HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-6-15, Page 1HURON & 1DDL ESEX GAZETT•E. TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR NO. 44. EXETER, ONT. CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JUNE, 16th, 1899, 11 BISII P 4,re eta .31Si •Had Killa S010111011 • In this out -day he would have endorsed the fact that Bishop & Son give you bettor Values, better treat:, anent and better goods to choice .from any other house in the --- trade. Dress Coods We are sole agents for the Celebrat- ed Gold Medal Dress Goods in Exeter. These goods are every yard warranted not to shrink or discolor. 42 inch Covet suitings in blue, hiown and black, honest valnes 75 .this week i50c. 48 inch Coating serge in all this sea- sons shades special at 50c. 42 inch wide, a big line fancy dress :goods bought from the maker at half- price -yours for 20c. A. few shades left in that bicycle auitiug we told you about last week, again this week while they last for 18c. • The satin finished good suit to ineet with public favor this season. We :have tbem in all the new shades at 50 and 75. • Special line brocaded lastre good 'values at 35, our price 25c. Silks Silks • Black Taffeta 25 in wide, special at 439 and 75. 10 only fancy waist end worth 75, sthis week 50. 8 only waist ends regular 1.00 kind, -our price 75. All shades in plain satin for tritn- swings at from 50 to 1,00. Shirt waists A. full line of shirt waists in black, 'black and white, and fancy patterns, -spedial from 75 to 1.25. II• 1.50. Special 25 doz men's braces worth Well made, good honest linings and 20c, while they last 5c. workmanship, special at 2.00 and 250. Linens Linens Glass towelling warranted, all linen, special 5. A good heavy absorbent crash for hand towells, special at 8 and 10. Spei cial 60 t a bleached table linen, regular 35e kind, this week 25. pedal 64 in a bleached table linen, regular 50c, our price 85c. 25 doz towel's just arrived, good val- ue at 35, a bargain, this week for 25pr. Table Napkins 75 per doz worth 1.00 1.00 s s 1.25 1.25 s ,, 1.50 Cottons White cotton 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Factory 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, White Bed Spreads 20 doz white quilts large size very special 98, Ready -Made Clothing Men's single breasted suits well tail- ored and best of workmanship. Special at 4.50. • i5.00. • ,, 5.75. 6.25. n6.75. Men's Odd Pants Special at 98. 1.25, Small ware Dept. sLa,dies' summer vests, special at 5e. n11 11 u 9c 10C 11 II II /I II 124 •4 15c Ladies and children fast black cot- eton hose in plain and ribbed. • Special fast black at 5. n 6. r. 11 11 n I a. I a 9. • It II II 10. 12, FI n n n 15. and upwards. Ladies linen collars 3 ply solid linen' :newest styles and shapes 2 for 25. • Ladies silk mitts in black, brown and light fawn, special from 15,20 and Ladies silk gloves any shade any Lace Curtains 3 yds loiig taped edge, special at 25. 3 yds long, special 60, 31-2 It If II 75. 1.00. e 1.25. Boots & Shoes We are handling the Celebrated. J. D. King, hoots & shoes, eery pair warranted and the wearer protected by the trade mark J. D. King. Ladies' Dongola Oxford at 1.25, reg. 1.75. Ladies dong Oxford 1.10 reg 1.25. Ladies' dong Oxford cloth tops 1.50, worth 1.75. Ladies' extension soles 1.35 reg 1.75. Ladies' buttoned 2.00 and 2.25. e 1.60 reg 2.00. prenello Buskin 60 and 85. long ,, 75 and 90. Dongola Congress 1.25 to 1.75. A hal range of boys running shoes, all sizes, special at 50e. ilARDWARE DEPT.— - Binder Twine THE BINDER TWINE •which gave such good CELEBRATED satisfaction last year PLYMOUTH de... Gold Medal that one customers re- BINDER a's• Golden Sheaf ordered last winter. TWINE. • Plymouth Special 'Remember we will not be undersold • Remember we do not lower the quality by lowering prices. Quality first. -Then down with prices. salie Celebrated Diamond Hay Carrier for Ca,ble, Steel or Wood track•. Have you ever seen this justly celebrated bay car. s We can make it well worth -your Dronble to call and see it. „A full stock of SCREEN DOORS and AN INDOWS • Paris Green, Blue Stone, Hay Fork Rope, Pulleys, Slings, Scythes, Snath, Lawn Mowers, aOur Famous Wickless 13lue Flame Coal Oil Stoves are giving splendid satis- faction. Be sure and see them. We have then -tested and on exhibition. meremmumerim.idiOny.menin. 11•••••11..0.•11111•1111110111M.IIIMII• Highest price for butter and eggs. Remember the Stand opposite the Commercial hotel This store closes at 6 30 p m; except Wednesdays and Saturdays! 41. • 41, (IN H. Bishop & Son, Exeter. St. Thomas will observe 1VIoncla,y Brcl. as 'Dominion Day. To get relief from indigestion bill- iousness, constipation or torpid. liver without disturbing the stomach or purging the bowels, take a few doses • of:Carter's Little Liver Pilis ; they will !please you. Ellmville • ;BRIMS, - On Saturday evening evhile Fred Miners was tiding his wheel up ti hill and when passing a rig he fell ky)a dislocated ate Of his ehouldere, He was confined to his • NOM for a few days, --rateners arta 'Waiting for bay barwsb, _ The grape harvest in this locality will be better than expected. A nuptial event of interest to very flimsy Stratfordites took place on, Wednesday afternoon, at, the residence of Henry Yeandle, the principals being Mr. Valandle's eldest daughter, Miss Jessie Otiveiand George Muth>, of that city, fourth son of James *Munro of Goderich. Matthew Wesley McKenna, the commercial traveller arrested in Lucan recently by Detective Ward, on a charge of mitiapproprieting moneys belonging to T. B. Esecabs & Co., was h befoee judge William nittott on Settle- t day, when the case was clisrnissd no W eavidertee being offered. c. einSali- St, Ma.' rY$ Barens -The Alert 1 tcivoss I b G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey ewer, Commissioner, Fire. Insurance agent and Usurer a Marriage Licenses, Legal demi ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates Money to lean on. real estate at low rates of in Wrest. Oflice at the Post office. Kansa. H D. 000KB. (Late with Gauen, Proudfoot) Barrister Solicitor. Notary Public. Kensall, Ont, V' Sellery, L. D S., D D. S,. Koller radii • ate of Toronto University, Dentists, Teeth extracted without pain or bad effects. Office Petty'sitt Blook, ljensall. At Zurich every eg . BRIBPS. - Miss Mary 1VItirray, of Clinton, formerly of Hensall, is visit- ing friends in the village this week. - Dr. James McTaggart, of Detroit, was in the villag:e on Friday, on his way home to Cluselhurst,to visit his father, and recuperate from a severe illness. We hope soon to hear of his recovery, -There was a lawn teanis ccampetition here on Saturday afternoon and even- ing between the Olirtton and Hensel' courts. After an main game the result proved even. -The ensall and Brucefield fontball teams played a match recently, on the grounds of the latter, Heneall team losing.- Mrs. (Dr.) Gra,ham and Mrs. Goode, of Cliaton,visited Mrs. james Sutherland on Saturday afternoon.. -The Molsons bank intend putting in &vault in the course of a few days. -Mr. Johnston wife and children, of St. Louis, arrived here on Saturday evening. Mr. John - seen intends taking a trip. to the Old. Conntry in the interests of his health, while Mrs. Johnston and child will re- main here with her mother, Mrs, Hunt. --Miss Alice Caldwill was in Exeter on Thursday visiting Mrs. P. Ross.- The Moiscns bank have leased the upper story of the Petty block .over the banking:offlee.-Mrs. William Wood, of Usborne. who re- sided on her farm le miles east of Rodgerville. died very suddenly, at the age of 70 years. Heart failure was the cause of death. She leaves a family of sons and daughters to mourn the loss of au affectionate another. Her remains will be interred in the Rodger -1 ville cemetery on Thursday. --The law I suit, Carlisle vs. Hensall has been postponed bill the fall court, on ac- count of the illness of counsel for the village. -Two handred passengers left here on Tuesday on the excursion to the Model farna, Guelph. -Mrs. Gavin Ross, who has beeu in the London hospital, was brought home on Tues- day. Rer condition is not much im- proved. Lucan ' Fran. -The third and fourth storie ha the residence portion of John Fox banking establishment, of this plac were damaged by fire Saturday afte noon. The origin of the fire was loca ed In the attic, and is unaccounted for A number of valuable papers wer burned. The loss is fully covered b insurance. DEATH OF MRS. WK. PORTE.—Th death of Mrs. Porte, Wife of Willie Porte, late postmaster of this villag occurred on Monday, after a long an painful illness, at the age of 66 years Deceased a few months ago, went t St. Joseph's hospital for treatment but returned home without benefit and lingered unbil Monday. Sh was held in high esteem. Her retnain were interred in St. Peter's cemetery on Wednesda,y. Mr. Porte is also in poor health. Ramas.---Preparations are now go ing on for a new grist and oat mea ruill on the same site as the old mill which was lately destroyed by fire; it is to be a large structure and we trus the worthy owners of the same,Messrs. mcCornbe & Stanley will have the sym palsy of the community at large for dea their untiring endeavor to bring busi- ness to the village. Reports say it will -this tinse'be fire proof. -The Rev. Rice is attending Conference at Wind- sor, Rev. McWaldon, a young student, occupied the pulpit for Mr. Rice, and for such a youthful servant did re- markably well; a bright future to doubt awaits Mr. McWaldon as his de- livery is good and his nerve strong. We wish him success. -A wedding in town this Wednesday, further par- ticulars in next issue. -Sacrament of the LordaSupper was administered on Sunday last in the Presbyterian church to a large -number of adherents, Rev. Smith. preaching a very touching ser- mon on the vacant chair, not wishing any to leave, but all to accept.- Near- ly all the teachers of both our high and public schools have presented themselves with bicycles, a means of getting about much faster. All are expert riders. -The tra,ckinen went to work on .tonclay morning lint were called off again, returning Tuesday morning, and before nom got the sec- on4 call to quit; some of the laborers have said irt twenty years that this rest is the longest. We hope it will invigorate them all, and thee all will receive their respectiye positions. - Miss Bella, Parke who has been with her brother here in the mercantile business for some time, has left for her home in Granton. Rainor says soon to be Mrs. Somebody in place of Miss. -Mr. Glanville, of Shipkas is now employed by Mr. Parke it an.. J. Ross' stead. We are very sorry to lose such a, person as Mr Ross, as for a business man and a pleasant smile for all Mr. Ross could not be equalled. in Western Ontario; he holds the re- specb of numerous friends who wish hirn saCceSS wherever he locates. - Mrs. Porte, we are sorry to say, still continues very low with slight hope of recovery. --Dr. Hossack was able to attend church on Sunday last. We tenst the fair weather will invigorate thD e r, to be himself again and to be able to attend to his profession. - it 18 understood Ms.. Perley aricl MISS Minnie Marling AVere untted as the bonds of matrimony. We wish them a pleasant voyage in the inatrirnonial ship. Do eot despair of curing yam. sick eadache When you Cala so easily (Th- alia Onaterla Little, Liver Pills. They Ill effect a prompt and petinanent use. Their action. is mild and natural. it ; e c are very much pleased over the recent re- sult of the protest. • Owing to the fact that Seaforth, did not defend their case the match whicii svas played on June 20d last was awarded to 8t, Marys. This places the Alerts at the head of the list of schedule games. Our one desire is that the club may continue in this evay until the season closes. -john Easton who has been in the: employMent of Pickard and Flem- ing grocers, for the past three years, left to -clay for tie] ph where be has secured asimilar situation with with 'W. A. Gay. BRIKPS. D7k-1Frost:n Poster returned on Thursday evening last from a prospec- ting:tour in Manitoulin Island. -Rich, Pa,ynter of the 4th line of Blanshard raised the frame of his new barn on Wednesday last, eyery-thing going together like the works of a clock. J. Elliott being the framer, -W. Freeman purchased anew bike for his arause- naent, one clay recently.-- Miss Tilly Taylor, who has been spending sorne snotths in the city of Cleveland pur- poses retuning home in a few days.- Araos Doupe's neve house is Dearing corripletio re -Rich. Hoskin our village baker sports a fresh horse on his deliv- ery wagon, -A party of young people from our village rusticated at Grand Bend on Saturday last. Bobby re- ports having a stout time. -New cross- ing are being laid across our streets leading to the stores. No more walk- ing in the mud. -Our village band fa- vors us with sweet nsusle frequently by their out-of-door practice on Mr. Robinson's lassea.J-oseph Kirk was un- fortunate enough to lose one of his working horsestn Friday last which at this season of the year means a large loss, • • Mitchell Baanas.--Mitchell was visited by an old timer of a storm on Wednesday evening. Not so much ram but sharp lightning and thunder. In Logan it was equally severe, as Daniel McCarty living on the 12th concession was in- stantly killed. He was drawing man- ure and had Just come to the house. The hired man unhitched the horses and called to Mr. McCarty if he was coming but got no response as be was dead. He was well known in Logan. -Rev. Y. W. Holmperformedi Holmes an n- tereeting ceremony at the residence of Richard. Leshbrooke brother-in-law of the bride,' when W. H. Hewes of Lo- gan was married to Miss Churchill. - The Public school board have decided to make $500 improvements on .the school building this summer. - Geo. Neigh & Sons commenced business at theilartew butter factory this week and should do a good business as creamery butter is getting inore desir- able every year and saves the farmers' wives a lot of hard work. -A foot ball naatch took place on Wednesday night between the town and high school clubs when the high school kickers came out ahead. The Board of Works have discovered a gravel pit on one of town's back streets. It they go deep enough it may be a gold mine. -- The funeral of Daniel McCarthy was very largelyattended, over one hundred rigs being in the procession. -William Kitchen has been apppointed night watchman for the remainder of the to. year. Farquhar LAW OPIUM RE.OP4OO.—The office of 11.11 Collins, Barrister, Exeter, has been re o ened Cromarty l3rat11's.-There was no sex -vice in the church here Sunday, if being the An- niversary at Roy's Station. Quite a number attended the service at ROY'st and some went to the Thames Bead elsurcia-A number of our citizens at- teuded the funeral of Miss Monteitb on Monday. Much sympathy is ex- pressed for the remaining members of the family in this, the dark hours of affliction -Mr. and Mrs, George Ham- ilton, brother of Mr. r. L. Hamilton, are spending a few holidays here. -Mrs. Jas Miller is not itnproving; small hopes are entertained for her recovery. Thames Road SAD DEATIT, -- Sunday morning, about 5 o'clock, Miss Elizabeth Mon- teith, clasighter of Robt. Monteith, quietly arose from her bed, enbere she had been sleeping with her sister, and going down stairs, proceeded to ilea cistern, removed the cover, crawled through the hole in the top, and drowned herself in the water. She was shortly afterwards recovered, but all efforts to resuscitate her were fruit- less, life having left the body. BneEn,s.-Rev. Mr. Turnbull. of To- ronto, was here this week visiting his mother, who has been seriously ill. We hope for her speedy recovery.- Mrs- (Rev.) R. Gracey of Gananoque, is rusticating here tend around the vi- cinity of Kirkton. It is now 21 years since she and her husband lett here, where he labored acceptably among the people of the Thames. Road arid Kirktori congregations for raanyyears. -Rev. Mr. Turnbull officiated at the funeral of the late Elizabeth Monteith on Monday. -Word was received from Rev. C. Fletcher from mid ocean that he was nearing the termination of his sea voyage and that he was enjoying good health. -D. McInnes has return- ed home from. County Council. -- We notice that T. A. Russell has settled down to farm life again. T. A. can easily adapt himself to either college or agricultural routine. Saintsbury WEnimen- BELLS. -Ori Wednesday, Ardah Isaacs, son of Jarctes Isaacs of the Sa,able line, hiecl himself to Forest, where he entered iuto a marriage con- tract with Miss }Leda, daughter of Joseph Culbert. A number from here attended the wedding. May joy and happiuess with plenty of this world's goodbe their lot. Baraas. - Misses Shoebottoin of London township, are visiting at Richard Hodgins,Sauble line. -A num- ber from here attended the funeral of , late Mrs.. Porte in Lunn on Wednes- day. -Thos. Ogden had. tate of his_ horses seriously injured the other day. It broke through a plank in a culvert. The council will be called upon to pay damage. - Masons have completed work on Joseph Armitage's bank barn. iVhen completed it will be a fine struc- ture. -Thos. Ogden, who has been sick for some weeks, and who was consid- ered dangerously ill, is now progress- ing favorably. -Mrs. McLean, of Osh- awa. is visiting Mrs. Thos. Ogden. - Wilt' Davis and Butler Dickens, visited friends in Watford last week They report a pleasant time. -A strawberry festiyal Will be held in St. Patrick's church on July lst. A good time is expected. -Wes. Culbert is visiting friends in Adelaide, -Mrs. John Atkin- son is seriously ill, there is little hope of her recovery. • Usborne FARM SOLD the late Thomas Heywood, in the 7th .-Tire 100 acre farm 0 concessiou of Usborne, was sold b auction on Friday last to the sons Messrs. James and John Heywood, fo the sum of $5,660. The farm had been leased by. Wm. Robinson the past si yeaas,and is first class in every respect "'here was a large attendance at th sale and bidding waa brisk. Daanua OF ISAAC' "VVRITI,OCK, -0 Sundayilast an old resident of this lo p the person ot Isaac Whitlock passed away. Deceased was a flatly of Devonshire, England, and came t Canada in his boyhood days. Ile was highly respectecl by a large circle of friends. He was 78 years of age and had been ill for aome time with an in- curable disease of the kidneys. His Treumesaainasy.were interred at Eliatville on JOB N WHITK 84 Fil0N8 Publishers and. Proprietor mommi Just Received • , A FULL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES e Best value ever shown la Exeter' in Ladies', Misses ancl Diens wear. Also a. Complete line of e GR•OCERIES, CROOLERY, GLASS - ware a full range of • Centralia Ly Omen Re-orsgm.-The ()Mee of R. if. BarriSter. Exeter, has been re -opened., .T. 0. Stanbury. B. A.,. (late with IlfcCartlrY) Osier, Hoskin abz Creel man, Barristers, Toronto„ who is about to form a partnership with Mr. Collins, is in °barge. BRIBPs.-One bewared tickets were sold at the Centralia station on Tues- day last for the Guelph excursion. - S. Grigg and his daughter, Grace, con- ducted the service in the Methodist churn last Siandaar night, a fall house as usual. -The Rev. Salton preaches S. School Anniversary sermons next Sunday on the Kirkton circuit. Rev. 3. Ball preaches here and Eden, - Mayor Wilson of London, Mr. Labatt and several other prominent men visited our village on 'Tuesday last in the interests of the proposed electric railway to Goderich.- Our section men are out on strike again. We wish thern success in their just efforts. - Meetings were held on Friday to com- plete arrangements for the great lst of July festival. It is expected. to be the best ever held. The sports will predo- ratinate,-A Temperance meeting- was held in. the Epworth League on Tues- day last. Several speakers addressed the meeting. -The Epworth League 'laid a beautiful flora: wreath on the coffin of tbe late Jeff. Essery, it was purehased in London. -- Mr. Donald. McDonald, of Varna, is about to open the now vacant blacksmith shop here; we wish hiro.every success. -Mr. Wra Walden of Birr occupied tae pulpit here on Sunday morning. - Miss Amelia, Campbell, of Varna, is visit- ing friends a.nd relatives here for a few weeks. -Miss Sarah Neil and Miss May Livens spent Sunday evening in Biddulpb, the guests of Miss Fredrena Down. *013ITVARY. -It is with profontid re- gret that.We announce the sadden and unexpected death of • our 'beloved brother, which occurred on Saturday evening, June 3rd at Fort McLeod, warning us that the promising youth as well as the aged liaveto answer to the Zion BRIEFS.— Miss Jennie Hanson of • Fullerton wheeled over one day last 3.0. Stanbury, B. A. (late with Mc arthy, Osier, Koskin & Orcelman, Barristers, Toronto') who, is about to form a partnership with Mr. Collins, is in charge. BLIMPS. - A very severe electric storm passed over here on Monday of last week. Mr. M. Fletcher's "saris was struck, although no damage- wa done. John 'Westlake is buildin a kitchen to his new Teroperane house. When completed Mr. Westla,k will have as fine a house as is to be me with anywhere in the township. -S. 5 No. 8, Usborne, familiarly known a Plugtown, will hold their picnic on June 16th. It is expected that it, will be held in Thos. McOurcly's bush, al- though at tirne of writing that was not decided. A good time is expected as the sporting ecnamittee are sparing no pains to make everything a success. - Mrs. Laura alcNicol wheeled fron Mitchell on Saturday evening and spent Sunday svith her parents, F. Hackney and. D. mcDougall wlseeled to the Bend on Saturday. -Mr Tasker. who has been working the Campbell farm for some time intends leaving shortly. -The Rev. Mr. McKay of God - °rich preached at the Thames Road Presbyterian church Sunday 4, while the Rev. Mr. Hamilton, nephew of Mr. Hamilton, of Motherwell, conducted the services there on Sunday last. - A. Q. tablets of Exeter, held a meet- ing at Geo. Stewart's on Tuesday even- ing for the purpose of introducing, his cretun separators. After explaining the workings of his separator in &very scientific way, he gave several selec- tions from his electrical machine, the graphophone. Mr. Bobier has placed a number of these separators and they are all giving entire satisfac- tion. -Mrs. Jane Vallee of Oran brook, is visithig her family in tbie A. it Hodgert, of Farquhar, bnilt concrete Wall for Wawanosh Jackman of West Wawanosh, the basement is 45 x 60 ana 0 ft. high built from be- tm'Mg to finish in seven days with 1,1‘ ye en. Beat this who can. -Arnold twigs accompanied by his cousin, Les - Ile Harris, visited Mrs. Charles Brown, of Dungannon the past week. week to call on friends. -Miss Mabel Follick of Exeter paid her friend Miss Louisa Hern a short visit. What hap- pened the new buggy and the light- colored hat? They looked rather lone- ly going alone to the Freewill aunt- s versary.-.Several thoughtless yonng g Ineu made themselves very disagree - e able by their unbecomiug actions at e the League meeting on Friday night t last. If this is continued they will be . dealt with as the law directs, which is S very. severe in such cases. All are ina,de welcome to our League meetings bub they should remember that they are in God's house and should govern themselves accordingly, - Kirkton League intends to pay our League a visit on Friday evening next and will take charge of the meeting. A good a attendance is requesteda-Don't forget our anniversary- and tea to be held on June 18th andltith. Greatpreparations are going Oil towards making it a success. -Miss Harris preached a prac- tical and thougbtful sermon to a small congregation on Sunday morning. All who who were not there missed a great tteats-Win. Horn has his new traction engine home and has been practising with it on the road and by threshing time may be able to run within a hairs breadth of where he desires to go. -Solomon Jacques had his old building torn down and his barn successfully raised on the crib- bing. Alonzo Walker has also raised his, and is preparing to put a brick foundation under it. --Mrs. Hodson of Palmerston visited friends in this vicinity last vveek. -P. Herta on Tues- day delivered at the Winchelsea Creamery nearly 8,000 pounds of milk. -Chas. Fairhall, of Centralia, was vieiting friends here a,nci in Whalen. - 1 John Lingard was calling on Geo, Lin - gard lately. -Mrs. Barr, of Fellarton and Mrs. alarming have been visiting their relatives here. Mrs. Manning intends to remain for sbme time with her sister. -Mr. and Mrs, John Man- ning, Mrs. Brooks, Miss Martha Lewis and Jos. Peart of Exeter have called On Mrs. Manning sinCe her atrival in our midst. -Mrs. Francis Cornish is again visiting her munerons friends of S Zion. -Fred Hens had a bee hauling .,, dirt to fill in and level the lawn of his VY neat little lionde.-The dressernakera are busy night and day preparing for the Summer display of the latest Parisian costumes to be held ori Sone 18611, --Mrs, Davis paid. her friends in Limn a visit last week. 'S The Ailessrs. McGregor brothers have disposed of their farm, con. 8; Hullett, near Constance, to John S. Brown, of MeXillop. This farm will be bettor known as the old Crich faun. lt contains 100 acres, has on it a larg9 briek house and bank bare, and e firea,class place, The price paid for it Was $4,100. New PrintS Lovely Patterns. • READY-TO-WEAR atoTrima, Floss Shipka BRIEFS.—G. B. Glanville has secured a situation in Lucan.-S. Willert Spent last Sunday with friends in Dashwood. .-Thomas Haalton. sold a eseiva,ble horse to T. Berry in lEensall recently. -Miss Thersa McIntyre is visiting re- Iatiyes in the vicinity. -Tames O'Rou- rke sold one of his horses at•good figure recently. -Daniel McEachen is at present dangerously illevith inflam- mation.- Shipka Methodist church proposes to hold In garden party on the ground. of V. Rata, Esq., on the 19th inst. Anyone desiring a pleasant and profitably spent evening are ad- vised to be in attendance. -S. S. No, 7, Shipka held its annual picnic at the Grand Bend on Friday last, A large crowd was in attendance and all re- port having had a good time.--Norrean. Buchanan is busily engaged in putting his barns ou. foundation.- Shipka, is progressing very rapidly. Mr. Hannan has erected a new hall this spring, one of our enterprifing merchants has re- cently renovated the appearance of his store by a fresh coat of paint, and. many other sundry improvement§ have been going on in the neighbor- hood. All that, is needed. to create a veritable boom is the long laoked for rallsva,y to strike this metropolis. -A. Musser, of Smokey Hollow, spent Sun- day with friends in the neighborhood. Winchelsea BECEPS.-TIre farmers in this vicin- ity completed their statute labor on Pridaylasta-Mrs. W. Roy is recove ering fram her recent illness.-Ohaseee •Clarke, 3. Greery and Wm Herd.' were the guests of Edwin itt. T. Clark on Sunday last. -R. T. Couch is in Goderich this week on business. -A. great many from this neighborhood silent can. mr. Essery has from la_ went on the excursion to Gaelph on. Tuesday, they repore a good time. - rimer been resident of this place, John Sa.svyer and wife es ere the eilests and xis kind and loving ,Lispoeition en- W. Boy on sandayr._Ngrinan. deared the deceased to all who knew " him, and his sudden death should be a warning to as to be prepared for the great change. Brother Essery was the youngest member of the family and was the admiration and love of all his bereaved relatives. Up to afew years ago he lived at honae with his parents, but with the courage and am- bition of a vigorous yout man he jarrott and wife spent Saturday. and Sunday in Kippen.-The lawn social held on Thursday evening on °has. GodboIt's lawn was well attended, many people being present from Kirk - ton, Woodhatn, Croinarty, Elimaille, Zion and several other places.- First sight was the scene of a very interest- ing football m,atch between Winchel- sea, and Sunshine clubs, game in favor of Winchelsea, after which the "Star waitj." received great. praise, after whicl atm Itirkton brass band deliver- ed many excellent selections which were very pleasing to all and Mr. Ed. Hazelwood's fine vocal talent won him great praise. Lunch was then served to the baud and others who wished it. Then ' the clock struck twelve and they all adjournedweli sat- isfied. Proceeds $23.25. Nothing. the 'natter with the Sunshine people. g , accepted a situation on the ra,ilroad at Palmerston, and about 15 mouths ago left there for the Rocky Monutains, engaging. in the duties of railroad life out there, where he labored faithfully up till Satnrday last, when by acci- dent, the vital ehord of life was snap- ped froru him, and all that was dear to hirn was laid cold and stiff in death. He was 2,200 suites away from home but his genial disposition had won for hist many friends oat there, who took care of him; and treat- ed him -both brotherly and friendly, beautifully colfined him and sent his remains to Ins sorrowing friends here, • his intirnate friend accompaning hins I Barmrs.-Mrs. H. W. Erwin has been home to his father's "house for Initial. yisiting with friends out in the eon, - Bayfield • Brother Essery was of a kind and brotherly manner and his sweet and loving ways heti won for him a large circle of friends who ruourn the loss of a deep friend. His remahas arrived here on Friday MOttlilig and were prepared for burial in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. At the house very many took the opportunity of taking a last foul look at the familiar features o one svlao during his life tirae, thong short, had proved himself to all wh Were 'sappily associated with him as true, faithful friend and brother. Th Aoral tributes were well chosen ext chaste, closely in keeping with so sa n occasion. The brethren of the Cal pry Foresters lodge sent a. magaili cent wreath, typical of their oorrow at losing a brother, who, through in timate association, they had leareed to love for his wetly sterling qualitie of head and heart. After a, short sex. vice at the house the rernaitis were talc en to the Exeter cernetety, followed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and aelatives who waited reverently while the narrow habitation of our departed brother was being filled in, and then turned sorrowfully away feeling that they hart committed to the earth all that was Medal of a man who was lovingly attached to all. He leaves to mourn his demis.e, sorrow- ing father, two brothers and tworsis- tees, who have the heart -felt syinpa thy of their friends. A large natubet of the brethren of the Vorestereflodges from Exeter and Rensall assembled at his house to ;say the last tribute to a brother who had endeared himself to all who knew bim. try the last couple of weeks. -St. An- drews congregation who are now with- out a pastor on account of the removal. of Raw. Win. Grabens have decided up- on getting a student for the summer mo is. Now that the Front Road chisr&s is to be removed to Varna. the Presbyterians of Basiteld and vicinity ought to form a strong organi- zatiotx.- John Whiddon's beautiful h new brick residence across the river o is fast nearing completion. The family e expect to move itt. about the end of e June. -The Reeve Dr. Stanbury has d promise of an appropriation'eu the sup - d plementary estimates for the comple- tion of our harbor. The dredging is ba,ffly needed as the ships coming in for lumber find great difficulty in - loading their cargo. -There are sev- eral comparatively small vacant ho aseS s in the village which wenld be very - suitable for families desiring to sum- - tiler here. -The pienMkers are floeking in large numbers to Bayfield this warm weather.. Many of them return home with large strings of excellent fish. -Miss Maggie Morrieon of Lon- don who becanle the bride of Robt. Marks ,of Oberliis Kansas last, weerc is weil khown here being format Bay- field gad, Her many friends here join in the wish that her pathway be ever • strewn with flowere..- Bayfield Or- angemen and 'tatting Britons wing() to - Wingintin this year to celebrate the 12th July, Alt thelovinie links that bind us, Wale the .days are going bp, . Ono by one. we leave behind us, the days ate going by Oneby sate tattles ties are beeten, As We Iidd 10,t) docaP, And the henna so brightly:cherished, Brighter, but to passed SAVO. Orie by One Oat hopes gtd* brighter. As wo tear the Shinto Wore As We teceettomea t Vith the lated ones gene before, NTNBTY P.Krt CEN'T. Of the people are afflicted with Some form of humor, and this (mutes a. • variety otdiseases. The reason why Hood's Sarsaparilla cures when an others fail is found in the fact that it effectually expels the hemline Scrofula, salt rheum, boils and all eruptions are • pprinatiently cured by this groat atedi- eine: Hood's Pills are the best family eel,. ; thartic mid liver Collie. Gentle, rail, • able, sure,