation,
Fred Ilewkshaw, of Lonclen, is home
spending' vacation.
Mrs. 17igniore of London, is the
Miss Laidlaw, of Seaforth, tale
guest, of Vera Etawkshaw.
Miss Yeo, of Bressels is the guest
of Mrs. john V. Crocker.
visiting friends in Detroit.
lil. H. Dyer and wife, of Brantford,
are visiting friends in town.
Miss Hannah Lewis, of Orediton, is
visiting Miss Nettie Penhale.
.T. G. Stanbury was in Goderich and
Toronto this week on business.
A, E. Stewart is in Wingham this
week looking at a flouring mill.
Miss Martha Beaman, 'of London,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Cottle.
Miss Myra Pickard will sing in the
Jas. St Church Sunda5r evening.
Rev. Mr. Brown will preach in the
James St. church on Sabbath next. .
Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes, and daughter,
Luella, are visiting Mrs. (I)r.) Rollins.
Mrs. P. Bawden, of Ridgetown, was
the guest of Miss Polly dawden this
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ricks of Cen-
tralia, spent Sunday with friends in
Sam'l Rowe, of Stephen, is ill at the
residence of his father, Thos. Rowe,
Wm. Hastings and wife of Waterloo
are visiting Al. Hastings, Mr. H's
Fred Rollins, of Detroit visited his
pat•ents, Mr, and Mrs. A. S. Rollins
over Sunday.
Miss G. Dempsey who has been
milliner in Zurich the past seasen has
returned home.
Ray Fanson, spent 'Sunday on the
Thames Road. He reports the wh,eel-
ing worse than a week ago.
Ed. Eacrett left for Toronto on. Sat-
urday, -where he has secured a situa-
tion at his trade as printer.
Miss Greenway, of Manitoba, is the
guest of Miss Pearl Rollins. She.will
remain here for some time.
W. Ross of Clinton is spending his
holidays at bis home in Exeter. He
sang in Main st. choir on Sunday.
Miss Myra Pickard, of London, is
visiting her grand -father, James
Pickard, and other friends in town.
Dr. Ferguson of Caledonia Minn, is
visiting his sister 1VIrs. Chas. Snell.and
other friends in and around Exeter.
A. j. Rollins, left yesterday for Ro-
chester, Mich, where his son, Fred in -
'lends embarking in thernercantile bus -
coil will be held in the School Park on
mencing at 7 o'clock sharp. The g•irls
will play a tr„ame of basket ball to de-
cide the championship for the term,
Ab its close the boys "tie" football
match Will be played off. All wishing
to enjoy an evening with the ehildren
and the Band mail cordially invited.
A a cent and 10 cent admission fee
will be charged to defray expenses.
1\11,,w MAIN Pastron. -The Clin-
ton News'Recorcl referring to the new
pastor of Main et. church, says: --He
has been a successful pastor and dur
lug his three years in charge tbe Rat-
tenbary street church has prospered
finanttially and spiritually, We under-
stand the membership is about one -
hundred greater than three years
since and. thatlhe general funds have
been well maintained, while the con-
tribations to Missions have made a
substantial increase, During the sa,me
period the present parsonage was
purchased and seventeen-hund red
dollars paid on it. Outside his OW11
church Mr. 1V1i1Iyard is also popular.
He is no staled divine, but aa every
day nineteenth century man, He
has narneroes strong,. personal friends
here, all of whom will wish him con-
tinued Success as pastor of Main St.
church, Exeter.
Strawberry Festival under the aus-
pices of the Ladies' Aid of James St.
church, on Monday evening was a suc-
cess. The evening was favorable for
a large crowd, and the preparations
made by the ladies were equal to the
occasion. After good twenty-five
cents' worth had been served in the
basement, all asseinbled in the andi-
torium,of the church where a splendid
program was rendered. The retiriug
pastor filled the chair in his usual
happy manner, and was ably support-
ed by Rev. Me. Martin, who is always
appreciated, and Rev. Mr. Ten Eyck,
the newly -appointed rector of the
Trivitt Memorial church, whom the
people of this church were pleased to
meet for the first time. Especial men-
tioh is due Miss Myra Pickard, of Lon-
don, who sang four sacred solos in
superior style ; she is blessed with a
clear voice of good compass and enun-
ciates perfectly. Mr. Hendrs also sang
in a pleasing manner, and was warmly
applatided. Mrs. P. L. Bishop gi,ve a
reading which was much appreciated.
The Davidson Bros. each gave two in-
strumental solos in their inimitable
style, evincing a musical skill of which
Exeter may well feel proud. Great
praise is also due the organist, Miss
Brown, for her untiring efforts and
ability as accompanist. At the close
of the entertainment, Rev. Dr. Wil-
loughby, the retiring pastor, in feeling
terms said good-bye to members of the
congregation and other friends. The
proceeds amounted „to--learly $80.
The Ladies' Aid-goeietY have in the
past three years raised about $900
which has been used for church im-
provement and benevolent purposes.
1:,"'Sairel Parsons had several large pigs iness. Fort, SALE CHnAP. --Shelving hnd
die this week,frornseenle„Reeuliatt's:dis.- IM;:i Fanson who has been counters for a general store. Appl
• -•t„ Ilea...daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) Har. to W. H. LEVT1'.
44/T 'rieon of9Nfitait, borne
f. about 1,800 feet of well seasoned white
i'44"':kiiiiinber of citizens 7atteiided the for NiaStatbli•;tlie-larce, where see a,sh lumber the undersigned wishes to
funeral Of the late Mrs. GaVira Ross, of will spe miss state that he will make eame up into
Rodgerville T66§daY.111•11 0.1 Tattle. gates and which lie will disposes of
all bay% rinespiM, k• V.;" a 1.4445it TV' reasonably. . Farmers a,nd other
44.4Yibk,cle was stolen ,from a per- iiiss ilenear,RoltanAll eierse4itt,, St. would do well to call and see them.
„blow moks <,„„ ..,ici,,,,,,,,,Gr1116,,a.rnag been not] fied. '•gp`endirigeofewoweekske %Vase heranpar7
T. DEARING, Exeter.
-at 00Es ,THE gt Are' VS , ins , •-•-;George Currie's tailor shop at A
•,1 • :ant nt,,F., :an caaropleted a cement 'Wall und6r Dr. W. E. Browning 'returned, ' 'ad. was burglarized on Thursday,
':tritinla ibe"rcsnit •Isf" sy,;',,Atp.-tr4 vit „*„4.1 4AP/ea:, iv.E4tw seei,eRicsithapdari-yor the sum of $5,000.
4;4 oft iiiteiddy tioefet
,WercOni d by all. The earth had be -
,s ,A,p,abitior., bas besn circulated
4,64144j .47t7H—t:77t.4.1:47.ttlai!) .'itZaltfrbaintesentation' q116'
urday b !the ritizeriS1 0f,Eatetere :,the last side of Main st.
En tran't'tcl'eVeltil 'du ..„``tyleVi4'e'x'atetri`
The sermon and. ,serVieee
church next Sabbath will be,...of a pat-
riotic character. ;4 TT -;
The P teelith§ebools be closed .on
Friday for the stinitner
lid4iitf, a:
wheel on fliforalayPSprained. one ofe hie
lihegi" will observe July lst as a cele -
ankles ancbgoes limping ,arounkt„,.,•i ,, ii t'on clay
and delayed lethrk,fPr
ham and Seaforth, the latter won by
Day; tie ets at ,single -fare
on Sunegtith'iand'ililY1itt.
church. 'Will be -held Ion, theoBublic,
his c.xcellen
London rancit was ten this Wa,:y ,,to„Scot,
The ExCter
iby.erecting woven,. .wire.!fences „Meng,
served e ,piir posse butt t the,
value Of -mire,. fences ; ot
,only in Allele •strerigth rand .neatnesSI;
but/ in the Met that they prevent snoVe
tfrtmadriftitig aria blocking the !roads.'
, 'Ott' 'Sunday eve Ili ' lagt The' Vega,'
De. Canapb,ell, tof eRenfrewle.,Q0a., Wati 4,estirciablealfctarid flanialy.the pealed
elected in4.04tdr.•,',1 'w heaidfAheittongregation,t/
odist church, Brockville, gave an oe. PrzetuishiPs 111)Ye been( fortned h9re,
ort r6citai tile memorial not only in his oWn cOn regatton,
' th.el°c(VWP=J°1;941-Pitirtlinlv1011.44)$it 'Ore 'W een. 14, Logan, for
1,‘ there. :It is 4-fearly,,,t2aaarea
nteftnExeter. Ile is too,,,•4
,lientightsheinin. of ..f? 50,
fislY2 ifP" of feet.
V5r4. 111(4114N }TS,.
-fertile ftouFiteal4tieXAShp.t.)1C1'144
rpot4 10, hipl V„:465:47.
,-There w`ghii4.,Very-pretY',,flort4
;tan bride'S.tritiichnotifelv"
'Marti of Getclerietat/nn ,
e'oulasr 1'64 is • doing
geafortIla Ota ''',4r(10 06160
riac of", their da,.eghter *AAA
inardh, When the 'cerenionyl'ivits Per.'
formed by Reit. Mr. Nethereott. Mr.
church on Sunday evening last. The hut among' other% AS We Whieh and Mrs. Wilson left on a Week's trip
oia5rin waxl oteeotionany, tine, Atits will be long remembered. We Wish to London and Detreit. oft their re -
Hardy and MtS. Billings each gave hltri and Mrs. Smith everY suedess furn they will take up their residente
solo in fins, style in their new sphere. in Seaforth,
Ladies' black everlasting
cloth parasols, with pretty
assorted wood handles a
snap for 500.
Ladies' cream near silk
parasols in watered designs
fancy carved handles great
Ladies Fancy shot silk par-
asols in VariOlIS shades, trim-
med with cream lace inser-
tion and silk frills, very
nobby, regular selling price
SIMI Waists
.A. lovely assortment of
Ladies' print shirt waists in
gond patterns, all sizes, a
special snap 45c.
Ladies' Organdie Muslin
shirt waists in lovely designs
all sizes. These are /slew
York made goods and fit
beauifully, our regular price
$1.75, special price . $L25
Ladies' white liste gloves
in good quality, good to wash
Ladies' fast shiny black
Taffeta gloves, all sizes, reg -
Ladies' pure Ottoman blk
silk gloves, all sizes, regular
Wash Goods
A. special line of white pi-
que in extra wide width, you
will pay 15c. elsewhere for
inferior goods, our price per
A special line a American
muslins in pretty new design
sold regularly at 15c for .,.. 10c.
Scotch Zephyr ginghanas
in lovely new designs and
lovely shadings, they are
beauties at 20 and 25c
42 inch black grenadines,
very cool and good wearers,
very popular style just now,
they are worth more money
but yourna,y have them while
Mcn's Liulit Want
A special line of India, wool
Coats and vests for men in
light weight in light grey
h breasted blue:.sew%Aul,cfbY.P.PY I. 4,
-1308 S uninielahlonS en snits fp; =
hrelterIal§ Withrrsailor teener) s,. tit
, tt : : ..::::: 1:11, r• i :QM. ::?':111:1:71'' 1.-1::::[; ; i it'T ';':' •'..:
:;;;"' 4,1,,chki,,.:fil,!*.8:-,,t.,„t'ffj,!.:8,1,.1,k, 45:8;,nds:1‘,'':::::
r,:::: ,V,d,ff YOlibrIciti I ,: t :'.,../. II 0. :I/ '4.! (id.,- I
'.:1:111 . ' ""''',"04.,,,s,,tit':,....igg 1.,•,‘,,,i0v6
v1:1; ::1''''' ''Ifl'A;r-r-''''-':':''''I':'''-',jr:h:::Y'Y',:',t',':'s'::,'':!!:::''''','::zl°c6:''t:':!:'1::t'',,'41":'\r':"'L:::,'aa':'::.:,',''''.,::::':'''
:i-.'..: ; ::.';•;''' i; `•
, , .L,1:10, ,o,r,,,,,„ ,,,,,d ,,,,iii ,::%I. 41i:iE:Pi' ''',:' '');
1!,,,,, : u.,,, f :,:,/,, :
Direct Importers,
We have just added to our Gent's Furnishings stook
over five hundred neck ties, a quantity Of .wnite and colored
shirts, collars and cuff's, Miderclothinge,umbrellas and tweeds.
13iBaoynsdla1,4haitte715acu.ndriecl shirts sizes 13
Men's white laundried shirts with
band, sizes 14 to 10 1-2 at 75c
31 ens white laundried shirts our best
vvith cuffs or bands sizes 14 to 17 1-2 at
Mens flannelette and colored cotton,
shirts froin 50e up,
New shapes in Gents collars 15 and
Kens Balbrigganshirts and drawers, .
each 25c.
2 piece bathing suits 75c.
Crents umbrellas, steel rod,alurninum
tinned, guaranteed fast black 1.00.
Gents standim or turn clown collars,
2 for 25c.
We have just placed in stock over 500 Ladies' and
Gent's neck ties direct froin the manu.factor, among them are
the newest shades and shapes in neckwear.
House of Refuge was built to accomo-
date 70 inmates only, but for some
time there has been in the House con-
siderably more than the contemphited
Ihnit; there being at present 82 innaates.
Two of these are insane, and should
be confined elsewhere. 80 was the
highest liumber in the house at One
tirne. Two new inmates were received
a few clays since. The house bas been
open for three and a half years, and
its benefits and advantages to the
county are more apparent every day.
john Connolly, uf Grey township, an
inmate sinee its opening, died on Tues-
day, aged 80 years.
GARDEN PARre..—The Ladies' Guild
of the Trivitt Memorial church gave
their annual garden party, on the
rectory Iawn, pn Friday evening
last. The Exeter band filled the air
with sweet music. which added. great-
ly to the pleasure of the evening
and, with electric lights suspended at
convenient intervals, rendered prowl-
nading as pleasant as could be desir-
ed. The grounds were otherwise nice-
ly decorated and stnall tables saattered
here and there added to the conveni-
ence of those taking refreshments.
The autograph quilt which contained
some 800 names, was sold to T, W.
Hawkshaw for* $10. The proceeds of
the festival amounted to $30.
TREY SAY FAnnwEnr..--On. Friday
evening last a large number of the
'members of the congregation of James
St. church gathered at the parsonage
to spend a social evening with their
pastor and his wife before their clepar-
ture from Exeter. After some time
spent in friendly intercourse, Miss
Lewis, secretary of the Ladies' Aid
Society, read the following address: -
Dear Dr. Willoughby, we, the membera and
adherents, of James St. church, take this op-
portunity of expressing ourhearty appreciation
of the valuable services you have rendered us
during- the term of your pastorate, which we
regret is drawing. so near to a close During
these years you have endeared. youself tolus,
and whilelaboring faithfully it our interests, it
has not been m any narrow, Sectarian Spirit.
and you have at the same time commanded
the respect ot others. We recognize the
honesty of purpose, the zeal and ability, with
which you have served this congregation and
your readiness at all times to promote what
you believed to be our best interests. Ever
fearless in the discharge of your duty., you
have won for yourself a warm place in our
affections, We shall notsoon forget the loving,
way in which.you have presented the truth M
public and private, and the skill with which
you have brought things now and old from
she sacred word. And we would not forget
your estimable wife. While circumstances
have prevented her doing all we could have
wished in church work. we recognize' that she
has well fulfilled her rluty. We wislifor her
many years of happiness, and tiust that you
together may be spared to enjoy the pleasure
of a, very prosperous future. In behalf of the
Dr. Willoughby replied with a
felicitous and characteristic speezb in
which he spoke of his high apprecia-
tion of the kindness of the people of
James St. church to his wife and him-
self and the pleasant memories they
would have of the three years spent
in Exeter, ending with a prayer for
God's blessing upon the congregation
and their incoming pastor. After par-
taking of supper the company dispers-
ed, with deep regret that Dr. Wil-
loughby's ministry in Exeter was so
near its end, and hearty good wishes
for the future welfare of himself and
his wife. The congregation are very
sorry also to lose Miss Harrison, who
has resided with Dr. and Mrs. Wil-
loughby for some time, and now ac-
•tdanpa,nies them to Forest. She has
been an earnest, faithful worker in
CfPd's cause, and goes, followed by the
gbod wishes of very many friends.
Ti red
SengionS exist for our guidance.
104ey:, are Nature's warnings.
.Over-worked eyes demand rest.
''',`Eyes that tire easily call for help.
roPerly adjusted glasses afford the
O,nly assistance possible.
'.4Ve31 make a specialty of relieving
:tired eyes and guarantee satisfac-
T. Fitton's Jewelry Store
SPECIAZ PRIV:ES,-SiX prizes tette given at the
all fair of the Stephen 6s- Usborne Agricultural
Society, by Messrs. Stone sz Vvellington, Nur-
ery men Toronto who will offer special prizes '
r the best specimens of potatoes grown from
Jed purchased this season from Thos. Grandy,
ho agent; of the following :-Sir Walter Ra
oigh, GreatDivide and Carman No. 3, as fol-
orth of Nursery stook. Winner's selection.
ese prizes will be given for each variety.
Having purchased the Exeter Mills
we are now prepered to do general
gristing and ehopping. Flour whole
sale and retail. All kinds of grain
bought Grain delivered at first eleva-
for p aid for at Mill office. Flour and
feed delivered to all parts of the town
freeof charge at reduced prices. Seed
I wheat, wheat, oats, peas and barley
Door and Window Screens, Fly
Traps and meat screens, hammocke
and fans, granite, tin, wooden, china
and glassware, candy, dates, bananas,
oranges, lemons.
Hair pins, per box &-
Bone hair pins 15e a doz.
Large bone hair pins 5e each.
Black pins 50 box.
Common pins 3 pkgs 5c.
Corset Laces (4 yds long) 2 for 5c.
Kid curlers 4, 8, 10, 13e doz.
Tows and crimpers 5 to 23c.
Side combs 5 to 20c.
Dressing combs 1 to 25d.
Parses, note books,writing paper. pads
envelopes,lead and slate peiacils 2 for I.
Ice cream and summer drinks,
Agents for Parisian Steant La,un dry,
of London, first class work done.
Mrs. George McPhee, of Downie,
was the lncky winner of the doll.
Ticket 631.
Levitts' Fair
W. H. Parsons is rushing the
carriage trade of the town,and do you
wonder when he selling the well-
known Brockville buggy so cheap,
beautiful. in design and for workman-
ship second to none, with steel corn-
ers to body, and steel liottom spring
cushion, a suitable buggy for young
and old. Call and see his stock.
Remember the stand 2 doors south of
Town Hall, and one door north of
Trevethick's Grocery.
Horse shoeing and general
Jobbing promptly attended to
4 toils now in
Do you know one none trade in-
creases every week , it does because
we have
THE 13t1ST.