HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-6-1, Page 5Sale Register ,PuX,4 vi.-Farin of Don, 4114 UvReller, lot 15, cop, 11, Hibbert, 44 acres, Sale at `a o'n:lock on the pre. ,Mises. F. L. Hamilton, atict, FRIDAY, JUNE 9TM-rearm in Us - borne, lot 9, on.. 3, 100 aeres, on the premises ti,t 2 o'clock. H. Brown, ac, John Heywood, executor. .....mamormarpnramammorrisor.P...... • HURON COUNTY COTTN- cu, MEETING The council of the corporatiou of the county Of Buren. will meet in the council chamber i t own,of Goderich on the first Tuesday in Tin PeXt at 3 o'clock p. W. Latin, Cler Dated May 2nd, 1899. 2-b NOTICE TO REMOVE . WOOD, All parties having wood piled along the 4th and 5th coneession, Hay. aro hereby notified to remove the same ou or bofore the 511 day of Juno, 1899, or it will bo moved at the owner's ,expense, as the Council intend gradingthe road 33y order of Hay Council. 3. N. HOWARD, Pathmaster. COURT OF REVISION. VILLAGE OF .EXETER. Notice is hereby given that a court for the re -vision of the Assessment Roll for the Village •Of Exeter will be held at the TownHall in the said village of Exeter, on Friday the 2nd. day of June, 1890 at the hour of 7.30 p. m. All per- sons haying business at the said. Court will govern themselves accordingly. - G. II. BISSE1'1', Clerk. Exeter, Oth May 1897, COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIPOF HAY. - Notice is hereby given that a court for the revision of theAssessmont Roll for the Town - hip of Hay will be held at 'the Town Efall ia the said yillage of Zarich, on Monday the 5th • Idayof june,1899 at 10 a. m. All persons having ,busmess at the said Court will govern them- eelves accordingly. ' p BESS, Clerk. Zurthh.1.6th May 1899. • 404- COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF US13ORNE, 4111111,--- A Court for •the revision of the Assessment of tho Township of Usborne, for the year 1899, will be held at the Township Hall, Elim - rine, on Saturday, June 3r0l at 10 o'clockan the forenoon. Any person having business at said Court will phase take notice and govern him- -self accordingly. FRANCIS MORLEY, Clerk. FAItlY1 FOR SALE. ' Auction sale of a first-class farm of 100 acres In the township of Usborne, being lot 9, con 7, a miles south of Elimvillo. Ib is of good. rich soil. Eighty-five acres cleared, balance in good hard wood bush. First class brick house and barn and other outbuildings. Two good wells of water and a spring creek. Will be sold by auction on the -premises, on June Oth, at 2 o'clock p. in. without reserve, Ten per cent. of purchase money down, or well secured, bal- ance 1st January, when upossessio will be giv- en. For further particulars apply to Joinv ILEYWeon, Exeter, P. 0., or EtIzanzat any. 'Mon, Elimville P. 0. Executors. THE ANNUAL MEETING eir THE SOUTH HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE Will be held in Coxworth's Hall, HENSALL, on THURSDAY, JUNE 1ST, at one o'clock p m Following is the program :-President's Ad- dress ; Report of Executive ; Treasurer's Re- port ; Auditors' Report; Suggestions of points at which to hold the regular and supplement- ary meetings ; Election of Officers. etc. The 2neeting will also be addressed by J, HugoReed V. S., Prof. of Veterinary 0. .A., C.. Guel h. subject :-"Breeding 'horses for profit." •' he sUbject of "Our Roads" will be introduced for ;discussion by'W. W. Cooper, Xippen. D. MoINNES, R, G•ARDINER, President. Secretary MONEY TO LOAN. at from 4.3 to 5%. Apply to ELLIOT 8.7, GLADMAN, Barristers, SolicitorS, Scc., Main St. Exeter MONEY TO LOAN. • Wa have 1ln Lim ted. private funds for invest- ment upon farm or village -propertY at lowest rates of interest:. ‘. DICKSON & CARLING, Exeter. -pc XINSMAN, L. D. S. AND 'I's" DR. A. R KINSMAN, L. ',D. S. D. D. S.,.Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Iran r Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Office in Fan - son's block. West side of Main street, ,Exeter. D. ANDERSON, (D D. SI D. a.) DENTIST. • 'Honor Graduate of the Toronto ,University, .and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of ;Ontario. All Bridge work; Crowns and Plate work done in the neatest possible manner. A liarmless anesthetic for pathless extraction. The strictest attention given to the preServat- ion of the natural teeth. Office, opposite Cen: tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. A I-100PER,Licensed Auc- tioneor for the County of Huron. Sales con ;ducted in all parts, and for convenience can be arranged for at this office. Satisfaction guaran- teed Charges moderate. Exeter P. 0. — • • IN THE SURROGATE COURT. COUNTY OF HURON. In the estate of Peter Oantin, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. Notice 18 hereby given, pursuant to Chapter 129, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897 that all persons having any claims or (lemma against the estate of the above named Peter ()MAW, 'who died On Or about the 22nd day of October, 1893, 410 requested to send bypost prepaid, or to otherwise deliver to Gibbons, Mulkern Sb Har - •per, London. Ontario, soliators for Matbikla administratrix of the above name(1 08 - tate on or liefore the 1st day of June, 1800, a • ;statement in writing of their mines, addresses and descriptions, with full particulars of (heir Claims or demands, duly verified, anti the amount of,securities (if any) holdby them. And nation is hereby given that inimediatel,V after the said date the said Acirninistrattix proceed to distribute the assets of the said de - oozed among the parties entitled thereto haying regard orly to those claims of Which she /411411 then have notice, and the said adminis- tratrix will not be liable fey the aSsets, -or any part thereof so distributed, Le any person or Towel's CP whose claim she Shall not, than have rocolv_ql. notice. • Ma:M.11;0A °AMIN. • Administratrix • GI1333ONS, MULRBRN & HARPER, • London, Ont., Solicitors for the Administratrkx. FOIL OITBD, FIFTY YEARS. OLD ANDRtAtetrt.-1111,8 WinaloW's Soothing Syrup has been used for Over ilfLY years by millionsInothorsfor their tbildron While teething, With DerfaCt anCeeSS. ;It Seethes the child, softens the gums, alla3rs all main, eurce wind Cella and is the best rowdy or DiartliOsa, It is pleaSant to the taste, Sold • toy druggists in every part of the world, 25 eonts a bottle. Its wane j Incalculable. lie 4.tiro and rick for Mrs. Winslow'S SoOthing SyriM, and take ne other kind, ADDITIONAL LOCALS, WILL ATTEND SaaWICE.-The riem bers of the I, 0. F. will attend Divine service in James St. church on Sun- day, June 18t1. All are requested to assemble at the hall not later than 10 a. m. when a precession will be form- ed. mop.-- Exeter, May 17th, 1899. - ro the shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works 0o. Gentlemen: -Please take notice that the annual meeting of the shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works Co., will be held Monday June 12th, at the hour of 2 p. in„ Town Hall. T..13 ARIA:4G, Secy.-Treas, Kum= BY la lioasE.--On Saturday last, while A. Q. Dobler was holding one of his ponies, while it was being shod, the ammal reared and with its fore feet struck Mr. 13. on the face, inflicting several ugly and severe wounds. The bridge of his nose was laid bare, while one of his cheeks was badly lacerate& TRE FLAX BUSINESS. --The flax bu iness seeins to be a thing of the pas WOOL 'WANTED, - the 1gxote3 Woollen Mill. Highest prices vvill he paid for fine and coarse grades, "You will find it to your •interest to call at the mill before selling your lip. . Oollins continues to billn'O'Te. John Beichert, of Zurich, was in town this week. Don't forget to arrange to come to Exeter on Ju4 12th. 1VIr3. Poplestorte is visiting Mrs. awes 'White, I-Iensall, lelville and Alex Martin are visit - n g under the parental roof. • Thomas Russell, of Toronto, is yisit- ing at his home, Thames Road. 1 Ilir and Mrs Simpson, of London spent Sunday yisiting R. S.. Laing. "Queen Esther" was given in the Opera House on Wednesday evening to a highly pleased audience. Warren Lang, of Winnipeg, is visit- ing his brother's R. S. and Will Lang. He will remain here during the sum- mer.- s- BIRTHS. XAY-At Farguliar'on the 18th irist„ tho wife - of Will Kay of a daughter. at least solar as this section is concern 0- WIL Mrlig,11;11ITTlffen"to, on May 18, to Mr.' and (nee ed. A few mills in the immediate I cality have sowed a little flax, bi the mills at Seafarth, Blyth Clinton and 0016 points are all i(1l and no fiax being sowed. Ti. reason ofalais is because theAmerican are buying a cheaper grade of flax i eholl,) a danghter. e'• 1ViclITURHAV-In Crediton, on Tuesday May e, 23rd, the wife of the late Robt. McMurray of Solsgirth, Manitoba, of a am,. Tnn BUGS ARE HERE. -Mweek or two since THE TIMES quoted a para- graph from an exchange to the effect that the ubiquitous potatobug. had not put in an appearance and it was believed that the species had been des- troyed by the keen frost ,of the win- ter. Since then -reports have been re- ceivedcontaining the assurance that the bugs were not absent. The pota- to bug is with us again and no futher contributions of a similar nature are necessary to establish the fact beyond the peradventure of doubt. Tnuaare HUNTING, -The school board purpose taking steps to see that the "Truancy Act" is fully carried out so as to secure the regular attendance of pupils who persist na absenting them selves from their classes, and playing "hookey," as the name goes by. We are informed that there are pupils who have been indulging in truancy al- ready, particularly oat around the river, now as the fishing season is on. The parents should assist the teachers to secure regular attendance or give reasons why -he or she is absent. The truant officer Mr Follick has been instructed to look after those who are guilty of such, in order to secure uniform attendance in the school roams. One of these days he will reap a harvest of them. They are not all boys either who are guilty of , this habit. EXETER FREE LIBRARY. -The fol- lowing- statistics are taken from the last Government report and show the amount of business done by the Exeter Free Library during 1898-99. Receipts, $01S.39; expenditure $618.39 ; assets, $2,302.60 ; No. volumes in library, 3,270; volumes issued 8,824 ; No. per- sons who have borrowed books, 430; amount of money in purchase of books, $217.18; amount money expended in Reading Room, $57.60 ; moneyreceiv- ed from cards and fines $45.81 ; money expended in book -binding and repair- ing $27.54. The act requires that in future (after this report) all public libraries shall make their annual report to the 31st December in each year ; also that all members of boards constituted under part 3, retire at the end of the calendar year, and new boards are to he appointed on the 2nd Monday of January of each year. Mrs. Wm. Tapp has potatoes which will soon be fit to eat. She has hilled them three times. Mrs. Brewer left on Tuesday for Rosedale. Victoria Co., where she will yisit her brother. She will remain for potue time. Among the guests at the Tecumseh house, London, yesterday, Were Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. 0 Senior, of Blenheim, and Air. W. 0. Senior, of Toronto. Harry Parsons, cream gatherer for the Jersey Creamery, on Tuesday took bo the creamery in one load 3,200 lbs. of ersam which made 983 lbs. of butter. This was a large load,and Mr. Parsons. would like to hear from any person Who has beaten this record. Don't foiget that we are offering in turnip seed, the very best, great yielder, Monarch or Tankard shape, Bangholm, exceedingly large, small neck, easily harvested. Sutton's Champion, flesh yellow, tender, sweet, excellent keeper and enormous yielder, at J; P. cir..Anx.E's. Presents. Our stock offers rnany suggestions. Silverware is always appropriate. We are showing a rich collection. Plenty of pleasing presents at pleasing prices. • T. PiTToN. • S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPT1141AN, • . Fitton's Jewelry Store MA.RRIAGES. MOSSEY-JACQUES-011 the 21th ult„ by t l; v. 8. Salton at the Methodist parson - 4 ,t paha, James H.Mossey of Blanshard to Miss Maria Jane Jacques of Usbnne. SWITZER-ROOK=At the parsonage Elim ville on the 21th ult., by Rev. G. Jewitt, Fletcher Switzer, on of Fletcher Switzer, of Woodham. to Miss Bernice Ella Rook, daugh- ter of George Rook, of E'den. Usborne Town- ship. DEATHS. LEARY-In Hibbert, on May 27111, George Leary aged 02 years 2 Months. JONES- In Seaforth, on May 16th, Edward Joseph, son of J. W. Tones, aged 2 years, 2 months and 16 days, -+ Children Ory for M fl74 /48. 4081 ASK I-011 BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY,ANQ FARM The Improved MON NM SEPOROP The Mikado is not only the LIGHTEST RUNNING Separator of its capacity, but it will skim MORE MILK in proportion to POWER us- ed than any other Separator, large or small, in the world. This we guarantee, and are willing to demonstrate at all times. For five to twenty-five cows.70a- pacity 275 lbs. per hour. The Above cut represents the IMPROVED MIKADO CREAM SEPARATOR, the best on the market. There are six sizes to choose from. P*INTS OF AiVATAGE The general advantages secur- ed by using a Separator may be summarized as follows; , It saves a great deal of labor, especially for the women On the farm. It saves time in butter -making, reductingr it more than half, It produces more cream from a given amount of milk, I8 produces better creatn, Separator cream is tnore “ehurnahle." It can be churned in less than half the time, It gives from 20 to 30 per cent. greater yield of butter ; that is to say, from 20 to 30 lbs. more from the milk of each cow, A differ- ence of from $ro to $x 5 per cow per year. The crearn and skim -milk will keep sweet much longer, OATALOGVES PRIDE, PRIORS PROM $40 UP. 1. (1- BOBIER0 • Ageolt, EXetet.. r Every Weir Man Hath His lit DAY. A doctor's examination might show that Aidneys liver and stomach are normal: but the doctor cannot analyze the blood upon vhich these organs depend. Hood ,0 Sarsapafi rilla puries vitalizes and enriches the blood. It cures you when "11 bit oft" Or When seriously afflicted. it never disappoints. Rheumatlet”—" I believe Rood's sal, oaparula has no equal for rheumatism. It bas done me more good than any other medicine I have taken." Mas. litEsszy, Brampton, Ont. Bad Cough -“After ray long illness, was very weak and bad a bad cough. 1 eould not et oI sleep, Different remedies dld not help me but good's Sarsaparilla built me up and I am noW able to attend to my work,', Ifix-raiijkone °sham, Ont. Rood,8 Filla euro liver 1110; dm Ilan -irritating and Only cathartic to take with 01,..,)..Miss Dont, of Mit- Sariaparilla. Mrs. L. Hardy is visiting friends in Ingersoll. Farmers having saw logs at the Sutherland 'Tunes Co's Mill will do well to read the announcement in another column. Walter. Carling who has been visit- ing hiS anub, Mrs. Tait for sOme time, left this week for Guelph where he has sectred a situation. T. T. Lockhart leaves in a few days for his 'twine in Kingston. Mr. Lock- hart says he will not again engage in school teaching. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Senior, of Blenheim, are visiting their son Joseph Senior. Mrs: Senjor is very ill, and will re- main here for some time. Mr. Ell worthy, whose farm is a few rods east of Exeter, on Tuesday morn- * Ma fell from the hay mow to the floor. He struck on his feet but afterwards fell, and injured himself so severely that he is still confined to his bed. Amongst those who attended the regular meeting of Lebanon Forest Ledge, No 133, A. F. & A, M., Exeter, last week, were R. W. Ross, R. R. Hungerford, of London, and J. W. Mooney, D. D. 0. M., of South Huron district. The officers of the iLodge ex- emplified the first and second degrees in a manner in ost cred i table to them - ,selves. The District Deputy express- ed himself as being highly pleased with the work done, and complimented the officers as being equal to any in the district. NEYER DISAPP0INT3). People who are troubled with any disease caused or promoted by impure blood or a low state of the system may take Hood's Sarsaparilla with the ut- most confidence that itsfaithful nse will effect a cure. Millions take it as O spring medicine, because they know by experience it is just what the sys- tem needs. Hood's Pills are the best, family cath- artic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable, sure. FARMERS' CHEAP EX- CURSION TO GUELPH. Under the auspices of the South Huron Far- mers' Institute. Tuesday "June 13th RI At the followin'4' very low rates for the return • Time Adults Children trip :- CENTRALIA (0i:531 1 0 350 $1.16 EXETER • 0.42 • 1,10 5 60 00 - HENSALL XIPPEN 7.00 . 1.05 55 . BRUCEFIELD 7,02 1.00 55 CLINTON 7.25 1,00 55 SEAFORTH 7.40 95 50 L00 13HLOyl.,TMTVILLE 1.15 60 95 BELGRASSTE - 1.05 55 LONDESBORO 1.00 55 Excursionists from Holm esville will leave by the regular Morning train,. joining the Excur- sion Train at Clinton ; on the return trip they will be transferred to the regular Evening Train at Clinton. Excursionists from Belgrave, Blyth, • a•nd. Lonclesboro, will leave by the regular Passenger Train south in the morning, joining the EXcnr- sion Train at Clinton, and in the evening they will • bereturned from Clinton by a Special Train from there. , Returning. the Excursion Train will leaye Guelph at 0.30 P. ni. This will be the only Excursion from this district to the Ontario Experimental Farm at Guelph this season. . Excursionists will be . afforded ample oppor- tunity of seeing everything- of interest at the 1 Farm and College. COMMITTEE OF •14.1.AN4,GEMENT.-Robt. McMORDIE, Hay Township ;RonSET- B. Me- DuAN, TaCkersmith Township ; M. •Y. McLn.5.xn, Sonforth. • The Central •Di‘tig tate (060000 This is to certify that I have used ENGLISH STOCK FOOD mannfactured by C. Lutz, for calves, milch cows, and young pigs and in all cases have found it MOSt satisfactory . The calves have grown faster and done bet- ter than ever before, the milch cows have improved in condition, the flow of milk has increased 20 per cent. and is of greater •rich- ness. The young pigs have done better on ENGLISH STOCK FOOD than 1 ever knew them do before. • English Stock Food is a most excellent and valuable article and should be used by all stock raisers Only requires to be given a trial, in order to prove its merits, another merit is its cheapness as compared with other fOods : I have much pleasure in recommending it to •stock raisers, ABRAHAM DEAR TN“ ealbe(sit• °LUTZ IVIARKET REPORTS. Exeter May 01ct,1899. Wheatpor bushel .„... a, s..... .... fekig!"--:: - " r'4•WsO3,Y.4...."'" • A .. A to 8 Dtwice..., .. .... 7 te 'T 'gra ..4i)` plei . ... . .. 17 to 18 «, 5 to 9 Pork dreesed.,.., • .64 a 3)5,00 Pork live weight-- —. . . . .... 1.40 0 •2440 Ray per ton ... „ ,' . .25.00 to 25,00 Clover Seed , .: 2.75 to $4,00 Alsilte clover' 7.; . „ '•,. . 3.50 to 23.50 Timothy seed ...--, .... ... . 1,76 to 21.75 Obieltene per lb - to 0‘,9 ,. 20 to o' .30 to 51 • -60 to 6- • -11 to 11 11 to 11 9 to 6 Oto 9 • London, May ifist, l890 Wheat per bushe ,.. .... Oats-, ,_,. Barley.- - , - .... .... .. -48 Buckwheat - -. ....., ....95 Cli,yoren. - . , .. . . , . , $9 Bcns Butter .... : . ... ....,..05 44 .... 14 Potatoes per bag... , 8'DEl'hulgelli:Iskilie.Yintp:*ii,i-ii::: : • " M0080- , ,, 50 60 10 9 ...,15 .. PHayorltPpeerrt•covi e. : • • • • .... 8 .„ . ..2 0.00 to .. 24.50 to 25.00 le 70 te 38fr to 58 to 60 to 48 to 39 to 45 to 70 to 14 to 10 to 70 to 12 to 10 to 75 to 10 to1 00 -'5 GRAIN MARKETS Toronto, May a -Wheat -Offerings light, demand fair and steady, at 691c. to 70lic for cars of red and white, and 65c for goose wheat west; Manitoba grades firm; No. 1 hard, Toronto and west, at gic. and grinding in transit at Mc; No. 1 northern is quoted at 83c, Toronto and west. Flour steady: cars of straight roller in barrels, Toronto freights, $3.25. Millfeed firm, at* $14 to 510 for shorts, and $12 to. $12,50 for bran, west. Rye nominal, at 53c to 54e, west. Corn quiet; cars of Canada yellow, west, 35c to 36c, and No. 2 American, Toronto and west, at 414e. Oats steady, at 31c for white, west. Peas quiet, at 04e to 644c, west. The extensive sawmill of Donald and James Ferguson, of Lobo town- ship, was destroyed by fire about four o'clock Sunday morning. The mill was in operation during the day pre- ceding, and when it closed down at six o'cloz.k. Saturday evening every- thing was left, in the usual condition. The lumber piles and hoop shed were saved by the united efforts of Mrs. Jas. McArthur and neighbor. It was struck by lightning. a.mmumome•awranaara.....reosJiarepaa `10(0004111000001110411008 "Hoffman's Eteadache Powders I •are indispensable in my house. El 1 have given theni to my friends ft X and they all want to get them. X It Send me a half-dozen boxes." III F. L. LAMSON- 9 Cook Academy. Montour Falls, N. Y. tiONANS ache "tiers a WM curs any kind of headache ft. in 30 minutes without causing X 11,1 any disagreeable after effects. 12 ft They are sold by all:druggists in 0 10c, envelopes and 25e. boxes. 9 THE HOFFMAN DREG 00., tBridgchursr, Ont. sloS04100041049494019€001111 SCHOOL OPENINGA 1 x SCHOOL BONS ri A full bright of line, fresh and and every quisitc at School S re - Where the Scholars are always used well NW. Meat Man is hi illarket wears 0110 of JORNS neatly fitting The undersigned has opened up a ow meat mariot one deer SOUtilof Gariina'8 Store, where be will keep the choicest of eats constantly on hand. • A, OALI, SOLIC1TED JOHN T MANNING CALL AT THE FAMILY Meat Market. For first class CORNED 13BEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, LARD ;,1,nci smarKED MEATS. A fine selection of BEEF, LAMB, • FRESH PORK, and all kinds of Pres,Ibt and Salted Meat on hand. Note the address, one door north of The R. Pickard Co's store. LOWS DAY PROP. Fine Tailorin 41,.......111111.• IM 013.01 L.=I•EiSOZ, Cell You require a BLACK SUit very often at this time of the year. We are prepared to lit you ou tin the finest sty,le. Best quality Goods closest prices. Wedding Suits a Specialty •••0111111.•,••••••0116129114,1170.1113.i• A J. SNELL Save the Babies. Thousands of them die every sum- mer who eould be saved by the timely use of Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry. There is not a mother who loves her infant but should keep on hand dur- ing the hot weather a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry. 4 There is no remedy so safe and so effective for the diarrhoea of infants, and none has the endor- , sation of so many Cana - J dian mothers who have proved its merits, and therefore speak With cohlidence. One of these is Mrs. Petis jOnes, Warkwath, Ont., who says : ‘f dat) give Dr. Fowler'S rxtra4t of Wild SttaWberry great praise, for it saved my babfe life, She was cutting her teeth aiisi was ta.kin with diarrhcea very bad. my sister advised me to get Dr. Fowler's Ektract of Wild Strawberry. I got a bottle and it cured the baby almost at Once." Per a t Owe of a Ger. Some twelve years ago Mrs. Elizabeth Gilhala, wife of the postmaster of Bux. ton, Ont., was taken ill with an obscure stomach trouble which her physi. C11111$ pronounced 1.caneor of the storn- k:..*.ach and informed MRS. GILHULA. • On the advice ol < her that her lease oi life would be short. friends she commenced taking Burdock Blood Bitters. The results that followed were little short of marvellous. Her strength and vigor returned and in a short time she was completely cured, Mrs. Gilhula is to -day in the full enjoyment of good health, and in all these years there has not•been the slightest return of the trouble. Here is the letter Mrs. Gilhuta wrote ai the Hine of her CUM : "Alan:it four years ago I was taken sick with stomach trouble and consulted several of the leading physicians here, all of whom pronounced the disease to be cancer of "the Stomach of an incurable nature, and told me that it was hardly to be expected that I could livelong. Afterward the two doctors who were attending me gave 1100 Up to dim By the 'advice of some of my friends, Who knety, of the virtues of Burdock Blood Bitter, rwaa indUCed to try it, and 1 am now happy to say that after using part of the first bottle I 'felt so much better I '1,Vaa able to get u 1 ath thankful to state that t am completely cured of the disease by the use of although, it had baffled the dOctors for a long time. 1 atii firmly con- vinted that Burdock Mood, Bitters saved My life," 'We are in the van with all that is desirable in the line, Let us show you our stock of 81.7.00 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we put up ;the best suit for $10.00 that can be bought in the county, GIVE US A °ALL. 11. erieve gere is the kite?' received/eon: her &short that, ago "1 an still in geed health, 1 thank Burdoe,lc hod 13itters foe saving roY, life twelve years ago, and highly recmerid lt to other suffereta frorri stornach troubleS O atiy khid, EtizAnern ait/LA. 1140 atter.• }fie „prietm, are iway His p,'OenIS ark- • th. Oall and examine hie gootls heft> buying your W,JOHNS? • The: Teoll0 • AND . flEftliE PILLS FOIE WEAK [PE PLC* AND THOSE TROUBLED WiTH Palpitation, Throbbing or Irregular Beating. ot t e Heart, IDIzinessii Shortn ess of reaTli, D I st re ss after Exettion. Snietniering Feeling, and Heart 1Viorlo d condition of the $1,4Ts Or Palrk hrottoh the Breast Mind, Partial Paralysis Sleepless- ness, Na-rvoUsnal Ant-% laaaGerie- r Debility. After- ffea of urboPes Loss of Appetite, e a. Remember llililburn's Heart ano4 Nerve Pills cure the worst cases atter other remedies fail. Laxa-Liver PI2lii oure.Constipattem. Cramps and 601IC pi Always relieved promptly by Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry. When you are seized with an attack of Cramps or doubled up with Colic, yOu Want a remedy you are sure will give yeti relief and give it quickly, too. You don't want an untried something that amyhelp you. You want Dr. Fowler Extract of Wild Strawberry, which every one knows will positively cure Cramps and Colic quickly. Just a dose or two and you have ease. But now a word of proof to back up these assertions, and we have it from lltr. John Hawke, Coldwater, Ont., wh o writ's: "Dr.Fowler'sExtract of Wild Strawberryi5 a wonderful cure for Diarrhoea, Cr a m p s and pains in the stomach. I was a great sufferer until I gave it a trial, but no* I have perfect comfort." FARMERS You will and at Bissett's Wareroom Ile followi cf Agrico tural Implements - !BEARING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARING STEEL SULKY PS S, Afull lino of Send Dulls, Cultivators Disc and Dian on d E al rowa Plows, ancl Turnip Drills. SEWING MACH HESta E-c'K'Isc q ,Y4aPy, The celebrated I Knoll 'Washer Raymond sewing and 'wringers machine • STOVES. ---' Gurney stove.s and furanoes. waggons 13ugglies.V' •Bicycles.- The Chatham Waggon and a fifil -line of the Celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. BILL, urThezBest and -4P0-- • ignore The Rest. Iii the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables Chairs, Etc., Dot Something Nioe--4- We have it, you want it. Take a look a onr full line of FURNITURE and :you find what you are leoWng o Illfal1/4117.1:11/11,,,t,Nn tri\T• Diorr4kirril, opopit "louse Illoek. 1