Exeter Times, 1899-6-1, Page 1HURON
II. 1318110P
'-For -this WEEK
Quality and price combine to Make Our Offerings worthy of
your attention. Study theses prices and remember that a reduction
,of price by us does not:necess arily mean CHEAPER QUALITY.
Ladies blouse silks iu all artistic sha-
• des, regular 75c this week 50c.
Metallic skirts, very :latest, regular
;price of these beautiful goods is $2.00,
to clear at 1.50.
White counterpanes, large size, fast
-sellers reg 1,50 our price 99c.
Prints, A. lot of reg 7c, to clear this
lweek at 5c.
15c art muslins just arrived, our
Iprice this week 10c.
Ladies' shirt waists, all latest pat-
terns, worth 40c, our price 25c.
Floor oil cloth, 2 yds wide, reg 75c
goods, this week 500.
:Swiss Ernbroiclries,
Worth 15e, our price 12e.
Worth 10c, our price 7c.
Lace Curtains a few splendid' values
50c to clear at 25c.
American Percales just a few Pieces
left 36 in wide reg 12e to clear at Sc.
Childrens straw hats, worth 50c ,to
.clear 25c.
Gent's Bal and Clongress shoes heavy
soles, latest toe, reg 2.00 this week 1 50.
Men's Bicycle shoe, tan, reg 1.75, to
clear this week 1.35.
Ladies' Bicycle Boot,
black and tan,
most stylish shoe on the market.
Reg 3.00, price 2.50.
Reg 4.00, price 3.50.
We are giving special atten-
tion to this department. This is all
new and are well worth a trial. Be
sure and try Christie's fancy and plain
biscuits. We have a large assortment.
Screen , Doors /and windows,
different styles and sizes, Paris Green,
guaranteed pure ; Blue Stone, for
The new brass labelled harvest
Highest, price for butter and eggs.
0 * 0 4 4
ishop & Son, Exeter.
13RIEFS. -Wm. Nethercott has trans-
ferred the contract of his barn to T.
Graham.. -The potato 'beetles that
were supposed. to be annihilated, are
appearing in their usual numbers. -
.James Barnett has contracted to set
up binders for P. S. ,Armstrong, Mas-
sey Harris. ---Francis Adair and fa,mily
_have returned to Creditor) to live.
WEDDING. -The marriage of Fletcher.
Switzer son of Fletcher Switzer of
Weodham and Miss Bernice Ella,
daughter of George Rook of Eden was
solemnized on May 24th at the parson-
age here by Rev. George Tewitt. They
are both estimable young people and
will live on the ftrimpf O. 0. Switzer
near Kirkton. Maythey live long and
;happily together.
• Brucefield.
13arnas,-Some of our people went
eto Clinton and some to Exeter on the
lAth. Mr, John Hart entered his pacer
at Exeter races in the free-for-all, • and
won 2nd money. -Mr. Thos. Fraser,
who got oadly hurt a week ago, is im-
proving. -Mr. Ernest Oolling has en-
gaged with Mr. T. Snell as bus driver.
'Mr. Wm. Dixon, who has been visit-
ing in Exeter has returned home.
VORNADO.-On-SaturdaY last a ter-
vific wind storm swept across the
northern part of this township. It
covered about 10 rods in width. On
•the farm of Mrs. Pepper 10 acres of
bush was blown down, scarcely a
-tree renialning standing. Also Alex.
Buchanan's barn was unroofed, rafters
,and everything, as well as siding and
rafters of John Trequair's and Elliott
Fairbairn's barns. Several orchards
were also blown down, while fences
were scattered in all directions. •
BRIEFS, -Mrs. Ifitacke end grand.
.daughter, Miss Haacke, of Berlin, who
have been, visiting her sons, Charles
• and Sohn Tippet., have returned home.
-Mr. Will, and 'Thomas Blair left town
.on Tuesday last for Sault St. Marie. -
Mrs, Jas. Eagleson, of Clinton, who
has been visiting friends here for some
time has returned hoine.-Mr.
art and son Percy, of Dublin spent a
few days here 'last week. - Mr. G.
Blashill of Brussels is the guest of Mr.
rr. McGee this week,
Dont imagine for a minute that a
cough amounts to nothing. Thousands of
people are in their graves to -day who Ict,
. cough lake its tourse. Stop that cough with
Shiloh's Consumption Core, which all druggists
sell OW., 50e. and $1.00 a bottle, If it fails to
toe you, your money will be refunded,
Alexander Fergusen, of the firm of
Kertiohan, Webiter & Frguson,lune-
'her merchants, died athialatn resident()
Lendon, Shortly after 8 eeleek Wed
nesday 11101114w, agfel 44 Veva.
H ibbert.
tDEATIL-George Leary died at his
residence in Hibbert, on Saturday,. at
the age 62 years, and the remains were
intered in Staffa cemetery on Monday.
Deceased died from the effects of a
paralytic stroke.
last, while men were engaged at a barn
raising at Frederick Coles', James
Anderson met with an accident which
ight have cost him his life. Samuel
Priscator, of Exeter, was engaged in
driving some of the timbers together,
when the sledge be Was using flew of
the handle and struck Anderson on
the head, laying his skull bare, and
brnisingthe same. He was knocked.
unconscious and did not recover for
24 hours. The sledge weighs 15 pounds.
Mr. Anderson's condition is favorable.
BRIEFS.-Mr. John Sherrit and Mrs.
Sherrit of Stephen were -visiting freinds
in this locality last week. --Dr. Pallister
of Bayfield performed a very skilful
operation on two of Charles Johnston's
children a few days ago, one child seven
months old, the other about five years
of age both cases of rupture.- Mc
Evan Brosare busily engaged making
shingles in j. T. Marks' swamp where
•they have erected a shingle mill. -Mr.
Tonathan Peck, who secured a third-
class certificate last July has decided
to study medicine and expects in the
future to have M D. added to his name.
We wish him success, -
A a -
Banns. -Lieu. Beech, of the Sal-
vation Army is transferred from here
to Ingersoll. -James Polland and wife
from Chicago are on a visit to Joseph
Polland this week. -Dr, turrit and
Frank Campbell have gone to Muskoka
for a week's fishing. They will find
it weak work. ----The Public School
Trustees have decided to pet a new
stone, foundation and new floor in the
building this summer. --The netv en-
gine has been working in the woollen
works during the past week, and it is
•givirig good satisfaction as a worker
and fuel saver. -A meeting was held
on Thursday evening to hear the re-
port of the eanyassers for stack for the
new company. About $12,000 of the
$20,000 required is already subscribed,
-John 'Roy and his bride were in
town on Thursday seeing their friends
and investing in furniture, -john
Chappel, of Kirkton, was in town this
week. These trips will continue till a
chapel ceremony takes place. -Wil.
Ham Thomson, from Texas, is home
for a few weeks' holiclos. He likes
the south country very niuch.
A nian's wife should always be the
same especially to her husband, but if
she is Weak and nervous, and uses
Carter's hen Pills she cannot be, for
they make her "feel like a different
EiCh" 00 they all say, and their husbands
an too!
Banos. -Harry Isaac, who has'been
ill for some time, is recovering iAtcel,y,
having passed fifteen gall stonek'knte
of them exceeding ao inch in circum-
BnIErs,- On Tuesday last the Rev.
S. Salton was called to Ailsa Craig to
officiate at the funeral services Of, the
Rev. •W. Baugh's eldest son, Carl, Mao
died on Sunday after a lingering ill-
K i rkton
Bnana's,-Quite a number of our boys
were in Mitchell on the 24th, and re-
port having had it pleasant time. -Mr.
Oreary raised his barn on Friday,
everything passing off successfully. -
Mr. A. E„BlakeThas engaged with W.
Fletcher. -]1i'. T. L. Kirk has been laid
off with blood poisoning far the past
week.-Mr.A. Shier was seriously ill
•this last week. -Mr. Lancaster passed
through our town on. Sunday. -Mr. A.
Robinson spent Sunday in Mitchell
with Mr. G. L. Money. -The boys in-
tend to organize a football team here
shortly, and will be open to play any-
time. The Kirkton brass band has
been engaged to play at Cooper's
Beazes.-Dr. Michell has his fine
lawn fixed up to date. It looks quite
attractive. -Mr. Doyle, our blacksmith
who was coufined to his home through
illness, is able to attend his work
again. -Miss Tessie Carroll attended
it party on Friday evening last at the
residence of Mr. and t'Mrs. Thos.
Guerin. -Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan.
are both ill and unable to be around. -
Mrs. Peter De0oursey is at present
unableto attend to her householdduties
owing to illness. -Mr. Myers who has
been ill for some time, is still in a suf-
fering condition. -The boys of the foot-
ball team are practicing every evening
and intend to challenge the players of
Seaforth.-The little four-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Murphy, while
Playing with his little, sister around
the grounds Snnday Morning, fell on
a stone, cutting his nose very badly. -
Master Freddie Aikens spent the 24th
with friends in Mitthell.-Mrs. Wm.
Doyle, St Columbia was in Stratford
last week fpr a few days visiting
friends.--Mis Kate O'Connell, of
Mitchell, spent Sunday in the home
circle. Mr. and Mrs. James Davis en-
joyed. Sunday last with St. Marys
friends. -Mr. and Mrs. Lengevin of
Atwood were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. P. Evans last week. -Mr. Walk-
er took a business trip to Clinton one
day last week. -Mr. Ekhart student, at
Berlin College is home for the holiday
season. M. and Mrs. Wm. Deveureux
spent Sunday at the residence of Mrs.
Downey. -Very Rev. Dean Murphy
was in Logan on Sunday attending the
laying of the corner stone of the
church. -A number of the warloying
young men left Tuesday for London
where they will remain for twelve
days working in Her Majesty's service.
-The football Chill met at Seaforth on
Saturday last to play against the team
in Kippen but failed to win laurels. -
Empire Day was a treat to teacher
and pupils as school closed earlier than
Sexsm ith
BRIEFS. -- The Misses Fulton and
their brother of Hensel' called on
friends here lately. --Mr. and Mrs.
Humeston returned to London on the
2Ith.-A large number from here at-
tendedthe races in Exeter on the 24th.
- There is some talk of a picnic being
arranged to go to Grand Bend soon.
-Miss Maud. Russell has got a fine new
wheel of the Columbia make. --A num-
ber from here attended the tea -meet-
ing in the Hensall Methodist Church
on the 24th May. -0. Aldworth traded
his gray driver to N. Horton a few
days ago. -Mrs. A. Ingram had an
auction sale a few days ago, good
prices were realized.
WEDDING BELLS. -A very pleasant
event took place at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Northcott, on
Wednesday May the 24th, it being the
marriage of their second daughter
Annie, to George A. Geddes, a pros-
perous young farmer, here. The nap -
Mal knot was tied by the Rev. Chas.
Smith of Exeter in the 'presence of
about eighty-five invited guests. The
bride was given away by her Father
and looked charming in a gown of
cream cashmere, with it Sweeping bridal
veil. Miss Beekie Northcott, sister of
the bride acted as bridesmaid while
the groom was assisted by his brother
Albert Geddes. The wedding party
entered the parlor at twelve o'clock,
while the march was being pl tved by
Miss Maud Russell. Mies Evelyn
Gonld, cousin of the bride held
the position of maid - of •• honor.
After the ceremony the guests sat
down to a sumptuous dinner to which
all did ample justice. The. happy
couple left about four o'clock for the
Exeter station, A long procession of
buggies and wheels follotved them to
the station where they took the five
o'clock train amid a shower of rice,
for London and other points in the
south. The bride was made the re-
cipient of many :beeutiful and useful
.presents which testify to the respect
in which the young people are held. by
their many friends. Among those
noticed trona a distance were Mr, and
Mrs, Geddes, Wesley and Cecil Geddes
all of London, 114e, and Mrs. Wilsey,
Mrs. Clark, all of Thodforcl, Mr. and
Mrs. jos, Datincey of Sharon, and the
Misses Henderson of near London,
The Many friends join in wishing them
A very happy and prosperous journey
through lite,
TO TI1111)11A.1.-A riot' lade, owed of her
Dbild1088 an the tread by Dr. Veer
blade Ar at Drums, haairt.Van 41,000 to
WS Institute, 80 that domf people enable to pre.
Odra the_allat Drutna nattiiaVe theta 'free, Ale •
pi7 to.tVartment A. S. 0.• Inatitan,
'Irntantt rtnnner.ant unblen.
MORNING JUNE 1st, 1899.
BeiEes.-The funeral of Mr, George
Leary, sr., took place on Monday, He
was suddenly strieken with
paralysis on Friday morning, and died
on Saturday evening. The widow and
family have the syMpathy of the en-
tire community. --Mrs, Boyle had the
misfortune to stumble against the
stove with the result that her right
hand is severely burnt. -Mr. Arch
McDougal is engaged with Mr, George
Miller at the carpenter work. - Bills
are mit announcing the sale of Mr.
Donald McKellar's 50 acres adjoining
village, •
Bunrs.-Geo. Zwieker our enter-
prising jeweller was in London
this week on business. George is mak-
ing frequent visits to that place of late
and it is whispered in connection with
the same that a June wedding is not
among the improbabilities, - Mrs,
Louis Roedding of Zurich is visiting
under the parental roof. -Heavy rain
storms accompanied by lightning and
thunder have been our portion this
week. On. Sunday afternoon last
lightning struck the residence of Mrs.
Brown opposite the. M. E. church,
shattering a chimney and making a
hole in the roof. Fortunately the
building did not take fire nor was any
person hurb.--Miss Fraser, teacher,has
been on the sick list suffering with
acute bronchitis -hence no school in
her room for a few days this week. -
Albert 'Zwicker spent Saturday in
London on business. -The Entrance
and Public School Leaving Examina-
tions for 1899 will be held on June 28th
29bh, 30th. Pupils of surrounding sec-
tions are hereby reminded that Uredi-
ton is one of the Examination centres
for West Huron. -Mrs Mark Edwards
and son, of Sarnia are visiting with
her mother, IVIrs. Wm. Lewis. --Rev.
Sas. Hussar and family left on Monday
for a short vacation. The Rev. gentle-
man will attend Conference this week
in Windsor and then enjoy a couple of
weeks visiting with relatives in Essex
Co.- His work will be supplied by
local talent. Win. Lewis (Sr.,) went
to Toronto on Tuesday, combining
business with pleasure. -On Monday
avening last the members of the choir
of the Evangelical church, met at the
home of Mrs. H. Sweitzer, Orediton
East, and presented her with a hand-
some easy chair and some silverware,
in token of her valued services as or-
ganist for several years past. Mrs.
Sweitzer though taken by surprise
made the guests welcome and a most
pleasant evening was spent by all. -
Wednesday last was a very quiet day '
in our village as nearly everybodythat
could get away went to Exeter. Sev-
eral of our young people remained for
the concert in the evening. -Alonzo
Hodgins sold his driver last week, and
purchased a fine yuung driving horse
on Monday last. -Mr. and Mrs. B.
Gerry of Brussels spent Thursday last
in the village the guests of Mrs. (Dr.)
Rivers. -Chas. Wolfe our enterprising
liveryman sent a driver with team and
bus to London on Tuesday last for use
by the striking street R. R. men.
Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey
aezeirs,suOreexur onitisivger"zileorg, Marriage InsurancezgalaagAnut
monis carefully drawn at reeve:table retes
Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in
terest., Office at the Post office. Hensel].
T_T 3. D. COOKE.
(Late with Stamm & Proacifoot) Barrister
Solicitor, Notary Public, 1-lensall. Out
1:i7 A.. Sellery, L. D D. S.. Honor Gradu
ate of Toronto Univerkty, Dentists. Teeth
extractedwithout Oflhc
in Petty's Block, He _q.t.'. At Zurie.h ever
300% 0911111141119111KnATT Qtli
atti Mrs. Sellery, o
Kincardine, were in the village oi
Queen's Birthday visiting their son
Dr, Sellery. Mies Sellery accompanie
her parents. --Mr. and Mrs. 0.E. Crab]
returned to Goderich on Tuesday wit
Mr. Orabb's mother, who had bee
here on a visit. -The Indian Isaac
Young, charged with committing bur
glary and theft here, was taken befor
Judge Mason, at Goderich, on Satur-
day, for election. He asked to be re-
manded until Monday, in order to con -
suit with some friends who were corn-
ing up from Muncey. The expected
Indians arrived Saturday night, and
on Monday Young elected to be tried
by a jury. An application for bail was
granted, but in the meantime, the
terms as to the bail imposed by the
judge not having so far been met, the
prisioner is in jail. The case will come
up for tiial at the June sessions. -
On May 21th the anniversa.ry tea in
connection with the Methodist church
was given. The attendance was very
large. England, Ireland, and Smtland
were represented in song and speech.
Rev. Henderson lectured on Scotland,
Rev, Acheson, Kipper', on Ireland and
Rev. Hussar, of Orediton, on England,
but Mr. Acheson having the best sub-
ject gave the lecture of the evening.
He was right at home and with his
Irish wit and sound logic fairly electro-
fied the audience, Misses Aggie Kerr
and Minnie Sheffer and Wm. Stone-
man each sang, appropriate selections
in good style. -Mrs. Kemp, of Exeter,
spent Wednesday, the guest of Mrs.
Sutherland. -Miss Minnie Sheffer left
here last week for Toronto, where she
intends attending the Conservatory of
Music. -Misses Fee and Wiley, of Var-
na, were in the village last week vis-
iting their aunt., Mrs. Larmnie. -Wm.
Harburn was in Stella on Monday last
attending the funeral of his father-in-
law, the late Geo. Leary, who died on
Saturday at the age of 63 years, from
a paralytic stroke. He leaves a widow
three sons, and three daughters. -Mr.
Scott, of the Centennial hotel,has pur-
chased a handsome chestnut driver. -
Quite a number from this village:: at-
tended the lecture gimens bY Rev. ' Mr.
Patterson, of Cook's -church.). Termite;
in aippen on: Monday ',evening.
The attendance was large and the lec-
tnre-on "Ireland and the Irish" was
well given and heartily appreciated by
all. -John Shepphercl, of Chiselhurst,
intends moving his family to town this
week. -G. C. Petty is in London and
Sarnia this week. -Mrs. T. P. Ross
and M. V.White visited friends in the
village on Tuesday, -E. Maloran, of
Paisley, who has been visiting his sis-
ter, Mrs. James White, intends sailing
for England on Tune 10th. --Norman
Sheffer, of Toronto, was in the village
litstweek visiting relatives. He has
become a noted cyclist, having lately
won many laurels. --Mr. Harburn in-
tends adding a large addition to his
green -house.- James McArthur is ex-
cavating for the foundation of his fine
brick house. -W. T. McKay having de-
clined the clerkship, Samuel Smillie is
acting clerk p.rotenn-Miss Grant. of
Thornyhurstns visiting her sister,Mrs.
(Rev.) Elenderson.-Messrs. J. Middle-
ton, Fred Bonthron and Alonzo Ort-
wein left on Tuesday with the volun-
teers, having enlisted with the Exeter
Company. - James Gilchrist was in
Toronto last week. -The council will
meet on Monday evening next, when
a clerk will be appointed. --T. .T. Berry
recently purchased a large number of
• RRIBFS.-Severa• l of our enterpr• is -
Jorlbr & SONS
Publishers and Prearieter4
Meat delivery of David Maxwell & Son, U
big, farmers took part in the innale- eceive
St. Marys, on the 20th lust - Mr. S.
Peart and wife were visiting at Wm.
Ranson's, Fullerton, and they report
that Mrs. Manning is progressing in
health. Mr. Peart could not drive at
his usual rate when corning home on
account of so many young. couples
with slow horses. Sam thinks the
e times have not changed much since
.7 he was young himself. -William Jones
gave his many friends a terpsichorean
f poty a few evenings Zion lost
another of its fair daughters when
, Miss Jennie Jaques was married to Mr.
d Mossey, Maytaith. The young couple
) left on the evening train for London
h to spend their honeymoon, followed
by the good wishes and congratula-
e tions of their many friends and neigh-
- bers.-The 24th of May passed off
e quietly around here, some went to the
tea at NVoodham, while others attend-
ed the ra.ces in Exeter.- Samuel Peart
went on a business trip to Burford,
where he purchased of J.E. Brethour
pair of thoroughbred large Yorkshire
pigs. Mr. Bretlaour is one of the lar-
gest hog breeders in Canada. He has
a herd of over sixty breeding sows; of
these nineteen are imported which
have won many prizes in England and
Canada. Sam says he was heartily
glad when he got back to Grranton
again, and off the blooming train on
account of the strike, and, declares he
will not go on the G. T. R. again until
the trackinen are re -instated. Ile got
home safe and sound and did:not lose
his hat as he use'illy does when away
from home. -Mr, and Mrs. Sohn Port
attended the memorial service of the
late Mrs. William Baker at Centralia.
on Sunday last.- Next Sunday being
Conference Sunday, there will be no
service in the morning, bat in the
evening conducted by Robert Hicks. -
Solomon Jacques has had several bees
this last week, hauling gravel for his
cement wall. -Little Mary Peart treat-
ed her friends to it birth -day party on
the 24th. -John Peart has re -shingled
his house. It does not look as if he in-
tended to build this summer. - Mrs.
George Linga,rd is on the sick list -
.4 curly headed. boy, about the size of
a man is often seen travelling south.
Look out! Fido might bite.
Comsom-The Council of the Muni-
cipal Corporation of the township of
Stephen, convened at the Town Hall,
Crediton, on Friday, May 26th, at 10
a. in. All members being present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
approved. -It was resolved that the
council grant $12 ancl the use of the
grader to ditch the first side road
opposite lots 5 & 6 concession 3. Moved
Ity Sweitzer second by Hicks that by-
law number 5, regulating the clerk's
fees in the matter of the Ditches and
Watercourses' Act, being read the
third time, be passed,also bylaw No.6,
authorizing the Reeve a,nd Treasurer
to borrow money to meet current ex-
penditure until such tune as the taxes
levied can be collected. -- Carried
Gravel contracts to the amount of
$483.25 were let and the following
Commissioners were appointed: -, .T.
Bowden, Matthew Winer,;Frederick
Eilber, John Keys, David Mawhinney,
B. Cunningham, Gabriel McPhee, D.
Buchannan, 1'. B. Hoclgens, Philip
Baker, Geo. Webb, R. Sandford, T.
Sweet, J. Tennant, R. Essery, Wm.
Penhale, W. Sanders, .T. G. Wein, A.
O'Leary and P.Flanagan. -The follow-
ing orders were granted: -Wm. Kes-
tle, rep culvert, 80c. ; Richard J./ill,
drawing lumber, $3.75; Mcd3loomfield,
rep culvert $1.25 ; Martha Disbman,
charity, $2; Seery Willert, lumber, is
$12.68; Adolph Morenz, rep culvert, M
50c ; J. Rhode, plank etc, $1 ; Peter e
Kraft, rep culverts, $4; Robert Hod- o
gees, work on road 51; Robt.Sa,uders, r
putting in culvert $1.75; R. Sandford L
gravel, S. B. Olic ; R. Sandford, grit- b
vel first side road, 62ic; George Orange in
rep two culverts $2.50 ; John Heist, S
tile $2; Express Company $1.95 ; Mini- s
icipal World, books and forms $14.15 ; h
Good Roads Machine Co, edge for gra so
der, $8; Joseph Doust, book and forms is
horses in Chatham, and brought thein
here to supply the local demand. -Sas.
Moore is adding 41, kitchen to his resi-
dence. -The council intend building
new sidewalks in several parts of the
town. -Dr. Torment, of Exeter, was in
town on Tuesday. -Thomas Stoneman
aud family, of IVIitchell,were in the vil-
lage on Sunday visiting friends, -Miss
Boulton returned with them to Mit-
chell to visit for a few weeks. -Revs.
Kerr and Waddell ate attending con-
ference in Windsor. - Gilbert Dick
made a shipment of cattle from here
this week. -Miss McCallum, of London
visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
rs. G. D Arnold. -Mrs, H. Arnold
ntertained a number of young friends
ne evening last week.-Mre,Rannie has
eturned home from visiting friends in
onclon. -Richard Wright, who has
ecu in the 'employ of Robb Patterson,
tends going to either Witighain or
eaforth, to reside. - Will Caldwell,
on of VVilliam Caldwell, of Hay, left
ere Wednesday for his home in Nel-
n, B. 0. -Mrs. W ilkinson,of Toronto
visiting her sister, Mrs. j. A. 1VIal-
in, of Rodgerville.-Mrs. Urqu-
art, who has been ill for sotne time,
ent to the London hospital on Friday
sI for treatment. -Lorne Scott spent
th renewing friends in Sebringville.-
he second convocation a the com-,
ned faculties of arts and divinity was
eld in the Western University at Lon -
on, on Tuesday. W. .1. Doherty, the
ew rector of Hensel" and Staita, fig -
.es admirably in the results. He WAS
,anted lst diploma in divinity and lst
the Haensell prize. 'Re witealso
granted the Bishop's prize for student
taking the most satisfactory stand in
dogmatic theology, on which his
Lordship leettired every Saturday.
He was also Awarded it prize of $25 as
well co standing highest in arts, for
which he has been given degrees,
819; Henry ssery, rep bridge 1st S.
R'$3; Michael Greb, rep culvert $5 ;
Heist and others grading 10 blocks 0,
R. $20.75 ; Heist ancl others, grading
4 blocks ESP, $17,75 ; Heist and others
grading 8 blocks SB 533.50; Must and
Sala And others grading 3 blocks 3rd
otbegreding 2 blocks Shipka :
SR $ .50 ; Heist and others grading
1 block 1st SR $4.25 ; C. Wolf grading
$10.23; James Doyle, rep culvert $3.00;
W. B. Baker, culvert 52; Ab Dearing,
rep rood and celvert $6.50 S. Broke,i.
shire, rep culvert $2 ; Wilson Ander-
son, rep culvert 51.50; 13. Cunningham
rep culvert 75c; j. Sharron, and others,
grading, $16.75 ; Henry Smith, repairs
$1.50 ; R. Adare, culvert $1.75 ; Joseph
Lambe, 2 culverts $10.06 Charles
Hoffman, rep culvert 75e ; Christian
Soffniain tile under *Ward $2.25 ; Can-
ada Company, gravel SB $8.20 ; Cana
de Coupany,grfwel in township $10,96;
Mr, Carrick, charity $8.00 ; D. Ma-
Whin/ley, covering culvert $1,50. The
CoueciladrurnecAp meet at the Town
Crediton, on whin July 10th
next at, 10 a.
tr WILL on IT Nvoxv,
shnows oommymtios curd will either eure
ry it and see. 120 'entes, the druggist keeps
.rntly dough, or it wont. One os' the other -Mire.
thc nieneyytni pay for it, if it don't ato drug,
gist eves baett the ateriev, tvera table ear -
ries a...gearantee. 25c,5O' and $1.00 a brittle.
fot..cawalrer-ota,l, 0!hq, (16100, r•1.44,1:71,
• °
• Grand Bend
BarEvs.-S. Archibald, of S'eaforth
passed through here on his way home
from Thedford and sarroundine• neigh-
borhood with about twelve o? fifteen
liprses h t h d
The bdi.Ses Vere an. excePtionally fine
lo't,:a/zd qie,kubt s. good price was paid
Tor liteAnd Mrs:
R. Hamilton left here on Monday to
• spend a few days with friends in St.
• Marys. -Mr. Gilmore of :Forest has
rented a room from Mr, Brenner in
his new building where he intends in a
couple of weeks to set up a barber
shop; we have no doubt bat that he
will do well. -Miss MacLachland of
Greenway visited friends in town last
Friday and Saturday. ---Rev. Mr. Car-
riere occupied the Methodist pulpitlast
Sunday eve, in which he preached a
•very earnest and instructive sermon.
• -John Taylor, of Brewster, received
word that Miss E. McPherson of
Forest died on Sunday last. -Arthur
Millard and Bert Holt spent Saturday
and Sunday with S. W. Holt near
Seaforth.-Joseph Brennees new hall
is now complete, it will afford. him a
great deal more room to accommodate
the pleasure seekers in the camping
season, he is also improving the ap-
pearance of it by building a new fence
around it. -Miss Banes of Orediton
visited friends in town Friday and
Saturday. -Jim Highstea,c1 and wife of
Lonon were the guests of Robb Hamil-
ton a few days hist week. -Rev.
Baird, a A., will preath in Jefferson
avenue Methodist church, Detroit,
next Smiday.-Harry Bossenberry has
put a rig on the road for the convey-
ance of passengers and freight to and
from Park Hill. -Messrs. Harris and
IVIay of Mitchell spent last Saturday
neve fishing. -Mr. .Dickson and wife
of Pa,rk Hill, camped here over the
.210 of May. -Harry and George Zaffe
spent Monday under the parental roof.
CasperWalper raised an addition to his
barn on Saturday; he will have a
splendid barn now it will be 84 ft :x 55 ft.
-Go to Mollard and 0o. for your bin-
der twine, they handle the Plymouth.
It always pays to get the best. -Mr,
McWilliams of Greenway, paid our
town a flying visit on Friday last. --
Mr. Hueston of Exeter spent a number
of days here last week. -Ed. Gill has
a new boat house which will add great-
ly to the comfort of those wishing to
use his boats.
Best value ever shown in Exeter,
in Ladies', Misses and Mens wear.
Also it Complete line of
• ware a full range of
New PrintS
Lovely Patterns,
J. P Ross
The annual conference of the 1VIeth-
odist Church for London district open-
ed. its annual meeting in the parlers of
the WindsorAvenueMethodist Church
Monday evening The stationing com-
raitteernet to consider the placing of
minisetaerrs. in the district for the coma
ollowing is the first draft of the
changes made by the stationing co •
Askin Street --Dr. Willoughby.
St Sohns-W H. Cooper
Thornclale-a Thompson and ° Wil-
son •
Dorchester -John Mahan and Ralph
S t•
eveles.tm inster-
W E Willson T Wesley Oosens and
Deleware-Dehnare EITrimble and
Harvey D Moyer
Stratford Central -E N Baker
Mitchell -R Whiting
Listowel -H frying
Clinton (Rattenbury street) - R
Monkton-0. W Bristol, M Fuller-
ton, G W Andrews and F Conway
Harmony -William Pomeroy
Kintore-J'B Allsworth and Allan
0 Farrel
WIrtgbfkm-J W 110141es,
laiabatitaine:--W Rigsby
aethel,-jealles a Snell • ,
Whitechurch -J J Noble
Brussels -W J Howson
Godericb (Victoria. Street) -Thomas
Blyth -W Penhall
Auburn -J Kennedy
Londesboro-T B Copeland
Tuckersmith-11 E M Thompson
Varna -J. W Andrews
Exeter- -Main Street, John Holmes:
James Street, 0. W. Brown.
Elimville-W Wadell
Hensall -00 Cozens
Kippen-3 H Long
Birr-George Birr
Granton -KH .1 Fair
Adelaide -J B Kennedy
Arkonit--F Fulton Erwin, •E Ker-
Appin-Thomas Jackson
• marthavilIe-H 3 tfren
• Camlachie-B Snell •
Oil Springs -Edwin Hohnes
• Thedford-Leonard Bartlett
Forest --S J Allen
Bosanquet -One to be sent
Cortinno-John Ayearst •
WindsorWest-E E Armstrong
Walkerville-W H Butt •
Ainhersthurg•-Wesley Kerr
• Harrow -C Barltron
• Maldstone-R W Williains
Pelee Island -Humphrey Graham
'Ohathana-Park Street, Dr. Harmon.
Blenheim -Rev. J. Millyard
Dawn Mills -Geo Johnston
Wallacebnrg-J 5 Cook
Rutherford -.W Kirwles.
Faiefleld-F E Mallott '
Wardsville-R Philips
Newbury -W W Leitch
Florence -R 0 Balton and 0 R
lorrow. •
Rodney. E Edwards
Dubton-j E Millyard, oa list,
Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Ag- 1‘"
riculture, in the Legislature, has been
unseated for bribery in his election. '
Thos Greenwood hat been nonunat- r
ed by the Conservatives in North
Brandon, Man. He will run as a sworn
enemy of the grain combine, and will G
stand for temperance.
Mr. W, W. Turner, it retired iner-
chant, has given $100,000 to establish a
home for ineurables in St. John, it B.
Since Nerd) 4 there have been 498
plague eases in Hong Kong and 436
deaths. The weekly averege of deaths T
now s 60,
A very pleasant event occurred on
Wednesday May 241h at 5 o'hlock at the
residence of Mrs TheohaidStoskopf
Huron toad Ellice when her daughter
Katherine was united in marriage
to Richard Ash, son of M., H. Ash,
justice seems to have the upper hand
in the Dreyfns case at last. The civ-
ilizedworld had almost lost faith in
Prance, but there must he Seine dregs
of virtue in the national character, or
the Dreyfusarcls could not have sue-
teeded, against well overwheItfining
odds. Thera are few episodes he Ifistory
mOre heroic than the conclect of this
gallant little Nina Frenchtrien, risk,
frig publie execration, fortune,and Oven
life, in tvhat otieb appeared te be a
St. Thomas Grace church -•S, W
Lyons -0 1-1 Wells
Kingslake-V R Pentland
Spara,-W Graham
Port Stanley -W A Gifford
Fingal --W kJ, Moss
Onelda--On list of reserves,W S
i ,
Gordon Thistle, the young son aged
nearly five years of 'Win. Thistle Strat-
ford, had the misfortune on Sattiv
day morning to break his right arm
above the elbow While playing.
Although we are having abundance
of rain throoghont thie locality the
farmers around Exeter report that
the crops are not in the least king
inlured, in fact the hay crop will be
alt exCepiltahally large One this sea, -
There is still no change in the local
situation of the G. T. It trackman's.
strike., The company have no men
at work in the places of the track.
men Who I) refused to work for
the prcssnt ilages. he