HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-6-28, Page 1'TWENTY–SIXTH YEAR NO. 4 URON- EXETR, ONT., Bi HO DO INION D E GAZETTE. CANADA, THURSDAY' IV,IORNING JUNE 28th, 1899, SON. You want something light airy and nobby for this season of the year, .we can furnish the watt for you. Wash Goads The balance of our stock are marked In all the new tones and materials so as to make quick selling. Come used this season prices 5 to 15e per yd. early for first choice. PIQUE for waists, skirts or both, in Ladies Orash Skirts, nicely trimmed .different width stripes, running either, and well tnacle from 98c to $1,75. way, price lac. WHITE MUSLINS in cross bar -gripes and checks at 10 and 12-'e per) Shirt waists yd. "LADIESHOSIERY. Past black cotton hose, allesizes at 5, Special lineshir waists wottli 3 . ts wai 5 5c 10, 12e, to 25 per pair. Don't forget that summer corset eve are . Ladies' vests without sleevee just the selling at 35 worth 50 thing for now at , , 12 1-2 Ladies Linen collars all sizes 10c or 3 -59 The newest things in Ladle, ties are 1 for 25e. ; here at froni 25 to 75ck Special in Ladies hemstitched hadkf . for 25c. selling regular at 5c while they last 7 I Crown Qnarts 50e doz. Conic; to us Mens' Furnishings Men's fast black h,ose, regular price 15 this week 3 pr for 25. Mens Crash hats at cleaving prices, 20 doz Men's braces again this week at 5c pr. Special in Mens four-in-hand ties at 3 for 25c. Special sate mons shirts at 50 and 75, still on this week. Gents foul'? ply linen collars,all shapes and sizes from 10 to 20. Agan this week gents large size lin- en hdlefs special at 7 for 25. Ready-made suts formen .k...i ive.1/40 Iltie 11.-4 LI .11-41..." Give us a call in this d epartment anything we handle is strictly right in quality and price. ........---e — Imperial quarts 65 doz. One-half gallon 75 doz. SUGARS AT COST. I boy's at prices that will bring you herr I for your next suit. Try our 25e teas, best in the market special in canned goods. , BINDER TWINE the. . GOLDEN SHFAF These well-known brands satisfaction last season': Remember 4111111•=sailikasssonsc• BINDER TWINE BINDER TWINE the 1 the _ GOLD lEDAL iPlynnouth Special of twine need no praise from us. It gave unquestionable we are prepared to meet any price. Call and see us. Screen Doors and Windows. A good assortment still left which must go cheap. • HARVEST TOOLS PARIS GREEN LAWN MOWERS Be sure and get a "Brass Label" Guaranteed pure. A good assortment with this Brandwhen buying a fork they • years improvments. - are the same price as the old style ...-....—... A large stock of Cements, Portland and Thorold ; Plaster Paris, the best New _ Bruns- wick.. Eavetrouglung and furnace work at lowest figures. Highest price for butter and eggs. IJI Pil ''' • , n. uisnop lc Son, xerter. s_ Zurich. — I I 1 ! , 1 . -` thus 1 : promise tid The oreanization Detroit and ea i have mise . the : stone . son to friends soon. employment his he rge stin well Paris Stratford -Doctor for holidays tend Dr. Queen's I ing I day ' visiting confined --Mr. .Alliston mother. an gaining was friends. up done himself of Peat ne'la,rge be work meet The day'sthe tering thee. Friday at illness Wade tovslA St. Marys ' try is the e ',rune suryive place day on has few accident blood not day byteria,n Boyd ago was will cultural farm quite the visiting til pleased to highly The owing vents ing -The ega 19 putting -Mrs. IVforley) the of M'erieer's•--Katie Brooks tion the Are dOng,tinvtion itireggritritaWkserc°11" early yell Mitchell LAW OFFXCERE.OPENED.-The office of R. H. 'feline Barrister, Exeter, has been retepened. . G. Stanburv, B. A., (late with NeCarthr. sler, Hoskin &-, Creelman, Barristers, Toronto,) to is about to form a partnership with Mr. ollins, is in charge. BRIEFS. -A few days ago a, valuable oh belonging to Mr. Jonabhan Merrier ied. It was valued at about $100.-1 he Sunday school day of the Evan- shoal church here will be held on the )cond Sunday-in July. A cordial e vitation ha,s been sent the Dashwood eople to be present. -Miss Lizzie mith, of efilverton, has returned ome havina spent a few weeks in e • stvn. , z BrovonB STOLEN. -A stranger came ) town Saturday and sold his bicycle ) C. Fritz for a vet7 low Price. Mr. ritz was suspicious of the man and iformed the police. They endeavored I get his name but he could not be in- aced. Tee remained over night, and Sunclay stole a wheelrom'The . aurae and left. He was traced as far i Parkhill, where all clue of him wan, st. Lock you wheels. — -0 ' A I d' '111-1DFS.- Mong t le different depu- &alone coniposed of St. Marys eoad Boys" who will visit St. Marys on the nth f e i • o u y will he one from London which will number nearly 100 persons hey \yip. bring a band witla them and enliven the days proceedings. The Mayor and Council have given their that the band will he enter- di aneurng the day free of expenses. well known and popular musical - composed of newsboys of will be here also on the 19th compete for the $100 prize offer- by the • firemen. So far 7 bands- sent in their application and pre- that they would be present on above mentioned date. -W Van- in the employment of Richard- & Webster is at present confined his bed through illness. His many wish to see him around again -Geo. Collin baker late in the of J. G. Constable moved family to Aylmer last week where has secured a situation with Geo- Haricia-The lacrosse boys are practicing persistently getting prepared for their match with on Tulylst. .--en — BRIM.S.-Two rinks of Clinton bow- lers came down for a friendly g.ame. When all the points were counted they were a tie, which was good play for Clinton.- Dr. Wood and wife from Ne,shville, have arrived in tor'sn for a, ewo months' holiday. The Southern climate se.ems to agree vvith him - John Whyte, jr., left for the old cou.n- on Friday on a business trip. This his third visit in a year. - Another old settler of Logan has been called to Great Beyond.. Mrs. Costello had been ill dfor some time, and having at- . seventy years of age, did not the disease. The funeral takes to the Mitchell cemetery Satin- morning. -Mrs. Robert Nicol left Tuesday for Manitoba for a two months visit to her parents.-DaCrane gone to Blyth to practise for a weeks to let the doctor there get a holiday. Wm. Kenip met with an on Friday, which resulted in poisoning. It is hoped it will be very serious.- The remain& of Miss Boyd, sister of Mr. James oyd, were brought from Belmont on We- morning to be interred in th res - cemetery on Monday. iss was a former resident of 1 tch- but moved to Belmont a few ars to keep house for her brother. e well known in town, and regr t • be felt at her death. 1 1 1 Whalen 1 --- 1 The excursion to the Michigan Agr] - iiii, College and Experimental at Lansing was Patronized 1/3? ) a number from here. Some re- 1turned the same day and others took ( opportunity of seeing thesights and s friends and did not return the next day. All seemed well t with the outing and learned t appreciate their own country more e if they learned nothing else.-- r roads here are in a rough state t to the dry weather which pre- a the gravel from packing. Driv- e or wheeling is not very pleasant, d hum of the mowing machine le 11 ire hetud in the land the hay crop d not very heavy, --Mr. P McGee is t a new cellar under his house. I R. eeckell (nee Miss M. J. el of Hamilton is visiting under , 8 parental roof. -Ness Ada, Pitcher e Marlette Michels visiting at Joseleh a Toohey, Nettie si and Eva Tapp are writing on el High School Entrance Examine,- e thts week. the forma. at Lame e others at Dieter. Cl .. Il Hayfield V* BRIEFS. - Miss Minnie Moorehouse Lt last week on an extended visit to ir sister at Pinncouning, Mich. -Ma- r Philpott's branch of the Salvation my have been under canvas here for ime days, The Major was present mself on Sunday last but two young utenants have been attracting the .owds by their oratory and sliming unrig the week. On Sunday the num- dr :es who drove in froni the country ignaentecl the Bayfield audiences.- icharcl Davis, of Exeter, spent, Sun- by inhaling the pure air of lake Hue -of I, the guest of George Holman, Prin.- pal of the Public School. -A. number ens Exeter and vicinity took in the cturesque scenery of Bayfield on inday.-G. Holman is this week pre- ling at the examinations at Hensel], .d Mr. Hagan, of Zurich, is presiding Ire.-VVilham Logan, an old resident Hayfield, is very low At present, his stela being expected daily. -Dr. Chas. i an and John Morgan and daughter 0 in the lake excursion to Detroit it week. -Miss Reba Stariburv left on inclay on a visit to her brother Dr. hn Stanbury, of Toronto, -J. G. abbery, Barrister, Exeter, spent mclay at his home here.. -Rev. An. ew Henderson, M. A,, formerly of ;wood occupied the pulpit of the esbyterian church on Sunday. -Mrs. >well and children, of Hamilton, are eting the foemerm 's other, eirs.Rut. Ige, -ses--- —ell, Dublin --- Bnenrs.-Miss May Williams was in lase week calling on friends. Michell, left on Thursday last the Queen city to enjoy two weeks, with relatives, and also at- the hospitals. In his absence McKenna, recent graduate of University, Toronto, is attend- to his patients. -Mr. Prendergast, Buffalo, arrived in town on Satur- last and will remain a few weeks friends. -Mrs. A. Rooke is to her home through illness. Beale was celled last week to to attend the funeral of his -Mrs. Flaherty who has been invalid. for soma time past is re. strength. -Michael Madigan in Seaforth last week eleitiel -Dr. Michell has e fine asphalt to his residence. The work was be Mr. Looby who has gained for quite a reputation its that line hosinese.-Wm. Femme' is making headway in the erection of his residence, which Will SoOri completed -Mr. Sadler is rushing these days in the tile yard to the demm end of his customers.- evveet refreshing showers of e few ago Were Very welcome to swel- humanity, after the hot dry ... • the Many friends of Mrs Detveeller, Mitchell will be pained to hear at she met With an accident on e nes ay leg by. being Mixed up a runaway. She was throve out the rig and received soMe very see 011.'4, 0'10 Of illet 0;118 WM; . - The Woodstock Review says that on bight there died at his honold 42 13eXlee street Mr. Wade, after an idea lasting ' but four days. Mr. had Only been e resident of our sjx. vtoftetcpt Anil teeneee les nese Ant Vete M ellittent el you niarriett to Alle, old.time belief that ,vi is incurable? er KO Yea Me wod. o to a miataken halm. Shiloh's Cough and si Ina" a stages. One eorttlao Weateilekol3IrPotgb 8 nine r. Whole coluM» of ergnmo,Ir.. r 1,..-0 . stiei o here from Goderich lo 11 v.t 'r I,tt1c gtil,r.tnt,•e 1 1. 3M. WO St. Joseph, and. broughe their baskets along. The clr ild BRIM'S,- Mr. Thomas 13reyre ha moved his family to Stratford,. Re I engaged in the blacksmith busines there. -The laboring men engieged Mr. Willett's brick yard went on strik on Thursday aiming of last week However, they came to an ag ernen among themselves to star wor again on Friday. They get i extra pay, but they may get harder ori, - Mr. William, Heyrock bad t e mis- fortune to break Ins brick mac inc the other day. This will cause xpens and delay. -Mr. Chris, Camp eil ha left Bayfield and moved to St Joseph We welcome Mr. Campbells to our town. ep krenly contested the various s games. or enjoyed themselves at, the S swings, and all spent a very eeeasent $ time together. HenSall. k G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public Convey ancer, Conurussioner, Fare Insurance agent and Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal dem ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in tercet. Office at the Post office, eeensall. e J, COOKE. (Late vi Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris &honor, Notary Public, Hensall. Ont. A. Sellery, L. D. S., D. D. S,. Honor Grade • ate of Toronto University, Dthltists. Teeth extracted. without pain or bad effects. (Mice in Petty's Block, Homan. At Zurich every 1VIondai, commencing May 30th. 033ITUARY. -We regret to have -to 'chronicle the death of Mrs. Gavin Ross :which sad event occurred at her home 1 "Gowanside Farm," Rodgerville, 00 I Saturday night last, after a long and painfill illness. Mrs Roes had been in poor health for several years, but during the past six months her illness assumed a much more serious form, developing eventually into what might. he termed a complication of diseases, baffling not only the best local medical skill, coupled with all the care and attention which a loving husband and family could bestow, hut also the combined skill of the ablest professors of St. Joseph's hospital. The deceased was the second. daughter of the late Andrew Beattie, late of Dumfrieshire, Scotland, and emigrat- ed to this country with her parents in the year 1859, and some years after- wards was happily united in marriage to Mr. Gavin Ross, of Rodgervilla By their union they had four sons, namely Robert B., Guy B., Cecil G. and Frank E. Ross, all of whom are grown-up young men and highly res- pected, and together with their father mourn the loss of an affectioua.te and faithful wife and a loving mother. Vers. Ross was possessed of many ex- cellent 'qualities, including a clear, strong mind and bright intellect, and while pre-eminently a loving wife and kind and affectionate mother, with ;:a fond attachment and devotion to home rind all that pertained to its comfort and happiness, she was not at the same thee unmindful of others, but was kind and hospitable and ever ready to do a kindness to a, friend or extend a helping hand to anyone in want; and while constituted with a high sense of honor and admiration for what was fair. right aud truth, which made her quick to detect and resent what she regarded as wrong- doing, injury or injustice, she was also ready to reason, was open to con- viction and willing to forgive. when forgiveness. was Asked. The .attend- ance at -the funeral was very large and the services as conducted by the Rev. Mr. Martin, of Caven church, Exeter, eesisted by Rev. Ten Eyck, of Trivitt Memorial church, also of Exeter, and Rev. W. J. Doherty, of. St. Paul's church, Hensall, were of a very im- pressive nature and listened to with deep interest. The remains were in- terred in the Exeter cemetery, follow- ed by a large concomee of friends, t e following persons acting as pall- iearers :-Messrs. B. S. O'Neil, A.. Q. 13obiep, and John Farmer, J. P. Ross, Exetee ; J. Hyslop, Cromatty ; G. J. Sutherland, Hensel'. The following lines were contributed by menibers of Mrs. Ross' faintly : In Loving Memory of our Dear Mother, Annie Ross, who died at "Gowanside Farm" Rodgeryille, June 24th, ISM. Oh, Mother, thy gentle voice is hushed. Thy warm. true heart is still, And on thy pale and. peaceful face Is resting death's cold chill, Thy hands are clasped upon thy heart, We have kissed thy marble brow, And in oullaching hearts we know - Wo have no mother now. Elimnille OM:MOH RE -OPENING, -The s,e-open ing services in connection with the Methodist church of this place,on Sun- day last, were highly successful. Rev. E. Roberts, a fortnete.B. 0. pastor, preached. special sermons to large con- gregations. Liberal collections were also taken. • The church edifice has been very much improved. The in- terior entrance has been improved up- on and new seats put in. • FESTIVAT..-DO/a forget the festival on euly 1st. Greet preparations are being made for the occasion, It is ex- pected that black berries will be used instead of strawberries, the supply of the latter having become exhansted. A good time is promised all who at- tend. Ste:ft. -- Beenes.--The annual picnic of S. S. No. 3, Hibbert took place in Burn's grove on Friday, June 23, a good time was spent. -The picnic to be held in Jefferson's grove will take place on Sunday July 2nd and Monday Silly Sed instead of Sunday June 25 and Satur- day july 1st as stated lase week. - Mrs. Win. Jeffery is at present visiting friends in Hamilton and Buffalo. - Miss Polly Grigg is visiting friends up north. -A. grand rally of the Epworth. League, Stella, took place on Wednes- day June 21st, at the Friends church, Gowrie. -Mrs. Geo. Dalton of Mitchell is visiting friends in the village. -Miss Edna Hutchison is spending it few weeks in Michigan with her sister, Mrs. Efursh.-The wedding of G. G. Wilson and Miss Robbins took place Wednesday 21st. Ful larton. Miss Winnie Francis took in the excursion to Niagara Fells.-- Rev. J. G. Rogers is visiting. at home for a couple of weeks. He is to be stationed at Weston near Toronto. leumor says he is at home for rather en. important event. He has- the very best wishes of his many friends. -Mr. A. 0. Far- rel, who has been preaching on the Fullerton circuit of the Methodist church for the past two years, preach- ed his farewell sermon to a very large congregation of Sunday evening last. The congregation and also all who knew Mr. Farrel feel sorey to lose him from our midst as he was a general favorite among his acquaintances. May he be prospered in his good work. ter Crediton Brannse-We are sadly in need of rain to settle the dust and increase the growth of our grain, fruits and pas tura. Our fire company should turn out for *practise some evening soon and sprinkle our streets. - A select few of our young people have been liv- ing a fast life of late, what with pic- nics to Grand Bend, strawberry festi- vals to Shipka and Clandeboye,leesides other incidentals, they have been out nearly every night. Go it while you are young. -Mi'. Ed. Hill of Toronto University spent last week the guest of his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers. He left on Friday for his home in Brussels. It must have been hard to tear your- self away Ed! -Miss Hannah Lewis returned on Thursday last from her extended trip to Sarnia and other western pointe -Mr. E. Simpson spent Sunday in our village; Ernie believes in attending to "biz. '- Quite a num- ber of our young pecple attended the . S. and C. E. Clonvention held in Exeter lase week and report very in- teresting sessions. - Principal Bloom- eld closed his clepartineet in one Pub- ic School on Tuesday last in order to nake room for the candidates writ, - ng on the Departmental Examine - lone in Exeter. We understand that he Stra,wherry Festival aunounced o take place on the lawn of M. B. hurch on Friday evening next has een cancelled for the present as the trawberries were not fortheorning.- Ir. Elijah Joey and family of Exeter icnicked at the Bend on Tuesday last. r. Wm. Lewis, Sr. and family, join - cd thein and all report a good Mine. It as a fine warm day. -- Next Sunday eing Childeen's Day in the Evangele al church, special services suitable to he occasion will be held. At the vening service in the M. E. church ext Sunday, Rev. Hussar is announced o pceach from the "Golden Rule," as pplied to industrial life and will deal ith the great "Strike&' of recent ate. Remembering the Rev. gentle - Ian's well known ability and fearless efenee of every moral issue, some - sing racneentereseing and even start - ng may be expected which we trust ay aid in bringing about an early ttlernent, of this public nitisante and convenience. --Our plank sidewalks re greatly in need of repair in some laces. If plank is scarce the holes ould he filled with geevel. Any - lug for comfort and safety. -Miss . Williams, milliner, left on Wednee- ay last eother home in Wyoming. is said that one of our young men as heard comforting himself with the orde of the hynine--"In the sweet e And bye,"while Another was heard nging:--"there iS rest for the weary." On Friday Afternoon big 8 Public boot *bit WAS held in the woods ail irIrtlry0 f N. qt. t. i'11" • 4 to: 1111.41' 111 it 11 It in 1,01 1,v co' ic BRIErs -A large shafting in the flour mill broke on Monday which necessitated the shutting down of the mill for repaies. The citizens were without electric light on Monday night. -The excursionists have retureed from Detroit. They report it pleasant tint long trip. -Mr. Berry, druggist, has several fine music boxes, and cus- tomers are enteitained to choice selec- tions as they enter the store. -The council the past week put down a six- foot sidewalk from the post office past the Methodist church. --The local committee are busy perfecting ar- rangements for the celebration here on July 1st. They purpose making the affair successful. -Mies Amy Murdock who has been attending the Conser- vatory of music in Toronto, during the past few months hes passed her examinations in instrumental music with first class honors. Miss Murdock is not only it brilliant musician but a, painstaking teacher.- Mr. Hyslop, barrister of Detroit, was last week visiting at G. Ross', Roclgerville.-A unteher of people intend going to Lon- don to -day to attend the circus. -Miss Jussie Bell, left on Thursday last to visit her brother, Dr. Bell, of 1VicEride, Mich„ where she will remain a few months. She WAS accompanied by her father, James Bell, as fee as Lansing, Mich., where he visited the "Model Farm." -Mrs. (Rev.) W. C. Fisher, of West Flanthoro, is visiting her sister, 1VIrs. Erterett, said other friends in and around the village. -The Misses Dent, who are engaged teaching in the pub- lic schools, Steatford, are visiting their aunt, Mes, amines Sutherlend.-De. Graesick, and wife, of teixtore Da,k. former residents of Rensall, are visit- ing hie parente, near Kipper), and re- newing acquaintances ib the village. Mr. Grassick was a former teacher here. --Miss Grace Elder, of Seaforth, is visiting Mrs. B. Iloggarth and other relatives in the village. -Me. Eider and family lutend shortly to moves& to Stratford, --- Quite a number of etre villagers, attended the football tourna- ment held at Itippen on Saturday last. -Mrs. Moore, of Toronto, eccomperin cid by' Mrs. Balfour, of Kipeem tsfeer hove oe Sundae, visiting there 001 18111, . A EDonell.-Dr, berg son wife, of Birkton, were in this vil- e, %.!,,t.t.“4. . :411 c.. • JOHN WHITE -4Z SON Publishers and PreprictO Kerr on Stmday evening last preach- ed his farewell Sermon the Metho- dist church to a very large congrega- tion. Rev. Kerr's pastorate has been a successful one here, he has eucceerl- ed in increasing the 'membership and by his peculiarly strong magnetic power also substantially augmented the various funds of the church. He leaves this week for Araherstburg, .w•here we wisb. him the same crown- ing success. ---- Miss Berry, of near 13rucefield, visiting. her cousins, the Misses Hodgins. -G. J. Sutherland, was in Goderich this week on business. -Mr. Sam White, et' Detroit is again visiting in the village. --Rey. W. J. Waddell, moved his personal effeets to his new charge Elimyille this week while Rev, Jewitt inoyed his furniture here, where he will be stationed. The Hensell foot ball team scored a decided victory with the Eden team on Wed- nesday of last week, the score !standing 2 to 0. The game was played on the grounds here endwitnessed by it large number of spectators. Winchelsea RI/am:S.-Many of the farmers in tbis vicinity have begun haying. -A great many in this neighborhood at- tended the dirt bee at Jos. Creery's on Wednesday and many more attended the dance in the evening. --Ethel God - belt and Leslie Robinson are in Exeter this week working on the P. S. L. ex- amination. - Mrs. Jas. Powell and Miss Della Clark, of London are renew- ing acquaintances in this vicinity. - Miss Ella Conn left on Wednesday last for Bayfield stehere she will spend three weeks visiting friends in that vicinity, - Edwin Clare and. Hallie Brown, spent Thursday last in Lansing Mich., they report a good time, but Lansing farm cannot be compared with the Guelph Model Farm. -Little Rea, youngest daughter of Chas. God - bolt is very ill at present with a severe atte,ck of scarlet fever. -There was the scene of a very pretty wedding which took piece on Wednesday even- ing last at the residence of Benjamin Beaver when Miss Mary daughter of B. Beaver and Richard Cells of Hibbert were united in holy matrimony; the assistants of the happy couple were Miss Ella, Clark as bridesmaid, and LewisBeaver acteel as groomsman; the ceremony was performed. by Rev. Stephen Knott of Woodham. The wedding march was played by Miss Laura Kirk after which the guests which numbered. 75 were entertained by singing, music, and other amuse- mentstill a late hour.-Ttieyoung couple left next morning for Guelph on their honey -moon - ;. y.-,Zpoli , • c., t Biuges.-Mrs. E. Roberts, of Toron to, is'visiting friends aroend Zion. - Miss Lizzie Taylor is visiting her heath ers, William and. Robert and other friends.- Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin, of London'have been visiting at John Brock'sd tiring the last weele-Mnand Mrs. Trothan and son Charles, were • calling on friends lately and attended our tea on Monday. -Jas. Squire is re- covering from an attack of quinsy. - Quite a number attended the raising of the Shipley Bros' barn on Satur- day. Everything went off very nice- ly with the exception of John Barry who got his thumb jammed. - Sever- al of us took adyantage of the excur- sion to Lansing, arriving at 12 o'clock-. In the afternoon we visited the Model Farm but consider it not equal to tbe Just Received A FULL Se.'00E OF BOOTS , AN SHOES Best eetlue ever shown in Exeter, iri Ladies', Misses mad Mons wear. Also a Complete line of GROCERIES, OROCLERY, GLASS- • Ware a full range of New lprintS Lovely Patterns, READY--TO-s-WEAR CLOTHING. J. ic) IFZosis meat ex Town Hall, Tune 16th, 1899. - esessee Exeter Municipal Council. Council met pursuant to acljoura- All present. Minutes of previous. meeting teed and. cenfirened. Messrs. Eli Snell and Walter West - cote waited on the Council regarding a drain from Huron street to the creek. Armstrong -Muir --That the council grant Messrs. Snell mid 'Westcott the sum of $8.00 toward a six inch tile drain. Carried. TayIor---Evans-That the tenders of J. W. Creech for tank $24.00, being the lowest, be accepted. Carried. Evans----Muirs-Thee the following. ac- counts be passed and orders drawn on treasurer for same; Thos. Welsh labor, $2.50, R. Atkinson cords of wood, $18.75, Silas Handford labor, $0.00, Geo. Atkinson do $3.00, Geo, Atkinson streetwatering`$1.50, Jno. Pansons do, $3.00, J. W. Creech labor $3 75 Car- rieTda.ylor -Eyans--That the accounk of the Advocate Printing Co. for sehool ballots be referred back to the school board for payment. Carried. Taylor-Arrnstrong--That the Clerk ask for tenders for breaking 30 cords of stone at it price per cord, no stone to exceed 2 inches in diameter. Oar - tied. Taylor --Evans -That the frontage tax for street watering purposes be 16 cents per foot, and a bye-laNy passed _tw taxArmstrong -Evans confirmings4t8rstreetcn ,tght_oewEl vatvemayxntheas. gstTe:Carried.f:oatrrbye-lawa,01 are ablie ailovvna.riel;dil;a,asle6deo.nrlditarnrideat.11ird, Taylor -Evans ---That the, Court of Revision for street watering -assess- ment be beld on July 7th, at 8 o'clock p. m. Carried. • Taylor -Armstrong. That the council adjourn to July 7th at 8 o'clock p. Carried. • GEsoh.1Hp.kBaT,SSEXT. Clerk: LAW °Faroe RE-OPS,NtD.-The office of It. H Collins, Barrister, Exeter, has been re -opened J. G. Staubury, 13. A., (late with McCarthy) Osier. Hoskin Creelman, Barristers, Toron t,o , who is about to form a partnership with Mr. Collins, is in charge. BRIERS. -Mr. S. Sheardown of Cen- tralia, spent Wednesday last visiting . . . friends in this vicinity. -Rey. J. P. Westman spent Monday of last week in this locality. Mr. Westrnan intends ,tking bis abode in British Oolume la in the neer future. --Mr. P. Keogh s engaged at present in remodeling one we have at Guelph, Crops look t poor in Michigan on account of the dry weather. On arriving home we i found to our sorrow that, two of our neighbors, the long ancl the short of it, who possess considerable good looks and are noted for being early 'risers, were left behind for the train departed just as they entered Granton. They were seen going along the town line at a furious rate. While one held the lines the other manipulittecr the per- suader to hasten the steps of their flying steed. They felt quite put nut, the train was oat, and Barney, (their driver,) was out -of wind. Oa the next occasion they will hardly spend so much time fixing up before they start, hut we can excuse them this time as they wished to make a favor- able impression on the Yankees. So near and yet so fate -Solomon Jaques has the cement wail of his barn finish- ed. He win have a good barn when it is completed. -- The Zion Sunday i School held its Anniversary services f and tea on June 18th and 1961a. The Rev. Andrews of Filllarton delivered t two instructive discourses on Sunday i at 10 a. in. and 7 p. in. At 2 o'clock a mass meeting of the scholars was held. Addresses were given by Mr. 1 Andrews and Mr Hooper of Exeter. t The children& singing and reciting fi was well given. The tea in Mr, Here's 1 grove was never better. All were e his house which when completed will be a very comfortable dwelling -house. -We lea,rn of an increase in the fam- ily of Mr. and Mrs. Thonias Keogh of late -les boy. ---The gardeneaarty held in connection with Shipka Methodist churcla on Monday evening on the . grounds of V. Ratz, M. P. proved a decided success in every respect. The Ladies' especially deserve credit for the manner in which they supplied the wants of the inner man. After all had partaken of the refreshments, they retired to other parts of the grounds where they were entertained in the most interesting manner by a solo by Mrs, (DreRiyers and selections' from the Crediton male quertette and the Shipka choir, all of which were highly appreeiated. by all lovers of music. Speeches were delivered due - ng the course of the evening by the °Bowing reverend gentlemen:. Messrs. Etusser, Weettnan, Thompson, Mar- in, Baird and others; one noticeeble ncident in connection with the affair WAS the mode adopted by one youeg man in a tent to secure sole for his emonade and ice eream prepared for he occasion. This although Shipkiee est garden party will, we trust, not m the last.- We have read a book ntitled "Courtship under Difficulties" well pleased with the prograinirie which consisted of addresses by the Revd's Jewett, Salton, Knott, West - man and Thompson. Singing by the choir, musicand singing by Mr. Tes- key of St. Marys. The Empire drill given by sixteen of Zion's pretty young ladies was well executed and highly appreciated. Last but not least to an Englishman's heart, or elitism' his stornacle Caine the good things to eat which the ladies of Zion know how to prepare to suit the most particular.. -The crops are doing fairly well Fell wheat is headed out nicely and is far better than Most places, barley is short,, the peas look well, but the oats are not making much progress. The farteere are beginning their hay- ing, Henry Squire being about the first to start. -We noticed be' Yeer Eliniville correspondent that quite a number attended the tea here and that it was hoped as many from here would Attend their doings on the '1st, Zion is never behina in attending neighboring teas and is not nOIV in gbakville's debt. - Samuel Mille hes tereehrieed 140 tieees of the Nage farms, He intends to take poseessiort it the .1, . oc tscd trY 111V0 hint no.1 1,„ and one young gentleuian of this lo- cality recently realized the face Grand Bend Thaxtvs.-Miss Aggie YuelJ, who spent the last five months at Rev. Oarriere's left for her home in Car- man, efituitoba on. Wednesday lest. --Mr, and Mrs, 'Thomas Fonts left here on Friday last to visit friends in Oranbrooke, Varna and Ilensall,- Miss MacLauchlin of Greenway was the guest of Arne lefollard on Friday and Saturday lest, -Rev. Ca rriere aed family left here on Wednesday to visit friends in .lSIontreel.--Lawyet Dent and family have moved to theit summer honee here for the camping season .--F. Page and wife visited at the home of I. „trophey over Sunday.-- Arthur 14Io11ard accord - panted by ViSS Lou Cunningham visit- ed at Isaac lVfollarcl's on Sunday last. --There wilt. be it lacrosse match be- tween Exeter and Parkhill on the grounds here on the Hest of Game will begin at 2 p. tn. Don't miss it, -Grand Pend and Dashwood play- ed their final foam of foot -ball on Fr' dav lent, The Acore IVOQ 1. tA IN r