HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-6-8, Page 1„,,a0H--•-••',•—••••
11••• +.11
at 1/4'9.'4
For this WEEK
These prices speak for themselves come in and listen:
bring this price list with you.
'SPECIAL in dies goods, 25 pieces fancy dress goods, good value
at 35, our price 25. k•-•
SPECIAL, 10 pieces good all wool ,dress goods, the regular 45c
kind, our price 35.
SPECIAL, 7 pieces Ladies' coat su. in all the new and leading
shades, regular price 75, our rice 50c.
SPECIAL„ 5 pieces whipcord suits in blue, black arid brown,
honest value at 75c, our price 50.
SPECIAL, 25 pieces black dress goods 42 in wide, worth 35, our
lorice while they last 25.
BPECIAL, 5 pieces fancy Crepon, good value at 75, Loo, and 1.25,
our price 50, 75 and i.po.
SPECIAL in Silks, 25 waist ends, regular 75c kind, our price 50.
"• " 15 " " " 1.00 " " 75
SPECIAL in Satins, black and colored, special 50, 75 and Loo
SPECIAL in Ladies' shirt waists, just arrived 25 doz shirt waists,
would be good value at Loo and 1.25, our price 75 and i.00
SPECIAL in black sateen waists at 75;85 and i.00.
SPECIAL, a few pairs of those lace Curtains left to clear at 50, 75,
x,00 and 1.25
SPECIAL, Ladies' Underwear with or without sleeves, special at 10,
I2y:, 15, 20 and 25
SPECIAL, Ladies' Hosiery fast black, *pecial,at„t5c, Sc, lob and
1 2 34
SPECIAL, Childrens Hosery, goad heavy rib fast black, special at
5, 8, and loc.
SPECIAL, Men's Brace, 25 doz, worth regular 20, our price 5 per
SPECLAL; Men's Hose, fast double' heel and toe, seamless, worth
18, our price 2 for 25,
,SPECIAL, Men's Underwear, 25 dor shirts and drawers fully up to
•-the dollar sla.nclard, our price 75c per suit.
Higheat price for btittef FLiid egeboS.
Remember the Stand opposite the Commercial hotel
This store closes at 6 30 p except Wednesdays and Saturdays.
.S4 .5 Se elp, rag
Hills Green
Bun:tits-Mr. Malcolm McEwen had.
the miSfortune to lose it the end
of lashweek his valuable brood mare,
This is the second loss of the same kind
within a yeer. -We are pleased to say
that Mr Thos.Vraser is progressing f av-
.orably though slowly. -Mr. •James
Baird. is in a very low state of health
at present -John Stewart and Edward
,Glen though feeble, are still able to be
out. They are two of the oldest and
•most esteeined residents m this section.
Usborne Council.
BRIEFS. -John Hagan, .Parr
Stanley, lost a valuable horse last
week. -Mrs. Samuel Walker, of Brant-
ford, is at present visiting her father,
A. McAllister. -We are ,sorry to learn
of the serious illness of • Mrs. James
Hagen, jr., and hope for her speedy
recovery. -We learn that Wm Cock -
G. 3, Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey
ancer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent
and 'sewer of IVfarriage LicenSes. Legal dem
ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates
Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in
Wrest. Office at the Post office, Emma
H. .1. D. COOICD,
(Late -with Garrow Proudfoot) Barrister
Solicitor, Notary Publics, Hensall, Ont.
re A. Sellei7, L. I). S., D. D. S., Honor Grade.
-k" • ate of Toronto UniversitY, Dentists, Teeth
extracted without pain or bad 'effects. •Office
in Petty's Block, Hensall. At Zurich everY
Yfonday, commencing May Seth.
LAW (WIC'S 11D-01'NNEID,-The office of It. E.
Collins, Barrister. Exeter, has been re -opened„
3, G. Stnnbury, B. A., (late with McCarthy)
Osler, Hoskin &Creelman,Barristsrs,Toropto„
who is about to form a partnership with Mr.
Collins, is in charge.
WEDDING BELLS. -A happy eyent I
took place at the residence of tamesi
Taylor, Hensall, on Wednesday, June I
7th, when his eldest daughter, Miss I
Jane, was married to John Sliepberc ,
jr., son of John Shepherd, late`of Chis -.1
elhurst, ,and ex -reeve of the Township
of Tiackersruithe the well-known stock
buyer and exporter. The ceremony
was perfornied by the Rev. J. S. Hen-
derson, at the palatial residence of the
bride's parents, in the presence of a
large number of invited guests. The
bride was Assisted by Miss Annie Bell
Taylor, while John Wren, B. A., late
of TorontoUniversity, aeted.es grooms
man. The bride was given away by
her father while the wedding march
Was Vayed by Miss Dorah Kenny, of
J. G. Stanbury, B. (late vntli Me arthy,
Osier, Hoskin& creelman, Barristers, Toronto
who is about to form a partnership with Mr.
Collins, is in charge. ,
L d ury. The bride looked charming
in dress of cream „brocaded Duchess
sat , with silver trimming, also rib -
bo and chiffon, and wore a bridal veil
an carried a boquet of cream roses,
'le the bridesmaid was dressed. in
creata cashmere, trimmed with pearls
and ihiffon ribbon, she also carrying
a be/met ' of cream roses. The cere-
mouty over, and after receiving the
warm congratulations of the many
guests, the happy young couple drove
to the fine farm, of the groom, near
Chiselhurst. The bride was among
the ost popular young ladies of the
vill• ee, while the groom is highly es-
te ed in his neighborhood Among
those present from a distance were :-
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mr. Enid
Mrs. Wm. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Stevens and Miss Lizzie Smith, all of
Port Huron. Tem TtesEs joins a host
of friends in wishing the young couple
happiness and prosperity. -On Wed-
uesday last, at the residence of Robb, 1
Kettle, of London, Angies Brown,' son '
of Neil Brown, of Egnaondville, and
Miss Jemima Cooper, daughter of Jas.
Cooper, of Kippen, were joined in the
holy bonds of matrimony. The couple
have returned to. Kippeu and settled
down to the steener realities of life.
May theirs be a happy and prosperous
future is the wi
started in town by a gentleman from
Mitchell. Hensell is well represented
in every line. -Rev. J. S. Henderson
was in Gden Allen the latter part of
last week visiting his pareuta-Mrs.
Henry Cook, who has been in Detroit
the past few weeks visiting''relatives
and friends, returned liornethe latter
part of last week.
Bnians. -- John Latkworthy has
gone to Hensall where he has
commenced the livery business, -
The shareholders of the new Eugine
Company met on Monday night, and
elected the fallowing °theme: Presi-
dent, S. R: Stuart; Vice President, Dr,
Harlburt; Secy. Treasurer, Feed B.
Holtby and directors as well. This
will ensure success as thes mean leas -
Mess and not bonus hunting. They
will try to get Hamilton's foundry for
the present. -J. O. Cole, who went to
the Southern States h couple of years
ago returned home this week. -Miss
Annie Francis has returned from Tor-
onto where she has been Attending the
University. --Wm. Elliott B. A. and
F. D. Fry, B.A, are aPpointed High
school examiners at Toronto. -The
trustees of the Methodist church met
on Thursday evening. Ar. Thorn,
who has been the efficient organist for
many years, has resigned, and a new
one mast be engaged.
LAW OFFICII RE-OPENED.-Thb office of 11 11.
conies, Barrister, Exeter, has aeon re coaled.
friends'. sh °f their
Bmnrs.-The weather has beenvery
warm the past week, the thermometer
registering 85 degrees in the shade. -
Rev. W. E. Kerr, late pastor of the
Methodist church, here, has been sta-
tioned at Amherstberg, while Rev. Mr
Jewitt, of Elimville, 'has been sent to
this circuit. -The early closing move-
ment still lags, the Council not being
nueninsons in the matter. It is pos-
sible, that the difficulty will
be settled at next meeting, the eiseds
having been instructed to prepare a
by-law in compliance with the petition
of the merchants for early closing. -
It, is a pity that the Council cannot de-
vise some scheme whereby the streets
might be watered. The absence of
ram has rendered the roads very dusty
and with a slight breeze clouds of dust
are driven along the streets into the
stores and the eyes of the unwary pe-
destrian. Hensell has surely risen to
an eminence demanding these modern
usuages !--John Fitzgerald has return -
'ad from Conference. -The friends of
1VIrs. Gavin Ross, of ‘Gowanside Farm'
Rcdgerville. will be pleased to learn
that the operation recently performed
at the hospital in London. was very
successful, and that at last reports the
patient was doing as well as could be
t d Mrs D Ur uhart who is
rane, town line, who left here last expec. e -on • • q.
spring for the west, has taken up lend also in the same institution is getting
in that coautry, in Botteneau county. along hieelY,and her friends hopesoon
to see her in the enjoyment of usual
We wish him success,
good bealth.-Miss Grant, of Thorny-
hurst, is at the Manse visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. Henderson.--jarnes A.bbott,
of Exeter, was taken ill while here on
'Tuesday, and was forced to go home
by train. His egg waggon was driven
home by J. W. Ortiveins-LG. Suther
land rides in a new buggy -the finest
in town,-,Trarnes Clark was in Goder-
ich this week, ---B. Sheffer is engag,ed
this week putting down new sidewalks
for the Council, and be is doing it first
class job. -The frame of Wm. Linden-
feldt's new dwelling is now up and will
soon be enclosed. -The grain mer-
chants have been getting in consider-
able grain the past week, the rielieg
price for wheat being 70c per bushel, -
4, Murdock, wife and child, and S. E.
MoDonell, visited at Simon Campbell's
ilsborne on Sunday. -W. Ouchnore
of Kippen, is shipping large quantities
of belled. hay from this station, -D.
Urquhart was in Goderich last Friday
oa busiisess connected with the pend-
ing mw suit against the villege.-
George Metwen and John Torvance;
representatives for ibis division, are in
Goderich this week attending County
Council. -Ms. Ross, of Montana, (nee
Miss Bella Bonthron, Rodgevville,)
was in the village this week renewing
acqueintauces.--Peter Oase, of Rodger
vine has raisad his bk1MIS and is having
brick stables built uncles, them.-Lewn
tennis is becoming quite a popular
pastime with numbes of ouvviliagers
lately. ' We have some excellent play.
erse-Ren..T. W, f3. A., of
Thorold, who has been holding a eer-
ies of evangelistic meetings at Blake
and Drysdale during the ease few
weeks, preached with very enteb ace
ceptance iu Carmel Presbytellen
church on Sunday morning and even.
ing last -Judge Masson, aceornpan led
by Philip Holt, barrister, oe Goderich,
Were in the village on MOnday last
U sborne
Cormcil met. :is a Court of Revielon
of the Asseeeinent Roll for 1800, Juin:
:3ed, 99.
All the members Wel'0 present.
There being 110 appeals the rutl svas
carefully examined and a, few clericel
.errors corrected. The roll as reeised
was approved and the court, closed.
Ceuncil met for business after court,
.of Revision,
Minutes of previous meeting were
;reed end approved.
The aseessment roll was accepted
.arid the Assessor paid his salary.
Orders were granted in payment
. of accounts amounting to $114.95.
Next meeting July 8th at, 2 o'clock,
• 'Those unhappy persons who stiffer
from nervousness and clyepepsia shoidd
use Carter's Little Nerve Pills which.
.are made expressly for sleeplees, ner-
yous, dyspeptie sufferers, price 25
Thos Hanle -y, of the fith eon„ Gode-
rich, met with it mishap last week ;
while shearing sheep he made a bad
„gash in his right hand with a pair of
shearing knives, but it is healing up
ee •
"My rnothor was troubled with
rheumatism in her knee for a number
of ears and it broke out into a run-
ning sore. She has taken three bottles
of I-1 ooa's Sareapttrille, and tow she is
almost entirely well. She eannot
• speak too highly of this great inedi-
cite," Mits. SoitN Vann,
Ancester, Ontario.
*Hood's Pills' cuee nausea, sick head-
aelie, biliousness, indigestion, -
Atli, ion ,
A Lew Suit' Surrtlim.--The case of
Hannah vs. Tasker which was to have
been tried at Cloderich in the High
Court on Tuesday last was settled by
the parties before corning before the
judge. Mr. Tasker was a, tenant of lot
17, con. 7, Usborne. He rented the
place fvoin Ws. (Dv.). Campbell for it
term of seyen years, and of which two
years are yet (0 run, subject to a con-
dition that in the event of the place
being sold .prior to the expiration of
tbe term he was to giye possession
on reasonable notice being given by
the owner, and. the amount he was to
reeeive for his crop and the inconveni-
ence he might be put to by terminat-
ing his lease, to be settled by arbitra-
tion. The farm was purchased a short
;time ago by John Hannah, Tacker -
smith, from Mrs. Campbell: He pur-
chased the farm under the conditions
of the lease. In April last, be notified
Mr, Taskev that he deeired possession
of the farm, but Mr. Tasker refused to
give possession imbil he was paid for
certain expenditares' on the farm
which the lease did not specify, but
which he made with the couseet of the
then owner, and be went on and put
in his spring crop. The action was
brought to dispossess the tenant. It
was finally agreed that the tenant
should give immediate poses ion and
that the amount of his remuneration
should be fixed by arbitration and Unit
he should pay a spectaed proportion
of the 'costs itcurred. Both parties
would be in pookitigiood many dol-
lars had they been Able to settle with -
oat going into court
'YOU TRY 1.1%
ef Shiloh's Cough and Consmoption Cure,
which is sold at the small price or 20e., 60e. and examining witnesses, in connection
F310 tiOnAM)t. Mire take the bath) back and 1.0 re. "1/2, tow
Grand Bend
Benees.--Messrs. Heastead and Ben-
net, of London, are stopping at the
Brenner house for a couple of weeks. -
Ur. and Mrs. fAcRoberts, of Setiforth,
spent a few days in the village last
week, --Mrs. W. B. Oliver is at present
on the sick list; we hope soon to near
of her recovery. -Walt Stratton and
Noble 13aker wheeled up to Granton
on Saturday and returned Monday. -
The Grand Bend foot ball team played
a game with bee:smith last satruKday,
evening resulting in 3 to 0 in favor of
the former.-Biddulph held their an-
nual picnic here on June lst, Arkona
and. Sexsinith held theirs 011 the 3rd. --
The Presbyterians celebrated their
an -
anal picnic here on Tune ath.-N, D.
liurdoo, R. Spackinan, John Muir, 0.
H. Sanders, and others,of Exeter,went
on a fishing expedition here on Satur-
day last. The Bend foot -ball team
challengsd the Dashwood senior team
'but the juniors came. The Bend will
go to Dashwood Saturday and would
like to play the seniors, to see if they
will plea, a defence game in front of
the goal.
• Crediton East.
Strnpnisn -'Last Monday evening
Mrs. Harry Switzer was the victim of
a jolly surprise party, composed of the
members of the choir of the Evangeli-
cal church with its friends. They
all called to pass a merry season and
leave tokens of reinembranae in the
gift of a commodious rocker and a
valuable piece of silverware. An
address was read by Hannah Lewis
expressing the a,ppreciation of her ser -
Beemiss. -A. Loughlaod, of Lander,
while down about Centralia some
time ago after a load of horses, puss
chased of W. G. Reilly, the right to
put up in the prairie province his chain
. . .
ladder and roof ciiniber. has al-
ready disposed of $2000 worth of terri-
tory, selling the eity oh Winnipeg
alone for $1000. -Messrs. A. Hicks and
G. Hicks spent Triesdayat Grand Bend
fishing. -The creamery is now is full
running girder. They receive on an
average six tons of rnilk daily. -j. O.
bheardOWn is pattipg in a cement wall
fora new bla,cksmith shop. -The ist.
July festival this year promises to ec-
lipse all previous years. -A team of
horses ownedby Mr. Webb, baker, of
Lucan, ran away in Olandeboye Mon-
day. The Hoes broke and the driver
jumping to save his life, allowed the
horses their liberty. They ran through
the village, upsetting several horses
and buggies, and almost totally demol-
ishing the bake wagon. The animals
ran until one fell, when they were
caught. The horses were badly cut.
The damage all around was serious. --
Business in the village is quiet at pre-
sent owing to the farmers being busy.
St. Joseph.
BRIEFS. -Mr. George Campbell has
gone up the lake for a load of lumber,
posts and shingles, -Messrs. N. and A.
Masse have opened up a new ind ustry
in St. Joseph, in the shape of a lime
kiln. -Mr. O. DeLapanier who has the
contract for building Mr. James Camp-
bell's house, on the 2nd concession of
Hay, *has sent tip a gang of men to
vices as orga,nist which duty she so start operations. -Mr. O. Bieeounetee
BRIEFS. -Are we cleating's towards faithfully performed. The evening made a large shipment, of speaking
the torrid zone? --Hauling gravelseems was spent at various games and amuse- organ pipes to 'Messrs E. Lye&Sons, of
to be the order of the day and our ments. At midnight, at supper, there • Toronto, last Week, and has another
contract on his hands for another
large organ. This is not surprising as
this is the only factory of its; kind in
Ontario, and St • Joseph may congrat-
ulate itself on having the only church
organ pipe factory in the province. -
Material for the Dominion Specialty Co.
is here from the United States, and
that industry will reopen in a few days
with a force of between twenty and
thirty hands. --St. Joseph suffers from
the. inconvenience of being without a
blaaltsmith.--During the heavy thun-
der storm on Sunday last, lig,htning
struck the barn of Mr. Albert Hen-
drick, and did considerable damage.
It strosdk it at the gable and followed
the hay fork track and struck the
other gable knocking it out. It then
ran down into the horse stable and
set fire to some rags that had been
I used for ea ing e horses. Fortnn-
ately Mr.Hendrick was in the barn at
roads are being spelled for bicycling,
but will be alright agahn). when
travelled sufficient to pack them. -Mrs.
Sas. Clark has' been laid up with
sciatica during the past week, but is
slowly recovering. -Oar teachers are
working hard preparing pupils° for
the midsummer examinations. If the
parents and pupils, have been equally
faithful there need be no fears as to
the results. -E. Simpson, of Toronto
University smiled on us again last
Monday. We were pleased to see
his name in Examination report, hav-
ing secured honors in 'Mathematics.
Congratulations -your, correspondent
\mein refend eour melee. este , ,
' \ H..1', I 11'n't."11
STIlr(1111,4 FG141`4•01144`.• 51)0,
were good things ha abundauee which
the,gnests had provided, and. after the
inner man had been satisfied they all
went their way rejoicing Following
is the'address:-
To Mas. H. sivreese.-Doar Sister. -There
are moments in our lives, where we scarcely
know the deepest feelings of our heart, such is
the position of us, the members of Zion church
and its choir at this particular time, when there
is with us a,mingled feeling of pleasure and. re-
gret. We say pleasure when we remember
your servicesas organistofour Oongregatiou and
choir -sour kindness and willingness, your un-
assuming, untiring faithfidness, the devotion,
regularity and. ability, with which you so
acceptably filled the position as organist
ever:since you eonsentedto take upon yourself
the unsought res onsibility of that at times
will.take ice cream please. --Conference -arduous °dice
standing face to face
We say regret a t
wibth,th thought
sessions have closed for another year I a
t?E -gnus resignaatr, which you considered. best
but Rev. HusSar evil]. not be home for
er, an w ich we reluctantly awe ted,
another week. Mr. Hartnol. of Exeter i3eu may rest assured, however, or our best.
wislacs for your future success and harAtiess
will occupy his pulpit here fleet Sun- a d, while yo Ma not juet fill that parameter.
day e o ce in our c TitaY We ILIA OPO he
veninee-On Pride, last a serious 11, • b. af • t ^ cl • n'
d f faccident ha seised to john cantinued- good will and do -operation of your
eldest son of Sohn Finkbeiner of the .sitiggriiiietved talent tin thefood and agreist worbk
I the time and seeing the sznolte put the
SO pear o our rtS, t e • -
9th con Stephen syleic`a ad.11 lay him Lord is wining so abinularM to bleSS Hind) fire out* in'W' - • '
., J 4 , +A , • , ,.. ,
ankle was dislocitted'and one bpne Of "..4aisce`;''' '''-•7 ti -w l'QvartclilY cill:rr.ealx1
bless yons is
wagon lie twisted, his foot so teat bus but Or whiat itrepresente, it., token of
1 Mpg licere wish. Signed on behalf of the con-
up for some time. in stepping off aeceiet thissmaligift, not Varits intriOsivahu
attsiecalliegibLroekxepne.eteHdle2swhcleoidisaginaps leveeell treeetion, a G. Litt 'meter ; Fred 'Muth, Gott
I 3
forl ek. Co 41 Ail a, Tiu t s, Si ned on
behaff of thnorachoir liCreditostic, °Ont.. %aro uel
close operations on Tuesday and thg arn'Y 2'St 1"
thee this weeK oattgeA enn, to Brown, President, H. Holtzman, ScuretarY,
men improved the opportunity by go-
ing in a body to enjoy a picnic ab
Grand Bend- They had good time.
-Mr. and Mrs, Montague of 'London,
spent a few days last week the guests
of their daug,hter Mrs. Geo. Bloomfield.
-Mrs. R. E. Walker has gone to yisit
her parents in Carlisle for a couple of
weeks. We trust the change will be
beneficial to Inc health.
BRigios.-The picnic tO Grand Bend
which took place on Saturday last
was a grand success all report having
a good time. -Miss Beale Northcott is
spending a few clays with Mrs Box of
Stephen at present. Mrs. Wm. MC-
Arter of near Brussels; called on her
sister, Mrs. Wm. Russell, a few days
ago. -Albert Geddes els able to work
again after being la,id up with a sore
handd-W. H. Johnston was away
preaching for Rev. W. E. Kerr on
Sabbeth last. -A few from here at-
tended the concert in Exeter on Mon-
day night. -J3'. W. Farncombe, Oivil
engineer, of London was in our neigh-
oorhood on Weduesda,y, making the
necessavy preparations for laying out
a ditch for Geo. O'Brien. -A gang of
masons from St. joseph, have been at
work on Xno. Campbell's now -house
for some tinte.-Mr. M. Kershaw of
London, gave 0 lime -light entertain -
went, in the school -house on Thursday
evening last to a, fair sized audience.
-Miss Lelia Ross of Exeter spenb
few days with friends here lately.
-William Essay of Hensall called on
friends here on Sunday last. -Roger
Northcott recently purchased a fine
yOring driving, horse from T. Berry of
Hensall-C. H. Russell who has been
attending school in Clinton for some
time has decided Co study at home for
while. -0. Nelsoreof Exeter called on
relent's heve one Sumter lately. Me,
Geo. Geddes and bride have returned
from their honeymoon and have got
nicely settled in thein new home.
-John Xoetlicott received' it had fall
off a wheel a few nights ago, no bones
svere bvokeme-Some of our boys took
pevt in a football match between West
Williams and Geese& Bend teams on
Saturday while at the picnic at, Grand
Basedue.-The trees have, again east
aside their white robes, And the fruit,
crop promises to be large.-Scaelet
fever is very prevalent in the township,
several schools being (dosed on account
of it. -11/1e, John Tufts) intendsto move
into the vocent house on the farm
lately' bought by Mr. Wm. Oliver
froin Air linelum.-Rev, Mr
Westmen occupied the pulpit oe tho
mc,thocust ohu veh Sunday n orb tog and
evening last. -The tea meeting held
on the church grounds on the 214,11
wns well patronized. Bev. Mr, Crews
of Toronto gave a very interesting
dress on his trip through the Main -
moth Cave, with two hundred 10.
worth Leaguers. The proceeds 110t -
ted $3b'. -Mr Bevan is On the sick
ar Tile morns fs'oes' •
hall" h ' " • 1" he .1 i"O'si :( 41
• Hay Council.
The Council met on Monday, the 5th
inst. as a Court of Revision of the As
sessment Roll for 1890, when, the fol-
lowing appeals- were disposed of ;-
Conrad Wagner, appeal not sustained;
Ezra Hast assessed tot NS lot 4, con.
0, instead of 'Canada Co.; V Eisenhofer
assessed for. ES. lot 16, con 8, instead of
Canada Co. ; Ed Miller assessed for E
pt SS lot 7, ES NS lot 7, SS lot 8,
con 13, instead of Canada Co ; Roney
Volland assessed on W pt lot 20, con 11
instead of Conrad Volland ; Ed. Axt
assessed fOr lot 133, Vols. sur. Zurich,
instead of Conrad Vollancl. On motion
the Court of Revision was closed and
the assessment confirmed.
After churl., of Revision, council
resumed. A requisition of Poltee likes that part of the country splendid -
Trustees of the village of Zurich, re- ly.-Mr. Milton Buchanan, who is at -
questing Council to levy a speciel tax tending, college in Toronto, is at pres-
of $150 on the 'assessment of said Police ent home on it visit.-Bobt Williame
village, was on motion granted. J. and Miss Williams left a few days ago
0. Kalbfleisch was awarded the con- for Montreal.to attend the funeral of
tract for the construction of a guard
fence on thci south side of lot 21, con.
8, Centre Road, for the sum of $150.
Orders for the following amounts were
issaccl :-H. Magel workiog grader S.
B, $15.02 • Ily. Lippliardt equalizing
U. Schools '$-1,00 ; Joseph Gesell, cul-
vert cou. 10 and 11 $250; Hy. Rupp,
team for grader $2,50 •, A. McOortsfiele
2 bridges eon. 14, 580.50; White &
Sons printing $13.80 ; Wm. Snell e-
vert S. B. $5.25 ; Snell culvert
Dashwood $2.75 ; J. McDonald 2 cul-
verts and spikes eon. 0, $2.25 ; Thomas
Palmer cleaning ditch H. S. D., $13.00;
Ed. Middleton cleaning S. D. $5.50 ;
J, C. Kelbfleisch lumber, $14.43 • Eliz-
abobh Witzel relief $10.00 ; .T. 'Snell
granato Dashwood $X7.00 ; Geo. Thiel
jr., culvert 0. R. $2.00 • Wm Jarvott
work on eicleroad $'2.00; 'W. B. Battler
inspecting• ditch II. S. D. $2.00 • As G.
Elme.s inspecting ditch 11 D'$2.00 ;
A Gr Elutes storing 6rrader $2,50 ; Fred
, ,,,c„rairs
anblehorse a ten ag oey
iBaikes.--Mr. Oliver Bloch, or near
Berlin, is here visiting his relatives.
r --On Wednesday last Mr, 3, A,
Williams received the sea intelligente
cef the deatti of his father, who lived
neaeltontetial. His bi other Robert and
• his dauglitttr areattending the funeral. -
Mr. Henry Lino and his aged mother,
are here on a Vrsit to '' old -friends. lb
is 21 years since they lett here, and
this is their first visit to their old home.
Their old friends were glad. to see
thern.-The remains of the late Mrs.
Henry Isle were interred in theLuther-
an cemetery last week, The sympa-
thy of the coin triunity is extended to
the beeeeved heehaw" and daughter.
-4Irs. A lain Sipple, of Milverton. has
been visiting relatives and friends in
this neighborhood. - Mrs. F. Seigner
has -received a letter from her husband
who is now at Portage La, Prairie. Ile,
Mrs. William's father, who died re-
cently at the age of vela years. -Ja-
cob Waltz an old resident of (.he
neighborhood was buried on Tuesday
having, reached the age of 85 years. -
Another death in the person of MO. ,
Sacoh Mann also took place 440 Mao -
day. Mrs. Wurrn was 410 strong and I
healthy woman only two short weeks
ago. • Deceased leaves htiSbarld 0.114
one child aged 0 lend, 2 years to mourn 1
her loss. The funeral was held Wed- ,
nesday morning and Was largely at-
tended. -Chas. Fritz isethe preud prttic
seSSor of Mr. Cantin's'.driver.-e0. Ell-
ber diseased of two drivers recently,
Baker Boy to Mr. Acheson; of Esteter;
and Maggie E. is going to pull the Wa-
gen for E. Zeller. Chris is now after
Direct or Robert J. --W. H. Hoffmae,
tailor, is kept very busy at presentae.
J. A. :Williams left for Ottawa on Mon-
day, (-)13 Matters in cnnnection with
the electric railway. -Fred Siegner.
Just Received
Best velee ever shown in Eheeter,
in Ledtes', Misses and Menswear,
• Also a Complete lire of
ware a fall range of
• New Prin tS
• Lovely Patterns.
•J. Ross
The Final Draft of Stations.
Following are the changes made by
the stationing committee from the
report of the first draft of stations as
published in last week's TiesEs.
London District.- London, (Askin •
street,) 3". W. Holmes Bryanston,. ft-`•
.7 Noble; Thorndale, .TSWilson.
Stretford District. -Trowbridge, 0.
W Bristol. ; Wallace H. A Graham;
Monkton, G II Thompson; Wellburne
S Edmunds.
Winghana District- Winghann
Hobbs Brussels, John Holmes ; Ethel
and Illienfryn, H Beer, (as young
man) ; Bethel, 0 0 I.Caine ; Tiverton,
HD Tyler; White Church, A I Brown.
Goderich District-Goderich, (Vic-
toria) S Allan ; Clinton, (Ratters -
bury st.) W G Hovvsoo,
Exeter District. -Exeter (Main st,),
R Millyard ; Elimville, Thos Philips,
(as young man); HensallG Jeivitt;13irr,
0 0 Cozens ; Luca n4 R Fair ; Granton,
T E Harrison.
Strathroy District. -Adelaide, S
Wren ; Wanstead, S V Pentland ; Oil*
DitY, J A Snell, Marthaville, j B
Kennedy. .
Sarnia, District. -- Camlachie, R L
Wilson, Amos Thomas ; Thedford, M
Griffon; Forest. N R Willoughby ;
Bosanqnet, L Barlett,
Windsor District -Pelee Island. es
Chatham Distrid.--Blenheine 3 a'
Rice ; Cedar Springs, 0 ti Clarke „-
TisPerrille, RW 'Knowles; Rutherford
Bes‘V Itld wards B A, W A Weldon ;
1.'t Pilot le Islancl, Wayland Pickard.
s • -
idgetown District ewbury, sos
peavear; Rodney, J 1,0gford
Heist svork on road con. 4 and .) $10. , who has been prospectingra the North -
FRED HESS Clerk. svesb for about two months arrived
-- home Taesday. Fred says Ontario is
Jno. Layton, of Tuckersmith, is en- good enough foe hine -Mrs. E. Zeller
gaged at the Seaforth butter factory. is spending it few weeks with her par -
The Entrauce examintations will be eras at Merlin.- it S. Richardson took
rth lei lad
". the 28tIL 2R1,1' for next winter. -Quito a number of
celehretion here this year. Come to dences with the celebrated Sherwin
3riollib.°Yerit?nnet.ari° orders fat over a bondred tons oe coal
Tiler° witi be a grand Orangemen s our villagers ave improving theit vest -
Exeter on july 12th. William's paints. Al] other paints go
The mealy friends of P. Cook, of begging for customers.- Rev, rink-
A.shfield, fotenerlY of the Cut 'Mamas() beiner is spending the week at Milver-
tone-Court eE Revision was held he
Town Hell, Monday, very few Appeals
were fyled.-Me. and Mrs. A. Hill, of
Cvediton, were in the village. 011 There -
lowing totals are found on the Assess-
ment Roll of the townshie of Hay for
the yeas 1.890; -Number of acres asses
sed 52,501 ; Nnalbev of eaves dearer'',
88,813 ; Total population 3,410 ; Nam. -
her of co ttle 4,802 • Number of sheep
1,702 ; Xumber of 'horses ; Num-
ber acres in orchard 418 ; Number of
pained to hear of his death last week
Iitigh SloGregor, of Tuckersmith,
has been keeping his bed foe the past
week, on account of illness. Mr. Sic -
1 G regor '.vas handling heavy stone, and
in doing so gave his back a ha.d
At the Mothodiet Clonference in ses-
sion et Windsors linv, William Ale-
Donagii, of Stratford, end Rev, Dr,
Williems, of Lit owe', were superan-
, n tested permanently. Nine men Were
reeeived into full connection. 'they
ztre II. A. Graham, 11. A.,, St. Aliteys ;
TX. 3, latngford. Gann toe ; C. 0, Keine,
Govvie ; /I. .T. \Veen, Thoredale ; 3., i-,.
Westinitn, Gvaist on ; 3, 3, Sinclair,
London ; E. W. Edwards H. A.. Vi-
e • - ) - A 1.' e l t, ., \• ‘,II )
wtiod, Anson eeSoseboilee,
$t. 11444rYs
1 DRIEF.s._tril'j :folltssinne• eir.enlese -wae
iisned from the office' `74 D. esrtr.Ta,„.,w,eLll
. & Sons, manufacturers Of :-.Y.S"' -"s's''''
; ments etc., and laced in. the pay .*".`i
[lope of each: workman Saturday even.
Mg, pay night : St Marys May 27th, • .
Dear Sir -Alter this dete" an advance
of 5 per cent on wages will be made iis ,
all departments Of. our factory. The
scale of wages will remain the same on
both day and piece work, the Advance
'being added ori each pay day', Yours ,
truly David Maxwell & ;Sons, --Now ,
that tbe firemen have 'decided Upon
the 3.9tb of July as being the clay for. ,
their grand celebration, active pre-
parations are now being carried on so
that when the, glorious 'event takes .
place nothing will have been left uti7
done to make it one of the best clays
the Stone town has ever seen. --W-.
Webster, of the firm of Richarcleozi ..t
Webster, has been 'confined to his '
home for the pest week owing to Ills .
ness.-Gallant company No. 3, under .
the cornmand of Captain daerieson left
Tuesday afternoon by sPeeite/ train
for London Where they will go aader
canvas for two week's time, The com-
pany- which was nearly 30 strong made
a manly showing. As they marched
four deep up the street with metteured
step any unusual observer Would w ith-
mit douht labov lustier the impression
that this gorgeouS array was a . small
contingent of the Qesens Own ov old
army veterans out on parade, in ell
probability No.3 will show up well this
yeer in camp, and return 'home egain
Well laden wit 11 li4mors„nnly -% ortIty a
cOm pally like No. 3.--NYhlieet teem of,
ls6r5PS at I tithed ti) Il. hearse itelotging ,
to ,r, W. '.Wrical. 'undertaker, were
standing tied to a post 11) front of Mr..
WOod's store, yesterday afternoon
they becranie frightened at a pieee of
paper Which was blowing down the '
street and breakirig loose froin the tie
'post made a furious : clash up Queen
street And reaching the Traders hank .
the horses took to the sidewalk, but
owing to the slippery condition °Stile
pavement and the rapid rate they were
going the team had not gone far when
one of the animals fell, and before it '
could recover itself was ,caug,ht by
several persons standing near. -One of
the beet oxhibmoos outhf4 laceosse
&no. ever witnessed in Si.: Marys Inc •
many years Was given Vriday of tor,- .
1)00(100the Athletic park ' whets the
St. :d arys Alerts crossed 'Sticks with .
Sdafortle, At three o'clock the game
WAS called. The.ball Was fAced oft by .
Meyer Richardson and tit a signal,
from the refetee playing was chni-
meneed. At the conclusion of th0.
match the score stood -f3 to 4114 fitvor of
' Seaforth. Althotigle heAten the home .
tease is not in the least disniayede they .
ltd it hard team to fight, and in the ,
fight they fought nobly and will
once More .antee iota the coining con- .
test with more vigor than ever, ain't
when the emson at: hest idoees.11411
peoletitly be: able tts place oh view that
foe which. they ma new etriving, the. '
.0, L. A, teophy. SViewish them Welt.
The '049 )poeipts for the r
VS Serafoi•th mateh,, yesterdn:y
acres of fall wheat 5,915 ; Number of Wain ittneented to neae,„rly e 10.ft).
Steam Millers 9A.
nenese.-- On the 25th of Slay :Ertel 1)011, c
Mr. AlIder(01 • Of Till 1111(`V,. whose (oderih townellip linet with 4310111111
est a a -0 f,1,4,0 wrf 14 4 ti;Oilgt" 4 11,4•: • "'