HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-6-15, Page 5T.,„,,,a,„„ishatirwamtgium=0,uvijuzig TEN HEADACHES ' can be cured with ten Hoffman's Headache Powders. A simple, prac- tical, perfectly Bare, positively harm- less Specific for allkinds of headache -- whatever the cause. HOFFMAN'S nedodche Powders are not cathartic nor narcotic, but tonic in their effect; they relieve sour stomach. Sold by druggists everywhere in 10c. envelopes and 25c. boxes. The Hoffman Drug Co., BrIdgebarg, Ont. TUE EXETIIII TINL48 MONEY '110 LOAN. erom 4i to 5%. Apply to ELLIOT & GLADIVIAN, Barristers, Solicitors, &e., Main St. Exeter MONEY TO LOAN. We have unlimited private funds for invest- ment upon farm or village property at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON & C.A.RLING, Exeter. TT KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND 44-• DR. A. It KINSMAN, L. D. S D.1). SeHonor Graduate et Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extraoted without pain or bad after effects. Office. in Fan - eon's block. West side of Main street, Exeter. MIIHRSON, (D D. SI D.. S.) DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto ;University, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Ail Bridge work, Crowns and Plato work done in the neatest possible manner. .A. harmlessanesthetic for painless extraction, The strictest attention given to the preservat- ion of tne natural teeth. Office, opposite Con.' tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. • A . HOOPER,Licensed Auc- tioneer for the County oe Harm Sales con ' -ducted in all parts, and for oonvonienee OM be ;arranged for attlus °face. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Charges 'moderato, Exeter P. 0. • .nrcoas.1=2 FOR SALE. That most desirable piece of land containing about 27i. acres, being part of farm lot No. 20 an the First Concession of the township ef Ste - Veen.. This lard adJoins the Corporation and as splendidly situated, faciog the London road. Also the following Village lots in the Village Aof Exeter ;- Lots .Nos. 45 and 46 on the east side of Main Street and. immediately South oe the residence ' Alf E. Folliek, Esq. • Part lot No. 21 on the west side of Main street immediately South of the residence of -Charles Rowe Esq. 'Part of lot F on the east side of Andrew Street almost opposite the Main Street Metho- slist Parsonage, containing nearly ono acre of .aana and known es the Old School House Prop - tart. Lots Nos. 162 and 161, North West Corner of Victoria and Carling ,Streets. The lend now used as recreation ground's, the land immediately North thereof and, the 3and being pare of same farm lot but West of the 'Emden Huron Se Bruce R. R., containing an all tibout 40 acres. This land is admirably aittiated and .faces on Huron, Carling, and .Sanders Streets. • The land on either side of the Station Road, being part of Farm lot No. 23 in the First Con- cessien Of the township of Stephen and now surveyed into lots end streets containing 27 stores. These two lastparcels of land will be sold by the lot, or acre to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply to CARLING BROS.,. Merchants, or to DICKSON & CAR - LING, Barristers, See, Exeter Ont. MARRIAGES. ,ISAACS-CULDERT-In Forest, on the 14th inst., Arclah Isaac, to Mrs. Hulda Culbert of Forest. eIVIARKS-MORRISON.--At the residence of the bride's mother, London, on Wed- nesday, Jane 7, by the Rev. Canon Dann, R. A. Marks, of Aberlln, Kansas, to IVIaggie M., daughter of the late Robt. Morrison. DEATHS. PORTE-Da Liman on the I2th inst., the wife of William Porte, aged 66 years. -• 'WOODS -In Usborne on the 10th inst., Mrs. William Woods, aged, 70 years. WHITLOCK- In Usborne on the 11th inst., Terme Whitlock, aged 73 years. CARRICK-In Stephen on the 10th inst., na. than Carrick of Hay, aged 78 Yeasr. 2IONTEITH-In Usborne, on the llth inst., _Elizabeth, daughter,• of Robt. Monteith, aged 30 years. ieESTLE-In Teeterville, on the IOth dust., Elia, danghter of Rev. JamesKestle, aged 15 „ years, 10 Mouths. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. .AN OLD AND WELL-TETED REMEDY.—Mr8 Windows Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of re othersfor their .ehildren while teething. with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the grams, allays all pain, cores wind. colic, andis the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Mr. 3. M. Scott late proprietor of the Royal Hotel, Stratford, has pur- chased the American Hotel, Brant- ford. He will take possession on June 21. The Atherican is centrally located, .and possesses a lucrative connection. It was formerly owned by R. S. Tut- tle who is lessee of the Opera House, A Sure Re ard When Paines's Celery Co pound is Used. The Only Medicine That is Able to Call a Halt to All Wasting and Danger- ous Diseases. If sick people -young and old -acted with greater promptness and decision, suffering agony and misery would be -vastly reduced. To delay the work of regulating and bracing the nerves and purifying the blood is a serious mistake. When the blood is sluggish, impure and poisoned, when the nervous sys- tem is unbalanced, when digestion is deranged, and "the appetite poor and variable, be asstrced your condition is •critical and calls for instant attention before the hot summer weather brings Its many added dangers. At this time the use of Paine's Celery Vompound will do a marvellous work lor every runclown, sick and diseased' Inan and woman. It life-giving work first commence&with the blood, which is Made clean and pure; then the 'nerves are quickly set, in order, diges- tive 'vigor is fully restored, the appetite is made natriral, sleep is refreShing, and the desponden t heart is made light and joyous. It is well to bear in mind that Paine's 'Celery Compound owes its origin to the most distinguished physician that ibis North American continent ever produced., and his great and Worthy preseription is publicly indorsed hy our best'inedical experts. If " ail disheartened sufferers will start promptly With Paine's Celery COMPOUnd they Will be astonished and delighted Nvith the speed with Which thia 'wonderful remedy is able to call a Not to wasting ltud dangerous diseases, •/t is now making tens of: thousands and Strong for the hot and sinkly snnmer Weather. THE MARKETS Wheat eterkets Erratic -Chicago rntit .41 leluctuated Over a fianue of Nearly TWO Conte - Tho Prices. Laverpool, June 14.-Whoat Intares declined yesterday, olosing about lel below Monday's final figures. Chicago, .Tuzie 14, --,-Wheat was exratie yesterday, fluotuating within a range of nearly 20 per bushel for July. J uly closed %e and September Y4c abeve the previous closing figures. LEADING Wil FLAT 51.41114 5!.S. F0110Wilig Were the closing price.; at important centres yesterday: Cash, junA July. Sept, Chleago. , .8 , $ , . $ 76 $ 77 .1/1 New York......../6819i Milwaukee , 7714 St, Louise ,: 70 76 77% 18% Toledo . • , , ;4„ 7814 7914 Detroit 78% 7914 80% Duluth, No, 1 • Northern • 7634 7014" 7514 Minneapolis . 7.114 74% 7334 Toronto, red. 7214 Toronto, 4o. 1 hard (noTir) 85:4 • • • • TORONTO $1'. LA WILE'NCE MARKET.. CMAIN. Wheat, white , .80 76 to $ Wheat,.red, 76 . • • Wheat, Fife, spring, .1m, 07 69 Wheat, gOose, ba ..... 07 6734 Barley, bu 4234 • Peas, bu. . .. . .. . ... 62 63 OatS, bu '• 8534 86 Rye, bu 50 Buckwheat, bu 55 HAY AND smItAw. Hay, timothy, per ton. $10 00 to $11 00 Hay, clover, per ton7 00 9 00 Straw, sheaf, per ton6 00 7 00 Straw, loose, per ton_ 4 00 5 00 DAIRY I'llODUCTS. Butter, lb. rolls. , ,$0 12 to $0 17 Butter, large rolls ,. 12 13 Eggs, new . , „ . 12 15 POULTRY. Chickens, per pair$0 60 to $0 76 Turkeys, per lb, 10 12 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Turnips, per bag. • . 80 35 to $0 60 Potatoes, per hag 80 85 TORONTO LIVE STO oR„ Toronto, June 14. -Receipts of liv; stock at the cattle market yesterday WerE again large -80 carloads, composed oi 1,300 cattle, 450 sheep and lambs, 1,205 hogs and. 75 calves. The quality of fat cattle, of which the bulk were for export, was very good. Trade was fairly brisk all round. SeVeral dealers froni outsidi points were purchasing butchers' cattle, and space was more plentiful on th; boats for exporters. These two facts corn bined to make tile 2Darket f or fat meth more active than it has been for the pasi two weeks. Prices generally remained firm. Total receipts for last week: Catth 3,157, sheep 1,038. hogs 4,160 and calve: 178. Export cattle, choice.. -$4 80 to $5 01 Export cattle, light. _ 4 60 6 75 Butchers' cattle,pled lots 4 65 4 71 Butchers', good. . 4 45 4 GC Butchers'. medium 4 30 •4 45 Butchers', e0ininen3 85 • 4 le Butchers', inferior 3 50 3 75 Milch cows, each._ .. e. 30 00 55 Of Bulls,hvy expt, good qlty 3 8734 4 21 Bulls. medium expore3 40 3 61 Lds g,c1 but. and ex.. inxel 4 65 4 M Stookors and naecl. to get 3 25 3 81 Feeders, heavy 4 40 4 61 Calves, each 2 00 10 00 Sheep, per cwt.. 3 50 8 71 Spring lambs, each . . . 3 00 4 21 Hogs, 160 to 200 lbs5 1234 Hogs, light fats • - 4 6234 Hogs, heavy fats ..... 50 Hogs, sows = 3 00 EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. Cattle, choice, to extra. .$5 25 to $5 45 Cattle, good to choice. 4 00 5 21 Calves 3 50 '6 21 Sheep, choice to extra_ 4 75 5 0< Sheep, good to choice_ 4 50 4. Lambs, choice to extra5 75 6 05 Lambs, good to 'choice 5 50 5 75 Lambs, common to fair4 25 5 25 Hogs,meditim and heavy 3 90 Hogs, Yorkers 3 90 • Pigs 890 cRE ESE MARKETS. Campbellford, Ont., June, 14. -Ont thousand our hundrecl and eighty box(); white were boarded; 825 were sold al 81-16e to SNc. Balance unsold. Ingersoll, June 14.—Offerings yestet, clay, 250 boxes June make; no sales; 71( offered. May cheese all sold. LIVERPOOL MAII.KETS. Liverpool, June 14. -Prices closed as follows yesterday: Spot wheat, dulll Walla, Ge; red winter; 6s; No. 1 Nor• thorn, spring, es 3d; No. 1 :Bombay, Os, wheat futures steady, at 5s 11346 fel July and es ..%cl for September. Spol maize quiet, at 3s 414d for new mixed American, and 3s 5346 for old; future; quiet at 3s 534c/ for July and 3s 5346 fen September. Flour, Minn, 18s ad. SAN a-osr coacurssiosErts. Ontario Cabinet Names Prof. Mills and • Inspector Dearness. Toronto, 4- une 14. -The Ontario Cabi- net mot yesterday afternoon ' and hoard arguments from Hon. John Dryden urg- ing the appointment of a coinmission to look into the devastation caused byend to suggest remedies for the San Jose scale. Tho idea met with the approbation of the Ministers and two of the Proposed commission were named. They aro Prof, Mills of O.A.C. and Inspector Dearness of Guelph. Others will be named later. Dints to Fishermen, Toronto, Juno 14. --Recent regulations issued hy the Pisheries13epartment at the Parliament Buildings provide that no one shall take 1151a, save byt angling, without a license. that nc; one shall take any' fish for sae between Sept. 1 and .April 16 without a license; that bass loss than ten inches and speckled trout less than six inches shall not be talcon, but, if caught, shall be returned to the water. One day's catch of speckled trout is limited to 15 pounds. Candidate for South it randen. Winnipeg, June 14.7-4.t s CODSOIrVittlVe convention held at Nesbitt yesterday, William Henderson, implement dottier, of WaWanosa, was ImaninibUsly nominated as tile eandidate for South Ikandori, rive at Petreleo. potrolea, Ont., Juno 1.4.-•-,Yostexday afternoon flre in M. 0allilian'0, livery stable totally destroyed the building. A feW clittera StOrekin tlie hf71ciIng Wore also loSt, The renort of the Tikltialization 0012- •mit5ee of the lYliddleSex County Coup - oil shows that the total number of acres in Middlesex proper is 051,500; and that the assessed vale of real ProPertY Is $21,885,032, and of personal property, $1713,885, making a total as- sessed value of $22,079,842. The "eqnal- ized Value of the real property is $27.010,826, and of personal property 8276,078, making an equalized value of $29,381,385 for both real and personal. the Huron portion of Middlesex, which includes .Ailsa Craig, Lueon,Me- Gillivray and Biddulpin the total num- of acres is 105,068 ; _total asseSsed value of real and personal property, $3,109,981 ; equalized assessed value of real and personal property, $4,785,047, The CqUalized assessed value and the ate per acre of the several townships are a$ follows :— Middlesex proper- • Equalized Rate value per acre, Adelaide $1,874,401 $42 Caradoc 2,187,721 35 Delaware 992,032 42 Dorchester 22:008540:497185 3480 "Ekfrid Lobo 2,340,529 49 London 5,044,725 50 Metcalfe 1,315 930 36 Mosa 1,066,550 35 Nissouri, West 2,399,788 48 "Westminster 3,243,637 51 Williams. East 1,677,222 43 Williams, West 1,248,844 85 Huron portion - McGillivray 2,834 681 42 1.704,300 43 '!h' equalized value of the towns and yillages was as follows :—Strathroy, 8628,798 ; Prkhi11, $220,299 ; Glencoe, $215,000; Newbury, $60,465; Wards- ville, $50,000 ; Ailsa Craig, $130,000 ; Lucan, $140,000. The grand totals for the county were :-Acres, 757,569 ; as- sessed value of real and personal prop- erty, $25,249,820 ; equalized value, 834,116,882. , AN. YOUNG MOTHERS. Croup is the terror of thousands of yennag mothers because its outbreak' is se ago/amblg and frocalently fatal. Shiloles Cotigheand Con- sumption Cure acts like magic in erases of Croup. It has never been known to fail. the worst cases relieved rinmediately, . Price 25o., 50c, and $1.00 a bottle, The ImProved MRS EIMBIRIITOR The Mikado is not only the LIGHTEST RTJNNING Separator of its capacity, but it will skim MORE MILK in proportion to POWER us- ed than any other Separator, large or small, in the world. This we guarantee, and are willing to demonstrate at all times. For five to twenty-five cows. Ca pacity 275 lbs. per hour. The Above cut represents the IMPROVED MIKADO CREAM SEPARATOR, the best on the market. There are six sizes to choose from. POINTS OF ADVANTACE The general advantages secur- ed by using a Separator may be summarized as follows: It saves a great deal of labor, especially for the women on the farm. It saves time in butter -making, reducting it more than half. It produces more cream from a given amount of milk. It produces better cream. Separator cream is . snore "churnable." It can be churned n less than half the time, Doubles the value of the skim - milk for feeding • to stock. The farmer can feed his calves fresh warm milk, instead of .old sour skim -milk. The milk is free from disease germs, because the filth is is removed by the Saparator. It gives from o to 30 per cent. greater yield ofbutter ; that is to say, from 20 to 50 lbs. more frotn the milk of each cow, A differ- ence of irom SIo to $15 per cow per year. The cream and skim -milk will keep 'sweet much longer, CATALOGUTIIS VREE, Piltat8 FA0111 $40 UP. A. Qr BOBIER, • Agetilt, 8,5tet No Eye Like the Master's Eye' You are master of ,your health, and if you do not atend to duty, the blame is easily located If your blood is out of ordet, Hood's Sar- saparilla wilI purify it, It is the specific remedy for troubles •of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver. Heart Troublie-"I had heart trouble for a number of years and. different medi- cines taped to benefit me. I tried Bood's Sarsaparilla and three bottles completely and perfectly cured me." Mus. 0, A. Flatus, Wallace Bridge, N, S. A safeguard-" As I had lost five chil- dren with diphtheria I gave MY remaining two children Hood's Sarsaparilla as they were subject to throat trouble and were not very strong, They are now healthier and stronger and have not since had a cold." Mas. W. H. Fezekna, Pembroke, Ont, Ne veflais:a0pdints ,0•0,// Kood,o Pine cure liver Ills; the nomirritating and only cathartic to take with flood's Sarsaparilla. DOUKS HAVE S ,IALLPDX. I1 is the dreaded smallpox which has fastened itself upon the Deukho- bors at Grosse Isle. Dr. Montizambert, detected one case on board the Lake' Huron. Eleven more cases have devel- oped. The entire party of 2,300 will have to be detained on the island; un- til the disease has run its course. •13:6011P.IMIZMINV • NBVII Meat Market The undersigned has opened up a new meat market one door South OT Gariing's Stom where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T NANNING Fi florin You require a BLACK suit very often at this time of the year. We are prepared to at you mat in the finest; style. Best quality C()cods closest prices. Wedding Suits a Specialty A J. SNELL The Central Dhug $tot`e 00600456 This is to certify that I have used ENGLISH STOCK FOOD manufactured by C. Lutz, for calves, milch cows, and young pigs and in all cases have found it most satisfactory. The calves have grown faster arid done bet- ter than'ever before, the milch cows have improved in condition, the flow of milk has increased 20 per cent. and is of greater rich- ness. The young pigs have done better on ENGLISH STOCK FOOD than I ever knew them do before. English Stock Food is a most excellent and valuable article and should be used by all stock raisers Only requires to be given a trial, in order to prov its merits, another medt is its cheapness as compared. with other fbods 1 have much pleasure in recommending it to stock raisers. ABRATTAU 1 0606** LUTZ MARKET REPORTS, 48Xoter June 14t11, 1899, 1 Wheat per buShel ....., e. .b9 to .72 Oats ..,...... ...., .... 28 to 2,1 ,.... -56 to 47 P atter . - 11 ..„.. -12 to 1' ,.., 1410 11 T urk eye . , . . -,,,ii 9 to 0 Geese . ..... 6 to 9 Chickens per lb . .,.,., 5 to 8 1,3i ttg 7 15 Dried Apples..........,.,. 5 to 6 P• e ... ,...., 4.05 to $6.00 Pork live weiga,--... ....,.... 4.40 eo $440 Hay per ton .......... . .e. ..... 35.00 to $5,00 Clover seed ,... ..., .... - , -83.75 to V.00 Alsikc clover ,,,..... ...., ... -$3,50 to $3,50 Timothy seed .... „. ,... ... . $1,75 to $1.76 Londoa, Juno 14th, 189e Wheat per bushe ,. ,... ....06 so 70 Oats.. .. -.27 to 28 Peas.,, , to 5 Barley to 50 Buckwheat -.45 to 48 Rye ... . —39 to e9 Corn 44 to 45 Beans • . to 70 Butter .... ....., to 14 Eggs...- - • - - - - ,, . . .. ..15 to 16 Ducks 60 10 7 Turkeys per 111.. _ . . ..., _10 to 12 Geese per lb, .. - . ......, 9 to 10 Chickens., .... 50 to 75 Cheese ,....... 8 to 10 Potatoes per bag _ _80 tol 00 Ilay per ton.........$ 6,e0 to $ 7'50 Pork per ewe.. _ 84.50 to 35.00 A Man is always In the SWIM If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting Suits Ele,is a sure fitter. His priceri are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine bis goods before buying your -4dkam..._,FALL SUIT HNS, W JO On every "Slater Shoe , put the by th Makers as guarantee of wear 'vaiue—a prot,eQ tion against extortionate profits. • Marty Men readily' pay MOT " $later $hoe" we,t.e not the price' stam the sole this stanap, gives the actual msxket value of the shoe determined by the matt:lac. tiltetS. Made in 'twelve foot -model shapes,.all sizes, width', leathers, colors and styles. .very pair Good- year wetted. $3.,5o and ltoo. 0 Mr.G. 0 ARC ALD'S CASE. Didn't Walk for 5 Months. Doctors said Locoisotor Ataxia. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Cure a Disease hitherto regarded The case of Mr. G. O. Archibald, of IHopewell Cape, N.D., (a cut of whom appears below), is mac of the severest and most -intractable that bas ever been .........5,„.„. --...?„-‘0,4 The gratilor ksh Hard-working Farmers. Longhours of hard, never- ending work makes Kidney Trouble a common com- plaint on the farm. Pain- ful, weak or lame backs and Urinary Disorders are too frequent. , DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS help a farmer to work and keep his health —take the ache and pain out of his back and give him strength and vigor. Mr. Isaiah -Willmot, a retired farmer living at s3ii Elizabeth St., Barrie, Ont., said: "1 have been a sufferer with kidney trouble and pain in the small of ray back, and in both sides. also had a great deal of neuralgiapain in Iny temples, and was subject to dizzy spells. "7 felt tired and worn out most of the time. "Since taldng Doan!s Kidney Pills, I have had no pain either in my back or sides. They have removed the neuralgiapain from my head, also the tired feeling. "I feel at least ten years younger and can only say that Doan's Kidney Pills are the most remarkable kidney cure, and in addition are the best tonic I ever took." Lam:IL-Liver Pills ours Constipation. SCHOOL NEMO! C4 A full line, fresh and bright of SCHOOL BOOKS and every School re- quisite at BROWNING'S Where the Scholars are always used well 4:. / I , 1 We are in ecie van with all that is desiral* in the line. Let tts show yoki our stock of W\ $17.00 Fancy . orsteds in all the newest calm 'ngs. Remember we wit up the best suit for $10.0 that can be bought in the co pity. GIVE VS A CAtL, J. H. Cr:eve reported from the eastern province's, and his cure by Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills the more remarkable from the fact that he was given up as incurable by worthy and respected physicians. The disease, Locomotor Ataxia, with which Mr. Archibald was afflicted is considered the most obstinate and incur- able disease of the nervous systena known. When once it starts it gradually but surely progresses, paralyzing the lower extremities and rendering its vic- tim helpless and hopeless, enduring the indescribable agony of seeing himself die by inches. That Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills can cure thoroughly and completely a disease of such severity ought to encour- age those whose disorders are not so serious to try this remedy. • The following is Mr. Archibrld'. letter: MEssus. T. MiLuvuhT & Co,—" 1 can assure you that my case was a very severe one and had it not beefor the use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I do pot believe I would, be alive to -day'. 1 do not know, exactly, what was the cause of the disease, but it gradually affected my legs, until 1 was unable to walk hardly any for five xnonths. "1 was under the care of Dr. Mors; of Melrose, who said 1, had Locomotor Ataxia, and gave me up as incurable. C c Dr. Solomon, a well-known physician of Boston, told me that nothing ceuld be done for me. Every one who came to visit me thought I never could get better. "1 saw Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills advertised and thought I would try them anyway, as they gave more pro- mise of helpingme than anythingI knewof: "71 you had seen me whea I started faking those wonderful pills -not able to get out of my room, and saw me now, working hard every day, you wouldn't know me. • "I am agent for P. 0. Vickey, of Augusta Maine, and have sold 300 sub- scribers in So days and won a fifty dollar - prize. "Nothing else in. the world saved me but those pills, and I do not think they have an equal anywhere. " The seven boxes 1 tookhave restored me the full use of my legs and given sae strene-th and energy and better health than 7 have enjoyed in a long time." G. 0. Aacmati.Ln. Hopewell Cape, N. S. , In addition to the statement by Mr. Archibald, we have the endorsation of two well-known merchants of Hopewell Cape, N. B., viz.: Messrs. 3. E. Dickson and F. J. Brewster, who certify to the genuineness and accuracy of the facts as given above. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are sec. a box, or 3 for $x.o, at all drug- gists, or sent by mail. T. Milburn & , Ont. 4.41•111/ • PIK .164•••••••••••••• CALL AT THE FAMILY t Market. For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA an'd SAUSAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS. A fine selection of BEEF, LAMB, FRESH PORK, and all kinds of FresIli sand S' elated Meats. on hand. Note the address, one door north of The R. Pickard Co's store. LOUIS DAY PROP. The Essex County Council has C cided to build a. h ouse of refuge. Win sor will contribute $5,000, "Walk( ville $1,000 and the county 811,( toward the huilciing besides the $4.( paid hy the Ontario Government. FARMER ---mcW.AMEMmeeft._ 1 You will find at Bissett's Wareroe the following line of Agri tural Implement MING 33 n DERS, MOWERS ROLLE AND BALL BEARING, STEEL SULKY A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivate Disc and Diamond Harm Plows, and Turnip Drills. SPRAINED BACK! SEWING MAO NES ETC •••••••••emeramomat Sprains, Strains and Injuries of the Back often cause Kidney Trouble. DON'S KIDNEY PILLS THE CURE. Here is the proof:— Mrs. S. Horning, Glasgow Street, Guelph, Ont., says: "Doan's Xidney Pills are grand. 1 have not been lI since taking them, which was over a year ago last winter, and can give them my warmest praise; for they restored me to health after 25 years of suffering. Twenty-five years ago I sprained my back severely, arid ever since my kidneys have been in a very bad state. The doctors told me that my left kidney especially was in a very bad eon- dition. A terrible burningpain Was always preseut, and I suffered terribly from lurn- bag•o and pain in the small of my back, together with other painful and distressing symptoms, Common ill koldney complaints. I could not sleep, and suffered much from salt rheum "Wheu1 first corluntacedtakieg Doan's Kidney Pills I had halt ors no filith in them, bet I thought I would try them; and it proved the bbst evesiment I ever ma.de. had only taken two bakes When the pain left my back entirely. Three boxes more, or five in all, made a complete cure. "After 25 ‘'`ears' of suffering from kidney disease 1 ani now healthy and stroag again, and 'will be pleased to substantiate what I have said, should anyone wish to eitquire.)P J.44axa-L1ver Pills are the reest perfect remedy knotyri for the cure of stlinition, Dyspepsia Diliouseost add Sick peaclache. They week Without a gripe Or pain, de riot sicken. or Weair011 6t leaVo ahy bad atter' Weeks. The celebrated KnoIi Wash; Raymond. sewing and wringers machine I STOVES. Gurney stoves and fa ances. waggons 13 uggies Ecyce The Chatham Waggon and a line of the celebrated McLaughl, Buggies. BILL I and -'In ct fie: Chairs; 1 1 fi lit cheapest. Furnish that vt Bed Room „Setts, Tabief cant room with one of our Buy The Rest Ignore The Rest Get Something Nice• We have it, you want Take a look at our full lino' PURNITITRE ana you wi. find what you aro looking fo3 CIOLEY & SON, PURNITTIRt mtn 1,71/1?EitTA.I4iA 0 era llottso 131�k. , - ,