HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-6-8, Page 5Sale Register VRIDAY, :JUNE 9 -Fara) of Don- ald ReUar, lot 15, eon. 11, 13:Osbert, 421 aeres. Sale at 2 o'clock on the pre- mises, F. L. Hamilton, auct. FRIDAy, JUNE 9ra.-Faria1 in Us - b ore, lot 9, con, 7, 100 aereS, On the 14,Vensises at 2 o'clock, IL Bresvo, aue. John Heywood, execaton MONEY TO LO .ht front 4i to 5%. Apply to ELLIOT & GLADMAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Sze., Main St, Exeter MONEY TO LOAN. We have 'unlimited private f unds for inVeSt, ment upon farm or village property at lowest rates of interest,. DICKSON 84 CARLING, Exeter. TT KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND DR A R KINSMAN. L. P. S. D. D. S„ Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effeets. Office in Fan - son's block, West side of Main street, Exeter, DR. ANDERSON, (DWLD- S.) DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto ;University, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All 13ridge werk, Crowns and Plate work done in the neatest possible manner, harmless antesthetie for painless extraction. The strictest attention given to the preservat- ion of the natural teeth: Office, opposite Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. , .A. 1100PiR,Licensed - tioneer for the County of Huron, Sales con ducted in all parts, and for convenience can be aitanged for at this office. Satisfactien guaran- teed. Charges moderate. Exeter P. 0. ISGMEGAMINZMISZCON* 410311111 FARMERS' °HEAP EX- OURSION TO GUELPH. Under the auspices of the South Huron Far- mers' Institute. Tuesday June lIth 7 At the following very low rates for the return trip :- •Time Adults Children CENTRA,LIA 6.30 $1.15 $ 60 • EXETER OA L10 qe HENSALL 6.51 1.05 EaPPEN 7.00 1.05 55 BRUCEFIELD 7.08 1.00 55 CLINTON 7.25 1.00 55 ,SEAFORTH 7.40 95 50 HOLMESVILLE 1.00 5,5 BELGRAVD 1.15 60 MYTH 1.05 5" 3.40NDESB0/t0 L00 55 Excursionists from Holmesville will leave by the regular IVIortung train, joining the Excur- sion Train at Clinton ; on the return trip they will be transferred to the regular Evening Train at Clinton. Excursionists from Belgrave, Blyth, and Lon dasher°, will leave by th e regular Passenger Train south in the morning; joining the Excur- sion Train at Clinton, and In the evening they -will bereturned from Clinton by a Special Traiu from there. Returning, the Excursion Tri will leave Guelph at 6.30 p. This will be the ,only Excursion from this ,district to the Ontario, Experimental Farm at Guelph this season. Excursionists will be afforded ample oppor- tunity of seeing everything of interest at the Farm and College. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. -Robb. 7.20Mounnt, Hay Township ;RoBERT B. Me- Tuckersinith Township ; M. Y. Mantae, Bealorth. SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS -The follow- ' ing names appear in the results of the Toronto University examina,tions just published:-Fourtin year in arts, E Bishop, T A. Russell, first) year arts Alex Martin. DEATH OP WILLIAM One of the oldest pioneers of this sec- tion in the person of William Balk - will, well-known throughout the country as a cattle buyer, died at his residence on Monday after an illness of several 'years duration. He was first taken ill of lagrippe. which de- veloped into consumptionsfrom which be was a severe but patient sufferer Deceased was highly respected and leaves to niohrn his demise a sorrow- ing widow, one son and one daughter, The remains were interred in the Exeter cemetery on Wednetcla,y. MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANOE. -On 1VIonday, Thomas Werry, sr, left the borne of his son in Exeter North,and has not since been seen br heard of. He was last seen at the depot, where be had ridden with Mr. Kerslake. Nailing to return home Monday night bis son set out in search for him, but could get no trace further than that he was seen at the stations Be is over 80 years of age and his health would not permit of his walking fan If he has not suddenly expirect while walking through the fields be must have boarded a freight train, but no •clue can be learnecl of his where- abouts. WEST HURON EXAlvIINATIONS.-The 11. S. Entrance and P. S. Leaving examinations will be held on Janie 28th, 20th and 30th. In West Huron about 250 will write on the entrance and. about 100 on P. S. leaving. .The pre- ssidina examiners are :-Bayfield, Prin- cipal of Zurich; Crediton, Prin- cipal Johnson of No. 2, Hay; Dun- gannotyPrinelpal Martin of St. Helen; ,Exeter, Principal McKay of Hensel]; Goderich, Inspector Tom of Godericla Hensel], Principal Holman of Hayfield; ICintail, •Principal Brown of No. 5; Ash field, St. Helens, Prin ci pal Allen ,of Dungannon; Zurich, • Principal • Barnwell of Varna, The High School laxamisiations begin on july 3rd and • continue until July MA?. At Exeter there are 11 candidates for Form II; At Gocleriela for Form 1, 32;Forea II 64;Form TIT, 83;rorm IV, 10. Several •of the candidateat Godevich write on the papers of two forms. • Principal Anderson of Hurandale ivill peeside at Exeter, andItispector Tom at Goderich. Principal Halls will assist at the exam- inations fo Goderieh. It is only three weeks from Saturday until Dominion Day. ales. William and Mrs. John Jarrett of El i in v ill e, are.visiting Wm. MeGla- vins, Leadbury. Rural Dean Ilodgins, of Seatortb, will preach a special sermon to the Oraeglianen, of Biddulph ,District, in the Trivitt Memorial church, Exeter, on Sunday, July 9th. rant °VIM PIM YEARS. AN 01,13 AND VirDLD•TRIDD RIDAIDDV.--.111rs VirinalOw'S Soothing Syrup has been ustal for over fifty watts by Itillietta of inotherSfor their tbildron while taltthing,. with perfect suncess, It soothes tit° child, softetis thegems, allays all Pain, cures wind (Jolla, and ls the host remedy or I-Nan:boom 11 10 pleaseat to the taste. Sold by druggists in (were paiesor the world. se eentsa bottle. Its Valli° ig incalculable. Bo .eure sad ask for Mrs,. Winslotes Soothing' 31,y0'up, and take no alio:. ain.d. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. I.Cietaso AT FORT MOLEOD,-Ot IliklaY1 While Jeffrey Eesery, s Thomas Essery, of Centralia, wa gaged coupling earsnear Fort Mc N. W. T. he was knocked made cars by a coal chute, rtm oyee an c DAND CIONGEDT AND BASICET 33 -Arrangements have been ma have the girls of the Public Scho play a =lob on Friday evening lust, on the school grounds at The band has kindly consented t present to render a omelets' prog sail are cordially invited to wi the 0eil test. Exeter Municipal COtineil Court of lteyision of Assessment 1 Sat- Roll, f.0.12 1800 VMS beid pursuant to ad- ersnte:°: yertisemente at Town Hall, Exeter, Lood Friday rue 2nd, at 7.30 p, re, The following members were present kn. and duly. sworn by the clerk: The ReeTe and Councillors Taylor, Arm- strong aria Muir. ALL. The Reeve was appoin ted chairman de i tto0 lohaymioort.ion of J. Muie seconded by J, W, 91,11" Tdylor-A.rnistrone.-- That the fol - 7.30. lowing persons having killed or other - o be wise disposed of their dogs, that tlie ram. dogs Of said parties be struck frorn tness roll : 1-Iy. Parsons, Nelson Peterson, Mrs. Minnie Sasnwell, Mrs. E, unie -Carried, Mur - )W12. Muir-Aenistreng- Tim € Saiues hy ray be assessed as owner of lot pt. F, (7, F. Andrew Street, formerly assessed to D. Ross, and that Chas. Birney be assessed as teoant of lots 22, 23, Huron strest, formerly assessed. to N. Peter- son as tenant. --Carried. Taylor---aluir-That the assessm en t roll be passed ae amended and the court closed, -Carried. ' GB°. H. 13Issrser, Clerk. HAPPILY WEDDED. - Miss A Stewart, sister of J A, Stewart,f Was naarried on Thursdaylast at hoA. me in Brechin near Toronto t O Kay, of Uxbridge. Miss Stewart was well and favorably known in Ex- eter, having resided with her brother here for some years. The young couple left for Denver on Monday, where Mr. Rae:" bas secured al uerative situation as principal of a business college. Ersuorsoe or °moans, -- At the last regular meeting of the R. T. of T., the following officers were elected for the ensuing terns of six nionths:-Ses leet Ootrnoillor, M Vincent ; Vice Councillor, Miss Itla Gillespie ; Cbap., T. It ; Rec. Secy. Miss Emma Penhale ; Fin. Secy., Miss M. E. Gill ; Trea., Peter Frayne ; Harlan George Gould ; Ass% Miss Alma k.lio more; Inside guard, Miss Lyda Quance; outside, Mas. Ferguson ; Orgamist,Miss Morlock. SiontmeraY Exerreurs-On Saturday naorning last, airs. George Davis, of Giclley street, died very suddenly. She had complained of feeling unwell when she arose in the morning, and while at breakfast, and when Mr. Davis was in the kitchen, she fell off her. chair mad suddenly exuired. Heart disease was the cause of death. Mrs. Davis with her husband and dangbtee came to Exeter from England some 16 years ago. Mr. Davis 'and daughter, Mrs. Dinney, have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavements. TRUSTEES ATTENTION. ---IR thereport of the Minister of Education for Onta- rio, regret is expressed that so little attention is paid. to the improvement - of school premises, particularly in the rural districts, where there is ample ro oto. for shade trees and fiowees. it is advocated that school premises, where the land is available, should be greatly enlarged and ample room green to children to engage in such athletic sports, or the useal children's games as would. help to develop their physical strength and increase their interest in attend.ing school. NEW LAW lansax.-The law offiee of . H. Collins, which has been -closed r some time, on account of that gen- eraan's severe and prolonged illness $ been re -opened again for business. r. Collins has taken into partnership th bim Mr. j. G. Stanbury, of Tor - to. Mr. Stanbury is it Huron boy, ing a son of Dr. Stanbury, of )Bay - Id, For the past two years hi has en in the office of McCarthy, Osler, °skits & Creelman, of Toronto. Mr, anbury has distinguished bimself as tudent, and is a bright, and clever ung man, who is thoroughly versed his profession, and will make a use - and active citizenfi . The new ne I be a strong one,and will command good will and esteem of the public. fo ti ha wi on be fie be 131 St s yo in ful wil the GRASS FED lioGS.-Mr. Harris, To- ronto, king of the Canadian hog mar- ket, says" that hogs that have been fed while ot) the grass for two ar three weeks prior to being slaughtered does not cure well, being too soft. Conse- quently, it is not worth as much by 25c per cwt. on the English markets as the grain finished arttcle. Farmers are warned not to finish their hogs running on the grass, but be sure to finish with three weeks' feeding of sol- id food. It is all right, and oue of the best things to do, to allow the hogs to run on the grass while growing, but to obtain.the hest prices and to sus- tain their reputation for producing tbe best bacon hogs, farmers Must finish with solid food. If farmers do not; pay attention to this fact they will have to take at least 25c. per cwt. less for their hogs." EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL EOPORT.— Following is the report of the standing of the pupils of the different depart- ments of the above school :- Room 1, class a, Anna Martin, Fred Sweet, Lilian Robinson, Eva Brown- ing ; class b, Russell Frayne, Polly Fisher, F,c1ria McCallum and Russell Southcott, equal; class a Florence Bissett, Herbert Gregory, Samuel Thomas. S. J. 13ovn. Room 2, sr, IV, Nina Carling, Carrie Dyer, Eva, Balltwill, Cora McPherson Edna Davidson, Evelyn Gill. Jr. IV: Millie Martin, Ettie Kerslake, Lucretia, Werry, Beatrice Luker, Winnie How.. ard, Ruby Da,viclson. No. on roll 46, ay. att. 42. A. V. XEOITELL. Room 3, Sr. ITT, Jessie Cameron, Mary Persona, Louisa Carliug, Ethel Farmer, Alvin Brintnell, DI1a Treble. jr. III, Gertie Trevethick, John Gat - diner, Gertic Smith, Roy Farmer, Edna Dow, Milton Hieks. No. on roll 54, aye att. 43. MAY ()ILL Room 4, Sr. XII, Clara Ross, Harold Ooilitts, Willie Murray, Georgie Hynd- man, Ethel Aemstrong, Vera Cobble - click, Jr. III, Annie Raid, 011ie Quance Gertie Gould and Elsie °Sutton, equal, Martha Carling, Lily Acheson, Ida ArmstrongNo, on roll 55 aye att. 42. IL E. Watatoens. Room 5, Sr. II, Dyer Hurdon 'Roy Ford, Wesley Phalle Stella Spaelsman, Beattie Aladin, Berta Snell. Jr. II; Lillian Towle, Selclon 'Wintde Huston, Prank flosvard, IVrautice Bab- ies., Case Ilowaxd. No on roll 034 ave. att. 50. tr. D. PRINGLE, Room 6,Sr 11, Florence Kydcajetnie Welth, Alice Hosvard, Emma, Heide- man, Netta, Wayne, Xlua McPbereon. Jr. II, Wellington Here, john Kychl, Charlie Drinlcwater, Eddie Zinger, Bonne flails, Fred Smith. No. onroll64, av, 66, L. D. May, Room 7, Sr II, Irene O'Neil, Dotothy Davidson, Harvest Gaieliner, Violit Sutton, Elsie Wilcox Artliat Cann, Mid II, Etta, Powell Harry needle, I Mabel Piper, Harry 1 dr -d , ati-- forcl, Willie Moore. No. On roll 0 av att. .10, A. W. Hata, Council met parsuant to an adjourn- ment at Town Hall, June 2nd 1800, All present. Minutes of Previous meeting read and ccnfirreed, Muir -Armstrong, that the Connell put in a teak 12 x 12 ft. and 10 ft. deep near the Sutherland Innis Co's mill providing the said company furnish 011 the timber and lumber necessary 1.1a. conaplebon of said tank. Car- ried Evans -that Hy. Parsons be ap- pointed night -watch at seventy-five cents per night. No seconder. Muir -in amendment that Wesley Bissett be appointed night -watch. No seconder. •Taylor--Aanistrong--that this Coun- cil do not appoint a aught -watch but in lien theirof, we grant the business men the sew of $14.00 per month for each and every month that they en- gage a night -watch. Carried. rmstrong-illithe-that by-law No 10, 1899, prohibiting the filling of any water -course or the piling of brick or other inaterial on any highway in the village, or making any connections with any drain or sewer without tha consent of the Council or street Com- missioner, as read it first time, be now read a second and thirst time awl fin- ally passed. Carried. Muir -Armstrong -that the follow- ing accounts be passed and orders drawn on treasurer for same :-Elec- tric Light & Power Co. $S1.70; A. E. Fuke salary as Assessor $40.00; Pos- tage $1.80 and preparing truant book $5.00 '• W. G. Bissett street -watering $12.12; Drs. Rollins & Amos (Medical Certificates Re Fulton) $10.00 ; F. W. Gladnaan advice Re Mill Road $5.00 ; Silas Handford, Labor $0.00 ; George Atkinson do $6.00 ; Jam. Parsons do $6.00; James Parsons do $L56 ; J. Westcott do $2; James Creech charity to Mrs. Suttor. $6.00; Wellington Neil fencing Pap. $9.81 ; Dyer & Howard seats for Park $7.20. Carried. Evans--Taylor-that the Clerk ask for excavating and puddling for a tank 14 x la ft and 11 ft deep on Huron street near Park. Carried. Taylor -Evans that the Council ad- journ to june 16th at 8 o'clock p. in, GEO. al. BISSETT, Clerk. A Hama Made Happy MRS. TUCKER, OF NIAGARA FALLS, TELLS WILAT DID IT. Her Daughter Was Afflicted With St. Vitus' Dance and Helpless as an Infant -Dr. Williams.' Pink Pills Cured Her .After Specialists Had s Failed. • Froro the Review, Niagara Falls. It is a horrible feeling to know that you have lost all command or control of your limbs, and must depend upon your friends to wait upon and serve you the same as an infant. This was the coudition of Miss Myrtle Tucker for nearly a year, and the Review learning that she had been wonder- fully benefited by the use of Dr. Wil- liam's Pink Pills for Pale People sent a reporter to hear the story. We called at the residence of Mr. Edwin. 'Tacker, of the aillage of Niagara Falls. Mrs. Tuoker received us very cordially on ascertaining the object of our visit. As nearly as possible these are her exact words in speaking of her daugh- ter's case: -"My daughter Myrtle is in her fifteenth year. About a year ago alarming symptoms of St.Vitus' dance made their appearance, but for some time we did not know what was really the matter. She lost the use of her arms, her right arm was com- pletely paralyzed. She had to be dressed and undressed, being totally unable to help herself. The best local physicians were called in and prescribed for her, but they appeared to be enable to afford relief. We? made a trip to Buffalo last, January and it specialist was consulted, who recommended that Myrtle be shut up in a dark room for three months, al- lowing no one to see her •or speak to her but the nurse. In fact the doctor bagged npon her being sent to one of the city hospitals. Arsenic. was one of the specifies used; it helped to quiet for a time, but no permanent relief svas obtained. After our return from Buffalo, my son urged me to try Dr. William's Pink Pills for Myrtle, He said he was sure it would do her good as it had cured his boy of a similiar complaint. I then determined to try them as I was conscious the treennent was clolOg her no p,'OCKl, purchased it box and the effect wee almost before from the very beginning; the first boa was used an ina- provement Was plainly" clisceialible, Five boxesin all bave been nsea and Myttle is able to run and epjoy her - elf in it manner the could not do for motitais and months back. Twoweeks ago she began to attend school after an absence of eine monthe, want it distinctly andeeetood," atsid Mrs. "faieker, that the physitians all aereed that my daughter was afflicted With St, Vitus Dance; that the treatnimat of the medical Attendants did not bene- fit her and that no other ffle'diethe was teleen after commeecing D. /2 1 Pink Pills'eo that there is no donbt ber recovery must he attributed to the ,use of these pills. Her state of health is now most excellent, her appetite is good and I am only to pleased:to be able to certify to the above facts in order that others similarly afflicted may be encouraged to try Dr, Wil- litun's Pink Pills. An impoverished condition of the blocd, or a disordered state of tne nerves is the fruitful source of most ills that affect mankind, and to any thus affected Dr. 'William's Pink Pills offer a speecly and certain cure. No other remedy has met with such great and continued success, which is one of the strongest proofs that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills accomplish all that is claim- ed for them. They mire locomotor, ataxia, partial paralysis, St, Vitus' dance, sciatica,oeuralgia, rheinnatisin, nervous headache, palpitation of the heart, pervous prostration, diseases depending upon vitiated blood, such as Scrofula,, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also it specific for troubles peculiar to females, curing all forms of weaknese. In inen they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from niental worry, overwork, or excesses of any oatnre. Sold by all dealeror sent post-paid at 50 tents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams's. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . ‘‘Every Welt Man Hath His Day." 44 doctor's examination rnight show that kidneys liver and stomach are normal: but the doctor cannot analyze the blood opon which these organs depend, good's earsaparina purifies, vitalizes and enriohea the blood,. It Cures YOU wh9/1 "a Kt " or when serionsiy afflicted, re- neVev disappoints, 13911eVe Rood's Sar- saparilla has no equal for rheurnatiem. bait done me more good than any other Medicine 1 baye taken." Mas. PAM= XEramr, Brampton, Ont. Bad COUghe-"Aiter my long flaws, I Was very wEat and had a bad cough. / dteild net eat ot sleep. In4erent remedies did not hells me but liood's Sarsaparilla pant me up ead. I um now able to attend to my work."Nmen7terJ:::::00spolaia::..nt. 47, / e/e/ Hood's rtils cure ; the .0 and only cathartic to tato with klootra sarmx,ill111-a. J. S. McKim:ma formerly of a Blyth mercantile firm, has become a partner in the wholesale establishment of his uncle in Toronto. His friends will he pleased to bear of his success in city III ercan tile Iife. Mint:Ran Ory for 4/..4 , h.4 MARKET REPORTS. CBE43lhge°igxtlestsl.,td..r'ek...r'.e. ..•."e:.•.s:e.•.:• -- $:••e . , Exeter ......„• . ...:, . :• wIteat1QxbuhI 0atl: Pea0a-:. Tutttesper I 1::k4 Wool............ ... ,:,DrieaAl Polk P1c1iv0w01ght •,••••Hay perton., .Clover seed--...„. .•Asite(lver Thnellty Seed -.....,.. Juno SO: ,1899. .o9 to OR .29 to 2,.,” -.31 to 3:; -6010 11 to Il •• 11 to 11 • 915 6109 6 to 8 ,. 7 to 7 /3 to 14 5 to 6 $4,W5 te $5.00 to 81.40 . .$5.00 to 35.00 . ..$3t75 ro $1.00 • 3t0 to 10 31,75 A A • A ...AO -S. .,.....•••••••• aondou, JulieSth, laGO Wheat, por bushe„ ....OS Oats- • „ . ' ...,27 BarleY.. , «.43 Buckwheat • , .., • .45 Rye...... Cora . • • •44 Beans , • • 65 Butter• Eggs .. 15 Ducks ......- ,60 Turkeys per to 12 to 70 Do 281- to 58 19 00 to 48 to 39 to 45 19 70 to 11 to 16 to 70 10 pc0Gbioeitaetsseeto:esPef.,p1;,lia..g..,::. .... , ,...50 to 75 to 10 • :885 to 1000 Hay per ton . .$ 6.00. to $ 750 Pork per cwt.. .. 84.50 te $5.00 BIRTHS. WENER.-In Crediton East, on 'Friday, June 2nd, wife of John Winer, of a Son. WASNIDGE.- McGillivray, on Sunday, June 4th,wife of JosePh Wasnidge of a daugh- ter, DEATHS. DICKSON,-In Wingliam4 ou May 201h, joint Dickson, aged 78 years, 1 month and 6 days. DREW. -in Winghant, on May 27th, Williarn Geo, Drew. aged 61 years, 2 months and 10 days. SCANLAN. -In Clinton on May 28th, Ellen Seenlin, aged 64years. TODD. -In Cloth:inch, on May 28th, Robert Fre- wen, second son of Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Todd, aged 9 years and 10 months. BALKWILL.-In Exeter, on the 5th inst. William 13alkwill, Andrew sI., aged 09 years and 21 days. PRUETER-In Logan, on the 25th ult., J-ohn Prneter, aged. 45 years, VIS. -Th Exeter, on the 3rd inst., Mrs. George Davis, aged 50 years. MARRIAGES. MA.CICAY-BORRETT-In Blyth, May 24th at the residence of Dr. Carder. by Rev, A. D. McDonald, D. D.,Soaforth, Air. Donald Mac- kay. of Port Pulley, .Algoma, formerly of Tuckersmith, to MissDaisy Borrett, also of Port butformerly of MeKillop. SHIPLEY-ROLPH.--At the residence of the bride, on Wednesday, 3Ist ult., by Rev. W. A, Bradley, Mn Isaac Shipley to liars. Robt. Rolph. All of Mitchell, SHEPHERD -TAYLOR. -In Henson, on the 71h inst., by Rev. J. S. Henderson, john Shepherd, jr., Chiselhurst, to Miss Jane, eld- est daughter of James Taylor. KAY-STEWART-On june 1st, at Brechin, by _Hey. J. R. Butler: Fred C. Kay, of Ux- bridge, to Miss Annie Stewart, youngest daughter of the late John Stewart, and sis- ter' °EL .A. Stewart. The P©h , Will Step if you take Hoffman's Headache t' Powders. The first powder seldom fails -the second, never. For any kind • of headache, from any cause. Posi- tively harmless -disagreeable effects never follow. The surest. quicke-1. , best iteadache remedy ever prepa,,,I } t., IIOFFMAIS ' ea tog,..., Presents. Our stock offers many suggestions. Silverware is always appropriate. We are showing a rich collection. Plenty of pleasing presents at pleasing prices. PIrirrON. Are sold in lea envelopes and 20o. boxes by druggists everywhere. Tho Roffman Drug Co., Eridgobitrg, Ont. SCHOOL OPEN1110f A full line, fresh and bright of SCHOU BONS S. Fitton, and every School re- quisite at GRADUATE OPTICIAN, ... AT . . T. Fitton's Jewelry Store The Central fug $tot`e easaatilae This is to certify that 1 ha-ve used ENGLISH STOCK FOOD manufactured by *.C. Lutz, for calves, rnilch cows, and young pigs and in all cases have found it most satisfactory. The calves have grown faster and done bet- ter than ever before, the milcla cows have improved in condition, the flow of tnilk has increased zo per cent. and is of greater rich- ness. The young pigs have done better on ENGLISH STOCK FOOD than 1 ever knew them do before. English 8tOck Food is a most excellent and valuable pltiole and should be used by all ,stock ra.isers Only requires to be given a trial, in order to prove its merits, another merit is its cheapness as compared with other foods : 1 have much plea.sure in recommending it to stock raisers, AmAirAm DtArs Ncl leataase C LUTZ SRO IMO'S Where the Scholars are always. used well Spri We are in the van with all that is desirable in the line. Let us show you our stock of $1.7.00 Fancy Worsteds in the newest colorings. Remember we put up the best suit for 810.00 that can be bought m the county. GIVE US A CALL. H thieve NEIW Meat Market The undersigoeil has opened up it new meat snaricet one door SOUtil Di Store, where he will keep the choicest of xieats constaelly ma hand. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T MANNING CALL AT TIRE FAMILY Meat Market. For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEAT A -fine selection of BEEF, LA.MB, FRESH PORK, and all kincis of Freesia arad Salted Meats. on hand. Note the address, one door north of The R. Pickard Co's store. LOUIS DAY PROP. Tail rin er Yon require a BLACI% suth very often at this time of the year. We are prepared to fit you out in the finest style. Beat lquality Coods closest prices. Wedding Suits a Specialty A J. SNELL •Didn't ar Eat IVieat. What dyspeptics need is not arti- ficial digestants but something that will put their stomach right so it Will manufacture its own digestive ferments. For .twenty years now Burdock Blood Bitters has been permanently cluing severe cases of dyspepsia and indigestion that other remedies were powerless to reach. Mr. James -G. Keirstead, Collina, Kings Co., N.B., says: "I suffered with dyspepsia for years and tried everything 1 heatti of, but got no retlef until I took Burdock. Blood Baters. "1 only used three bottles and no's' 1 am well, and can eat meat, Which I dared not touch before v,yithout being in great distress. I always recommend B. B. B. as being the best remedy for all stomach disorders and as a family medicine.” 1 fiat] Ls altri v!h 11 If he NVOItt'a 011re of N'S neatly fitting f;41-31, Be is a sr priee:, are a gootit4 ,V o hest, Call and examine bIt goods buying your -vgftgins,.....„}".-`iLL SUIT W, The Tailor A TERRIBLE TIME!, A Port Hope kady Undergoes a trying experioneep from which SW, is at iast freed by the use of IIIiiburn's Heart and Nerve Mr. F. J. ARMSTRONG, one of Pork Hope's best known citizens, speaks as follows :— "My wife has had a terrible time with her heart for the last fifteen months. "The pains were intense, and she had a smothering feeling together with ahortness of breath, weakness and general debility. Medicine seemed to do her no good, ad we had about given up trying, when she started to take Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. They have toned her up wonder- fully. "She is stronger to -day than she has been for months, thanks to Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I am sure there can be no better remedy from their remarkable effects in Mrs. Armstrong's case." Laxa-Liver Pills care Oenstipation, Sick Headache area Dyspepsia. Youthful Recklessness. The natural exuberance of youth often leads to reck1e5s- ness. Young people don't take care of themselves, get over -heated, catch cold, Ad allow it to settle on the neys. They don't realize th significance or backache -- think it will soon pass away. - but it doesn't. Urinary Tfou- bles come, the Dia.betal, Bright's Disease and thatterld health. A young life has been sacrificed. Any help for it ? Yes! DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. These conquerors of Kidney Ills are smtraokingng. the rising generation healthy and Arts. G. Grisxnan, sos Adelaide St London, Ont., says: "My daughter, now es years old, has had wealc•kidneys since infancy, and Ler healtlx as a consequence has always been poor. Two boxes of Watt's Kidney Pills have removed every symptom of kidney trouble, and restored her to perfect health. I am truly thankful for the great benefit they have conferred upon her." You t't;ill and at. Bissett's Wareroon the followii p lire cf 'A gricl tural Implements - a BIRUNG B IN- •DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER '. AND BALL BEARINGs. STEEL SULKY 11S ,' Afull }hie of Seed Drills, Cultivators Disx and D in n. end Da troy:: Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING Filieti NEL ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer I Raymond sewing, and wringers machine , STOVES. --,121---- SPRAINED BACK! sprains, Strains and Injuries of the Beek often eause Kidney Trouble. DOAN'S ,KIDIET PILLS TIIE CURL Here is the proof:— Mrs. S. Horning, Glasgow Street, Guelph, Oht., says: " Doan's Xiclney Pills are grand. I have not been ill ;lace taking them, which was over it year ago last winter, and can give them my svaraxest ?raise; for they restored me to health after 25 years of suffering.. Twenty-five years ago 1 sprained my back severely, and ever since my kidneys have been in a very bad slate. The doctors told inc that my left kidney especially was in a very bad con- dition. A. terrible burningpain was always present, and I suffered terribly from lum- bago and pait in the small of my back, tog -ether with other painful and distressing symptoms, commonsiti kidney complaints. I could not sleep, and Sneered much from eta rheum. "Whon. I first commented taking, Doan's Kidney Fills 1 had little or no faith in them, but I thought I wonid try them; and it proved the best experiment I ever made. I had only taken two boxee when the pain left reyback entirely. Three boxes more, i or five n all, nsacle,a complete cure. "After ee year& of suffering from kidney disease I am now healthy and efrong again, and will be pleased to substaatiete what I have said, should anyone avish to engulta.a LAXa-ILIVOls PHIS 6'0 the meet perfect remedy known, foe the cued of Cans stipation, Dyspepsia, Bilieasness and Sick Headache. They work without 4 gripd ijatN do net eialcen or weaken cle itaVe any bad efter areas. t . Gurney stoves and fur noes. waggons buggies +cycles, The Chatham 'Waggon and a fall line of the celebrated McLaughlie Buggies, s tgy Thea,Best andiP2,17----- linelv The Rest In the end you will find: it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables. Chairs, Etc., Get Something . have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line of FURNITURE and you wifl find what you are looking for,.. CIDLEY & ON, FURNI1 CIRE easo Opera House Block,