HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-6-15, Page 8e Mg Cash Storel or PRODUCE ONLY ONE PRICE bA13007-31S0104•1[1.7,11-192440619. Our great orrlarging sale is booming -Crowds of satisfied buyers every (lay. And every day briugs out some fresh barga)lle. Ladies Ready to wear Linen Skirts $1.25 and $1.90 each. Ladies Ready to weav white pique skirts $1 25 $1.75 and $2.00 eaeh. Ladies ccol ventilated summer corsets 85c anti45c. 131ack dress ed s extra value $1.50, 1.80, 2.40, 8,00, 3.50, 4.50, 5.00 and 0.00. New block pattern wldte piqueits a beauty 25c a yd. New spot Swiss Milslins, white gratind colored spots I5c ayd. Job lot of Dress Ginghams, clearing at 5c. Yard wide ttpeon Ginghares clearing at 8 1-2c. 7e, yd wide factory cotton clearing at 5c. 10e and 12 1-2e prints cleaving at 7 1-2c. 60c Blaek Grenadines. a beauty cleaving at 35c. RE,ady to wear wrappers, extra value each $1.25. Ladies kid Oxford cloth top, regular price $1.40 now $1 00 en's cool linen hats, 25c and 40e. Boy's cool linen hats, 25e a,nd 40c. • Men's eool summer coats and vests only $1.95. Men.'s cool suramer linen coats $1.75. $1,25 for a lovely parasol, as a beauty, 10c each forJadies shortteleeve, summer vests, s pecial. 10c the pair for Ladies rib)) cotton hose, choice. Ladies black surith shirt waist a, beauty $1.50, Ladies black sateen shirt waist fast dye, $L00 Come to our great enlarging sale, you'll find many bar- gains. J. A. STEWART INeteRANO.E. ERNEST ELLIOT, Afetoren 0 Trent: ; Ostler thesPrrillEiNcR Vom- Nei:MANCE COMPANY, of London England ; the ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, Ot Eng and. acalmmewito So• Many New Faces !For Marriage Licenses, ( Wedding Ritigs, Watches, •Clocks, Jeweiry, Spectacles, Etc CALLON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Speeialty. • Are seen in our store these days hunting for bargains in • STATIONERY that we feel like congratulating ourselves on the wonderful success of our sale. People come, in • many cases, because advised to do so by friends. They all buy, LOW PRICES DOES THE BUSINESS at the R T Je GFZIGG, Mane STetEnee EXETER. THURSDAY, JUNF l'oth, 1899 EXETER TILES Aomeneteee.-While Thomas May was Geojernayn of Granton visited driving A. Hooper's pony on Thursday filends here on Saturday. lasone of onof the shatta or the buggy Stratford defeated a waterworks by- broke. The buggy became cramped law last week bY a majority ot 317, and ,jr. May was thrown out on to Strawberries are plentiful in tow° the hard road. He sprained his wrists and sold yesterday for (3cents a box. and bruised his face badly. Frank Zinger, who has been in De- troit for the past two months, has re- CausnEn ilis Tainn3. -While assist - turned home. ing in lowering the frame of e. barn Hugh Oke has sold his farm he ad- outo a stone wall oo Tuesday, George lett, to his son -in law, SWIMS Militia Harness, had the thumb of his left for a good sum, hand badly crushed between ate beam Two thousand dollars has been snh- and wall. He will be for some time scribed toward the purchase of a drive off work. ing park at, Seaforth, Miss PYdei, of Granton, is visiting BAsE•xr BALL. Nine yoitug ladies it Mt. RigseY's. Mrs. RigaeY is visit- from Principal l3oyd's room and a elm- ing her parents in Granton. ilar number from Miss Xeckell's room, Frank Willis has returned from on Monday last played a game of bas - Blenheim, whsre he had. gone to take ket ball on the school grounds. The charge of C. Senior's photo studio. contest was exceedingly keep and inter Mr R. McFalls of the .A.rnericari esting, and some of the players did re - House, Berlin was in London recently markably good combination work, and expects to puveliase a hotel busi- The score resalted in favor of the Prin. ness, ci , pal s room, 12 to 5 points. Mr- Hanham, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs, E. Fish, for some A.SSED wrrr Hoxons. - W. E. time left yesterday to visit friends in Browning, son of Dr. Browning, of London. this place, has passed. his final examin- Mr. Robert Delve, Nvho has been re- ation at McGill University, Montreal, siding near Brandon, Mao., for several taking first class honors. He is now years returned here the other day to entitled to write M. D. O. M. after his make his home in Exeter. name. Mr. Browning has been highly Miss Campbell, of “Stuart" castle successful in all his exams and has Blanshard, and Mr. T. E. McKay of proven himself to be an exceptionally the Merchants Bank. Gananoque,visit- clever student. We wish him future ed at W. Levitt?s over Sunday. success. David H. Marshall has sold his farm on con. 10, Turnberry, to John Mar- shall for $5,000. Farm property val- ues appear to be on the ascending Sealerl Mr. and Mrs. John Farneer attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Porte, in Lucare on Wednesday. She had been ill for some time and her death was not unexpected. Dunseith's St. Marys egg wagon came to grief on the St. Marys road on Saturday, and for a while eggs, or rather what was left of them, were very plentiful in that locality.' A strawberry festival will be held on Monday, June 26th, under the aus- pices of the Ladies' Aid Societyof the lames St. church. Strawberries and cream will be served, also a good pro- gramme will be provided. Workmen are engaged in sinking an artesian well for the Sutherland Innis Co. The company last week put itt five large steel steam boxes and they expect soon to commence making staves. An interesting wedding took place last week at the residence of Dr. Hos- sack, Lucan, when Miss Priscilla Mar- tin was married to Wm. Morgan, of the 16th concession of McGillivray near Lieury P. 0. The first lacrosse match of the sea- son of the Western district, 0.L. A. between the Stars of Bright, and Beavers of Seaforth, took place at Sea - forth on Saturday resulting in favor of the home team by six goals to none, T. H McCallum lost $50 the other day. He drew $75 from the bank and placed it in his pocket. He called at several business places but did not dis- cover his loss until he reached his of- fice. He supposes it was drawn from his pocket by sticking to his hand. The Stratford base ban team of the Canadian League has been disbanded. Causes, unsatisfactory results, lack of support, etc. It is not known as yet what disposition. will be made of the franchise. In the meantime Manager Popkay has charge and the team play- ed Ohathani Monday afternoou. .A yoillJg mita nanied Frank Cureie of Both well, coal witted suicide by hanging himself in his brother-in-law's barn Friday afternoon. He was just recovering froin an illness caused by injuries received in a gasoline explos- ion spine time ago. His wife and fam- ily are in Rossland. Miss Maggie Morrison, third daugh- ter of the late Robert Morrison, and Mr. Robert Marks, of Oberlin, KarISRS and formerly of Bayfield, Ont., were married Wednesday morning by Rev. Canon Dann at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. L. M. Morrison, London. Miss Atwell, cousin of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. Some time during Saturday after- noon, Tune 3, Mr. Chas. Wilson, one of Howick's most respectable farmers, committed suicide in Mr. Sas, Gal- braith's hush by cutting his throat with a razor. No reason can be as- signed for the rash act. Deceased was at one time first deputy reeve of the township of Howiek, a,nd only two weeks ago was appointed treasurer of the township. Death has again put in his sickle a,mong, the old pioneers of Stanley township. On the 2nd inst., James Baird passed away, aged 75 years and 6 months. Deceased was ill for over four months from heart failure. He was a native of Ayrshire, Scotland, where he was born in 1823. He came to America in 1850, and was a resi- dent of Galt for a few years, when. he moved to the Huton tract, and set- tled on lot 31, 3rd con. of Stanley. He remained on the farm until 1875, when he retired to the village of Egmond- villeh Te Prince of Wales has done a sen- sible thing, and done it not at all too soon. As Grand Master of the English Freemasons he has sent a letter to the Grand Lodges on the growing custom among, Masons of wearing the order's regalia at non Masonic functions, to which he strongly objects. And quite rightly objects. The way in which some members of the craft display themselves "clothed" one very possible occasion is, to put it in the mildest manner unealled for and undignified. For example, it is nearly tinie that parading the streets in procession with regalia or at a funeral should cease. Last Friday night fire destroyed Major Beck's tannery itt Seaford, to- gether with the maehinery and stock. The tannery comprises two buildings, one frame and the other stone, and the fire started in the frame building ori the side next lo the river. There is serong suspicion of incendiarisin, as there had. been 110 fire on since the Saturday previous. The flames had gained such headway that efforts te Stay- them were hopeless, Mr. Beck placed his total loss at something like $1,500,, which is partly covered by in - of $2,500. Among the stock deatroved Was $8,000 worth of bides Which Mr. Beck intended to ship the next morning, having come from Lon- don damp for that purpose. On all eidee, sytnpathy iS expressed for Mr. Beck 10 6110 loss be has sustained, MOON'S PHASES. New Moon....... 12.39 p, m. First Quarter 17th .... 12.13 S. m. Full Moon 25th.. . 12.49 p. m, Last Q Liar ter31st ...5.55 p Rev'd:Millyard expected at Maiii St. festiyal. H. Hooper is still confined to his room through illness. Don't:forget Main st. festival next Monday eyeuing, Tune 19th. •Mrs. George Anderson and family are yisiting friends in Fingal. John McInnis is ill, having received. a slight stroke of paralysis on Monday. • Mrs.Robt.Kydd,of Usborne,has gone to Huntsville,where she will remain for three months. W.• Levitt and da,ughter Miss Verde, were in Granton last week renewing acquaintances. The Stratford races will be held on Tune 28, 29 30 tit and Tidy 1st, $4,200 will be offered in purses. Mr. and Mrs Moore and Miss Hun- ter of Mussel, on Sunday visited Mrs. Wm. Brooks, Exeter North. • The semi-annual meeting of the Biddulph District, L. 0. L. will be lheId in Orediton on Tuesday, 20th inst. Rev. Millyard, of Olinton, the new pastor of Main St. Church, was in town yesterday surveying his new ter- ) ritory. •Andrew Stewart and A. J. Rollins have returned home from Cataract where they had been engaged in the milling business. On Thursday last a wind Mil/ WaS raised at the power house, the frame of which is 70 ft. high with a 16 foot LOCAL HAPPENINGS Misses T. and M. V. White visited • friends in St. Marys over Sunday. • Rev. Benjamin Grigg, of Montreal, spent Sunday visiting his ,. parents wheel. This is said to be a very pow - here. • erful mill. The Winchelsea creamery- ha.ve dis- 1 John Heywood who was one of the posed of the June butter for 17 cents ,Partv of excursionists to the Model per pound. Farm Guelph on Tuesday, reports th it A. G. Dyer, while working in the • factory the other day had the points taken oft three fingers. A good time is looked. for in Main st. • church at the annualfestival. A good programme, &c. See bills. The semi-annual meeting of the South Huron County Orange Lodge was held in Henna yesterday, They decided that South Huron lodges should celebrate the 12th July in Exeter. Just opened at the Big Cash Store 2 cases of will remnants of German Indigo prints. Regular value 16c the yd.; -while they last you take your choice for 121p. You'll need to come quick for choice. crops nowhere look better than in Exeter district. • The remains of the late Jefferson, son of Thomas Essery, Centralia, who was killed at Fort McLeod, a,s announc- ed last week, were interred in the Exeter cemetery on Friday last. Miss Ella Kestle, daughter of Rev. James Kestle, of Teeterville, died OE the 10th inst., at the age of 15 years. Her remains were brought here on Monday evening and interred in the xeter cemetery. The section men along the line went work on Monday ou a pronaise of 10 r cent adyance in salary. They ent out again on Tuesday, having eceived word from headquarters to bold out for full settlement. The office of Collins & Stanbury, barristers, have undergone quite a Wm. Penhale raised the frame of a renovation during the past week un. very large frame barn on Thursday der the skilful hand Of .Arthur Davis. last, There was a large crowd pres- Law offices are proverbially dark and. misty but the touch of fresh paint and the application of bright new Wall paper have made the new firm's rooms have quite a cheery aspect. Rev. NV,, Martiti is attending the • General Assembly of the Presbyterian church, in Hamilton this week. Next Sunday morning the congregation of Main st, church will attend divine ser- vice in the Presbyterian church, and in the evening Mr. Martin's congrega. tion win assemble in Main A, church, Rev, Chas. SMith officiating at both • setvices. At noon Wednesday Charles H. Bayley, dry goods merchant of Lon. don, and /4/Liss Evelyn Seem, were on the granite. This is evidence of the superior ability of Mr. Weekes as married at the residence of the bride's a sculptor. ent. Sides were chosen, by Frank Treibner and W. Anderson, the form- er beating by a bent or two. Rev, J. P. Westnaan, whose home is in Granton, was in town on Friday. Westman goes to Golden, B. C., where he has a station. He leaves in a few days and will be eceompa,niecl by Messrs j, G. Jones and H. E. Hug - ton. W. D. Weekes received -word from 1VIessra Millue, Omits & Co., one of the Largest Granite Mantifactuters itt Oan- Ada, requesting him to design a monu- ment to be sett toithe Paris Exhibition. It is to take in the National features of oar country by Way of design domed mother, Kent street. Rev. W. X. Clark performed the ceremony. The bride was beautifidly attired in white silk The bridesmaid eva,s Miss Ger- trade Battery, of Wolfe street, and Cult Miller, of Montreal, assisted the groom, A large number of guests were present, and tb.e house was pret- tily deeorated. Aineng the many handsome gifts were Valuable sneer plate end many' cheeks from relatives Volunteer Co. NO. 0 arrived home Satarday, after spending about two vveeks ander canvass in London. The company was indeed in fine form, and by their appearance one could not Lail to see that the boysmtist have i received excellent nstructions from Oapt. Rance While sojourning in the city of white. Nene of the corn - party are missing, all Seetnin '1y have in England, Mr. and 'Vie, IlayIeY left atriVed safe and ill the best 01. health, for Now '7,4"otk• on their honeymoon which tends to show that Co. must t,rip. Payley WAS 6 fawner resi- have beet( well supplied with tbe good dont of bbteter. thtngo Of life, =TEE Excunsiox,-The excursion to the Model Farm on. Tuesday, under the auspices of the South Huron Farmers' Institute, was very largely attended. The excursion commenced. at Centralia and included all the ota tions to Seaforth. There were some 16 coaches in all, which carried 1800 excursionists. • At Clinton the crowd. was too large for the accommodation and a considerable delay was caused while securing additional cars. When near Guelph the train separated which necessitated another delay, and by the time the excursionists reached their destinatioe it was well on in the day. This however, did not mar the proceedings, as the company spent a pleasant time as guests of the man- agers of the Model. Barna. CONVENTION. -The annual conven- tion of the 0. E. and. S.S. Association of Huron County will be held in Exeter on Tuesday and Wednesday next. A good. program has been prepared and it is expected this will be the most successful convention in the history of the society. There will be nearly 400 delegates present, from all points in the county, and it behooves the citi- zens of Exeter to be up and doing in preparing for their reception and en- tertainment. Exeter has borne a good name for the hospitality of its citizens and the present occasion is one in which a special effort should be made to retain the enviable reputation. Let one and all join in extending a welcome hand to the visitors. Dnowrino.-Nelson Homey, son of James Horney, of Oolborne'formerly of Exeter was drowned in Brantford on Tuesday of last week. It appears that Nelson who could not swim, with companiOn, Geo Ellis, who could swim,entered the river to bathe about 9 p. ni., and that after they bad been in a few minetes Ellis looked. around. but could not see deceased. He at once gave the alarm and after some time the body was recovered. The re- mains were interred in the Colborne cemetery. The deceased bad been in the employ of the Waterous Co., hav- ing Mt Goderich four or five weeks since, and previous to his departure for Brantford had been in the service of J. T. Goldthorpe. Geo. Ellis, de- ceased's conipn.nion at the time of the fatality, was at one time a resident of Stratford. • Tian NEW RAILWAY. -Mayor Wil- son together with Messrs T. H. Small - man and. Sohn Labatt of London, and Engineer Jennings, of Toronto, drove over the route of the proposed rail- way between London and Goderich. The route token will likely he from London to Luca,nythence to Centralia and wet to Grand Bend. and up the lake shore to Goderich, where connec- tion will be made with the 0. P. R. to Wingham. It will doubtless be a steam raileva,y,(not au electric road as first supposed,)and run by the 0. P. R. The road may take another route and take in Zurich. The object of the in- spection of the ground is • to obtain what will be the most feasible route. The road will undoubtedly he built as the promoters are getting the assist- ance of the C. P. R. The electric rail- way scheme seems to have lost favor since the government refused to sub- sidise trolley lines. • • A robe was found covered over with brush in the bush of Mr. John Morgan, Hibbert, supposed to be that stolen, from the stable of Mr. John Hagarty, jr., in Logan, a short time ago. Gloves! Mows!! RD PI HOT WEATHER SUGGESTI 1 N1S. AT INTERESTIN' P 1 IYour choice of our bargain table for Friday and Saturday of this • week, in childrens, Misses, Womens Lisle thread and silk gloves at se per pr. The regular • prices were from 20 to 45c. If2r Keep your eye open for our next weeks offer in Ladies' and Misse's Boots & Shoes, The chance is one of a lifetime-. The prices will startle you, further no- tice given, "look after it." We are at the fore front in prices for farm produce. Choice Butter arid Fresh Eggs for which the highest price will be paid. FdrdSOIS Shirt aists, Wrappers and Ladies' black everlasting clotb parasols, with pretty assorted wood handles a Snap for 50c. Ladies' cream near silk parasols in watered designs fancy carved bandies great value, $1.00 for 750. Ladies Fancy shot silk par- asols in various shades, trim- med with cream lace inser- tion and silk frills, very nobby, regular selling price $2.25, special for............ $1.7 SIM Waists A lovely assortment of Ladies' print shirt waists iu good patterns, all sizes, a special snap Ladies' Organdie Muslin shirt waists in lovely designs all sizes. These are New York made goods aild fit beauifully, our regularprice $1.75, special price • $1.2 WhiteWear. • This is • the time of year that the Ladies' will need Shirt Waists,Wrappers and White wear. .A.nd we are prepared to Supply them with a large assortment of the same. Shirt Wasts. Nice patterns in fey Print Shirt Waists. - - • - Fay stripe Print Shirt Waists new patterns, - Blk and white dot or stripe Print Shirt Waists. - - 131k and white check Print, blk and white pique and colored Mnslins S. Waists. - -• • - • Fine Print Shirt Waists in blue and pink shades with white in- sersion. 50c. 750 750 004 $1,25 Black or colored, Muslin Shirt Waists, - - $1.0 Wrappers. • Red and white, blue and whitei piuk and white Print wrappers. 75e Grey and black Print 'Wrap- pers. - - $1.00 Navy blue Print Wrappers, $1.25 •Nice green and red shades of floral design wrappers nicely trimmed. - - •$L75 SUMMER CORSETS. Sizes 18 to 80. .Per. pr. - 50o We are showing a very fine line Of Ladies' White 'Wear; See our wide width white skirtstrimmed with insersion Or _embroidery .at 500 .75.c 80c 90c $1.00 $1.26 $1.35 each.. CARLING OROS FOR SALE OHEAP.-Shelving aix counters for a general store. Appl to W. H. LEVETT. Knees Lone --On Main street be tween post office and the Opera Rouse. inder please leave at this office. FOUND -In the opera. house, apara- sol. The owner can have thee -same by calling at this office, proving pro- perty and paying for this advt. Moigncv LOST. -In Exeter, on Satur- day last, fifty dollars, in ten five -dol- lar bills, loose. Finder will be suit- ably rewarded by returning same to is office. FOR SALE OE RENT. -1 1-2 Storey 45e. • 7 -room brick house on William street, every, convenience, a good chance to get a handsome house on easy terms, A. E. Foam Prop. Ladics Glows Ladies' white lists gloves in good quality, good to wash and wear, special at ..... . Ladies' fast shiny black Taffeta gloves, all sizes, reg- ular 8.5c for Ladies' pure Ottoman blk silk gloves, all sizes, regular • price 50 now • 40c. Wash Goods A special line of white pi- que in extra wide width, you will pay 15c. elsewhere for • inferior goods, our price per yd . • 10c. A special line of American muslins in pretty new design • wara,ntedperfectlyfasteolors sold regularly at 15c for .... 1.0c. Scotch Zephyr ginghams in lovely new designs and lovely shadings, they are beauties at...... ........ 20 and 25 • 42 inch black grenadines, very cool and good wearers, very popular style just now, they are worth more money but you rnay have them while they last at 20e. Mell's LIZ NM Summer G10'111114 A special line of India wool coats and vests for men in light, weight in light grey shades and a special snap at $1.85 Men's striped Mohair coats and vests,very light and cool and give excellent wear, a great bargain. at • $3,25 Men's all wool double breasted blue serge suits,yery nifty and popular style half lined black farmer satin for $5.50 Boys Summer blouse suits naade of good dark washing materials with sailor collar a snap fOr 65c. Mcirs & BoUs • Straw fiats Men's fancy MacKinan Straw hats newest style with fancy polkadot band, special 75 Boy'snew style straw hats with fancy striped silk bands very nobby for.......... 50c, BiGuGlos Bargains Hartfords $80, Columbia Chain wheels $55, Columbia chairdess $75, aorne and insper.t our stock. Ro PIPKARI)...• .pi:ropt Inippirters. WOCiL • WANTED. At the Exeter Woollen Mill. • Highest . prices will be paid for fine and. coarse grades. You will find it to your interese to call at the mill before selling your clip. • Fon RENT. -One of the coziest and most comfortable cottages in town, at present occupied by A.E. Bennett,cor- of William and Huron sts. Parties desirous of renting may inspect. J. W. BROWNING, M. D. In Ain or S. S. Linnen,Y.-The achers,officers and scholars of Trivitt . !meal church 'Sunday School will ho their annual festival in the way of a lawn sociel on Friday evening June 23rd on the church Lawn. Pro- ceeds in aid of the Sunday School Li- brary. Band will furnish in asic. Ad- mission 10 cts.. Be there at 7.00. Dr. J. L. Clark, V. S., lately ef Stratford, is now located at Russell Manitoba. •• R. H. Collins was mble to sit on the verandah the other day. He is gradu- ally improving. The Stratford football club has with- drawn from the W. F. A. series,and now lacrosse is the only consolation left Classic City sports. • Tramps are unusually plentiful these days in this bete -lay. • A rigorous campaign against the fraternity by the local police is in order. A good appetite Is essential to good health. Hood's Sarsaparilla creates an Appetite tones and Strengthens the stomach, And builds up the whole system. It relieves that tired feeling, and by purifying and enriching the blood, it promptly and permanently cures all scrofula eruptions, boils, humors, pimples and sores; strengthens the nerves, and gives sweet, refreshing sleep. No other medicine has taken such hold upon the confidence of the people as Hood's Sarsaparilla, and its record of great cures is unequalled by any other p,reparation. You may take Hood's Sarsaparilla with the ut- most confidense that it will do you good. DO YOU KNOW • Consumption is preventable? Science has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured -with Shilon's Cough and Consumption Oure, Sold on positive guarantee for over fifty years. • Chiidren Cry for Sensations exist for our guidance. They are Nature's warnings. • Over-worked eyes demand rest. I We have it nice lot of field and den weds, all Eyes that tire easily call for help. . only assistance possible . Properly adjusted glasses afford the Nevv •and Fresh • We rnake a specialty of relieving •6 tired eyes and guarantee satisfac- LDS ORANOLATED don, S. rlittOrly •t 6 GRACUATE OPTICIAN, Everything Cheap Fitton's Jewelry Store Trevethick EXTEPStS N F BUSINESS. Having purchased the _Exeter Mind e are now prepared to do. -general, risting and chopping. Flour whole sale and retail. All kinds of grain ought. Grain delivered at first eieva- r p aid for at Mill office. Flour and f ed delivered to all parts of the town reeof charge at reduced prices. Seed vheat, wheat, oats, peas and barley 'or sale. COBBLED1CK & WILLIAMS. LEVITT'S FAIR hake Fruit Setts 49c 1 Graniteware s Water,, 1 Tinware erby plates & platters 1 Chair seats Eng 13iscuitines I Brushes Photo Albums •1 Stove &shoe Card Receivers •Polish. Starch ancl Baking Powder, Boquet holders, Key Rings, Jarclineres, Tea pots, Hannnocks, Croquet sett, Bana- nas, Oranges, Lemons, Candy, Nuts, Tea Cakes, Jain jams, E., Clairs. Ice cream and summer drinks. Agents for Parisian Steam Laundry, of Londan, first class work done. Levitts' Fair [Buggies! Buggies!! Buggies!!! W. II. Parsons is rushing the carriage trade of the town,and do you wonder when he selling the well- known Brockville buggy so cheap, beautiful in design and for workman- ship second to none. with steel corn- ers to body, and steel bottom spring cushion a suitable buggy for young, and old'. Call and see his stock. Remember the stand. 2 doors south of Town Hall, and one door • north og Trevethick's Grocery. • Horse shoeing and general jobbing promptly attended to W. H1 Parsons. Try a bag of Diamond • it is the best Flour in the arket We have it. 20 Sugar - $1.00