HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-6-28, Page 5MONEY TO LOA.N. "rFi NIAFIKETS, Wheat Oneles Were Lower - Ohleage Wee ELI:10T & GLADMAN, Irteguler, Bet (nosed Berm -Local D erristere, Solicitore. lee., Main St, Exeter el :trice S to atly.- Pee eee• Al)foni o 0%,- APPIY te T ,ETZ4B 1,VI.Ef3 • MONEY TO LOAN. We have unlimited private f ands for invest- mont upon bees or village property et lowest rates of littered. DIOKSON & 0.A.11LINC, Exeter, Tsa KINSMAN, L. D. S, A.ND ."" DR, A. It KINSMAN, L. D. S D, D. $., lifonor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without .pain or bad after effects. Office in Fan - son's block, West side of Main etreee Exeter. DR/ AND'aSON. (11 D. SI L. S.) DENTIST. Honor Orticlueto of the Toronto University, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of theteeee, Ali Bridge week, Crowns and Plate work done in the neatest possible manner. A harmless ant:esthetic for painless extraction. The strictest attention given to the preservat. ion of Me eaturel teeth. Office, opposite Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. • A. HOOPER,Licensed Auc- tioneer for the Comity of Huron. Sales con ducted in all earls, and for convenience can be arranged for at this office. Satisfaction guaren- teed. Cherges moderato, Exeter P. 0. FOR SALE. That most desireble loco of land contalnieg about 27e acres, being part of farm lot No. 20 in the First Concession of the township of Ste- phen. Thiel land adjoins the Corporation and es splendidly situated, faeleg the Loudon road, Also the following Village lots in the Village of Exeter ;--- .Lots Nos. 40 and 46 on the oast side of Main Street, and immediately South of the residence of E. Follick, Esq. Part lot No. 21 on the west side of Main street immediately South of the residence of Charles Rowe Esq. Part of lot F on 'the oast side of Andrew • Street almost opposite the Main Street Metho- dist Parsonage, containing nearly one acre of land and known as the Olci Scheel House Prop- erty. . • Lots Nos. 102 and 164, North West Corner of Victoria and Carling Streets. The lend now used as recreation grounds, the land immediately North thereof ancl the land beteg part of same hum lot but West of the London Huron & Bruce R. 12., containing In all about 40 acres. This land is admirably siMated and faces on Huron, Carling, and Sanders Streets. The land on either side of the Station Reach being part of Farm 102 No. 23 in the First Con. cossini a tho towuship of Stephen and now surveyed into lots and steeets containing 27 acres. These two last parcels of land will be sold by the lot or acre to suit purchaser. ., For further particulars apply to CARLING BROS., Merchants, or to DICKSON & CAR - LING, Barristers, &c. Exeter Ont. FSTATE OF B.ar- LOCK. 'a Tenders will be is for the purchase of fir EXETER S.ALT CCM ep neer y Sth, 1809 s of stock of the Y, par value $100 • per share, tendersito be addressed.to the under- ' sgned. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, cor. Yonge and Colborne Sts, Toronto. There were 266 pupils ma the roll of Brussels -public school in the month of May, and the average attendance Was .227; • • r . •-AlneSSGrigga of the 1-2tfi 'ecniceSsion • of O-reye and. Jahn fIliler-..ands 'Robert Ridley, a the Sth con cession,•lef t last -week for Manitoba. - Several Seaforth bad boys were fined • by the magistrate the other day for throwing rotteu • eggs at a visiting foot ball team. The inavriage of Louis M. Raeey, of -Geneva, Ohio, formerly of Clinton,ancl Edith Kellogg, of the same place, t ook place atthe bride's home on the It3th inst. • The hotel property, at . Leeburn, which has been owned for a good many years by ...Anthony Allen, has been sold to the lessee,- W. Glazier, for the stun of $1200. Many -people in Seaforth will regret to learn of the death of Captain Robert Crockett, which took place at his home • in Hamilton, on Friday, 92h inst.,af ter a long illness from consumption. Mr. 0. B. Campbell, the manager of the Bell Telephone. Co., of Wingliam; • states that the company are consider- • ing the adyisability of putting in a. ' continuous service in the Wingtham of- • Twenty years ago on Monday last, Mr. Tohn. Murray, of Tuckersmith • toaceenhip, and his father, 'Mr.. William • liftirray, riOav- of Algoma,' 'broaght the . first 'etestin threshih a engine into this 7- part of the- " cow:1'1y. Before that threshing waS done by horse power. A very pretty home wedding took place Wednesday eyening at 8 p. rn. a,t the residence of Robe, Fitzsimons, • Ontario Ste, Clinton, when his only • datighter, Miss Anna T., Was married to Edgar'Munroe, of Goderich.They will reside in Goderich. Last week Robert Holla,nd who is - a well known and Well-to-do farmer 011 the McKillop boundary, pur- chased the 100 acrefarm belonging to Sae. McDo sald, Oth fine for his • eldest son Theodore, paying $4,275 for it. He gets ros Jess on next Feb- ruary. Mr. McDonald will likely re= • tire froru farming. "' • FIVE THINGS. , •The five diseases foc, which Shiloh's Consump- tive Cure is especially recommended are • Couges, (olas, Whooping Cough, Croup and • Consumption No Meth111110 Over Mad 0 by Man is equal to it in any respect. Sold under nesitive guatanteo, •Money beck if it fails, 25c., 50e. aucl.$1,00 a bottle. , , , earcesalialifliseeelaiele.018411080(ffelae I• "-Hoffman's Headache Powders ,41 111 aro indispensable in my house. w • • 1 havehgiven them to tay friends 0 • "k1,1atii°crk3"2:111!daLtollobg?,U.Iir'' a • P. L.bAritS0,4, se X CoolcActuloniy. v. •HOFFNANS: .1100q.deb: Wiii, etre Any kind of headache It au taiuutes without banning .. , eny • delagreeable after effects, IP They are ebia liy all detiggists in I100, Onveloloos and 25e. boxes. • l'iltaXeramaat 1)111.10 one ' ' , lltieeelateg, OM, •041641041illiiiiretirobis Liveepool, JUP0 28.a -Wheat futaxes were weaker yesterday, °losing id lower than Monday for July and %d loser for September. 1.411+1.A1)ING W.1113AT ArAlt Following ayere the catalog viola Ist important eentres y'esterdays , Cash, July, Sent. Chicago, _ ,$ , e 72% 3i% New York . . 7os4 79g. St, Louis,...,,,,.um, 74%. 71% Toledo .. „ • , 75 Detroit • • • 7(3 76g Duluth, No. 1 Nor.. '73% 78% .73% Minneapolis, • 70% 704 Toronto, red, , 70 , • , Tor., No. 1 hard(mew) 88 . . TonoleTo sr. ass witigatost 111A11IfIE:T. Torouto, Jane 28. -Receipts of farm produce were largo yesterday, 1,500 bushels of grain, 25 loads of hay and four of straw. Wbeat steady, oats easier, hay flerner, straw steady. Dressed Hogs =Prices inclined to be easy at $5.75 to 80 per owt. Potatoes easy at $1 per beg, with some of inferior quality at 800 to GRAIN. Wheat, white, lett, 030 72 ee toe° 73 Wheat, red, bu......... 7.234S 73 Wheat, Fife, spring, bu. •67 69 Wheat, goose, bp. •67 , . 4a as 60 35 50 Barley, bitPeas, bu Oats, bu Rye, be. ..... . .... Buckwheat. bu 65 HAY AND sTRAIV. Hay, timothy, per ten$0 00 to ell 00, Hay, elbver, per ton7 00 8 50 Straw, sheaf, per ton_ 5 00 6 50 Straw, loose, per ton4 00 5 00 DAIlty , reonuCTS. Butter, lb. eolls .... . $0 14 to $0 16 Butter, large iolls , „ 12 13 Eggs, new laid. , 14 16 POULTRY. Chickens, per pair.. , . 80 50 to e0 90 Turkeys, per lb... . . 10 12 Spring dueles, per pair80 • 1 00 Telexes AND veGETABLXs: Turnips, per bag $0 35 to 80 50 Potatoes, per bag. ..... , 90 1 00 36;es TORONTO LIVE SWO Toronto, June . 28. -Receipts of live stock at tho cattle niark.et were large yes- terday, 82 carloads, composed of 1,300 cattle, 600 sheep, 1200,hogs and 00 calves, The quality of fat cattle, stall -fed, was fair, but there were a large numbet of grassers of inferior quality. Trade was fairly good for all cattle of good quality, and.Friday's prices for such were well maintained, but grass-fed cattle Were not much in request, only for Montreal mar- ket. Stall -fed cattle are becoming scarce. Total receipts lass et, eek: Cattle 3.501, sheep 2,762, hogs 5,594, and 171 calves. Export cattle, choice.. _85 00 to $5 25 Export cattle, light. . , 4 75 •4 90 Butchers' eattle,pkd lots 4 65 4 75 Butchers', good 4 45 4 60 Butchers'. medium 4 35 4 50 leutcherse common 3 85 4 10 Butchers', inferior,. 3 50 3 75 Mich cows, ..... 30 00 • ; 45 00 expt, good celty 3. 87•,ee 4 25 8 80 80 • 3 §0 4 60 8 00 3 40 4 50 Bulln s. anednuexport.. 360 Lds gel. but. end ex.. mid 4 65 Stockers and reed. to gd 8 00 Feeders. heavy 4 40 Calves, each 2 00 Sheep, per cwt.. . 8 00 Spring lambs, each3 50 Hogs, 150 -to 200 lbs5 00 Hogs, light fats 4 37ee Hogs, heavy fats 4 e5 • • • Hogs, sews ....... 3 00 IRAiT RITIPZAT.0 CATTLE 31.A.RIC1!iT. East Buffalo, June 28. -Cattle -There was a fairly active trade yesterday, the offerings being those left from Monday's close. Prices ruled. about the same at the close but e'enerally steady. Sheep anLambs-There was hardly a quotable change in the market, The basis of lamb prices was $5.50 to $5,75, and sheep $5 to $5.25. Hogs -The bulk of the Sales were al $4.05 for light hogs and $4 for mediuni. Roughs sold, $3.40 to $3.50; stags, $2.75 to $3. T•aventPoor., arieneeisTs. Liverpool, Juno 28. -Prices closed at these Egures yesterday: Wheat, spot dell; No. 1 'standard Cal., es 3d; No. 2 R. W., 6s; No. 1 Northern, spring, 55 llMd; No. 1 Bombay, Gs 1 eed. Futures 'steady, July 58 8%d, September 5s 1114d, Decein• ber 6s eg d. Maize spot quiet; rnixed American, new, 38 leed; old, as 5 Xd. Futures quiet; July 3s 4%cl, September 3s 5 lee cl. Flour, Minn., 19s. • Greenway's Ottawa Graft. Winnipeg, June 28. -Hon. Col. leleMil- lan•arrived frorn Ottawa yesterday. 'He states that the Dominion Government have agreed to advance $300,000 from school lands funds and also acknowledged the principle that provinces should ad- minister its own lands. At the same time the session has been stretched put to such length that possibly genie legislation upon winch the Government is agreed may have to be left over through want of time, Among this may be the legisla. tion Manitoba desires. Staudard Must Pay it. Montreal, Jtme 28. -An important judgment was • rendered yesterday by Judge Lemieux, affecting tho responsibil• IV of insurance compenies. After the execution' of Cordoba Viper and Sani Pars:low for the murder of the woman's husband, Poirier, the methee of Poirier • sued the Standard Insurance Company for the ante -ant of the policy, $2,000, and yesterday the court' decided in the topianititpieffa'lsedfa.ver. The epee will Drobanly, Another Ilia Meal. Montreal, Juno 28.--Tbere is same prospect of the Dominion • Stool as Iron Cempany of Sydney purchasing the Well- ington nickel mines 'at Budbery. This niineral deposit, which has the reputation of being the richest niokel mine outside of Now Caledonia, bee not been waked for seVeral years. 9.`he propeaty before the deata of Mr, Duncan MoIntyre was val- ued est about $750,000. However, it is thought Oat at the present thee it could be purebasea for coosidernbly less, Entettainee at Wieulpeg, Winnipeg, june 28,,eeThe me/oboes ef the New Ontario Legislature .totrieg party were entettained Yesterday by' the aldermen of the city and the toctra'of Teacle, The majotity left Wihniaeg last night foe home, 111.r. W. A, Kerr, O2MvEiiIepw)more cently graduated fretn Trinity Media eel College, Toronto, leaves Shortly fer Colorado, where he will take charge df the naaatice of another gentle/mu for a year. ' Archie, son of Mr. Tall E. Smiths Of Brandon, Manitoba, formerly a well known merchant, in Brnesels, has suc- cessfully graduated cs 13aebelor Arts, taking the bronze medal m the general CO LIM e. .J195139110n, of Cliaton, who has fer some time had eharge of the Water tanks on the railroaa west of Lendon, has been given, charge of the ones at Denfield, Exethr Ited Clinton, on the London, Huron c Bruce, One day last 'week while John Dods - Worth, of the lath COD, (anderieh was doing statute labor, be leaned over the side of the waggon box to pick up his chain, when he fell out and had the misfortune to break his arm, • A few days since while Ed. T. Holmes, Emigration agent at St. Paul, 'forrnerlwof Olinton, was loading some heavy baggage belonging to a party of immigrants, a bex fell on his foot and broke three of his toes.. Mr. Obristopher Dale of liullett. last week made an exceptionally large sale of live etock, and one which ran into a big pile a money. The fol- lowing were the amounts of sale making a total of 36,030; Cattle, 35,506; horses, $860; hogs, $101. Mr. Dale still has about $900 worth of export cattle left on the farm, Nee s, a loch has cast a ceep gloom ovex L.t1iry, reached there on Mon- day last. This was a despatch an- nouncing the death by drowoing •of Robert A. McKee, in Maoitoba, the day previously. He went out west some time. last slimmer. He was a son of the late Richard McKee, who was accidentally killed pine years ago. He was 24 years of age, a.nd bright active and welleducated ycning man. A number of notable people in town are regretting the departure of a Ger- man Jew, by the name of Philip Hyde, who purchased large •quantities of scrap iron from the citizens of town, and, it is said, forgot to make pay- ments. He had threetarloads of scrap shipped from here. To one party he ewes some $20, and another about $60, so we are informed. These, with many others including the hotel men, where he had registered, are eager to know his whereabouts. Chief Wheatly is after him, and has a description card Sent ' outi-stoutly built, 51t. Sin., weight about 145 lbs., 27 years of age, has curly dark hair and small mous- tache. --Clinton New Era. Kippeb FOOT BATT PICNIC -The picnic of the football club was held on Satur- day last. The attendance was very large. A football-mateh was played between Brucefield and ICippen teams, resulting in a tie. The lacrosse match between Exeter and Egmondville teams, was won by. the formerby a score of 3-1. BRIEFS. - Rev. Mr. Waddell,, wit has labored here so sticcessfully for th past three years, preached his farewe sermon on Sunday last.' He goes t Elimville, where we wish him th same success that attended his effor here. -The services. in St. Andrew church on Sunday last were conducte by Rev. Neil Shaw; of Egmoudyill Rev. S. Acheson supplied the pulpit o Colin Fletcher at Thames Road. an Kirkton.-Dr. Grassick, with his goo .lady, Mrs. Grassick, of Grand Forks Dakota, are speuding a pleasant visi • among friends here, the former wit his brother, Donald Grassick, and th latter with her mother, Mrs. McDou gall, all of Stanley.-Farne propert in this part still keeps changing round Isaac Jarrott has disposed of his farm on the London Road, which he bough some months ago from Mrs. Ross, t Charles Wasman, the present tenan for $6,200. Mr. Jarrott has hough thenorth 100 -acres of the late Mr. Doig of this place, for $1,000. -William. M Doig, of Trickersmith, has received the appointment of jnstiee of the peace.- The lawn social held on Thursday even. ing last, on the lawn of R. B. McLean under the auspices of St. Andrew's Gauld Mission workers, was in every sense a gratifying success, despite the unfavorable evening, which was very cold, with a sbiff wind blowing. Ney- erthelesS a big crowd came. Tbe elder folks were shelteral with winter, us gar- ments, while the young pedple st buckle.d up a little closer together, which appeared to be no incenvenienee to them whatever. At an early heur the ladies of the society were on hand with well-filled baskets, and in a very shore time had the tables set with those good things which they know so well how to prepare, and which are notaonly pleasing to the eye but appe- tizing as well. When the large crowd had partaken of a sumptuous repast, a lengthy paogramme was carried. out. It consisted of grand addresses by Rev. J. S. Henderson, and Rev. Mr. Waddell, of Ilensall, and by the chair- man of the evening, the pastor, Rev. 8. Acheson ; also solos and songs by Mrs. (Rev.) Shaw and Miss Stevenson, of Egmondville ; Miss Goodwin, of Clinton, ancls Miss A, 'Corr • and Miss Moore, of Hensel'. The home clash* also rendered some , excellent music. The affair was one ef the greatest treats our people have ever been favor- ed with. To say that the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. McLean, spared no pains or hospitality in order that all might enjoy themselves to the fel- lest extent and feel that they were all welcome,would be drawing it too mild- ly. The society is to be congratulated on ite success and greatly to be thank- ful for the good' work they are ac- complishing. - Miss Mary 1V1c0,Iy- mont of Detroit, is the guest of ber parents in the village. -=Robert Mc- Gowan, who was well-known to many here, and who left this part some 12 months ago for Scotia/1cl, has, during that time, been over Seotland and England seeking hand, but so far has found no rest for the sole of his foot, and has now retarned avith his family to Illinois, Re intends leaving his family there for a time, while he goes on to California, I'lhose who are pros- pering here had better hold on to it. Children 017 for The friends a Dr. Smith, of Olit ton, wbo was formerly with Dr, Ount will regret to learn that be is serionsi 111 at ins father's home near Stratbroy with ponsareption, contracted While i Chicago goats tfros, since. There is n hOpe fer his'reeOvery, ReV. Oraharn, 33. .a., son o Wm, Graham, S. Marys, and Nils Lottie, daughter of W: Kennedy, of Linasay, were inarieed last Wed- nesday at the latter plaee. Mr, Gra- bain seboontIneepa'enneta.sr axgOirskttc/u.glit sane' in A.n interestiog event was celebrated at St. James' church, Seaforth, on eJohn l4Wr.,epoclf1)91417nidie4cyYlie7iitalis.nilachiasgio'innwsohtfle'il41,111.,elnae pheu Downey, of St. Columban, and Miss Angesvife. Devereaux, claoghter of Mrs, east of Seeforth, were made man and James Devereaux, of tbe Ifuron road, During A yiolent thander etorrn, ac- compamed by hail Friday night about ten o'clock, the barn of John MeKinon, on the 4th concession of Culross, four miles out of Teeswater, was fired by g fling, an entirely consumed,witb contents, consisting of a number of im- plerneuts, harness and one calf, Loss, 1,000 ; insured in the Oulross Mutual for 3500, were filed at OsgoorieseHall • Tuesday containing the examina- tion a Mr. Nelson Monteith, in Con- nection with the petition prefert•ed by Mr. Lindsay Ellah in an attempt to disqualify him for his seat in South Perth which be holds in Oonserva- tive interests. The result of the ex- atnination which was held in Strat- ford served - to vindicate Mr Mon- teith's position. The existence of a Oonseavative campaign fund was flat- ly contradicted. The petitioner's so- licitor endeavored particularly to se- cure some evidence in connection with the treating charges, but signally failed. mr. Monteith's answers were clear and equivocal and nothing but honesty of purpose and actions were elicited. In the death of Mrs. Sarah johnston, relict of the late Henry Johnston, which occured on Sunday, 11th inst., has passed away one, who, for 53 years had been a resident of Stanley town- ship. Deceased was a native of York- shire, England, and was first married to 'William Stephenson, who died in the Old Country, She afterwards married Henry Johnston, and together they emigrated to this country 1n1840, coming direct to the Goshen Line, Stanley, where she resided continu- ously until the time of her death. Mr. Johnston died about twenty years ago. She was 81 years and 6 months old, and had beeri ailing for about two years, although her death was ulti- mately clue to a wearing out of her system, consequentaman old age. I la a 7 * Wheet per lat aate, ..... .., o P Dett;•••.7.7. fEggs.,,., • e Futkeys •„ .. e Geesea.,.. • - Caiokees per le ... a Ducks...,.. ... • Weol.... ..„ . Dried Apples,. .. Pork dressed • ... ,. Pork live weight.a. • Hey per ton,. , Aleiee clever .„... Timothy seed ,7,,Sfee „ MARKT 13EP0137 tbaetee jtine 28211, 18e9, heI„08 to e .28 te 29 35 to 40 60 to 00 ••••• 12., to le FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. N Oen Alsn WRLL-TRIED BRMEDY.-NITS Wieslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of me thorsfor their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, midis the best remedy for DiarrImea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists .in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. 'Be 'Sure and ask for Mrs. eVinslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. .ASK .iet-IALI•ree .., 'BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY,AND FARM. Tail rin You require a BLACK _ suit very often at this time of the year. We are prepared to fit you out in the finest style. Best quality Coods closest prices. Wedding Suits a Specialty A J. SNELL • The Central fug x.-tot`e 000900 This is to certify • that I have used ENGLISH STOCK ' FOOD manufacttired by C. Lutz, for calves, milch cows, and young pigs and in all cases have found it most satisfactory. The calves have grown faster and done bet- ter than ever before, the milch cows have improved in condition, the flow of Milk has increased zo per cent. and is of greater rich- ness. The young pigs have done bettor on ENGLISI-I STOCK FOOD than I ever new them do before. Engdish Stock Food is a most excellent and valuable article and should be used by all stock raisers, Only requires to be given a trial, in order to prove its merits another merit is its cheapness as compared with other foods :1 have much pleasure in recOmmending it to stOck raisers Al3RAHAVt DEAR IN:: 4.041140 C LUTZ ,. • , ...... 9 to 5 • • , • ....., 0 to 9 . .. ..„ 7 to 7 232o 11 „ .. 11 • ....., silo to e0.0 .•........ e4.40 to 54.6 ., ., .. .15.00 to 85,20 .. i ... .... 4.75 to e4.00 ...„ „ ..„, 340 to *3.54 .... ...... 1,76 to 31.75 Wheat per buehe ,. .... -.73 to 73 Barley,- „ .... Rye ...... Buckwheat p0ealsa.....,,, ...,,,,,.... „.„. •.„•33 to 3e Londou, Jim 0 2.f. ....... 1.,.8,90.6,5 - -45 -60 tie 64 Butter - - Beans ...... , - 54 Eggs , Turkeys per Ile. i Ducks 10 pOG Cheesehea als 1cooPfsi. p: .1 b. e. . r. . . .1 .) a, g . 50 0 Hay per ton Pork per cwt... .4 6.uu to .. $4.50 to to to 48 to 39 to 60 to 70 to 14 to 10 to 70 to 12 to 10 Lo 75 to 10 tol 00 $ $5.00 A an is always In the SWIM If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting Suits lie.as a sure fitter. Hi price e are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine his goods before As it When the human foot was grst introduced to siloo$ it vas exactly as nature bad made it, stroug-sycametrical-imnasome. It has been revolutionized from what it was to the foot of to -day by sixteen centuries of distorting tightness and freakish styles, "Slater Shoes's. are -made to ft -- feet as tileY are to -clay, eorniQt but good appearmice never fo‘gotten. Twelve simpes, six widthq,- a".1 sizes leathers and colors, Goodyear welted, name 4 price stamped ou the soles, • $3.5o and $5.00, E. J. SRA.C1CMAN, Sole Loca,1 Agent. BIRTHS. MeGE10-In Usberne, near Whalen, June 26th the wife et Donne McGee, a daughter • MARRIAGES. SELVES -BEAVERS -At Woodham, June 21, by the Rev. S. lenett, Richard Selves to Mary 0„ daughter of Beuiemin Deavers. GRAHAM--- le•ENNED le- At Lindsay One, Juno 21, Few. H. A.Grabare B. A., St. ISIares to Lottie, daughter of W. H. Kennedy, of that town. WEBSTER-DEMPSEY-AA; the residenee of the bride's parent, Goderich township, an June 21, by Rev. It, Millyard, Thos. Webster, to Miss Dempsey, both of Goderich township, II/HISSER-DUN CAN -At the Manse, Exeter, y the Rev, W. M. Martin B. D„ on 21st inst., Abrabam W. Nasser, of the township of Hay, I of Osborne. to Joanelaughter of Alexander Duncan,Esq., IVIONROE-FITZSIMONS-At the residence of Rev. R. Millyard, Edgar C. Munroe, of God the bride's perents, Clinton, on June 21. be mich to Miss_ A T., daugliter 02 ilobert Fitzsimons , Clinton. hay ng your DEATHS. SUIT EiDSS:-In Itoegerville, on the 24th lest Mr SOU till 0/ Garin's Store John Swinburne merchant tai or Stratford, met with a very painful acci- dent this morning. He was splitting wood when the axe caught in the clothes line, and descending straek him on the forehead, A severe bruise was inflicted, fbLlt Mr. SWinbenre was fortnnate in escaping mere serious in- jury. NEW Meat Market The undersigned has opened up new meat market one door Gavin Ross, aged 54 years, 8 months. " s w • jou/ Ns, «'-«-'• where he will keep the choicest of CALL AT meats constantly on hand. The Tailor A CALL SOLICITED Raw From Ear To Jaw. have been for years more or less subject to eruptions on my skin. The left side of my face from the top of my ear to half way down my jaw was in a very bad state -being almost raw, making shaving very painful. I was advised to try Burdock Blood Bitters. One bottle perfectly cured me. I can honestly re- commend B.B.B. to all who suffer from any skin disease." G. WHITE,.Carie- vale, N.W.T. B.B.B. cures Salt Rheum, Eczema, Tetter, Shingles, 130ils, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers, and all forms of Skin Diseases and Eruptions, from the smallest pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. SCHOOL 0PEN1F A fill] line, fresh r and bright of SCHOOL NOOKS and every School re- quisite at BROWNING'S Where the Scholars are always used well THE FAMILY Meat Market. For first class CORNED BEEF, , PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS. A fine seIe.ction of BEEF, LA1VIB, FRESH PORK, and all kinds of Fresh' camel s1tec1 Mesat on hand. Note the address, one door north The R Pickard Oo's store. s. of LOUIS DAY PROP. A NE _ILLS FO WEAK EOPILEs AND THOSE TROUBLED WITH Palpitation, Throbbing or Irregular Beating of the Heart, Dizziness, Shortness of Breath, Distrets after Exertion, Snnothering Feeling, Spasms or Pain through the Breast and Heart, Morbid Condition of the Mind, Partial Paralysis, Sleepless- paik ness, Nervoulnesst Anemia, gene- ral Debility, A.ter-btfectt of Grippe, toi Loss of Appetite, etc. '1134• Remember Milburn's Heart aiad Nerve Pills cure the worst oases after other remedies fail. Laxa-Liiver itiltie cure GenstioniFqn. We are in the van with all that is desirable in the line. Let us show you our stock of $17.00 Fancy Worsteds the newest colorings Remember we put up the best suit for 810.00 that can !-,,) bought in the county, GIVE ps A CALL. J N. °neve 20 YEARS TORTURE. A, Belleville Lady, Whom Doctor Failed to Help, Cured at Last by Doan's Kidney Pills, 1\l'es one wbo has not suffered from kidney disease can imagine the terrible torture those endure who are the victims of. some disorder of these delicate filters of the body. Mrs. Richard Rees, a well-known and highly re see te d lady of Belleville, Ont., had to bear the burden of kidney complaint for over 20 years and now Doan's Kidney Pills have cured her when all else failed. Her husband made the following state- ment of her case : "For 20 years rny wife has been a sufferer from pain in the back, sleeplessness and nervousness and general prostration. Nothing -seemed to help her, Doctoes and medicines all failed, until we get a ray of hope when we saw Doan's Kicleey Pills advertised as a positive cure, "She began to take -there and they helped her right away, and she is now bettor in eVery reepect. We can heartily recom- mend Doan's Kidney Pills to all sulTerers, for theyseem to strike therigh t spot qtaickly, and their action is not only quick but it is permanent, "1 tannot say more in faeor ef thoa atoriderful pills than that they saved my wife from lingering torture, which she had media -eel for 20 years past, and I sincerely trust that all sufferers will give Doan's kidney Pills a fair trial," ; LAXA. Cure constipation, biliousness ! sidle beedache and dyspepsia. 1 a LIVE Every pill guaranteed perreet , LIV..... and to not without any grip, ' 1 iiiaa a aa ing, weakening or eleireniag `. rsautiow efibtts, s5u. at all druggists. ' JOHN T MANNING Save the Babies. Thousands of them die every sum- mer who could be saved by the timely use of Dr. Fowler's Ext., of Wild Strawberry. There is not a mother who loves her infant but should keep on hand dur- ing the hot weather a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- ae, berry. There is no remedy so safe and so effective for %the diarrlicea of infants, and none has the endor- 2iY, sation of so many Cana- dian rnothers who have proved its merits, and therefore speak with confidence. One of these is Its. Peter Jones, Warkweetht eelinte who keys : "I can give Dr. Fowlers Extratt offtrild Strawberry great praise, for it saved sty baby's life. She was cutting her teeth and was taken with diarrhoea very bed. My sister advised me to get Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I got a bottle and it cured the baby almoat at once." FARMERS "-"21484gtrr You will find at Bissett's Wareroora the followingiirm of Agrice • tural Implenaents- F?1N G DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY 1,S A full hee of Sesd Drills, Cultivators - Disc an a D lam cl Barrows Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACH NES; ETe The celebrated Knoll Washer Rare -loud sewirtg and wringers machine I sTavEs.--4paz--- • Gurney stoyes and furanees. waggons bucegies Bicycles The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. BILL. uy The Best a nd-weau---- Ignore The Rest. In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that VS/ - cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables Chairs, Etc., Get Swathing ilice--"* We have it, you want Take a look at our fttll line of FURNITURE and y011 will find what you are looking for. CIDLEY & ANt hirA, • Opera Ilouse 1